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private Relics of the Past (1x1 between ~Phoenix~ and Lil' Lovebug)

Lil' Lovebug

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Satin took a deep breath of the Canterlot air as she stepped out of the book store, the fresh a large contrast to the dusty air she'd been breathing just moments before. She looked down at her new book and smiled. "Relics of the Past: Changeling Edition One" it read in dark green letters upon it's glossy black cover. She placed it into her saddle bags and set on her way.


A few moments later, she was walking along a pathway out of the city gates towards a small cottage visible in the distance. A sudden rustling behind her made her jump. She turned around to find herself face to face with three ponies.


"Well well well. What do we have here?" one of the ponies, a grey stallion, chided. "A changeling. Ohhhh."


"Look at that Coal." An orange mare, just shorter than the stallion, started circling to Satin's left. "Looks like she wants to play dress-up and try to be some kind of royal. Cute."


Satin took a step back, her legs shaking. Her eyes darted between the two ponies who were talking. "I-I am a royal. My parents are both prestigious artists. I'm a musician as well. W-What do you want with me?"


"Hmph," said the third from behind her. "Nice fantasy you got there." Satin turned to face the stallion, but found herself falling to the ground, her bag slipping off and scattering it's contents accros the ground. The stallion ignored it as he got closer. "Shame we have to end it for you."


Satin looked up as the three ponies closed in on her. Satin's breath became rapid, her eyes wide with terror. She clutched at her necklace, hoping this was all just a dream. Then the first blow came, her leg flaring in pain. She screamed as the ponies started beating her, tearing black cloth from her body, cracking chitin, tearing at her hair, her bun falling apart and her hairpins clattering to the ground. She could hear them yelling obscenities and slurs at her as the crushed her. All the while, Satin's forehooves never left her chest.


An audible crack resounded through the air followed by a ear piercing scream. Satin's horn fell in front of her as her vision blurred, tears streaming down her face, her scream unending. A final blow to her head brought silence, the three ponies leaving her unconscious form in the middle of the road as an example for everyone to see.

Edited by Lil' Lovebug

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@Lil' Lovebug


Phoenix just so happened to be coming to town that day. It was a rarity to see her in such a place. The bustling streets and the crowded walks, it just wasn't her kind of place. No, in fact she only went into the city once in a blue moon to retrieve some supplies. She'd rather spend most of her time away from most ponies. She wasn't one for social interactions, and her predicament made her a bit shy as well. Of course, that doesn't stop her from acting when she needed to.


Her hooves were clip-clopping as she walked up the street towards the gates,  with her saddlebags draped gently over her back. her ears perked up a bit as she began to hear a lot of clatter coming from just up ahead. it sounded as if someone was in trouble. was it a mugging? such wasn't uncommon these days, unfortunately. as she neared it, she noticed the three ponies leaving the scene. this made the situation a bit more odd. it certainly wasn't the ski mask "gimme-your-saddlebags" that she was expecting. she raised an eyebrow at them as she walked by. as she neared the scene, she raised her head to see the unconscious changeling. 


her heart dropped. normally she had been accustom to seeing violence, but the victim in this case seemed to be nothing more than a female changeling. whether the changeling was innocent or not, she couldn't be certain. But she did know one thing. this changeling definitely didn't look dangerous. at least, not in that attire. it was obvious that those three ponies just beat on someone who was completely defenseless. 


it wasn't like her to interfere in such things, but there was something about this that Phoenix just could not push out of her mind. She HAD to do something. so she turned to the three ponies who had just brushed by her "What's with her?" she said, nodding her head over to the unconscious changeling. perhaps asking an innocent question would allow her to probe for some information. 

Edited by ~Phoenix~
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"Why should you care? Are you some kind of buglover?" Coal sneered. "We decided to teach her and any other bugs a lesson. Stay away from our city. Heck, while they're at it, they can stay away from Equestria in general." He turn around and started back towards Canterlot. The two other ponies growled at Phoenix before moving to flank Coal. "I'd suggest you move on and leave her there, lest we hear about it and have to teach the same lesson to you." Coal shouted over his shoulder as he left.


Slight mumbling could be heard from the unconscious changeling, tears still streaming down her face. "Ink.... It's so... cold. Ink... please help me.... Is this how you felt... when...."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@Lil' Lovebug,


Phoenix couldn't help but wince at their rude behavior. she didn't take their threat too heavily though, knowing well that she could definitely handle her own in a fight. in fact, she was quite the instigator. "and what if i am a 'buglover'?" she asked the group of ponies as she turned her body to face them, and raised them an eyebrow. not only was she angry for what they've done, but she also gets fairly well heated whenever she is challenged. 


her ears flicked a bit as she heard the changeling groaning and weeping behind her. she wished she could rush over and help, but she felt as though she needed to deal with the baddies first. 

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The three ponies stopped and turned around. "Oh, looks like we have a feisty one boss. What should we do?" the second stallion said. "What do you want to do with them? Same as we did to the bug?"


Coal stared at the mare for a moment, then sighed and turned around. "No, we dealt with the one we wanted. This one looks like more trouble than she's worth right now. We can deal with her later if need be. Plus, if the bug lives, she can tell all her friends to stay away. Let's go clean up and get back to our lives." The group walked off again. "If we see you around here again, we won't go easy on you. There'll be more." 

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@Lil' Lovebug,      


Phoenix simply rolled her eyes as the ponies walked off. she watched them to make sure they were well out of sight before she turned and walked over to the injured changeling. something about the way she lay on the ground weeping made Phoenix's heart heavy. was it perhaps that she sympathized with the changeling? she had no idea why she cared so much about the situation, but she felt a sense of gratitude for what she was about to do.


as she got near enough to the changeling, she knelt down. she didn't say a word, as her horn began to glow with a royal blue aura. after a moment or two, a warm yellow beam streamed from the tip of her horn, and found it's way to the changeling. as it wrapped around her, the minor injuries and bruises began to heal. plates of chitin began to fuse back together, mending themselves. the only thing remaining after a few moments, was the poor changelings horn. phoenix redirected some of her magic towards it so she could lift it off the ground, and place it gently back where it was supposed to go. as soon as it made contact, it began fusing itself back onto her head. 


after phoenix was done repairing her, she stood back up, and looked down at her, to see what she would do. 

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As the pain subsided, Satin's body grew more relaxed. Her breathing became calmer and her tears ceased. Her grip on her necklace loosened, the black quill pendant falling free. Her muttering ceased.


After a few moments, she slowly opened her eyes. She took in her surroundings. She began relaxing until she saw the orange mare next to her. Visions of the orange mare who had helped beat her flashed in her mind and Satin's eyes widened in renewed fear. She scrambled backwards, away from the mare, trying to create as much distance as possible.


"P-p-please don't hurt me again." she stammered, cowering behind her hooves. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she repeated, tears beginning to form at the corners of her eyes again, her voice quaking in terror.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@Lil' Lovebug,


Phoenix watched as satin crawled back. Phoenix's eyes were full of pity as she did naught but look at her. she couldn't quite understand what satin was going on about, but then as she thought back to the appearance of the other ponies, she realized how similar she looked to one of them. she gave a casual chuckle "no, no... i'm not going to hurt you.", she said to try and calm her down. "i'm the one who just healed you" she added on as she tried explaining herself. 


afterward, she began walking towards Satin, slowly and calmly as to not seem too threatening. when she reached Satin, she held out a hoof for her to grab onto. 

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Satin slowly looked up at the mare. "You're... you're not her." She looked down at herself, inspecting her intact chitin. She lunged at the mare, embracing her in a hug. "Oh thank Celestia. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She pulled back, a slight smile on her face. She looked down at what was left of her clothes. "Oh dear. I seem to have fallen into slight disarray," she said with a nervous laugh.


Satin picked up her hairsticks and sloppily did her hair up again. She put her things back into her saddlebag and slung it over her back. "Please miss, if you would, come with me to my cottage. I need to tidy myself up, and I feel I should repay you in some way. Maybe we can talk about what I can do for you over some tea and snacks?" She tried her hardest not to flinch as she looked at the mare, but to little avail. "M-my name's Satin, by the way." She held out a hoof.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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