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open Friendship strikes in the Crystal Empire! (SOL/adv, open, drop-in/drop-out)

Raven Rawne

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OOC link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/161787-friendship-strikes-in-the-crystal-empire-soladv-open-drop-indrop-out/


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It was a lazy, Saturday morning. Equestria has recently undertaken a change in it's attire, as the land was taken over by shades of white and blue - Winter has arrived. But there was one place, where the snow didn't fall atthis time of year. Standing on a platou, under the shade of Crystal Mountains and at the southern reaches of the Frozen North, was a city where, seemingly in defiance to the calendar, the ponies enjoyed Summer in all it's sunny glory. For such are the ways of the Crystal Empire, where ponies shine like diamonds and seasons pass in opposition to the rest of the world. A land of ancient culture, ancient knowlendge, and unchated territories just a step outside the Barrier.


There, outside the city, a lone pony took a moment to rest on a gentle, grassy hill. Her cherry coat was in stark contrast to the ice blue blanket she laid down on, but her mane fit it perfectly. The mare was taking pleasure in observing the panorama of her beloved city, as she was en route somewhere - a set of saddlebags lied next to her. Her name was Crystal Clear, she was a crystal pony and called the strange city home.


Crystal's ear perked as she heard a whistle - a train must've arrived at the station nearby. Her spot was located near the road from the station to the city proper, so she had little time to saviour the view in solitude. "Ehh... another wave of 'em..." She shook her head and fished out a sandwich from her saddlebags.

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Serendipity trotted down the streets of the city, singing to herself and enjoying the warmth of the sun on her fur. Her pink eyes took in all the familiar sights of the place where she was born and had lived for all her life. Serendipity was a crystal unicorn; her mother was a crystal pony which made the cream mare an unusual sight in the Empire. Her pastel blue and lavender mane and tail were neatly brushed, as she was on her way to the cafe where she worked. Serendipity loved to meet new ponies and, as she walked inside the cafe, wondered who she'd meet today.

  • Brohoof 2



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  As the sun rose, The Strange One decided to go home after his daily visit to the local coffee shop. He had a dark green cloak draped on him and a potion strapped to his flank. Sticking to the dark parts of the city, he used his powers in secret, allowing him to see the world and bend space.


  When there were no alleys and corners, he would have to walk on the street. People ignored him just as he ignored them. The sunlight burned his exposed hoof. Summer, he thought. Why does it always have to be summer? My power is drained by the light. He prayed that he didn't get burned.


  At least there was still snow.


  He hurried back to his house, using his powers when necessary. It had only taken him 3 tickets and 1 visit to jail to get him to learn that using his strong dark powers in front of the police was bad. They allowed him to use his power of sight, sure. Blink? Sure. But draining life force and doing ritualistic things? Absolutely not. That was why he put soundproof panels on his walls, to minimize the sound made from his rituals and studies. When would the city guards allow him to study and experiment in peace? They knew he rarely did something wrong, that he was good.


  Reaching his door, The Strange One opened it with one quick telekinetic movement. He loved unicorn magic, always so useful. He trotted inside his house, shutting the door, locking it, and closing all curtains instead of one. He turned the lights on and fell down on his couch, lounging while writing something in his diary.

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Ember stepped off the train with a broad smile, the journey was a pain for a little bit to get to the Empire from Canterlot but it was worth it to get away from all the snow. "No more snow!" She announced to the world as she got off the train. Looking around the complete lack of snow anywhere near the city. 


She moved further into the station and sat down on a bench and got open her satchel to look to see where was staying again an the address of the place. 

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Flashing lights by the station - the unmistakeable sign of a new wave of tourists and their blasted cameras. Crystal Clear finished her meal in peace, and took a swing from her water flask. The mare got up and rolled her blanket, then put on the saddlebags. She stretched her back a bit and resumed her trip. "Alright... so I bypass the station, criss the rails and head for the cave. Let's just hope I won't miss it again..." She mused aloud as she entered the road, only to get off it once the first arrivals were getting close. She wanted to sneak past the station and behind the train. Well, not really sneak, just, go where she wanted without being mistaken for a tour guide.

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The cafe was open, and Serendipity was working hard. Several Crystal ponies had come in, as well as other ponies from elsewhere, and Serendipity was enjoying herself. She only used her magic for basic tasks like lifting things as anything else, and something would go wrong. She'd found this out on her first day after a pony complained that her coffee was cold. Serendipity tried to use her magic to make it warm, but had accidentally turned the coffee into hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. The pony had been overjoyed at the change, luckily.

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Raven Rawne,


Unfortunately for Crystal Ember was going to be asking the mare a question or two...


She looked up from her note not entirely sure as to where she was going within the city and would need some directions. She got up and went looking for a native of the area, really the first Crystal pony she actually saw. Which in this care was a cherry coated mare with a blue mane, she walked over to her. "Sorry to single you out but do you know where Snow Street is?" She says in the most polite manner she can muster. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Welp, so much for going on one's business undisturbed. Crystal Clear looked up at the station platform that she was walking by, and mustered a polite smile. "Snow Street you say?" Something about this unicorn was... off. She never saw one with a curved horn. No matter, Crystal knew better than ask intrusive questions - she got them regularily and didn't like it one bit. "Hmm, is that a map you're holding? Give me a moment, I'll show you."


The crystal mare trotted to the nearby flight of stairs and joined the other mare on the station proper. Now she was curious - the unicorn had a strange, lizard like tail with a tuft og hair on it's end. Most intriguing... trying not to stare at the gently swaying tail, Crystal walked over to the strange mare and pointed her to the Snow Street. "Alright, so we are here, on the station. You shoud follow the road all the way to the South Avenue - that's the big street this trail leads to. Walk all the way to the Plaza - the place under the Palace, where you can see the Crystal Heart - and take the North-West Avenue. You get the idea, the one to Your left and forward? Keep walking for three crossings and take the right at the fourth one. You'll be on the Snow Street." Crystal patted her chin as she tooked at the mare's luggage. "You're staying at the Northern Star Hotel, I presume? A nice place, I renovated their recepcion a few months back. So, you think you'll find your way around?" Crystal asked in a polite, but also sincere way. This mare wasn't the usual "I'm a tourist, treat me like a princess" type, armed with a camera and and itchy trigger hoof. And yes, she was curious of this mare too.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Well the brochure said it was nice, the Northern Star, I certainly paid enough bits to stay there for my holiday. I think I should be good, walk to the base of the crystal castle, over the heart thingy then it's the first left street I keep going until I'm four streets away and it's on my right... I mean if I get lost I'm sure there will be another good pony like yourself to help me again. Thanks for the directions I'll leave you in peace, I hate tourists get them all the time in Canterlot." 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Crystal Clear shook her head and laughed a bit. "One thing about the Empire - if you keep walking in circles, you eventually get where you want to! I'm sure you'll be fine, it's not Manehattan. I spent half of my trip bits on carriages and asking for directions..." She shook slightly at the memory of the city that seemed to never end. "Anyway, if you're into quality souvenirs, pay me a visit in the "Sapphire Rose", riiiiight here." She tapped a hoof at the map, pointing a spot at the edge of the city, right behind the Stadium. "I work with crystals. Speaking of which, there's a cave that wants to share it's treasures with me. So, see you around town?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Sure I'll come visit your shop and buy a thing or two... hold on... nah it's fine but I might be buying more than one or two stones so just be aware of that..." She left it at that, marked her shop down with an 'X' on her map and made her way off into the city. "Thanks for the directions!" As she moved off. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Crystal smiled. "If you have the bits, and give me some time, I can mare whatever you want. Well, with some restrictions, but whatever. Just remember that I make stuff, not sell finished products okay? Don't show up ten minutes before the train leaves the station hehe!"  She waved the strange unicorn off as she went to her hotel. "And I thought there were no normal ponies down south..." She mused aloud as she hoppd off the platform and went to get a few Aurora Borealis crystals for her newest project. They tend to be rather pricy and she already found one in that cave she was going to.


Crystal walked to her destination, humming some classical tune.

  • Brohoof 1

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Ember trotted off rather happily through the rather wonderful city of the Crystal Empire she was in awe as she went through the streets on the way to her hotel the directions she'd received were excellent and got her to her place of destination in not time at all after some sight seeing of course. 


Within an hour she made her way to the Northern Star Hotel, she looked up at the rather impressive building dwarfing everything else in the street, this earned a whistle from the mare as she went into a rather luxurious front entrance and got her things sorted. She made it up to her room and got things unpacked, had a shower then hit the roads of the city again she was for damn sure gonna explore most if not all of this ancient city. 

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The crystal mare trotted towards her destination, humming tunes and taking in the beautiful day in her beloved city. She had to walk nearly all the way to the Barrier for her destination. Now it seemed funny how she accidentally "discovered" the cave by falling into it's entrance last Winter. In her defence, it was covered with snow and nearly invisible back then.


Crystal Clear found the cave with little to no issues this time, and fished her "adventure" gear out of the saddlebags: the indispensible, flurescent glow-crystal on a nacklace, a crystal helmet, and a small pickaxe. She also checked that she had some rope, just for sure, and ventured inside.


When she came back to the surface, it was early afternoon. Crystal Clear found what she came for, and then some. She decided to leave what she didn't need right now where she found it though. No need to be greedy. The mare packed her gear, took a sip of water and went back home.


Nearly an hour later, she was trotting on the South Avenue, en route to her house. She looked around for the strange, but nice mare she bumped into earle today. Kinda hard to miss that tail. She was nowhere to be seen though, so Crystal went to the Plaza. There was a wedding going on by the Heart, and she remained nearby for some time. She liked weddings. Finally, the mare trotted her way.


She was window shopping on the North Avenue when a thought occured to her - it was nearly dinner time, and she had nothing prepared at home. A natural outcome for somepony who hates cooking with a passion. Crystal Clear looked around for a place to eat, and saw a nice looking Cafeteria nearby. "Hmm, why not..." She rubbed her chin with a hoof in thought, then nodded to herself and went inside.


@@Pripyat Pony,


The place didn't dissapoint - it was rather nicely decorated and very clean. A few clients occupied the tables, and she opted for a seat by the window - always one for the view, that mare. She took the menu off the table and skimmed over it, looking for something that will speak to her.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne, Serendipity saw the mare walk in and sit down. A new customer! And one she definitely hadn't seen in the cafe before! Serendipity bounced up to where the stranger sat and smiled broadly at her. "Welcome to the Sunshine Cafe!" she said. "Are you ready to order, or would you like a bit more time?"

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@@Raven Rawne, @@Pripyat Pony,


Ember was still wandering the city and wanted to take a rest and have a bit to eat and a nice drink. She just happened on the same cafe as the mare she'd previously met and had asked for some instructions. She walked in and found a spare table and sat down and had a look around, however she'd not spotted the familiar mare.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


Crystal Clear barely took a glance at the menu when she heard hoofsteps - no, hoofbounces, towards her table. She lowered the menu and looked up at the mare that greeted her so cheerfully. Seems her enthusiasm was highly contagious.


The mare returned the smile, a bit broader than usual. "Hi! Actually, a bit of both. I'm dead set for a cup of some proper leafy green tea, but I could use some advice on the meals. I'm up for some early dinner, you see, but there's just too much to choose from hehe! Can you give me some recommendations?"


She heard the bell as the doors opened, but didn't look who came inside. She was busy with the crystal unicorn waiter. Come to think of it, it was rare to see them outside the court.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne, Serendipity smiled happily; this was something she always liked doing. The cafe's meals were all good, and she loved to recommend her favourites to customers.


"Well, the hay fries are absolutely super," she chirped. "Especially with the special seasoning that you can request if you want, and I really would. There are also some totally amazing salads if you want something lighter. We also have loads of different teas, so yes, we certainly can do a green leaf tea!"


Serendipity turned when she saw another pony enter the cafe. @@Mentis Soliloquy, "Welcome to the Sunshine Cafe," she said with a beaming smile. "I will be with you in a moment, I am just helping a customer!" She turned back to Crystal Clear.

  • Brohoof 2



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@@Pripyat Pony,


The mare clasped her hooves in satisfaction. "Splendid!" She glanced at the new customer who the waitress greeted, more out of habit than anything else, and noticed the mare she met earlier. Crystal Clear smiled, seeing her without luggage - seems she reached the hotel. But first, the order. "I'll take a green tea like I mentioned, and those specially seasoned hay fries too please. Hm... I think I'll try the Sunshine Salad too, all those citruses are bound to taste interesting."


She waited for the unicorn to write down her order, thinking of a good way to approach the other customer.

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@@Raven Rawne,


The Mare gets off the morning train. It was a long ride that she mostly slept through. She is ready to buy a house, but she will rent a hotel for now. "This better be what it's cracked up to be..." She says mentally, walking away from the train station while carrying her bags.  

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Raven Rawne, "Sure!" Serendipity said with a smile. She at first tried to use her magic to write the order down, but her unpredictable magic turned the pen into a bunch of posies.


"Um, so sorry!" Serendipity said, with a blush in her cheeks. "You may take the flowers to welcome you to the Crystal Empire." She found a pencil in her apron, and decided to take the order down by gripping it between her teeth. Soon, Serendipity had finished writing the order down. She carefully placed the pencil back in her apron along with the order pad.


"I'll pass this to the chef," she said, brightly. "And I'll bring you your tea as soon as I can."

  • Brohoof 1



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@@Raven Rawne,@@Pripyat Pony,


After a long few hours searching for houses, The Mare has decided it is time to get a bite to eat. She will search for houses and perhaps a hotel later. She strolls on into the Restaurant Serendipity and Crystal clear are hanging out. She doesn't take notice of them and looks at the Menu and waits in line. Still having her bags with her.

Edited by NightMare Star.
  • Brohoof 1



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@@Pripyat Pony


Crystal Clear raised an eyebrow at the sudden transformation of the mare's pen, and burst in laughter. ""Haha thanks! Although I kinda live here all my life, no need to welcome me." She gave the crystal unicorn a wink and patiently awaited her order.




Another customer walked in and the mare glanced who it was. A unicorn mare, another newcomer by the look of it. Some days she wished to come back a thousand years where there were no tourists.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


After the waiting is over, she glances at the menu. "I'd like to get a sundae and a glass of water." She says, almost emotionlessly. Pulling out a few coins and placing them on the table, the cost of the glass of water and the sundae. Then she closes her bag up, ponies are likely to notice her cutie mark. 

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Raven Rawne, Serendipity skipped off to deliver the order to the kitchen, before returning to take down the orders of the others. Remembering that Ember was next, she went over to her next.


@@Mentis Soliloquy, "Hello, can I take your order?" Serendipity asked, brightly. She smiled as she brought out her notepad and pencil.

  • Brohoof 2



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