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private Carnival of Fear

Dynamo Pad

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew accepts the earbud and places it in her ear. As she saw Night place the other earbud in his ear, the two sat near each other, as they listened to the song together. As the song finished, she smiles sadly, before taking the earbud out of her ear. She looks over and sees Night on the verge of crying. Seeing him sad cause tears to form in Dew's eyes as well. "W-Why are you c-crying, sweetie? I-I hope I d-didn't do anything wrong. I...I think I get what the song is trying to say. W-We were both alone for so long. When w-we finally found each other, it was as if we were looking through a mirror. T-This song t-truly represents our newfound love for e-each other." She says as she felt Night pull her closely towards him. She smiles as she returns the embrace and nuzzles him. After a couple of minutes, she pulls from the embrace and nods at his request. "I-I would be honored to sing that song for you, my love. D-Do we sing that song tonight at center stage?"  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


He smiles and wipes his tears away "Yes dear, that is exactly the meaning of the song and yes, I'd like it if we performed it tonight" he says, kissing her cheek  "now come on, which would you like to do? Games or rides first?" he asks, standing up and holding her hand in his.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles and blushes as she wipes her own tears away. "That's just the most sweetest thing you have ever said to me. I would love it if we sang it tonight, my love." She giggles as she felt him kiss her cheek. She stands up from her seat and felt Night take her hand in his own. "I like both games and rides. The funny thing is, I'm secretly a ride enthusiast. I like the adrenaline a ride gives you afterwards, such as a roller coaster or the swinging ship. What kind of rides does your carnival have to offer?" She asks as they walked around the carnival, as she enjoyed the feeling of him holding her hand.

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@@Dynamo Pad


"We have both, the rollercoaster is one of those gravity ones where you go upside down and everything, and the swinging ship does full circles almost" he explains as he leads her to the rides part of the carnival. "As for games, we have the usual fare but with some extras" he says and holds her close "So which first my love? We have a little time before the show starts"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew placed a hand under her chin in thought, as she giggles from Night holding her close to him. "M-Maybe we can ride the roller coaster first. If we have time, m-maybe we can play some of the games. If not, then maybe we can play some of the games after the show. W-Would that be okay, sweetie?" She asks while giving him the puppy dog eye stare. She nuzzles him while kissing his cheek. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


He smiles and nods as he  holds her close "That sounds good to me darling, rollercoaster, games then the show" he says and smiles "And, it looks like you may be taking my bed tonight, it's a bit too late already and I refuse to let you go to the dorm rooms alone tonight" Night says as he leads her towards the rollercoaster, most ponies moved aside for them and the ride master smiles "Ah master Nightmare, enjoy the ride" he says, allowing the young and cute couple first access.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles and giggles lightly, as she felt Night hold her close. She also looks at Night and blushes at his statement. She hides behind her mane, while twirling a finger through her purple locks. "O-Okay, sweetie. I-If you say so and I h-hope I'm not b-being an inconvenience." She stutters as they reached the roller coaster. As the other ponies allowed them to the front of the line, she smiles as the ride master allowed them the first ride. "T-Thank you, sir. That's r-really nice of you." She says as she gets into the first cart. "I-I'm really excited, sweetie. The ride hasn't started yet, but my heart's pounding very fast." She says as the other ponies start to take their seats, so the ride could begin.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and wraps an arm around "Mm are you sure it just isn't your present company making your heart race?" he says and laughs "Sorry, that was pretty cheesy" he says holding her closely and closing his eyes, letting the sounds and music of the carnival swallow him before he opens his eyes inner and he sees a tall, stallion in a suit but he had no eyes, nose or mouth facing his way. He shudders a little "F-father?"


The stallion simply nods


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew giggles and smiles, as she felt Night wrap a wing around her. "That line was very cheesy, but it was also very sweet. My heart also races whenever I'm with you. You truly m-make me happy. Y-You were pretty handsome when I s-saw you at lunch t-today." She says as she holds onto the safety bar in front of them. She tries to mentally prepare herself for the ride, as she smirks softly in preparation. She glances at her coltfriend, but is slightly surprised to see him in a trance-like state.


She places a hand upon his shoulder, as she begins to shake him gently. "S-Sweetie? A-Are you okay? Please, wake up."


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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night was soon shaken from his trance and shakes his head "Y-yeah sweetie?" he asks then smiles and kisses her cheek "sorry about that sweetie, I was kind of..brought into the void and well..met my birth father" he says with a nervous laugh, "Or more like, saw him, come on now, let's enjoy the festival" he says as they ride the roller coaster, which took a whole ten minutes before they reached the end of it and he smiles "Games?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles and sighs in relief, as she sees Night snap himself out of his trance. "I-It's okay, my love. I was just worried about you. You weren't being responsive and it was as if you were in some sort of trance." She was surprised by the news, but couldn't help but smiles softly at her coltfriend. "That's great sweetie. How did it go? W-Was he nice? D-Did you two t-talk for a little bit?" She nods at his suggestion, as the roller coaster was finally set to ride. She smiles and cheers as the two went upside down and went through loops. After the ride, the two got off the roller coaster and began walking. "T-That was so much fun. I've been on a number of coasters, b-but that one may have been my favorite. I-I hope I wasn't holding too tightly to your arm. Even though I love roller coasters, I sometimes become fearful of them as well." She giggles nervously, while looking towards the ground and blushes slightly. Her ears perked as he gained her attention. She looks up and nods at his suggestion. "Y-Yeah. Some games sounds perfect, Nightie." She kisses his cheek and lays her head on his shoulder, as they continued walking towards the games.   

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night sighs and shakes his head "You were fine sweetie, and it felt like I was in a trance state" he says then looks to her,  "well, he doesn't really speak, he kind of...has no face you see" he says with a shudder then begins to lead her towards the games area of the carnival "Fear is but an emotion of the pony mind, to overcome fear, one must first understand it" he says then his eyes widen "W-where the hell did that come from?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew nods in wonder as she listened to her coltfriend's explanation. "Are you going to be okay, sweetie? Does that mean you'll be in contact with you father more often now?" She shivers a little as they neared the game area of the carnival. "That's a little creepy about the slendermane having no face, no offense. I just wonder how you can u-understand him and everything." She stops in her movement for just a second, before continuing on moving forward. She tilts her head to the side, as she wondered what Night had meant. "W-What did you mean, Nightie? What y-you said just now? I-I was wondering that as well, just now."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night shivers a little before hugging her close and kissing her "I'm guessing that's one of the ways my father communicates with me, I guess he was trying to be cryptic or something with you, he did sort of speak, but not with a mouth but with his mind" he says and smiles softly "He says he is happy that I am with a beautiful mare like you" he chuckles and shakes his head once more and they soon arrive to the games "Ooh, uncle's got his stall up and ready now, it's the ring toss one" he pats her arm "As for what he meant, I guess he means that in order for you to get over your fear of something is to understand that fear, as in why you are afraid of said thing and how you can overcome it"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew was caught off guard from the kiss and hug, but smiles, as she closes her eyes and returns the gesture. As they break the kiss, she nods at his explanation. "I-I guess that makes sense when you think about it. I guess he was trying to use t-telepathy towards you. I wonder what he was trying to say to you. I hope e-everything is okay." She says, as the two reached the game area. The looked around and stumble upon the ring toss. "W-When you say uncle, did you mean the o-one that drove us here? Also, how do you p-play this game?" She asks in wonder, as she felt him pat her arm. "That's pretty amazing. Your father's words are very meaningful, when you look into it. I-I guess you and I have some fears to conquer. I-I hope you'll be there to help me in conquering my fears."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


He smiles and nods "Yep, uncle Skully, and as for the fears you are correct. You have you fear of the rollercoaster and whatever else, while I have my fear of losing you" he says softly before kissing her and smiling  "This game is pretty easy, all you need to do is purchase a few of these rings, and toss them towards the targets, hoping to get the ring around the cones" he says pointing them out "The trick is to figure out which ring will go around which cone, as there are different sizes as you will soon see"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew's eyes widen at his explanation of their fears. "I-I don't have a f-fear of roller coasters. Okay...m-maybe a little, but when you're with me, t-there's nothing to fear. As for the other fear, I-I guess he's right. Being afraid of not making friends is just so...scary and frightening. I-I just don't want to be alone." She hugs him tight and returns the kiss. "W-What do you mean, sweetie. You will never lose me. I love you s-so much." She nods at his description of the game, as she took some bits out of her purse. She hands the bits to Skully, who gives her three rings to toss. She tosses the first ring, only for it to toss it too far. The second time she tosses her ring, but it fell off the bottle. She pouted cutely, as she began to get frustrated. "I-I get what you are saying Nightie, but this isn't really easy. C-Can you help me, sweetie?" She asks, while giving him the puppy dog eye stare. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and nods as he shows her "This is what you need to do love" he says, picking up the ring and then lines it up with the  cone, "line it up, close one eye and see if the ring is bigger or smaller than the top of the cone" he says then hands the ring to her once more "Go on, give it a try, who knows, maybe you'll win this time, third time's the charm after all" he says and hugs her from behind.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew watches Night take the ring and listens in on how to win. "I think I understand now. Okay, I'll give it another try." She nods, as she takes the ring back and closes one of her eyes. She blushes slightly, but smiles from his hug. 'Third time is the charm.' She repeats his words, before crossing her fingers and tossing the ring. She watched as the ring spun and landed on the bottle. She cheers and jumps in celebration, as she pulls Night into a tight hug. "I did it! I actually won at the ring toss! What you said actually worked, sweetie. Thank you so, so much." She leans in and quickly kisses Night on the lips. She pulls back and blushes in realization of her actions. She hides behind her mane, as she twirled a finger through her mane as well. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night smiles and kisses her back as the mare behind the stall smiles and shows her the large plushies "what would the cute little mare like? We have a lovely plush of the Princesses, maybe a custom one of you and your handsome coltfriend" she giggles


Night blushes "A-auntie Shade.." he whines and hides behind his mane


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew contemplated on her prize, as she placed a hoof under her chin in thought. Her ears perked, as she heard the mare running the stall addressing her. She smiles and nods at the custom option. "I would like to have a custom plush of Night and I. If that's okay with both you and Night of course." She says before smiling softly at Shade.


"I-It's nice to m-meet you, Miss Shade. M-My name is Dew Drop. Also, t-thank you for the offer. That's really kind of you to make plush versions of Night and I." She shyly stutters as she extends her hand to shake Shade's hand. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Shade smiles "Anything for the young mare who has captured my nephew's heart" she says as she does a quick sketch of the two together "It should be ready by the end of the night, assuming my nephew lets you go home afterwards" she giggles and Night just rolls his eyes before taking Dew to another game stall, which was a skiball game "This one is just like the one at the arcades"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles, but blushes brightly, as she shakes her head at Shade's remark. "N-No, ma'am. Night said it was getting rather late and that I should stay here. I thank you and everypony here for your hospitality. I a-also appreciate that you're making plush versions of Night and me. I'll make sure to take really good care of my plush." She says before she and Night walk over to another game stall. "This does look like the ones at the arcade. I don't visit it often, but I love skee ball. I'm also a fan of Dance Dance Revolution. It's so much fun when you get to dance to a song." She takes one of the skee balls and rolls it down the lane. She smiles and cheers a little, as the skee ball made it into the center of the game machine. "I did it! It may not be the maximum points, but this is still a lot of fun. Thank you for bringing me to the carnival, sweetie." She hugs Night tightly as she kisses his cheek. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles  and hugs her back "You're welcome sweetheart, and yeah I like DDR too, one of my favorite songs to dance to is Stamp on the Ground" he says as he takes his turn, of course not really trying, as he was a bit of an expert at it and he got a high enough score, shrugging he kisses her and holds her hand in his "It's almost time for the show, but we have a little time beforehand to rehearse" he says softly, taking her to the backstage area of the main tent.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew watches Night take his turn on the skee ball machine. She smiles, as she returns the kiss and felt him take her hand in his. "I think I've heard of that song on the radio before. I like to listen to music sometimes before working. It helps me get motivated for the day. Sometimes I put on a song, while singing and dancing on a job well done. One of my favorite DDR songs to dance to, would have to be Love Shine." She gulps audibly, but nods, as the two start heading towards the backstage of the main tent. "O-Okay. I'm sorry, s-sweetie, but I'm just a little nervous. Do you h-have any kind of tip for singing in front of a large crowd. Do you a-also have the lyrics to the song? Hopefully I don't forget the lyrics." She stutters, as she began to shake a little in fear of tonight's carnival show. 

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