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private A Pokemon Journey (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Dynamo Pad


It was about 3pm on a Friday afternoon, and Felicity Sycamore, a white mare with a dark blue mane and tail, and the daughter of Professor Sycamore, was waiting for a long lost friend at the Lumiouse City airport. She had her electric guitar strapped to her back, amplifier in hand and her faithful Luxio companion Sparky at her side. Looking at the time, she smiles "Still got a little time to practice" she says to herself as she sits down, getting out her guitar and looking to Sparky "Sparky babe, you know what to do" she says, petting him on the head, he nods and plugs his tail into the amplifier and uses his electricity to power it up.


After strumming a few notes, she begins to play and sing:


As she plays and sings the song, she wonders to herself It's been years since we last saw each other, and even then we were both colts, now I'm a young mare, I wonder if he'll even recognize me anymore.

Edited by Carmine Strider


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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It was around 3pm on a Friday afternoon. The sun was shining, almost no clouds in the sky, except for a plane that was making it's way towards the Kalos region. The plane consisted of traveler's and tourists, but held one pony in particular. This pony's name was Dynamo Pad, a blue unicorn with a black mane and tail with red highlights. He slowly opened his eyes, as he was resting in his seat. He didn't get much sleep the night before, so he took a little nap on the ride over. His ears perked as a voice appeared on the intercom. "Attention all passengers. We will be arriving at the Lumiouse airport shortly. Please make sure you have all of your belongings before exiting the plane terminal. We hope you have a nice and pleasant stay in Kalos." Dynamo smiles brightly as he turns his head to gaze out the window. 'I can't believe I'm finally about to start my very own Pokemon journey. I hope I can make a lot of friends and become a very strong trainer.' He frowns slightly, as he felt his ears droop in sadness. He quickly shakes his head and smiles once more. 'It's too bad I couldn't be with Felix on a journey. I just got to make sure to work hard on the journey for the both of us. Who knows, I might run into him one day.' He thought as the plane started to make its descent towards the airport runway.  

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad


Both Felicity's and Sparky's ears perk at the sound of an airplane landing on the airstrip, she looks up to see if it is the one that her old friend Dynamo Pad was on. She looks at the screen and it read in big red letter "Flight Q253 - Landing" She smiles and packs up her amplifier and guitar once more, patting Sparky on the head "Thanks for the help once again Sparky, as always" she says, smiling as he nuzzles into the pets. Smiling, she makes her way over to the gate that Dynamo's plane will be landing at. She stood and waited for Dynamo to exit the plane and sighed a little, playing with her collar that had the promise ring on it. She hears Sparky make his cry and she looks down at him "I'm sure he'll like you babe, Dynamo's a great guy, I knew him since I was a little foal"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As the plane landed, it slowly came to a stop before making it's way to the parking bay. Once it was safe to move around, Dynamo took his book bad and slipped it over his shoulders. Looking around to make sure he didn't forget anything, he nods before making his way off of the plane.As he made it into the airport, he scans the area to locate someone. "Okay, so I remember talking to the professor the night before. He told me he wouldn't be able to meet me in person. He would be sending his assistant/daughter to meet me. I hope I'll be able to find her okay. There seems to be a lot of traveler's here today." He says while still looking around for the professor's daughter. His heart began to quicken slightly, in fear of not being able to find the individual in question. 'I honestly wish I knew what his daughter looked like. I was never given a description of their appearance.' He adjusted his hat while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Felicity looks at all the ponies exiting the plane and then at the picture that was on the trainer card that her father had given to her to give to Dynamo. She smiles as she sees him and waves "Dynamo! Over here!" she calls out to him, while Sparky jumps around happily, making his usual cry as he then bounds up to the arriving stallion and nuzzles his leg. "Sparky! Babe! Heel!" she calls to Sparky who obediently runs back to her. She smiles and pats him "Good boy" she says before looking at Dynamo "Dynamo? Over here, come on, daddy's waiting for us" she says before holding out her hand for him, the ring on her collar glistening in the sun light.

Edited by Carmine Strider


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's ears perk at the mention of his name. He glances around until he sees a mare calling out to him. He panics slightly as he sees a cat running up to him. He soon calms down after he felt the Pokemon nuzzling his leg. He chuckles and scratches the now known Luxio's ears. As he watched the Luxio retreat to the mare, he sighs while walking over to her. He smiles softly at the way she treated the Luxio. 'She's so gentle towards her Pokemon. I will admit she is pretty cute. I don't know why, but she seems somewhat familiar.' He was broken from his thoughts, as he saw the mare offer him her hand. He smiles and nods, while taking her hand in his. "I'm glad to finally find you. I'm sorry about that. I didn't think there would be a lot of ponies here today. It must be a sort of special event. The professor said everything would be pretty calm and peaceful in Lumiouse City, or something along those lines." The two start to head off to the lab with Luxio joining them in their walk. He turns to the mare, while noticing the necklace she was wearing. "That's a really nice necklace you have there. Where did you get it. Also, you'll have to forgive me. It seems as though you know my name, yet I don't know yours. Would you mind telling me, so I can properly introduce myself? If that's okay, that is." He said while scratching the side of his muzzle with his index finger.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Felicity giggles as the three of them begin to walk towards the exit of the airport, "Thank you, well my name is Felicity, but you may know me as Felix, after all, you are the one who gave me the promise ring all those years ago when..when I was still a colt" she says, adjusting her glasses a little before she picked Sparky up and cuddled him close, stroking his fur and ears "I wouldn't blame you if you don't recognize or remember me, it was quite a while ago, after all" she says and smiles "Daddy says that once you've gotten settled in, we get to pick our starters" she says and then kisses Sparky's nose "You'll still be my faithful little Luxio, babe, don't worry about that" she says, nuzzling the Luxio that had now started to purr like a kitten.


Felicity giggles and then looks to Dynamo "So how have you been Dynamo? The last time we saw each other...you gave me this ring and then I m-moved here with daddy"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiled, but stopped in place, as his jaw dropped from the sudden realization. "F-Felix? Is that really you?" He walked up to her and got near her face. He studies her face for just a moment before smiling brightly and leaning back. "Felix! It really is you. I didn't know and I'm sorry for not recognizing you. You're right, Felicity. It's been about 6 years since I last saw you. You just told me you had to leave and I gave you the ring." He looks to her neck and notices the ring. He looks back and blushes a little. "I remember I gave that ring during our time in Hearthome City back in Sinnoh. I think it there was a festival at the time. I wanted to give you something to remember me. You never told me why you moved away in the first place. You just told me your were leaving and left." He sighs and almost tears up at the memory. He shook his head from the thought and looka back at his old friend.


He chuckles at the display of affection and nods. "I guess that's your Pokemon, or something? Do you have a pokeball for Luxio? Also, I've been doing okay. I became old enough, but by that time the journey already started. Professor Rowan talked to me about Professor Sycamore. I soon began to chat with your dad and after a few months, he mentioned about visiting Kalos. I decided to give it a try and see if I can start my journey. I completely forgot that the professor was your dad. Anyway, how have you been after all these years, my old friend?" The two soon exited the airport and started to make their way towards Professor Sycamore's lab. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Felicity sniffles but hugs him "Daddy said that the time, I couldn't tell anyone because it was...secret for the time being and he was even uncertain about it"  she says and smiles before letting go of the hug and then holding his hand, blushing "Come on, the lab is this way, we've got the spare room set up for you" she says, dragging him off with her, ignoring the hushed whispers from the other ponies at the airport. 


Sparky followed behind them, keeping an eye out for them.


-thirty minutes later-


They arrive at the lab and Felicity giggles as they walk in "Daddy, we're here~" she calls out and awaits for her father to arrive, she smiles at Dynamo "We've got so much to catch up on, and maybe.." she blushes as she shuffles her hooves awkwardly a little "Maybe we could do it over..no nevermind, it's stupid"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo gasps softly as he is pulled into the hug. He returns the hug on impulse and nods. "I understand, Felicity. You don't have to tell me right now. Maybe I'll learn about it at a later time. Thank you for making a spare room for me. I truly appreciate you and the professor for your hospitality." He blushes slightly from her holding his hand, but smiles. His ears perked, as he could somewhat hear the hushed whispers of the other ponies at the airport. He decided to worry about it later, as he is dragged off by Felicity towards the Pokemon lab.


-thirty minutes later-


The group soon arrive at the lab and walk in. He smiles as he takes his shoes off while leaving them in the foyer. He smiles and glances at Felicity. He nods, but notices her nervous gestures. "We really do need to catch up. It's been far too long since we last hung out. Also, what are you thinking about? You can tell me. We're best friend, aren't we?" He places one hand on her shoulder, while placing the other hand under her chin. He lifts her chin up gently, so her eyes would meet his gaze.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"Coming sweetie~" Professor Sycamore calls out as he walks out and smiles as he sees his daughter holding hands with Dynamo, "Ah mr Dynamo Pad, it's been too long, and it is good to see you comfortable with my daughter's change, she was rather worried you wouldn't be" he says as he begns leading the way to the lab.


Felicity giggles and blushes at her father's words "The transition was really scary, but totally worth it, but as I was saying before..maybe we could start it off with a..." she stops and looks down at the floor "a..a date?" she asks and blushes more before she looks at the three pokeballs on the table in front of them, "I-I have a confession to make to you Dynamo but..after we c-choose our starters" she says shyly, making her father chuckle.


"Well here you are kids, you may choose one pokemon to be your starter" he says, waving his hand to the pokeballs, "Fennekin is the fire starter, Froakie is the water starter and Chespin is the grass starter" he explains as Felicity immediately goes to the one containing Fennkin, giggling.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles as he sees the professor entering the room. He blushes a little at the professor's claim, but smiles and nods. "It's nice to see you as well, Professor Sycamore. If you mean just talking to you over video call the night before, then yes, it has been far too long." He chuckles slightly before getting himself under control. "It feels just like when we spent time together in Sinnoh. I almost didn't recognize her, but seeing the ring and necklace brought back some memories." He says before being led into the lab.


He nods and squeezes her hand for comfort. "I can imagine that would be scary for anypony. I'm glad things worked out well for you in the end, Felicity." As they stopped moving, his eyes shrank slightly at her suggestion. "Uh...I-I uh..." He stutters with a slight blush on his cheeks, as he couldn't find the right words at the given moment. He could only dumbly nod at her remark before looking at the set of three pokeballs. He shakes his head to clear his thoughts, as he listens to Sycamore's explanation. He chuckles as he watches Felicity instantly choose her starter. "I was going to say mare's first, but you beat me to the punch, Fel." He shakes his head as he looks to the other two available starters. He places a hoof under his chin, as he closed his eyes in thought on who would fit well as a starter. He walks over and reaches for the pokeball containing Froakie. He smiles while looking at the pokeball intently. "I don't know why, but I have a feeling this Pokemon is special. I hope Froakie and I can become great friends, Professor." He says as he walks back over to Felicity. He leans his head near her ear. "You said you wanted to talk to me about something. Do you want to go somewhere private, Fel?"

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@@Dynamo Pad,


The Professor chuckles a little and nods at their choices "You two have chosen very well, I can tell that you both will bond  with your chosen pokemon very quickly" he says then goes over to another table "I also have something else for the two of you, knowing the two of you will most likely be going on the journey together, I have these special pokedexes made for you, along with this lot of pokeballs." he says, giving the both of them their pokedexes and pokeballs. 


Felicity giggles and takes them "Thank you daddy~" she says,as she puts them in her shoulder bag before looking to Dynamo and nods,taking his hand and then takes him up to the room he would be staying in while in the region. Felicity then sits on the edge of the bed and looks at him "P-please don't take this the wrong way Dynamo, I m-mean we've been best friends ever since we were foals, and well,even when I was a colt, I..I've had a crush on you" she confesses and looks down at the floor shyly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles as he tightens his grip on the pokeball in his hands. 'I hopes I'll be able to become a great trainer for Froakie. As well as the dream team that I hope to create.' He thought as he gave the professor a look of determination. He nods appreciatively as he received more pokaball, as well as the pokedex. "Thank you Professor Sycamore. I'll do my best to become the greatest trainer I can be. I was ready to become a trainer, but Professor Rowan told me I was too late, since the league was fast approaching at the time. Coming to Kalos, I know this will be a journey I won't forget." He places the pokeballs around his belt, while placing the pokedex in his pocket.


He felt Felicity grab his hand, as he let her lead him away. They soon reach the destination, which is his room he would be staying in. His jaw drops slightly as he listens in on her confession. He stands there stunned, not truly sure what to say. He then sits on the bed next to her, but a few inches away to allow their private space. "I...I never knew about that Fel. To be honest, I guess I was just dense and everything. Why didn't you ever tell me back then. I guess it was fear and all, but I just thought I would never see you again, until today." He glances slightly at her to see what she would say. He grips his knee caps as he tries to process all of this information. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Sparky made his cry as he nuzzled into Felicity's lap, she gently pets him as she looks at Dynamo "We both were pretty dense back then D, I was so afraid you'd reject me be-because of how I was a colt a-and I was fr-frightened of losing the best friend I've ever had" she says softly as she hugs Sparky close, tears welling up in her eyes "T-thet rue reason wh-why daddy and I left was b-because I was frightened, I was frightened t-that you'd think me a freak f-for l-loving you a-and for...for having t-the c-change" she starts to sob softly.


Her father hears her soft sobbing and looks in on her and shakes his head "The poor girl" he says, petting his Rockruff, "go on boy, she needs you" he says, patting his head before he bounds off into the room and nuzzles her.


She sniffles and picks him up "Rocky? Good pup" she says softly and nuzzles him, still sniffling.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo frowns as he watches Felicity sob softly, while petting Luxio. "Oh, Fel, I..." He was about to continue, but stops as he sees a little puppy enter the room. He smiles softly as he watches the adorable display of affection between Felicity and the two Pokemon. He steeled his resolves as he gets up off of the bed. He kneels in front of her while placing his hands on either side of her shoulders. "Felicity, listen to me, okay? I would never call you a freak for liking me in that way. My mother raised me to not judge and told me one important lesson. If it's something you love and it's not harmful, then go for it. That's a lesson I carry with me throughout my life. I was young so I could never understand why you left. I was crying ever since that dreaded day." He grips her shoulders a little with tears in his eyes. "I may have had some friends after you left, but none of them were like you. You understood me on a whole different level. We could laugh about the same things, comforted each other and share our similar love for Pokemon." He moves his hands and wipes her tears away.


He smiles at her. "I may have been young and naive, but it's been years. I can perceive things a little more to a certain degree. You said you liked me a long time ago, right? Do...Do you still like me now, even after all this time?"

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@@Dynamo Pad


Felicity smiles at him and nods as she wipes her tears away, she hugs her two pokemon close to her and nods again "I-I never stopped loving you, you were the only one a-apart from father who...who understood me" she says, sniffling a little, hugging Dynamo close to her. She then smiles "S-so do you..return my feelings f-for you? It-it'd make our journey a-a lot easier o-on both of us" she says softly before she picks up her pokedox, seeing that the entries for Luxio, Rockruff, Fennekin and Froakie have already been added. She smiles "I wonder what I should name my Fennekin" she thinks out loud as she looks at her oldest friend.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles and blushes a little at her remark. He returns the hug and nuzzles his foalhood friend. "That makes me truly happy to hear that. You know I would never judge you, Fel. You were and still are my best friend. A-Although, I guess we really can't be friends anymore now, huh?" He pulls back and smirks playfully at her. "I guess after all of this...then yes. I will return your feelings for me. Who knows? I think it would be fun traveling as a couple together." He looks down at the floor slightly while rubbing his arm.  "M-Maybe we can go out on a date and get something to eat. If that's okay that is. M-Maybe we can get to know our Pokemon a little more. This way, we'll be set for our journey bright and early tomorrow." He picks up his pokedex to find that it was empty except for his starter. He smiles and nods knowing he'll fill up his pokedex throughout their journey together. He looks to his older friend with a pondering look upon his muzzle. "Hmm...how about Psly? I don't know why, but it sounds pretty fitting, in my opinion. I'm not very keen on nicknames, but I guess it should be fair. Do you have any names for Froakie, Fel?"  

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@@Dynamo Pad


Felicity smiles and nods as she scratches behind Rocky's ears "Psly? It's a good name for a little fox" she says with a giggle and closes her eyes "And that sounds like a wonderful idea, there's a great little cafe nearby, we could go there, and with me being my daddy's daughter, I get discounts" she says with a giggle and stands up. She then kisses his cheek before straightening out her jumper, "Come on Rocky, Sparky, we're going to go to the cafe with Dynamo and hmm a nickname for your Froakie? Maybe...Croaker?" she asks with a silly giggle, then starts to walk out "and yes Rocky, you will be on a leash, I won't have my daddy being upset if you got lost or hurt"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles and nods happily. "That sounds perfect, Fel. I look forward to it. I'm also glad you like that little nickname for Fenniken." He chuckles and looks at Froakie's pokeball. He ponders for a minute on the nickname. "Croaker, huh? That sounds pretty cool. I might just give Croaker the nickname. Sort of like a special bond to my starter, you know?" He blushes slightly and smiles, as he felt Felicity lean up to kiss his cheek. He follows her as they exit his room. They then walk down the step and return to the lab. "When did you want to go on our little date, Felicity? Also, is there anywhere else that you wish to visit? I'm still a little new to Kalos, so maybe we can go sight seeing for a little bit. I guess taking Rocky on a lease makes a lot of sense. I'm assuming Lumiouse City is a giant town, right?" He asks while giving Felicity a curious look. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Felicity smiles and holds his hand in hers as she looks for Rocky's leash "Lumiose is a rather big city, and Rocky loves to run off to find new pokemon to battle with and help daddy catch to study, but I often take him out for walks" she says with a giggle, and then thinks on where she'd like to go for their date "Well I hear that there will be a contest going on at the theater today, perhaps we could go wa.." her phone rings and and she looks at the message "well, what do you know, I was going to suggest that we go to watch the contest, but it would seem I've been invited to be a judge on it.. hmm no that won't do for a date.. oh I know why don't we go for a picnic?" she asks, finally finding the leash for Rocky, who was obediently and patiently waiting for her to put it on him. She smiles and hugs him "Come on Sparky, did you want to walk along with me or go in a pokeball?" she asks, holding his pokeball.


Sparky looks at the pokeball then walks over to Dynamo, nuzzling his leg. She giggles "It would seem that Sparky likes you a lot Dynamo" she says as she leads the way out of the lab "We're going out now daddy, I'll let you know when we'll back!" she calls out as they leave.


"Alright honey, stay safe" he calls back and sighs as he continues with his research.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles as he rubs her hand with his thumb. He nods in understanding at her remark. "I guess with a lot of people and Pokemon roaming around this huge town, it would make sense for getting lost, or for Rocky to get into battles. He seems well trained and taken care of. Is Rocky from the Kalos region?" His eyes widened in surprise at the sudden announcement. "You have contests in Kalos? I knew contests were popular, but I never would have thought they'd reach this far in the world. I remember we used to watch some contests back in our hometown of Hearthome City. I still watched them after you moved away. It was nice talking to Fantina from time to time. She was a great guide to battling, but I knew contests were never my thing." He looks to Felicity with a confused look on his face. Wondering what she was giggling about, he stares down and chuckles at Sparky's display of affection. He kneels down to face Sparky at eye level. He affectionately scratched behind Sparky's ears, eliciting a happy purr from the Luxio. "I think you're right Fel. You know something? Sparky is really cool and I'm glad he's warmed up to me. I think we'll be great friends."


He smiles and stands up, while taking Fel's hand in hers once more. "I think a picnic sounds lovely, Felicity. We can even let Croaker and Psly out to play and get to know us and everyone else. Then we can go to the theater and enjoy the contest." He walks hand in hand with Felicity as the two exit the lab. He waves back at the Professor and smiles. "I'll make sure your daughter stay safe, Professor. We'll see you soon!" He looks back while still walking forwards. "Ready to have a fun day today, Felicity?" He asks as a light blush appeared on his muzzle.

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@@Dynamo Pad


"Rocky is such a good boy, but no he isn't from this region, he's actually from the Alola region, my daddy and I went to visit professor Kukai there a little while back,I caught Rocky while there and we've been close friends ever since, isn't that right boy?" she asks as Rocky nods and nuzzles her, barking happily like an ordinary puppy. She smiles "such a good little boy, Come on" she says as he barks and pounces around happily. 


"Oh I know Fantina, she's a gem" she says with a giggle but then she hears something moving in the grass and Rocky barks "what is it boy? Do you see a pokemon?" he barks and wags his tail, she then looks to Dynamo "Who shall go for it?"

Edited by Carmine Strider


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo had a look of wonder on his muzzle, as he stared at the little puppy. "I've never known about the other regions. I know the ones such as Kanto, Johto and Hoenn. I've only ever heard of the kalos region. I remember your dad was telling me briefly about Unova and Alola, but I didn't really pay any attention to that." He chuckles while rubbing the back of his head. "That's still pretty interesting to know. Maybe someday we can visit Alola and the other regions. So is Rocky a part of your team, or is he more technically your dad's Pokemon?"


He chuckles at her remark. "I remember our parents once took us to a contest. I still remember the look of wonder and amazement on your face. We even got to talk to Fantina all those years ago. She helped to show us what battling and contests were all about." His ears perk as he hears a rustle in the grass. He looks to Felicity and nods while narrowing his eyes slightly. "I'll go for it, but I want you to back me up, okay? I guess this will be our test as trainers." He says before walking slowly to the grass. He places a hand on Froakie's pokeball that was hooked on his belt. Just in case he was prepared to defend himself.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Felicity smiles and nods "Rocky is mine as i caught him, but he's more like a pet and a companion rather than a battling pokemon" she says and nods "Alright, I'll back you up" she says, taking out her pokeball "Come on Psly, I choose you~" She giggles as she frees Fennekin from her pokeball. 


Rocky barks and goes to get the pokemon's attention, it was a Ralts, startled it turns around and makes it cry as it prepares to fight.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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