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  • 2 weeks later...

*Ahem*  Well, I'll suppose you're asking for the premise of a story and I just so happened came up with one while waiting for sleep to come. Suppose this would work just as well with ponies as anything else, just throwing a pitch here!


     The Scene: Typical occult trappings, candles, pentagrams, all that jazz. Set up in some hidden, secluded or erstwhile forgotten basement corner not unlike all that backalley occultism that you hear that the British supposedly had issues with.


    Some shrouded figure summons forth a demon to do their bidding. The demon appears with all the expected sulfurous pizazz & sets up the oath for the summoner's soul in turn for their desires granted.

     "...and now, foolish mortal, what deed doth thy wish to carry out?"

                 "Simple...       I want a friend."

     "...Uhh, okay then. Easy enough, I'll just create a life to-"

            "No, Daemon. You misunderstand me. You're going to be my friend now."

     "...Ookay. Well, that's going to be somewhat hard for me to do what with my ties to the Underworld..."

        "...Which is why you're going to become mortal....Blood Contract, remember?"


    So from there, we have a demon reluctantly & grumpily forced into settling into a mundane, powerless, mortal life with some magic mortal that's such an awkward shut-in that he thought his only source of happiness was to literally enslave another being into friendship!  Oh, the ensuing shenaniganery! Oh, the anime-esque inanity... sense!

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