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private Stuck inside (1x1)

Summer Breeze

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/160923-stuck-inside-ooc-1x1/


It was a beautifull day, the sun was shining bright and there wasn't a breeze of wind. Bee woke up because the grass tickled her nose. She opened her eyes and stretched happily after a good night of sleep, untill she realised that she had no memorie of how she came here at all!

Confused she looked around, she was sitting a forest, on the ground, green grass around her and behind her was a weird kind of half see through wall. Bee shook her head, this is getting stranger and stranger. Carefully she tried to tap on the wall but the moment she did that, an electrick shock threw her back "okay" Bee said out loud "this is getting really weird"

Edited by Summer Breeze
  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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suddenly a large shadow swept swiftly across the forest floor, bee looked up to see a large menacing figure soaring through the sky and then slamming into and begin electrocuted by the wall, it let out a loud echoing roar that resembled that of a dragon, unconscious the figure fell earthbound and hinting the ground hard causing a shock wave which made bee lose her balance and fall to the ground.

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Even more confused now, Bee stood up and looked around. She didn't want to accidentally stumble across that thing later. But on the other side, maybe this thing knew more about their situation, and maybe it was hurt. "Buck it, let's go find it" Bee said to herself, while the other half of her screamed that she shouldn't go because this could be dangerous.


Bee trotted throught the forest and tried to find her way through the thick shrubbery. It wasn't easy to find her way through but eventually she found the place where the thing had chrashed down.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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bee was dumbfounded at the sheer size of the creature, it groaned as it slowly got off its side and back onto its four legs revealing a strange structure on its back, teeth clenched and in pain it stared at the half invisible wall and uttered "w-what.. in the name of celestia... was that.." its ears twitched and then it slowly turned its head towards bee revealing its scary red eyes

  • Brohoof 1


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as soon as the creature reveiled it's scary red eyes,Bee decided that she was not going to check up on the thing, it seemed to be alright and ready to eat her! quickly she went through the bushes and hid in them. 'I don't know what kind of weird dream this is but I want to wake up' Bee thought as she closed her eyes and opened them again, hoping to find her own bedroom again, but that didn't happen. 

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"hey wait" it called out softly, it began to walk closer and with each step the ground shook, bee could hear the sound of branches snapping and small trees being knocked down but something was odd, the timing of its steps made it seem as if it was limping "don't worry, i wont hurt you... do you have any idea what just happened?"


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Bee heard the thing come closer, she should have been scared but the way it softly called out to her made her feel sorry for the thing, maybe it wasn't as bad as it looked like. She looked up from behind the bushes and looked at it, it seemed to be limping. She came out of the bushes and shook her head "I have absolutely no idea what happened, or how I came here, or where we are" she said "this must be some kind of weird dream..."

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"i can tell you one thing, you and I are wide awake" the creature looks up at the wall through the brand new hole in the tree tops caused by its fall "what in equestria is that thing... some kind of force field? ... oh" it turns its head back at bee "my name is snow, what might yours be little lady?" snow cracked a friendly smile and a little laugh, hah, don't worry, i'm not going to eat you or anything i promise"

  • Brohoof 1


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Bee shrugged "yea, usually walls don't hurt so much, not even in dreams" Bee said "And I have no idea what it is, really no idea at all. Maybe you should fly up to see it you can fly over it" she shuggested and looked up, some trees that were half vissible from the outside had branches stuck through the wall and there was even a tree completely cut in half by the wall. Bee looked up but because of the trees she couldn't see the top of the wall if it even had one. Then she looked at the thing again, that introduced itself as snow "my name is Bee Honey, Bee for short." she said "and what exactly are you if I may ask?"

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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snow sighed and lowered his head "so many questions, so few answers, i have few words to describe myself though 'monster' seems to suit best, this isnt how i look normally however, i am able to transform back into a normal pony but not in high stress situations like this, but enough of that." snow tried to stretch out his wings to little effect, the forest was too thick and restricting "we are going to need to find some kind of large open area for me to take off in, maybe a field or a long and shallow river, any ideas on where to look?"

  • Brohoof 1


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Bee raised an eyebrow "okaaay?" she said, still a bit cautious. She shook her head, this whole situation was just too weird. "And I think that once we go away from the wall, the forest will become thinner. So I guess we just try to make our way in that direction" she pointed her hoof in the direction that lead away from the wall.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"Hmm I wasn't paying attention and slammed into the wall, I didn't get a very good look when I was flying, I hope you are right. if you want to come with me hop on" snow laid down and extend his win out making a ramp leading to the large metal structure on his back, it had 2 railed platforms either side of it which looked safe enough to ride in

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For a moment she thought about climbing on his back, but then she shrugged her shoulders, why not? This day couldn't get much weirder, might aswell take adventage of it. "Okay then" she said and then she climbed on his back and sat down. "Am I not too heavy?" she asked him from her high sitting place, she didn't want to trouble him.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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With a look of great confusion Snow turned his head to look at honey "what is it with you mares and your obsession with weight? You do realise those guns weigh around 26 tons, you weight virtually nothing in comparison" snow got up, putting an even greater distance between Honey and the ground. "Alright let's do this" there was no path so snow began slowly walking away from the wall towards the least dense part of the forest he could see and driving is body into the trees and vines started knocking them down so he could continue "how did we even get in this mess in the first place" snow asked while trying to go around around a tree that was too large to knock down

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Bee looked down at snow and shook her head "hey! I'm just trying to be nice okay! and how am I supposed to know how heavy those things are" she said and tapped with her hoof on the gun. then she looked around from her high sitting place, snow seemed to have difficulty moving around, which was logical since he was so big, luckily the woods got thinner quickly and the trees got further away from eachother and the shrubbery started to become lower and lower. the sun left golden sparkles on the ground where it broke through the leaves, which it did more and more often. 


Bee shrugged "I wonder that too but all I can say is that I have no idea how we came here." she answered his question. 

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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without warning thick white steam burst from snows nose and mouth, he stumbled for a moment and came crashing down.
exhausted and between slow heavy breaths snow said "it takes a lot out of you... to move.. when you... weigh as much as i do.. and push yourself like that... just... give me a minute... to cool down... do you think you could go find a river.. and come back and let me know where it is.. i.. need to drink" snow put his head down slowly and closed his eyes, steam still bellowing from is mouth.

  • Brohoof 1


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Bee rolled on the ground when snow fell and for a moment there was panic, but she managed to quickly pull herself together and nodded "yes, will do" she said as she ran away in a direction, she didn't know where she went but she just went somewhere. Because Bee was a rather small pony she could move through the forest rather quickly, and it had already become a lot thinner.


After Bee had ran for a couple of minutes she noticed the ground getting more rocky, small and big rocks were sticking out of the ground here and there and there were some pine trees inbetween the oak trees. Suddenly she heard the murmeling of water, she closed her eyes to determine where it came from and there she found a little creek inbetween the trees with soft grass at the edges. The water wasn't deep but it was clear and cold.


Bee saw some big leaves laying around and thought of something. She was a rather handy pony so with the leaves she created a little bowl that she could put some water in, since it didn't seem like snow could really move at this point. She scooped up the water and carefully made her way back to snow through the forest.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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by the time bee got back the steam had stopped and snow was dehydrated and over heating, she offered him the bowl of water and he swiftly grabbed it out of her hooves with his teeth and swallowed it whole, the water vaporised instantly and came right back out as steam, snow gave a small nod as a thank you and with a few agonising groans he got to up and began following the path of disturbed ground and hoof prints to the water source, upon arriving he jumped right in to the shallow water and a cloud of steam completely covered him.
after a while snow had cooled down and re-hydrated, once more returning to bee and offering to let her sit on the turret platform again "the forest isnt anywhere near as bad as it was before, ill probably need to drink more later but i wont need to exert as much energy anymore, and as soon as we find a big enough area for me to take off in the better" he said reassuringly.

  • Brohoof 1


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Bee thought for a moment and then had an idea "how about we folow the creek up steam, it's easy to walk next to here since there aren't that much trees, and there are usually houses and other things build near the water, so if we want to find other ponies we better folow the water" she said. "and when you get over heated again you can easily cool down again. I'll go in front and try to find an easy path to travel for you, if that would make it easyer for you" 

Edited by Summer Breeze
  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"as long as i don't work myself too hard again i should be fine, it wont happen if i don't exceed normal operating limits and its a good idea but you are rather small and difficult to see so it would be better if you were on my back and gave me directions" snow nudged his extended wing insisting honey climb on "honestly this doesn't feel like the kind of area to expect houses but what do i know, the best thing we can do is find an area wide enough for my wings and about 750 meters long for a takeoff run, if its in a river probably longer, just hop on and tell me where to go"


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bee rolled her eyes and then proceded to climb back on his back. she sat down. from her high place she could point out where to go. 


after walking along a the stream for a while, they would see the forest thinning out more, now they could clearly see through the trees, and they also saw a little cabin inbetween the trees. a little while ahead was a little bridge over the stream and a watermill. 

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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the trees where fare between but there was still no favourable area to perform a successful takeoff and snow feared the shrubbery on the forest floor could be concealing various trip hazards like holes, rocks and fallen logs.
snow made his way to the small cabin and walked into the river and began to lay down next to the small bridge making it level with the platform on his back so bee could get off easily "ugh.. there is no way i can fit in there" snow remarked jokingly, there was a great deal of truth to this however as snow was almost 3 times larger than the cabin "you want to go see if anypony is home? maybe they can help"


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