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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare did his best to make her comfy and make her happy as they waited for the feast. After her snapping at his mother, he thought it best to put her in a good mood. When the feast was announced, Nightmare helped her to it. He also brought along the gift dress and outfit for the princess and her husband. The hope was to have them wear the silk to advertise them to the rest of the empire. Nothing works best than to have royalty show off the gowns.


The feast was excellent. Hearts-Dream was absent from it however. Nightmare did not know where to even start with the food. Cadence and Shining Armor loved their outfits he presented to them. Crystals parents were also with them at the table. Her brother was, as usual, looking at the riches. When all were full, the two retired to their bedroom. Nightmare helped to clean her up in the shower and get in her night gown. He decided to let her have her dreams for the night. He will feed the next night. He cuddled up to her the best he could on their small bed. Though it was big, it was smaller than their own.


Morning found them waking up to Cadence and Shining Armor coming by. They were accompanied by Sunburst with many scrolls and books. Princess Cadence went up to sit next to Crystal to explain what was going on. "It seems your mother-in-law really loves you a lot Crystal. She was up all night in the library looking through books and spells to help you." Cadence then let Sunburst explain. "So Hearts-Dream brought the princess several spells before she left to Canterlot. I looked them over and saw what she had in mind." With that Sunburst went into his explaining, most of which went over every ponies heads.


"You see, the issue you have is you are a crystal pony that is typically small compared to other ponies. And your husband being a nightmare pony is typically larger, hint why he is about twice your size. Your body was designed to bear only one foal typically with a stallion around your size. With your run in with the golden root as Hearts-Dream informed me, you are now expected to make two or three foals each time. So increase numbers and now having foals that are slightly bigger than a crystal ponies foal is where all the issues lie. These spells in the right combinations...." He went on with several names and combinations that basically did not make a lick of sense. At first he mentioned that one of the spells will strengthen her spine to help support the load she has and will be expecting in time. and the list went on. At one point mentioning this and that, made Cadence and Crystal blush and their husbands look embarrassed as he spoke of the private areas of the mare. It was hard to follow him, but if they heard him correctly. All the spells will help her body to better deal with the multiple foals and the larger nightmare foals. Her flank will become slightly bigger to aid in the birthing of the larger foals than her body was made for. Her spine will better take the weight. So she will feel like she has one foal instead of two. And her udders will provide enough milk for three instead of just one.


Cadence said they will step outside and let the two think it over. Something like that was best left in private conversation. As the three left Cadence nudged Shining Armor when he whispered something to her. Apparently to tell him no. The two were left sitting on the bed.


With her raging hormones she lost it again. She felt like now every pony out there was just out to make her into a foal-factory. Nightmare stayed with her till she calmed down, even taking a few jabs when she started blaming him for her predicament. When she regained control of her emotions they talked wile nuzzling. "I know it seems like a lot, but you are the smallest mare in our clan. So even without the root, you would be in pain with any nightmare pony you give me. Also this is all to help you out and make you more comfortable with multiple foals. It will also make it easier on the foals." Crystal thought about it and agreed. Especially if it got rid of some of the stress on her body wile carrying, she definitely did not want to find out the pain with three inside her.


He led her out of the room where the rest was waiting. They agreed to allow the spell. Sunburst was assisted by Cadence and other unicorns to pull off the many spells. As Crystal was enveloped by their magic she felt her body change just slightly. Especially her rear hip bones felt like they were spreading farther apart. When everything was finished, she felt her body. Though she still looked like she had twins inside her belly, her spine felt much more at ease. Like she only had one in there. She found a mirror to look at how she now looked. Her flank was a slight bigger, but not to bad. Did not make her look fat, but gave her more of a curve. But the best thing was less pain from the weight of her twins. She ran over to hug and kiss her husband, who noticed her increased utters.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal Clear was upset with her mother in-law, and Nightmare Season could see it. To his credit, he tried his best to make her forget about the disturbing news and enjoy her stay. By the time they were asked for the feast, her mood improved a lot. Speaking of which - the feast was truly grand. The mare decided it wasn't as big as the one they had when Clans accepted their Sultan, since they brought just a few representatives and the Crystal nobility was still decimated by the King's rule. Still, the atmosphere was better. For once she was a full time guest, not table service. The familiar foods and company of her entire family made it even better. Her mother in-law was absent however. The mare was worried she took it too far on the alicorn and that's why she didn't come. Seems like apologies were in order. Crystal didn't want a rift in her family. Now the feast would last till late night, but both royal couples excused themselves earlier, for their little ones sake. Crystal Clear decided that their hosts looked really good in the silken outfits. Maybe the Empire will get rich by selling nightmare silks to Equestria? That was a good plan.


The expecting parents retired to their chambers and Nightmare Season helped his wife with the evening routine. When she asked for the root, he gave her a kiss and said he'd let her dream on her own tonight. It was strange, but Crystal decided it probably had something to do with her tantrum. In the dream, she could actually kick his handsome flank for looking a wee bit too satisfied with the prospect of her losing it for him every time. Still, she loved him too much to actually hurt him. They snuggled to sleep together.


Morning came with another early morning intrusion. This time Sparks woke them up because their hosts came over with the court wizard. Crystal Clear didn't like being woken up, but maybe it was for the better. She had terrible nightmares this night and no Daymare to crush them. Her husband helped her fix her mane somewhat and they went to the living room, still in their night gowns.


"Morning your Highnesses. Court Wizard. Sorry for my unroyal look but, you woke me up so, yeah. What's the matter?" She climbed on a sofa and lied on it, her huge foal belly on plain view. Princess Cadance sat next to her. "Oh she loves me alright. Just in her own wicked way..." She straightened her gown on her underside to show what she meant. "She said why she went to Canterlot? No? What a shame. I wanted to talk to her..." She listened to the magic mumbo jumbo from Sunburst as politely as possible, but the way he talked about her private parts made her want to hive him a nice big shove off the window. She was right next to him, not some theoretical mare he spoke of to students! The trio excused themselves and she saw Shining Armor ask Cadence about something. Stallions and their little brains. Of course he had to ask something. Probably if they can put the same spells on Cadance, or get the golden root for her.


Nightmare Season took a spot next to the crystal mare and looked at her with concern and curiosity. She waited for a bit after the doors closed, and snapped without warning. "What's wrong with that alicorn? She's supposed to be a Princess of Dreams, not foal making! And instead of cleaning up her mess she made of me, now she wants me to be better at what she did to me? What kind of sick reasoning is that?!" She huffed angrily and looked around the room, as if expecting the culprit will suddenly appear to take in her grievances. Nightmare miscalculated and moved in to calm her, thinking she was winding down already. "Now get those hooves off my foals! You're happy now? It only will I birth your offspring like it's a race, but be so damn good at it! And don't give me that "you wanted it" look okay? I wanted a foal. One. O-N-E. Not two or three every year. You know how much of a mess I will be after delivery? Of course you don't. You just have fun with me, then wait till I get big and start clutching to my belly every time you can. Bellyrub a cushion if you so damn like it! I won't let you two turn me into a foal factory for heart damned eternity!!!


Apparently the mix of hormones burned out as Crystal Clear laid her head down in exhaustion. She panted heavily and seemed spent. Nightmare waited to see if she wasn't coming around with round 3, and only then took her close. He hugged and kissed her to calm her down. Crystal clutched to him like her life hepended on it, but said nothing. He said his part. He was right, the delivery would be dangerous, and triplets would very well injure her, and very seriously too. She nodded as a sign of agreement.


It took a while but Nightmare managed to free himself from the snuggle fiend and led his wife to the waiting trio. They must've heard it all judging from the look of them. "I'll take the spells." That's all she had to say.


Sunburst needed to assemble the crystal unicorns to pull it all off, so Crystal Clear had enough time to clean up and eat something. She was led by Cadance to a secure practice room for magic students. The mother wasn't wearing a dress - it could get damaged in the process. Nightmare stood in the far corner as the circle of wizards, together with the princess, got to work.


It felt very strange. Not like the healing spell. She felt lighter, as if some invisible cushion supported her big underside. She had her eyes closed not to be blinded by rays of magic. Next, she felt her pelvis spread wider. It was so surreal. She had to step further apart on her hind legs to feel comfortable. Other spells felt warm and tingly in places she wouldn't mention in public, and it made her a bit uncomfortable. "And the last one... done!" The princess must've added something extra because Sunburst sounded surprised. Of course, why not. It's not like Crystal Clear would mind right? But that was for later. She opened her eyes and felt her body. Her back was much better, like it was carrying half the weight. Her hindquarters felt funny though. "I guess you're looking for this?" Cadence showed her a mirror behind a screen. "Yeah, exactly." The expecting mother walked into the enclosed area to look over herself in some privacy. She was still herself, so that was good. Her back felt much better but she was still just as big. Well, bigger. Her haunches were more pronounced and she stood slightly wider apart. All in all, it made her more attractive that way. Once she's back to normal at least. Nightmare should like that change. At some point she noticed that her milk factory got bigger too. She hoped it will shrink back to normal once she stops feeding though...


Crystal went away from the mirror and as soon as she saw her husband, she ran to him to give him a hug. She felt like knocking him down and cuddling all day, right here. Silly hormones. "It worked! I'm so happy you talked sense in me! Love you Nightmare." She gave him several kisses.


"I uhh... I'm glad it did. If you feel anything out of ordinary, do tell me immediately? Gotta go." Sunburst awkwardly excused himself, and the unicorns followed suit. Princess Cadance stayed to enjoy the view. "My my... you two are really meant for each other." Crystal ceased her love assault at the voice from behind and let go of her stallion. "Sorry, it's just... you know." The crystal princess smiled. "I think I have a dim idea. Come you two, I'll guide you back to your rooms. The palace can be like a maze sometimes." She led her guests, now much happier, down to their room. Nightmare walked in first and Crystal held the princess. 'I'd like to ask you something. First, did my mother in-law tell anything before she left for Canterlot?" The Princess nodded. "She's a secretive one, but, from what I can guess, she wanted to scour the Royal Library just like she did ours. She asked for a letter of recommendation to access the whole thing. My best guess is that she's looking for more ways to help you. She really loves you, even if it's in her own way. And the second question?" Crystal nodded and leaned to ask quietly. "What did you add to the mix?" Cadence grinned and whispered the answer to her ear, then gave her a wink and went her way. Crystal stood in slight shock. "Thanks, I guess?" She shook her head and went inside their suite. Her offspring wanted a cup of tea, a berry salad and a huge bowl of vanilla ice cream...


As the mare was satisfying her modest needs, Sparks came with the agenda. "I got it from the palace ponies. It's ten thirty, and the Sultan is asked for a meeting with the, uhh... Guild of Masters of Crystal at noon." Crystal chipped in - "That's my guild. I can accompany you if you want to. They'll want to negotiate prices for their wares and ask what to make. " Sparks nodded

"Right... now at 4 PM there's dinner with the royal couple at the, uhh... Palace of Crystal Quisine. Whatever it is." Again, the crystal mare. "Just the most expensive restaurant in the whole Empire. You could buy a house for the sum you're going to pay for a dinner for four. Seems like it's time to dust off our best silks. All the rich ponies will want to be there to ask the Princess for favours. It's like they wanted to give our silk some extra advertising..." Sparks continued as Radiance came to her owner to play. "Makes sense. Last thing on the list is a visit to the Star Observatory at 8 PM. No further details." She folded the list and took a seat on one of the couches. Again, it was Crystal Clear who spoke. "I didn't know we have one. Must be on the very top of the palace. I'd go just to see the view. I always loved looking at the stars. Maybe we'll get lucky and see the Northern Lights..." She looked at the empty bowls. "I think I misunderstood my foals wishes. Be back in a moment! " Crystal got up and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door with a kick.

Edited by Raven Rawne

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare went into their room first, When he turned around he noticed his wife whispering to the princess, guess girl talk. With what the spells did, guess he would find out when she was ready to tell. Crystal said it was time to feed her foals and they asked for certain items to eat. Sparks had a list of things scheduled, Guess that is one good thing they had back at home. Scheduling took place by days, not hours. He agreed to all that with his own thing she could do. "Can you take all of Crystal's dresses to a seamstress at camp? With her increase in her back quarters, she will need all her dresses resized please."


When Crystal excused herself to the bathroom, Sparks gathered up the dresses and was taking off. "Make sure her favorite dress is done first and back before noon please. She will want to look her best." Sparks nodded to him and left. He waited for his wife to finish up in the bathroom.


When she came back out, he picked her up and led her to the bed. With her looking and asking him whats up he replied, "Want to get to know you better with your changes." Though she felt it awkward that they should wait, Nightmare did not agree. He felt her new pelvis size and back. "Happy to see you are feeling a bit better love. I am sure mother went to Canterlot to try and make us even more happy." He gave her a kiss. Then at the expense of her embarrassment helped him self to a bit of her mother's milk. Though he meant to only play with her. After tasting it he looked funny. Crystal asked him what was that matter and feared something was wrong. "I don't know, there is something. I will have a better taste to be sure." After a good taste he looked at her happy.


"I did not want to tell you before. Since mother told us he would marry Sparks, I figured everything was fine. But there is another reason nightmares are so few. Normal pony mothers don't eat dreams right? Well their milk is sometimes to inadequate to feed their nightmare foals. So they tend to die young from hunger. Though tasting your milk....there is dream energy in it. With you eating dream roots almost every night seems to given your milk more healthy to feed our foals." He showered her with kisses and nuzzles. He was extremely happy. Though she was a bit angry he left out such an important thing like their foals could die from her poor milk, but with all his kissing she could not stay mad.


"Seems like you did it again love. First with the golden root to show a better fertility, now you show a benefit to eating dream root. Without you, I could never have shown my people how good the roots are. More foals and can feed them now. That is all we needed, and it's all thanks to you love."


Nightmare showed his love for her till Sparks came back with her favorite dress taken out for her new lower body size.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


"Ughhh what a waste of good ice cream... I had to brush me teeth again to get rid of it all." She walked out of the bathroom with a slight frown, and looked curiously at Nightmare as he got up from the couch and approached her. Then she felt his magic aura around her as he lifted her up and levitated by his side to the bedroom. "Would you please tell me why we're going there, or why you thought I wouldn't get there on my own?" Crystal rolled her eyes at the reply. "Of course you do. Stallions and their tiny brains... You could at least wait till I give birth you know." He levitated her on the bed and released her. Crystal Clear stood and looked at him as Nightmare Season eyed her from different angles,  then climbed on the bed to get a feel of her with his own hooves. Crystal thought it was awkward and hoped nopony would come and see them now.  "Enjoying your wife's new big rump? I swear it can double as a pillow or something." As her husband was busy with her changed rear anatomy he started a conversation. A curious moment for sure. Crystal looked behind her to see her husband explore, and hot a surpruse kiss. Well, she liked what he was doing there, if she took the embarassment factor out, so she returned the kiss. "Uh huh, you sure seem to like my recent improvements... Hey! That's not your buffet! Get that snout someplace else!" The nerve of this stallion. How dare him get a taste of her milk just like that? "What? Something wrong with it? They messed up the spell? I'm gonna-" He cut her out before she would spin up another enraged tantrum and took another taste. Okay,  this was weird, but also felt good. At last Nightmare let go of her milk factory and explained what he meant. "So... our son could die of starvation and you kept your mouth shut?!" Crystal tried to get him off her. She was angry to be left in the dark. Again. But there was no way to escape the determined love assault of her husband. After a short struggle,  she gave in and started returning fire. "Remember to thank your crazy mother too.  But not on the same way you do me okay? She caused this mess in the first place. I fear what she'll find in Canterlot..." Crystal let Nightmare have his way. She loved it when he took initiative.


Sparks came into the suite and announced her presence "Hello? I'm back!" Crystal got a bit spooked - the doors to the bedroom were open. Nightmare also stopped what he was doing and helped the expecting mother get off her back.  By the time their unicorn friend poked her head into the bedroom, they were laying on the bed like civilised ponies, next to each other. Nightmare was fixing his wife's mane with his magic. The usual ponytail was replaced with a pretty bun. "Ah there you are, I brought the dress from adjustments, as requested." Crystal glanced at Nightmare. "Seems you've taken care of everything huh? Sparks dear, could you hang it on the doorknob? I'll brush up and try it on. Thanks again." The young mare did as asked, but looked funny at the stallion. Crystal leaned to him once they were alone again.  "You've got milk on your face. Do leave some for our foals when the time comes,  alright?"


She booped the embarrassed stallion and got out of bed to get her comb. Now that she got those improvements, her back felt much better. No need to lay down every ten steps. Crystal combed her front, standing with her back to Nightmare.  When she finished what she could reach,  the mare asked: "Care to give that flank a brush?  You seemed rather happy messing up my coat earlier..." He obliged, and Crystal Clear tried her favourite azure dress on, then put on the crystal earrings and necklace. She looked herself up in the mirror. "Hmm, now I look even bigger... I wonder how noticeable it will be when I recover." Nightmare added his two bits. "Yeah, I know you don't mind. Truth be told... me neither. Alright, I held you up long enough. I'll get to the living room and drink a glass of water, and let you cultivate that royal look of yours.  I suggest you wear that red and gold outfit on dinner. You look stunning in it." Crystal gave him a kiss and ruffled his chest playfully,  then walked out.


The crystal mare lounged on a couch, sipping water by a classic tune from her indestructible gramophone and playing with Radiance as Nightmare got ready. The meeting will be held in the Guild House, which was located at the first level of the Palace.  A testament of its importance in crystal pony society. So they didn't have to go far. Nightmare walked out of the bedroom and Crystal gave him a nod of approval.  "If you weren't with me, mates would fight for you for sure... Let's go then, love."


They walked down a few levels. Crystal Clear led the way. She walked into the Guild House like it was her home and went straight to the meeting room, saying hi to familiar faces. They walked beside impossibly looking sculptures, tools and items on display, and a smooth wall with names etched on it. It was huge and already half filled with names.  "It's a list of all Masters of Crystal, from the day of founding the Guild itself. I'm around... here. Notice the date, over a thousand years ago. You fell in love in an antique hehe." Next to the wall was a pair of ridiculously elaborately decorated doors.  Crystal pony style was simple, like natural crystals. This thing was just against the trend. Crystal Clear opened the door and let her husband in. "Guest of honour first."


Inside was more in sync with the crystal pony style. A long table with crystal seats, rows of wall sculptures in niches depicting most famous and talented masters. At the head ogmf the table was the Guild Master,  alone. "Welcome Sultan. Crystal Clear. Please,  take a seat. I asked for a meeting to,  as I bet your wife already told you, discuss our part of the trade with nightmare ponies. We'd like to know what items do your ponies want from us, maybe some favourite colours or style?  I'm sure we can provide what you're looking for. For a fair price."


Crystal Clear felt at ease with the old stallion.  She knew him most if her life. She shook her head and smiled.  "Good old Chipped Chisel... I'm sure the Guild will be satisfied with the negotiated prices.  How much per work hour for outsiders is it now?  50 bits? Our wares are considered luxury items,  they'll have to be expensive to be desirable.  Just like you said about Equestrians."


The meeting began. They negotiated prices, assortment, size of the shipment. It took over an hour to finally agree on everything, but Crystal was satisfied. They left the meeting in good spirits.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As Sparks left, his wife told him about a drop of milk on his cheek. He wiped it off blushing. Hoped Sparks did not put two and two together. "I will let you feed the foals first love." He helped her brush her flank and tail. Though she usually dose it herself, guess she was still in the mood. As she looked at her self in the mirror. He went over to her. "I am sure you will look lovely after you birth. Your lower part now gives you more curvature and makes you look more appealing in your dresses."


She kissed him and told him to put on his outfit she liked. Apparently she wants him to look his best. After he finished he came out of the room where she was. With her comment he walked over to her. "Yes. Without you there giving them a murdering glare, I might wind up with three more wives by the end of the day."


He followed her down the stairs and through a few halls. Now with her increase rear she swayed more. He would have to get use to that. With her showing off her name on a plaque, he just had to respond. "May be old..."He gave her belly a good rub for measure. " But definitely not out of date." She led him into a large room that looked like the meeting room, especially with the pony sitting at the head of the table.


The discussions began. "With Crystal's work back home, we seem to know what is most wanted. Crystal as jewelry is the most desired. As for the coloring and shapes, I think a wide range will be best. The rarer a specific piece will be will net a better sale price. If they all look the same it will lower the pricing down. As for your weapons, there will not be much call for them as weapons but more decorative pieces. We are always at war with our neighbors so crystal weapons will not be used much. The glow stones are not to much called for. We have light ourselves. But a few dabbled in shipments will be good for the non-nightmare ponies to buy." They discussed pricing. Nightmare will market the crystals as a luxury item and will have a good price on them. They eventually agreed to a set sum for crates of goods. They will also receive a few bolts of silk so they can sell at a great prices as well. When they shook on it, they filled out a contract and both signed it.


When all was finished he allowed his wife to show him around at some of their work. Waiting till their meeting with the royals.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The pair walked out of the meeting room all the way to the fouer - there were seats there for smaller meetings and casual chit-chat. Crystal Clear took a seat smoothed her dress and rested her elboes on the table, leaning towards her husband as far as her belly allowed. "Seems we got a good deal back there, don't you think? When you add Dark Waters share for ferrying the wares, the crystal items should be expensive enough to be counted as luxury wares alright. Now we need to spin interest for our silks. The dinner today will sure help, but I should warn you - it will be a crowded restaurant full of rich ad famous types. By now I bet everypony and their dog knows about our little trade mission, and there will no doubt be reporters around, and nosey ponies of all kinds... Try to keep calm as we are led to and from our table? Some ponies love to provoke to get a picture or news story." She looked at the clock on the wall. "Hmm... we still have two and a half hours till meetup with the royal couple at the Plaza. Care for a tour and a history lesson on my trade?" Nightmare agreed, and the shining mare smiled, then led him on a tour around the Guild House. She talked about the begginings of the trade, how the method to join crystals was discovered, how ponies made a Guild to protect the secret and guarantee the quality of crystal wares. She showed different artifacts of the past, important to the crystal ponies and the Guild. All in all, they shaved off nearly an hour off their spare time on te tour. With little else to do, they went back to their suite.


Crystal Clear took an oportunity for a restroom break and lounged in the living room. She took off the dress to avoid staining it and the like, but kept the earrings and the necklace. She rested comfortably on the couch, listening to music and reading a newspaper, ocasionally taking a sip of water. "Hmm, the paper mentions our arrival. Funny, it says that a group of nightmare ponies from a distant land has come to trade with the ponies of the North, and establish diplomatic contacts with both States. They write not to be scared of the flaming manes and to leave the camp alone, instead file any petitions to the Palace for any inquiries and offers. The usual "don't panic" article, promising grand incomes from overseas trade. Of course they forgot to mention what we have for sale. Never trust a news reporter I tell you..." Sparks joined her on another ouch, She took a degree of liking towards Crystal's music taste. it was dofferent from what nightmare ponies played.  "Sparks dear, maybe you'd like to see the town? You're imense help for me these days, but you need something from life too. Would you like me to ask the princess to give you a guide? Maybe you'd like to go shopping a bit? Since we're sitting on our hooves waiting for this pair to make up their minds" - she pointed at her foals - "and the trade agreements mostly over, we could have som fun outside. Now that I can walk longer distance than from bed to the bathroom... What do you think honey? A litle family trip someday?"


The trio talked about their plans for the stay in the Empire, and Sparks was honoured to be considered part of the family, a bit like a honorary daughter. When it was time, the pair got all nice and ready and went downstairs. Crystal noticed that Nightmare all of a sudden started walking behind her. At some point she looked back and did a shake with her improved flank. "You like what you see there?" As they entered the Plaza, Crystal walked to the Crystal Heart again. This time she took just a moment, brought to the present by a kick inside her. "In due time, little ones. In due time..." She walked to the carriage and was pleasantly surprised to see the royal couple in their silks. Princess Cadance smiled at the other royal pair. "We took a great liking for your fabric. Plus, a little modelling for the rich and famous will only raise the demand, right? And how's our expecting mother? Did the spells work?" Crystal shooked her head and laughed. Come on Princes, can we have a moment without talking about my pregnancy? Well, the ones that I could feel now sure work. I had somepony test the new features." She pointed at Nightmare. "The rest will become known at birth, I guess. And after." The mares shared a knowing look.


The carriage launched forward and they rolled into the South Avenue - easily the most prestigious one. The "Palace of Crystal Quisine" was the third building from the Palace. Crystal smirked at the shrt ride. "I guess it's all about appearances, right? I could walk that distance easily." Prince Shining Armour chipped in. "We know, but royals and carriages are a natural fit. Hmm, seems the rumor we leaked worked. Lots of newsponies. Just keep calm, don't answer questions, and look good. Things will be quiet inside. Ready?" The pair nodded and the royals left the carriage, then walked inside the restaurant. A few guards kept watch so their route wouldn't be blocked.


The name of the venue seemed... off, but now Crystal Clear knew why it was named as such. The whole thing was dug several stories deep into the ground, and tables were spread on small balconies, which in turh, rested atop branches of a huge crystal tree sculpture. They even had the leaves just right. A waiter took them down a hanging dridge into the tree trunk, and on the highest balcony - it was one storey higher than the rest, but the guests below could see them. Crystal Clear nodded with approval at the decor. She saw work hours, prices of materials etc. The sum was staggering, and so was the effect. They took their seats and looked at the menu. The whole... cave? Dome? Whatever, the other guests started whispering and it made a steady noise echoing from the walls. Princess Cadance smiled. "Sems we made an impression alright."

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Asa they were in the carriage, Cadence asked her how she was fairing after the spells. The mention of testing a few of them got Nightmare to blush a bit. Though he was curious about the after birth. He whispered to his wife. "Are you going to share with me about her last spell that was not listed?" Seemed she wanted him to wait to find out.


As they walked to the restaurant, Nightmare was flooded with flashes and questions. He did his best not to freak out, though his wife did notice his hesitation. As they were led to their table, Nightmare looked at the crystal tree. A great feat to build something like that he thought. As they looked at the menu. Nightmare had no idea what anything was really. "Crystal love, I will let you be in charge of ordering." He rubbed her belly. "Something that will satisfy all three of you." He looked around at every pony looking up at them.


They ordered and talked wile they waited for their food. "Seems we have a contract with the guild on the trade goods both party wants. This will help us both out a lot in the future." Cadence and Crystal seemed to focus mostly on each other, especially Crystal finding out what to expect with her first foals. Nightmare listened to Shining on his guards and formations and asked him what drills nightmare ponies do.


When the food finally arrived. Nightmare looked at his food then his wife first. He did not know what it was. They ate and shared more words with each other. When they finished they departed back to the carriage. Nightmare took his wife back to their room. They had several hours till their meeting at the observatory. He was going to keep his wife company till then. "Alright you.....spill. What is the secret?" He asked her as he tried to get her in the mood. She was his till they had to leave. And if he could make her extra shinny he would. Sparks was out looking around so he was going to make sure she enjoyed herself.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal Clear was reading through the menu when Nightmare Season let her be in charge of their order. "We're still trying to decide what to take, but I have a few ideas... I'll pick something that will satisfy you, no worries." She looked up at the waiter. "I'll have... number three, then two eights for us both, a number twelve for my husband - you'll like it, promise - and a glass of green tea. Anything catch your interest in the drink section?" Nightmare also went with tea. They chatted on topic close to their mutual interests - girls about parenthood, boys about soldiering and art of war. Crystal never really considered the Guard as anything more than a police force and honor guard for places and events. Crystal pegasi were always the warrior caste, but the years of peace, with the exception of the Kings rule,  made them not really combat ready. The girl talk was more productive - the mare picked up a lot of tricks and trivia on foals. Once their orders arrived,  Crystal Clear had a laugh.  "You're so cute when you're clueless. Lemme show you." The mare took a glance down at other tables. Several ponies were suddenly very busy. "Uh huh, we sure are making an impression."


The dinner was a success, as far as Crystal Clear was concerned. They came back to the suite, to Nightmare's great relief. He wasn't one for crowds and spotlight in a foreign land.  The mare took off her dress to save it, and was about to take a nap when Nightmare Season blocked her way. He wanted to know what Princess Cadence did. Crystal grinned sheepishly. "Ahh, now you know how it feels to be kept in the dark. Not fun isn't it?  I'll tell you, since you ask so nicely. It's a spell to make me... uh... enjoy our time together more. So don't be surprised if I keep the whole clan awake at night when I get in that famous heat your mother so graphically advertised." She shrugged. "Now you know. She decided that I need to have something out of this foal making craziness too. Seems like everypony wants to decide for me these days..." She shook her head and sighed as Nightmare let her pass.  She climbed on their bed and looked back at him. "I'll take a nap, so you can get a snack if you want.  Or you can get a drink, since you seemed to enjoy it last time. Whatever shines your crystal." She lied down as Nightmare made up his mind.


When the time has come to go to the observatory, Crystal Clear kinds wanted to skip it. Sure,  Sparks came back at some point so they lost some privacy,  but she could enjoy her husbands presence regardless of such inconveniences. With some reluctance,  she rubbed her stallions chest one last time and crawled out of bed to get ready. "Hey, have you thought about how it's going to be when I give birth? The sleepless nights, diapers, that sort of thing. Princess Cadence told me about it, and I'm not sure about how it will affect your feeding, amongst other things. Or my mental state for that matter. She said that Flurry Heart needed her meal every three hours, or something blew up. Guess we'll need to look for fireproof ways to cover our babies in their cradles and such. So much stuff to learn the hard way..."


They went upstairs to the Observatory. They were met by Princess Cadence with her sleeping baby. "She sleeps best under the stars. That, and it minimises property damage." She smiled at the couple.  "Enjoy your last month while you can,  once they're out, things will get hectic, I assure you." They went to a cushion area and lied on their backs to look at the stars. Crystal sighed. "The view is so much better than back in my previous house. Shame our tents are not really made for windows. I guess I share your daughter's sentiment." Princess Cadence smiled and nodded. "I have something to show your husband too. Any minute now..."


She didn't disappoint.  Up here the ponies could see the awe inspiring Aurora Borealis in its full glory. Crystal Clear grabbed her stallion in a hug as they appreciated Nature's show. They stayed there, occasionally talking quietly until the mares got sleepy. Then they all retired to bed.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


When Sparks came back the two lightened up on their loving. Though they knew she heard them many times before and did not really stopped till it was time for their meeting. With her questions he thought. "We should be fine love. There will be three of us to take care of them. As for feeding. I will have to settle for fast food I guess." He gave her a kiss before they got out of bed.


As they watched the stars. Nightmare was amazed at the auroras. They looked like trails of gems in the sky. He made sure to take advantage to give her her recommended amount of belly rubbing wile they laid there. When the mothers started to get sleepy, they called it a night a retired to their rooms.


Hearts-Dream was gone a few days before she returned. Sadly she could not find anything more for Crystal. The two spent their time over seeing item trading and the few feasts. A week went by and Nightmare took Crystal out of the empire, He had a surprise for her. Blinded folded he carried her on the smoke cloud to a special place. When she was told she could look. He had taken her to that same cave where they first met. "Surprise love. Here." He presented her with a document. It was a document of ownership. Her name was on it as the owner to the Clear Crystal Cave. "I bought it for you. It will be protected from mining and the crystal ponies will make it a tourist attraction. Cadence gave me the okay to do such." He accepted her hugs and kisses in thanks.


A few weeks latter was when Crystal knew her foals were on the way. She made sure Nightmare was not present for it. To his dismay he wanted to be there.


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The next few days went rather ordinary. The amount of scheduled activities lessened as the Royal Couple needed to attend their own duties, and news about the trade mission of nightmare ponies spread acriss the Empire. Nightmare Season had several meetings with various enterpreteurs trying to get into the trade, and they were invited on several more feasts. All in all, it was a nicee time, almost like vacation. Crystal Clear made sure to apologise her mother in-law, when she finally showed up. The alicorn found no further material for "improvements", and the mare had mixed feeling about that fact. She got to like the ones she already got. Nightmare Season sure liked them too...


About a week after their busy day, Nightmare took his wife on a trip out of town. Although it was rather weird that he told her to get on his cloud and covered her eyes with a blindfold. It had a "surprise" written all over it. The mare waited patiently until he asked her to take a look. She trusted him, and didn't want to mess up his surprise. Crystal Clear took off the blindfold when she was asked to and looked around. "Is that...?" She grabbed the document and read it. She was taken aback, but in a very pleasant way. She looked around, smiling broadly. "Our first meeting... Feels like it was ages ago, doesn't it? And now we'll be able to take our foals here and tell that story! You're a genius Nightmare, c'mere, you've earned a reward hehe!"


Another three weeks have passed. Crystal Clear started to get impatient, since her foals seemed to keep growing and growing, with no intentions to leave her womb. At least her improvements helped to keep her safe from injury, and Nightmare Season was very helpful. Especially with keeping the milk factory operational... Finally, On her eight month and twenty eight day, the time has come. She woke up at night for the usual restroom break, but didn't come back to bed - it started. Thankfully everypony was at the ready in the palace and she was taken to a specially prepared chamber for delivery. The mare forbid her family from being present, or visiting before she allowed it. Crystal Clear didn't want them to remember her a mess. Six hours after the alarm, the mare had two foals in her hooves. Funny how they looked just like in the dream. Well, her son was a full nightmare, not a halfbreed but still. She allowed to be seen around dinner time. Nightmare came in first, the rest of the family had to wait a little longer.


Crystal Clear lied on a small bed, two crystal cradles were set at both sides of it. The room was stacked with supplies for the foals and their recovering mother. The court physician left the couple to themselves, after making sure all three are fine. Crystal Clear was laying on her back, in a rather inappropriate position, but it was the best way to let both her foals feed at once. She was dead tired, but happy like never before in her life. Both her foals were feeding when their dad came in, their son having just a tiny lick of fire for mane and tail. Crystal looked at her husband and smiled. She wasreally tired. "Look who's here heh? How's it going daddy? It was hard going, but I made it. Doc says I wouldn't manage on my own if not for all those improvements. Do thank our mom from me okay?" She gasped and looked at her foals. "Damn, your son sure is a greedy one Funny how he has the same technique as you, if you can believe it." She rest her head on the pillow and let her husband take a good look at her and their foals. She was so beat, and felt like she got punched by a Yeti down there. "I'll need like, two years break minimum before the next ones..." Nightmare wanted to take his kids into his hooves, but Crystal stopped him. "Let them feed first. Then you can have'em, okays? Gosh I'm so beat..."


Nightmare Season stayed with her until the foals got fed, then helped her into a more modest position and finally took his foals into his hooves. Later the rest of the family was allowed to visit the mother and her foals.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare woke to his wife yelling saying it was time. He did not even get properly ready for the day and he just carried her to the waiting ponies. He tried to stay with her, but she did not want him to see her. If they were back home, he would have been right by her side through it all. For six hours he pranced back and forth. any longer and he would have put a groove in the floor. When the physician finally allowed him in he went to her. The rest had to wait.


As he entered he saw her laying down to allow the two foals to feed. A tiny crystal filly and a slightly larger nightmare colt. Both feeding from her. He walked up beside her to check on her. "I am sure I can wait two years for you." He winked at her. When he reached for the two she stopped him. Apparently they both were very hungry That, or her milk was just to good to not stop. He settled for rubbing her now flat belly. "Going to miss it. So two years I have to wait?" Though he was just joking with her. When the foals finished, the colt being the last one done. He placed them in the cradles and helped her to move to a more presentable position. And brought the two back to her for their first cuddling session.


The rest of the family came in and congratulated them. Her mother even bringing her flowers. When Crystal's father tried to pick up his grand colt. He found his mane and tail to be a bit to hot. "Oh, almost forgot to deal with that." Nightmare said and lowered his horn. He engulfed both of their foals in some kind of magic. "This will stop them from setting fires and burning ponies." Odd that Crystal did not feel the flames when they were next to her. Maybe as their mother she got a slight immunity to the flames?


When every pony had a chance to admire the small ones, Nightmare asked for a coach. Looking back to his wife, "Now I have to take you three and show you off to the camp. No buts, it is a tradition and if I don't, I will be yelled at by every pony." He gave her a kiss and lifted all three up in that nice fluffy cloud. To her it felt far better than the bed at least. When he got them back to camp, he showed off his wife and foals to every pony. Cheers and yells from the camp could be heard all the way back in the city. Ponies might have though a war had started. "Oh and last thing." He took her amulet off her neck. "You will get this back next time I knock you up."


The nightmares threw a large party that night for the couple and the new borns. This night was written down in history as the first mare to birth twins for a nightmare. Hearts-Dream even healed her daughter-in-law up so she could enjoy the party as well. That night, Nightmare made sure to cuddle each one in bed. He watched as the two fed as they were laying in bed together. "Seems I have to share you now."


A few days past for her to heal up. When she was back on her hooves, it was time to head to the docks and head home. The news of their foals were sent home as well as well as the great news of her milk having dream energy in it. The dream roots will finally make a scene to the rest of their people. Nightmare loved his family even more now.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear was holding her little ones in a close embrace. Nightmare Season beside her. "Chin up daddy, it's a new chapter for us. Sure, it'll be tough at first, but, think of the future! I'm sure you'll love being a dad more than a husband of a knocked up mare. Although I'll miss some of your shenaningans, truth be told. Welp, better get some good rope to tie me to the tent post in a few months time, or we'll do it all over again hehe!"


The doors opened and the rest of their family came in. "Hey all, sorry for the wait. They really did a number on me... Flowers? Thanks mom, it's so nice of you." Dad asked if he can hold his grand son, and she nodded. For some reason, he couldn't hold him for long, sair the fires were too hot. Thankfully Nightmare fixed the issue for both foals. "Hmm, I felt okay holding him. Mom magic."


They talked for a bit, as if oblivious to her current state. The painkilling spells were still working, but she still felt messed up down there. ...And then Nightmare Season declared he'll take her to camp. "You what? Ehh, do your worst, I'm in no state to argue anyway." She let him lift her, and their foals, onto the black cloud, and then off the room. She hated being immobilised, but the cloud was way more comfortable than her bed. It was hard not to doze off as he carried her, but the mare managed to stay awake under a blanket - spread for decency - mostly because she was afraid her foals would fall. They were already wriggling, little cuties. Nightmare showed them to the nightmare ponies at camp, and her ears were ringing from all the cheers. At some point, Nightmare Season took her amulet. Crystal looked up, confused. She nodded weakly as he explained his reasoning. "Don't throw it away, I'll need it, knowing us and our habits..."


That night, the nightmare ponies threw a party in their honour. Hearts-Dream offered her priceless healing magic to help the crystal mare get better sooner, and when the party started, though still immobile, she felt no pain from her fresh repaired lower parts. She laid on the cloud, with her foals, enjoying the atmosphere. The family retired to their suite in the Palace late at night. Mom and her kids dozed off at some point anyway, but Crystal Clear woke up when her husband carried her to their bed. "Nghhh... I slept? Daamn, where are the kids? Right, here... Toss me a root will ya? Need to keep the milk quality and all. peaking of which, I guess I'm so good at it I could feed a couple more. Funny, eh? Like they overdid the spell or something." She booped him and winked. "Guess that should help keep the daddy on his hooves too, eh? *yawn* C'mere, our first family cuddle on three. Thaats it. Ooops, they woke up." The foals started looking around and crawling sleepily to their mother. "I guess that's our cue to open the buffet. Could you help me a bit? Thanks. Hmm, I must look so weird feeding them like that..." Nightmare observed the foals satisfying their hunger, and said aloud that he'll have to share her now. Crystal looked up at him. "Aww, I'll always be yours. C'mon, lean and I'll show you." She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and pulled him down in a kiss.


A few days have passed, and Crystal Cear could finally walk again. The foals were in good health and ate a lot. They were both crystallised on their third day. A very short time all things considered, but they needed to come back South. Crystal recieved modified sabblebags to carry her twins with her, and she did so eagerly. She didn't want to leave them out of sight, despite excellent help from Nightmare and Sparks. Besides, it's not like they could feed the foals instead of the mare. Speaking of which, Crystal asked for some modifications in her wardrobe - besides obviously shrinking her dresses in waist, they became longer at the back, to obscure her milk factory which was working at full speed. They really overdid that spell but, whatever. The rest worked good enough. The royalc couple and their subjects bid farewell to the wondrous Crystal Empire and set seil back South, laden with crystal items they traded for silk.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare and Cadence agreed to meet up once a year, she will have a crystal trade ship made so next time they will come down South to visit them. They agreed every other year they will switch on who sailed to the other country. The ride back was a lot more chaotic, well for the new parents anyways. Their two foals were indeed a hand full. Sparks was a great help to them. She especially took a liking to the colt. Just as Nightmare had predicted, their filly when upset took on flames. Thankfully with the spell in place she did not burn the ship down. The colt also crystallized when he was in a good mood. Nightmare decided to name their colt Crystal Flames. Since he looked cute in his crystal form. He allowed his wife to name their filly. Seemed she was the most troublesome with her curiosity.


The rest of the crew was doing great. Smooth sailings except for the occasional crying at night waking up half the ship. Nightmare actually took a liking to her longer dresses, made her look more beautiful than she already was. A couple stops along the way had the family go ashore to exercise and take their foals for a walk. The month ended with them pulling into port in their kingdom. All the clans were there to see the trades that was brought back, and to see the two new foals that were born.


Nightmare said their clan will be in charge of the golden roots, they were far to potent to be just handing out. Hearts-Dream had figured the right dose to give to mares to allow them to take without the permanency that took Crystal and the mare from Shooting Star clan. She would be the sole seller of the golden root powder. Burning Sands had started planting and tending the dream roots to start growing. With word from his letter about her milk being able to properly feed nightmare foals, they were finally a need for them.


The coast was a blaze with the clans buying the crystal merchandise. A few of the normal ponies bought the few glow crystals he asked for. But within the week, everything was sold. And the clans were off to their own section of the kingdom. Nightmare said where their clan would travel to next, by the great forest that bordered their lands. The rains will come soon to flood the river. So the forests will be best. And he wanted Crystal to see the rain forest. He wanted to get back to exploring, this time with his wife at his side.


Crystal's modifications really made a huge difference. She was able to carry both on her sides with her spine supporting them, Though a few days Sparks took over with one for her and Nightmare took the other. Her milk producing did seem a bit over productive, but Nightmare did not mind one bit. It took them a week to travel the sands to where their home will be for a year. Thankfully the clans all came to them each month for the monthly trades and get together, so they did not have to move to often. When they got there, Crystal saw first prairies separating the sand from the tall trees off in a distance. They set up camp next to a small lake. and the room right next to them was converted to the foals nursery.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The travel back home, or from home,  depending how she looked at it, was one hell of a ride. Well, the sailing was smooth and they had no accidents or anything, but the first month of being a mother was a real test of Crystal's love. Waking up every three hours at night to feed the babies killed her sleep schedule.  She just dozed off wherever she could lie down in relative calm. Nightmare and Sparks were huge help during the day, and the mare was pretty sure she would go bonkers without them,  but she couldn't wriggle out of setting up the buffet. In rare spare moments,  she took to herself to get back in shape, and took up any forms of exercise she could think of, like running in circles on the sun deck. Not very comfortable with two big taps between her hindlegs, but what could she do? By the time they arrived most if the foal fat was gone, but she still had some extra padding in places. The parents decided to split the honour of naming their children. Nightmare Season named their son Crystal Flame.  Since he shined when he was happy,  it fit very well. Crystal Clear decided to name their filly Crimson Aurora. It just... dawned on her one day. Later she said it was because of her daughter's colour palette,  her inability to sit in place and that fiery temper, literally. First time she erupted in flames Crystal rolled on the deck from laughter. There was something so funny and cute about her when she was mad. And of course, being mommy's daughter, the filly was curious to a fault and had a hair trigger temper.


As soon as she felt sand beneath her hooves, the mare knew her honeymoon was over. With the squabbling clans all present at the docks Nightmare hosted a slew of feasts and audiences, and she was expected to be by his side and look pretty. She never liked the way his culture viewed mares,  but at least he only asked her to abide by his culture when in public.


Nightmare decided to move their clan someplace else. They needed a week to reach the destination, but Crystal was sure glad they went there. There was actual dirt under her hooves, and even some fry grass and bushes. A massive wall of trees loomed in the distance, buy the set camp by a nice looking lake. Swimming would help her get back in shape, and also make it easier to get enough water for their clan.  Hearts'?-Dream didn't lie - nearly every married mare was expecting. That crazy mare... Crystal Clear was happy when they finally set up the big tent. It meant they would stay here for a while, and she really needed some stability. The babies also seemed content with staying in one spot and let their mommy sleep a little bit more. All in all, things were looking better. Even Nightmare Season could get back to eating dreams, although he seemed to like some variety to his diet,  now that Crystal had more to offer in the dream energy department.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Their new location was perfect. Though the rains for that area will come soon. Nightmare set up a small area by the lake where they could lay down and enjoy some shade. Even though there was grass and trees, the heat was still there. He also set up a small area by it so she could feed her foals without prying eyes on her when they were out there. Crystal really appreciated that.


When all was set for a years stay the place was very nice. Nightmare decided he will help his wife loose the last bit of baby fat she stored up. That way she would look better with her new curves. The lake was big enough so they could have a good swim session in. He was starting to get use to being a dad. The time on the boat and wagon was crazy. New borns are so demanding. And the sleeping was out of the question. Even he had lost a bit of weight with the lack of feeding from Crystal's Dreams. Though he did not mind the roots, and the occasional mother's milk when he could get away with it.


Sparks moved her room right next to the foals room, just so she could help out more. Even if it did mean hearing the couple's bed antics better. But she felt it was a good idea. She started feeling more a part of the family and wanted to help out as much as she could. Though she was getting paid, she saved all her bits she earned.


A good portion of Nightmare's time was taken up with his royal duties, mostly reading and writing letters about things needing his attention. But when he was free, he kept his wife and foals company by the lake under the shade. "I am happy to see these two feed love." He said to her during her normal feeding them. "They look so healthy, guess you have a bit of extra love in your milk." He gave her a kiss. "When they are a bit older, I want to take you into the forest. Have a little exploring to do. Can't just be the royal couple all the time can we?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The little ones finished their second month as the clan, and the royal couple, got comfy in their temporary location by the lake. Crystal Clear took a habit of spending a lot of time outside, by the lake. Seeing that, Nightmare arranged a comfy and private spot by it's shore. Crystal was very greatful for that, now she could spend time in shade by the water, which made the heat more tolerable. Plus, she didn't have to go back home to feed the foals. Since they grew really fast, it was a very nice touch. The mare's back wasn't indestructible, despite all the improvements she took. The pair also took up swimming, mostly to speed up the mare's process of getting back to her peak condition.


Now that things settled down, their lives finally slowed down into a manageable pace. Nightmare Season had a lot of royal duties, mostly in form of answering letters, but took active role in family life. Crystal Clear was busy raising the little ones, with ample help from Sparks, who by now was their right foreleg. The young mare really was like family to them, despite the fact that she was officially hired and recieved payment for her services.


One beautiful day, Crystal Clear was resting after her swimming session on a rug, still wet, as her foals fed. The air was filled with quiet tunes from her gramophone and the canvas above her head provided respite from the sun. Slight breeze was also most welcome. She enjoyed the moment with eyes closed when she heard her husband's voice, and looked at him with a smile."Look sweeties, daddy took a break from his royal duties!" She snickered at the mention of her milk. "You tell me, does it taste like love, huh?" She returned the kiss as best as she could, considering she needed to be still. "I;ll take that as a yes then." She listened to his plan, and patted her chin in thought. "Hmm... Once I can safely leave them for most of the day, sure, why not. I could use some change from the usual routine. Not that I'm complaining hehe." Crystal ruffled her foals manes gently as they did their best to empty her well stocked buffet. They looked so cute when they fed. "I've been curious about that forest, so I'd happily take a walk through it. With you, of course. I wonder what mysteries it hides..." She looked at the foals, seems they were finished for now. The mare sat up and brought the filly up so she could burp up after feeding. "Could you take Crystal Flame for an upsie? Thanks. Crimson Aurora gets mad when she's taken up second. Mommy's daughter, that one... So, about that forest, have you ever ben here? I won't lie, you picked my interest with that one. Been a while since I've been in a proper forest. I just hope that one is less scary than Everfree. "


The mare's mind was alight with prospect of adventure, and she asked a lot of questions.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare lifted up Crystal Flame to pat his back to burp him. "The forest is a bit of an unknown to us. I have not been in there either. Though we do know there on the other side is another nation of ponies living. Since we have not had ties with them before......mostly the feeding on dreams and stealing foals for wives. I am hoping we can establish peaceful ties with them. Try and get more on our side before I approach those that wants to kill us on sight." With the little ones burped, he passed his son to her and took his daughter. "You look just like your mommy. Even your little temper is the same." He smirked at her when she looked at him.


when it was latter in the day. They took the foals back to their tent to turn them in for bed. They needed some alone time with each other, now that they were less demanding of their time. Sparks agreed to watch them. Nightmare led his wife out for a walk. He was going to take her close to the forest so she could have a better look at it. Even though they were so close for almost a month, the foals made it so they had to be with them at all times. This was their first break, even if for an hour.


As they walked the edge of the forest. Nightmare showed her some of the trees that produced some of the rare fruits they eat. Though Burning Sands clan usually picks them, they never went to far into the jungle. Nightmare using his magic even picked one for his wife to eat. "Here you go love, eat up. You do most of the feeding so it is your turn to eat." He gave her a nuzzle. "We best start heading back. Knowing Crimson Aurora, she will wake up soon to take you over again."


As they got back a letter was waiting for Nightmare. Crystal went to check up on the foals. The letter was not good news. When Crystal came back to see what he had read, she found he was getting his armor on and saddlebags. She knew something was not right and went over to him.


Nightmare nuzzled and kissed her. "Forces has attacked our boarder and took the pass. They need all the hooves they can get. I hate to leave you like this, but this is one duty of your husband the sultan." He comforted her before he took off. Other stallions of the clan went with him, only a few remand behind to guard the mares.


He was gone for three months. He kept sending letters to Crystal letting her know what was happening, and that he was alright. At the end of the third month he was gone. She recieved a letter saying they won and he will be home in a day.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare nodded. "In that case, we better try and reach the other side. Who knows maybe we'll make another alliance. Besides, it's easier to trade across the forest than across an ocean..." She looked up at her husband when he commented on Crimson Aurora's looks and temper. "She's mommy's lil girl, and I love her the way she is. Although it might be hard to find a colt crazy enough to marry her, hehe."


Later that day, the couple put their foals to sheep - the little ones began to sleep a little longer in the afternoon, something of a extended nap. It made them very active in the evening, but it was a step forward from 3 hour feeding schedule... Sparks eagerly took watch ober them as Nightmare led Crystal for a walk. The young parents savioured their alone time, now that they had so little. They approached the forest for the first time, and the mare had an oportunity to take a look at the trees that produced some of the fruits they eat. Nightmare Season even picked one with his magic as he told her about the forest. Crystal CLear took it in her hoof and carefully inspected. Hearing her husband's comment, she smirked. "Heh, feeding the three of you can be demanding at times, yeah." She returned the nuzzle and raised with a kiss, but Nightmare said they better head back. "Well, guess you're right. Don't wanna miss the sight of her cute rage."


Crystal went to check on the foals - thankfully they didn't wake up just yet. She then went to Nightmare who recieved a letter. As the mare stepped into their chamber, she saw him strapping his armour and her heart sank. "What's... happening?" His words did little and she stopped shining. The crystal mare helped him pack up, but her head was full of doubts and dark thoughts. Nightmare Season went away with most of the stallions, leaving just a few to guard the camp. Crystal knew a tough time has started for her.


With just a few able bodied stallions, and most of the married, adult mares pregnant, they lacked the hooves to work. Crystal Clear had to take off the pretty dress and get to work herself, and the ponies looked up to her as an informal leader in that time. The ponies decided to make house chores, like cooking and washing a community effort, rather than a family one. It was easier to delegate a few ponies to make a big meal than three quarters make small ones. The clan ponies helped Crystal prepare for the rainy season, of which she had no idea. The crystal mare fashioned shovels from crystal and, being one of the few non-pregnant and able bodied ponies around, dug channels in the soil to tead the water away from the camp. Thankfully they were on a gentle hill, with the lake at it's foot. She led the channels the opposite side to avoid contaminating the lake. As a side effect, all the hard work allowed her to get in peak shape. No more foal fat or jelly muscles, she was back the way she liked it. Just way more curvier because of her bigger flank. In rare moments of respite between chores and taking care of the little ones, she penned letters to her husband. He told her how the war was going, and she told him how she misses him, how the kids are doing, the camp news... She was surprised the clans didn't come tor the monthly meetings but, with all the stallion fighting, they didn't have the hooves to pack up and move. At least the mares of her clan, herself included, developed a sense of cameraderie that would hopefully help when they give birth all at once...


One thing she didn't mention in the letters was that, in the second month of the war, her body resumed it's heat cycles, in monthly intervals. On the first time, she had to stay at home for three days, being completely unable to focus on anything other than her burning need. Sparks had to remind her to feed the foals, which, once she came around to her senses, was pretty scary. Crystal decided that even bing tied to a tent pole wouldn't help for long if Nightmare was present. And Hearts-Dream said it wont be "too severe"...


The rainy season started in the end of the third month of Nightmare's absence. Crystal just recovered from her monthly indisposition when a letter came via Radiance. Poor bird didn't like flying in the rain one bit... The news of her husband coming home within a day made her instantly crystallise - something that didn't happen since she heard he's going to war. Crystal hugged her foals and made a big noise with her happiness. Even Sparks got a killer tight hug. She ran into the pouring rain to announce that the stallions will come back tomorrow.


Crystal Clear couldn't sleep that night. She tossed and turned but to no avail. Morning caught her sitting in the nursery, next to the cradles. She bare ate anything for breakfast, and found herself staring intently at the horizon in the direction the stallions disappeared three months ago. Just before dinner, she saw movement on the horizon.


All the mares stood atthe edge of camp, staring intently at the approaching shapes, paying no attention to the rain. At some point, a horn sounded from the collumn of ponies, and another replied from the camp. At least the stallion kept their cool. Crystal was the frirst one to run once she saw Nightmare Season at the head of the column. She knocked him off his hooves with an attack hug - the soil turned into slippery mud from all the rains. The mare shined like a lantern and threw herself on her stallion, like kissing and nuzzling was the most important thing in the world. "You finally came back, I missed you so much!" Other mares were less expressive, but the reunion was very heartwarming.


Once Crystal let go of her husband, they went to their tent and Sparks offered the pair towels to dry up some. Crystal Clear just couldn't wait to show him their foals, hor big they were now. Poor stallion found himself dragged into the nursery - it came as a surprise how fit his wife has become during his absence. Only once the family was all together, with the little ones in their daddy;s hooves, did Crystal calm down. "Uhh, sory for all that I just... missed you so much, you know. I never missed anypony like that in my whole life." She gently joined her foals in a family hug. Just feeling him with her hooves made her mind at ease. "Mmmm... that's more like it. So you signed some kind of truce? Or just kept fighting till there was nopony to stab anymore? Just... spare me the graphic details, if you may."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare finally saw the camp in sight. He signaled to have the horn blown to announce their arrival. The welcome horn was the reply. As they got close he saw a shinning pony dash out to get him. He was tired from the march, and when the attacker reached him, she took him to the ground with her hugs. He could not get a wood in with all her kissing. When the assault stopped, she finally welcomed him back. "I missed you to love."


Once they reached their tent, Sparks handed the two of them a towel to dry off with. As soon as they were done, he was dragged off to their foals. Her size and strength took him by surprise. She was looking a lot healthier now. With his foals close he took them both up and sat down to hold both. "I missed you too love, and these little ones. Though not so little anymore. Guess your milk really is something special." He put his foals down and escorted his wife to the main hall. "They heard the nightmares got a new sultan, so they attacked in hopes of getting me." He said as he sat down on his oversized cushion, taking her in a loving hug. "Thankfully we only lost a few good soldiers. One from our clan too. He was single, so at least the blow is lessened some. Pushed them back to the first village they had. There they fought hardest. Once half of their forces fell or was injured they surrendered. Made an unsteady truce with them in hope of showing them we are changing. A few were taken as slaves by the other clans. And we also saved a few of ours from slavery." He nodded to Sparks to show him in. With his okay, she went to a far room where she took a new young stallion to clean up. "His name is Wandering Sand. He was captured as a foal and sold as a slave to our enemy. If it is alright with you love, I asked if he would like to be a servant of my house?"


He listened to his wife and how she fared the passed three months. Listening to her every word as if he was treasuring it. Sparks showed Sands the tent and where everything was as the couple caught up with each other.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare snickered at the mention of her milk. Nightmare Season looked tired and a bit lean, so the mare took a mental note to feed him back to his prime. They layed dow their foals back in the cradles - it was nap time for them anyway. He took her to the main hall, where Nightmare sat on his Sultan cushion. He then motioned at the mare to join her, and held her in a nice, comforting hug. The stallion began telling the tale of the war, and she listened quietly. War was such an alien concept to her. She nodded solemny at the news of one of their clan falling in battle, and nuzzled him at the news of making a truce. It was important to show their enemies the nightmare ponies were changing. Although tle slavery part made her frown. She hated slavery. Crystal looked up at a young stallion who came with Sparks. He was very lean and, despite the mare's best efforts, didn't look too good. She could still see the spot where his collar was, even though it must've been off his neck for days. "Of course darling, we could use another pair of hooves to help." She turned to the stallion - "My name is Crystal Clear, I'm the Sultan's wife. Sparks is our right hoof around the house, and more like family actually. She'll show you around and arrange a proper room. Once you're settled, we'll talk about responsibilities and pay. For now, get some rest, it'll be okay." She smiled at him as the stallion was escorted by Sparks to show him around the house. Crystal ruffled her husband's fur on his chest, like she always liked. "Hmm, looks like I'll need to pay soe extra attention to my love's fluffy front..." She gave him a kiss. "Cheer up, I'll spoil you in no time." Crystal booped his nose and got comfy in his embrace. "My turn then, right? Well we've been busy around here, with most of the mares knocked up and already big, we had to make some changes, but it brought us all girls together. Made a few friends even, if you can believe that. thankully the other mares told me about the rain season so I had time to prepare the camp. Have you noticed the channels around tents? I dug them to funel the water away from the camp, and they seem to be working." The mare blushed and mtioned to the stallion to lend an ear, then she whispered to him "I also got my cycles back. I didn't know it would happen so soon. You'll get a heads-up before the next one comes, though. Ask Sparks how I fared the last two times if you want, but it was... really weird."


The crystal mare grinned and patted her husband's chest. "So...now that my brave Sultan is back home, victorious, I guess it's my duty as a loving wife to make up to him all those dangers he had to endure to protect her, hmm? The kids should be asleep for an hour or so, if you catch my drift." The mare giggled as Nightmare Season lifted her with his magic and led to their room.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare liked where his wife was going with the conversation. He picked her up with his magic and trotted her back to their room. "Sparks, we will be indisposed for a wile. Mind keeping an eye on things for us please?" Nightmare asked the unicorn as they past her. She blushed a little bit, but agreed. "Now we can have a bit longer than an hour love. Also...when was your last time in heat?" Hearing that she was coming out of one got him nodding. "So no worry I will knock you up. With you missing our bonding for over two months. I need to give you the full thing again." Crystal did not like the idea of being bed ridden, but she could not say no to him either.


The two really enjoyed their time together in bed. They took a short break from each other just long enough to allow Crystal to feed Crimson Aurora and Crystal Flame. But once they had finished they had Sparks put them to bed and they continued well into the night. When Crystal was exhausted and fell asleep, Nightmare entered her dreams to pass along his energy to her. She enjoyed that feeling of getting slightly younger again. The next morning she put on her amulet to say her body was not going to listen to her for the text two days.


When Nightmare took the family out for a walk, she noticed all the married regular ponies were also on clouds and wearing the amulet, guess every normal pony did the same thing in the night. The four of them went to their little shaded area by the lake to enjoy their time after being separated for three months. She was still to cute laying on the cloud with the foals snuggling her. Crystal Flame was trying to get an early feeding from his mother, but she was trying to make him wait.


As the family was laying by the lake, Sparks was training the new regular pony stallion where everything was.  How the couple likes certain things, and showed him the different rooms. Like her work shop and their dream trees they kept in their room. Showed him where they kept the dirty diapers to get washed. And the storage with all their food. Sparks liked the idea of a new servant around. Meant she could spend more time with Crystal and the foals.


Nightmare spent some time with his foals and getting use to how big they gotten. Until it was feeding time and he took his wife into the area he had for her privacy when feeding. As they fed he gave her kisses and nuzzles. "I love you so much love."

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear gave the unicorn a cheesy wave as she was carried by her husband with known intent. They all knew things will get loud soon. Well, aside from Wandering Sand, who seemed a bit clueless about what was going on. As soon as the "door" flap on their bedroom closed and Nightmare released her on the bed, he asked about her heat timetable. "I had my last one six days ago, and they come every month so..." He finished the sentence for her. Crystal made a scrunchie face at the mention of their overdue bonding, and put a hoof on his chest as he approached her. "Fine, I'll let you do it, but only after I show my brave warrior husband how much I missed him, all by myself here." With that, she got to it.


She sure did miss him alright. The pair was busy with themselves till late at night, with occasional breaks to feed the foals. During the last evening break, she took a root, just in case they kept at it till she passed out from exhaustion. Surely that's exactly what happenned, and Nightmare Season went into her dreams to feed, and pass her the energy. On the next morning, Crystal Clear couldn't lift a hoof, like always after their bonding. She accepted the amulet and all the help she got. Later, after morning feeding, the stallion took his family for a short walk. It stopped raining for a moment, so it was a good moment. Crystal Clear noticed that every nightmare pony had the same plan as them, and married normal ponies were just as helpless as her. Seems like it was the husbands turn to make dinner for the next two days. He carried the trio - mom and kids - on his cloud to their private lakeside spot where they so loved spending time in the dry season. The place was soaking wet but otherwise intact. Crystal was sure glad for the cloud - she didn't risk getting her hooves dirty.


The family spent the morning together in their lake spot. Parents were talking playing with their foals. Well, Nightmare was. Crystal could serve as a pony shaped mountain to climb, but being with them was enough to make her happy. Crystal Flame seemd to took every opportunity to help himself to her buffet - a trend she noticed earlier. Crimson Aurora was more restrained as far as feeding went. She has her favourite hours. The mare asked Nightmare to keep him off the merchandise until it was their scheduled time, and he helped her contain the little devil. Once the time came, Crystal CLear asked her husband to move the cloud to the spot where she could feed the babies, and then help, or more precisely, roll her on her back. It looked awkward, but it was the best way to keep both taps accessible at the same time, effectively shortening the feeding session in half. The little ones were still little enough to pull that trick off. As they grow bigger, it will become uncomfortable for them. As usual, the colt was a real vaccum cleaner.


Crystal Clear lied limp, but happy. Nightmare decided to take the opportunity to give her some more affection. They were both pretty starved in that department after three months. She giggled as he continued his ministrations. "Oh really? If I wasn't temporarily handicapped, I'd show you how much I love YOU! I've been thinking, now that we have some measure of experience, when do we like it most: when it's just the two of us, when I'm preggers or with these cute little ones? Well, we decided to have foals in... pretty unusual circumstances, but I don't regret the decision. Far from it, actually. Even if I need to lie on my back with everything in plain view every few hours, or wake up several times at night. Somehow... they make it all worth it, you know. I thought I'd hate the responsibility and all the problems of having little foals, but... I don't. I love them even when they cry till my ears ring." She listened to her husband's imput. At some point she tried to move, but only wriggled a bit. "I can feel Crimson has finished, but Crystal still keeps going. Hey! You down there, that's enough. Uhh, he's going to eat till he'll burst. Could you take him off the tap? I don't want him to overeat. He's already bigger than he should be... Thanks." The mare rested after her kids determined assault on her milk factory. "Geez, I still feel like I've got enough for another two. They really overdid that spell..." Nightmare burped the foals and laid them next to his wife's sides. "Forgot about something?" She looked at him questioningly. She was still on her back. "Ow, okay, nevermind, just... leave some for later? Ha-ah! T-tickles!"


Nightmare carried his family back home for dinner. Sparks took over the foals and Wandering Sands was with her the whole time, learning how things worked in this house. The couple was in the main hall and Nightmare helped his wife eat her dinner. "I hate being bed ridden like this... When I finally stand on my hooves again, maybe we could start getting to know that forest? You know, as a side project of sorts, since we can't leave for more than a couple hours at once..."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare listened to his wife reminisce about their time together. And the situation that brought them together. He thought about what he preferred. "I would have to say....I love all those times. I love when it is just the two of us. I love it when you are knocked up and have your belly to rub. And I love sharing you with the little guys here. And with you last night, seems Cadence really gave you something special. Now it will be even harder to keep you off me wile in heat." When she noticed Crimson was done he picked her up to burp her. She noticed the little devil was still going and asked him to deal with Flame. He pulled him away from her, "That is enough little one. Don't eat too much now." After he was burped the twins were snuggled up against their mother. Though he made sure she stayed on her back.


"So still got enough for two love? We can't have you uncomfortable with so much in you." He helped to relive her of some of her milk. After he helped her out, he helped her to roll back on her belly and carried the three back to the house. At dinner he helped her to eat. "I know you do love, but that is the price to pay to never grow old. Besides, only one more day. And then we can start looking into that forest. That night after the foals were tucked in bed, and Nightmare had Crystal back in bed and in her night gown. He took advantage of her not being able to move. He always did that when she was paralyzed from the bonding. Though she loved it herself as well.


The next day found them outside by the lake again. It was a warm sunny day, Seemed the dry season was starting again. Crystal had just finished feeding the two on their little cloud, and they were next to her taking a nap. The couple was still trying to catch up on their three months away from each other. Nightmare stopped his nuzzling all at once and looked across the plain. He seemed worried. They were a good ways away from the camp for their privacy so Crystal did not see any pony coming their way. Before she could ask him what was wrong, he hushed her. She tried to hear what he seemed to be able to hear, but she heard absolutely nothing. Not even the birds from the jungle that was usually always there.


"Stay low love. Keep the foals hidden." She was scared and wrapped her legs around them the best she could in her situation. Nightmare had created a small orb of fire and laid it next to her. "If something happens, push it off the cloud. Once it hits the ground it will shoot into the air to signal the guards back at camp. Try and be still and quiet." He kissed her and walked away from her into the tall grass that was in the opposite direction as camp.


She watched him, frightened, even more so since she can't run and has her foals under her legs. She watched her husband walk off looking and listening. Nothing was happening for a time so she felt a little bit more at peace. All at once to fast to really know what was going on, Nightmare went his full power form and ran away from the camp faster than she ever seen him move before. At the same time she saw five creatures dash after him after being hidden in the tall grass. She knew what they were, From his memory she saw. The cat made of sand. Without thinking she had pushed the orb off the cloud and it went flying into the sky. Less than a minute latter three guards came running to her. One a nightmare and the other two regular ponies, all in armor. Nightmare and the sand cats were long gone at their speed.


"Crystal Clear, What happened?" The nightmare called out to her as they got to her. She did her best to explain what happened and that her husband.... "You two, get these three back to their home now!" The two quickly followed orders and one pushed her back on the cloud wile the other kept a close eye on the grass. The Nightmare had shot two blasts into the sky as he ran back to get more aid.


Almost like clock work, Crystal was back in her home with her foals in her care. Also the other mares that were pregnant was coming in as well. The normal ponies still with their bonding amulets on was also brought to the main hall of her tent. A few guards stayed behind to protect the ones inside as the rest ran off to help their sultan. It seemed her home was also the fall back for all the non-fighting ponies to go in danger.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The rest of the day was normal, meaning she couldn't move and needed help in everything, and he provided a lot of said help. When it was time to bed, Nightmare Season took his wife through her evening routine - by now he was pretty good at it - and levitated to bed. Them being them, the couple couldn't just lie down nicely and snuggle to sleep. Instead, Nightmare decided to took a bit of an advantage over the mare, considering her paralysed state, but they had enough trust between each other that he knew what he could and couldn't do with her. Crystal didn't like being passive like a doll when they got close, but Nightmare made it enjoyable all the same.


The next day was a bit better - the mare could move her hooves, but still couldn't even think about standing on them. The family was lounging in their lakeside retreat, since the day was sunny and dry - Crystal didn't know how seasons worked around here really, but apparently, the rains were over. She found it amazing how just two months of rain 24/7 changed the landscape - the dried weedy grass of the avannah was now lush and green, and as tall as a pony in some places! Theclan had to cut it in and around camp for safety. It was also rather good as a salad ingredient.


She was laying on her side, with her cuties napping in her hooves after their noon feeding. Nightmare Season was all over her with nuzzles - the couple just couldn't get enough of eachother after being separated for three months. At somepoint, he stopped and looked around, worried. She looked at him, then around them. The mare tried to ask but he put a hoof on her snout to hush her. So that was serious, but she couldn't hear nothing. Not even the birds in that forest - they were usually rather noisy... Nightmare told her to be quiet and keep the foals hidden. Even gave her a signal orb. She didn't like it one bit, but the mare wrapped her legs around the little ones as best as she could, frightened and semi paralysed as she was. He gave her a kiss and waded into the tall grass. The cat and mouse was taking afully long, and she started to think it was a false alarm. Suddenly, without any warning, Nightmare erupted into his full power form, scorching the grass around him, then ran away from camp as fast as he could. Five figures dashed after him - the sand cats she saw in his memories. The mare got spooked and pushed the orb off the cloud, then huddled the foals in fright. Soon after, three guards showed up beside her. Nightmare and cats were long gone.


"We were here when N-Nightmare heard something, and he went into the grass, and t-then he ras off the camp, that way, followed by f-five, big, cats! The ones made of sand!" The nightmare guard ordered his underlings to move the family to safety. The whole clan mobilised and took the pregnant mares, paralysed ponies and other non-combatants to her tent, and into the main hall. Crystal was there with them, and Sparks and Wandering Sands tried their best to bring a semblance of order. They were guarded by several stallions, as the rest ran off to help their Sultan.


The atmosphere inside was... hard to bear. Pones were scared and didn't know what happenned, and soon enough the tent was full of gossip. The folas woke up from the noise and started crying. Crystal tried to shush them, but to no avail. Finally she had enough. "Shut up will you?!" She snapped at the gathered ponies. "Five sand cats. No Saudi Arabian assassins, jungle monsters or Heart knows what you came up with. Five. Sand. Cats. Nightmare took them away from camp so do me a favour and be quiet so the guards can do their job, rather than make us sound like a full larder okay?!" She huffed angrily, and looked back at her foals who were a bit shocked at her mommy's outburst. Crimson Aurora seemed to look like she approved though. The rest of their wait was spent in relative silence.


They were locked up in the main tent for an hour or so when the guards came back. The ponies were allowed to go outside, and the main hall slowly emptied. Crystal was the only one who wasn't picked up by a relative, and started to worry when Nightmare finally came inside. She breathed out in relief. "Heart help me, I was so worried about you. Where did these things even come from?"

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


After her outburst for all to be quiet, the room went hushed. With her telling them what happened and what was out there. Now they were even more scared than before. Seems the news of the sand cats was far worse than if it was an assassin from Saddle Arabia. And five of them was an even greater hit to the worry. A horn in the distance sounded to signal it was safe. The ponies left or was escorted out. The next pony to enter would be her husband for sure. So as she saw a nightmare come she thought it was her husband.


When she got a good look at the nightmare coming in, it was not her husband. It was another nightmare. She thought it was her husband since no pony else was inside to be carried away. "Quickly bring him inside." The nightmare said. As two guards walked her husband in on a cloud. He was not moving and was bleeding all over. They had tried their best to patch his wounds the best they could. Now Crystal was scared. It was bad, very bad. He was out cold and badly injured. What made things even worse, Hearts-Dream and the other healer ponies were all away to tend to the injured at the boarder after the small war took place. Why did the blind alicorn not see this in her visions?


They had taken him to their bed room and laid him down on white sheets to catch the blood loss. Crystal was wanting to get off her cloud badly to go to him. Sparks took the two young foals that were also upset with seeing their mother like that. Crystal needed to know what happened out there. The nightmare that brought her husband back came to her on her little cloud. "He is still alive. With the cloud still here there is a chance. It will vanish if he dies." Crystal was not happy with that. She wanted to know what happened. "It was the sand cats. When we got to him, there were still three left and ready to kill him. Signs showed he took out fifteen of them himself. We never heard of a pride with that many before. The sultan probably saved half the camp. Those sand cats are the hunters of the desert. Some ponies believe a sorcerer long ago summoned such just to hunt down nightmare ponies. It is a miracle he lasted so long. We sent a phoenix out to get the healers back here, But we may loose him before they get back. It takes a pony at full speed at least two days to get here from where they are at. We tried to stop his bleeding, but his wounds are very deep. I am sorry Crystal Clear." Radiance hearing this took flight and flew out. She was headed for Hearts-Dream. She at least had wings and could fly as well.


Crystal was helped to her bedroom where her husband laid. He was on his side not moving. Blood was soaking the sheets. The nightmare left her right next to him and left. There was nothing more he could do. Crystal did all she could think of to wake him up, but in her state, there was not much she could do but yell and hug him gently. After a good time weeping she remembered the time after he fought king Sombra. She remembered that they heal faster with feeding. Though he could not enter her dream passed out like that, nor could he eat a root. There was a third option, She called out for Sparks to bring her a clean bucket and to hurry. Sparks obeyed without hesitation, though she did not know what it was for. When she got back with the bucket Crystal asked her to help milk her in the bucket. She could force feed him her milk. That made Sparks a bit hesitant, but the mare on her cloud did not have time for that.


After the two got some milk in it, Crystal did her best to open his mouth to pour the milk with dream energy in for him to swallow. Thankfully that worked and he swallowed. A few moments latter she noticed the wounds were slowly closing back up. Slowly, but it was working. She gave him more of her milk.


She stayed right next to Nightmare Season the rest of the day. When evening hit she was able to move again and did the milking herself. She kept her foals fed best she could wile taking care of him. The bleeding had stopped at least, and his breathing was stronger, but he was still unconscious. She did not sleep at all that night, she kept herself right next to him, giving him her milk in intervals to help him heal.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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