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private Carnival of Fear

Dynamo Pad

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Felicity's eyes widened at the knowledge she was gaining. She never knew she had that kind of potential in her life, but nods in understanding. "I guess my kindness and talent had more m-meaning than I could have imagined. I'm also surprised that there is a prophecy, sir. W-Who foretold this prophecy, anyway?" She asks with a curious look on her muzzle. She nods firmly at what needed to be done, while continuing to nuzzle and pet the kits and Mini Mew. "I g-guess I can understand in time, but I don't blame anyone. I'm not sure if I'm fit to be a princess, b-but one thing remains clear. I love Nightie with all of my heart and soul. No prophecy will tell me what I have to do, or what I am meant to do. I'll continue on being who I want to be. A kind, goofy and loving mare to all her friends and plants. I love my talent and I love my fiance. I'll always be there for him and stay true on my path, Mister Sommer. It m-may take baby steps, but I won't ever give up." She says with a shy, yet determined expression on her muzzle. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Sommer smiles and nods as he once again closes his eyes "Princess Sparkle felt exactly the same way at first, but she then soon begun to grow into her new position, trust me dear, you'll soon learn to grow into it, and I am glad to hear that you'll always be there for my nephew" he says then stands up, gently placing the kti back on the ground "Oh and one more thing, please just call me Uncle Sommer, I honestly detest formalities, one of the reasons I left my own kingdom and married my beloved wife" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew's eyes shrank slightly at Sommer's remark. "You mean to tell me the P-Princess of Friendship felt the same way I did? I guess I'm glad to know I'm not alone in feeling afraid." She giggles shyly while twirling a finger through her mane. She nods with a blush on her muzzle. "I will never abandon your nephew, no matter what. H-He's like an inspiration for me to be more confident. I don't want to make him happy because I have to, but because I want to and because I love him. I g-guess since I'll be in the family soon, it's only fair that I call you uncle." She says as she walks over to Sommer and hugs him tightly. "Thank you and I'm glad to have you as my uncle, Uncle Sommer." She pulls away from the hug and looks back at the caravan. "I just hope Nightie i-is okay. I'm starting to feel a little worried " She says while placing a hand over her heart.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Sommer smiles and chuckles "I think he's just fine dear, if he's  finished with the suit measurements, he's probably being doted on by my wife or he's doting on his little cousins" he says as he chuckles and leads the way back to the caravan, where, indeed Night was doting on his little cousins, letting them play with and cuddle him. "Hello nephew, I think it is time for you to finally spend some quality time with your fiance" he says as Night nods and goes over to Dew.


Night smiles and hugs Dew "Come on love, lets go play some games shall we?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew smiles softly and giggles at the thought. "You're right about that, uncle Sommer. N-Nightie is just a sweetie, in my opinion. You just can't help in spoiling him like Miss Crystal does. The same can be said for the little ones. They are just s-so adorable and precious vampony fillies." She smiles as she is lead back to the caravan. She smiles and waves at Night, as she nods at Sommer's remark. As Night made his way over to Dew, she hugs him tightly and nuzzles him lovingly.


"H-Hey there, sweetie. I missed you so much. How did everything go? Also, I'm ready to play some more carnival games, my love." The two exit the caravan and made their way to the game area. She looks up at him with a small smile and a blush. "Uncle S-Sommer is really kind and nice. I thought he was a little scary at first, but he's a nice stallion once you get to know him."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night chuckles lightly "Already gotten you calling him Uncle eh? Aunt Crystal said that would happen, and yeah my cousins really are darling little angels" he says and holds Dew close to him and nuzzles her lovingly "So where would you like to go sweetheart? Games? Rides? Home so we can just snuggle and cuddle Mini Mew and some of the kits?" he asks, gently petting Mini Mew, who was purring softly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew giggles cutely and nods. "That's right, sweetie. He told me h-he doesn't like being called Mister, so since we are getting married soon, he wanted me to start calling him uncle. I g-guess that means I should start calling Miss Crystal as my aunt then, huh? Your cousins are just the sweetest ponies, Nightie. I think it'll be great to work with them in learning to plant food." She felt him pull her closely to him as she returns the nuzzle. She closes her eyes in thought of what the plan could be. "Oh, why do you have to add home to the options. Snuggling and cuddling sounds like a tempting offer. However, I think some rides could be just w-what the doctor ordered. Maybe after some rides, we can rest at home. Then we can play some games and maybe explore around the carnival. What do you think, Nightie?" She asks as Mini Mew meows and pounces around them. She giggles at the little cub before picking Mini Mew up and nuzzles her.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and hugs her as they walk towards the  rides and attractions "It's one of the reasons he gave up his right to the throne back in his homeland to be with aunty Bella. He despises all that political and formal stuff. He gets more joy out of entertaining ponies and making them smile and laugh, rather then deal with political backstabbing and brownnosing" he says with a soft sigh and then smiles "Did you want to try the haunted house or the roller coaster?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew, after giving it some thought, giggles and nods. "That sound exactly like uncle Sommer. I guess he was one of the founders of the carnival? Sounds to me like he and your father made quite the s-success business." She giggles nervously as she twiddles her thumbs. "I guess m-maybe one day I'll be a part of the show? Guess the newest couple will make their debut. Although, I-I'm not sure what I'm good at when it comes to the carnival." She says and nods her head at his remark. "That does make a lot of sense when you put it that way. I'm not really one for politics, or backstabbing for that matter. I think he made the right choice when it came to the carnival or politics." She closes her eyes as she was contemplating her choices. A few moments later, she opens her eyes and hugs his arm tightly. "Either choice sounds good, but I'll let you choose for this one. Surprise me, s-sweetie." She rests her head on his shoulder as they continued walking to the rides.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night smiles and nods as he begins leading the way to the Wax Museum of serial killers, horror film characters and the such. "That they did love, and he did make the right choice, not sure I'd ever be a good Lord or King, too much work and stress" he says and kisses her cheek, seeing that Mini Mew was still on top of her head, he chuckles "I didn't know a manticore cub could also double as a hat dear" he says as he gently pets the shy little one, who purrs instantly at his touch.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew gulps in fear of his choice in the haunted house, but decided to stay strong. She nods and giggles at his remark. "I do wonder how they found all the other ponies who we met last night. I guess they were scouted out, or were passing by? Either way, I'm glad your father and uncle could find such grateful ponies. I also agree with you on that, s-sweetie. I can't really see you as a Lord or a king. Although, doesn't the job you do now still count as stressful?" She says as she returns the kiss. She looks up to see Mini Mew still resting on her head. She giggles one more and nods, but makes sure she didn't make the little cub fall. "I didn't know about that either, Nightie. I-I guess I could make this into a fashion trend of some kind. Everyone will want to have a small manticore cub as a hat on their head." She smiles at how gentle Night was toward the little cub. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night couldn't help but smile "A new fashion trend sweeping the world with success! Plus mini manticore cub hats!" he exclaims excitedly and then dances around with her, he then realizes what he was doing and stops "Hehe sorry sweetie, I just thought it would be so cute to do that, I mean Mini Mew looks so adorable atop of your head like that, I could actually imagine it become a new fashion trend" he says with a smile. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew giggles as she throws a fist in the air. "Hooray! I came up with a new m-marketing campaign." She gasps as she felt Night stop and dances with her. She smiles and joins in the dancing, but pouts when the dancing stopped. She shook her head and shyly nods. "It's okay, Nightie. It was fun and you're a great dancer. You're right about that. I don't think Mini Mew will leave me now that I gave her that name. She just looks so peaceful and comfy." She smiles brightly and gushes over the tiny cub. Her eyes shrank as she looks to Night with worry. "J-Just make sure the hats are fake, okay? I feel the cubs might get hurt if people try to wear the animals on their head." 
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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and nuzzles her "Of course darling, wouldn't even dream of harming any of Mini Mew's brother or sisters, they're just so darn adorable and cute" he says and gently pets the still purring cub. "Aren't you Mini Mew? Yes you are, you are a cute little cubby wubby" he coos to the cub who jumps into his arms and snuggles into his embrace. He smiles and gently strokes her "Sorry love, much like Mistypaws and her kits, the Manticore and their cubs have a special bond with me."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew sighs in relief and returns the nuzzle. "That's reassuring to hear, s-sweetie. Although, you would probably play a joke on me, just to make me panic. You seem to have that air of a prankster, in my opinion." She giggles and smiles brightly. "Mini Mew and her brothers and sisters are truly adorable. It makes me wonder which animal I like more. Mistypaw and her kits, or Mini Mew and the manticores. Just thinking about it give me a headache." She gigles once more as she shook her head. She smiles at how cute Night was being towards the little cub. She watches and pouts slightly, as she saw Night take the tiny cub into his arms. She nods in understanding with a soft smile. "Y-You don't have to be sorry, Night. The way the animals are around you, it shows how much of a bond you share between the animals. Oh, I hope I can form a bond with the animals one day. I think I've formed a bond with both Mistypaw and Mini Mew, so it's a start." She giggles while folding her arms behind her as they walked to the museum. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"They all love you dear, I can see Mistypaw and the Manticores being protective of you" he says with a chuckle, as he hears the two adult Manticores roar in agreement while Mistypaws gently nuzzles Dew Drop and whispers with telepathy "Night is right dear, we all love you and will protect you with our lives, we are very grateful that you have came into Night's life" she says, still nuzzling her while Mini Mew had fallen asleep in night's arms.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles happily at Night's remark. "That's good to know because I love them all as well." She giggles as she heard the manticores roaring to both Night and Dew. She gasps in surprise as she felt Mistypaw nuzzle her. "Misty? I'm surprised to see you out of the cage? I almost didn't notice your presence for a minute there. I'm glad you and the others feel that way. I hope it's not because I-I'll be a princess someday. I'm just glad I have a special, kind and loving pony like Nightie in my life." She returns the nuzzle and smiles softly at Mini Mew falling asleep. "She's just so precious when she sleeps. It's as if there's nothing for the little cub to worry about. Hopefully she doesn't get s-spooked by the haunted house attraction." She says while giggling nervously. 

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles happily at Night's remark. "That's good to know because I love them all as well." She giggles as she heard the manticores roaring to both Night and Dew. She gasps in surprise as she felt Mistypaw nuzzle her. "Misty? I'm surprised to see you out of the cage? I almost didn't notice your presence for a minute there. I'm glad you and the others feel that way. I hope it's not because I-I'll be a princess someday. I'm just glad I have a special, kind and loving pony like Nightie in my life." She returns the nuzzle and smiles softly at Mini Mew falling asleep. "She's just so precious when she sleeps. It's as if there's nothing for the little cub to worry about. Hopefully she doesn't get s-spooked by the haunted house attraction." She says while giggling nervously.

Night smiles "Hello to you too Misty dear." He says petting the kitsune, then turning his attention back to Dew "You're right there love, she does look as if though she hasn't gotten a single worry in the world. As for Mistypaws being out, she's allowed out of the pens from time to time, when there aren't many ponies around"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles and giggles as the mother kitsune walked by her side. She closes her eyes and imagines that Misty is her companion on a sort of journey. She shook her head and opens her eyes, so she wouldn't bump into anything. "Mini Mew just keeps being more and more cuter as time goes on. I'll make sure that she grows up to be a happy manticore. I'm glad that the animals do get a chance to stretch their legs. It wouldn't feel right to be locked in their cages all day until a performance." She looks at her surroundings and notices there were only the residents at the carnival were around. "I guess it's so the customers don't freak out at the thought of wild and untamed animals. I can see that, but if given the chance, I think they would learn how sweet these animals can be." She says while petting Mistypaws on the head. Eventually, the group finally arrive at the haunted house. "S-So, this is the haunted house, huh? It doesn't look so scary from the outside. I g-guess the same can't be said on the inside, huh?" She stutters while clutching onto Night's arm.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night nods "Mistypaws and the others are allowed free reign when there's little to no one around, but when Fluttershy does her teaching part of the carnival, where she teaches about the animals in the pens, she has them on a leash, so that they can still get out, but little ones can still pet and cuddle them, Mistypaws especially loves letting the little ones giving her hugs and pets" he says and Mistypaws nuzzles him as she says to the two of them via telepathy "Of course, the little ones absolutely adore me and my kits, as well as the manticores and their cubs, sure some of the really little ones do pull on things not meant to be pulled on, but they don't mean to, they're only small after all, and they apologize in the cutest way ever. Special foal snuggles" she chuffs in amusement. Night nods "Indeed and you're right love, it's to get the feel of the atmosphere. Lull ponies into a false sense of security before they get the pants scared off of them when they enter"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew nods and gives Night a quizzical look. "You said Miss F-Fluttershy teaches at the carnival, right? Does she live here, or does she come from far away to teach children? I guess I might meet her one of these days." She giggles and nods at Misty's remark. "That's true when you think about it. The little ones can't really be blamed if they are really young. They don't really know better and it's good that they apologize afterwards. Special foal snuggles sounds like the cutest thing in the world." She shivers slightly in fear, but shakes her head and tries to be confident. "I-I'll take your word for it, Nightie. C-Can you stay close to me, i-in case I get scared?" She asks while clutching his arm closely to her.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"Yep, miss Fluttershy, she comes to visit twice a month to do her part for the carnival, she usually lives in Ponyville" he says with a smile "and we all agree on the special foal snuggles, it is rather adorable to see them just cling to Mistypaws and all the others" he says and holds Dew's hand as they walk in the front of the Haunted House attraction, with Mistypaws walking beside Dew to help keep her calm, she nudges her hand and licks it.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles and nods at Night's remark. "That's good to know, Nightie. W-When is her next visit? Maybe I can get to meet her and get to know her. She sounds like a nice pony to be friends with. I-I hope she'll want to be my friend." She says while twirling a finger through her mane in nervousness. She soon giggles and pictures Night's last remark. "It sounds just lovely when you say that. I could imagine you have a lot of pictures of all the snuggles. It sounds great to hold a lot of memories of the animals and this carnival." She calms down slightly as she felt Night hold her hand. She smiles softly as Mistypaws licks her other hand as well. She pets Mistypaw on the head and pulls the kitsune closely to her. "Thank you both so much. I was afraid to go into the haunted house, but having you both with me will give me nothing to fear. I'll make it through this haunted house with little to no problem." She says with a somewhat confident look on her face. She nods as she and the others entered the front of the haunted house.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and nods "She'll be here in the next two days, and hello there Mistypaws, I can see you becoming like a mother figure to our dear Dew Drop, not that I'm complaining, I think it is rather sweet of you to take such an interest in her." he says as he gives her a pet and a gentle scratch behind her ears, to which she murrs and wags her tail happily. "Well of course, She's just so adorable and such a sweetheart" the kitsune vixen says with a chuff before nuzzling the mare's hand once more.


As they walked through the door, they were greeted by a heavy fog and a soft siren like song, he smiles and pulls her close "Stay close to me love, I'll protect you" he says and chuckles when Mistypaws chuffs in amusement.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles and nods. "T-That's good to know. It would be nice to meet her and get to know her, as well." She blushes at the kitsune's words, as she kneels down and hugs Mistypaw closely to her. "I'm so glad Mistypaw cares about me. I feel like she'll protect me because I'm a princess in the future. However, princess or no princess, I know she'll always watch over me. She is a sweet and kind kitsune." She says and giggles at the kitsune's antics.


As they walked past the entrance, Dew's ears perked at some sort of song being played. As the fog rolled in, she became weary of the unknown presented before them. She gasps suddenly as Night pulled her closely towards him. She smiles and hugs him back tightly. "T-Thank you, Nightie. Thank you as well, Mistypaws. I know that I'm scared, but having the three of you with me makes things not that scary." She says while glancing at Mini Mew still asleep in Night's arms. She nods to them as they began to make their way into the haunted house attraction. 

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