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private Carnival of Fear

Dynamo Pad

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles "I'm sure the whole Princess thing has a part in it, but I'm almost certain that it's just that she sees you as one of her little kits, as she does with me and my cousins, she's a very maternal being and I'm almost certain she'd love it if you'd snuggle up to her every night, even if it is just before going to bed" he says as Mistypaws nuzzles and licks Dew's hand in agreement to what Night had said and then flicks her ears cutely, nuzzling Dew once more calm her down.


"Rest easy my child, with the three of us here, you are safe" Mistypaws says to her


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@@Orange Sparks

Dew Drop looks to Mistypaws, before turning her attention to Night and nods. "I'm glad to k-know that she thinks of me this way. Whenever Misty is around, I feel as though she's a guardian to me. I really enjoy the snuggles we share together as well. I still am looking forward to the big snuggling with her and her kits tonight." She giggles and calmed down from Mistypaw's presence. She smiles softly and nods once more. "Thank you and I'm glad you are all here with me. I think I'm going to be okay right now." She says, as the group continues to make their way through the haunted house attraction. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Mistypaws yips happily and licks Dew's hand to help her stay calm. Night smiles and looks to his fiance "Just remember one thing sweetie, as realistic some of these props may seem, they are just that, props and fake." he says and kisses her cheek, "the point of it is to pretend to be scared and to have fun doing so" he says and looks around him as they soon come to the wax museum part of the haunted house.


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@Orange Sparks

Dew Drop smiles and nods. She looks forward as she remembers Night's piece of advice. "I'll do the best I can. I'll just close my eyes and hold you close if things look scary." She says and nods at his remark. "That's understandable, but I c-can't help in being scared. It just shows how well they make the haunted house."  She says as the begin their trek through the house. A little while later, the group make their way to the exit. After stepping out of the house, Dew sighs and nuzzles Night. "T-That honestly wasn't too bad. Some parts were pretty scary, but everything else was just shock factor. Some things that got me were jump scares. Thought I was going to have a panic attack from the third jump scare." She says and giggles nervously. She leans up and kisses Night's cheek. "Thank you for reassuring me, sweetheart. Having you all there helped me out in the end." She says while leaning down and hugs Mistypaws. "Thank you as well, Mistypaws. Seeing you growl at the others and protecting me was really sweet."

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@Dynamo Pad

Mistypaws nuzzles her hand once more while Night held her close ":See sweetheart, it wasn't that bad now was it? And yes Mistypaws, I agree with Dew, you growling at the creatures and everything was super sweet of you to do that for her" he says and pets the kitsune's head gently and leads them to the games areas "How about a game or two to settle ourselves before we go grab something to eat?"


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@Orange Sparks

Dew shakes her head and giggles with a blush upon her muzzle. "I guess you were right, Nightie. I'm sorry for doubting you. I guess we all have things to fear in certain way. I'm just g-glad it wasn't as bad as I initially thought." As they walked away from the haunted house, the group arrived in the game areas. She looks to all the games with a curious expression. She shrugs her shoulders before leaning against Night's shoulder. "I'm up for any games, Nightie. I would say the water shooter game. It's all up to you, in my opinion. Any game is good with me as long as we can win some prizes. I wonder if Mistypaws can play some games." She mumbles the last part softly to herself. She looks to the kitsune before closing her eyes and smiles. "I wouldn't put that idea past me, but it feels highly unlikely. However, this is a carnival, so anything is possible." She says softly to herself once more, as she waited for Night to choose.  

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@Dynamo Pad

Nightmare smiles and kisses her cheek "Well it would seem that a couple of foals are having a go at the water shooting game right now, Why don't we go see uncle Skully at his booth? It's a lot like the ring one but with a cork gun,and you have to knock off the prize that you want" he says, holding her hand lovingly and leading her over to the stall with a happy skip to his step. 

Mistypaw follows but notices a small filly crying, it broke her heart to see it and she paws over to the filly, she then nuzzles her and licks her on the nose "Please do not cry dear child, you will always be given another chance to win the prize you want" she says telepathically, and cuddles up to the filly. Normally a filly, let alone a full grown pony, would get frightened at the sight of the kitsune vixen and then hearing her voice telepathically, but this certain little Thestral filly, Flight Song, and her mother Luna and her father Shadow Step were regulars of the Carnival.

Nightmare's ears fold down when he hears the crying, but when he looks to where the crying was coming from, but then smiles as he sees who it is and that Mistypaws was snuggled up to her "Aaaw, little Princess Flight Song is here" he says, going over to her and patting her on the head "Hey there sweetie, did you lose a game? and really wanted a prize?"


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@Orange Sparks

Dew Drop pouts in disappointment, but nods with a smile. As they were walking to Uncle Skully's booth, she stops at the sound of a crying filly. She turns to the source of the noise, but smiles softly at Mistypaws comforting the crying filly. She tilts her head in confusion, but gasps and bows in front of Luna's presence. "G-Greeting, Princess Luna. It's a honor to meet you. I-I never knew you had a husband or a child. I'm s-so sorry if that seemed rude of me to say." She looks up while giving an apologetic look to Luna. "What are you doing here anyway? I never knew you liked the carnival as well."

Flight Song cries and tries to cover her tear stained face. She wanted to win a prize as a precious memory from the carnival. She felt some creature brush up against her, as she looks up to see that it was Mistypaws. She nods at the telepathic thought and hugs the kitsune vixen. "T-Thank you Misty. I know I have a chance, but I wanted mommy and daddy to be proud of me." She looks up to see Night appearing with a mare standing next to him, who bowed to her mother. She giggles a little at the mare's actions, but turns her attention back to Night. "Hello big brother. It's nice to see you again. I tried to win a prize, but I wasn't able to knock the prize off of the counter. C-Can you help me win the prize, please?" She asks while giving Night the puppy dog eyes technique. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Luna smiles as she hugs her husband "Oh it is quite alright dear Dew Drop, and well we come here mostly for Flight Song's enjoyment, she loves it here, especially the critters like Mistypaws and your little Manticore friend there" she says, motioning to her daughter snuggled up to the critters and her husband, Shadow Step smiles and holds Luna close to him "It is true, our little one is so shy and  timid, but she adores animals, always begging us to let her come here to see Mistypaws and her kits, then the manticores..not to mention her big brother Nightmare" he chuckles "It's rather sweet how those two act towards each other"

Nightmare smiles and nods "Of course I can help you win a prize" he says then looks to his uncle, who nods and gives the filly a gun with bit more force behind the firing mechanism, "Now little sister, what you need to do, is not aim for the middle, but for the top or the bottom, so I'm guessing you want that plush of your mother? This is where to aim for" he says, helping her aim for the right area to knock the plush over.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dew Drop nods and looks to the young filly with her fiance. "It seems to me like this c-carnival can attract everyone." She says before looking to Luna in slight surprise. "You know who Mistypaws is, P-Princess Luna? Did she say anything important about future events?" She asks while tilting her head slightly at the princess of the Night. She smiles and nods at Luna's remark. "How did Flight meet Night in the first place? The way you describe her, she almost has a personality like mine. I'm a little shy, but I love plants and animals. I'm just afraid of not making true friends. Nightie here changed that and now he and I are now engaged."

Flight smiles at Night lending help to win a prize. She takes the cork gun and tries to aim it at the prize she wants. She nods in understanding before nodding her head vigorously once more. "I want to win a plush of mama. She's an inspiration to everyone in Equestria. Sometimes she's busy, so it would be nice to win a plush of her." She says before aiming the cork gun at the the prize. She glances back and smiles at Night helping her in steadying the weapon. After making sure she aimed correctly, she fires the cork gun and the cork goes flying. It reaches the plush and after a bit of swaying, the Luna plush finally falls from it's prize shelf. Flight Song's jaw drops at what had just happened. She jumps up and down before tackling Night into a tight hug. "Oh, thank you big brother. You're the best and you're the coolest big brother in the world. Thank you again and I love you big brother." She says while nuzzling Night in a tight embrace. 


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@Dynamo Pad

Luna and Shadow both smiles and nod "We do, we've known Crystal and Sommer all their lives, and Mistypaws has been one of our little one's only friends" Luna says as she smiles at the display of affection between Nightmare and Flight Song. "Aaw, she won a plush of me, that's so sweet of her" she giggles and nods "Well yes she did, but we already sort of knew that, what you'll be a Princess of, well that is something we will find out in due time, as for being afraid of not making true friends, you're a lot like Princess Twilight Sparkle when she was still studying under my dear sister"

Night smiles and hugs her back "You're welcome little sister, did you want to go meet my fiance?" he asks, offering her his hand


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dew's eyes widen in surprise, but nods in understanding. "I guess being an alicorn g-gives you eternal life. So, you must have known them for a very long time." She frowns at hearing Flight not having many friends. "It's good to know Mistypaws has been Flight's friend, b-but it's not good to have only one friend. I-I mean it's good to have some close friends, or something along those lines, Princess Luna." She says while twiddling her thumbs nervously. She giggles cutely at the prize that Flight Song had won. "I think it s-shows how much you mean to her, Princess." She looks to Luna with an eyebrow slightly raised in curiosity. "Miss Crystal told me I would follow in her footsteps, but I guess we'll see in time. It's also not that I'm afraid of making friends. It's just I'm afraid I'll annoy anyone that I'm friends with, or something close to that idea."

Flight Song took Night's hand into her own and giggles with a nod. "I sure do, big brother. You finally found someone special? Is she nice? Have you been nice to her? Can she be my big sister?" She says while hugging her plush tightly.




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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh our darling little one does have other friends, but they are mostly critters sadly, a lot of ponies are afraid to befriend her because of her heritage, but she's still got a lot of years ahead of her and we are sure in time she will make lots more pony friends, and maybe even meet her own special somepony" Luna says with a smile then looks over to her little one "We would do anything to make sure that she is happy and safe, and if it means taking her to the carnival every night, then so be it" she says with a giggle, then gently lifts up Dew's chin with a single finger "Now you listen to me dear Dew Drop, you do not annoy anyone at all, dispel those bad thoughts from your mind, alright? You are a kind, gentle, sweet, beautiful and a one of a kind mare, and it would take somepony very special and unique to catch Nightmare's eye, let alone capture his heart" Luna says and nuzzles the mare "And it takes somepony very special for our dear Mistpaws to act like a pet around, you, Nightmare and Flight are the only three I know of she does that for"

Nightmare nods and holds her hand "Indeed I have and I most certainly do, she's kind of shy and scared of annoying people, so she doesn't have many friends, but I am sure she would be delighted to be your big sister" he says, taking her over to the others "Hello love, I'd like you to meet little Princess Flight Song" he says then pets Flight on the head "Go on sweetie, say hello" 


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@Orange Sparks

Dew frowns sadly and nods in understanding. "That must be horrible Miss Luna. Critters as friends are nice, but they don't seem like true friends to spend time with. I know what I-I'm saying doesn't make sense, but she has me as a friend. That is if she wants me to be her friend. She c-cute and adorable, as well as a sweet and innocent pony." She says and smiles at Luna. "I think it's nice that you are taking her to the carnival every night. It shows that you are a kind and loving m-mother to your daughter." She gasps suddenly as she felt Luna lift her chin, so their eyes could meet. She nods slowly and smiles after hearing Luna's remark. "T-Thank you, Princess Luna. That really means a lot to hear you say that. I love Nightie with all of my heart and I'm glad that I am with him. He means so much to me and you're right. Mistypaws is such a sweet and caring pet and friend. I don't know how she acts towards others, but I'm glad she cares about Flight, Night and myself." She says before seeing the little filly walking up to her. Dew waves shyly and smiles. "H-Hey there Flight. My name is Dew Drop and it's really nice to meet you."

Flight giggles and nods, but nods once again in realization. Her ears perked as Dew addressed her. She smiles and tackles the mare into a loving hug. "It's so nice to meet you Dew Drop. You are really nice and kind. Thank you for taking care of big brother and Mistypaws. Can we be best friends and sisters, if that's okay?" She asks with a huge grin on her muzzle. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Luna smiles as she watches the future princess and her filly meet and communicate with each other. Night also smiles as he gently pets the sleeping Mini Mew who was still fast asleep in his arms, he then smiles at his fiance "Well what do you say love? Do you want to be best friends and sisters with little Flight Song?" he asks and gently places a free hand on Flight's head with a smile.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dew Drop gasps from the sudden hug, but smiles and returns the hug nonetheless. She giggles as she nuzzles the little filly. Her ears perked as Night addressed her. She thought for a a moment before nodding happily. She turns to the filly and smiles once more. "I would love to be friends with you Flight. I would love to be you big sister as well." Flight giggles from the nuzzle and Night's hand on her head. She gasps and cheers at Dew's response and hugs her tightly. "Oh, thank you so much big sister. You and big brother are the best in the world. I'm also glad big brother has you in his life. Please take good care of each other." She says as a thought occurred to the little filly. She turns to Luna while giving her the puppy dog eye stare. "Can I please stay with my brother and sister tonight? You would let me stay with Miss Misty from time to time. M-Maybe the three of us can stay with Miss Misty as well. Is that okay, mommy?"


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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles as he looks to Luna and Shadow who simply smiles and nods "Of course sweetheart, but you should ask your uncle Sommer and auntie Crystal, though I'm sure they will say yes as usual" she says as she sees the two aforementioned ponies walk up to them.

Sommer chuckles and gently pets Flight on the head "Of course your can stay the night here sweetheart, and I know your big brother, sister and Miss Mistypaws will take very good care of you" he says and hugs her before placing subtly placing a smaller plush of her mother into her arms "A gift" he whispers and then waves to Luna and Shadow before going off to check on the rest of the carnival.

Night smiles "Hey Dewy sweetheart, I know you were looking forward to some time alone but..do you think for today we could spend it with Flight?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Flight smiles and nods, but pouts cutely at having to ask for permission. "Okay mommy and I hope he'll say okay." She says as she sees Sommer walk over to the group. She giggles as she felt Sommer pet her on the head. She gasps as she cheers and dances in joy at Sommer's response. She runs over and hugs Sommer tightly. "Thank you so much, uncle Sommer. You're the greatest and it really means a lot to me." She says as she is given a small plush of Luna. She smiles softly and hugs the plush gently in her arms.

Dew looks to Night and closes her eyes to think. After a few moments, she opens her eyes and nods. "While it would be nice to spend time with you Nightie. It would be even better to spend it with our little sister. It would be great getting to know her as well. We can have a family day out, or something like that. It'll be g-great and fun." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Night smiles and nods "It will be great fun, and I know our little sister is just as excited as you are" he says then goes over to Luna and Shadow as he hugs them "We'll see you around Luna and Shadow, and don't worry we'll take good care of our little sister, you two go have some fun, we'll call you if anything happens"

Luna smiles and hugs him back "Thank you Night, I'm sure Flight is looking really forward to spending the day and night with you and Dew Drop" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dew smiles as she pats Flight on the head. "I can i-imagine that, sweetie. I guess the fun will be doubled, now that our little sister is with us." She giggles and bows respectfully to Luna. "It was nice meeting you, Miss Luna. I promise we'll look after Flight for you and Shadow." She says as Flight runs up to her mother and father. She smiles and hugs both Luna and Shadow. "I love you mommy and daddy. I hope to see you later. I promise to be behave when I'm with big brother and sister." She says and runs back over to Dew and Night.

Dew smiles and looks to her fiance. "Where should we start on our day of fun with our sister, Nighti?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Shadow smiles as he hugs his filly "I know you will sweetheart, you're a angel" he then kisses her forehead and then her nose "We will come back tomorrow to pick you up at noon, have fun sweetie" he says, linking his arm with Luna's as they walk off to enjoy some alone time together while at the carnival.

Night smiles as he holds Flight's hand tightly "Well, how about..we go play some more games, I know, lets go play the skiball game, Flight is pretty good at it,aren't you little sis?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Flight giggles as she felt Shadow kiss her forehead and nose. She nods and waves to her parents one last time. "I'll see you tomorrow mommy and daddy." She says before turning her attention to Night and Dew. She nods at Night's remark and giggles once more. "I love skee ball. I love all the games at the carnival, but my favorite is the balloon dart game. I have a knack for that game." She blushes and smiles while trying hard not to brag.

Dew smiles and waves at the couple walking away. "They look really cute together. It's nice to see even the princess enjoying o-off duty from time to time." She says and giggles at her little sister. "I love the balloon dart game as well, little sister. I remember once paying a lot of bits so I could aim for the best prize they had. In the end I got it and it was definitely worth it. I believe it was a life sized stuffed figure of Spider Man." She sighs happily at the fond memory. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Nightmare smiles and nods "That was the best prize at the time yeah, so it was you who won it love? I remember how uncle Skully was so happy at how many bits he got from you, he was going to give you the prize anyway though, as you were one of the best ponies at that game at that time, but now you have a little competition" he says with a chuckle as he hugs both Dew and Flight close to himself "As for what you mean about seeing Auntie Lulu enjoying some off-duty time, you're right, it gives her the time to see that ponies these days actually do love her night time" he says and then looks to the games "Well there's already a little filly and colt playing the balloon dart game, but how about we do go play some skee ball to start off with?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew giggles and nods. "I can't believe I won the best prize the carnival had. It's also true that I won it. I'll have to thank uncle Skully on the offer of giving me the hero figure. I was surprised that I was pretty good at balloon darts. I gave it a try and had a knack for it." She says before gaining a somewhat confident look on her muzzle. "B-Bring it on because I'll give it all I've got. I won't let others defeat me a-at a game I'm pretty good at." She says while giggling cutely. She smiles and nods once more at his remark. "It reminds me of what the others were celebrating last night. Enjoying the night time with song and dance. It shows that times m-must have changed since back then, or s-something like that." She nods at his suggestion while Flight cheers. "Hooray! I hope to get a high score on the skee ball game. I was so close last time, but maybe today will be the day!"

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@Dynamo Pad

Nightmare smiles and chuckles "I think Skully's always liked you love, but yes lets go have some fun at the skee ball games" he says then scoops Flight up and hugs her "I wonder who of you will win the most points" he says and looks to his adopted little sister then to his fiance "I'm no expert at it, but to me, it's all about having fun" he says and then looks down to Flight who was now snuggled up to Mini Mew and then down to Mistypaws and smiles, "Hey Misty, looks like Ditzy is here with her filly Dinky, why not go say hello to them" he suggests, and she responds with a happy yip and a wag of her tails before pawing off to the young grey mare and her little one.


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