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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Nightmare Season,


"We really need to compare our notes on this. Water does nothing, even a full jug..." She siched her tongue a couple of times, fighting the taste, but settled eventually. "Uhh, alright, I'm spent. Time to get some sleep... You coming along?" She walked back to the bed and cauciousy climbed it, in order to avoid the silk slide he told about last night. The mare shrugged as she made herself comfortable. "Suit yourself, just don't take too long or they'll think you got fed up with my company." She smirked and yawned. "That's my bell ringing, See you in the dream."


She was on the desert, under the relentless noon sun. A nearby tent the only hideout. The mare walked under the canopy and pulled the opening flaps apart, then walked inside. It was the same tent she was sleeping in right now, just without anypony inside. She inspected every bit of it in turn. At some point, Crystal Clear noticed she's dreaming. She looked around, blinking several times as she recalled what already happenned within the dream. She noticed that one thing was not the same as in the waking world and decided to investigate. A new piece of furniture, made of wood and gold. A bed, but a very little one. She peered inside and knew - it was a cradle, and inside was a halfbreed nightmare foal. Currently sleeping.


The tent flaps moved again and she heard Nightmare's voice. Only then did she notice she was, in fact, wearing a dress like the ones she was presented with in the morning. Crystal turned to him, startled. "What the? It's the second night I have this dream. Yesterday I changed it all in an instant, now you took more time before entering and it played out on it's own for a bit. I didn't think of the dress, if that's what you imply. And I sure as crystals didn't think of that." - She pointed at the cradle behind her, and walked away from it. " What is this even? Some ill informed dream of how it would be to stay? But I'm going back and... y-you know." She pointed at the cradle, not sure how to put her thoughts into words.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare did not really understood till he walked past her and looked at what she was pointing at. There was no hope for him this time. He blushed so fully that there was no hiding it from her this time. "I aaaa...." He seemed to not have anything to say. He looked back up to Crystal that had a -start explaining- expression written all over her. "Don't look at me like that. I just got here. The tent, that dress. This little one here, and that little one by you is all your doing." With that last bit of news from him. She was some what reluctant to look to her side where Nightmare had pointed to with the second little one. She eventually could not with-strain herself and looked.


There by her side was another cradle made exactly the same. Though in this one, laid a beautiful little filly. A small little crystal pony that resembled herself. With a few features that resembled Nightmare Season. A darker red fur than her own. Hair was a slight fire red. This dream got to weird to fast. Not one, but two foals. And they resembled both Nightmare and herself.  When she looked back up to Nightmare to force him to explain what was going on, she saw that he had picked up the young colt and was holding him. She thought it strange that before when she tried to introduce her friend to him in a dream. He had mentioned he would wait till he met her in the waking world. But here it appeared like he was wanting to know this colt. To top it all off, Nightmare looked, Happy? She never saw that smile from him before. Not with his usual forced smile anyways. But here he seemed really happy. She needed to get to the bottom of this and get his attention.


She walked over to him and jabbed his side with her hoof. That got his attention. "Oh right." He coughed a bit to try and focus. He laid the little foal down and looked around. "Soooo...There may be a few explanations for this dream. And you said you had started it yesterday as well?" She nodded to him giving him her glare of hurry up. "Well first off, it might be a nightmare. If you are afraid that we will have to pretend so much that it will lead to this." Crystal knew that this was no nightmare and made sure he knew and continued on. "If it is not a nightmare then, another explanation is that deep down this is a wish that you...." Crystal gave him the look that told him he better not finish that sentence and to stop thinking what she knew he was thinking.


With a quick clearing of his throat he moved on to the next one. "If it is neither of them. The last explanation I can think of, is that this might be a prophetic dream. A possible future to come." Crystal did not like any of those explanations and made sure he knew it. She made sure that he understood their positions and reminded him that once this is all over with or they get a chance to escape, they were to take it. The whole thing with her being his wife is to protect her till she can have the chance to return home.


Nightmare knew that this was a bad time to be here and to try and feed. "Oh would you look at the time. I best be going." He said to her as he escaped her from her dream with her yelling out to him to get back here. After she knew he was gone she remembered where she was. He left her in that tent with two foals.


Nightmare was in bit of a shock when he came back out of her dream. A little from seeing such things and being chewed out about it. He thought it a good time to go to sleep himself. He went to his side of the bed this time. Who knows what she would do if she woke up again being embraced.


Sadly try as he might, he could not get the image of those three out of his head. The beautiful mare that was his wife with their two foals. He tossed and turned trying to force himself to go to sleep. He gave up and got up to pace around the tent. That did not seem to settle him down either. He looked over to where Crystal was asleep. She was so pretty in his eyes. He had fallen in love with her, but he did not want to tell her. He wanted to make sure she could leave when she could. He did not want to tie her down. He knew she was having trouble with this situation they found themselves in.


He noticed that she was shivering slightly. The air was a bit chilly tonight. He went over to her. As he looked down at her he felt his heart race. He whispered in her ear again. "Darn you silly filly. Was already falling for you. Now showing me that how can I ever let you go? It's your fault that I love you this much." He laid right beside her again. He would deal with her anger when she woke up. For tonight, he needed to be next to her. He pulled the silk sheet over them both and laid his head next to her. Feeling her next to him finally settled him down and he drifted off to sleep. That night he did not dream of the past that always haunted him, but instead tonight, he dreamed of a future with her.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal was still trying to get a grip on what was going on when Nightmare Season walked past her and looked into the cradle. She saw the mad blush, but written it off as embarassment. When the stallion looked back at her, she was just begging for an answer, and apparently he noticed as much. Mentioning another "little one" startled her - the mare looked to her sides and noticedanother cradle. What the hay?! Crystal Clear didn't want to at first, but curiosity won and she took a glace inside.


If the halfbreed looked like any other nightmare to her, this one was definately hers. And Nightmare's by the look of it... Once she finally tore her eyes away from the filly, she noticed Nightmare Season was holding his, ahem, "son", in his hooves. If Crystal had gears in her head they would break off all their teeth. She couldn't form a coherent sentence, her mind racing. "Wait, but... you..." Not only did he take interest in just a vision from a dream, but looked really... happy? As if, for realsies? With genuine smiling and all that? Still unsure about her ability to talk with sense, she walked up to him and poked his ribs. That got his attention, and he could now appreciate her "start 'splainin'" glare in it's full glory.


He asked if she had this dream last night, and she nodded, feeling her patience running out. Then he said it could be a nightmare. She shook her head and replied. "Not this, I can tel when I have one and it doesn't feel that way. Next theory." A questioning eyebrow rose steadily as the stallion laid out his next idea. He shut up before finishing, apparently noticing that he hust might get those kicks he so wanted last night if he did. The last explanation wasn't any better.


With a twitchy eye, she walked right in front of him, barely keeping it together. "Listen... I appreciate your imput, but I think you're giving a wee bit too much thought to this. We are friends, yes, but I only pretend to be yours for the time being, since it's the only way for me to get out alive from this mess! Now I don't care if you become their king or run away, but I'm going back home once I can safely do so, and I would reeeeally appreciate if you could concentrate on that. Wait, what do you... COME BACK HERE YOU... YOU!"


He ran like a stupid colt and for that, Crystal was mad. Dreams can be weird, but not all have some deep meaning to them right?




She sighed and collapsed on the floor, panting from emotional strain. Soon after, she started crying. Her dream reacted to the tangle of thoughs in her mind - she was both in the tent and her apartment up North, and the cradles both were and didn't exist. Neither side could overcome the other and claim victory over her dreamscape.



Another morning, another embrace. She stirred from her slumber and felt the hug, but didn't really stert thinking yet. She felt the pleasant sensation as the last moments of the dream leaked from her memory. Only after a minute or so did she recall the events from the dream, and rapidly sat up in the bed with a start. She looked around - no stupid cradles, or imagined foals. She ran a hoof over her underside - no bread in the oven. The mare sighed in deep relief. She remaied seated for another minute or so, until she put things in her head in correct order. Crystal looked at the stallion at her side. "Don't even try to pretend. I would wake a dead pony with that start." Nightmare didn't move, so she climbed on top of him, bit his ear gently and pulled. "Waake uup. I won't yell okay? Just don't run again."


He opened one eye, but didn't move or say anything - apparenly not sure if she would keep her promise. The mare took a deep breath and started, still sitting on him, trying to keep balance despite all that slippery silk around, and with a properly messed up mane. "Alright... so what happened in the dream was... pretty weird, I guess. I don't know why I dreamed of it, or if it means anything. My proposition is to leave it behind us and move on. If I keep having weird dreams, we'll just change the scenery." She heard a noise outside the tent - the camp already began packing up. "So I'm not mad, just so you know. It's a difficult situation for us both and let's deal with it like adults, okay?" Now that she said her part, Crystal Clear slid off the stallion, and back on her side of the bed. "So... we're cool?"

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare felt Crystal jump up when she woke up. He tried to do his still asleep act. Only when he felt her climb on top of him did he realize, that probably will not work this morning. He opened one eye to see what she was up to and get ready for the yelling. She was....not angry. Just wanted to make sure he did not run away this time was all. He listened to what she had to say, Once she slid off him and asked him if he was cool with it all did he raise his head to look at her.


"I am perfectly aware of what you want. I will do my best to make sure you remain safe. Regardless of the outcome, you are free to decided. Also I did promise you I would never take it to far. Though if you do keep dreaming the same dream to many times. We have to look into it." He stood up and pulled the sheet off him and her. "Last night you looked cold, you were shivering. So I laid next to you to keep you warm." He stretched then walked over to the seating area. "I will let you wash up first. You look like you need it the most."


When they both had finish washing, Nightmare aloud the mare to come inside and set up the selection of dresses once again. They both got dressed and once more, the camp had lost all signs it was even there and they were on the trail once again. This time however, Midnight Gleam was with them in the wagon. She had several scrolls with her and started Crystal's reading lessons.


Today seemed like they took longer, they went farther than they did the past two days before they came to a stop. This time they started setting up the tents. The mare saw her self out to help with the set up. Crystal went over to Nightmare to find out what was going on. "We should be close enough to Dodge City. You can go do your last chance shopping before we fully leave this country." She really liked that bit of news. After last night, she needed a moment to herself. As she was leaving the wagon Nightmare stopped her. He handed over a very large purse filled with bits. "Try not to spend it all. Also they will send one pony with you."


Crystal noticed it was the mare that would accompany her to town. She wore a hooded outfit that hid her fire mane and tail. "I will be coming with you to make sure you stay safe. Also please don't try and run. We are still on edge rather you two are still willing to come back. We can't afford to loose the new sultan." Crystal nodded that she would not try and flee.


It took the two of them an hour walking before they came over a ridge and saw the small city below them. "You are free to do what you wish to do. Though we need to head back within an hour. We decided to stay here for the night."


The two of them entered the city. It looked like an old fashion town, though some of the shops were selling the modern day stuff. One location even sold Crystal Empire merchandise. At one point she even noticed the train pull up. She could take it back home and be done with this craziness, But she felt it best to not put any heat on Nightmare Season. She will trust him for now.

As she was coming out of one shop with a bag full of stuff she bought. She heard off in the distant. "Want to buy a tarot deck, hear your fortune? I have many oddities from distant lands for sale too." She could get Nightmare a tarot deck finally. He would be happy with that.


She went over to where she heard where the voice came from. There off in one of the alley, it looked like a small purple colored tent. As she grew closer she heard that voice again. "Wish to have your fortune read little one?" That voice, it sounded like Nightmare's Mother. She dashed inside not really thinking about manners. There she was, the blind alicorn sitting at a table with a crystal ball on it.


"Have a seat Crystal Clear." She told her before Crystal had a chance to start asking her so many questions. "I know what it is that you want to know the most." She started to wave her hooves over the crystal ball. Inside it, a small storm started to swirl around inside. "You two are currently at a cross road of destinies. Many possibilities will come depending how you choose to take. It is hard to see just one outcome. There are so many after today. Some good, some bad. Lets start with the worst outcome shall we." The Crystal ball seemed to focus on just one and started to show an image using the smoke.


"The first I see... Should you or both of you try and escape on the road. They will capture Nightmare Season and take him back by force. Much blood will be shed, You will be part of the dead." The Crystal ball showed her that she would be killed by a sword to her heart. "This will cause Nightmare to loose his heart. He will then bring great calamity to the world. The likes that even his own kind will run from in fear of him." The smoke showed Nightmare, though he looked more evil than king Sombra ever did.


"The second future I see....Half way through your trip. You will be met half way by a nightmare from his past...She will challenge you to be his main wife. Should you just allow her to be his wife. You will be free to return to your home. For you gave up your status to be his." The crystal ball at this point showed a nightmare mare. She was kind of pretty to be honest. "Should you accept her challenge to be his. If you win, you can choose what is to happen to her. Though I suggest you ask my son about that situation. That way you know what to expect. Though I see if you lost that fight. She would be his main wife wile you remained as another of his wives. The ending I see is she gives him one son, though he will loose his life in a great war in the future. The nightmare race would remain the same."


"I also see that should you return with him to his home land, Should you wish to leave, they would allow it. You shall return home safely. You will live the rest of your life happily with your friend in the North. He would remain single and will also perish in that same war." The smoke showed Crystal him being slain in a terrible fight.


"Now the best outcome I see dear.... If you would actually fall in love with him. I see the two of you will rule the nightmare nation for many thousands of years. He will return from that war victorious. The image of you waiting for him would allow him to go on. You two will have many foals many to even count. The nightmares will be able to see peace for the first time. Your foals will spread out and become diplomats. The nightmares will also see the benefits in the dream roots and start growing the trees themselves. You two would live even longer than I have together." The ball showed her the two of them standing over a cradle. "Don't worry though. You two will have a few hundred years apart for your foals."


She stopped her readings. "Nightmare will allow you to decided on your future though. You may bring about any of these futures. And many more there were but to many to view at once. Also.." Using her magic she moved a new deck of tarots cards off a shelf and put it before Crystal. "ten bits for the deck." She gave her a kind smile. "Before you leave. Anything else you wish to know? I will be following along to keep an eye on you two. Should the worst come to pass I need to be there to prevent that terrible future you saw."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare nodded. Regardless of what heppenned in the dream, it seemed it didn't affect their standing. "Alright, glad to hear that we're on the same page with this." She was a bit surprised at the sudden dissapearance of their sheets, and took it as a cue to get from the bed. She gave him a sly smile as she got ready to wash herself. "That was the worst save I've heard since... one thousand and eight years? Damn, been a while since that cringy date." She said to herself - "And mom keeps asking why I'm single..."


The ponies got through their morning routine, and Crystal again took the opportunity to dress to impress. What was new however, was that Midnight Gleam accompanied them inside the wagon to deliver the reading lesson. Crystal felt like a foal again, trying to learn her letters. Midnight was patient, but Crystal decided the nightmare mare will probably scratch her off as na idiot soon enough. With the new activity eating up most of her day, Crystal Clear nearly haven't noticed how the caravan didn't stop mid-day, and was actually surprised when they stopped and set up camp in late afternoon. Midnight made herself scarce to help around the camp, and Crystal asked Nightmare what was going on. He said it was her chance for some shopping in Dodge City, and she happily accepted the offer to do so. She needed to cool off her head and time to think, even if she wouldn't buy a thing. "Alright, I need to get this dress off and take my cart, after I empty it off a bit. No need to draw any more attention than I already do..." She was really surprised with the bit purse he gave her, but less so with the prospect of a minder. She noticed Midnight would be the one to accompany her, and it put her at ease a bit. She seemed alright. The red mare walked with her minder to buy some stuff.


It took some time to reach the town, but once she saw it from a hill, the red mare sighed. "Another dull Equestrian town. Don't get me wrong, I bet they're fine ponies and all but, it's not home..." Still she went down and into the city with her hooded companion.


She walked the main alley, looking at the shops. Clothes, jewelry, food and drink, nothing interesting... Due to the menacingly looking hooded figure beside her, the mare was free to roam without annoying questions about her bloodline. What a relief.  She caught glimpse of some crystal items in one shop window, and even walked inside, just to get out after a full minute. She said to Midnight: "Crystal Empire items my flank, it's just coloured glass and other junk." She was pretty down with discovering this hoax. A train has stopped on a station when they were walking nearby, and Crystal paused for a bit, looking at it thoughtfully. She then glanced at the hooded nightmare, who seemed ready to grab her at the moment's notice. She smiled atthe tense mare: "I'm not THAT stupid, relax." They continued the trip. Later on they noticed a music store, and a bookstore. There she spent the lion's share of her funds, even if they didn't have some of her favourites. A small traveller's gramophone was the most expensive, but looked simple and robust enough to warrant the buy. The cart suddenly got heavier, as opposed to the bitpurse.


She was loading up her books when she heard a voice advertising tarot decks. That made her smile for once. The red mare nodded at her minder - "One last purchase and we're off." She followed the cries to a small tent, and recognised the voice of a familliar blind alicorn. She dashed inside, without really thinking. The sight of the alicorn was a relief- it would be weird is she barged to a random fortune teller. "Why hello Hearts-Dream. I have company from the nightmares, so what's the matter?" She knew better to shut up than try to pester the other mare when she was onto something, so she sat and looed at the ball. It was glass but whatever.


The mare winced at the first option. Glad they didn't really consider it anyway. The second future had a valid way out, worth considering. The part about Nightmare staying single and'or dying were disturbing though. She gave the blindd mare a questioning look when she mentioned that them being in love would be the "Best", but listend to the rest of what she had to say.


Crystal Clear paid up for the cards, but didn't go just yet. "Tell me... if I challenge that other mare, and would like to win... what will the challenge be and how to beat her?" She listened to the reply. "I see... may I mention to Nightmare that I saw you, or that you're around? He was sad you snatched the golden root, I figured he wanted to meet you." Crystal Clear had a lot of going on in her head, but as she was getting up to leave, she had one last question. "You said that, it would be best if we, you know... Thing is, I've never had luck in love, even with Evie it was tough at times, and we just... didn't work out that well once she came back. I guess I'm trying to ask you how is it even possible for him to fall for me? I was starting to accept the reality that I'll stay single after all..."


She got her replies, or at least what the alicorn deemed she would tell. When Crystal went out of the tent, Midnight gave her a stare and pointed at the sun. "I know, I know... We're late but I had to buy those cards! Nightmare Season lost them on our earlier adventure and I felt it was my duty to get him a new deck." The other mare seemed to accept her reasons, and together they departed back to camp. They arrived just before sundown. Midnight went off for her evening match and Crystal dumped her purchases inside the tent to show then to Nightmare Season.


"I know you told me not to spend it all, but there wasn't that much to buy anyway. So here;s half." She have him a sheepish smile along with the bits. "I bought mostly boods and vinyls, things that will last and won't be availible at your homeland. Oh and you'll never guess - I saw a stand with Crystal Empire merchandise! All junk made by copyponies who think comored glass can pass for crystal. Don't worry, I didn't murder the clerk, just, umm... explained to him the difference between real crystal products and his awful abominations." She seemed to be in a good mood after the trip. "Almost forgot, ta-daa! Midnight wanted to drag me back by the neck so, sorry for no fancy wrapping." She gave the stallion a fresh deck of cards. I need to go for my evening sparring, come if you want to, okay? I think I won't have a heart attack on the way." She went outside the tent to get her daily dose of humiliation.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Hearts-Dream pulled out her deck of cards for her questions. "I will tell you what I can. Remember that telling the future is always a broad image and can't give specifics. As for what the challenge will be, that would be best answered by a pony that knows their culture." She read the cards. "Seems the best way to win is to continue to train your skills in combat. Sadly that is all the cards can tell me on this. Maybe ask my son or that mare that is waiting outside for you?


She thought about Crystal's second question. "You may tell him about me yes. And about the golden dream root, I had to. If his worst future comes to pass. If he had free access to the realm of dreams. He could cause far greater damage." She stood up and walked around the table to stand next to Crystal. She wrapped a wing around Crystal with her question about him falling for her. "Asking me if it is even possible for him to fall in love with you is the wrong question. You should have asked how long has he been in love with you. As for the answer to that one. You need to get that answer out of my son."


Before Crystal left she whispered to her. "You can catch him if you wake up after he leaves your dream."


During the time that Crystal was away on her shopping trip, Nightmare had found a good stallion to spar with. He needed that to try and clear his head of the notion of what he saw in her dreams last night. Why would she ever stay with him? He needed to focus and remember that she will want to go back home first chance she got. Nightmare actually went through three stallions and a mare trying to spar and get his head back on straight. At least he made a good impression on the camp.


Close to sunset was when the two finally returned. He was already in the tent resting up from his matches. She brought in all of her comfort foods she had purchased to keep herself occupied during their trip. He gave a little smirk when she mentioned the fake crystal seller.


When she presented him with the deck, it made his day. He got up and went to her to nuzzle her in thanks. She got out of the nuzzle by saying she needed to do her evening training. "Oh right." He stopped his thanks. "I will come and watch, and you don't embarrass yourself to badly. You are new at this after all." The two of them went out to see if Midnight Gleam was finished with her match.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The ponies followed the sounds of the clashing swords and sure enough, they reached the Evening Matches. Crystal Clear kept close to Nightmare, but this time more out of the notion that it was the right way to walk beside her husband than out of fear. Getting to know Midnight Gleam somehow allowed her to see the nightmare ponies as a whole in better light. Speaing of which, the mare was standing in the small crowd, observing the fights. Seems like she was already after hers.


"There, to the right, I see her. I'll ask if we can train." - the crystal mare informed the stallion of her plan and, sfter getting a nod of approval, went to the nightmare mare and ask if they could train. Thankfully, Midnight already won her match so she agreed, although Crystal wasm't sure whether it was because ske liked doing it, or because Nightmare Season requested it.


They went to the other end of the camp, and Midnight grabbed their training daggers. Nightmare stood and watched as his companion learns. this time, Crystal Clear took more effort in actually beating her opponent, since the alicorn said she'd better learn if she wanted to pass that trial. She haven't really made up her mind about all this, but letting another mare take her place was risky to say the least. Pouring her heart in her actions didn't do an awful lot of difference though - Midnight Gleam still won 9 out of 10 spars, but yesterday, the crystal mare didn't stand a chance at all. They finished the training when Crystal was too tired to put up a good fight anymore, and the pair retreated to their tent.


Crystal walked inside their temporary home with Nightmare and noticed the food and nightgowns. She smiled to the stallion as she went to wash up after being tossed on the ground so many times. "Funny how fast I got used to the good stuff that being your, *ahem* wife, entails... If only we didn't have to spend the whole day in that carriage..." She got herself in order and put on the gown - she was getting used to the feel of silk, and by the look of it, she seemed to like it. They ate in silence, both engulfed in their own thoughts. The mare often glanced at her companion as she thought about things. Once she was full, Crystal Clear rose to her hooves and nodded at Nightmare. "I think I'll head up to sleep now. I know last night didn't go very well, and I guess you didn't feed at all. So... whatever awaits, I want you to get a full stomach, okay?" She approached him and put a hoof on his chest. "And please, don't run away again. I appreciate what you're doing for me and I want to be able to at least give you dreams in return." The stallion levitated a root in front of her - "Right, I knew something was amiss... the awful taste in my mouth."


The mare ate the root, but despite her best efforts, she couldn't help but wince at the taste. "Uuugh, we really need to work on the taste, or they'll never become popular with your kin." She gave him a "see you soon" hug and buried herself under the bedsheets.


Apparently it took some time before Nightmare entered the dream, because, once Crystal noticed she was dreaming - a surefire way of knowing he was in her mind - the dream was in a more advanced stage than yesterday. It was thesame one too. Crystal Clear put away the foals into their cradles, since she became aware as she lied with them on the bed. All in all, her dream kids were rather cute, now that she wasn't freaking out. The mare walked outside, clad in a silken dress, and decided to make some changes - she switched day into a starry night, and made a sitting area before the tent for two. She opted for the Saddle Arabian style thits time, with large cushions and a low table set up on a square carpet. She sat and waited, sipping that drink she was given at the party - it didn't have a kick, but it tasted good.


At some point, she noticed the orange glow on a nearby hill of sand. She waved a hoof and called to her friend "Come on down! Everything is fine!" He walked towards her, seemingly unsure if she wouldn't snap anyway. Crystal showed him the nearby seat. "It's the same dream as yesterday, as you might probably guessed. Don't worry, no yelling tonight, but we need to talk. Have a seat." She smiled reassuringly as he did so. "So... where do I start... Remember the cards I gave you? I bougth them from a very peculiar fortune teller... your alicorn mother." - That caught his attention - "I told her to end the charade and finally meet you in pony, but your future may still end badly, and, by my guess, she won't show up until that route is closed. Speaking of which, she gave me a reading on our future, and I guess that might be both interesting, and useful." She tok a sip of her drink. "Hmm, do they serve it only on special occasions? S-sorry, the readings... So, there are quite a few possible destinies for us, and much depends on the choices we make while on the road. First, if one, or both of us escapes the caravan, I'll be dead and you'll be brought South by force. That much I figured out on my own but... She said you'd become a foce of evil. So, I say we don't try to run. Then she laid other options, mainly depending on when and how I squirm away from this adventure and come back North. To me, they're all the same really, I go back and you stay as the Sultan. I didn't butcher the name, didn't I? Now one of the readings she gave cought my... attention..." She glanced at the tent and bit her lip in thought. She stayed silent for a long moment, and the stallion in front of her looked concerned. Finally she looked at him with an apologetic smile. "Sorry for that. So she said that there's a way for nightmare ponies to embrace the roots and actually experience lasting peace..." She fidgeted with her dress nervously and looked all around to avoid the gaze of the stallion before her. "W-would it be... okay with y-you if... I-uhh... decided to, um... s-stay? Try and m-make that... happen?"


If that dress was real, it would be torn to ribbons by how she pulled at it. Crystal Clear looked nervously at her hooves - now she was afraid of being yelled at. The tables have turned.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


After Crystal's training, they went back to their tent. A meal was waiting for them along with their sleep ware. Nightmare did not know what to say to her. This was the last time they would be in Equestria for a very long time. He was sad that he could not think of a way for her to escape sooner, but with these guards escorting them, it was not safe to try. When Crystal approached him about running away last night, and not having a chance to feed, he got a bit worried. Crystal had went to head off to sleep. Guess she forgot. He pulled a root out and moved it in front of her so she could see.


After she ate it and gave him that face from the taste, he agreed with her. But how to make them taste better? He waited till she went off to sleep. He pulled out his new deck of tarot cards. He smiled and looked over to the sleeping mare. He needed a few answers at least and gave himself a reading. The deck at first was not responding to him. He needed time to prep the cards to be accurate. When he finished he decided it best to enter her dream. Since he agreed not to flee tonight, he needed to accept what ever it was she was going to tell him.


Found in her dream once more. He found himself in the desert sands once again. As he walked the day turned instantly to night. Guess she was changing things again. The foals must be making things hard on her. As he approached her. He noticed she was waiting for him outside of a tent. Sitting comfortably on cushions in her dress and drinking. He thought to himself why she has to be so cute. He walked up and sat down along with her.


Right off the bat, she mentioned she met his mother. His ears perked right up. She was still a mystery to him. Now he knew where she bought the cards from at least. He sat there listening to her her as she laid out the different futures that was told to her. Nodding and shaking his head at a few things. Mostly lets not get you killed for sure. And she did not mutilate the word sultan. He was curious as to the way she could return to her home. But when she got to her last bit she became silent. Was she worried about something? Or was she scared of an outcome. "Crystal, are you alright?"


He listened to her last bit. However, this time she avoided his gaze. She asked him if it would be okay for her to stay with him, and to make that happen. She was looking back at the tent, but not at the tent but something inside. Since this was the same dream as last night, he thought he knew what she meant. She looked terribly scared at the answer he would give her. He got up and moved over and sat right next to her. She seemed a bit jumpy. He simply wrapped his neck around her in a calming nuzzle. "The choice is for you to decide. I will be happy with any choice you make. Except for the getting killed part of course." He continued to keep her in that nuzzle. "Just remember what it is that would make you happy the most, and choose based off that. I give my word that what ever you decide I will always be there with you. And do not make that inside the tent happen unless that is what you want to do." He ended his nuzzling with her and asked her about her options to escape.


When she told him about a challenge half way through their trip he seemed to understand what that meant. "So there is a custom we have with non-nightmare ponies as the main wife. Should there be another nightmare mare that knew us growing up, and they love us. They have the right to challenge the one that is the main wife. First off if you will not accept the challenge and just let her become my main wife. Then that is a sign you do not wish to fight for me. It might seem that you are only my wife for the gift of long life, so with that refusal, we have to banish you. So that is an opportunity for you to return home. The problem with that is, she will become my main wife and we are expected to try for a foal together."


"Now if you choose to actually accept the challenge, that is a sign you actually love me and want to remain with me. Now the challenge can be ignored if you are already with a foal, that is for the safety of the foal and you would still remain as my main wife because you have proven your love already. Don't worry, I will not do such to have you safe like that."


Now as for the challenge itself. Should you agree to fight and it is safe to do such, the one being challenged will be allowed to choose the weapons to use. Don't worry, it is not a fight to the death. It would be like the evening matches where it is to the first to yield. The one that wins will be allowed to determine the fate of the loser. So lets say you are challenged and won. You can tell her to leave and never try again to become a wife to me. If she was dishonorable or cheated you can choose her banishment from our lands. If you felt like she would make a good second wife then you can let her be mine as a lesser wife. Or such like that. Although if it happens that way I only want you. If we can get away after we get back, I don't need another mare to keep me there. If she wins then she can choose. Mostly they choose to be the main wife and would turn you into one of the lesser wives. So lets hope that dose not happen."


Nightmare was feeding that whole time of listening to her and explaining to her about the challenge. So by the time he finished he was full and satisfied. He got up and looked at her. "Remember, the future is never set in stone. And the few futures you was told about may not happen at all. As long as you try for a different future, there are many to choose from. So choose what would make you happy. I do not want to cause you to live a way you do not want to or scared to. So if what is inside of that tent scares you I understand. I am well full now and will head back to get some sleep. You enjoy your dreams." With that he left her there sitting outside of the tent. She remembered Hearts-Dream mention about catching him, So she willed herself to wake up and catch him.


As he came back to their tent where she was sleeping, he looked down at her. She was so beautiful sleeping there in her gown. He thought of what last she said, about making her dream happen. He was somewhat happy that that was one of their fates, but he did not want to turn her into a bird in a cage. Not with what happened to her in her past. He reached down and whispered to her. "If it was only my choice, I love you so much I would not let you go." With that he kissed her cheek. He noticed she opened her eye and had caught him confessing to her. He became startled and tried to back away. Sadly the slippery silk sheets did not want him to leave her like that and they slide under him. The slide sent him partially under Crystal and that made her get tossed up in the air slightly. He slide under her and she landed on top of him. There they were. Nightmare on his back looking up at the crystal pony that landed on his belly looking at him.


He gave her his sheepish smile. "I guess you heard that then?"

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The crystal mare began regretting her sudden inquiry as soon as she finished speaking. What if he thought she was simply after the luxuries? Or cooked up this dream to lure him into loving her? All manner of bad things could happen. She noticed that Nightmare stood up, and walked towards her. She jumped a bit as he sat next to her and wrapped in a nuzzle. His gentle touch and calming words made her settle her wracked nerves to an acceptable level. The inquiry about her other fates gave her something to do, and she nodded that she will tell. "So... She said I have a couple ways to walk out of this alive, aside from staying with you, that is. There are to be two milestones for that. First, halfway through this journey, she said a nightmare mare from your past will challenge me to be your main wife. If I refuse the challenge, I will be free to go back. If I accept it, no matter the outcome, I can be, um, released, once we reach our destination. That's what she said." The mare nodded as if reassuring herself she got it all right, and finally mustered the courage to look at the stallion beside her.


She listened to him explaining, and chipped in at the foalmaking part - "Your mother mentioned you'd have one foal with her. If I go home without a fight," She gave him a curious look when he said he won't try and concieve a foal with her to dodge the challenge. It just came as weird to her, since it was pretty obvious they weren't going that alley anyway. She remained silent however, since the matter of the challenge itself was way more important to her. It did sound serious, especially since it was a trial by combat, and single nightmares fight every evening. Time to really step up those dagger lessons... The mare picked two things - that Nightmare Season still thought about escaping from Saddle Arabia, and that he didn't want any more wives aside from her. That meant something, right?


The crystal mare sighed a bit as her companion got up. It was nice, sitting like that side by side. She looked up at him, feeling he will soon bid her farewell. As the stallion finished his monologue and was about to leave, she smiled and said: "Thank you Nightmare, for being with me through this." As he disappeared in a puff of smoke, she glanced at the tent. Which path to choose? Are these paths even real?


A sudden thought blossomed in her mind "catch him after he leaves your dream". Whatever it meant, it would help her decide. Crystal Clear closed her eyes and thought hard about waking up.


Darkness. And feel of silk all over her body. The mare reckoned she wasn't sleeping anymore, but before she even thought about moving, she felt warmth on her cheek, and heard a voice talking into her ear. The kiss just sealed the deal. She opened one eye and made sure it was, indeed, Nightmare Season. Her insticts proved right. That caused her to smile widely, but also had unexpected results - the mare wasn't sure what happenned really, just that the bed shook, she was in the air for a moment, and landed on something warm. She raised her muzzle away from a silken wall it hit and brushed away a curtain of hair off her eyes. Now she knew she landed on top of Nightmare Season, who was looking up at her with that hilarious sheepish smile.


Crystal laid her head on his chest and breathed out. "Yeah, I did." Something inside her nightmare pony pillow was banging like a marching drum, and she made herself comfortable on top of him. "So what are we going to do about it now, husband? Hearts-Dream gave me the idea to wake up right after you go, by the way. If my mom was so good at relationship advice..." She looked around and decided that it would be prudent to climb off the stallion, since he landed rather awkwardly. "Hmm, better let you go before you get a sleepy leg." She slid off and tried to make up the bed back into shape. He helped and they lied back at their sides. She thought for a bit and rolled onto his half to snuggle. "Payback." - She said with a sly smile as he looked at her. The mare made herself comfortable and closed her eyes as she savioured the feeling of closeness. "I'll need some time to make up my mind, and let my heart say it's part, but you're a good stallion, you know? Even heat and sand seem minor issues in a company like yours..." She felt sleepy, but tried to stay awake for him. "Do you have anything to say in your defense?" She asked with a smirk and cuddled some more.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare felt very embarrassed. He did not mean to have her actually hear him say that. When she called him husband his heart skipped a beat. Hopefully she did not notice that. Upon hearing that it was his mother that caused that he was a bit annoyed with her. After Crystal slid off of him, they both decided to remake the bed after that fiasco. When it was done they both went to their own side. There was no way he could sleep next to her tonight again. That was until She rolled over to him. "I like this payback actually." He said as he looked at her. Hearing her say that heat and sand was just a minor nuisance now made him happy.


"I do have something to say." He answered her as he retched both his front legs over her and playfully pinning her down. "And what I have to say I want you to hear it all. After that,  you can force me to sleep in the wagon or even kick me if you want, but you are not allowed to run away till I am finished. Crystal Clear.....I love you so much. I first noticed it while fighting your old king. All I could think about then was if I lost he would capture you. That scared me more than that awful king himself. And then you went and took care of me after that. How was I not suppose to fall for you after that." Crystal was able to feel his heart race as he made his confession. It seemed as though he was scared to death telling her.


"I wanted to tell you back at the brewery, ask you to come with me. Though I knew I could not make you happy. Not a lone nightmare out in the woods somewhere. I decided it best to just leave a note for you and just watch you from a distant till you got every pony safely back. But you came looking for me. I was so happy seeing you in the forest trying to find me. Though I was scared that you were in danger from my kind. I don't want anything to happen to you. And now. You running around looking so beautiful caused me to fall in love with you even more. And what you told me before that you will be leaving when you can unless I could make you feel at home shot my hopes up. I had intended to try and make you as happy as I could. Just so you would stay with me. And then you went and showed me that dream of our foals. They were so adorable, how could I ever let you go after that?"


"Now that I know that you will be challenged as my first wife terrifies me. If I could, I would make sure you did not have to do that at all. Make sure you were with foal, Just to keep the one I love safe. Though they are just matches, they can turn deadly. And there is no way I can jump in to save you." His heart and tone in his voice told Crystal he was serious about keeping her safe that way. "And then to also tell me about a future that was seen where we made your dream real. You just chained my heart to you silly mare. If I can, I will show you how much I truly love you this very night."


As he finished his confession, his heart seemed to ease up a bit. "Now I will let you go. It is your fault for hearing my confession to you. I had to get the rest of that off of my chest or I would never be able to settle down. Now if you want to hate me now, that is fine. I will still see to it that I can get you home safely. If you do not want to love me. I will try and harden my heart toward you. I will even keep my distant from you if I creeped you out just now. You may even give me your best kick if you want to." With that he stopped pinning her down and just sat there with his eyes closed dreading her reply to that horrible confession of love he just made.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


"Oh do you?" She replied in a challenging tone, but was surprised by bring pinned down. Now, it didn't scare her or anything, just surprise. She trusted Nightmare Season, after all the things they did together.


At first, his tone and choice of words amused her, and the mare couldn't help but smile at his shenanigans, but dutifully listened.


Once he was finished, and just sat as if awaiting whether she'll get her axe and chop his head off with his eyes closed, Crystal knew he was honest with that confession. In fact, she was taken aback but in a good way.


She began: "I uhh... thank you. For telling me. Although it seems you reeeeeeally want that kick for some reason, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. You won't get yelled at either."  She saw him ease up just a teensy bit. The mare gathered her thoughts and continued. Was it just her, or did he turn up the heat? "Anyway... I wish you told me earlier but, I see your reasons. Guess I'd do the same in your place... But I'm glad you told me,  eventually." She placed a hoof on hus chest, third to feel that heart if his. "That was the best damn confession I've ever heard, you know?  Books included. If not for you know who, I wouldn't realise how you feel. I'm really dense sometimes,  and I guess you didn't want to make me uncomfortable. But I'm glad I found out. You're a great friend, Nightmare.  You really are. I'm pretty confident you'll be a great husband too..."


Crystal Clear patted his chest. "Are you waiting for written permission? Come on down,  it's chilly with the covers off. Geez, what kind of husband leaves his mare cold at night..." That finally got him moving, although he still needed some reassurance, it seemed. She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and gave him a kiss. "That's enough of an answer for you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.  "I never had much luck in love, you know.  Well, until tonight that is."


They cuddled for some time,  until Crystal felt sleepy from his warmth. "*yawn* That's my cue. Ask Mignight if she thinks I have like, any chance at all in a duel. I'll try and learn as much as I can. Switching weapons won't make it any different, I guess... Goodnight Nightmare, I'm glad you finally fessed up." The crystal mare wrapped herself tighter around him,  and went still. Soon she was asleep. 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare was shocked actually. He thought that what all he told her would cause her to not like him. Especially about protecting her by making sure she was with foal before the duel. Being alone for so long, he did not know what would happen. She told him to come down next to her. He was not really sure, She was just to darn cute at that moment. When she grabbed him and made sure he felt her kiss did he finally give in.


He cuddled and nuzzled her a great deal before she became tired. He thought about her question and only answered her with a kiss. "Sweet dreams" He fell asleep along side her.


The next morning saw the two waking up together. He gave her a sweet kiss. "So dose this mean we no longer have to pretend?" Crystal thought about it. But before she could answer, they both heard a squawk outside their tent. Nightmare knew what that meant. He opened up a flap using his magic. He did not want to let Crystal escape just yet. As he did, the young phoenix flew in with a letter. She landed on Nightmare's head so she could drop the letter in front of Crystal under the sheet. "Oh very funny you." Nightmare told the bird.


Crystal managed to escape Nightmare and get her letter. "Well it seems you will need to give your phoenix a name. They get named after their first round delivery trip." He pulled the sheet off of Crystal so she could stand up. "A letter from your friend? I bet she wants to kill more for dragging you along with me. Probably more so after last night." He watched as she read her letter.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


She stirred from her slumber and felt the, already familliar, cuddle grip of her stallion. Funny how she already considered him "her stallion", but it just felt right. A kiss broke the thread between her and the fading memory of her dream. A shame really, it was a nice dream. When he asked her a question, she needed a moment to even process what he asked about, so she just nuzzled his chest as her brain warmed up.


A squawk caught her by surprise. She opened one eye and looked around, still not entirely woken up. "What the..." Her query was answered as soon as the phoenix apeared in their bed. Seeing the bird perched on Nightmare's horn made her snicker. "Come on, it IS pretty funny. Now if you excuse for a moment." Crystal Clear wriggled free from the mebrace and sat up in bed, then unrolled the letter. It was tied with a red ribbon, as opposed to a seal like hers. Evening song must've answered in a hurry. The mare put a hoof in the air to shush the stallion, and continued reading. As she did, her expression darkened. She finally put the letter at her lap and sighed, then looked at Nightmare Season. "Seems her kill list has another name on it - me. She took the news personally, as if I preferred to travel all over the world with you than help her stand back on her own hooves. It irked her from the very start - how she was living in my house and off my pay, with nothing of hers. I admit, I'd be mad in her stead too. I guess I'll have to go back anyway - give her the house, take my stuff, bring closure to my life up North... I don't even want to think how hard it will all be, but... since I'm staying, I have to." She looked at the stallion and gave him a sad smile. "Do you think it would be okay if I make that trip, once we sort out your coronation as the Sultan?"


The phoenix decided that her current perch wasn't very comfy and flied to a nearby cushion and started preening her wing. That attracted Crystal's attention. She tapped her chin as she sat on the bed. "Hmm... a name you say? So she's more like a pet that delivers messages? I once thought about a cat, but I'll need some serious help with learning how to care for a Phoenix..." She shook her head. She was complaining about boredom, and now there was so much to do. The mare stood up and left the bed, laid the letter on a low table and gave the stallion a funny look. "C'mon, we need to be back on the road. And about your previous question..." - She let the suspense for a moment - "Bah, I can't put it in words."


Crystal trotted back to bed and hung on his neck, peppering his snout with kisses.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare watched as she read her letter and became sad. Her explanation made him sad too. He shook his head to get the bird to fly off to another perch. "We will get you back after the coronation. I will make sure to get you back up here. Besides, I will have to bring your mother gifts. Another one of our traditions."


When Crystal came back and started to kiss him repeatably, he grabbed her and pulled her back down into bed and returned her kisses. "I am very happy that you decided to stay with me. Tonight, I will give you the gift of long life. We will officially be husband and wife then." With a few more kisses they started hearing the tents being pulled down. They needed to get up.


The normal morning took place. Nightmare let a pony in to fill the wash basin and set up a selection of cloths for the two. This time Nightmare chose the most beautiful dress there was for her to put on as she washed up. This time the color was azure. When they both were ready, they left the tent together side by side. That dress he picked out for her made her shine almost. They got into their wagon, this time, along with Midnight Gleam, the phoenix joined them. She found a perch by one of the windows.


The road trip was like the previous ones. Midnight was showing her their letters and tutoring her. Nightmare however had a more loving smile on his lips watching her. They had stopped once by a river in the desert part of Equestria. The trio got out and stretched their legs. When they entered their wagon again. Midnight left the two of them to be alone. 

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare giggled as the stallion showed some initiative. The part about the "gift of long life" picked her curiosity, but the unmistakeable sounds of breaking camp from outside meant they really needed to get out of bed.


By now, Crystal Clear got used to their morning routine - washing up,a bite to eat, choosing outfits... She raised an eyebrow when the stallion presented her with a dress of his choice, but it was hard to disagree with his choice. "Hmm, sometimes I think there's a loom in one of those wagons. That colour is just perfect!"


The forst half of today's trip went surprisingly fast for the mare - seems like Midnight Gleam's lessons really captured her her attention. An occasional play with her Phoenix didn't hurt either. At some point, during a break in lectures when the bird decided she wants some loving attention, Crystal looked at her and said out of nowhere - "I think I'll call you Radiance. What do you think?" The bird seemed to agree with this choice.


After the mid-day stop, Midnight Gleam decided that she had some other business to attend and left Crystal the scrolls, so she could practice on her own if she wanted to. The mare got back into the carriage and took a seat. She smiled at the stallion, "Finally alone eh? Well, almost." The Phoenix looked away as if taking the cue. "So I was curious about something - the uhh, gift of long life as you named it. Do you have an equivalent of a wedding, like we do back North? Or it's a private thing?" She looked a bit dreamy as she said to herself. "Ehh, I'd love to have a wedding... with the dress and all..." Crystal shook herself awake. "Sorry, just my filly dreams poking from a thick layer of adult disillusionment. Have you had an opportunity to talk with Midnight about my combat prowess? Or lack thereof?" - She gave a sheepish grin at the mention of her martial shortcomings. "I really don't want to loose that challenge, you know. Somehow it feels just as important as my Master Trial in the Guild, all those years ago..."


She seemed thoughtful for a moment. Technically, there was another way, but giving life to her firstborn just to avoid a challenge... It felt wrong, and she knew it would haunt her that she didn't fight for him, like he did for her.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare listened to her list of questions before he answered her. "In our culture, the bonding of two ponies is our wedding as it were. So it is private in bed. After we share our love in the bed" He made motions that it was -that- kind of sharing love. Apparently he did not want eavesdroppers to hear him say it. "I will enter into your dream after that. There I will pass along a portion of energy we get from feeding on dreams. You will feel like you are getting younger as your body soaks in the energy. After that I just have to repeat the dream half once a moon. As long as that takes place you will stop ageing. Of course if you are not comfortable doing it tonight. We can wait...."


He motioned for her to come join him on a cushion as the wagon started moving again. As she came to snuggle with him he noticed she was lost in thought. "Sorry if our ways seem strange to you. Though we also hold the ceremonies of the country a mare or stallion comes from. So if you want to have all your loved ones come down by ship we can hold you a wedding like you are use to." Crystal looked up at him with a smile from the good news, but also a look as why they were not taking a ship. "Nightmares don't take to well to the water, remember?"


Nightmare gave his wife a kiss. "As for the challenge that lays before you....Maybe if you had a few more months of training. Just this short of time, we both worry if you could handle it. And don't think you have to fight like I fought that evil king for you. We actually respect an expecting mare more than we do the winner. Just something for you to think about. I don't want to see you get hurt. With us, we are always at a state of fighting to stay alive. You came from a land of peace. The skill will be far different between you and this mare that will come to challenge you." He gave her a reassuring kiss. "I would rather you be safe than to try and fight for me. Though I will let you think about what you want to do. I want to make you so happy that you will always keep your crystal form."


They continued on the road till that evening when they stopped at a location for the tents.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare refocused on her stallion as he laid out the answers to her questions. She liked it how he laid out things for her in that calm, sample manner. Crystal couldn't help but cover her snout as she blushed at the mention of doing that, but waved a hoof at him to keep talking. As he said she wasn't expected to do it tonight, she nodded, still slightly embarassed. "I'll uhh, think about it and give you an answer, alright?" The crystal mare walked over to her husband as he haved at her to come and sit with him. She didn't have to be told twice, and as soon as she sat next to Nightmare, Crystal wrapped her forelegs around him in a snuggle. She felt so safe, tangled with him like that. Still, some thoughts refused to go away....


Her ears perked up at the prospect of having a proper wedding ceremony. Crystal Clear looked up at him, now smiling. "Mom would love it, and so do I... So why we're travelling by land if you have ships? It's faster by sea." The answer was rather obvious. "Oh, right. That actually makes some sense." She brushed a hoof through his fire mane.


She was still not entirely sure if she wanted to dodge that arrow, but... A thought came to her mind. Something that would make her feel like she earned her place beside him. Crystal Clear looked up at her husband, once he was done talking. "I have an idea. I'll tell you in our tent though, I need to think about it." She nuzzled her stallion and sighed gently. There was a way.


The day was ending when the caravan finally stopped for the night. The mare noticed they were still at the desert, although it looked more like a place hit by a catastrophic draught. Beneath her hooves was cracked, dry dirt, not the hated sand. Since they took their sweet time to come out of the wagon, their tent was already set up. The pair went inside, and Crystal Clear disrobed from her beautiful dress and told Radiance to have her fill off the food that was left in a bowl, next to an elegant, wooden perch decodated with gold. The bird seemed satisfied with her new living conditions, although the mare noticed she had a commanding view on the entire tent. Bed included. Head still full of thoughts, Crystal Clear trotted off for her dagger training - Midnight Gleam caught them on the way in and told where to find her. Truth be told, mule level stubborness allowed the crystal mare to fare better, often forgoing proper fencing in favour of direct assault, but the beating she took only confirmed her fear that, if she'd accept the duel, she'd most probably lose.


Back in their tent, Crystal washed herself up, although there was less water than previously. Obviously it was harder to get in a pinch, and in large quantities in this scorched land. Only once she was clean and dressed in her sleepwear - somehow she instantly picked the habit of keeping herself clothed nearly at all times - the couple sat down to eat. Well, Crystal was eating at least.


Her embarassment was rather evident, but the mare was determined to speak despite it. "So... about the, umm, giving the long life. I thought that maybe we could... hold it off for a few days? My window of opportunity is near and I thought we could hold off till then, if that's okay?" She made an awkward smile as she pointed a hoof at her abdomen, to make sure he understood. That was her plan - to give im a foal as he gave her long life. That would make it feel right.


She looked at the stallion up and down. She just pretty much said she wanted to chicken out of the duel, so she was anxious to see his reaction, hoping that her scheme would make up for the lack of bravery.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne, @@Raven Rawne,


The rest of the trip Nightmare remained silent. He knew his future wife was thinking about tonight. When they finally stopped it was in the driest part of that desert it seemed. He watched her match with Midnight. It seemed she was trying her best to win. Sometimes getting frustrated and forgetting some of her lessons. He was getting very worried about that. It looked like she was thinking about fighting for the right to be his first wife.


He let her wash up first with the little water they could spare. He got her food ready for her as she was finishing up. He did not eat to much. His worry was to great to actually eat. When they had finished, Nightmare cleaned up the dishes and stacked them for the morning clean up. He noticed that Crystal started blushing before she started to talk. As she pointed to her abdomen his heart seemed to have lept out of his chest. If he was a crystal pony he would have crystallized at that point. She was wanting to wait for the time she could get fertilized. She wanted to become his wife for real and the mother of his foals. He could not find his voice.


His only answer was to tackle hug her and rain kisses down on her. She had made him so happy. "I will be happy to wait for such a wonderful thing. I will make sure I love you forever and never let you go." A few more kisses told her he accepted her proposal. "I will not let you back down now. We will be a great family."


The two of them went to bed and hugged each other till she fell asleep in his front legs. Nightmare Joined her latter in the same dream as the past few nights. This time he caught her in bed with the two beside her.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


A tackle hug. Unexpected? Yes. Unepleasant? Hay no!


The mare giggled as her stallion knocked her off the cushion and started kissing like it was the most important thing to do. Apparently it was a "yes". She joined the chorus with kisses on her own. Even the phoenix seemed to approve, squawking and nodding.


As the kissing onslaught died down a bit - and she could think somewhat straight again - Crystal Clear grinned at him and replied. "I'm glad you like my plan. I'll tell you when the time comes, but for now, let's get you something to eat, huh?" She had a dreamy expression as they got up and walked to bed. Her firstborn foal, how would they turn out? So many thoughts... But she found her peace in her husband's embrace - Crystal wished she could stay with him like that. For now, she fell asleep, snuggling to the stallion who loved her, and that was enough.


She became aware of the dream. A cursory glance confirmed that it was, again, the same dream. But this time, she didn't want to leave the tent. Crystal Clear looked down and smiled at her dream foals - they were laying in bed, maybe after feeding? They seemed little enough for that.


The tent flaps opened and Nightmare Season walked in. She looked at him and smiled broadly. "Funny how I was scared beyond belief just two nights ago, and now I would take them to the waking world." She motined him to come closer, and patted the bed for him to lie beside her. They exchanged nuzles and looked down at their dream foals. "I wonder what would be better for our firstborn. To be a nightmare halfblood, or a crystal pony. If the latter, I hope for a filly, because of reasons." She listened to his take on the subject and looked as he took his dream son in his hooves. It was just a dream, but Crystal saw he acted like a father. It made her happy and even more certain of her choice.


She thought about something and decided to ask - "So... do nightmare ponies have some method to make sure the, umm, love... worked? Crystal ponies just cross their hooves and wait till the next window should be, and if it doesn't come, it's a clear sign. Or a mare has symptoms earlier, like moods and morning nausea..." That part didn't sound too good, but, a small inconvenience on the road to happiness.


They lied together with their dream foals, soaking in the family atmosphere.. After some happy silence, Crystal said seemingly to herself. "I wonder what future will bring to our foals..."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare walked inside and went to lay down next to the Pony he loved. The two foals snuggling up next to her was just so adorable. Crystal started asking questions about how they can be sure she took and is carrying. "Because it is hard for nightmare's to conceive, sometimes it can be over a thousand years apart for their window of opportunity to come back around. So to tell for sure, we seek an oracle and ask. But the mares tend to have the same mood swings and nausea as a normal pony."


Nightmare looked down at his son in his hooves. "One thing the dream is not accurate on. Since I am a true born nightmare, any nightmare foal you give me will be considered a full blood. My blood will be strong enough that it will pass on to the foal. The first nightmares were born years and years apart, centuries for some. And back then, there was no good way to travel and find other nightmares. So all the originals took regular pony wives and husbands. So each nightmare you see with us, at one point in their ancestry they had a normal pony ancestor." He reached over and kissed her. "If we can have a filly that takes after you, I will be happy too."


Morning came with the two sleeping happily next to each other. The morning was the same except now they added kissing in to the mix. Before they entered the wagon, Nightmare went to her cart and pulled out his saddlebags. He brought them inside with them. Crystal was wondering why he did that. "There is something I have to make for you. I needed to before we stopped pretending to keep up the act. There is a talisman you wear a few days after I share energy with you. It allows you to basically relax after that. Something about your body will be delicate after wards." He showed her inside. There were several crystals inside some very rare. "I stopped by the cave we first met and picked some up. Pick the one you want as your talisman." Crystal looked and picked out the rarest one she ever seen. Though she was a bit scared that he would be working on it. She did not want it ruined.


They were joined by Midnight with her scrolls right before they departed. Several times on the trip Midnight had to get on Crystal, seemed she let her mind wander back to her future husband. At one point Midnight gave up and whispered to Crystal wile Nightmare Season was occupied with his work. "You are acting as if he finally asked you to marry him, and you agreed." Crystal got nervous and tried to find a way to answer her since she was pretending to be his wife since the first day. Midnight placed her hoof over her mouth to keep her silent.


"You can stop pretending. Everyone in camp knows you two were just faking it. A mare to mare talk wile he is focused?" She asked her in a whisper. "I am a main wife with three normal ponies under me. There is a certain way normal ponies act after they marry. Nightmare would not know about that since he was raised in a lone family. But after the first time you receive the gift. You look at the nightmares as just another pony. You still are scared of us a bit. So I know you did not receive the gift yet." Midnight looked at Nightmare's work, "By the looks of it he recently asked you and you accepted right?"


Crystal felt like she was caught and told her they will be bonded together in a few days. She left out the part of why they were waiting till then though. "Looks like I am going to win. Every pony took a bet on how long the two of you would try and escape or you leave. I was the only one to bet you two will actually get married. I noticed how he looked at you, he loved you but was trying to hide it. Now it seems he is not."


"Let me tell you a little secret, keep it from him till the morning after you receive his gift. The reason for that talisman is what happens the day after. He would not know about it either. He probably thinks it was just some culture thing. Taking on energy from a nightmare tires a normal pony's body. Your first time will be the toughest. It will feel good and make you happy, but your body will be very tired after soaking up the energy. You will not be in any pain though, so don't fear it. The few days after the night it happens, you will not be able to stand. Like you have no energy. The talisman he is making you, you will wear every moon after that. It basically says your body is in a delicate state and the other ponies needs to help you out till you get your strength back."


The traveled for a few more days after that. They found themselves along a coast line so they were no longer in the desert. Crystal was a bit happy about the ocean.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare looked with interest as Nightmare explained to her about the inconsistency in her dream. Well, it did make sense, now that he pointed it out. Although intuition told her he would be happier if their firstborn was a nightmare pony, she had no control over it, and decided not to worry about it.


They soaked up the family atmosphere till Nightmare decided he needed some sleep himself. Morning found her in the - now usual - tangle of embraces. It was becoming hard to get out of bed, with them snuggling and kissing all the time. Still, they did manage to find their way into the carriage, eventually.


Crystal booked a spot when Nightmare Season climbed inside, holding his saddlebags. She scratched her head and asked - "Why you brought these? Anything you want to show me, maybe?" His remark about something delicate made her snort, then cover her snout in embarassment. "Sorry, I just had a pretty clear idea on what would be delicate afterwards. Do go on." She looked inside a small box and saw several crystals - real deal, from the Empire! Crystal Clear knew all of them by name and properties, so she didn't have any second guesses about her pick. She pointed at one of them. "The Dragonbreath - it's bright, red shine makes it rare and valuable, but also unmistakingly beautiful. You got really lucky, it's worth nearly as much as my whole cart. Just... be gentle with it? They're very brittle." Normally, she'd yank it out of his hooves and do the necessary alterations herself, but she decided that the husband was probably required to do it on his own.


Midnight Gleam showed up right before departure, and Crystal reluctantly walked away from her stallion and took a spot with better light to learn with the other mare. Somehow she found it hard to focus that day, and drifted into daydreams rather often. After Midnight's patience ran out, she leaned and said into Crystal's ear, taking advantage from Nightmare's lack of attention to them at that time. The crystal mare held her breath in fright - haw she found out?! Crystal stammered: "W-what? That's just..." A hoof silenced her, and Midnight continued. Crystal shook her head. "You got it all wrongm it's just... we were on our own and all of a sudden I'm around a group of nightmares I don't know, taken away from home... Grrrr okay, you got me. We're due to bond in a few days. Happy?"


She was annoyed that the act they put on was so obvious to see through, and that she was called out on it just to win some bet. At least the info she shared was of real use. Crystal would probably panic if she found out the hard way. She pouted and huffed in annoyance over being caught, but nodded at Midnight. "Thanks. You just saved me a lot of freaking out with that... But my explanation was also plausible, right?" Midnight shook her head.


Crystal Clear was anxiously waiting for the day of their bonding. She knew it would come soon, but she often had some slight delays. Meanwhile, Nightmare seemed to have finished the amulet, although he didn't show it to her. All he said was that he didn't break the crystal. The caravan finally braved through the desert and now travelled through the seaside. The dreaded sand was just down the cliff, and the temperatures increased, causing some discomfort to the mare. She asked for having something to drink inside the wagon at all times, and started choosing breezier dresses. At the fifth day since Midnight Gleam busted them, Crystal was going through her morning routine when she felt it. With just half of her coat combed into shape, she jumped at the stallion who was getting dressed and hung on his neck. "Guess what?! It's finally time!" She nuzzled into his coat. "I feel sorry for Midnight, I don't think I'll be able to focus at all today, but I can't wait!" She let go of him and walked back to finish her business with a spring in her step.


The day on the road was just agonizing for the mare. Midnight Gleam just gave up her lecturing after just a few hours and they played games till the mid-day break, when she excused herself. The pair spent the other half of the day laying together and enjoying their presence for the most part.


Crystal Clear was out of the carriage the moment the door opened, taking the stallion who wanted to announce their stay by surprise. By now she could reach their tent as surely as boop her nose with eyes open. She reached the tent first and hardly contained her excitement for the big event. But first, the fight practice, then cleanup and a meal... The mare did poorly with her combat training snd Midnight just told her to go back to tent and do what has occupied her mind for the whole day. Crystal was a bit annoyed with how easily the other mare read her but didn't object. After a hasty cleanup, she sttod by the bed and looked at the stallion who was waiting for her by the table with a meal. She smiled shyly and said in a meek voice - something very uncommon for her, by the way - "I uhh... don't want to eat so... maybe you'd..." Finally she snapped at him, "Oh don't just sit there and laugh, come and take me already!"


It wasn't the most graceful invitation, but it was her first time, well, first time sober and with a stallion at least, and she was buzzing with excitement, apprehension and hormones.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Five days past as the two of them waited. He had done his best hoof at sculpting the amulet he would present to his wife the morning of their first days as a real couple. He was getting his robe on when out of nowhere Crystal had jumped up and hugged him. The news he received was great. Tonight they will be bonded, She will finally be his. and he would be hers. He watched her as she nearly skipped back to her grooming.


Nightmare felt a bit sad for Midnight. Crystal was acting like a filly and could not settle down. After their mid-day rest, Crystal just decided to lay with him on the bed inside the wagon. They made sure to get all their hugs and kisses out of the way now so they could focus on other things tonight.


When they finally stopped that evening, Crystal was out of the door faster than the notice they were breaking for camp. She had raced to where their tent usually gets set up. She beat the ponies to it. She did not seem to want to wait for it to be finished and went off to find Midnight for her training. Nightmare just waited for the tent to be finished and went in to get her wash ready and a meal. He noticed Crystal was not gone long for her training. Guess she was to much in heat and wanting to night to start. After she put on her most beautiful nightgown she past up the meal and headed straight to the bed.


Nightmare almost giggled at the sight of her. A mare in heat is very strange. With a snap from her, he took his cue. She wanted him now, not after they ate.


Nightmare made sure as they were in bed together that she knew just how much he loved her. She did not even bothered to remove her gown for that night. Early on she had turned into her crystal self witch made him want to love her even more. When she finally took over, she made sure she did everything they could to insure she would keep her end of the promise. They shared their love till late in the night when Crystal finally passed out from exhaustion. Nightmare tired as well entered into her dream to finish off their bonding.


Nightmare had found Crystal yet again at that tent with the two inside and she was in her crystal form here too.. She did not have this dream the past four days, but now she was waiting for him, told him she imagined this just for the two of them. A bit of hoping that she took. He went up to her and kissed her. "Ready to fully become mine Crystal Clear?" He asked her, a simple nod and a kiss was her answer. She was so impatient. He lowered his horn to touch her forehead. "Don't move now." He focused on giving her the gift of eternal life. Crystal felt her hole body starting to glow. She felt great, happy, like she was getting younger and younger but keeping her size. When he finished she felt like a part of him was with her. They both were tired and knew it so Nightmare kissed his bride and told her to see her in the morning.


The next morning found the two newly weds side by side in a loving embrace. Crystal was still crystallized. She felt as though it would last a day or more. Nightmare got up first to get her his gift to her. The amulet. When he came back he noticed she was still laying down. He noticed she could not stand up. He freaked out, thinking something went wrong last night. She enjoyed his reaction for a spell before she told him what Midnight told her would happen. "I guess this amulet makes more sense now. I am sorry, I did not know about this part." Crystal was fine with it, in fact she was very happy still.


Crystal found herself being helped by him to get her new dress on. He place the amulet around her neck and kissed her. She found herself once again in his comfy smoke bed as he tried to carry her in secret back to their wagon. Sadly that failed. Another pony noticed the couple as they left, saw her on the cloud and the amulet around her neck. The camp erupted in cheers. They all came around to congratulate the two newly weds. Crystal now noticed she acted differently now. She was perfectly fine with the nightmares crowding around them. Felt like she had grown up with them her whole life. She knew then what Midnight meant about how she acted differently. She knew now how the whole camp knew before they were acting. She did notice Midnight collecting her winnings from the other ponies.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Shaking legs, heart pounding, waves of heat going through her body... The mare never knew she would feel or act like that on their special evening. As soon as Nightmare Season approached her by the bed, with that smirk of his, something took over her mind. Crystal tackled the stallion on the bed and took initiative. The very thought of what this night will mean to them made her shine, and her husband approved of her glowing form. He was talking how much he loves her, she let her actions speak louder than words. Crystal Clear had no idea how many times they did it, or how long they were at it. When she became aware of the dream, the mare instantly crystallised and, as a gift, changed her current dream to the one where she was with her foals.  Crystal waited for him in the tent, dream foals held close.  She wanted this night to bring about her first child, and so, so much. The fact that making it happen felt so damn good wasn't bad either...


He finally entered the tent, and she gave him her very best smile.  "I guess I passed out at some point, right? Sorry for that. At least the rest of the camp can sleep now, I never knew I'd be so... loud. A-anyway, I changed the dream just for us. I love spending time with these two." She glanced at the foals as Nightmare approached. When she looked up again, he was inches away and asked if she's ready to be his.  Silly colt, there was only one answer to that!  She just nodded and kissed him back. Words are unnecessary when two ponies love each other so much. He touched her forehead with his horn and shared the energy.


It was... amazing.  Better than the bed part even, and that's hard to beat. Crystal Clear felt as whole waves of joy overtake her, from ears to hooves. Her crystalline coat actually shined like a glow-crystal, and she felt younger and more energetic.  When her husband finished his part, he was tired. Well,  she did a lot to wear him out already, but sharing energy really beat him.  He kissed her and bid his farewell. She stayed in that dream, hoping for a foal like these two. 


Morning came and found them in the usual embrace. As they both stirred awake,  the mare felt she was still shining. The sheer amount if love and happiness they shared at night would keep her like that for some time and she didn't mind the slightest. Nightmare got up to get her amulet and Crystal noticed she could barely lift a hoof.  Midnight was right. Nightmare was also right, in a way - something in her body did feel delicate. The stallion came back and held the amulet for her. Crystal smiled at him and said: "Nope, I guess you'd need to put it on me. And carry me around too,  cause I can't move really. His reaction was... priceless.  Still, she loved him and wanted him to be happy,  not rum in tiny circles and freak out. "Calm down okay? It's normal.  Midnight told me that, after sharing the energy, a pony feels like they could lift a mountain, but their bodies are do tired they can't lift a hoof. The more times we bond, the less severe the after effect.  Now if you could please give me that amulet.  And help me around, that would be nice. Got to clean up this and that.


She was happy to notice that her husband took his duties very seriously.  He basically needed to handle her like a doll, her body was do unresponsive. He dressed her up and gave breakfast,  since they skipped a meal already. Finally,  he made her a cloud bed and sneaked out towards the carriage. For once, Crystal was too busy being happy to complain about her current state. Keeping it a secret didn't work however,  since the pair was busted before they sneaked up through less than half the way. Soon enough they were surrounded by cheering nightmares, some evidently didn't sleep well that night. Everypony came to congratulate the couple on their wedding. Crystal noticed that Midnight was right again - she felt as if she spent her whole life with nightmares.  They felt like *her* kin. Speaking of which,  the mare was holding a large bag and collecting her wager money. Crystal decided that she would earn quite a lot on this wager.


There were no reading lessons that day. Midnight Gleam,  as she congratulated them, said the bride needs some space and time to come around after last night. So Crystal opted for her activity of choice - spending time with her beloved husband.  She lied on a cushion and he was beside her as her body rested, and her mind was still at full speed with happiness.


At some point, the mare asked.  "So what now?  Do we have an oracle amongst us, or we wait for the normal symptoms? Cause if all our effort didn't work,  we could try again tonight you know. " She gave him a wink and a smile.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare made sure his wife was as comfortable as he could make her feel. No lessons today so she was all his. He stayed right by her side throughout the day. Crystal asked about an oracle among the group. Sadly there was non. "We seem to lack one oracle, so sadly we need to wait till you start showing signs. If only my mother would show up and tell us, that would be one thing. Though I intended to try the next two nights with you. So hope you can handle it in your state." He gave her a great kiss to thank her for her decision to be with him forever.


Their mid-day break had Midnight swing by their wagon. She wanted to check up up on Crystal and tell the two that typically the weakness lasts about two days. Sometimes three days on the first time. Also it takes longer if the nightmare was strong. Crystal was not able to move till her fifth day. She also presented Crystal half of her winnings from her bets. Said it felt right.


The company continued South along the coast for five days. And as Nightmare promised, they tried for a foal the following days, just to increase their odds. There was not much she could do but lay there and let her husband do it all, but it still made her crystallized both times.


Close to the evening of their fifth day after they were wed, Crystal was starting to walk around again. A bit shaky, but she was able to manage. Her husband took great care of her up to that point. She had to continue to wear her amulet for at least the next day. They both heard a horn at one point. First time Crystal heard that sound. With it the wagon came to a stop, almost immediately a pony came to the door and announced there was a pony that was approaching.


Nightmare and Crystal was both escorted by three guards to the front of the caravan. There they saw off by a river leading down the side of the hills was a wagon and a lone figure coming to them. The caravan had left the coast line and headed into the hills due to a fishing village a day out, and they wanted to by pass it. As the lone pony came close enough Crystal knew who it was. Her mother-in-law now. She told the other ponies who she was and that they were safe. Funny how she felt that they were all her friends now.


Hearts-dream came up to the pair and bowed to them. Greetings son and daughter and law. I wish to join you and head home with you two. Crystal was the one to speak up first to allow her request. Nightmare agreed with his wife. "You will be welcomed. I have many things to ask of you." Crystal went up to her, she knew she was like an oracle and really wanted to know. She asked her the big question. Hearts-dream smiled to her. "You took your first night." That news made Crystal crystallize with happiness. "That is why I am now here daughter. To make sure you and my grand colt and grand filly are taken care of." Both Nightmare's and Crystal's heart both skipped a beat with joy. Not one, but two? Crystal felt like she could power the crystal heart herself with this much joy.


As the rest of the camp set up tents around where the alicorn had already picked out. Nightmare spent some time with his mother, finding out what all was happening. Crystal thought it best to leave the two alone. She was making sure to get all dressed up as pretty as she could. The rest of the camp was abuzz with the news of twins. That was unheard of in their world. She now put on her new talisman that Nightmare had crafted after their great night. This one was to represent she was with foal. She would be treated like a princess now that she was expecting. Nightmare had told her every mare that wore this one had to at all cost be protected. Since their foal count was so low, mothers would be treated better than the sultan himself.


As Crystal met up with her mother-in-law and husband next to her tent, the alicorn came up to her with a present. "After I felt the future change for you two to be a great one. I took a train to your home Crystal." Crystal opened up her present, to her amazement, it was a genuine crystal pony wedding gown, a royal wedding gown at that. Adorned with rare crystals and hoof sewn by a crystal pony. Without even asking, Hearts-dream also added. "We came by ship, your wedding is planned for tomorrow evening at the village along the coast. Everyone you know came down with me. Even princess Cadence and Shining Armor came for your royal wedding. I told them what was happening. They were all to happy to do this for you. And the princess hopes this will bring your two people together as friends." Crystal seemed she was turning into her crystallized form more and more these past few days more than ever before.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare poured slightly at the news there was no oracle amongst them. With some effort, she rolled on her side to have a better look at her husband.  "She loves to meddle in our affairs, but I don't see a way she could sneak up on me right now... Don't worry, we'll make good use of the next night. And the next one too, juuuust to be sure. Though I'm afraid I won't be able to, you know, contribute all that much." She was starting to regret her current state, but there was nothing she could do about it. Fortunately, Nightmare Season was doing his best to make her comfortable.


Crystal didn't leave the carriage for the mid day break, but Midnight Gleam showed up to check up on her. Seems they were getting along after all. The mare tried to lift her head to greet her. "Heey Midnight! I'm still alive, if that's why you're here. Thanks for telling me about the after effects, saved us some major panic heheh..." The nightmare mare explained to the couple some more about Crystal's current state.  She wasn't happy with the news that she may be like that for over 3 days even, but there wasn't much they could do, right? Crystal tried to refuse "her cut" of the wager winnings, but Midnight laid the pouch right in front of her and walked out, taking full advantage of her febble state.


The caravan moved along the coast line for five more days. Nightmare and Crystal spent the next two nights "increasing their odds". The mare was unhappy with the fact that all she could do was lay on the bed, but Nightmare was good enough to keep her crystallised every time. If that marathon won't end with a foal, she didn't know what could. 


On the fifth day, Crystal Clear managed to stand up, and even walk a short distance. Still, her legs shook like jelly, so she would need to keep the amulet for at least one more day. They were lounging in their carriage when suddenly, they heard a strange sound - a horn of sorts.  The door opened almost immediately and a nightmare pony announced they were stopped by a lone pony. Crystal had her heart in her throat - what if it was that mare who would challenge her? They were escorted to the head of the caravan by several guards. The mare could barely stand, but tried to keep her back straight when meeting the challenger.


A lone figure with their wagon was approaching.  Crystal was afraid she would faint from stress, but to her great relief, the pony was Hearts-Dream. She breathed out in great relief. "It's okay everypony. It's my mother in-law. She finally decided to show up for some reason... Don't worry, she won't do anything bad to us." The alicorn approached and greeted the pair.  To the mare's surprise, she asked to join the caravan. Crystal Clear was first to reply - "Are you kidding? Of course you can!" The mare couldn't wait anymore and approached her mother in-law. "Since you are here, could you tell us if we succeeded?  Am I carrying my husbands foal?  Please,  I need to know!" 


The news made her crystallise in an instant, and the mare let out a loud "YESSS!". The follow up news that she's carrying twins made her dizzy from happiness. She needed to sit for a moment from the emotional roller coaster. "Twins, like in the dream!? Oh I can't even put it in words how happy I am!" Her coat was basically glowing from happiness, and needed to be carried back to the carriage - the news made her legs shake too much to walk.


The evening stop came and the mare was escorted to her tent. Now she had a new talisman, that announced she was carrying a foal.  Something told her that she will shine for a week. Nightmare was with his mother in her tent. Crystal Clear made good use of the fact that she could walk again by thoroughly cleaning herself up, brushing her mane and tail,  and dressing up as exquisitely as she possibly could. 


The mare finally got tired of waiting and decided to go to the alicorn's tent. She met with her family  just outside it. Her mother in-law was the first to speak, and gave her a present. Crystal took it in her still weak hooves. "Thanks, what is it?" She looked inside the box and her jaw dropped. If she didn't shine already, she would light up now.  "That's... that's..." she looked at the alicorn, speechless. She had to sit down or she would faint from the sheer weight of the news. "My wedding... with the Princess, and my parents,  a-and all my friends... t-thank you!" She put away the box and threw her forelegs around the alicorn, tears of joy forming like diamonds in her eyes. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!" She then threw herself over her husbands neck and kissed him intently.  "A wedding, you heard her? Everypony will be there for us! I'm so happy I can barely breathe..."


And that's all she remembered. The mare woke up in their bed and looked around weakly. "What the..." Nightmare was sitting by the bed and told her she lost conciousness. She scratched her forehead. "That... makes sense actually.  Sorry, must've been all that excitement of today. But twins! Just think about it!" She laid her head on the pillow and breathed out deeply.  "I'm so happy I could double as a lighthouse. And we'll have a wedding tomorrow! I don't know how I'll manage to stand on my hooves through the whole ceremony." She laid and stared at the ceiling,  beaming with happiness. "I think I'll sleep early. I'm too beat with all the emotions going through my head. Hand me a root will ya?" She looked disgusted as usual after consuming one, then went to sleep.  Nightmare had a whole evening to himself, or to catch up with his mother. Eventually, he came to her dream to feed.


The mare was standing next to the Crystal Heart,  now spinning faster than usual.  She was wearing her wedding gown and positively shined in her crystal form. She saw him approaching and pointed a hoof at the artifact. "Normally, crystal ponies hold important ceremonies here, in the Plaza. We take our vows before the Heart, we crystallise our foals before it... and are sent on our last journey too. But, I guess we can make an exception, considering the circumstances. My happiness feeds it with power no matter ehere I am." She smiled pleasantly. "Are you anxious for tomorrow? I'm like, barely standing after a mere thought about it." Crystal Clear stared at the Heart, thinking. Finally she tore her eyes off it and looked back at her husband. "Sorry for that, it's just... I may never see it again, you know. Unless the Crystal Princess invites us on a royal visit maybe. At least I'll be able to finish some of my affairs tomorrow." It's not that she regretted her choices - far from it. But leaving all her life behind her was hard, and she needed time to let it go.

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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