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private Carnival of Fear

Dynamo Pad

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Dew Drop nods and becomes fascinated of the breezie culture. "When you put it that way, they sound rather interesting. It's interesting to know their name derives off of an actual breeze, or something like that. Y-You speak about M-Miss Fluttershy, quite a bit. S-She seems like an animal w-whisperer when it comes to all these animals. I hope I g-get to meet her s-sometime. S-She seems quite friendly, if you a-ask me." She watches Night begin to talk to the breezies in their language. She tilts her head in confusion, as she couldn't understand a word he and the breezies were saying.


She notices all the breezies in the pen all gather around her. She giggles as she begins to pet them with one finger, so she wouldn't crush the tiny creatures. She glances towards the talking breezie that was on her left shoulder. She sighs in relief that the breezie was able to speak in common to her. "H-Hello there, Miss Summerwing. I-It's truly an honor to meet you. T-The pleasure is all mine, ma'am. I-I'm really glad to have Nightie i-in my life. I'm really glad you are able to speak the same language as I do. A-Are all the other b-breezies speak my language, or i-is it just you?" Even if it wasn't a joke, I think the little joke was rather c-cute. You're p-pretty funny, if you ask me."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Summerwing giggles and nuzzles into the pets "Night really is a kind and caring stallion, isn't he?" she asks and looks over to Night who was changing their food to make it so that they had fresh food and water "He takes care of everyone else before himself, but sometimes I do worry, there are times where he works himself to the bone and he gets so tired and worn out, that he passes out with miss Mistypaws and her kits" she says worriedly "Please look after him for us" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew nods and smiles, as she looked to the love of her life. "He truly is, Summerwing. I-I never knew what true l-love was until I met him. I-I don't have that m-many friends because I'm afraid I-I'll be a bother to them. N-Nightie is different, in my o-opinion. He's always kind, caring, p-patient, understanding, and loving t-towards others. J-Just talking to him and getting to know him more and more. It's what drew me to him and I-I can happily say I love that Pegasus with all of my heart." She frowns slightly from the hushed whispers of Summerwing. "H-He seems to have that trait of always being helpful. However, it f-feels as it he tries to do too much. H-He helped me move my boxes into our new home. He then passes out from being t-tired. H-Hopefully I can talk to him about it." She whispers and gently nuzzled Summerwing. "Thank you for telling me, little one. I'm glad to know you and the other creatures here all care about him. I-I promise to a-always look after my N-Nightie." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Summerwing chirps and clicks "Hopefully now things will change. He Probably hasn't told you because he doesn't want you to worry, but we, all of us here in the pens could sense it from him. He feels that the only good he could do is looking after all of us here, he feels broken on the inside, but.." she looks to Nightmare once more "I sense it is starting to heal, perhaps you are what he needed all along." she chirps happily and flitters around Dew Drop "and thank you, from all us animals and creatures, Mistypaw especially"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew Drop frowns, but nods at Summerwing's remark. "I hope things will change as well. He hasn't told me this, but it s-sounds to me like h-he's suffering. I-I feel that he i-is more special than he seems to think. H-He just needs the right individuals to h-help him realize that." She looks at Summerwing and blushes, but looks to Night and smiles softly. She looks back to the breezie and nods. "T-Thank you and you don't need to t-thank me. I t-think Nightie is what I need all a-along as well. He t-truly is the love of my life. I c-can't see myself without him b-by my side. He truly m-makes me happy and f-feel so loved. I w-want to return those feelings and to r-remind him that h-he'll always be loved and happy, as well." She whispers before walking over to her fiance. She hugs him tightly and nuzzles him lovingly. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles as he feels Dew Drop hug and nuzzles him "Hello there love, is everything alright?" he asks as he holds her hands in his while admiring the Breezies as they flittered around their pen happily.  "Look at them sweetie, all happy and not a care in the world" he says, leaning back into her embrace and smiling "but I am sensing something is on your mind, please, always feel open to speak your mind to me love, we are going to be husband and wife soon after all"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew sighs happily and smiles, as she felt Night return the embrace. She shakes her head negatively. "Nothings wrong, sweetie. I-I'm just glad to have you in my l-life." She looks around the pen and nods in agreement. "They do look v-very happy. They just look so p-peaceful, Nightie." She shuffles her feet in nervousness. She nods her head into his chest while tightening the hug. "Y-Yes and I'm sorry, N-Nightie." She looks up at him with tears welling up in her eyes. "S-Summerwing told me that y-you feel broken on the inside. T-That you feel the only good you do is h-help is taking care of the animals. I-If you ever feel sad or need to talk to somepony, then talk to me. I-I want to get to know you more, N-Nightie. I d-don't want you to feel emotionally hurt anymore. I-I love you, Nightie. I want to h-help you in knowing that y-you are okay. I'm you f-fiancee and I want you to k-know that I'm here for you." She leans up and kisses him softly. After breaking the kiss, she rests her head against his chest while her tears cascaded down her muzzle. "I love you, Night. More than you'll e-ever know."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night closes his eyes and sighs "Darling, a lot has happened in my lifetime, a lot of it has made me feel broken on the inside ." he says, holding her hands in his "How-ever, I recently met the most wonderful and beautiful mare there ever could be who has begun the healing process of my broken self" he says then kisses her "Try and guess who it is? No?" he asks and then turns around to face her and gently boops her on the nose "It's you sweetie, you are healing my brokenness" he smiles and kisses her softly on the lips.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew's ears drooped as she nods. She looks up at Night as she felt him take her hands into his. She looks at him with a neutral expression on her muzzle, but she soon giggles and smiles softly at his remark. She sniffles while wiping her tears away. She pretended to not know the answer by shaking her head. "N-No I don't, Nightie. I d-don't know who you're referring to." She laughs as she felt him boop her on the nose. She blushes at his kind words and returns the soft kiss. After breaking the kiss, she rests her head on his chest once more. She closes her eyes and listens to his steady heartbeat. "I-I'm glad I-I'm able to heal your brokenness, s-sweetie. You're helping me, as well. I-I'm growing more and more confident i-in myself. I-I'm still shy, but I f-feel brave when I'm with you. I also think I-I've grown more confident in talking to o-others." She She smiles and nuzzles him lovingly. "I-I'm glad you think that way about me, sweetie. You are the most kindest and caring stallion i-in the land of Equestria. I can't w-wait to spend the rest of our lives together, my l-love."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and sighs softly "I am glad I've been able to help you too,  but you've got to stop stuttering, love, as cute as it can be, it shows that you are frightened or scared, and lots of ponies who have nothing but malice in their hearts would see that and use it for their advantage by pretending to be your friend. I don't want that to happen to you" he says, lightly kissing her on the lips, then the nose and then her forehead as he holds her close "You are a very caring and beautiful young woman who any stallion with a good heart would be lucky to have, and I'm just that stallion, I truly am lucky to have you" he says softly then smiles again "Come on, did you want to go see the Manticores before we go see the rest of the carnival today?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew Drop winces slightly, but hesitantly nods at his remark."I k-know, Nightie. I'm just n-nervous around others. T-That's why I can't help my stuttering. I'm really sorry, but I do want to try and change that. I don't want o-other ponies to act like my friend when they truly aren't." She returns the kiss and giggles, as he plants more kisses on her face. She blushes and smiles softly at his kind words. "T-Thank you, sweetie. I'm truly glad to have you in my life as well. I can never understand why other ponies avoided you. If they took the t-time to meet you, they would know a great individual." She nods as she takes his hand in hers and holds him close. "I do want to see the manticores, sweetie. If you say they are h-harmless, then it would be nice to meet them. What do you want to do at the carnival today, Nightie?" She asks while they made their way to the manticore's pen. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night chuckles "They're nothing but giant pussy cats, trust me darling" he says, waving goodbye to the Breezie and leading her to the Manticore pens, where there was what looked like a mother manticore, a father manticore and a litter of manticore cubs. He goes over to them and gently pets them, they were the most primal of the creatures in the petting zoo pens, save for the Timber and Tundra wolves, but they trusted Night. "This is my fiance Dew Drop, she is a very kind and gentle mare, may she play with and pet your cubs?" he asks, giving the mother Manticore a gentle pet and a scratch behind the ears and she bows her head "She says yes you may"


the cubs had already begun to be curious about the mare and were happy for the pets 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew Drop nods as she waves goodbye to the breezies. She gulped at seeing the manticores, but sighs in relief at seeing Night scratching their ears. She smiles at the cute sight and bows her head. "H-Hello there. My name is Dew Drop. It's really nice to meet you and the others. I appreciate on being allowed to pet your cubs." She says before walking over and sits down near the cubs. She smiles and pets them, as she gently scraches behind their ears. "Hello there, little ones. You are so cute and adorable. I've never met little manitcore cubs before, but it's really nice to meet you. M-My name is Dew Drop and I hope you accept me."


She looks up to Night and smiles at him. "I think they are starting to like me, Nightie. I-I'm so glad all the animals are starting to accept me, sweetie."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night smiles and hugs her "Well it's like I said, they're just big pussy cats" he says and chuckles as he hears a rather loud purr from the mother Manticore "You heard me dear, you're just a big ol' pussy cat, aren't you? yes you are" he says, giving the mother a big hug and lots of petting and scratches behind her ears, eliciting more purring from the mother. He then smiles as he sees his fiance being piled upon by the cubs and goes over to pet them "Now cubs, give her a little space to breath, she'll get to cuddle and pet all of you in time" he says as the cubs obey him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew smiles and returns the hug. "I kind of doubted you for a little bit. I'm sorry, s-sweetie. I've heard manticores were dangerous, but I guess you need a kind heart to have them open to you." She says while watching the interaction between Night and the mother manticore. She gasps in surprise and giggles, as the cubs pile on top of her. She pulls them into a hug and nuzzles them. "They are so cute and affectionate. All of the animals here are simply amazing. However, i-it's a little difficult to breathe." She says while feeling the weight of all the cubs piling on top of her. She sighs in relief as Derek got them to listen to him, as they got off of Dew Drop. She sits up and smiles softly at Night. "T-Thanks, sweetheart. For a minute there, I thought that was the end for me. Taken down by utter cuteness. What a way to go, huh?" She says while giggling.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and nuzzles her "It's okay love, a lot of ponies are afraid of the Manticores at first, which is why miss Shy herself acts as a guide, to show them that they are harmless" he says then chuckles "Oh darling, if only you knew" he says and kisses her cheek "I feel that one of these days I might die of a heart attack because I see the most beautiful and most cutest mare I know, more beautiful than Princess Cadence and more cuter than the cutest of the little kitsune kits" he says and holds her close, "I love my little kitten"


He then sits down and begins to cuddle one of the shyest cubs and gently strokes her fur "Shh, it is okay sweetheart, shh" he comforts her then looks up at Dew Drop "This is Dew Drop, she is just as shy and gentle as you are, little one" he says, smiling as the little female cub slowly paws over to Dew and nuzzles her hand gently.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew giggles and returns the nuzzle. "Miss Shy m-must be the bravest pony in all of Equestria. I-I've never met a pony who's gone up to a creature with little to n-no fear." She says, eyes widening at the impressive feat. She pouts suddenly at his remark. "What does that mean, huh? I-Is it because I l-look like Miss Shy, or something?" She smiles softly, as she felt him kiss her cheek. She returns the kiss and blushes while holding him closely. "I can never be mad at you, s-sweetie. I can only hope I can save you if that ever happens. I don't think I c-could ever compare to Princess Cadence. I wish I could compare you to a prince, but t-there isn't any stallion. That is, if you count Shining Armor of course. I could easily say you are way more handsome and charming than he is, Nightie." She kisses him and purrs like a kitten. "I love you too, my Nightie."


She watches as Night sits down to cuddle a shy cub. She kneels down and extends her hand out for the little cub. She smiles brightly, as the cub paws over and nuzzles her hand. She gently picks up the cub, so she wouldn't scare her. She nuzzles the manticore cub while cooing softly. "Hey there, little one. Like Nightie said, m-my name is Dew Drop. You are so cute and it's funny. You remind me o-of myself, when it comes to being shy. A-All you need is somepony special and confidence." She says while petting the little cub while looking up to Night. "Does she have a name, sweetie? I feel bad not referring this little one by a name." She says, tilting her head and looking at her fiance cutely. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and nuzzles Dew Drop "no darling, it is because  you truly are that cute and adorable" he says and kisses her cute little nose then thinks "No, I do not think we have named this little cutie" he says then looks to the mother and father Manticore, he walks over to them and pets them, scratching behind their ears and whispers a question to them, to which they both purr and bow their heads. He smiles and hugs them "thank you" he whispers again and goes back over to Dew Drop. "Well I asked them, and they have said it would be an honor for you to name their little shy cub" he says and gently pets the cub who immediately purrs at his touch, as despite her shyness, she simply adored being around Night.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew returns the nuzzle and twitches her nose. She then blushes at his claim. "T-Thank you, Nightie. That really means a lot to me when you say that." She then places a hand under her chin. Her eyebrows furrowing in deep thought. "This shy cub doesn't have a name? We should try and change that, but what kind of name should it be?" Her ears perked as Night addresses her. She looks down to see the little cub paws her way to Night's lap. She giggles and nods at his remark. "She seems so happy around you and I, sweetie." Just then, a look of realization became written on her face. "I've got the perfect name! H-How about we try calling her Happy. If that is okay with you, of course." She blushes as she twirls a finger through her hair.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


The cub barks and growls at the name, making Night laugh "I don't think she'd like being called Happy darling, I mean yeah she'd love to be happy, but not for a name" he says, petting the cub once more "I'm sure you'll think of something spectacular for her though darling, you're a smart young mare" he says and kisses her cheek as he picks up another cub and snuggles it. "what do you want to do after this dear? There's still plenty of the carnival left to explore and many of my family members to meet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Hearing the cub growl made Dew pout cutely. Watching Night laugh caused her to give him an irritated look, but she couldn't help in giggling with him. "I'm sorry, s-sweetie. I thought for sure a name like that was very fitting to a cub like her." She says while scratching behind the little cub's ears. She smiles and nods at his remark. "Thank you, Nightie and you're right. Maybe I'll find some inspiration and find a name for the little one." She scratches her cheek while thinking on what to do next. "M-Maybe we can play some more games and win some prizes. That, or visiting some family members sounds good. It's u-up to you, sweetie. W-We still have to meet Aunt Rose anyway. We have some news to tell her regarding what Misty had said."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and puts the cubs down "That's right we do, I'm sure she'd love to pamper you all day, come on then" he says then looks down at the cubs "Don't worry little ones, we will be back today, your auntie Dew Drop isn't going far anyway, we're just going to see my auntie, and you know, she's right next door" he says, gently petting them with a soft smile and pets them.


And speak of the 'devil', Crystal Rose appears "Ah, there you are my dear" she says, taking Dew's hand "come my soon to be niece in law, we have much to discuss" she says quickly dragging Dew away to her caravan, making Night chuckles "I'll be in our caravan love, practicing or experimenting likely" he says before walking off.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew pets the cubs on last time, before standing up and stretches. "Nightie is right, little ones. We'll be back again soon. Maybe w-we'll try and visit again." She smiles and giggles as she looks to her fiance. "I can imagine auntie Rose doing that. I'm also surprised she lives close to both your caravan and the petting zoo."


Her ears perked, as she heard someone addressing them. She turns to see Crystal Rose standing right in front of them. She smiles, but suddenly frowns as Crystal takes Dew's hand and drags her away. Her ears droop as she didn't see Night follow her. Her jaw suddenly drops at his sudden remark, before looking back at him. "I-I thought you were going with me. How could you betray me, s-sweetie!? Help me, Nightie!" She says before being pulled into Crystal's caravan.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night laughs and follows them "Do not worry love, I was only joking" he says as he reaches his aunt's caravan with them "Though I might duck out every now and then" he says, knowing full well that his aunt would most likely start making Dew Drop her wedding dress.


Crystal nods "Oh don't you worry deary, I don't bite. My husband's the vampony not me" she giggles and shakes her head


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dew Drop sighs in relief, as she notices Night following the group. She pouts and looks away at Night, but couldn't stay mad at him. "That wasn't really a funny joke. You have a crazy s-sense of humor, Nightie. Although, it's one of the things I love about you, sweetie." She looks back at Crystal with surprise and wonder written on her muzzle. "You have a husband who's a vampony? I a-actually never knew a pony race like that existed. It seems to me we have a lot of different ponies in t-this family." She giggles, but looks to Crystal with a somewhat serious look. "Why have you called for me, M-Miss Rose? Did I do anything wrong? H-Have you heard the chat with myself and Mistypaw? I also want to talk to you on the flowers you make. I-I'm a gardener by trade and they look so beautiful." She looks to her with stars in her eyes. She then blushes and twirls a finger through her mane. "I'm truly sorry about that. I-I didn't think I was asking so many questions. I a-also get lost when I talk about flowers. I hope you can understand, Miss Crystal." 

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