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private Crossheart (1x1)


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Splash Page only paused long enough to glance at the soldier.


I want to help him... but he tried to KILL us; does that make me kind... or crazy?


She stepped a wide berth around the groaning soldier... then stopped.


"Wait.  We can't just leave him like that... please."


She was hoping that there would be some ethical, moral feeling in this moment, and that the soldier might be spared, captured, taken in as a prisoner and treated for his wounds...


She was also aware that it might mean Srosh would feed him a cure-all pill - in the form of a bullet.  Though she wouldn't like it, she kept in mind that this was war, and war made some do terrible things, and make brutal decisions.


But either choice was better than simply leaving them here to suffer; she couldn't abide that.  She was already afraid that she'd hear that moaning in her sleep tonight...




Srosh let out an audible grumble. A distant explosion could be heard.


"We don't have-" Another loud boom could be heard. Much closer now, presumably from the location they were once at in the streets. The pony staggered a bit. The soldier limped to his hooves Page turned to face him a sudden change in his attitude. Now given a proper chance to view him his coat was a muddy but a faded blue color was noted. His helmet lay casually on his head to show his young complexion. His horn pertruding from the top.


Drawing from his sheath with his magic he whips out a military knife. With an angry shout he lunges at Page only to be kicked back by Srosh. With such force he slams against the wall with an audible crash before sliding along the brick wall. He no longer moves. 


Srosh looks down to Page. Film continuing to capture the scene unfold with his camera.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Page just looked down.


"... I'm sorry."


She turned her eyes to the young deceased soldier.  Now, along with the groaning, her dreams would contain images of him jumping at her... and the sight of his lifeless body.


Page turned away from it, not wanting to memorize any further details from this - she had enough.  She then noticed Film still recording.


Great - my stupidity's on camera.


She nodded to Srosh, trying to hold back tears of shame and anger.

  • Brohoof 2

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Page just looked down.


"... I'm sorry."


She turned her eyes to the young deceased soldier.  Now, along with the groaning, her dreams would contain images of him jumping at her... and the sight of his lifeless body.


Page turned away from it, not wanting to memorize any further details from this - she had enough.  She then noticed Film still recording.


Great - my stupidity's on camera.


She nodded to Srosh, trying to hold back tears of shame and anger.


Snapping back to the situation the shelling continued but noting the increase of explosions in ear shot, until a mortar shell landed in view distance the three reacting sheilding their face. Thankfully they were in a safe distance.

"Their shelling the area. Get inside." Srosh pointed at the closest door. Not having to time to note the building itself except for the aged white door, Srosh kicked it open urging them into it. The shelling becoming louder and seemingly closer. With a newfound terror the ponies rush into the dark building before Srosh shut it behind them. 


It was dark. Still a little lit from various holes but still unmanageable to see.


The mortar fire outside was furious, muffled still furious. Constant now. No second seemed to go by without a shell round going. The building rumbling with each blast.


From his rig pouch Srosh readies a flashlight. Clicking on the button with a audible click. Their current roomed seemed to be some kind of dining room? A bit larger then an average one maybe a small restaurant? It became more apparent as they noted the dusty menus on the table. The chairs around all sat up nicely on their tables apart from a few laying on the ground. 


"Sweet Celestia." Film could be heard.

"Y-you okay?" He asked Page.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Yeah.  Fine."


She tried taking a deep breath; it was shaky.  She tried closing her eyes; all she could see was the soldier.


So, without anything else to contribute, she pulled out her pad once again and started writing.  And again, she used hoof and mouth to write, even though her horn's magic had to have been easier.


The words almost seemed to aggressively fly from her pencil, attacking the page beneath.


"Just fine."

  • Brohoof 2

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"Yeah.  Fine."


She tried taking a deep breath; it was shaky.  She tried closing her eyes; all she could see was the soldier.


So, without anything else to contribute, she pulled out her pad once again and started writing.  And again, she used hoof and mouth to write, even though her horn's magic had to have been easier.


The words almost seemed to aggressively fly from her pencil, attacking the page beneath.


"Just fine."


"Well... what do we do now?" Film asked? 


Srosh fiddled with his blocky light device. Pressing the button again it switches from a concentrated beam to one of the side lights giving it a lamp like illumination. The blue LED brightens the room before them. To their far right in the restaurant a bar like counter was noted with stools before it. Behind it counters, ovens and other such kitchen utilities were noted. Srosh approached to the door they came in he picks up a large armario near by, a simple decorative closet. He places it before the door in a barricade fashion. The building shakes again with the various mortars blasting around them.


"We should hunker down. Until the mortars stop. Too dangerous to go about." Srosh said. He lets out an agitated sigh.

"What a great start." He says sipping at his water. 

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Page wandered her way over to a safe spot towards the middle of the room - the walls could be targets, for all she knew - and simply sat down.  Her pencil never stopped moving, and her facial expression didn't change.


I expected it to be bad.  I expected it to be fierce.  What I didn't expect...


The lead of her pencil snapped, and she blinked.  She tilted the pencil upward, looked at the tip, and simply spat it out.




Reaching into one of her many pouches, she pulled another pencil out, put it between her lips, and started writing again.


What I didn't expect was the utter helplessness.  

  • Brohoof 2

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So enthralled into her writing she suddenly felt a large hand on her back. Jumping a bit she looks to see Srosh's gruffy face giving a soft faint smile. There was a sudden flash causing the taur to blink. Looking to the source Film had taken a quick picture of the brief moment.

"hehe. Sorry. " His ears folded a bit.


The building shakes again, a blast going off near by.


Srosh sits down next to Page.


"What are you writing?" He asked.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Page sighed, her pencil still going.


"Ish nuffing..."  she started, then moved the pencil to the side of her mouth so she could speak clearly as she kept going.


"It's nothing that'll do any one of us ANY good here, that's for certain.  I don't even have a weapon, and probably couldn't use one if I did.  I only have the most cursory of maps, so there's no way I have any reason to even try to do any kind of cartography.  I don't even have any sort of training when it comes to warfare."


"So, I'm writing - the only thing I AM good at - and until we reach a place where I don't have to keep ducked behind cover, I'm doing the only thing I figure I'll have any luck at doing without being in the way."


She was still a bit heated over the teasing earlier, but she didn't want to take it out on anyone else... mostly because she was quite sure they'd just give her another hazing.  


Besides, they laughed at what I was saying - who knows what they'll do if they even bother to read my writing?


"Just let me know when we're not in the thick of things, and we'll do another interview - if you and the others can keep their giggles in when I talk again, that is."


With that, she turned back and hunkered down over her pad, switching her pencil back to the front of her mouth; she was done talking.

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Srosh felt a ping of guilt. Was she upset because of that? It was just a light hearted moment. He ment no harm in such just a bit of laughs. His ear flattened a little and he remained near the window watching for any movements.


Minutes... Several... then soon an hour. Realizing the lateness Page stood up from her spot stretching little. The shelling seems to have stop. And all seemed quiet.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She looked back down at her pad; it had been fresh when she started... now, roughly one-quarter remained.  She slipped her well-chewed pencil into one of her pockets, then looked around and listened quietly.


Well, at least I'm getting work done... I just hope we can get moving soon.


Page turned and looked between Film and Srosh, waiting to see what came next.

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She looked back down at her pad; it had been fresh when she started... now, roughly one-quarter remained.  She slipped her well-chewed pencil into one of her pockets, then looked around and listened quietly.


Well, at least I'm getting work done... I just hope we can get moving soon.


Page turned and looked between Film and Srosh, waiting to see what came next.


Page looked to Srosh, he seemed rather lost in thought as he looked out the window... His narrow kinda thoughtful stare peaking out the cracks in the boarded up windows. What was he thinking? Their next move? For enemies? It was a bit of time since he checkout on the soliders. Film shook a bit as he awoke from his little nap.

"Wh-whaat? Oh.." He compossed himself and yawned a little.

Srosh looked over to the two ponies, the beams of light giving a stream across his eyes as he looked, mainly to Page.

"Ready to get going?" He asked? His tone... a bit reserved? Not his usual hearty self.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She nodded - the sooner they were out of this artillery target, the better, as far as she was concerned.


There's too much of a chance we'll be spotted, too many angry bullet-bees out there, ready to sting without a moment's hesitation.  If we can get to where we're headed first, then from there we can continue along the route - hopefully, no more trouble for a while... but there's no guarantee of that.


Srosh seemed... hesitant.  Page hoped he hadn't actually been hit before - it would be dramatic if he'd been suffering all this time, but also horrific - not to mention that he was the only one who knew the way.  Her eyes searched him for a moment, yet no question came.


No blood.  Not in obvious pain.  I think he's alright...


She waited to see where they headed to next.

  • Brohoof 2

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She nodded - the sooner they were out of this artillery target, the better, as far as she was concerned.


There's too much of a chance we'll be spotted, too many angry bullet-bees out there, ready to sting without a moment's hesitation.  If we can get to where we're headed first, then from there we can continue along the route - hopefully, no more trouble for a while... but there's no guarantee of that.


Srosh seemed... hesitant.  Page hoped he hadn't actually been hit before - it would be dramatic if he'd been suffering all this time, but also horrific - not to mention that he was the only one who knew the way.  Her eyes searched him for a moment, yet no question came.


No blood.  Not in obvious pain.  I think he's alright...


She waited to see where they headed to next.


Picking up his bottle and little lamp he leads them forward into the restaurant searching for the main entrance. Approaching past a small archway and into a waiting room two double doors await. They dont seem to be boarded up but obviously they are locked. With a swift kick he forces the locked doors opened allowing the sunshine in almost blinding the two ponies.

Now outside the streets appear clear with various bits of depressed earth showing the shelled ground. 


No troops around? No anypony. They must've pushed up or were victorious. 


"Watch your feet. Mind the glass." Srosh said as he lead them on. 


The three carry on up the street into a small center square it seemed, a square street route with a statue in the middle depeicting an armored pony alongside a desert dog canine both armed in swords holding them upward to the sky. Closer now the plaque... was written in Malteesian. She couldn't make out what it says, Srosh seemed to not be interested oddly in explaining. Usually outspoken to explain something...


Distance faint gunfire could be heard. But didn't seem close to their position. 


"We'll follow along the main road until we approach to the outter limits highway... We'll follow down to the coast and travel up it'll take us to Ustio." He said.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Following along with the armored bovine they journey along in the streets. At the end of their current one they see a small patrol of Malteesian soldiers. Srosh waved to them, signalling for a friendly gesture. The gagle of creatures and ponies wave back. The city seemed secured. Ashame there's no occupants around.


Travelling along the next street corner and passed the friendly patrol they follow off to a dirt path and toward the rolling plains ahead with a good view of the remnants of the battle to their left, distant gunfire notable as the Malteesians push up.


"We'll be trying too keep out of sight from the danger."Srosh said, his tone still noteabley reserved. Something was indeed bothering him from what the two ponies could feel.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Page continued to keep her eyes peeled and her ears open; she didn't have any sort of training, but years of listening in on conversations between the different staff members back at the home office, she'd learned how to keep alert for sounds.


Walking along, she kept as quiet as she could.  To her, even though they barely made a noise, it seemed as if every hoofstep was like a pair of cymbals being slammed together - and it felt like it, as well.


Page glanced back at Reel.


"I saw you lose a roll during the trip earlier - you want one of the ones I'm carrying, just let me know.  They're still secure."


Turning back, she afforded a thought about their guide.


Hopefully, whatever's eating you won't be eating US later, Srosh.


She buttoned her lip and continued along, trying to be as unobtrusive as possible.

  • Brohoof 1

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Page continued to keep her eyes peeled and her ears open; she didn't have any sort of training, but years of listening in on conversations between the different staff members back at the home office, she'd learned how to keep alert for sounds.


Walking along, she kept as quiet as she could.  To her, even though they barely made a noise, it seemed as if every hoofstep was like a pair of cymbals being slammed together - and it felt like it, as well.


Page glanced back at Reel.


"I saw you lose a roll during the trip earlier - you want one of the ones I'm carrying, just let me know.  They're still secure."


Turning back, she afforded a thought about their guide.


Hopefully, whatever's eating you won't be eating US later, Srosh.


She buttoned her lip and continued along, trying to be as unobtrusive as possible.

"Nah, nah- I'm good. I still got some film left in the camera." he declined politely.


They followed along the path for some time. Seemed like they were managing on a hike or what not? With her adrenaline dying down the two ponies could feel the minimal bits of strain on their bodies. Not to say the two weren't use to walking long distances, being a reporter and camera pony required some good stamina in times. But having been pushed in those dangerous moments they in ignorance not realize how they pushed themselves. This minotaur on the other hand looks as though he could travel marathon upon marathon of walking distances- now that she thinks on it. He probably has.


Srosh hefted his MG resting the barrel onto his shoulder. Away now from urban environments their was a slight sense of security. Away from noise and the trauma. To the minotaur though there was vague exposure, a lack of cover and they could easily be gunned down if ambushes awaited. Not that it ever happened just his bits of training and experience giving caution. 


Film Reel took a sip from his water, placing it back into his pouch after. Things are... too quiet. 


Srosh was a bit lost in thought as he sometimes does during these pauses in between destinations. Nothing much to really do but walk. Their new journey path leading along toward flatter grassy plains noting how close they seemed to the ocean.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She took a deep sniff of the night air.  


Might as well enjoy the locale, at least.


They were far enough away from civilization to allow for a cornucopia of different scents: the heady whiff of foliage, the crisp and unfettered air itself, even the mud had its' own flavor.  There was nothing like this where she was from, and where it WAS like this, Page never really found time to go.


Now, in the lull, she let herself breathe in the region, letting it fill her lungs with air, and her mind with curiosities.


Whoa... better get a grip on that; I'll get lightheaded if I don't quit.


She looked again to Srosh, wondering what he might have been thinking.

  • Brohoof 1

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She took a deep sniff of the night air.  


Might as well enjoy the locale, at least.


They were far enough away from civilization to allow for a cornucopia of different scents: the heady whiff of foliage, the crisp and unfettered air itself, even the mud had its' own flavor.  There was nothing like this where she was from, and where it WAS like this, Page never really found time to go.


Now, in the lull, she let herself breathe in the region, letting it fill her lungs with air, and her mind with curiosities.


Whoa... better get a grip on that; I'll get lightheaded if I don't quit.


She looked again to Srosh, wondering what he might have been thinking.

From his vest pouch Srosh took a blocky ebony cassette player; a classic TrotPony a bit roughed up but it looked in decent condition. Sticking on his single ear bud out and into his right ear he clicks play onto it. She couldn't hear the music. Must be turned down low.


They continued on down the dirt walk path. Things seemed a bit uneventful all a sudden. Film didn't seem to have much of conversation either. Perhaps just as clueless on what to say as well?


Near a small grouping of rocks ahead Srosh and the two take a break.

"We'll sit here for the moment. A small walk break." he says as he stretches his legs a little.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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  • 2 weeks later...

It felt REALLY awkward now.


Page had sort of gotten the idea that her earlier words had somewhat dashed Srosh's jovial mood... but she wasn't sure how to approach any sort of apology.  What was more, Reel wasn't exactly forthcoming with much conversation either - which now kinda stuck out like a sore hoof, with their hosts' clamming up.


Page sighed, realizing she caused the issue, so she'd have to be the one to break it.


She looked around a bit, making sure there wasn't any others here to see her doing what she felt like she had to do - embarrassment wasn't much of a social boost - then made her way over to Srosh.  She carefully stepped in close, and had a somewhat sheepish look on her muzzle as she carefully tapped his massive back, as she couldn't quite reach his shoulder.


"Umm, Srosh?  I..."


C'mon, Page - don't let him keep thinking you're mean-hearted...


"... I'm sorry about snapping at you earlier."


She let out a large gust of a sigh.


"It was the laughing that got to me.  See, I've never really gotten much in the way of respect among my peers at my job; they kinda treat me like I'm a foal, even though I've been there for years.  I came in struggling, and fought hoof and tail to try to prove my worth, pulling long night shifts and doing thankless sidework in order to try to show them that I've got what they're looking for... and yet, the ones at the top of the ladder STILL laugh at me, all the time."


"No matter how hard I tried, it didn't matter to them - they mocked me for my effort, they mocked me for being serious about it, and they mocked me simply for being there in the first place... I was constantly at war with the ones who didn't seem to even CARE what they were doing, and here I am, trying to put stories out there that MATTER, stories that told the TRUTH of a situation, not just 'cover what folks know' and present it as pure fact."


She sighed, sitting down on the ground.


"My BEING here, covering THIS story, is the first shot I've ever had at actually being taken SERIOUSLY... so, I guess I just took it personally when I got laughed at earlier.  It felt like I'd just stepped right back into the same situation I'd fought HARD to get a chance to get out of, and I... well... I guess I overreacted."


She turned her eyes up at the minotaur, genuine emotion floating in them.


"I'm sorry if I upset you, Srosh.  Even if you don't forgive me, at least I hope you understand why I acted that way now."

  • Brohoof 1

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It felt REALLY awkward now.


Page had sort of gotten the idea that her earlier words had somewhat dashed Srosh's jovial mood... but she wasn't sure how to approach any sort of apology. What was more, Reel wasn't exactly forthcoming with much conversation either - which now kinda stuck out like a sore hoof, with their hosts' clamming up.


Page sighed, realizing she caused the issue, so she'd have to be the one to break it.


She looked around a bit, making sure there wasn't any others here to see her doing what she felt like she had to do - embarrassment wasn't much of a social boost - then made her way over to Srosh. She carefully stepped in close, and had a somewhat sheepish look on her muzzle as she carefully tapped his massive back, as she couldn't quite reach his shoulder.


"Umm, Srosh? I..."


C'mon, Page - don't let him keep thinking you're mean-hearted...


"... I'm sorry about snapping at you earlier."


She let out a large gust of a sigh.


"It was the laughing that got to me. See, I've never really gotten much in the way of respect among my peers at my job; they kinda treat me like I'm a foal, even though I've been there for years. I came in struggling, and fought hoof and tail to try to prove my worth, pulling long night shifts and doing thankless sidework in order to try to show them that I've got what they're looking for... and yet, the ones at the top of the ladder STILL laugh at me, all the time."


"No matter how hard I tried, it didn't matter to them - they mocked me for my effort, they mocked me for being serious about it, and they mocked me simply for being there in the first place... I was constantly at war with the ones who didn't seem to even CARE what they were doing, and here I am, trying to put stories out there that MATTER, stories that told the TRUTH of a situation, not just 'cover what folks know' and present it as pure fact."


She sighed, sitting down on the ground.


"My BEING here, covering THIS story, is the first shot I've ever had at actually being taken SERIOUSLY... so, I guess I just took it personally when I got laughed at earlier. It felt like I'd just stepped right back into the same situation I'd fought HARD to get a chance to get out of, and I... well... I guess I overreacted."


She turned her eyes up at the minotaur, genuine emotion floating in them.


"I'm sorry if I upset you, Srosh. Even if you don't forgive me, at least I hope you understand why I acted that way now."

Srosh gave her a warm smile and kneeled down petting her head gently.


"No need to apologize." He says softly.

"I thought I had badly offened. I too get deeply troubled over things like that. I don't want to compromise this relation miss Page. If we're to get through this we'll need to be reliant. And the last thing I want to do is upset you and your companion." He said.


Srosh was glad she wasn't irreversably upset with him. From now he would know to avoid ths subject. He gently ruffled her mane a bit in a playful manner hoping it could add to cheering her up a little. Film in the mean time sat by watching the two in their little contented moment. He looked out the rolling plain before him just keeping himself in deep though.


Srosh stood back up. He took out his earbud and handed over his TrotPony.


"Would you like a listen? Keep you a bit sane from all this boring walking?" He offered to her.

Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Page smiled as he ruffled her mane - yeah, it was kinda like she was a kid, but she took it as a sign of goodwill, and straightened her mane again with a grin on her muzzle.


Glad that's over - he's so much better when he's smiling.


Upon the offer of the TrotPony, her eyes widened a bit; luxuries like this were no doubt treasured among soldiers, and to be offered the chance to listen to it was akin to trusting her with his rifle.  She nodded, looking a bit taken aback by the offer.


"Wow, uh... s-sure.  I was kind of wondering what you were listening to anyway - just please let me know when you need it back; I don't want to run the batteries dry."


Gently manipulating the earbud, she pressed it into her own ear with a hoof.

  • Brohoof 1

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Page smiled as he ruffled her mane - yeah, it was kinda like she was a kid, but she took it as a sign of goodwill, and straightened her mane again with a grin on her muzzle.


Glad that's over - he's so much better when he's smiling.


Upon the offer of the TrotPony, her eyes widened a bit; luxuries like this were no doubt treasured among soldiers, and to be offered the chance to listen to it was akin to trusting her with his rifle.  She nodded, looking a bit taken aback by the offer.


"Wow, uh... s-sure.  I was kind of wondering what you were listening to anyway - just please let me know when you need it back; I don't want to run the batteries dry."


Gently manipulating the earbud, she pressed it into her own ear with a hoof.



Pressed to her ear she was greeted by a soft humming tune of a guitar being picked along with the ambient inclusion of strings behind it. It was around in the middle of it so she assumed the song wouldn't last too long. She wasn't familiar with the tune. Perhaps a self recording of a street player?


The next track picked up with a crescendo after an electronic build up. Soon with background drum thumps a distorted voice began to sing softly. A sorta rock like new age?


Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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