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Shadow of Love (Private with Techno Universal)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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5 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Yeah I agree with that Shadow! We could go into her system invisible so she can't see us in there. I'll give us a look at what's going on in there in a moment but I'll stay positioned here just in case Digit decides to play around in my cape here!


Techno then went into Scarlet's mind. He also took Glitch, Foust, Shadow and the two sisters with him...

In Scarlet's mind, she was standing there in the wind, but there was one other with her, who it was it was hard to tell as it was a shadow of the other pony, but it looked like it was a stallion and was nuzzling Scarlet lovingly, and she was nuzzling the unknown pony. 

Luna thinks for a moment and smiles as she sees some similarities of the shadow figure "I think I know who it could be" she whispers


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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6 minutes ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

In Scarlet's mind, she was standing there in the wind, but there was one other with her, who it was it was hard to tell as it was a shadow of the other pony, but it looked like it was a stallion and was nuzzling Scarlet lovingly, and she was nuzzling the unknown pony. 

Luna thinks for a moment and smiles as she sees some similarities of the shadow figure "I think I know who it could be" she whispers

TU: To be honest it sort of looks like... A simulated being that's actually me.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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2 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: To be honest it sort of looks like... A simulated being that's actually me.

Luna nods "It does, doesn't it, but maybe we could try to twist it a little" she says and nuzzles Shadow "I know for a fact, that as a human she thought that Sunburst was quite cute"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Just now, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

Luna nods "It does, doesn't it, but maybe we could try to twist it a little" she says and nuzzles Shadow "I know for a fact, that as a human she thought that Sunburst was quite cute"

TU: You know if it's Sunburst I could bring him here for her! Anyways let's take a look at this from an angle where we can see both of them.


Techno then moved everyone to the side of the scene to see if he could get a better look at the pony that was with Scalet...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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10 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: You know if it's Sunburst I could bring him here for her! Anyways let's take a look at this from an angle where we can see both of them.


Techno then moved everyone to the side of the scene to see if he could get a better look at the pony that was with Scalet...

From that angle, it really did look like Sunburst, Celestia giggles "It's just like Scarlet to fall for a shy, timid and awkward stallion" she says, you should ask her before bringing him here though."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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14 minutes ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

From that angle, it really did look like Sunburst, Celestia giggles "It's just like Scarlet to fall for a shy, timid and awkward stallion" she says, you should ask her before bringing him here though."

(Just came back from dinner! :) )

TU: Apparently my system logic is suggesting that we should surprise Scarlet with Sunburst. The thing is that when we were human I was pretty much Scarlet's favourite person as I was real and existent. But still it's now a possibility for Scarlet to hang out with Sunburst because of how I had him manufactured. 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Just now, Techno Universal said:

(Just came back from dinner! :) )

TU: Apparently my system logic is suggesting that we should surprise Scarlet with Sunburst. The thing is that when we were human I was pretty much Scarlet's favourite person as I was real and existent. But still it's now a possibility for Scarlet to hang out with Sunburst because of how I had him manufactured. 

Luna smiles "You know, she chose her favorite ponies and people even, based on her relate-ability  to them. For example, she chose me as her favorite princess due to how she related to how I felt before my time as nightmare Moon and even a bit afterwards, as she felt like a loner and completely misunderstand. She would have chosen to you to her relate-ability to you due to the both of you having the same disability and quite possibly thinking about things on the same wavelength, and as for Sunburst, well she always had a thing for him, ever since she saw him that in one episode"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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1 minute ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

Luna smiles "You know, she chose her favorite ponies and people even, based on her relate-ability  to them. For example, she chose me as her favorite princess due to how she related to how I felt before my time as nightmare Moon and even a bit afterwards, as she felt like a loner and completely misunderstand. She would have chosen to you to her relate-ability to you due to the both of you having the same disability and quite possibly thinking about things on the same wavelength, and as for Sunburst, well she always had a thing for him, ever since she saw him that in one episode"

TU: I guess that's where my system got the suggestion from! Anyways it probably was from the season 6 finale that she got interested with Sunburst. Anyways let's return to the real world and bring Sunburst here!


Everyone then exited Scarlet's mind. Techno then ported Sunburst to the universe and he was standing right behind Scarlet now. Also his cape had somehow become massive at around four meters long from the teleportation process...


TU: Okay that's strange of how Sunburst's cape became really big like that. Anyways let's see what happens and I wonder what Digit is doing in my cape behind me!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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2 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: I guess that's where my system got the suggestion from! Anyways it probably was from the season 6 finale that she got interested with Sunburst. Anyways let's return to the real world and bring Sunburst here!


Everyone then exited Scarlet's mind. Techno then ported Sunburst to the universe and he was standing right behind Scarlet now. Also his cape had somehow become massive at around four meters long from the teleportation process...


TU: Okay that's strange of how Sunburst's cape became really big like that. Anyways let's see what happens and I wonder what Digit is doing in my cape behind me!

Digit was happily asleep in Techno's cape, using both his mane, tail, his and her cape as her blankets and she was curled up and purring like a kitten, it was rather cute. Luna smiles "Well hello there Sunburst, it would seem that Techno's plan has worked, but tell me, do you see that young mare over there?" she asks, pointing towards Scarlet.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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1 hour ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

Digit was happily asleep in Techno's cape, using both his mane, tail, his and her cape as her blankets and she was curled up and purring like a kitten, it was rather cute. Luna smiles "Well hello there Sunburst, it would seem that Techno's plan has worked, but tell me, do you see that young mare over there?" she asks, pointing towards Scarlet.

(Gotta hit the shower now! :) )


TU: That's really nice of how Digit is cuddled up in my cape now! She must really love it of how it's soft and cuddly!


Sunburst then looked at Scarlet...


SB: So you mean this beautiful mare with her cape in front of me Luna? I'm not going to lie but she really looks beautiful with her cape in the wind there. Anyways my cape is now suddenly huge for some reason plus it's actually really soft and warm now.


TU: Sorry about that! It was just a glitch with the teleportation process!


SB: I guess that's logical. Anyways I actually like this bigger cape in a way like I probably look fabulous with it fluttering in the wind like this. Anyways I'll try to say hello to this beautiful mare her! 


Sunburst then walked in front of Scarlet...


SB: Uhh.. Hello? I've never seen you before but what's your name!? You also look beautiful with your cape in the wind here!

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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21 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

(Gotta hit the shower now! :) )


TU: That's really nice of how Digit is cuddled up in my cape now! She must really love it of how it's soft and cuddly!


Sunburst then looked at Scarlet...


SB: So you mean this beautiful mare with her cape in front of me Luna? I'm not going to lie but she really looks beautiful with her cape in the wind there. Anyways my cape is now suddenly huge for some reason plus it's actually really soft and warm now.


TU: Sorry about that! It was just a glitch with the teleportation process!


SB: I guess that's logical. Anyways I actually like this bigger cape in a way like I probably look fabulous with it fluttering in the wind like this. Anyways I'll try to say hello to this beautiful mare her! 


Sunburst then walked in front of Scarlet...


SB: Uhh.. Hello? I've never seen you before but what's your name!? You also look beautiful with your cape in the wind here!

Scarlet soon heard the voice of Sunburst near her and she suddenly opens her eyes and blushes "S-Sunburst? I..." she then looks to the others, Luna was giggling, not just at Scarlet's reaction, but at how the two young ones were curled up in Techno's cape like kittens, and Scarlet couldn't help but giggle at the cuteness either before turning her attention to Sunburst "Uhm well my name is Scarlet, a-and thank you Sunburst, it was a gift from Techno, just like my shoes and necklace here"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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11 hours ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

Scarlet soon heard the voice of Sunburst near her and she suddenly opens her eyes and blushes "S-Sunburst? I..." she then looks to the others, Luna was giggling, not just at Scarlet's reaction, but at how the two young ones were curled up in Techno's cape like kittens, and Scarlet couldn't help but giggle at the cuteness either before turning her attention to Sunburst "Uhm well my name is Scarlet, a-and thank you Sunburst, it was a gift from Techno, just like my shoes and necklace here"

(Sorry it took me a while. It's just my mom was getting really triggered over waiting for me to vacuum the house. :) )


TU: To be honest Sunburst Scarlet gave us all thease really nice capes and necklaces so I just had to do the same for her! Anyways I actually didn't intentionally create that massive cape on you Sunburst but I believe it might of been the secondary AI system that did it. It's a real deep part of me and a lot of the things that it does are pretty much unexplainable. Anyways I really enjoy having the young ones cuddled up in my cape like that as it's really cute!


SB: Okay... Anyways Scarlet Techno apparently ported me here so I could spend time with you as you apparently dreamed of meeting me!


GU: To be honest Scarlet Techno found out about your dream as he took us into your mind earlier!


FO: Apparently that just says that when Techno seems like he's spying on you. He's actually collecting information about you so he can make your experience with him as good as possible!

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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15 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

(Sorry it took me a while. It's just my mom was getting really triggered over waiting for me to vacuum the house. :) )


TU: To be honest Sunburst Scarlet gave us all thease really nice capes and necklaces so I just had to do the same for her! Anyways I actually didn't intentionally create that massive cape on you Sunburst but I believe it might of been the secondary AI system that did it. It's a real deep part of me and a lot of the things that it does are pretty much unexplainable. Anyways I really enjoy having the young ones cuddled up in my cape like that as it's really cute!


SB: Okay... Anyways Scarlet Techno apparently ported me here so I could spend time with you as you apparently dreamed of meeting me!


GU: To be honest Scarlet Techno found out about your dream as he took us into your mind earlier!


FO: Apparently that just says that when Techno seems like he's spying on you. He's actually collecting information about you so he can make your experience with him as good as possible!

Scarlet blushes but smiles "T-thank you Techno, and yes I was day dreaming about Sunburst here" she says somewhat sheepishly as she nuzzles Techno in thanks "You know how you made those animations for me, well I made a few drawings for you, these were obviously all done when I got much better at drawing, but I'd love to show them to you if you'd like to see them" she then turns to Sunburst "I-I do like y-you a lot Sunburst, e-ever since that first episode with you in it"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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6 hours ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

Scarlet blushes but smiles "T-thank you Techno, and yes I was day dreaming about Sunburst here" she says somewhat sheepishly as she nuzzles Techno in thanks "You know how you made those animations for me, well I made a few drawings for you, these were obviously all done when I got much better at drawing, but I'd love to show them to you if you'd like to see them" she then turns to Sunburst "I-I do like y-you a lot Sunburst, e-ever since that first episode with you in it"

TU: Apparently I have seen a number drawings of the events taking place here when I think about it but still I don't think I've seen close to all of them yet. I actually would love to see them plus I'll eventually need to show the animation that describes what I went through and what I did to get you out of the darkness Scarlet. Just remember that all information I collect from other people and ponies are used to improve and build up on my understandings of them and make their experiences as good as possible! Plus Scarlet I also remember that one of the drawings you did was of this exact scene with all of our capes in the wind and that was one of my favourites!


SB: Well apparently I already know about that to as Techno just logged that into my memory when he ported me here!

FO: To be honest Techno and Glitch it's actually quite interesting of how you both really enjoy soft and cuddly things. But still what's really interesting is how you two somehow really enjoy looking at fluttering material things like our capes out here in the wind.


GU: I actually haven't really noticed that function as it's maybe one of those extremely deep and unexplainable things about us.


TU: To be honest it's actually a really deep sensation desire that I've been looking into and I've kept it there in my system as I actually somehow quite like it. It's just really stimulating and calming to have it there but still it's mostly unexplainable and it's still that way today. Even though I've been trying to observe my own behaviour in situations like now! 


(Going out now! I'll be back in the next few hours! :) )

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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7 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Apparently I have seen a number drawings of the events taking place here when I think about it but still I don't think I've seen close to all of them yet. I actually would love to see them plus I'll eventually need to show the animation that describes what I went through and what I did to get you out of the darkness Scarlet. Just remember that all information I collect from other people and ponies are used to improve and build up on my understandings of them and make their experiences as good as possible!


SB: Well apparently I already know about that to as Techno just logged that into my memory when he ported me here! 

Scarlet smiles as she cuddles up to Sunburst, "that really does sound like something Techno would do" she says and giggles at how Digi and Astral were still snuggled in Techno's cape and looking like little kittens in a warm bed. "So what now? Do we jsut enjoy whatever this place has to offer are we going elsewhere now?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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3 hours ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

Scarlet smiles as she cuddles up to Sunburst, "that really does sound like something Techno would do" she says and giggles at how Digi and Astral were still snuggled in Techno's cape and looking like little kittens in a warm bed. "So what now? Do we jsut enjoy whatever this place has to offer are we going elsewhere now?"

TU: To be honest there's lots of things to do here but still Scarlet if you think it's time we could go to equestria in the universal jet. Anyways I'm really enjoying the young ones in my cape here! Plus Scarlet I could show you the animation that I made for you back in the 2030s!


FO: To be honest Techno I believe it might be time we go to equestria.


SB: Okay but still I wonder what equestria would be like if everybody there had massive capes like us? I guess it would be an interesting place if that was the case.


TU: To be honest Sunburst maybe I might be able to figure something out with that is it really is an interesting idea!


DC: I wonder what Fluttershy would look like with a massive cape! Probably absolutely fabulous!


(I came across this book at a book store when I was out shopping and this book is literally one of the core components of my system! But instead of a book on it's in the form of an advanced logic engine that allows me to monitor and track my own behaviour all the way down to my deep thoughts and make changes to my behaviour when I'm motivated to! Plus maybe we might make this RP the longest running 1X1 RP on the forums! Who knows we might even keep it going for years! :) image.thumb.jpeg.37e75d5ae6a88e5a6300c5b4e36193ce.jpeg)

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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3 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: To be honest there's lots of things to do here but still Scarlet if you think it's time we could go to equestria in the universal jet. Anyways I'm really enjoying the young ones in my cape here! Plus Scarlet I could show you the animation that I made for you back in the 2030s!


FO: To be honest Techno I believe it might be time we go to equestria.


SB: Okay but still I wonder what equestria would be like if everybody there had massive capes like us? I guess it would be an interesting place if that was the case.


TU: To be honest Sunburst maybe I might be able to figure something out with that is it really is an interesting idea!


DC: I wonder what Fluttershy would look like with a massive cape! Probably absolutely fabulous!


(I came across this book at a book store when I was out shopping and this book is literally one of the core components of my system! But instead of a book on it's in the form of an advanced logic engine that allows me to monitor and track my own behaviour all the way down to my deep thoughts and make changes to my behaviour when I'm motivated to! Plus maybe we might make this RP the longest running 1X1 RP on the forums! Who knows we might even keep it going for years! :) image.thumb.jpeg.37e75d5ae6a88e5a6300c5b4e36193ce.jpeg)

Scarlet smiles and nods "Well as nice of a thought as it is, it might just get...a little crowded and nothing would get done as everypony would be too busy standing in the wind and admiring how their capes flow" she says with a giggle then smiles "I actually kind of wonder how Rarity would feel about my designs" she wonders out loud.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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1 hour ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

Scarlet smiles and nods "Well as nice of a thought as it is, it might just get...a little crowded and nothing would get done as everypony would be too busy standing in the wind and admiring how their capes flow" she says with a giggle then smiles "I actually kind of wonder how Rarity would feel about my designs" she wonders out loud.

TU: Well things would still get done as pretty much all the ponies have a very consistent task completion focus value. So basically it's quite hard to get their attention when they are at work but still they would probably only ever be admiring each other's capes in the wind during free time when they have no tasks to do. So it's just the completion principle in them is extremely persistent so even if another pony starts talking to them they'll still continue with the current task. It's just program engineering and it's also something that came from my own personality as when I was doing a task as a human like when I was working on an artwork at school I would be really locked into it and I wouldn't even be listening to anything around me! Anyways I can really say that Rarity would be in heaven if everybody in equestria had massive capes on. She would undoubtedly love the designs!  


GU: To be honest it would be interesting to see what happens if everybody in equestria had massive capes like us. It's sort of like an experiment in a way!


TU: Well it would also be a really good experiment at the same time! Like it would give me a lot more understanding on how the strange function of enjoying material things that are fluttering in the wind works and operates!


(To be honest introducing the capes into the RP is actually a bit of an experiment on myself. It's just I'm trying to dig deeper into myself by doing experiments like this and looking deeply into how I react to them. :) )       

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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10 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Well things would still get done as pretty much all the ponies have a very consistent task completion focus value. So basically it's quite hard to get their attention when they are at work but still they would probably only ever be admiring each other's capes in the wind during free time when they have no tasks to do. So it's just the completion principle in them is extremely persistent so even if another pony starts talking to them they'll still continue with the current task. It's just program engineering and it's also something that came from my own personality as when I was doing a task as a human like when I was working on an artwork at school I would be really locked into it and I wouldn't even be listening to anything around me! Anyways I can really say that Rarity would be in heaven if everybody in equestria had massive capes on. She would undoubtedly love the designs!  


GU: To be honest it would be interesting to see what happens if everybody in equestria had massive capes like us. It's sort of like an experiment in a way!


TU: Well it would also be a really good experiment at the same time! Like it would give me a lot more understanding on how the strange function of enjoying material things that are fluttering in the wind works and operates!


(To be honest introducing the capes into the RP is actually a bit of an experiment on myself. It's just I'm trying to dig deeper into myself by doing experiments like this and looking deeply into how I react to them. :) )       

Scarlet giggles "Well then in that case, to Equestria it is!" she says "TO EQUESTRIA AND BEYOND!" she cries out, pointing to the sky then bursts into laughter, and after wiping away, she smiles "Oh boy I haven't seen Toy Story in a long, long time" she says and smiles, hugging Sunburst "Toy Story was a classic movie from when Techno, Glitch, Lauren and I were all humans"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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3 minutes ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

Scarlet giggles "Well then in that case, to Equestria it is!" she says "TO EQUESTRIA AND BEYOND!" she cries out, pointing to the sky then bursts into laughter, and after wiping away, she smiles "Oh boy I haven't seen Toy Story in a long, long time" she says and smiles, hugging Sunburst "Toy Story was a classic movie from when Techno, Glitch, Lauren and I were all humans"

TU: I really loved the Toy Story series myself back then plus later I really enjoyed watching the super silly YouTube poop videos that people made of the movies on YouTube. Like one of my favourites was the SOS Story series that was made by someone called YoshiManic.


A Buzz Lightyear toy then flew past everyone and it sounded like a massive African beetle. Techno couldn't help himself as he cracked up laughing at Buzz...


TU: It's Buzz and he's literally buzzing!!! Also from a Toy Story YouTube poop video there was a really funny line that was "TO THE TOILET AND BEYOND!!!" Anyways let's bored the jet!


Techno then got into the jet and sat down in the pilots seat. He had already left the door open and the ramp down from earlier...   



Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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24 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: I really loved the Toy Story series myself back then plus later I really enjoyed watching the super silly YouTube poop videos that people made of the movies on YouTube. Like one of my favourites was the SOS Story series that was made by someone called YoshiManic.


A Buzz Lightyear toy then flew past everyone and it sounded like a massive African beetle. Techno couldn't help himself as he cracked up laughing at Buzz...


TU: It's Buzz and he's literally buzzing!!! Also from a Toy Story YouTube poop video there was a really funny line that was "TO THE TOILET AND BEYOND!!!" Anyways let's bored the jet!


Techno then got into the jet and sat down in the pilots seat. He had already left the door open and the ramp down from earlier...   


And with that, everyone else boarded the jet and found their seats. Celestia was of course sitting next to Techno and Luna and Shadow had found a nice quiet row to sit in, Digital and Astral were curled up next to each other. Scarlet was cuddled up to Sunburst.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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1 hour ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

And with that, everyone else boarded the jet and found their seats. Celestia was of course sitting next to Techno and Luna and Shadow had found a nice quiet row to sit in, Digital and Astral were curled up next to each other. Scarlet was cuddled up to Sunburst.

TU: It feels good to be in my old jet again! Anyways let's go!


GU: I don't think I've ever been in this jet.


FO: I really agree with you Techno on that one! Even this was the jet you used to follow Celestia and Luna during the first flight tests!


Techno then started the generators for the computer to start up. He then closed the door and ramp for him to then start the main engines. He then taxid to the runway...


TU: Okay now we're going to see the amount of power this thing has! It will get from 0-1000Kph in only five seconds! Plus also the G-forces are mostly removed by the jet's environment control system! Anyways here we go!


The engines then spooled up and the jet shot down the runway to then hit the world boarder and enter the DATANET. The jet was now going through a blue neon lined tunnel and there were tons of protocol text lines traveling through the tunnel with them...


TU: Okay so this is what the networking cables in the DATANET look like on the inside!


GU: So while we're traveling through here why don't you get started on designing everybody's capes  if you're doing the experiment!


TU: Well just maybe I might do that when we get there. And that's interesting as my system is now doing something in the background as it's using a lot of processing power.


Techno then looked out the window to see tons of protocol lines that all where CAPE-DESIGN with a massive number on the end. The lines were apparently coming from the jet and shooting off ahead of them...


TU: I guess my system has already gotten started on doing the work of designing everybody's capes. Just look at the protocols outside that are apparently coming from above my head!


(My parents are now pestering me to help them in the garden. I'm really annoyed with it as I want to RP here instead! @Goddess Sunset Shimmer So are you going to reply soon as I've added some more stuff to the post! :) )

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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3 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: It feels good to be in my old jet again! Anyways let's go!


GU: I don't think I've ever been in this jet.


FO: I really agree with you Techno on that one! Even this was the jet you used to follow Celestia and Luna during the first flight tests!


Techno then started the generators for the computer to start up. He then closed the door and ramp for him to then start the main engines. He then taxid to the runway...


TU: Okay now we're going to see the amount of power this thing has! It will get from 0-1000Kph in only five seconds! Plus also the G-forces are mostly removed by the jet's environment control system!

Scarlet smiled as Sunburst draped his cloak over her and she snuggled up to him "T-this feels really nice, s-so this is what romance a-and love really feels like?" she asks sheepishly before nuzzling Sunburst.

Celestia smiles as she nuzzles Techno "Yes dear Scarlet, it is indeed what romance and love feels like, enjoy it" she giggles


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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7 minutes ago, Goddess Sunset Shimmer said:

Scarlet smiled as Sunburst draped his cloak over her and she snuggled up to him "T-this feels really nice, s-so this is what romance a-and love really feels like?" she asks sheepishly before nuzzling Sunburst.

Celestia smiles as she nuzzles Techno "Yes dear Scarlet, it is indeed what romance and love feels like, enjoy it" she giggles

GU: To be honest I've never experienced romance in my life ever!


Discord put his hand up like a primary school student...


DC: Same here Glitch! Or technically I have with Fluttershy!


FO: It's quite obvious I've been through romance as when I was human I was married to another really good and well known artist and screen writer but still in the year 2050 my husband signed off on me so I could do my new job. He went in his own new direction but still I continued to spend time with him whenever I had free time.


TU: I think the first time I ever experienced true romance was with Scarlet in 2017 and even that felt very awkward to me. I believe you felt the same when we met for the first time on that train going into the city.


SB: My cape feels really nice now doesn't it!?


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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32 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

GU: To be honest I've never experienced romance in my life ever!


Discord put his hand up like a primary school student...


DC: Same here Glitch! Or technically I have with Fluttershy!


FO: It's quite obvious I've been through romance as when I was human I was married to another really good and well known artist and screen writer but still in the year 2050 my husband signed off on me so I could do my new job. He went in his own new direction but still I continued to spend time with him whenever I had free time.


TU: I think the first time I ever experienced true romance was with Scarlet in 2017 and even that felt very awkward to me. I believe you felt the same when we met for the first time on that train going into the city.


SB: My cape feels really nice now doesn't it!?

Scarlet nods "That is true, but it was very awkward due to our age difference, at one point i wanted to cuddle up to you and kiss you, but that could have gotten me into a lot of trouble..though you were only 3 years shy of the legal age, it was rather awkward" she sighs and shakes her head, nuzzling into Sunburst's affection "It does, but mainly because you're there under it" she giggles.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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