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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare noticed her expression. He knew what she was thinking. He looked up to his brother. "You will not harm her. She is mine by right." The others started to whisper to each other. The leader actually tisked and grind his teeth. Apparently he was angry about something. He nodded to the other two to have them lower their blades.


Nightmare went over to Crystal and whispered in her ear so the others can not hear him. "Fighting now will be death. Just do as I say for now, bow your head to me as if I am your master." His look reassured her to trust him. Though she had a knot in her throat. He turned back to the others. "She will be untouched by any of you. If you remember are laws, Anyone who attempts to steal her will answer to me." He had an anger in his eyes that even caused the others to step back from him.


Wildfire was the first to speak up. "If she is yours, why was she so far away from you then?" Nightmare was questioned. Crystal was well prepared to fight to the death should she feel she might be turned into a slave again. "I sent her off to get something for me, and I allowed her to visit her friend for a few days. She came back to me, so that is proof of the bond." The other nightmares whispered some more. Wildfire seemed to think for a bit about this. "And since one of you entered her dreams and fed, I demand that I have a dual with them for breaking our laws."


The others were taken back by this. Wildfire jumped in. "He is not here. We stayed in these woods and waited till he went up North to find signs of you. He will catch up with us as we head back. If you come peacefully then I will allow you to face him and judge him as you see fit. What do you say?" Nightmare was somewhat relived. He nodded his head. Crystal was very upset with this.


As the nightmares were getting ready for their journey, Nightmare led Crystal to a private corner to talk to her. "I told them that you were mine. In our costumes, it is a short of marriage between a nightmare pony and another. We have what is called harems, or multiple wives. As long as you act like you belong to me that way, none of the others can even feed from you without permission. They can not even order you around unless I allow it." He looked back to the rest that were almost done with preparations. "I will let you decide what you wish to do. You can come with me and we can try to find a way to escape. Or I will tell them you will follow latter with your things. We head South of Saddle Arabia. But I will not let you fight. They are far worse than those royal guards to the shadow king. Those were empty husks following orders, These guys are able to make their own choices and pose a greater challenge for such. What ever you decide other than to try and rescue me now and perish. I will accept your choice. And I thank you for being my friend and coming to warn me." He gave her an apologetic nuzzle. "If you wish to return to the Empire I will understand."

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal was waiting for a sign to try and fight for their freedom, or die trying. Instead, the stallion tried to parlay. But what did he mean by "Mine by right"? Only one way to find out - shut up and listen.


Their assailants murmured between each other, and they lowered their blades away from her throat. That was a start. Nightmare approached her and explained at least part of his scheme into her ear, and she nodded. Still, once they are safe, she will have a talk with him about this nonesense. The other stallion questioned the merit of his claim, and Crystal decided to look for an improvised weapon. She saw a promising looking plank nearby and took some comfort in the prospect of using it to it's full potential.


The part about a duel was... a bit excessive maybe, but the mare wasn't sure whether he was hkeeping his act, wanting to even the field by charring on of them legally, or actually get some retribution for disturbing the mare. Probably all three. She still stayed silent and just watched, but seeing Nightmare agree to the proposition to settle some petty score made her angry again. Why not take down these mooks and make a run for it? They did a yeti together, after all.


He gestured at her to follow a bit away from the group as they got ready to move out. Crystal was about to snap at him but barely held on, since it would mess whatever plan he had to get them out of this mess. She clenched her teeth and listened to what he had to say.


The mare needed a moment to process what she just heard. So she was supposed to act like his... wife? But a slave too? What kind of messed up culture is that? She gave him a long, stern look, but decided that he probably wouldn't use this arrangement to his advantage, although it was hard to tell if there won't be any tests to prove his claim. She decided that, if they leave her here to "gather her belongings", she'll just get lost in the forest and die anyway, or they come back for her and the whole plan will go buck itself. Which means...


"*sigh* I'll go. But if one of those clowns just as much as comes near me, they'll choke with my axe. Better tell them that. And don't go overboard with this master thing, alright? My patience is limited and, as you might've guessed, I'd rather die a free mare than live a slave. Now if you allow me, I have a bedroll to pack and a cart to pull from under the branches." She corrected her armour on her back and went to get her bedding, keepin an eye on the other stallions, who seemed to be trying to intimidate her with their fierce looks. She gave them a cold stare and went about with her business.


Soon they were all back at the courtyard, Crystal with her cart, standing next to Nightmare with a bitchy expression. She didn't get enough sleep, didn't have anything to eat after waking up, she was treated like an object by the other stallions, and was just plain fed up with lack of real choice in the matter. She always thought red suited her temper.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He simply nodded to her as she laid down her demands to play along with this ruse. That morning after Crystal got her wagon all set and ready to go. Nightmare noticed she was really mad and a bit hungry. As they waited for the rest of the nightmares, they noticed two more pulled up with wagons next to them. Crystal did not recognize the design nor art work along the sides. But she did notice that one was far more decorated than the other one.


Wildfire walked up to Nightmare Season and told him that he will be riding in the more fancy one. Nightmare simply nodded. He looked to another guard. "Let Crystal ride with me and you pull her cart." He ordered the nightmare as though he was now in charge. The nightmare did not question or hesitate in his orders and simply walked over to Crystal and unhooked her from it. He told Crystal to follow Nightmare Season into the wagon with him.


Crystal was hesitant at first to leave her belongings behind. Including her axe that was hidden in the cart. But she felt it would be bad to destroy the plan at the moment. So she followed the Stallion into the wagon. As she got inside, she lost her breath for a second. The inside was beautifully decorated. There was cushions all over, a good size bed that was made using silk sheets. Silk, she only heard that royalty had such. There was treasures as well. She noticed that Nightmare was looking around as well.


"I did not expect them to go this far, and it seems untouched since they left our homelands." He looked back to Crystal. "So this is just a taste of what it will be like as being mine." He gave her a wink to let her know he will not take it to far. "Since you are mine, you will need to look the part." He grabbed a gown of golden silk from a trunk and passed it over to her. He also found a head piece decorated with gems inlaid into gold. It resembled a tiara but the design was slightly different. The last thing he handed her was a gilded dagger. The handle and sheath was made from gold with different gems and crystals decorating it. Crystals she did not recognize at all. The blade itself was curved.


"That is a decorative and ceremonial dagger. What ever you do, do not pull it out unless you feel a pony has disrespected me." He looked back in the trunk and pulled out an outfit his size and placed it on. On a wall was a scimitar of similar design and decoration as the dagger and strapped it to his side. He looked like a ruler at that point. Looking more inside he sighed. "I can't believe they had all this prepared for me. By the looks of it, they planned for me to have five wives at this point." He looked back at Crystal who finished trying on her gown. His heart skipped a beat. She was so beautiful, he might actually fall in love with her. He shook his head to get that image out of his head.


A knock at the door caused Crystal to jump. "Sultan, may I enter?" A voice was heard outside. "Enter" Nightmare replied. The door opened and a Nightmare climbed up and stood there at the door way. "Might you have any others you wish us to pick up? Or is Crystal the only one for now?" He asked Nightmare Season. The nightmare looked at Crystal. "She is my only one. But is there one that can tailor her gown to fit properly?" Nightmare responded. "Yes sir, Want me to send for her?" Nightmare nodded to him and he turned and left.


A few seconds latter a female nightmare showed up. "You sent for me?" Nightmare looked at her. "I did. Can you take up her gown so that it will fit properly on her?" The nightmare nodded. "As you wish." Nightmare had found a sewing kit inside the chest and passed it to the nightmare. He gave Crystal a slight nod that it was alright and not do anything funny. It took just a few moments till her dress was fitting just right on her. Now she could feel the silk against her fur.


Wildfire came by after awhile. Crystal had found a nice comfy pillow to lay down on. Wildfire asked Nightmare, "We are about gathered and ready to travel. Are you two prepared for departure? Nightmare Season walked over to the door and looked out. There was about twelve nightmares standing around his wagon made three. A third had rolled up while they were inside. "You brought a lot with you didn't you?" He asked his brother. "We knew how strong you were, and we were ordered to bring you back rather you wanted to or not. I am just glad you decided to come willingly."


"Bring food for us first, I want Crystal to taste the food of our culture, after you bring it to us, we may depart." Wildfire nodded and went to find the cook of their group. Nightmare went back to Crystal and laid next to her. Mostly so he could whisper to her. I hope you will be able to put up with this till I can figure out a plan of action?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


She waited for a cue to move out, tapping her hoof on the stone floor.  The nightmares seemed to be multiplying like bugs, and they pulled up two wagons nearby. Crystal decided to take a closer look - both had four wheels,  and were rather spacious for cargo wagons... Maybe they were carriages? The bigger one seemed like it, with a roof and clearly defined windows. It was also very richly decorated, as if somepony made a wager how much gold and gems they can use on it. Still, their designs were alien and unfamiliar.


One of the nightmares - she couldn't recognise them yet, aside from her friend that is - came towards them and informed the stallion that he will ride in the big carriage. Of course, he didn't even look at the mare do the invitation seemed to apply only for him. She gritted her teeth a bit. Nightmare hailed one of the mooks and ordered him to pull the crystal cart, since the mare will ride with him. Crystal let go of her belongings reluctantly, but she had no choice but to do as she was told. She felt like she would turn snow white after a week of this act... the red mare climbed inside the carriage after her "master", and took on the sight.


The inside was, if it were possible, even more elaborate than the outside. Gold, gems,  and what myst've been red silk. It was just a guess, she never touched actual silk, but all that splendour that would fit the Royal Sisters. She never saw anything so expensive in her life, and that alone gave her pause. Even if it wasn't her taste one bit - you can take a crystal pony out of the Empire, buy not the way around.


Nightmare also seemed to be amazed, although he just had to comment on her "being his"... Crystal made sure the doors were locked and gave him a cold stare. "A golden cage? Riiiiight my hindlegs are trembling with excitement at the mere thought." She wasn't sure if he was actually into it or just tried to act the part with reluctance. He gave her a dress, a headpiece and a dagger. Sure, they were all very beautiful, but now she had to take off her armour too. She sat in her new getup like on needles. Although all that gold sure looked good with her coat, even if it needed a brushing. 


A knock to the door made her jump and reach for the dagger - bad habit. She let go of it as the pony outside asked for permission to enter. Nightmare was right, they did expect him to sleep under a layer of mares - bunch of idiots, she thought. Nightmare gave the order to tailor the mare's dress, and it made her uneasy. The mare that came to perform the task had a knack to it, sure, but even she treated her more like an object than a pony. Crystal Clear breathed in relief when she was left alone, and noticed that the dress did feel nice now that it was the proper size.  She reckoned it wouldn't be some huge misstep if she laid down on a large pillow, away from the door in the front corner. The creature comforts eased her mind a bit. Her burning anger dissipated for the most part,  and she slowly settled with the thought that she's somewhat safe for now.  Still, she missed her stuff. 


Wildfire came without knocking - his attitude worried her, he seemed to be sad from being robbed of the opportunity to bring Nightmare Season tied up and beaten. They talked and her friend ordered a meal for the mare. Then, he laid down next to the awfully silent mare and whispered if she's okay. She sighed and laid her head on her cannons. "I'll live, I guess... I just hate the way they treat me - like an object, or your spoil maybe. But as long as they stay away and don't bother me, I should be fine." She looked up at the carriage.  "They stole all that, right? In your honour? Wildfire seems unhappy that you accepted the offer though. Better watch out."


A knock to the door - the food has arrived. Crystal eyed the contents if a ridiculously richly decorated plate and asked her companion quietly when they were alone again. "What's that? Seems I need a quick lecture on that culture of yours, especially the part that concerns me..."


The carriage gently shook as it started rolling - they were headed towards an unknown fate. Crystal just hoped they would find a way to escape and discourage any pursuits.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


When Crystal asked him if all this was stolen for his honor he looked around the room. "Some maybe, alot is probably left over from the last ruler of the nightmares. That was several centuries ago. Rather stolen for me or the past sultans, most is stolen in battle than actually made." He looked down at the food. Since we nightmares usually eat only dreams These dishes are for our wives, servants, or friends. As for nightmares, we occasionally eat like this for show." He pointed his hoof at different dishes. "Hummus. A dip you use with your bread there. Here is Tabouleh, is actually a good salad. The other salad here is Fattoush." Nightmare served her up a dish of the different foods before he served himself.


"You are very fortunate that they believed me when I told them you were mine. They are less friendly to slaves than your black armored captors. However, there are many things that are worrying me. The shear number that came to get me. Usually they only give the title of sultan to a true born. That is a nightmare that was born from a pony's nightmare and not from nightmare parents. And they surly do not gather like this." He looked over to Crystal as she explained to him that he was born that way. He simply face-hoofed. "Things are now far more complicated. So that uni...ah alicorn that time was the one who made me?"


Crystal tried the different food. She was not use to such, but it was not bad after all. When they had finished, nightmare gathered it all up and stacked it by the door for when they stop to rest. One would come by and take them away. He whispered to her after he was done with that chore. "I will talk with you tonight in your dreams about how we might survive this. Don't know if others are listening in." He nodded to her when she nodded. He then went back to his normal tone. "I will tell you all you need to know so you do not wind up dead or worse. Should we eat in front of others. You need to serve my food first before you do yours. After that the others will get their share. The dagger you have, never draw it unless it is to defend yourself or my name. Otherwise you can be killed. Your purpose is manly to have a pony to feed on their dreams and to keep me company. We typically have more than one because..." He trailed off. His expression turned grim as though he was feeling guilty about something he done. "If a nightmare feeds to much on a single pony's dream night after night.....Their mind breaks down." He shook that feeling off him when he noticed Crystal was worrying. "However, thankfully we have a supply of those roots. I know they taste awful, but they prevent that from happening."


The wagon they were in came to a gentle stop. Seems like they were stopping for a break. A few seconds latter a knock came at the door. A female voice called in saying they stopped for rest and to get water from a stream. "That is fine" Nightmare replied. He whispered to Crystal again. "I knew my family always told me I was born royalty, but I never believed them. My brother wants me so bad because for the nightmares that raised a true born are considered nobility. I always thought they were just faking it before." He sighed with that. Another knock saw a nightmare asked to come and clean up the plates.


After that one left he told Crystal. "Hope you like being a bird in a golden cage." Crystal knew he was trying to cheer her up, but mostly it seemed he was trying to cheer himself up after that memory he remembered. "Shall we stretch our legs? As long as you do not seem to try and flee. They will not bother you." He opened up his door and hoped down. Crystal followed and noticed what Nightmare had mentioned. There was a third wagon now and more nightmares. around twelve from the earlier six.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Spoils of countless raids.  Just as she thought. The notion that the previous owners of the items she wore may have died horribly was just what she needed...


She turned her attention to the food,  and her stomach agreed. It was different than up North, but tolerable enough. Still, she didn't like this culture Nightmare kept talking about.


The mare paused her meal to interject. "Actually, you are. Heaets-dream is your mother - you came to be from her nightmares. And please, don't dismiss my previous experiences, you have no idea how it was. And I sure don't want to make a story of it."


They ate in silence,  and Nightmare moved away the leftovers to the carriage doors.  He whispered to her as he came back, and she nodded. He explained done more customs and, much to Crystal's dismay,  she was considered food and entertainment, just personal. The part about the pony's mind breaking made her check the dagger. It was her only way out, if it came to the worst. A slave's last line of hope, a feeling all too familiar... "I see..." She petted the dagger and looked at nothing in particular, saddened at the full extent of her situation.


The carriage stopped, and she got worried by that until they were informed it was because of the stream that could replenish their water supply. Then another nightmare took the plates.  Her friend explained his brother's motivations. She felt even more disgust towards him.


The cheeky question got her riled up again. The mare exhaled deeply and said: "You're not asking this seriously are you? Silk or crystal choker, slavery is all the same. I hope you won't have an opportunity to see for yourself." The stallion offered a walk, and she agreed. "I need some things from my cart anyway, if it's not too much to ask..." She hopped out of the carriage right behind Nightmare.  The dress seemed to be doing fine, it didn't fold or restrict movement.  Although it was just not her style. Crystal Clear followed Nightmare around, always a step behind, to keep up the act.  She noticed their entourage seemed to double. How are they going to flee now? She tapped the dagger to make sure it's still there. Bad habit,  but she couldn't help it.


They were still in the forest, although the road has been cleared by fire to let the wagons through. How they managed to get this far unnoticed was a mystery. They sat by the stream, still within sight of the guards, but hopefully away from their ears. Crystal sighed and stared at the water. She remembered the hot spring,  and felt conflicted over whether she was in debt to the stallion, or this stunt was above and beyond what he did to her. Both arguments had valid grounds. She said, more to herself than him. "I don't want to die like this. Far from home, surrounded by monsters..."


Unless Nightmare had a plan,  this was the most logical outcome 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As they sat by the stream, Nightmare was looking around at the others walking about. These were no simple nightmares, each one had experience. Fleeing would be really hard. And there is tale of one more on the way. The one that got to Crystal. He let his eyes wonder back over to Crystal. Seeing her there in that dress fiddling with the water with a hoof made his heart jump again. "At least you can say one good thing." He told Crystal as she looked up at him. "You do look beautiful in that dress." Noticing her expression to him quickly got him to try and rephrase that and save himself. "Umm....I mean. Nightmares are good at silk dress weaving at least. The clothing are all done by nightmares." Oh he hoped that saved him.


"As for knowing what it feels like to be a slave...I may not know how that feels. But at least you were not treated like a monster your whole life. At least they kept you alive. They tried to kill me." he looked back to the others. "Also remember, We are not all monsters after all. We just mostly act how other ponies thinks we are. Some has tried to be friendly. Some has even tried to open up businesses to sell these fine cloths." He rubbed the seem of her dress.


He stood up and looked at himself in the water. He sighed with his reflection. "We are both birds in that golden cage at the moment. Oh, and if it will help settle your mind. I noticed how you reacted when I told you that most items of value were taken. In our history, we have never started a war. However, we finished quite a few of them. These are what was won. I know it is not much better, but I hope it helps some."


He turned to walk back to the wagon. "If you want to get in your cart. You can at any time. No pony will stop you unless you act like you will fight or flee." Nightmare said to her while he was walking back. She noticed then that a couple of the nightmares were keeping a watch on him from a distant and trying to hide it. Crystal turned back to look at herself in the water, and the gown she had on.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


She stared st the water and splashed it absentmindedly with a foreleg. It was pretty cold, even though it was Summer. Quite strange.


Her attention tuned to the stallion as he mentioned some "in good thing". When he said what it was, she gave him a stare as cold as the water. In plain Equestrian it meant "seriously?  That was just so low". His elaboration just made her look away. Saying it's good to be imprisoned because the dresses are pretty?  Seriously?


She was still pretty ticked when he continued talking. So now it's some contest over who had it worse? What next, asking to stay with him?  The part about not so evil nightmares intrigued her a bit though, but not enough to press the matter.


Nightmare stood up and Crystal looked why. He was looking at the water, and tried to ease her mind a bit with his words.  She shrugged. "Nothing we  can do about it. At least they washed off any blood... My previous captors didn't bother with that."


The stallion walked back to the carriage, informing her beforehoof that it's safe to access her cart. Only then did she notice that they were under observation, just as expected really. The mare stood up, stretched a bit and looked down at the water, seeing her reflection. She splashed it and walked to her cart, trying not to look scared, or that she's on to something. 


Crystal found her belongings untouched, although the one who pulled the cart was eyeing her in a disturbing manner. Deciding that they won't react well to a sight if her axe, she left it where it was, albeit with some regret. She took a grooming kit, her glow necklace, and a dream root, which she hid in the small pouch that contained her kit. The mare closed the cart and put a hoof on it, watching as light reflects off it's surface. She was getting homesick after just 2 days...


Eventually, Crystal Clear tore her eyes off her cart and walked back to the carriage. The doors were open  - it saved her the guesswork whether she should knock or not. She climbed inside and lied down in the spot she did earlier. Nightmare was also inside. "I took some basics, should make it a little bit easier to bear it all..." She showed him what she got,  including the root. The carriage gently lurched forward soon after, once another nightmare pony informed the stallion that they're ready to roll. Crystal tried to ease her mind by thoroughly brushing her coat and fixing her mane. It worked, but only till she opened her eyes. She let out a long sigh at the notion that she can't relax in these conditions,  and fiddled with her crystal necklace.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare looked up as Crystal entered to wagon. Showing him what she grabbed from her cart before the troop started to move again. He watched her as she groomed herself. She seemed so at peace when she was brushing her mane. When she finished and opened her eyes, her smile dropped again as she looked around. "I am sorry Crystal." He told her as she put away her things inside a small decorated box that was in the room. She looked back to him. "I am sorry for getting you trapped like this, and sorry for what I said back at the stream. Though I did mean it when I said you look lovely in that dress."


He got up and went over to her. He sat next to her and nuzzled her friendly. "You are so much braver than when I first met you." He picked up her glow crystal. "All started with the fading light." He went back to the pillow he was sitting on. "At least this time, you have the king on your side and not having to fight against him. I was afraid at that time that I would loose the fight with him. I was scared he would capture you again."


They traveled for the rest of the day and stopped close to the sun setting. The two could hear the nightmares setting up camp, but it seemed to take longer than Crystal usually takes or heard about it. Nightmare answered her question when she asked him about it. "Most nightmares are nomads, we basically live in tents and move around constantly. So in other words, this is a moving village. Did you notice what looked like a large tarp rolled up under the wagon? That will be out tent. It will be set up in the middle of the others and will be the biggest one."


Sure enough after a while, a female came by and asked to lead them to their tent. They both went. Crystal was somewhat amazed at how fast the nightmares set up a small village after walking all day like they did. As they entered their tent, Crystal noticed it was well decorated. Similar to the inside of the wagon. The bed inside was large, much larger than needed be. There was a section with several pillows arranged as a seating area. The floor was a large very detailed rug. It did not look like a tent she was use to, but looked more like a home. She even noticed an area that had a wash basin to wash up at. And a small portable toilet.


"Welcome to our other cage." Nightmare told her after she had time to take it all in. "We move like this to help cut down on attacks and wars that are started with us. Ponies can't attack a city if they don't know where it is." He went over to where the center pole was located, there was a few hooks on it. He took off his sword and hung it on one. "Your dagger will hang up here as well." He told Crystal as she walked around the tent. The space was bigger than her second floor back at her own home.


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare put away her travel grooming kit into a nearby box.  Her ears peeked up at Nightmare's apologies. He seemed really sorry for what heppenned, she could feel it. She looked at him, her features somewhat softer than previously.  He managed to dull her edge a bit. She chuckled at the last part.  "Don't take this wife thing too far okay? Or I'll kick your flank in my dream." She continued more seriously. "I don't think it's your fault really. The events caught us entirely off guard and if not for that trick, you know how it would go. Suffice to say you'd be on your own in this cage." She looked at the crystal necklace.  "I'm just pissed off at our predicament though. Apologies for snapping so much, but, you know. Can't help it."


She accepted the nuzzle, and the compliment. Even smiled for a moment. "I guess facing my greatest demon changed me, yeah... Still not sure if for better or worse though." The stallion's yet another line of wisdom made her roll her eyes, but she concentrated on the confession first. She propped her chin on a hoof and nodded. "Fears remind us of our limits, but also help us notice what us important to us. I was afraid of many things during our trip. Of you at first, of all the ways the North can kill a pony... The list goes on and if we did it again, I would still be afraid of most of those things. Somepony snarky told me that it's not about not being afraid - it's about doing your thing despite fear." Crystal smirked. "She had some more invaluable wisdom to share, but I'll tell you something mine." Now she looked at him seriously. "Power corrupts Nightmare.  I've seen it with my own eyes. Do not become what the ponies would expect of the king of your kind..."


Silence fell as she delivered her warning. Both ponies thinking of the future, and what it has in store for them. The mare was pretty tired of the stress and boredom by the time the wagons stopped again.  It was nearly sunset, but she didn't sleep for a second. Crystal heard the hustle and bustle of setting up camp and got up on her hooves, expecting to be "asked" to move someplace else. She stretched and yawned, but the noises just kept coming.  She looked at Nightmare questioningly: "Why it takes them so long?" She listened to the reply and scratched her ear. "Hmm, alright then.  As long as I don't have to sleep on a rug outside that is."


It took some time, but they were asked to move to the tent eventually. Crystal took her things with her and walked on three legs, keeping the kit close to her chest.


Okay,  she had to give it to those nightmares, they sure built a whole village in a short amount of time,  although having horns must've made it easier than do it all by hoof. She followed inside the big tent and had a look around. She noticed the huge bed, but just one. A sitting area and a semblance of a bathroom, among other features. Everything was richly decorated and no doubt expensive. Last thing she saw was her cart, hidden under an enormous sheet of red cloth. The mare breathed out in relief - she had all her belongings within reach, aside from the armour she wasn't allowed to wear anyway. She took off the cover off her cart and took solace in the sight of crystal among all these alien things. Nightmare gave her a small lecture on the lifestyle if his kin.


She nodded and hung the dagger where he told her. "Is this some sort of ritual? To lay off your arms when at home? Kinda makes sense..." Crystal then looked at the washbasin and thought for a moment. "So, about this bond we are supposed to share. I can't put my hoof at how much a slave,  and how much a wife a pony in my place would be. Or how would they enter such relationship willingly for that matter..."


It was hard to miss how she put her words so that she wasn't referring to herself, but some theoretical pony in her stead.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare thought of how best to answer her to not make it sound horrible. When he came up with the best answer he could he gave it to her. "So basically what it is. You know that we need to feed on dreams for food. There is also a few other reasons for that. One, dream energy gives us energy to use our unique magic. So the more you feed the stronger one is. Hint why they take on many wives. As in for other ponies being ours, We can give them something in return. Another reason we feed off dreams instead of trying to stop and just eat regular food all the time. As long as we get energy from dreams, we are immortal. We can still die from wounds and such, but we stop ageing as an adult. As long as we feed we stay that age. So for those ponies willing to be ours as a wife and food, We can give them that as well. We trade energy and they become young for a long time as well. When I said you were mine by right. That was saying I shared energy with you and you will live long as well. So many ponies want a long life. They live like royalty and live long and the only payment is nightmares when we feed off them. We also have several wives for another reason. If we feed on just one pony's dream every night, they will eventually loose their mind." Nightmare looked sad again for mentioning that.


He walked over to the cushions and sat down. "I caused such once. A good friend I made after I left my parents. Brutus. Noticed how he was kind of off? Thankfully their minds can heal up after a long time without being fed on. That is why he said I owed him one. Now there are ranks to wives as well. The main wife is the one that is responsible to try for children with their husband. That is usually the first wife." He gave her an apologetic smile about that bit of news. "It can change to the husbands favorite. The rest of the wives are there to feed on dreams and to support their husband. Like act as messengers from time to time. Those that displease their husbands are the ones that get fed from the most, and on occasions they are loaned out to another as a favor. That is the worst part."


"Another reason for the multiple wives. Nightmares are rare, females have a hard time of conceiving a child of their own. And as you might have figured by now, True born nightmares are even rarer. That is why those born that way are instant sultans. The main wife is usually a nightmare as well. That way they can try and give birth to a pure blooded nightmare. Nightmares can mate with other ponies with a greater chance of children, but that is about a fifty fifty chance of giving birth to a nightmare. You can tell the difference between a pure blood and a half blood by their horns. Pure bloods and true borns have a longer horn than the half bloods. Those born not as a nightmare typically becomes our guards and soldiers. Because nightmares can't afford to have to many die in battles."


Nightmare and Crystal heard a commotion outside that stopped his wife explaining thing for a moment. Crystal asked him what that was, he replied. "The evening matches. Before we head out to watch another one of our customs, I will tell you on how much a slave you are. Since you are my first wife, you are basically a princess. Not in terms of your country's way of rulers where alicorns leads you ponies and are called princesses. In our culture we are ruled by a Sultan. If there is not one at the time like the past oh......two thousand years. The clans are lead by the highest royalty or purest blood line. You might call me the king. Now kings usually have a wife that is called a queen, but in our culture the females can't hold a position of power. Mostly due to the fact we do not want them targeted by assassins. We need to keep our females alive the best we can. In fact only pure blooded females are allowed to join the guards. But not allowed in wars. So you will not be able to actually give orders like I can, unless I send you with a scroll that says you are speaking on my behalf. But you basically have free reign after that point. No nightmare can tell you no unless it is to protect you from doing something stupid or trying to run away. Oh and no pony can even touch you without my permission. So you are free other than the fact you are now royalty and have royal duties, which is also a form of slavery. They can give you advice to help you, but they can't actually tell you what to do, unless of course it is the safety or running away bit as before. Nightmare wives are treated better than a different kind of pony wife. So they don't have to pretend to like you like they would have to if you were a nightmare instead. Though they still have to treat you with respect. You are basically of higher rank than them unless you displease me. Wives that has displeased their husbands are treated like a typical slave. Except if you are a nightmare then you are treated like a normal citizen." He got up to lead her to the tent entrance. "Oh, and before you give me that look. I do not intend to pretend to try and mate with you, so don't worry about those awkward appearances." He opened up the flap of the tent for her to exit.


Nightmare Season led her to the edge of the village where they saw what looked like a mock battle. Nightmares were pared off on one on one duels. They were using wooden swords and shields. "This is the evening matches. Nightmare ponies pair off at random to dual. Now you can see why I am so good. Those that participate in these are the singles that are not married. The losers will be the ones that the winner will feed on in the night. We typically avoid doing what my family did and enter town to feed on random ponies. Only single family groups tend to do that. The losers of the matches will have to eat regular food tonight for a little bit of energy. Though being the winner is better since dreams are far more beneficial for us. So as you can see, we are not really monsters. We are just trying to survive. And I hope I do not sound like I am giving you propaganda for you to start liking us. Though I wish we could try and make peace with other ponies."


He looked around at all the nightmares. These matches usually pulls all the ponies together in one spot. He whispered to Crystal since it was very noisy out and no chance of being over heard "I am noticing that each one here is a pure blood. Each one has a long horn like mine. They really made sure that I came back one way or another. That is bad for us trying to escape. They are usually better trained than the half blood nightmares. We will discuss our options tonight in your dreams." He gave her a friendly nuzzle, this time she felt as though it was done for watching eyes on them.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear sat down where she stood. Seems Nightmare Season was going to give her a lecture. The mare listened intently, without interrupting. It was a lot of information, and awful lot of nouances to rememeber. As she followed his narration, her picture of nightmare pony culture tried it's best to adjust - she only saw a family raiding villages and living in caves, and now he said they had a whole culture and unified leadership. Still, she did her best to keep up with the flow of information. She sat and listened intently, looking at him with focus. She didn't really react to the aplogetic smiles and other cues - they flew over her busy head.


Sudden cacophony of noises, a commotion outside. She caught herself trying to reach the axe, and sighed. The instinct was just so strong. The mare looked at her companion, who seemed completely unmoved by the sudden noise. "What's that... noise outside? Sounds almost like a fight." She walked over to the nearest proper sitting place, brushing her cart with a hoof. There she listened to the rest of his lecture.


Nightmare Season finished his lengthly explanation and rose up to his hooves. Crystal Clear was patting her chin, digesting what he told her. Only when he opened the tent flap and sent her reassurance about the mating part of the arrangement, did she look up and notice they were leaving. "Oh, sorry, got a bit tangled in all those news... Gues I'll need some time to really take it all in." She got off the cushion and smoothed her dress, then joined her companion for a walk. Now that she knew how she was viewed by the rest of nightmares, she felt more sure of herself, and less afraid around them. Crystal followed Nightmare to the edge of the temporary village, where she saw nightmares having duels. She listened to some more explanations, and nodded that she understood. Between the clash of wooden arms, cheers and yelling it was pointless to say anything aloud, even if she would gladly make aa remark that she thought single ponies had it hard, until tonight. She noticed the stallion leaning and lend her ear to listen to him saying quietly, then accepted the nuzzle. She returned it, although after a slight delay - the mare decided it was a show of how close they supposedly were and made her move just as she figured it out. All those sounds of fighting, and the presence of so many agitated nightmares made her uncomfortable, and Crystal intuitively wrapped her foreleg around her companion's, and stepped close enough for their sides to touch. Nightmare saved their image by pulling a foreleg over her neck in a hug, and for once, the mare didn't object. it made her feel safer, after all.


They stood there, in a not-really-romantic hug, with occasional nuzzles and such safe shows of intimacy. As the last duel, especially long and vicious, ended, the crowd cheered for the victor. Crystal motioned Nightmare to lend an ear, and said to him: "Who's that one? He fights like a beast! Makes me feel even more sorry for the one who lost though... Are there any prizes for the best fight?" - Now that she wasn't scared for her life and dignity, the curiosity slowly took over.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


When he felt her grab onto his leg. He wrapped a leg around her to try and put her at ease. They watch the fighters. The last pair was the most magnificent fight of the night. Every pony that lost to their partner in the dual went over to grab some food. The victors stayed and cheered with each other victor. "Sadly I do not know any of them except for Wildfire. I rarely ever went with my family to the camps of other nightmares. But ya, he was a good fighter. Maybe as good as me."


The other nightmares started their own party after the ones ate their meals. Some even broke out dancing to the strange music Crystal never heard before. At one point a pony brought them each a drink. "It is called Jellab. We are kind of alcohol free culture. But this is still quite tasty." He offered her the cup to try. The partying went on for an hour at most. Half way through it a female nightmare asked him if he wish for her to prepare their sleeping gowns. He simply nodded to her.


As the party was dying down Nightmare stood up and walked Crystal back to their tents. "They were celebrating the fact that a new true born had been found. I figured they all had their doubt up till today that I was real." He led her inside. There on the bed nicely folded was two gowns for the two. Nightmare motioned for her to grab the smaller one. As the two changed into their sleepwear, Nightmare noticed Crystal when she finished. He managed to prevent himself from blushing. There she stood in a cute silver silk gown. He felt as though it was to late for him. He had fallen in love with her. But he must not let on.


"Once again you take my breath away." He said to her as he walked up to her. "Think you can survive this for a few more days?" He asked her as he looked at their bed that was made. "Oh and one more thing. Don't jump on the bed, silk sleeping gowns on silk sheets.....You will find yourself sliding across it. I take half and you the other half?"


When all had settled down outside and only the crackling of the fires around was heard. Crystal ate the root she grabbed and went to sleep. Nightmare Season joined her shortly after that. He knew he was going to get an ear full and maybe a few kicks. But he was ready for that. He looked for her inside her dream till he found her.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


She shrugged as Nightmare replied to her inquiries. "He's good alright, but as good as you? I'm not sold on the idea. It takes a strong heart to kill a yeti, or you know who for that matter." They stayed around, since the duels turned into a sort of party. The music was... strange, but not as headache inducing as whatever they listened to in Equestria these days. Maybe she would learn to even appreciate it with time...


Crystal Clear shook her head as soon as she noticed she thought that way. She won't stay with them forever, just do her thing and pack back home for Heart's sake! The mare thought about sand, heat, and mosquitoes - all the things she hated and would be in spades down South. That helped settle her mindset on the right tracks again. She was just taking a ride to the first station, nothing more.


The pair kept to themselves during the party, mainly because they didn't want any more attention on them. Thankfully nightmare ponies gave the True Born enough personal space. They were laying next to each other on a nice rug when, at some time, a nightmare pony brought them a drink - two cups, so that was nice they didn't just pretend the mare wasn't there. She took the cup in her hooves and gave it a look over. Another decent item, made of some grey-silver metal. Tin, maybe? She wasn't so savvy about metals to tell. Still, it looked nice. She took a sip with some caucion, but nodded to the stallion. "Not as good as my poison of choice, but could do in a pinch. If my drunk dreams are any indication, then I see why you lot don't drink..." She smirked and sipped some more, like a proud crystal pony she was. The rest of the party went rather uneventful, at least for the crystal mare. She raised an eyebrow at one point when Nightmare was asked about night gowns for them. Some other weird tradition? She didn't ask, everything would be clear once they were back in their tent.


Crystal sure was glad when the party was over - she was close to dozing off, nevermind the noise. She got up on her hooves and swayed a bit, but managed to muster enough willpower to keep herself awake and keep her head high. Nightmare gave her some more insight on the reason to party. She nodded and yawned. "Considering what you told me earlier, I can't blame them. All the more reason to have a little party to end the day." She walked inside and noticed two silver lines on the humongous bed. As she walked closer, Nightmare pointed her the shorter one and the mare was relieved to notice these were just normal sleeping gowns. Well, except made from silver silk and worth like, half her house or so. She put it on and noticed that his time, it fit alright. Maybe that tailor mare made adjustments? No matter. Crystal Clear looked at her foreleg to see how her coat composed with the gown - it had long sleeves. Not as well as gold, but could do. Her companion's comment made her look up at him. The mare smiled politely. "Thanks, I appreciate that you're trying to make me feel better. Although there's no need for such flattery, really. You look good too. Gold and silver pair well with black." She put a hoof to her chin and looked thoughtfully after Nightmare asked whether she'll manage to survive this for sometime more. "Hmm... I think I can, but I'll need some more lecturing on nightmare pony customs, so I won't get myself in trouble because of my ignorance. That, and it would be nice if we kept together whenever possible. I'm still jumpy around your kin." The mare shook her head slightly as she unwrapped the lace on her ponytail. "Jump? I feel like crawling onto it would be the best I can do... Half is more than enough, They really thought you'd sleep under a layer of mares or something..." She walked towards her grooming kit that was left on one of the sitting cushions, and fished out a root. Her grimace told volumes. "Guhh, maybe ask them for a bottle of... whatever before sleep? Just to was down that taste, uhhhh!"


Crystal dropped like a brick in the bed and fell asleep in an instant - the day was one long parade of stress for her. Good thing she didn't snore.


She noticed she was dreaming. Maybe because she was expecting to have a visitor - it would explain why she didn't notice the other nightmare pony. Crystal Clear found herself in the land South, somewhere in the desert. To her side was a lone tent, and the sun was bearing down on her with all of it's power. She looked down and felt the sand under her hooves. "I hate sand." She said to herself and closed her eyes. The landscape slowly changed into a more familiar one - a smooth layer of ice blue ctystal, in every direction. Day turned into a gentle evening, with enough light to see, but dim enough not to cause glare from the crystal. She opened her eyes and saw a familliar figure in the distance - she waved and trotted to meet Nightmare.


"Sorry for the sudden change, but I needed some familliarity. Speaking of which..." She was standing about ten steps from him when she finished that line, and put a hoof to her chin, as she used to. All around the nightmare pony, black crystals broke from under the floor and made a tight cage around him. Crystal cocked her head slightly to the side, and smiled gently. "I'm sorry for that, but before we proceed, I need to be sure who I'm speaking with. I'm sure you understand, right? So, a little test and we'll get to business. If you're really Nightmare Season, you know what these crystals mean to me, and when they popped up in my dreams in the past. The test is - get out of the cage, Daymare." She raised her eyebrow in anticipation, as the black crystals slowly sprouted thorns oozing with what looked like blood.


She observed the pony in the cage, keeping tabs on the thorns, so they won't hurt him, but provide some extra motivation. Or finish him off, if he failed the test. The mare allowed herself a wider smile as the pony before her concentrated and the black crystals slowly dissolved, and finally shattered, fully drained of the dream energy they contained. "Good, now we can talk. Apologies for that, but you once told me that you can access my memories, so a password wouldn't work. But only you would have the skill to target only the bad part of the dream and feed off it." A pair of couches, in the distinct Crystal Empire style, appeared at their sides. The mare hopped on the one to her right and laid down comfortably. "Feels almost like home... what? you expected me to yell at you for the whole night? I mean, if you'd like to, sure, but only once we get the important part done. Lay out your plan." She seemed calm and collected, not a red fury as could've been expected.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare was taken in shock with his new black crystal cage with blood tipped spines. With her little test laid out before him, he easily passed it and broke free. After Crystal got her familiar comforts to appear and sat down did he started to talk. "Well by the looks of that cage I would say you are mad at me. But it was a great idea actually. However, a nightmare would actually remain out of site so stuff like that would not happen. And besides, your dreams are off limits to everyone but me." He sat down on his couch she had imagined for him. "However to be honest I figured I would be yelled at yes. Or kicked a few times for the mentioning on the role of the first wife."


He gave her a sheepish smile as she stared at him. "Rrrrright....the plan." He moved about uncomfortably as her gaze pierced him. "I was shocked by the sear number of how many came for me. And not just that, you saw their skills in fighting. They sent the best it seems. If we would have resisted at first. You would have been killed and I would have been tied up now. The first six I could probably have handled only three of them. So I do not imagine you could have gotten the other three. I hate to say this, especially with your past, but we need to just go with it for now. Now there are twelve. That is a whole troop, and we are still waiting on that one scout that went up North and placed that mark in your dreams."


He looked around at the vast empty crystal floor. He then looked back to her. "I will keep my mind and eyes open for what can be done. Though I fear fighting at this point is futile. The yeti was one thing. He only had his limbs to fight with, and only one of them. Now the other guy....I admit. He was trouble. But there is no way I can fight off more than three of these nightmares we are in the company of. My flames don't work as well on them as with our past foes."


"I do know one thing. Your friend Evening Song will kill me by the time I get back with you." He thought for a bit. "I fear with what I am seeing at this point is we head all the way back. There they will let their guard down some. If only I managed to replace my tarot cards. They would give some slight clues. If it comes down to it. After I am tested to be a true born nightmare and properly crowned. I can then give a royal order to have you returned to your home. I do not want to see you get hurt. I almost died for you once. I am not in the mood to see you try the same."


He hopped up and went over to sit next to her. "Might you have any ideas?"

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare listened, keeping her eyes on him in a bit piercing manner through all his monologue, without a single interruption.  If he thought she was mad at him, then some dead air wouldn't hurt. She spoke only after he switched couches, and with a sly smile. "If you really want to, we can get to the kicking part later, but let's get things straight - I would strangle you with my bare hooves in the morning, yes, and I'm not really sold on the idea of seeing your homeland. Excuse me for that but sand and heat are just so no. Fortunately for you, I have cooled down since." She held a hoof in the air to make a point and made a serious face. "But. If we make a run for it, at any time really, they'll find and kill me anyway, and then find you too. I'd rather stay alive,  you know. So that leaves one option - we keep up the appearances at least until you are crowned. Then we'll decide what to do." She noticed that Nightmare seemed to have mixed feelings about the plan, so she continued. "We both know it's the only way to get out of this alive. Besides, think of the big picture - you are a Daymare for Heart's sake! The way I see it, you should become their king and try to show them another way. Maybe your rule will make a change. You said yourself that nightmare ponies aren't evil because it's fun. Not all of them at least. Maybe one day a nightmare pony will open a silk shop in my city, and thanks to you. Think about it."


She gave him a moment to process what she said. "By the way, I'm not super happy with the role I got in our mascarade, but as long as you don't push it, I'll be fine. I was really pissed off at first, but the more you explain,  the better I understand how things work in your society.  I'll try to stay in the background,  away from other nightmares at least until I stop reaching for something heavy the moment I see one.  If they ask what's wrong with me,  just tell the truth, that you haven't told me the ways of your kin and we lived more like ponies up North." She shrugged. "So we have a plan?"

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He listened to her and what she had to offer. He knew she did not want to go to his homeland. It was the complete opposite of what she lived in and loved. He nodded to her, "I guess that is the plan for the time being. Sorry again for dragging you along. And sorry about your role in it. It was the only thing I could think of to keep you safe. I will try and teach you some of our fun things to try an lessen the blow of the culture shock." He got up and stretched his legs out. "Think I can get a few more bad dreams from you before I go to bed myself?"


They spent some more time with each other in her dreams and then when he was satisfied with his meal he waved a good bye to her till morning. "Thank you again Crystal. I will try and tell you everything you need to know before we get there. Though the trip will be about three months." He really ran for it this time when Crystal finally heard the time length. When he came back out of her dream he looked down at her. Her sleeping there in that gown and the red silk sheets around her played with his emotions.


He retched down and whispered in her ear. "Darn you, why do you have to look so beautiful and make me fall in love with you." He kissed her on her forehead. He needed time to himself, and so decided to go out and walk around.  The cool air could help him to clear his head. He needed to only pretend they were an item and not actually is one. As he walked around the camp, the few night watch ponies kept him in sight.


He was soon accompanied by his brother as he sat next to the stream they camped beside. "You know Nightmare Season. I am glad you decided to come back willingly. I did not want to loose to many good warriors to get you subdued." Nightmare looked back as he walked up to him. "I can tell by who all you brought. You meant business, one way or another." He replied.


Wildfire sat down next to him. "Though I was hoping to actually tie you up and hauled you back too." Wildfire said jokingly. "You can always still try you know." Nightmare gave him a look that said if you dare.


"You kidding me? I do value my life after all. And I have no idea if you became stronger or weaker since the last I saw you." Nightmare thought a bit before he replied. "Well, I fought off a giant snow beast. Stopped the resurrection of an evil shadow unicorn that wanted to rule over the entire world. I survived her punishment she directed at me. To be honest the last one was my greatest challenge." He looked up to the shinning moon. "How is sis doing?"


"Hmm.. she became an Oracle. You were right about her being able to see into the future. Saved us once when a war was threatening. Mom and Dad are still the same. Only see you has the means they can become nobles." Nightmare shook his head. "Did my discovery of the roots ever get known?", "Sorry brother, Dad destroyed that tree. Took him a few years to find it first."


Wildfire looked back to the tents. "Tell me, is she yours actually? Or was that just a means to keep her safe?" Wildfire asked Nightmare "Why choose her anyways?"


Nightmare only could say one thing to answer that question. "I did fall in love with her."


When the two was done talking, Nightmare went back to his tent. There he saw Crystal all fanned out from tossing in her sleep. At least she looked like she was having a good dream. He went over to her and snuggled up to her. "This is your fault you know." He then fell asleep next to her.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare looked up at him as he stood up from the couch. "Would you please stop apologising? I know you're sorry and all that, and I guess I forgive you. Keep to the plan and it should be fine for now.  As for the bad dreams..." The scenery around them changed again. Their immediate surroundings became a crystal platou in the middle of a desert. She smirked "I guess that's enough energy, right?"


They spent some more time tigether, but nothing of importance happened.  When Nightmare had his fill for the night, he came back to the mare to say goodbye. He was gone before she could reply however, and for good reason.  Crystal stood frozen in place, jaw dropped, eye slightly twitching from the mixture of shock and fury. "Three... Bucking... M-months..."


She woke up and felt pressure on her body.  With some struggle, she freed a foreleg and rubbed her eyes open. 'Bucking liar..." She murmured to herself when she looked around - Nightmare snuggled to her like she was a plushie, and on her side of the bed too.  Although, come to think of it,  it felt rather good...


Crystal Clear squirmed from under the four legged hug and somehow didn't wake her pretend husband, and sat on the edge of the bed. Three Months.  It sounded like a jail sentence.  They needed to have a talk. For now,  the mare took off the silk nightgown and pulled her mane back,  away from her eyes. The decision to skip supper was a bad one, if her stomach was any indication. Crystal stretched and decided to raid their supplies - they weren't escaping anyway. She ate a large breakfast from the foodstuffs that were stashed in her cart, and thought about her options.


Since,  apparently, they needed to call some pony to bring the water for the washbasin, a bath was not am option. She lied down in a nice spot and brushed any dirt from her coat. By the time Nightmare woke up, she still needed to fix her bed mane, but was nearly finished with brushing.


"Any more heart stopping news you forgot to share?' She gave him a look as the stallion stirred up from his slumber. 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare woke up when Crystal started to free herself from his embrace. He thought it best to pretend he was still asleep, Just for a little wile longer. When he felt it was long enough he stirred and acted like he woke up. He answered Crystal's question before he got in trouble for last night. "I think I gave you all the worst news already." He stretched and got up.


He walked over to the entrance and opened up the flaps. Almost like clockwork a stallion came in and filled the wash basin with hot water. The female from yesterday that did Crystal's dress came in, made the bed and laid down a selection of outfits and dresses. By the look of it, all the dresses for her they had now has been properly tailored to her side. Before she left, she asked Crystal if she needed help with brushing her mane and putting it up. Crystal just responded with shaking her head. When the two were alone one more Nightmare walked over to where the bed was and looked at the options.


"Nice to see they work fast on getting your dresses finished." He selected one that was laid out for him. He then went over and washed his face a bit and dried it off. After he finished getting dressed, he went over to where Crystal was finishing up her brushing. "I hope you are not to angry with how long it will take. I will see if I can have them head to a few locations I know so you can get a letter sent to your friend and a stop where I know of a dream root tree grows."


He left her inside to select her own dress this time and wash up if she wanted to. He was off to see if he could find something. The rest of the camp was already starting to pack up the wagons and strike the tents to put away. A lifetime of doing this, they were very efficient at it. By the time he found what he was looking for and came back out of their wagon, Crystal had finished getting dresses and came out looking for him. There she was in the early morning light in that beautiful dress that was practically glowing in the early morning light. He felt has if his own heart had dropped. Why was his weakness a nice mare in a dress? He shook his head to try and get that image out of his head before she noticed him.


Nightmare went over to her to show her what he had found. "As promised, I will show you one of our fun things we play. This is called Senet. It is a two pony game. After we start on the road once more, I will teach you how to play if you like." The getting back on the road part was much quicker than Crystal thought it would be. The nightmares had camp packed away faster than she thought possible. And to make things more amazing, it looked as if a camp was never there to begin with. They had removed every hint of a camp being there.


Nightmare helped her up into the wagon which soon had departed and was on the move once again. He laid out the game for her and described how it was played.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The red mare kept him pinned under her gaze as Nightmare got up and walked to the tent flap. The sudden appearance of nightmares gave her pause but she soon realised they acted like servants,  and relaxed. Apparently today she could choose what to wear, so it wasn't so bad. The mare even asked if she needed help with her mane. Crystal Clear gently shook her head, since she was a bit speechless at the sudden offer.


"I once saw a unicorn who made a ball gown in ten minutes, from uncut rolls of fabric. Magic speeds things up. " She offered some insight on speedy dressmaking and continued her brushing, and later, manestyling as Nightmare got himself ready.


The mention of the long trip upset her already fragile inner balance again, and the mare looked up at the stallion - "I have to send a letter back home. They can read it if they want, I'm not going to elaborate on anything. Just say that I'll be away for over 3 months and probably unable to send any more letters. Although I would prefer to check in from time to time.  We also need to keep a hoof on our root supplies, for obvious reasons..."


Nightmare Season went outside the tent, and Crystal Clear finished her morning routine. She had a hard time deciding on what to wear though...


Crystal Clear walked outside the tent, still a bit jumpy and uncertain of herself once in the open. She was wearing a gown of gold silk, similar to the one from yesterday but longer at the back.  The mare needed to tie her tail in half to make a tailbun in order to pull off the look, which in turn left her without lace for her mane, but in her book, it was worth it. She let her mane flow freely with just a hint of styling, while white silk socks paired with ankle high hoofboots finished the look. She reckoned that since she can't fight them, she'll make them jealous instead.


She looked around and noticed the camp was nearly packed, and that Nightmare Season was walking back with some box. She gave him a nice smile and nodded.  "A board game? Sure, why not. I need something to do on the road, the boredom is tiring me more than anything."


The red mare found it amazing how fast the nightmares packed the caravan and got back on the road. The most interesting part was how they covered any evidence if ever camping in that spot.


So, once the carriage was back on the road, the pair of ponies tried their hoof at Senet. Crystal Clear has some problems with picking up the small pieces without upsetting the others nearby, so they decided that she'd tell her move,  and he levitate the piece. Nightmare Season won the most times,  but Crystal Clear managed to score dome honorary victories. When they both decided to take a break, Crystal got up and took a walk across their golden cage to get the blood flowing. "We really need some more things to do in here... You know, either I'm losing the last shreds of sanity, *snort and small laughter*, or I'm actually starting to like this arrangement." She held a hoof to silence him and let her finish as she laid down on a cushion. "Before you ask me to stay with you or something like that, I still hate sand and heat. So unless you can make me feel like back home, I'm going back as soon as our business is over.  Although it would be nice if you set up a mail adress I could write to. So what I meant is that,  if you look at it from a different angle,  I'm basically on holidays. Sure there are some not so great aspects, but all in all, it's not that bad you know." She brushed some loose hair off her face. "Like the lack of activities while travelling. I have to keep myself occupied or else."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


His heart almost went flying out of his chest as she mentioned him asking her to stay with him. If only he could make her feel at home. A part of him wanted her to stay with him now, the other did not want to tie her down. But he quickly gained control of his feelings and thought for a bit. "When next we stop, I will look around and see if any pony has a game called Mehen. As for getting your own mailing address, your wish is mine to command. So I suggest you get that letter started. I will see what I can do when we stop next." He went over to the shelving space that had several items on it. He looked around till he found her parchment, ink and quill. He brought them back to her. She smiled to him and began writing.


A few minutes after she finished her letter, the wagon had stopped. A voice told them it was break time next to a lake. "I will go look into those two things, You should go stretch your legs." He exited the wagon. As Crystal departed she noticed the mare that tailored her dresses brought them a meal and placed it neatly inside of their wagon. Nightmare was over at a different wagon talking to a stallion inside. Crystal however was more interested in the lake. It was on the edge of a forest that mirrored in the water.


As she was standing by the lake, she heard some pony walk up to her. As she turned around she saw Nightmare walk up to her with a kind of board made from a stone and pieces. On his back was a phoenix. She asked what the bird was for. "Well you know we are not to well liked, so postal service is kind of out of the question. We instead use these guys. Phoenixes are originally from our lands and they spread out across the world. This young one is interested in becoming your postal bird." As he said that the bird flew up and landed on her back. She looked at her as if looking her over. With a friendly squawk she nodded. "Seems she likes you. Phoenixes are very intelligent. If you give her a direction and a description of what building to look for, she will find it and deliver a letter for you. Since they are a magical bird. They can fly to anywhere in the world faster than any other postal services.


Nightmare walked up to her side. "No pony here is allowed to look at any of your letters. And one more thing, he reveled a small elongated seal he had hidden. The postal stallion figured you would want to send a letter sooner or latter. So he made you your own seal." As Crystal looked at it, the seal imprint was that of her cutiemark. "He worked on it yesterday and this morning. Wax you can find in our wagon. That is all you need to send and receive mail. Crystal actually was so happy about that, she crystallized and gave Nightmare a hug. The young Phoenix on her back also squawked with joy at her happiness.


Nightmare stayed there at the lake as Crystal ran back to the wagon to get her letter and seal it with her new seal. She also looked for a map of the region so she could show the phoenix exactly where to go. Wildfire came up to him as he also saw Crystal run off in her shinny coat. "Now I see why you chose her. She is a treasure far greater than anything I have ever seen." Nightmare shook his head at that. "I chose her because of who she is, not what she is." He went back to the wagon to watch Crystal send off her first air postal via phoenix.


As he got to the wagon, Crystal was outside sending the phoenix off to deliver her letter. "Looks like you made an impression on everypony here. None has seen a crystal pony before. Now they view you in a new light." He told her as he walked up beside her. At that moment she realized she crystallized in front of everypony there. He reached down to nuzzle her to tell her it will be alright. "One good news for you. Tomorrow we will be passing by a town, you can go in and shop and get stuff to help keep you occupied for our long trip. Think it is called Dodge City. We will by pass it at a good distance, but if you want to walk a good ways to it. You can do so." Crystal gave him another hug as thanks for yet another good news. One last chance to buy stuff before they leave Equestria.


After everypony was rested up and Nightmare Season gave the caravan drivers the plan for the following day. They all set out once more headed South to unknown lands. They ate their meal that had been brought to them during their break, after that Nightmare started to teach Crystal how to play Mehen. "Might there be anything you want to do tonight after we set up the tents?" He asked her after a few games."

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare looked at him curiously. "Another board game? Hmm, why not actually." She observed as the stallion got up and rummaged through the shelves in search for something. Soon after, Crystal Clear had all the writing necessities before her. She smiled genuinely and nodded. "Thanks! I'll get to writing then." She unrolled the parchment and started penning the letter, mindful not to mention too much. Crystal wrote to Evening Song, on her home adress, saying the usual "I'm okay" and mentioning she's going to Nightmare's homeland to help him with something. And that it may take, at the very least, four to six minths. Then she gave her friend permission to access her savings and promised to write if she manages to find a working post office. Crystal proofread the letter and rolled the parchment, then got up and put the writing supplies where they were found. She got back to her seat and said to herself thoughtfully. "I just hope she'll set up her business before the savings run out..."


The memory of those who she left behind weighted heavily on the mare's concience, but she kept telling herself that she can't do anything more. Soon after, the carriage stopped and they were informed that they will be taking a break by the lake. Nightmare went outside to take care of what he promised and proposed her to stretch her legs. Crystal Clear just nodded, but decided to push herself out of the seclusion of their carriage anyway.


She walked outside and looked around. The view was soothing, and she approached the mirror like lake. Crystal saw as the same nightmare mare used the opportunity to bring them a meal. She thought for a moment about trying to talk to one of the few females around, but decided to ask Nightmare first who she was. Speaking of which, he stood by a different wagon and had a word with somepony inside. She turned away from the caravan and focused on the lake, and the forest that grew beside it. Not as beautiful as the nature up Notrh, but Nature is Nature, and she settled for that. The mare stood near the edge of the lake, daydreaming, when Nightmare Season approached from behind. She looked back and saw him carrying a board game, and a phoenix at his back. She gave him a puzzled look. "Okay, so you found the board game but... why the bird? Waaaait, is that a real Phoenix? What for?"


Crystal Clear looked in amazement as the majestic bird took flight and landed on her back. She couldn't say anything at first, just stared at the bird which, in turn, seemed to accept her. She found a tongue in her mouth only once Nightmare diverted her attention to a seal he brought. She took it in her hoof and looked over - it was made of wood, but something told her it wasn't some ordinary wood. Desert nation plus her high standing would mean it was expensive. The seal itself was etched with precision and detail, and for a moment she thought of just how long did that stallion stare at her flank, but dropped the case in favour of some more pleasant thoughts.


The red mare looked once more at the Phoenix, and the bird nodded at her. So she lived more or less like a princess, with fine clothes she wouldn't afford in a lifetime and high status she couldn't obtain in any way up North, and now she had her own seal, and a Phoenix to carry her mail?! How cool is that?! A familiar feeling cascaded through her body. She didn't have to look, she knew she was shining. "Thank you!" - the mare hugged Nightmare's neck out of nowhere and pulled him down to her height. The bird seemed to agree with this course of action. She let go of her vice grip and trotted back to the carriage to get the letter sealed and sent. After a couple minutes she was back outside, the Phoenix was holding the parchment in one claw, and she already explained to the bird how to find the correct adress, and where she thought the bird could find them on the way back, with the aid of a map she found. The mare observed as the majestic bird took off and flied North, just as if she flied that way countless times already.


Nightmare appeared beside her out of nowhere as she stared at the moving dot at the sky. The mare smirked and replied with confidence. "They can count themselves lucky then. Few ponies saw a crystallised crystal pony outside the Empire. We get homesick when away..." He told her about the town she could visit tomorrow. She nodded and gave him a hug. "Thanks, I'll give it some thought and tell you if I'd like to visit."


They were on the road again, this time trying their hoof at mehen. This time it was a little bit easier for her to move the pieces, but the fun was more important than scores. Somehow she keeped her good spirits, and the shiny coat. At some point, Nightmare asked her if she had any wishes for the evening. the mare paused to think, patting her chin as usual. "Hmmmmm... I don't know really. Back home, I used to relax with a book or by some music after a day of honest work, but I draw blanks as of what I could do now. Maybe we could try and get to know somepony? Like that mare that makes my dresses and brings us meals. I guess some casual sparring to keep us in shape is out of the question, but maybe there is something that I could do to to stay active, other than running circles around the camp that is." She noticed his raised eyebrow. "What?" After being lazy like that for months, I won't lift a chisel to earn my bits back home. I need some excercise or I'll be soft like a plush toy. Although I guess that would be okay with you, judging from the way I woke up today." She poked a hoof at him playfully. "Don't worry, I won't kick you out of the bed for that. Just try and keep to your side."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare Season blushed a bit at her mentioning this morning. "Sorry about that. I did not mean to cuddle you like that. Body had a mind of its own last night." He walked around the wagon a bit to think. "As for reading, we have a different written language, so you will need to be taught I guess. Might be good if you have the mare teach you, Try and get to know her at least. Maybe you can feel less jumpy that way. As far as sparring goes. I think I can arrange that as well, have some pony train you. Though note it will be self defense training. Music is what you heard last night."


He walked back over to where she had found a comfy pillow and was sitting down. He joined her to finish off the list of things she would like to learn. When they finally stopped that evening to set the camp up. Nightmare went around to find that mare, Crystal decided this time to follow next to him. When he finally found her outside one of the tents, he went up to her to talk to her. "Hello, might I get your name please?" She looked around at the two and lowered her head. "I am called Midnight Gleam. Is there anything I can do for you two?" Nightmare laid out his request to train and teach Crystal how to read and write in their language and their self defense training. Midnight Gleam was all to happy to do such.


When their tent was set up, Nightmare and Crystal went inside. Nightmare hung his sword up like before which reminded Crystal to do the same with her dagger. Nightmare had returned the two games to the two he borrowed them from. After a while the mare asked for Crystal to come out. Nightmare brought her out since she was still not easy with the other nightmares. She had brought Crystal a wooden dagger in the same shape as her dagger that Nightmare had given her. Crystal now holding it noticed. This dagger was heavy, made from a heavy wood. "We use a tree called an Ironwood. It is almost as hard as iron. They are great for practicing."


As the evening matches took placed at one end of the camp, the three of them was at the other end. Nightmare sat back watching. The mare was starting Crystal's training. For Crystal, she felt like the mare was not taking it easy on her. She was not hurting Crystal, in fact was using skills to drop Crystal without injury. But she was still rough with her teaching method. As the night approached, the training for the day ended. She needed to go pair up for her evening match to decided who would feed on dreams tonight. Nightmare and Crystal went back to their tent so Crystal could wash up after getting so dirty.


As Crystal washed the dirt off, Nightmare left to get a root from her cart and some food for them. When he came back a stallion had carried the food trays in and set down next to the seating cushions. "Thought you might be hungry Crystal." He said to her. She had just finished getting dressed for the night.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


She gave him look as he got up, the mare thought it was to hide the blush. "Riiiiiiight..." She wasn't mad for it, just wanted to poke his ribs a bit. As Nightmare finished replying to her usual torrent of questions and sat next to her, it was her turn to think it over. "I'll try my hoof at both learning your writing, and some self defence, yeah. I mean, I need to keep myself busy somehow, right?" She looked up at the stallion. "Cheer up, I'll be fine. Probably." She shrugged.


It seemed the nightmares tend to make only a single break per day, since the next time they stopped, it was time to set camp. Nightmare decided to find the mare that provided them with various services so far, and Crystal followed him around camp - their tent was still being set up, and besides, she just felt better with him around. Once they finally found the mare and Nightmare started the conversation, Crystal Clear took a better look at her. Midnight Gleam, for that was her name, was shorter than Nightmare Season, or other nightmare stallions for that matter. She was also leaner in statue and, judging from her initial reaction, of lower social rank. The crystal mare somehow felt better knowing her name, and even thought about shaking hooves, but rememebered that it would probably ruin the act. Still, the nightmare mare seemed the least threarening of the nightmare ponies around. Maybe that's why she served the pair so often...


The red mare felt relief when they came back to their tent. Somehor, their private spaces felt safe, despite her best efforts to get a grip on herself and finally get it that the nightmares around won't as much as touch her. She was lounging on a sitting cushion, her pretty dress neatly folded on another cushion, when a female voice asked for her presence outside. She perked her ears and looked expectantly at Nightmare Season. Another call confirmed it must've been Midnight Gleam, but she was unsure to go alone. The stallion accompanied her outside where she was given a practice dagger. It was heavy for a wooden item, and Midnight must've noticed her surprise, since she offered an explanation. "Iwonwood huh? Now that's curious." The training session was tough, but she needed some excercise anyway. The martial aspect was more humiliating, since she thought she would fare better. Apparently swinging heavy items at large, barely moving targets didn't count as martial expertise. The red mare lost count on how many times she had to get up from the ground, and if the smallest one from the bunch could outmanouver her like a filly, then a stallion would cut her into bite sized pieces in a real fight. That was rather illuminating to say the least.


At some point Midnight excused them politely and trotted off for her sparring. Crystal was feeling spent, so how that other mare would have the strength to fight?


They went back to their tent, and the mare took a much needed wash. Nightmare Season made himself scarce, and for once she didn't mind. Crystal Clear got through her evening routine, so after washing and drying off, there was the usual brushing, but she left both mane and tail loose. Since Nightmare took his time to come back, she put her nightgown on and laid on the bed, waiting for his return. He came back with a root and a nightmare stallion came in soon after with a tray of food for her. She smiled politely at the serf and walked to the sitting area, to eat like a civilised mare. "Thanks for a bite to eat, Nightmare. By the way, since we're not going to need our supplies to be so neatly hidden in my cart, maybe it would be prudent to add them to the troop's larder? Or keep for our private use. Don't want it all to rot, you know." She ate some of her supper when she recalled something. "What about Midnight Gleam's evening match? Did she win? I wouldn't want her to lose because she wasted her energy on me... She seemed, nice." The mare looked at her plate, thinking. The news of her victory in the duel made the mare feel relieved. "Good, good... maybe she would be willing to switch the sessions to morning, so she won't get tired before the fights. I'll have plenty of rest anyway." Crystal took another bite and winced slightly at a strained muscle at her side. "And I thought that healing magic makes you good as new... I guess I wasn't made for fighting after all." She held a hoof when ke asked if she needed a healer. "Nah, just a good night's sleep. Maybe massage that part but I don't think it's serious. Just a niousance reminding me of my mortality heheh." She finished her  meal and ate the root, then  washed it all off with fresh water. "Guhh, still not enough. I'll need to think of some other way to get rid of that bitterness."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare told her the outcome of Midnight's match. Seemed Crystal was actually worried about her slightly. When Crystal asked about switching the training time, Nightmare shook his head. "We set out as soon as possible in the mornings. Don't worry to much however. She is here on the retrieval mission for a reason. She can handle a little warm up before her matches anyways."

He smiled at her when she looked at him. He knew what she must be thinking. A little warm up match was all she was good for? When he noticed she had a strained side he asked if he needed to send for some herbs. He was worried about her after all.


After Crystal finished her meal and root, he commented. "If you can find a way to get ride of that taste, do let me know too please." He gave her a nuzzle as she laid down on the bed to go to sleep. "I will join you latter. I want to go find my brother and ask him a few things." He left the tent with her laying down to go to sleep.


It did not take him long to find Wildfire. "Brother. There is one thing I am curious about. How did Dad convince the entire nightmare nation that I was a true born with out any of the tests?" He looked at him as his brother responded. "Dad found some of your blood. Just enough to have it tested. That alone was enough to gather our people together. It was sis that foresaw where to find you. And how many to bring in case you tried to resist."


"Well that explains why you had all the sultans inheritance with you. Wished you would have brought some of the normal ponies with you. Crystal feels a bit out of place here." He told his brother.


"All the oracles say the same thing. Your future is hard to read. There are so many paths before you that there is no true cut destiny that is following you. You are a bit of a mystery." Wildfire told Nightmare. Nightmare thought about that. If only he had his own deck of cards again.


When he was satisfied with his answers he went back to the center tent again. Once again his heart went a flutter seeing Crystal sleeping as cute as she could. "I think you are doing this on purpose Crystal. Toying with my heart as you do." He went over to her. She seemed to bed dreaming. So he decided to join her.


He found himself walking inside a tent where he imagined Crystal would be. He saw her in a fabulous gown inside. Now he knew she was luring him in. "I see now in your dreams you dress beautifully as well." He looked around inside the tent as Crystal turned around to great him.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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