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You just caught the user above you in a pokeball!


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Yeah sure but i'll be pretty messed up and can't sleep, thats for sure xD


Maybe we should watch alice in wonderland...thats a bit milder for me


Haha, this should be fuuuuuun *evil grin*


Also, if i get too hyper from disney and sugar. We just HAVE to battle! Its the best energy releasor o.o i meant to spell that wrong.


I'M HYPER AND I HAD NO SUGAR. i wonder if my medications are making me hyper...hmn


Chocolate is tasty


Riku is tastier



Well who needs sleep :yay:?


Hrmm, I only remember bits and pieces of the movie :wacko:. How is it mild though when it's so whimsical and colorful :-o ?


Oh izzon :yay:! Just let me know when I should stop fighting you :orly:.


You mean your actual medications :o ? I'm unaware of this :-p .


Why am I not surprised that Riku is from Kingdom Hearts :toldya:?


*enters the pokeball :o *

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Well who needs sleep :yay:?


Hrmm, I only remember bits and pieces of the movie :wacko:. How is it mild though when it's so whimsical and colorful :-o ?


Oh izzon :yay:! Just let me know when I should stop fighting you :orly:.


You mean your actual medications :o ? I'm unaware of this :-P .


Why am I not surprised that Riku is from Kingdom Hearts :toldya:?


*enters the pokeball :o *

Well, sleep means dreams...so i rather like sleep. Still LAWL who needs sleep! LOL




Riku is probably a reason i'm so hyper right now. sometimes crushes make me hyper.


Even without sugar.


Wow i'm a mess xD

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Well, sleep means dreams...so i rather like sleep. Still LAWL who needs sleep! LOL




Riku is probably a reason i'm so hyper right now. sometimes crushes make me hyper.


Even without sugar.


Wow i'm a mess xD

Yah who needs sleep :yay:!


That's what you think :toldya:. I'll put you to sleep with my moves so it'll be a TKO :fluttershy:.


Oh I see :toldya:. He's hour husbando :P .


Can I grab a soda from your fridge :wacko:?

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm finally calming down. xD i ate a sugary yogurt cuz i was getting a sugar rush, though o.o it was weird...like i said, though, i don't eat many sweets. yogurt is one of few sweets my mom gets me cuz it doesn't make me all hyper active and meltdownish like other sugary foods.


We can still have a playful battle, though :) and, yes, i am married to riku xD he's SUCH a cutie pie^^

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I'm finally calming down. xD i ate a sugary yogurt cuz i was getting a sugar rush, though o.o it was weird...like i said, though, i don't eat many sweets. yogurt is one of few sweets my mom gets me cuz it doesn't make me all hyper active and meltdownish like other sugary foods.


We can still have a playful battle, though :) and, yes, i am married to riku xD he's SUCH a cutie pie^^

Weird that sugar cures your sugar rush :wacko: :-p .


Ooh like a little kitty fight :catface:? Or just a pillow fight :derp:.

  • Brohoof 1
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Weird that sugar cures your sugar rush :wacko: :-P .


Ooh like a little kitty fight :catface:? Or just a pillow fight :derp:.

How's about both a kitty fight AND a pillow fight? XD


The yogurts calm me. Most sugary foods wouldn't :P They might of in the past, though...before i started meds XD

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How's about both a kitty fight AND a pillow fight? XD


The yogurts calm me. Most sugary foods wouldn't :P They might of in the past, though...before i started meds XD

Yeah sure :proud:.


*stuffs pillow :umad:*


*just had yogurt xp *


Oh ok :) .


*hits you with a pillow :yay:*

  • Brohoof 1
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*hits you with a pillow AND a bubble beam :)*



*is all wet :-o *




*grabs you and jumps into a pool :yay:*


I had no idea you had a pool in your pokeball :wacko:.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, my pokeball has a lot of things xD It has feilds of flowers, ice palaces, and even a game room made of ice. It has the flowers cuz it knows i like flowers xD even if i might be weak to them o.o


*tries to swim and fails* i never really got the hang of swimming LOL XD

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Yeah, my pokeball has a lot of things xD It has feilds of flowers, ice palaces, and even a game room made of ice. It has the flowers cuz it knows i like flowers xD even if i might be weak to them o.o


*tries to swim and fails* i never really got the hang of swimming LOL XD

Yeah I figured xP . Does it have a nice restaurant :nom:?


Oh no :-o !


*swims you safely back to the edge of the pool :) *

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Is it a bad time to interrupt?


I'm only allowed to go swimming at my Grandma's House at Summer but It's currently closed so I had to wait next Summer.


I had to stay at poke ball.

Edited by ZacharyDiLello2k17
  • Brohoof 1
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Is it a bad time to interrupt?


I'm only allowed to go swimming at my Grandma's House at Summer but It's currently closed so I had to wait next Summer.

Want to join the sleep over in my pokeball with me and Wolf? :P It'll be fun. We have lots of candy, since i can eat candy online just not irl :P


Also, if you could be any pokemon type, which would you be? :) You can be that type, here xD I seem to be a water type since i know bubble beam and i live in an ice pokeball. I would like to be grass or fairy more, but...Being water could be fun too :P

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Want to join the sleep over in my pokeball with me and Wolf? :P It'll be fun. We have lots of candy, since i can eat candy online just not irl :P


Also, if you could be any pokemon type, which would you be? :) You can be that type, here xD I seem to be a water type since i know bubble beam and i live in an ice pokeball. I would like to be grass or fairy more, but...Being water could be fun too :P

Heck Yes!


I would be a Grass type!

  • Brohoof 1
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Because grass and plants like water :proud:. They need it to grow!


Ooh my favorite, at least Chinese is :-p .


*rushes over there!*


*eats lots of... Food :nom: :nom: :nom:*

  • Brohoof 1
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*eat's a lot of veggies :)*

*get's stronger from them :D*


Yep! Plants need water :D plant flowers are so pretty^^

*eats LOTSA lo mein :nom: *


*plants flowers on your garden :fluttershy:*


Do you like them :fluttershy:? They're bluebonnets :proud:.

  • Brohoof 1
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Awww they are SO PRETTY :D Thank you! :D


*eat's a lot of sugar free ice cream :)*

Ye :fluttershy:.


*uses lightning on my ice cream to give it flavor :o *


*licks it and likes it :o *


Try some :) .

  • Brohoof 1
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