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private College Love (private with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Kitty looks in the room to see some computers and some other electronic tools. She nods to the doctor's request, as she walks over and lays down on the bed. She pulls the bottom of her top up to the top of her belly. She shivers slightly, as she felt the doctor use the machine to rub the cold lotion on her belly. She watches the monitor closely to see if there was any refults. After a few minutes, Kitty gasps at seeing two kittens on the screen. She felt Derek hold her paw, as she felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Our dreams really have come true, darling. We are having twin kittens. I'm j-just so happy and blessed right now." She nuzzles her face in the nape of his neck. She purrs happily while the tears flowed down her face. 


Once she wipes her tears away, she looks to the doctor with a worried, yet hopeful look on her face. "H-How are they doctor? Are they twins? There's no complications, is there? I-I'm sorry, but I don't want anything to happen to my little kittens." 

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@@Dynamo Pad


The doctor smiles "They both look very healthy and beautiful, miss Leery, but you will need to do a few tests to see if they may possibly have any disabilities or allergies" he says as he looks to the couple, he smiles though as he could see the love between the two of them.


Derek smiles and pats Kitty's paw gently "It's okay darling, even if they have any disabilities or anything of the sort, I will always love them and you, nothing in this world and the next could ever make me stop loving you and our kittens. No matter what, I'll be by your side and theirs" he says reassuringly to her and kisses her nose "always"


The doctor smiles "It's wonderful to see such a loving and caring couple, also parents who will love their children regardless of disability or not. So many couples would give up their children for adoption at the very mention of a mere possibility of a disability"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty smiles and sighs in relief, but nods in understanding. "I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. It's better to find out now instead of finding out later, or not at all." She looks to Derek and nuzzles him gently. "I feel the same, dear. I'll always love our kittens and you. We'll all be one, big, happy family. Nothing will ever change that, in my opinion." She giggles from the nose kiss before kissing his cheek. "Always."


She turns to the doctor and nods. "I will never understand why some parents could do that. Even if there's a possibility of a disability, a parent should always love their child. It's worth it in the end when the child knows that their parents were there for them since the beginning. As far as I know, I don't have an disabilities and/or allergies. Regardless, I will love my kittens with all of my heart. I know Derek here feels the exact same way." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles and nods "Of course, both sets of my parents wouldn't have it any other way" he says, wiping some tears away "I can't wait to tell everyone, they'll be so happy, and Tara, she'll be so delighted to be an auntie" he chuckles and helps Kitty up "Thank you doctor, do we need to make another appointment?" he asks.


The doctor smiles and nods "Yes mr Jackson,  I'd say for two months time" 


Derek smiles and nods as he holds kitty close "Of course, we'll make the appointment, come on love, time to go tell the others"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty smiles at Derek while using her thumbs to wipe his tears away. "Oh, sweetheart. It's going to be okay. I'm so happy to know we'll be parents soon. I know your two sets of parents are going to be proud of you." She nods at his remark. "You've got that right. Tara and the others will absolutely enjoy hearing the good news. I know that Stella and Gabby will be thrilled at the fact that they were right. It must be a sixth sense sort of thing." She giggles while shaking her head.


She nods in understanding. "Two months sounds good enough for me. I guess that's when we'll do that testing you talked about. Then we'll find out the results right then, or at a later time." She stands up and returns the embrace. "I'm ready to go when you are, my love. Thanks again for all your help, sir. We'll see you soon." The two then turn to leave and exit the doctor's office. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles as he opens the car door for Kitty before getting in himself "We're going to the restaurant tonight, to celebrate the news" he says, kissing her softly on the cheek, chuckling a little as her whiskers tickled his skin but he smiles at the same time "I'm never going to get tired of seeing your cute and beautiful self" he remarks as he drives off towards the skate shop to tell the others the news.


Meanwhile, Stella snuggled up to Gabby in her sleep, purring loudly "Mmm purr purr purr" she purrs


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty smiles and enters the car before buckling up. She giggles and nods while smirking at him. "Oh just admit it, honey. You just want to see me in another beautiful dress. All you had to do was ask me, my love." She rests her head against his shoulder and nuzzles him. She purrs softly and giggles, as she heard him chuckle. "I can say the same to you, Derek. I can never get tired of seeing my fiance. I feel like I could just get lost in your eyes." She says as she enjoys the car ride to the skate shop.


Gabby awoke to the sound of purring. She giggles softly as she notices that it was her girlfriend. She strokes her hair gently while occasionally kissing Stella on the cheek. "You are just so adorable, sweetheart. Never forget that." She says as she holds Stella close to her. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


He smiles and closes his eyes "And your purring, it soothes my heart to know that you are happy, I never want to see you hurt or upset darling." he says and shakes his head "I know in some cases it will inevitable, but most of the time, I want to see that beautifully gorgeous smile of yours and to hear your purr that helps me feel at ease with myself and helps me sleep whenever I have a bad dream" he says softly, kissing her cheek and gets out of the car, opening the door for her. He sees Tara and Jenny there, he smiles and waves to them.


Stella giggles and nuzzles her more and purring even more 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty smiles and continues to nuzzle into his shoulder. "It's said that a cat's purring can mean they are happy. It's also a way to make someone comfortable. I feel happy and safe whenever I'm with you, Derek." She frowns and nods slightly, but smiles once more. "I know those bad times may happen, but if we work together and are there for each other, then I know we'll be okay. You and I are a great team together. A team I'm happy and proud to be on." She giggles and purrs. "I'm glad to know you feel at ease and sleep well when I purr. I'll make sure those bad dreams will never hurt you." Kitty and Derek soon arrive at the skate shop. She felt Derek open the door for her and kiss her cheek. She smiles, as she unbuckles her seat belt and steps out of the car. She notices Jenny and Tara, before waving at them and walking into the shop.


Gabby smirks as she could hear Stella giggle and purrs. She sits up and looks at her girlfriend questioningly. "Are you really sleeping, or are you messing around with me? Don't make me tickle torture you, sweetheart."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles and nods "Admittedly, I have been dreaming of losing you, they are among the worst nightmares I've ever had" he says and sighs a little before holding her even closer, he smiles "Hey Tara, hey Jenny, Uncle Zeke gone off already? Damn, we've got some news to tell, but want everyone to be here first" he says then gets out his phone "Hey Z, get your butt over to the shop asap, there's some news Kitty and I have for ya" he texts to him before smiling at his sister and Jenny.


Zeke stops at Lou's house and checks his phone "Just got to Lou's, we'll be there soon" he texts back and honks his horn "Hey L, Derek's got news for us, get your rear in gear and get in the car already!" he shouts out.


Stella couldn't help but giggle "No, not tickle torture" she giggles and snuggles closer to Gabby with a soft purr "I'm awake Gabby, but you're just so soft and comfortable to snuggle up with" she says, still purring.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty frowns, but smiles softly and holds Derek closely. "That's a dream that will never happen, sweetheart. Nothing in this world will make you lose me. I love you with all of my heart. I promise to always stay by your side." She smiles and walks over to the counter. "Hey Jenny, hey Tara. We've got to tell you some amazing news. We are hoping to tell everyone when they arrive, but if not, we'll figure something else." She giggles at Tara's enthusiasm on what the news was.


Tara pouts, but smiles nonetheless. "I know you'll tell us soon, big sister. I hope it's nothing bad, or anything of the sort. If you need me, I'm just taking stock on inventory." She says while taking a checklist and walking around the store. Jenny nods at Tara before turning her attention towards Kitty. "Unfortunately, Zeke is a little busy. He said he h-had to pick up some orders, pick up L-Lou and to see some o-old friends." She twiddles her thumbs nervously. "H-Hopefully they'll be back soon. I-I guess by everyone, you mean b-big brother, Stella and Gabby, a-as well."


Lou jumped out of bed and fell to the floor. He groaned in frustration at having been woken up. He gets up and walks over to the window. He looks the window to see it was Zeke yelling at him. "Are you kidding, Zeke!? I was enjoying my sleep when someone had to go and wake me up! Why are we friends again in the first place!?" He shouts while giving Zeke a glare. He shakes his head in frustration. "You know what? Just forget about it! I'll be right there in a few minutes!" With that, Lou got changed for the day and was out of the house within several minutes. He runs around the car and gets into the passenger's seat. After putting the seat belt on, he turns his head to face Zeke. "So, what was the emergency? What's so important that you had to make me get out of bed today, huh?" He says while giving Zeke a mock glare.


Gabby smirked as she saw Stella finally wake up. "I thought as much, sweetheart." She kisses Stella and snuggles closely to her girlfriend. She sighs and purrs happily. "I'm glad you think I'm soft and comfy to snuggle with, Stella. I can say the same about you. You're just soft, comfy and fluffy, my love." She nuzzles her before getting out of bed. "However, we have some classes today. Be thankful it's only 2 classes and then we get a couple of days off. I don't want either of us to get in trouble for being late, you know?" She giggles before she opens her closet to pick out her outfit. She then starts to get changed and get ready for the day. She turns around to glance at Stella. "Plus, I thought it would be nice to make a surprise visit to Jenny. We've visited one or twice, but she's been spending all of her free time with Zeke. She needs to spend some time with us."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles and hugs Kitty close before going over to his sister and Jenny, hugging them close "Don't worry, it's news I'm sure the two of you will absolutely love to hear" he says before going over to the display of boards, but then he spots something, it was a new photo on the wall, one of everyone who was at the party a month ago. He smiles "That was one hell of a vigil and party, pity we didn't get to hold a vigil for Lou's old board, but I'm sure he understood" he says and shakes his head. "Heh I guess Xavier and Aaron were meant to be, this was taken just before the game, I can see the two of them eyeing each other" he chuckles.


Zeke shakes his head "First of all, did you forget we were going to the city to pick up the orders and make a few new ones, then to meet up with some of our old friends from school..buut..apparently Kitty and Derek have some news to tell everyone, and by the urgency of his message, I think I know what it might be" he says with a chuckle.


Stella nods and purrs more before checking her phone "Oh, we got a message from Jenny, Kitty and Derek are there and everyone else is on their way, the whole crew" she says "apparently they've got some important news.. oh my gosh! Do you think!? I mean miss Kitty has been looking a bit bigger lately and she has been a bit slower in class! Oh I hope she is!?" she giggles and immediately jumps out of the bed to begin getting ready. to go to the skate shop.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty returns the hug and begins to look around the store. She glances as she heard Derek's remark on the photo. She then walks over and giggles. "That was a lovely party, darling. So much happened and I'm glad we went. I admit that it was a shame that we didn't hold the vigil for Lou's board, but nobody really cared. I know a skateboard is important to the skater, but this is Lou we're talking about. He always tends to act so over-dramatic from time to time." She notices Aaron and Xavier staring at each other in the photo. "You can tell they are trying not to stare at each other. They have such the cutest blushes, but your blush beats theirs by a mile, my love." She nuzzles Derek while placing a kiss upon his cheek.


Jenny giggles, but shakes her head at her teacher. "That was c-cold, Miss Kitty. However, I d-do admit you are right about that. Hopefully Lou doesn't f-find out about this conversation." She says as Tara nods. "Yeah, it wouldn't be good for Lou to know we are dissing him. He can take a joke, but sometimes if you push things too far, he will go on a rampage. I remember one time it took uncle Zeke, Derek and a few others just to hold him back. That was from one little joke. I think I once caught it on camera. Uncle Zeke told me to delete it, but Derek and I held onto it for safe keeping." She giggles as she thought back to the memory.


Lou looks at Zeke with a look of confusion. A look of realization took over, as he face palms his forehead. "Oh yeah, that's right. I completely forgot about that. I guess I would get an earful of a lecture from you and the other guys. I also promised I would help you out on collecting the orders. Sorry about that, old friend." His eyes shrank in surprise by Zeke's last remark. "If what Derek and Kitty said is true, then we need to get our butts over there pronto! The orders can wait and we always arrive fashionably late anyway." He says with a light chuckle.


Gabby finishes getting ready and looks back at Stella. She smiles at the mentioning of getting everyone together. "I'm glad Jenny had the same idea as we did. It'll be great to see everyone again. It's been far too long since we last saw each other." A look of surprise appeared on her face. She soon grins and nods. "I hope that's what I think it is. What if our prediction is correct!? I have noticed Miss Kitty during class and now I want to know. Come on, sweetheart. Let's get ready and head on over to the skate shop!" she exclaims while waiting impatiently for Stella to get ready for the day. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek shudders "Don't forget, he has Autism, or something like that, so it's understandable that he might misunderstand and think we were legitimately making fun of him, perhaps tonight we could hold a late vigil for his board, I know it's like a month late, but I'm sure he'd like it" he says softly and texts Zeke "Z, tell Lou we'll hold a belated vigil for his old board tonight, how does that sound?"


Zeke smiles and looks at the text "Well, seems your old board will finally get it's vigil mate" he says, placing a hand on his shoulder "Derek suggested it will be tonight, also think nothing of it, if I had my way, I'd just lay in bed with Jenny all day" he says with a chuckle before driving off to the skate shop.


Stella purred, she was wearing a nice little skirt and a top that had the skate crew logo on it "I'm ready, should we walk? It isn't that far"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Tara shivers in fear at the realization. She turns around briefly and nods. "I legitimately forgot about that, big bro. He tends to not talk about it. I think that can work. Mr. Lou must be thrilled that we'll finally have that vigil for his skateboard." She says as Jenny nods. "I-I'm still new to this group, so I m-may not understand the meaning of a vigil for a s-skateboard. If it makes L-Lou happen, then I'll help in w-whatever I can." Kitty smiles as she places a hand on Derek's shoulder. "I think that's a wonderful thing for us to do for Lou. He tends to take a joke, but I forget he can take a joke so far. I never think much of it, but now that I know, I sort of feel bad. I know this vigil will make up for a lot of things. I think that sounds wonderful, darling." She purrs while nuzzling her fiance.


Lou smiles and nods. "I can't believe we're finally putting my old board to rest. I thought the crew either forgot or didn't really care. Yeah, it seems silly and childish, but a skateboard means a lot to others. To them, it's a reminder of the good times you had with the skateboard. Pulling off tricks, the crashes, the bruises and all that stuff. It's like making a legacy of some sorts. It'll be great to know we can give the old board a proper burial this time." He nods appreciatively as he felt Zeke lay a hand on his shoulder. He chuckles and nods at Zeke's remark. "I'm glad you feel the same way, buddy. You would like to spend all of your time with Jenny. You would even close down the shop for a day, just so you could spend some time with your girlfriend. Not that I blame you, or anything. It's good to take a day off every now and then, so you can enjoy the good things in life. However, it's good to see the old gang again, but they'll have to wait. To the skate shop, Zeke! Onward, upward and huzzah!" He exclaims and chuckles, as they drove back toward the skate shop.


Gabby looks at the outfit that Stella was wearing and whistles. She walks over and pulls Stella into a hug while purring. "You look really cute today, sweetheart, but you look cute everyday. I guess the skate logo will be a thing since i have the logo on my jacket." She chuckles while pointing to the logo. She closes her eyes in thought before opening her eyes once more and nods. "I think we should walk. We have time before our classes. In case we are running late we can always ask for a ride." She takes Stella's paw into her own and begins to walk out of their dorm room. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


He smiles and nuzzles her back, enjoying the feeling of her soft fur against his skin "Sounds like Uncle Z and Lou are here, didn't take them too long to get here," he says, holding her close, refraining from rubbing her tummy, as it would give the news away. "So how's thing been going with Devin, Tara?" he asks with a big grin "Oh and sorry about the prank the other day. we just thought it'd be nice for me to pull one last prank on him as I moved out, hope the backlash wasn't too bad" he says with a wink.


Zeke laughs "I'd close it for a month, scoop her up in my arms, put her in the passenger side of the car, and drive off to who knows where for that whole month. That's how much I love her mate, and I might just get one of the crew to look after the shop so I can do it during her term holidays" he says with a sigh.


Stella smiles and hugs her with a giggle "Walk it is and you look really cute too" she says and picks up her satchel bag "Lets go sweetheart"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty smiles softly and purrs, enjoying the feeling of her fiance holding her close. Jenny's ears perked at Derek's response and nods. "H-He did say he needed t-to go pick up Lou. I guess L-Lou don't live that far from here. Maybe a few minutes by walking, but Zeke's car made a d-difference." She says while smiling at seeing her beloved once again.


Tara giggles and shakes her head, as she finished taking stock in the inventory. "That's okay, big bro. I had a feeling it was all your idea, anyway. I remember Devin calling me over and we came up with possible suspects. The only logical choice was you because who else could get in the dorm room? Well besides the dean and the head of the dorm room, of course. That was a pretty good prank you did there, Derek. Also, don't worry about Devin. I could tell you were avoiding him." She laughs at her big brother acting like a coward. "I don't blame you, since Devin tried to put out wanted posers of you. I talked him out of it, of course. He says he was a little mad, but was glad you won the prank war in the end."


Lou laughs and pats an arm on Zeke's shoulder. "The way you explained that, I could definitely see you pulling that idea off. That just sounds romantic for the two of you. You both deserve a vacation, in my opinion. Maybe I could watch over the shop. That, or you could get up to three individuals to help. Three who have time in their schedules, so this way they can watch over the shop. I also would either recommend an adult to watch over Tara, or send her to stay with Devin. I trust her being able to take care of herself, but just in case she needs supervision." He says as the two walked into the skate shop.  


Gabby smiles brightly while returning the hug. "Thank you, Stella. I always dress to impress." She giggles with a blush. After grabbing her backpack and purse, she takes Stella's paw into her own and nods. "Okay and I'm ready to leave when you are, sweetie." Once they made sure they had their belongs, the two exited their dorm room and started making their way to the skate shop.  

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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek smiles and nods, noticing that the others were also arriving, his mother, father, Aaron and of course Xavier along side Arron as well. "This is going to be wonderful sweetheart, I can't wait to tell everyone" he says, kissing her cheek and stroking her hair softly "C-could you please purr for me love?" he asks shyly.


Zeke nods and chuckles "Good idea, might get Sierra to watch over Tara, to make sure nothing bad happens." he says as he parks the car and gets out of it "Come on buddy, lets hear the news, set up the vigil for this weekend then we gotta go into the city" he says, walking back into the shop and hugging Jenny "Hey sweetie, missed you" he says as he nuzzles her "Love you my babygirl, always and forever" he whispers.


Stella giggles as they reach the store and smiles "Zeke's here"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty's ears perked as she heard the sound of the shop's door opening. She turns around and smiles happily, as her tail wags from seeing old faces again. She smiles softly as she felt Derek stroking her hair. "Of course, my love. I also can't wait to see everyone's reaction. They'll definitely be surprised. That's for sure." She purrs while holding him closely in her embrace.


Lou laughs while nodding in agreement. "I think Sierra is a fine choice, my friend. For the time being, she can with Jenny at the shop while you are away. When on vacation she can help watch over Tara. If worse comes to worst, then I'll watch over the shop. It's no trouble really, but just let me know the plan in advance. I don't want to be sleeping in late and get woken up to work at the shop. No offense, Zeke." He nods as he gets out of the parked car. "That sounds like a good plan to me. We don't want to keep the guys waiting on us. I guess we'll have to beg for forgiveness this time around. They always were difficult to negotiate with when it came to hanging out." He chuckles at the old habits of his friends, as he and Zeke walked into the shop. Jenny smiles as she sees Zeke walk back into the shop. She returns the hug and holds Zeke closely. "I missed you too, m-my love. I love you t-too, h-handsome, always and f-forever." She whispers back while nuzzling him.


Gabby smiles and nods while entering the skate shop. "Looks like everyone's here. Well, most of us are actually. I guess the other skaters from the group aren't here quite yet. However, everyone here can give them the news. So, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal." She says while seeing most of the gang had gathered in the store. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Aaron and his parents walked in just after Zeke and Lou did, and of course Aaron was holding Xavier's paw in his "So big brother w-what is the news?" Aaron asks as he nuzzles Xavier lovingly. 


"Yeah kiddo, what's the hubbub?" Zeke asks but then he raises an eyebrow at how he was acting towards Kitty and laughs, holding Jenny close he whispers to her "I think I know what's up love, but let us tell them what it is"


Stella walks in with Jenny, she hugs her "E-everyone is here, t-though Devin has classes, but I'm s-sure Tara will tell him later, w-what's going on D-Derek?" she asks shyly


Derek smiles and hugs Kitty close "Well love, now's the moment" he says "You tell them"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Xavier walks into the shop with Aaron and his parents. He nods in agreement to Aaron's remark. "I'm starting to wonder myself. You brought us all here, Derek. Care to fill us in on the details?" He asks while returning the nuzzle.


Jenny smiles as she felt Zeke hold her close. She blushes at his statement, but silently nods before leaning close to his ear. "I-I could b-believe that, sweetie. I-It's still too early to be sure. We s-should wait and s-see what they say." She whispers while leaning into the embrace.


Gabby walks in and notices Jenny with Zeke. She shakes her head and giggles while walking over to her friend. She hugs Jenny and smirks at her and Zeke. "You both can't be apart for even a moment, huh? I guess I'm one to talk. I can't go anywhere, unless Stella is with me. It's really good to see you both again. It's truly has been a while. I hope you are treating her like a princess, Zeke." She playfully sticks her tongue out at the couple, as she nods at Stella's remark. Tara giggles and nods. "I'll make sure to tell him. Knowing Devin, he'll run out of class immediately and bust down the doors to the shop. Whatever this news is, I can guess it's very important. Come on, bro. We are in suspense here. Tell us the big news already." Tara says with a pout.


Kitty smiles and hugs Derek back. She nods and steps forward a little to face the group. She felt nervous, but holding Derek's hand in her paw made her not feel as worried. "I should tel you all that this news is very important. Derek and I just recently got out of the doctor's today. Nobody was hurt, but we needed to make sure of something. It turns out that Derek and I are expecting some children very soon. They are twins and they are also kittens as well." She says while blushing nervously.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek nods with a smile "We're very happy about this news, but I am sure some of you noticed some changes in Kitty's mood and her speed" he says and kisses Kitty on the cheek, rubbing her belly "But don't worry sweetie, you're still beautiful to me, always will be" he says and kisses her once more.


Zeke chuckles "Nailed it, looks like I'm a great uncle then" he says with a smirk and hugs Jenny "And you will be a great auntie sweetheart, how's that sound?"


Stella giggles and jumps around excitedly "yaaay~ Miss Kitty is pregnant~ kitties!" she giggles and hugs Gabby close


Aaron smiles "Congrats big bro, guess I'm an uncle then"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty giggles as she purrs from Derek rubbing her belly. She blushes and returns the kiss. "Thank you, darling. You will always be handsome to me." She smirks and nuzzles him. "You always have a way with words, my love. I'm glad I'll have you as my husband and father to our kittens." She says and holds him closely.


Lou smiles and pats Derek's shoulder. "It was definitely worth missing on picking up the orders. Same thing goes to meeting up with old friends. I'm proud of the way you turned out, Derek. You're going to make a great father. I think I'm going to be a great uncle as well. Guess you'll start calling me uncle Lou now. That has a nice ring to it." He chuckles at the thought.


Jenny smiles and tightly hugs Zeke. "That sounds lovely, Z-Zeke. I-I never thought I would b-be an auntie. I-I'll do my best to be the best a-aunt I can be. I think you'll b-be a great uncle, s-sweetie." She pecks Zeke on the cheek.


Gabby giggles and cheers while raising a fist in the air. "Hooray! We called it, Stella. We had a feeling they would be twins and kitties. Oh, they are going to probably be so beautiful! I can't wait to be an aunt to these kitties." She says while hugging Stella close.


Tara giggles and cheers at the news. "I can't believe my big bro is going to be a dad. You're going to be a great father like our dad, Derek." She says while hugging Derek close. "I guess we'll tell Devin later. Telling him the news now will make him break down the door. We don't want that to happen now, do we? Remember the last time, uncle Zeke?" She asks while giggling at the memory.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Everyone else nods but Derek sighs "Well everyone, that's the news, Kitty Kitten's got work and I..have absolutely not...a manor to continue exploring" he corrects himself, not wanting to be roped into working at the shop, he'd rather be home incase there was an emergency. He smiles "see you all later, oh and Lou. the vigil will be this weekend, see ya then" he says, waving to everyone and walking out with Kitty in his arms towards their car.


Zeke sighs "Gah work, well Derek's right my love, work calls, bur later tonight, I have a special surprise I want to give you" he says as he winks at Lou before walking back to his own car, Aaron and his family had already left, as there was an emergency at the restaurant.


Stella grumbles "I don't wanna go to school today, but if Kitty is going to be there, m-maybe she'll need some help"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kitty giggles and play along with his choice of words. "That's a good idea, darling. I'll let you know if I'm not feeling well." She takes his hand in her paw as they walk to the door. She waves at everyone while turning her head to Stella and Gabby. "I'll see you two at gym class, girls. Just to let you know ahead in advance. It might be sports, or just light exercise." She says before walking out the door to their car. She rests her head on his arm while leaning her head against his ear. "That was a sneaky lie you pulled there, Derek. I almost thought you would have slipped in making that lie." She smirks while giggling at him.


Lou smiles and nods. "Thanks for letting me know, Derek. That's enough time for me to get my board. I'll make sure we can give it a proper send off." He looks to Zeke and pats him on the shoulder. "Let's get going, buddy. It's time we meet some old friends and collect that work. The faster we get the shipment order, the more time you can spend with your girlfriend." He teases while chuckling.


Jenny pouts sadly, but nods in understanding. "Work can't be helped, Zeke. At least work pays in the end." She smiles softly, but tilts her head to the side. "A surprise, s-sweetie? I-Is it a good surprise? Can I g-get a hint?" She asks while becoming more and more curious.


Tara nods and giggles at Jenny's behavior. "I'll help keep watch over the shop, uncle. If we need any help, we'll message you and assist some backup."


Gabby shakes her head and pets Stella's head. "It'll be okay, sweetheart. I don't blame you on not wanting to go to school, but it can't be helped You don't want to pass up the chance to get a good education, right?" She asks while placing a hand upon her girlfriend's shoulder. "After classes are over, we can see if we can spend some time with Jenny. If not, then we always have the weekend, since we don't have classes then. We can even ask Miss Kitty if we can help her out as assistants of some sorts." She takes Stella's paw into her own and waves at everyone. "It was nice seeing you all again. We'll definitely be at the vigil tomorrow. We have to get going, so we won't be late for classes." The two left the shop and started making their way to the campus. 

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