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searching The Crystal Mysters (Changeling)

7th Boss

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The world of Equestria has fallen to the invasion of changelings with there superior numbers. The heroes of the old world have fallen and none remain. Changelings have taken equestrian citizens and turned them into changelings themselves using their pod magic. You on the other hoof, are special, you have kept your memories unlike the other changelings, you, are pure. Changelings are now born with the ability to summon crystals at will with Sombra's army being re-awakened and sharing their magical abilities with the changeling empire. Equestria has been taken and the few remaining pony survivors have hidden beyond all eyes. You must seek out the survivors and either bring them back to Chrysalis alive, or help the rebellion against the changeling empire. The fate of Equestria lies with you.

This RP can have up to 5 people not including myself, however I can make the cap bigger if we get that many. You can either be a changeling, or a pony refugee. The character sheet is mostly to show your character's favorite form if you chose changeling and I will accept multiple sheets if you have two forms. The ponys will be in an encampment and the changing have to track them down using clues I'll give out

-No killing other players if you don't get permission or can avoid it
-Try to keep the swearing to a minimum, I'm not against it but don't have a swear in every other post
-Make sure that your character has a couple of flaws or desires that go against the the goal
-Be nice and have fun

Pony occupations:
Leader(1 preferred)

Changeling ranks(in order of importance):
Squall(The original rank of pony-converted changelings)

Character sheet:
Occupation(or rank):
Bio(overview of character):
Description(or picture if you have a good one):
Weapon(s) of choice:

Or just have a link to your character

Edited by Gearhart

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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