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private A Pokemon Journey (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Dynamo Pad

Hau smiles and nods "Ready when you are, so what we do is link our Pokedexes by touching them together then enter into a trade," he says as he takes out his pokedex and touches it against Dynamo's then enters into the trade. After a couple of minutes and after Dynamo accepted the trade, it was completed "and there we go, Froakie is now my pokemon and Poplio is now yours, treat him well, okay?" he asks with a big smile.

Kukui nods and smiles as well "We don't have one as of yet, as none of them have ever managed to defeat me in a battle, and I'm sure Lilly will get over her fear one day, I think she's just afraid of hurting them or getting hurt by them, though she seems fine with Rockruff and Litten."

"That's because they look enough like domesticated animals like cats and dogs" she says softly 


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"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dynamo nods as he returns Froakie to his pokeball. He pulls out his pokedex and links it to Hau's own pokedex. "Okay and I'm ready to trade. I never knew trading them this way was even possible. I thought you had to go to a trading type of machine in the Pokemon center." He says as they being the trading process. Once the trade was complete, he smiles and nods. He hands Froakie's pokeball over to Hau and smiles sadly. "I promise to treat Popplio with the utmost of respect. Just make sure to take care of Croaker for me." He says while calling out his new starter. Popplio looks up at Dynamo and tilts her head. "Hey there, Popplio. Starting today, I'll be your new trainer. I know it's a little sudden, but I really hope we can become great friends and work well together." He says as Popplio barks and claps her fin's together. She then jumps into Dynamo's arms and nuzzles her new trainer. Dynamo laughs and returns the nuzzle. "I can tell this is a start of an awesome friendship."

Dynamo nods at Lillie's remark while looking at Felicity's Pokemon. "That makes sense when you think about it. It's pretty interesting how some Pokemon resemble everyday animals. I guess that's why some Pokemon are treated as pets." He says, but gasps suddenly at the professor's sudden remark. "Wait just a minute? A Pokemon professor is also the Pokemon champion?" Dynamo blinks a couple of times and shakes his head. "That's something I never thought was possible. I guess Alola is pretty different to the other regions in Equestria, huh?" He asks before gaining a look of determination. "Excuse me, Professor Kukui? If I ever take a trip to the Alola region and take on these island challenges. If you are still champion, may I have a battle against you?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Kukui chuckles "Well I'm sort of an unofficial champion, but I don't see why not, I actually do hope you do come to Alola and participate in the island challenge" he says and smiles "Trading is often a way for trainers to actually become friends or close friends in some cases" he says as he continues to eat his breakfast "and I might discuss with the others if maybe we can allow for teams to participate in the challenge together, for example, yourself and Felicity"

Felicity's ears perk and she smiles "Really!? That'd be awesome!" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dynamo smiles and nods continues to eat his breakfast. "I guess you can't be both a professor and a champion. It just wouldn't work out that way and it would be difficult. Although, it would be funny to surprise the trainers who start on their journey." He chuckles and shakes his head. "I think that's a pretty interesting and cool concept of trading. I feel like I'm friends with both Hau and Lillie. I hope we can all become close friends in the future." He looks to the professor and grins at the idea. "That sounds pretty awesome and I hope it works. I wonder if other regions can allow for team challenges. I guess if Fel and I had to challenge you, it would be you and your wife? That or would it be someone else?" He says while closing his eyes to think. He shakes his head and opens his eyes. "It'll work out in the end. For right now, it probably would have to be put up for discussion. Hopefully we'll get some good news." He says as he finishes his breakfast. He checks on the Pokemon and smiles as they finish their breakfast as well. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Lilly blushes and smiles "Of course, I'd love to be good friends with you Dynamo, any friend of Felicity's is a friend of mine and Hau's" she says as Hau smiles and nods. Lilly giggles as Nebby was still nuzzling up to Felicity who was giggling and cuddling him. "Felly's always loved Nebby, I think she's one of the only other ponies he is this friendly with."

Felicity giggles and nods "Nebby always was there for me whenever I had trouble sleeping at night when daddy and I were in Alola"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dynamo smiles as he walks over and pulls both Hau and Lillie into a hug. "I'm so glad to hear that from you both. I never really had that many friends, so I take my friendships seriously. I'm really glad I traveled here and got to meet you three. The same thing goes to meeting Felicity again." He says and watches Nebby nuzzling Felicity. "I'm glad Nebby was able to take care of Fel while she was at Alola. I guess not that many people were meant to know of Nebby's presence. Seeing how Felicity knows Nebby shows how much you trust her." He says with a smile. He stands up and stretches before looking at everyone. "If everyone is finished, then we can get started on our traveling. I'm ready to reach the next town if you guys are as well." He says while receiving nods from both Popplio and Ralts. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Lilly nods and giggles as Nebby then goes back into his bag, "We all trust Felicity with our lives, ash she trusts us with hers" she says then giggles "And I think we're ready to start heading off, Professor Burnett has a competition to go to and I'm sure you two are eager to go see it and then challenge the gym leader" she says with a giggle, as the others including Felicity nod.

Kukui hugs Felicity "Now Felly, you promise to be good and take care of yourself and Dynamo, I can see in his eyes that he truly loves you, but never forget that I too will always love you no matter what, you will always be my little Felly"

Felicity nods as she wipes some tears away "I-I know Kukui, thank you for everything, we'll see you in the next town" she says before collecting her Pokemon and walking out with Dynamo, holding hands with him/


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nods at Lillie's remark. "I'm glad that you trust her. I trust her because I knew her when I was young. Know this makes me glad I can trust you guys as well." He looks to the time and turns to nod to the others. "I guess it's about time to get going. We'll be sure to stop by the competition before the gym battle. I hope we can run into each other again really soon."

He blushes as he felt Felicity grab his hand with her hand. He looks to Kukui and nods. "I promise to take care of Felicity, Professor Kukui. Hope to see you guys in the next town. Maybe you guys can watch our gym battle after the competition." He says while collecting his Pokemon. He waves to his friends as he and Felicity exited the hotel. He looks to Felicity and pulls her into a tight hug. "Everything will be okay, Fel. We'll see them again and spend more time with them. Although, did you notice Lillie, by any chance? She seemed to have looked a little red. Was she not feeling good or something? Also, can we make a quick stop at the Pokemon center? I want to make one last check on that Starly."

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@Dynamo Pad

Felicity giggles as they walked towards the Pokemon center "Geeze Dynamo sweetie, you're really oblivious aren't you? Didn't you notice that Lilly was looking right at you and that she was blushing? I think she has a bit of a crush on you" she says and shakes her head "I don't blame her, you are rather cute" she says teasingly as she kisses him "And well your personalities do sometimes match, I mean she's shy and adorable while you're random and crazy, not to mention cute.. opposites do attract after all" she says as they walk in.

Nurse Joy smiles "Oh wonderful you're here, I was hoping to catch you two before you left for the next town, Starly is doing quite well and I think he'd like to thank you" she says, leading to the recovery room.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dynamo glances at Felicity as they walk toward the Pokemon center. He blushes slightly at Felicity's remark. "I'm not that oblivious Fel. I just don't recognize feelings at times. I mean I knew I liked you, but that wasn't for a long time and all." He says, rubbing his hand to rub the back of his neck. "I guess opposites attract, but does she really like me that way? Even if what you are saying is true. Would it be right for me and her to be together. I would always choose you every time Felicity. What do you think of the whole situation?" He says as he and his girlfriend enter the Pokemon center.

He smiles as he walks up to the front desk. "I'm glad we were able to make it here, We were planning to check on Starly before leaving for the next town. How is Starly doing anyway?" He asks while following the nurse to the recovery room.

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@Dynamo Pad

Felicity giggles and kisses his cheek "I know sweetheart, I was just teasing you, and if she does indeed like have a crush on you, then I'm fine with it,I feel you could actually be a good influence on her, maybe even help her get over her fear of touching Pokemon" she says and looks around the Pokecenter as Nurse Joy smiles at them.

"Starly is actually doing quite well and is just resting now, it would seem that you got to him just in time though, his injuries were pretty severe" she says and smiles at them, "Would you like to go see him? But please be mindful that there are other Pokemon resting, so please be as quiet as possible"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dynamo smiles as he felt Felicity kiss his cheek. "I'll probably talk to her the next time we meet. Which will probably be soon, since we'll all be together in the next town. I guess I'll wait and see how things go." He says and nods his head in agreement. "I hope I can help her get over her fear in touching Pokemon. Nobody should ever have that kind of fear. Plus, if she goes on a journey, then she can make a team of her own." He sighs in relief at Nurse Joy's remark. "I'm just glad we were able to get Starly here without any trouble. I don't even want to imagine the thought of not making it here in time." He shivers slightly and shakes his head. He nods his head as he and Felicity follow the nurse to the resting area. "I would like to see Starly, if that's okay. I want to see how he's doing before we continue our journey." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Nurse Joy smiles and nods as she begins leading the way "Of course, right this way" she says and smiles a little more, "I am sure that Starly would very much like to see and thank the trainer that saved him from near certain death" she says and then slowly opens the door to the recovery room, and the moment that Starly sees Dynamo, it perks up and cries it's name to him.

Nurse Joy smiles "I think it will be alright for you to go pet him, he seems to be very grateful to you" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dynamo enters the recovery room and sees the Starly sitting in bed. He smiles as the Starly was happy to see him. He walks over and takes a seat in the available chair. "Hey there, Starly. How are you feeling?" He asks while receiving a happy chirp in return. Dynamo nods before replying, "I'm glad to hear you are doing better. I'm also happy Felicity and I were able to save you when we did. I don't want anything to happen to my friends." Hearing this caused Starly to tilt his head in confusing. Dynamo chuckles and nods at the starling Pokemon. "You didn't mishear me, Starly. I do consider you as my friend. You're a really cool and strong Pokemon. One who is worthy to be with any trainer." He smiles softly while twiddling his thumbs. "I was wondering if you would like to go along with me on my journey. I don't know what caused that fight between the Fletchling, but I'll help you become a truly strong flying type." Starly closed it's eyes for a few minutes. Almost as if he was contemplating the offer presented before him. Soon enough, Starly opens his eyes and chirps happily. Taking that as a yes, Dynamo grins widely, but tries to remain calm. He takes out a spare pokeball and holds the capsule out for Starly. "Welcome to the team, Starly." He gently taps the capsule on Starly's head, which causes Starly to be captured. He holds the pokeball in his hands and holds it closely to his heart. "I promise to take good care of you Starly. We'll become a great team together." He looks up to Nurse Joy with an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry about that, Nurse Joy. I guess I should have asked if I could capture Starly. I hope that was okay."


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@Dynamo Pad

Nurse Joy simply smiles "It's alright, I think out of all the trainers in this part of the region, you'd be the one he'd choose to be his trainer" she says as she then begins to clean and tidy up the area "Well you two must be eager to get on with your journey, good luck and please say hi to my sister in the next town will you?" she says with a soft smile before seeing the young couple walk out of the Pokecenter with their Pokemon in tow.

Felicity smiles "You're going to be a great trainer darling, with just how well you treat your team and how much you care for them, and even if you don't win against the elite four and the champion, you'll still be the champion in my eyes...and in my heart" she says softly and kisses his cheek.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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