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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal Clear followed the stallion to the table,  where she observed him at work.  She was biting her lip from stress. What would he see? Where will he point? As the crystal moved outside the map,  up north, she tasted something salty. She bit her lip too hard... "This... is bad. Pretty bad. There are no maps showing this area, for it is covered with snow of eternal winter. The Frozen North, as it's called, is no place for a pony. Unless they're mad,  a genius of survival, or both.  Now if you excuse me..." The mare walked to the secret stash and fetched the bottle, uncorked it with her teeth and took a long swing. She nearly drank everything but she tore off the bottle when just a glass or two remained, then stared at it, panting. "I don't know if I can handle it. It's just so much... So fast... And the Frozen North? How am I supposed to find her now?!" She laid the bottle and sobbed, head low. "And now I need a new one too..."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He watched her drink the bottle as if it were water. "Why do you keep that bottle hidden away for?" He asked her. This time she grabbed it with him watching.


"Anyways Crystal. Are you just going to give up on finding her? She needs to be found or a terrible evil will come. If you need help I will offer my hoof once more. However, we will need to be prepared for the journey should we head up that way."


He walked over to her and the bottle. "May I have a taste of your hidden stash?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal Clear look up at the stallion, a bit surprised. She didn't have a solid answer really. 


"Well, my family kept bugging me about it. Said I have a problem. So I hid it and they let go. Simple as that, really." She shot a glance at the near empty bottle and shook her head slightly. The familiar warmth was already circulating inside her...


She listened to Nightmare's little pep talk, then replied, strangely calm. "I don't care about that terrible evil, I just want her back. So I will go, wherever I need to go. But I will fail unless I am well prepared, and it so happens that the most important thing our there is warmth. So you'll coming with me or I'll end up as another intrepid adventurer, frozen solid and buried in the snow." It soon became apparent that the calm was a facade, as she started taking deep, even breaths to keep her cool. "Now, I don't expect you to answer right away. It's a serious commitment, and a great danger..."


The mare laid her ears flat as the large stallion approached her, but instead of giving her another speech, he asked for a taste of her brandy. A bit surprising, but she wasn't about to get possessive all of a sudden. "Um, sure, have a swing. You want a glass? I was about to buy some more anyway later today. If the brewers will make it to the market, that is. Nopony showed up last week..." Crystal was really hoping they would come, lest she would run out of her liquid memories.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He took a drink and enjoyed the flavor. "I will come with you on your quest to find your friend. I am after all a walking campfire." He smiled to her. "Though we better get what we will need. and plenty of food. I can't go shopping sadly. I will wait here if you want to go get supplies. While you are out shopping you need to figure out what the key is that will point us in the right direction to begin our search."


With this he went over to his worn out saddle bags and returned his deck of cards to it. The strap had broken the day before and he tried to fix it, to no avail.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear observed Nightmare as he took a taste of her favourite drink. He didn't spit it out, but hadn't complimented it either. She wasn't worried about it though - it was her favourite, after all. She smiled at him once the stallion confirmed his wilingness to assist her. "Thank you, I really appreciate it." the mare brought a hoof to her chin, pondering about her next move. "Hmmm... I have warm clothes, the pickaxe can double as a weapon, I guess..." She paced around the kitchen, talking out loud what she would take and what she needs to buy. "You and my glow-crystal will give us light, melted snow will give us water... Do you need something specific? Extra saddlebag or whatever? I could try and buy you something in a pinch. Oh and, do you like cheese? I guess it would be easy to carry and still edible after defrosting..."


She walked to her saddlebags and emptied them from the items from her previous journey, and the pyrite lump dropped out of it. She picked it up and smiled at the sight, then placd it on the big cube. "I'll get to you once I return." She then put the bags on and looked at nightmare. "So, anything youd like me to buy for you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He looked at his saddlebags that were falling apart. He did not feel comfortable asking her to buy him anything. He went over and pulled a book out of the bags and skimmed through it. He made a list of different herbs that could be useful on their trip. Herbs for frostbite, wounds, fevers, and relative other ones that could come up. He handed her the list. "Might be a good idea to see if you can get your hooves on these. Need to be prepared as best as we can. I will wait here." He told her as she left the house.


He wondered to himself on what the outcome could be. Will they find her? He hopes so, for Crystal's sake. He strolled over to the window and looked out at the city. It was an amazing site to behold. He closed the curtains and went back to his saddle bags where he tried to fix them somewhat.


Nightmare Season did not notice when he peered out the window for that brief moment. Hiding behind a corner was a crystal mare shaking like leaves on a tree in a storm. She had saw a strange black pony in a window. Was it the nightmare that had returned yet again to enslave them once more? And why was the crystal heart not working to keep him out? She had to warn the other ponies, warn the crystal guards. The crystal princess was away to Canterlot with her family for a royal meeting. Why today of all days. She bolted, she could not let that terrible memory become reality again. "KING SOMBRE HAS RETURNED!" She screamed looking for the guards.


When the young mare finally found the guards she told them what she had seen. She described the house that he was in and they ran to arrest this strange stallion. They will not fail their princess this time. One guard ran to the barracks for backup and to get the anti magic screens they had left from the Equestrian Games. The guards waited till they believed they had enough pony power to bring him down. They stormed the crystal shop and ran up the stairs where they froze a split second as they saw the flaming stallion stand up.


He was careless, he did not realized he was spotted till he heard the door below swing upon and a stampede of hooves came up the stairs. He jumped up to see the guards come pouring up the stairs. Should he run? "Hold it right there!" They called out to him. No, he should not try anything. The house might get damaged if he tried. "I surrender." He replied. They lead him outside at spear point where they ordered him to walk through the arch that was delivered.


He obeyed and walked into it. A film of anti unicorn magic was wrapped around his horn, and they lead him off to the dungeons. There he will stay till they figure out what he was or when their princess returns. They found his saddle bags and brought it with them. When the got him to the dungeons they tossed him into a cell and locked it. His belongings were tossed to the side where the main strap finally broke and now can not be used. He sighed.


As he was walking, escorted by the crystal guards all around him with spears drawn on him. A crystal pony saw this. She was scared at the sight of this large pony with a fiery mane. But the crystal guards captured king Sombre. She crystallized up and went running through the streets to tell the good news that the guards had captured king Sombre and took him away to the dungeons. She even ran right past the market stalls where Crystal Clear was currently at shopping. "The crystal guards has captured some pony that looks like king sombre." She ran praising to everyone the good news.


Nightmare looked all around the prison. What will become of him he wondered. He went to a corner of the cell and curled up in a ball to get some rest.


When Crystal got back to her shop fearing it was Nightmare that was captured, her fears were confirmed. There was the crystal guards giving a report to the reporters that had gathered to get the news of the arrest of king Sombre. "We do not know at this point if he is King Sombre or not. However we will keep him in the dungeons till princess Cadence gets back from the royal meeting in Canterlot." The guard remarked to the reporters.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal Clear took the list and read it. "That's quite a list, but I'll stop by the Apothecary. If that's all you need, then I'll be off to the market. I guess I don't need to tell you to stay inside, am I? I'll try to be quick."


Since everything was settled, the mare left the house and headed towards the market with a bag of bits. As expected, she left a lion's share at the Apothecary.  Fortunately, the elderly stallion that owned the business had everything she needed, but, being expertly versed in his trade, took interest in her order... So she said she's going on a trip to the Frozen North. The Apothecary didn't buy it, but he stopped pestering her.


The market was busy as usual. The mare slowly marched between the stands, making purchases of various foodstuffs she deemed edible in the wintery conditions. At one point she passed the empty space where the brewer of her favourite brandy used to set up. Deeply saddened by this fact,  the mare inquired the shopkeeper next to the empty space, who had honey for sale. 


"Excuse me, sir, do you have any news about your missing neighbour? It's the second week he didn't show up..."


Since the stallion had no customers at the time,  he figured he could spare a moment.  "I'm afraid not. I'm curious myself actually, since even if he was sick, "Frozen Paradise" would send somepony else instead. We talk a lot on market days, you see. Maybe they can't reach the Kingdom, living up north in the frozen mountains and all... He did mention that the road got worse recently. Something stirred the wildlife, and he saw some strange, dark crystals here and there. I thought he was making it up but maybe..."


Crystal was intrigued. "Hmm... a shame really. Do you know how to reach their brewery? Maybe I could try and reach them there. I promised a bottle to a dear friend of mine."


The shopkeeper gave her a weird look, but told what he knew. Just as they were about to part ways, a pony ran into the market,  yelling that the guards captured the King within city limits. It caused a huge ruckus and Crystal took it as a cue to get back home, fast. She knew somepony who could match the description...



Some twenty minutes later, she walked onto her street and saw a commotion by her house, which was walled by the unmistakable royal guards. Fearing the worst, she squeezed through the crowd and approached the nearest one.


"Excuse me? HEY! Yes, you sir.  What's going on and why have you entered my house?"


The guard looked utterly bored, but answered her. "We found a suspicious character inside, and a secret stash of sorts. You were lucky you were away, who knows what he wanted..."


Crystal had no time for this. She said with all the authority she could muster. "Listen carefully, because I don't like repeating myself. That pony was my guest.  I invited him into my house. And the stash is none of your business.  Now be a dear and inform your C. O. I'm here and want to answer any questions he may have, or I'll file a complaint through the Guild of Masters of Crystals,  and it will get bad."


The stallion looked unimpressed. "Whatever. He's inside, you may proceed."


The mare walked towards her house, knowing all eyes are on her. She took a look on the battered door. Lock was smashed,  but the hinges were okay... Hundred bits worth of damage. She walked to her office and left her bags, then ascended the stairs. The sargeant was looking at the cube, perplexed.


"It's a hobby of mine. I like pyrite." The mare said dryly as the NCO got startled by her appearance, then said with irritation. "Who are you and who let you in! I said no reporters!" Crystal just stared at him and talked in a cold tone. "As a matter of fact, I haven't asked his name,  but he looked like his brain was dead, so it should be easy to find him. Hopefully.  I am Crystal Clear, Master of Crystal and the sole resident of this house. And it seems YOU have invaded my household and imprisoned my guest. So I suggest we sit down and have a chat to sort out this mess before the Guild files an official complaint to the Palace,  shall we?"


The sargeant nodded, and invited her to the table. All in all, this mare knew how to be intimidating if needs be... Once they took their seats, the stallion started asking questions, and the mare replied as truthfully as she could.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare season remand in his cell curled up in a ball. guess he could get some rest...if it wasn't for the guards passing by now and again gaping at his appearance. Guess this time there was no place to go or run. He could wait till one of them fell alseep so her could invade his dream then escape that way. But he did not know how well that would work with this seal on his horn.


He heard someone going through his bags so he looked up at them. "Please be careful with those things. They are all I got."


The guard replied. "Seems you need a new saddle bag. This one broke in half."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


It took nearly an hour to explain everything, the meeting in the cave, life save, how she invited Nightmare to her house and who the actual hell he was. Since he was held in the dungeon, Crystal decided that honesty is the best policy. She wriggled out with the stash thing by dismissing it as a "secret of the trade" (and setting the stove back there it belonged), since the Guild and it's members had some special rights to protect their trade. One of them was that the Guard was not allowed to enter the house and workshop of a Guild member without it's representative on-site, unless in dire need. This case was... debateable to say the least. Once her "testimony" was written down and signed, the guardspony decided to make himself scarce.


"Okay, I don't know what those "nightmare ponies" are, but we'll send for the Court Wizard, Sunburst, to take a look at him. If he decides that this creature does not pose a threat to the Empire or it's citizens, then I guess we'll let it go. He didn't look like, you know who, to me. For now, I'll lead my guardponies back to the barracks and we'll be off your back." - as the pegasus started walking towards the stairs, Crystal Clear celled to him. "Aren't you forgetting about something, sargeant? You smashed the front door, would you kindly leave one of them to stand guard until I fix them? After the sensation you caused in here, everypony and their dog will try to walk inside, and I would be very unhappy if that happened. By me, I mean the Guild, of course." She fluttered her eyelashes and made an innocent smile as she delivered the velvet threat.


The guardspony sighed. This mare was a real pain... "Alright, alright... I'll leave two, satisfied?"


"Somewhat, if they won't fall asleep on duty. Last thing - I wish to see my guest. You didn't put any charges on him, if I recall correctly..."


By this time, the sargeant just wanted to get this over with. This mare was unsufferable in her sense of security, like all of those Guild members. Stupid ancient laws... "You madam just want to make me miserable today, aren't you? Ehh, okay... Just because you'll run to the Guild if I won't. I have enough paperwork already. I'll bring you to him, but first let me organise a watch by those door and send a runner to the Wizard. I'm getting sick of this day already..."


Crystal had her sinister "victory" smile on her snout, but decided to cut the guard some slack. "Thank you sargeant, your aid is most appreciated. I guess we don't have to run this through the Guild after all..."


She followed him outside, but first she locked her workshop and office, then took the keys in a small pouch. Once the guardspony attended to his own business, they started walking towards the dungeons. She just hoped that her house wouldn't be ransacked while the watch took a nap...

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare woke from his little nap when he heard the sound of the door opening to a familiar voice giving a guard a lecture. Crystal had come to see him. He was....happy?....After standing there getting a lecture from her and a snapping about how her door was damaged. All he could say was "Sorry Crystal."


After a while the court wizard came in to the dungeons. At first look at the nightmare pony, he instantly ordered the guards to make sure not a single pony was asleep with in a mile radius. It looked as if he knew what his kind was and knew what they could do.


Several minutes past with Sunburst questioning Nightmare. At one point the crystal guard had to escort Crystal Clear out of the room for yelling at Sunburst to hurry it up. Her friend was waiting for her and this nightmare pony was to lead the way to her. Nightmare explained his past and what he had currently been doing. Showed him the dream roots he ate to satisfy his hunger for dreams. Gave him a reading so Sunburst could see if he was just a fraud tricking the mare in getting close to her.


After a long time Sunburst agreed to release the Stallion under one condition. He was to leave the kingdom and return once the princess returned for her final judgment. He left the dungeon holding his saddle bags in his mouth, now that he can't have them on his back. Outside waiting in a fiery temperament was the cherry red mare waiting to get started on their quest.


"Shall we go?" he asked before so snapped at him again.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Once Crystal was en route to the dungeon with the poor sargeant, she decided to give him a break, at least for now. Well, he got his orders, and some idiotic pony apparently thought that her new friend looked like the King. Somepony must've been drunk... Or worse. Honestly, it was enough reason to storm the royal bedchamber, at night! She had really mixed feelings about it all, and even thought about apologising, but with Nightmare still in captivity, she wouldn't risk getting soft just yet. And so they walked, silently, him nervous and resigned, her faking anger. Finally, after about twenty minutes, they reached the Guard Barracks and the dungeons below...


The pair entered the dungeon through heavy vault door. Masterfully done, and no doubt with some neat internal safeguards, she thought. Her enthusiasm faded when she saw that the guard on watch was asleep. "Heart help me, I am really starting to question our security..." She shook her head at the sorry state of the guard these days. She glanced at the guard she came with. "Go on, wake him up, I'm not stopping you. The whole prison could escape and even steal the armor off his back, and this sleeping beauty wouldn't notice."


Well, for his merit, the sleeping guard did wake up once Crystal started ranting, and shot up on his hooves when he noticed an NCO with her, then mumbled some weak excuse. "S-sorry sir, I just... It;s that thing over there, must've been!"


Both visitors replied. "No it's not." Then they took a glance at each other, and Crystal laughed while the guard looked unamused. Alright, private, open the cell of our "King", he's got a guest.


The private fumbled with his keys a little, but he found the right one and walked to the cell door to open them. The sargeant escorted the mare to the cell door and looked at the sleeping stallion. "He's lucky he just surrendered, otherwise he wouldn't look so good..." Crystal snorted and walked inside with confidence. "Uh-huh, he would be painted red and miles away from here. Get back on the ground, sir."


Her rambling waked up the stallion and the private hurriedly closed te cell door and took a step back. Crystal paid him no mind though. "I thought I told you to keep your head low, am I right? Just... which part you didn't catch? You know this would happen the moment you just as much as put a hoof on the window. And now these morons broke into my house, thinking I'm sheltering the King there! And once I get home, if it won't be ransacked by then, I have to fix my damn door!"


She stood before him, looking angry. She really was. But then she apologised, and she new he was sorry. He really was. She felt guilty again, at getting all mad at yelling at him when it was her idea to shelter him in the house. He couldn't be blamed more than she could. So she sighed deeply, and hugged his foreleg, since she wouldn't heach his neck. "I'm sorry... I'm just glad you're okay. Everything else can be fixed."


The vault door screetced open, and a yellow unicorn in a cape entered - the court wizard, Sunburst. It took hours before he was done, but he let the nightmare pony free, and that's all it mattered. Crystal waited outside the guard compund, since she was "asked" to leave after questioning the wizard's mental faculties.


"Now you really need some new saddlebags." She shook her head "I'll get you some, don't worry. Now let's go home."


After 20 minutes of walking across town like it's the most normal thing in the world, while everypony else got scared and kept a fair distance, they reached the house, and to Crystal's surprise, the guards were awake for once. "Well well, and I was expecting to find you fast asleep. Thank you for guarding my house, you may go." The guards trotted off as the mare pointed at the door. "You get insode and to my apartment, I'll get this fixed. There's something to eat in the kitchen, just look in the cabinets."


Once everything was back in order, she went inside and opened her workshop to start fixing the lock.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He went inside and up the stairs. Crystal was downstairs fixing the door that was slightly damaged. He did find some things in the cupboard and gathered them up on the counter. "Hmm...Not much of anyone thing and a collection of odds and ends." He looked at each item and decided he would give his hoof at cooking something. He started up the stove quite easily with his horn. He just shot fire into it and got it nice and hot.


He cooked up a decent stew from a few vegetables and made a rich broth doing so. There was some bread and cheese so he made a nice looking sandwich that was tasty. And with the rest of the ingredients he had he made a few sides to go on the plate.


He set the table and got the food served up just in time for Crystal to walk up the stairs. "I decided to try and use the last bit of the food in the house since we might be gone a few days." He gestured her to have a bite.


This cooking was far better than hers as she noticed on her first bite.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare walked inside her workshop. The room was L shaped, with two windows covered with thick crystal slabs to protect it from break-ins, which means the interior was engulfed with darkness, as just one ray of light from the corridor shone inside. She didn't need more since she could find anything with closed eyes anyway. Crystal Clear walked to the workbench and fished three vials strapped underneath, then reached for a small bowl to mix them,  and a narrow paintbrush to apply the mixture. A few drops from each vial,  mix with the brush till all ingredients mixed fully, and then added a secret activator. Even with the vials and right proportions it wouldn't work. The mare took the bowl and walked out of the shop, then laid it on the stairs. She walked to the door to get a good look at the lock. There were scratches on the door proper from ramming them, but nothing alarming. The lock also worked,  but the slab was broken off along with a piece of the door frame. A quick look around sufficed to locate the missing pieces,  and Crystal scooped them and laid next to the bowl, then painted a thin coat of the fluid where they would meet the rest of the pieces they belonged to. With both pieces in hoof, she walked back to the open door and sticked them in the right places, then held for a minute. Once it passed, she removed her hooves and noticed with satisfaction that the crystals grew into single pieces, with no seams or imperfections. She closed the door shut and tried the lock. It worked. Her job was done, so she walked up the stairs and scooped the bowl and brush to clean it up upstairs.


Once Crystal Clear walked into her apartment, she smelled food and noticed that Nightmare made something to eat. She was grateful for the effort,  since she was starving and he spared her the effort of making something herself. She walked towards the sink to dump her tools and admired Nightmare's work.


"Niiiice... Just let me get rid of this and we can eat. I'm starving." She took her seat a moment later and took a taste of the stew. It was... good.  Really good. The mare took a moment to appreciate the taste, and decided to let him know her thoughts. "Compliments to the chef. It's way better than what I do. Where did you even learn to cook like this?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


"I studied." He replied sipping on the broth. "Since I like helping other ponies, I figure I needed to learn as much as I could that might come up. Cooking food is for those that needs help with getting something to eat. Also....I ate dreams once from a popular chef pony where I came from. So I learned cooking from him as well." He saw Crystal staring questioningly at him. "Yes, I can remember things from dreams I eat."


He moved on to his sandwich. "It seems the court wizard wants me out of the empire till your princess returns to see if she will allow me to come and go or not." He interjected in the middle of their meal. "So after I get my saddle bags repaired we can take off for your friend tomorrow morning."


He looked up at Crystal. "Did you ever figure out what the key was that would point us in the right direction yet?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal was rather amused by the idea. "Studied cooking? You're a strange one, really. I hate cooking with a passion but, well I have to eat something..." She got back to her meal. It was indeed very good.


Maybe it was the stress, but once the stallion said he does remember the dreams he feeds on, the crystal pony gave him a curious look, as if it was indded, big news to her. Since Nightmare mentioned dreams, the mare decided that maybe she could ask him if he took her offer. But for now, she was content with stuffing her stomach.


It seemed that Nightmare was a bit more talkative, since he started talking on his own about what happenned between him and Sunburst, after she had to leave the jail. "Well, I can't blame him, really. With Princess Cadance out of the city, the Empire lack magic power to, well, counter you. That's why he made that deal with you - to get you out of his back without risking that you'll cause trouble. Either way, I guess it suits our plan just fine." She smiled at him reassuringly as she took a bite of her own sandwich. "Yeah, about your saddlebags... I can just buy you new ones. Really, it's not a big deal." Truth be told, with all the expenses she already made, combined with the fact that she won't work for a few days at least, her piggy bank was would be very unhappy. But some things were more important than money.


She chuckled as Nightmare asked her about the key... "Heh, sorry for that. As a matter of fact, yes. Or at least I guess so. "Sweet Dreams" are the key. The brandy, remember? Funny how booze got us together and could do so again... but I digress. I've learned that the brewers who produce this liquid paradise have gone silent for over two weeks now. Before that, the pony who made trips to the market reportedly said that the wildlife was agitated and strange, dark crystals started to appear. Sounds like something the King would cause. Best part is - they live north from here, outside the barrier that keeps the cold out, and into the Frozen North. What do you think? Sounds plausible? I asked for the way and I should be able to get here, with your help of course."


Since she finished her meal, Crystal got up from the table and took her plates into the sink to clean up. "Since you cooked, I'll clean. You can take a moment to look at your saddlebags, but  honestly, I don't know if it's a good idea to patch them up.oh, speaking of which, I bought the herbs you wanted, they're in my saddlebags together with other stuff I bought, down in my office."

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He nodded to her, but he still helped carry the dishes to the sink for her. Magical levitation after all is a handy thing. Then he went to his saddle bags to determine the damage. "If it dose not inconvenient you and your balances. A new set would be good. Maybe a larger one so we could carry more stuff with us. It is good that you managed to get the herbs. We might need them if anything happens, as well as we do not know your friend's condition when we find her."


He looked back at the mare cleaning the dishes and putting them away. "Your brewer going missing and black crystals. It dose sound plausible that is the way we need to start our search. The key that was hidden, was that not your Sweet Dreams you had hidden away. So it dose sound like that is what the cards mentioned." With this he pulled one of his dream roots out of his torn bag and began to chew on it. Cringing his face at the taste.


"Best if we get everything together tonight and be off at first light."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal nodded as she washed the dishes. Nightmare made some good points, and it did seem like her hidden liquor could do as a hidden key. She said over the shoulder as she worked. "Aye, it does seem to fit. And I know how to get there!  Well, mostly. It might be hard to get oriented  if we get into a snow storm or something..." The thought seemed to disturb her somewhat,  so she changed the subject.  "Oh and as soon as I'm finished here, I'll go buy you some new saddlebags.  I know a place where they have good stock in reasonable prices, and they should be open, I guess. Just... don't cause trouble when I'm away, okay? I was worried about you when I saw all those guards..." There was a hint of guilt in her voice, like she felt it was her fault actually, since she led him here.


"Aaand, done! " Crystal Clear proclaimed her victory against the forces of dirty dishes, and redied herself to go shopping some more. "I'll get my bit purse from the office and be off for a bit. Get some rest, you must've been very stressed all day." She looked at him with concern. She wasn't the most affectionate pony in the Empire, but she had a heart. Once she finished talking, she took her leave.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As he watched the crystal pony leave her shop to go out on her second shopping excursion, he went over to all the herbs he had given her a list of to purchase. He pulled out his book of herbs and went over each one. Making sure each one is the right herb, as well as properly prepared and stored. After looking over all of them he nodded in acknowledgment. Where ever she got these. That pony knew their herbs well.


He then looked over his stash of dream roots. ...Sadly he was running low. And it might be a few days before he could go back to the forest to gather more. He would have to go on a fasting to get through it. Though Crystal's dreams were tasty, he did not want to have to ask her to feed on them. Though she might just tell him to eat them anyways. He looked up from his items on the table and looked out of the window. This time, at a distant so he would not be seen. The sun was getting low.


A good night's sleep would be great. For they will set out in the morning as soon as they can. "I wonder if we can save Evie?" He asked himself. he said no more when he heard the door below open then close. She must be home.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal Clear walked outside the house and immediately noticed a few ponies on the opposite side of the street who suddenly decided to look busy. Seems like that Sunburst guy was not taking any chances and ordered to keep watch on the nightmare pony... Very well then, until they kept their distance. She also noticed that it was getting late, which was not good - the shop she needed to visit would close soon. The mare started walking quickly towards the centre of her hometown, then turned left a couple blocks later, and nearly ran to the building on the far end of the street. Once she reached the store door and saw it was still open, she took a moment to catch her breath and fix her mane in the storefront reflection,  then entered.


the store was large and had many items on display. Last few customers were browsing the wares and making purchases. Crystal Clear approached the shopkeeper and stated her business.


"Good afternoon sir,  I'd like to purchase a set of saddlebags. Standard strap, two pouches, the usual kind, but as big as possible." She smiled pleasantly to the stallion before her, who in turn looked at her quizzically. "Why yes, of course but... it won't fit on you. The biggest one, really?" The mare seemed amused. "Oh no, not for me! It's for a friend, in fact. He's... big." The shopkeeper nodded, but this time without enthusiasm. "Oh, I see... Give me a moment, I'll bring you a couple to choose from."


While the stallion made himself scarce, Crystal looked through the window and noticed one of the ponies who were observing her house. "UUghh, just great..." Fortunately, the stallion returned soon after with three sets of saddlebags. "Here's what I can offer you. They're practically the same, really, except for color and finish. But, since you mentioned it's for a friend, then I guess you'll choose either brown or black.  The red ones would suit you, if they weren't so big." The mare put a hoof to her chin, pondering which would suit Nightmare best. She inspected the brown ones, and noticed that they have some nice decorative motifs on the leather, but nothing too feminine. The crystal buckles looked sturdy, and she could always replace them with a heavy duty set if needs be. "I'll take these." She said with a smile and readied her purse. She already saw the price tag - reasonable, but still a lot of coin.


She left the store with the saddlebags laid across her back and waved to the pony who followed her. No point in trying to maintain the illusion, really.  They were so obvious it hurt. Just a quick detour so a sandwich booth on the crossing and she went back home,  now with supper. When Crystal reached the house it was already getting dark. She walked inside, closed the door for the night and announced herself as she came up the stairs.  "I'm back with your new saddlebags! And I brought supper too!" The mare entered her apartment, ditched the purse in a drawer and presented her trophies. "What do you think? Do they look okay?"

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare got up from the table and the herbs and went over to the mare to look at the saddlebags. They were much bigger and far nicer than the ones he had, even when they were new. "These are great. I thank you. I will do my best to aid you in this quest to repay for them." He took them back to the table where he filled it up with his things and the new herbs. "We best set out early in the morning. The sooner we get on the road the better. I feel as though we are being watched. ....That is usually my job." He said as a bit of a joke.


He went over to a corner and laid down. He brought a root with him to the corner and began to eat it. When he was done and Crystal was with her sandwich he asked her. "How far is this brewery from here do you know?"


After getting in the last conversation with the small pony. He laid his head down to go off to his own dream world.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal gave the saddlebags to Nightmare, and rolled her eyes when he mentioned repaying for them. "You don't owe me anything, Nightmare.  I'm just providing basic equipment and supplies for our journey,  and I am the one in debt, if you'd like to consider things that way." She looked for a moment as he packed his things into the new saddlebags, then took out the sandwiches. "Like I said, I bought something to eat, enough for a light supper and some breakfast for us both. If you're interested, I'll lay your share in here." The mare stashed the food in one of the cabinets and left a big sandwich for herself to eat right now. She nodded as the stallion stated his observations. "Yup, I'll set the alarm clock at five and get ready. We could leave around six this way. As for the observation, well, you are right. The house is being watched by the guard, and they're terrible at trying to blend in. My guess is that they want to be sure we left the city." She was completely undisturbed by this fact,  however,  and just munched on her sandwich.


She noticed Nightmare chewing on that awful root and decided to remind him about her offer. "I know you probably don't want to, but... my dreams are up for consumption.  Just a reminder, I don't want to be pushy about it."


The stallion didn't reply, but she didn't mind. She figured he must've made some kind of commitment to himself about eating dreams, that would explain his reluctance... He did however ask for the estimated distance to the brewery.


"It's outside the barrier, which is ten miles from here. Other than that, I don't know really. The pony who told me said the salespony needed one day on average to reach the market, but he had a loaded wagon. I guess it'll take us the same since we don't know the terrain... So that's what I know. Now get some rest, I'll go to bed myself soon enough too." Once she finished speaking,  Nightmare laid to rest and she ate the last of her sandwich and went into the bathroom for her evening routine. Some time later, she emerged and climbed to her bed castle and set the alarm clock, then laid to sleep. 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The light from the nightmare pony was dimmed. He was asleep and remembering his past...


A young Nightmare Season was standing outside a house. His parents were inside. Before he was allowed to make his way into the house, they had to make sure that all ponies were asleep. his siblings were at another residence. When his parents came to the window, nightmare entered. His parents always went to the adults where he was given the young filly's room. As he entered her room he saw her asleep in a nice warm blanket. Fast away in her dream world. He wisped away in a puff of smoke and entered her dream. The dream was not the typical sweet dream he was use to from a young filly. Instead he found himself in a bad dream already. The filly was being chased by a beast of their lands. Similar to a timber wolf, but not of wood. Instead of sand.


"Help me brother." She screamed out trying to get away from the gnashing teeth. Her thoughts were of her older brother. A stallion that was a warrior of the land that they resided in. The Nightmare colt fed on this image and turned into the handsome stallion. That was the one of the rules of a nightmare. Assume a form so one could hide and feed longer. He was told to never interact with the victim until he had his fill and then exit before they woke.


This young filly ran into a valley and found herself trapped. Weeping and crying out for her brother. The  beast drew closer to her. A hunger great. He felt something, a longing to step in and stop this. He was still hungry and was use to seeing great fear in those he fed off of. So why was this one different?


Right when the beast pounced at the filly, it exploded into fire. The filly looked up and saw her brother standing behind where the ashes of the beast drifted down to the ground. She leaped and gave the Stallion a great hug. Nightmare Season was not use to something like this and lost his focus and the illusion on him. "Oh thank you, thank you brother." The filly said as she backed off him to look at her brother that had saved her. What she saw now was not her brother, but a nightmare. She was warned about this kind of pony. Now she was in a fright worse than with the beast. Realizing what was happening she woke up.


The colt found himself being tossed to the floor as he was forced to leave the dream world. The young filly started screaming in her bed as she saw the Nightmare stand up from the floor. This woke up the rest of the family from their nightmares. The family that was invading the house were chased away.


....Nightmare woke up from his dream close to morning. An hour before the alarm would go off. When will he ever get over his own nightmares he wondered? He looked up to the sleeping mare on her perch. She did say he could feed on her, and he was running low on the dream roots. He decided it would be best to accept her offer once more. This time he was more filled and would only need to eat just a little bit.


In a puff of smoke he went to the dream world of the one close to him.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear was on a gentle hill just a few miles outside the city limits, but still within reach of the Heart's magic that held the cold at bay. It was Spring, and everything was fresh and green. The birds were singing in the bushes nearby and the general atmosphere was one of peacefulness and relaxation. She was laying on a blanket, having a picnic on her own and admiring her beautiful city as it gleamed in the distance. She just enjoyed the moment, occasionally taking a bite of salad she brought with herself. The mare remained like that for a ong time, until the sky became darker, and she took it as a cue to get back home. Crystal packed her things and took a course towards her apartment, trying to get there before the rain. She walked at her normal pace, but it seemed that she wasn't getting any closer. So she picked up her tempo, but to no avail. Only once she started trotting at a fast pace did she start getting closer, and the sky became darker, like there was a storm coming. She reached the safety of her home as the first heavy drops of rain started their bombardment on the ground below.


She woke up just a couple of minutes before the alarm.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The flaming pony had entered her dream and ate just a tiny bit. Watching the rain clouds come was his sign to stop and to leave her dreams. Morning was soon so he had best leave before she was forced awake by the alarm. He reformed next to the sleeping mare. As he turned around to walk back to his spot, she had woken up.


"Oh. Good morning." He said to try and pass it off as nothing.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear woke up, but she didn't hear the annoying sound of her alarm. Instead, she saw light through closed eyelids and thought she heard hoofsteps near her bed. She didn't really connect the dots just yet. Instead, she stretched in her bed abd wiped her eyes with a hoof, then heard Nightmare's voice just a step away.


"So that's why it rained in my dream... morning Nightmare Season." The mare opened her eyes and there he was, standing sheepishly by the stairs. "So, how did you like my dream, huh?" She asked with a smile as the vacated her bed and brushed loose hair from her eyes. "My mother would talk my ear off for meeting my guest with a nasty bed mane..."

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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