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Shadow of Love (Private with Techno Universal)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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2 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: To be honest I literally felt like I could cuddle that 15 year old for eternity. Plus you were also right next to me in view of the TV camera during that moment at the event! Anyways the whole event was broadcasted live on channel 7 for the full 16 hours that it ran for and also the whole live channel 7 broadcast was also streamed live on our YouTube channel for the whole world to watch the event. Plus even the news of the event was featured on several news channels all around the world and we even made that event into a yearly event so we would do it on that particular Sunday every year from then on. Plus even there were tons of people around the world who chose to make massive capes and send them to people free of charge. Plus the designs of the capes were made by the people who own them to! Even there were a number of massive fabric manufacturing companies who chose to join in with the making of the massive capes to! Like we were getting an unbelievable amount of sponsorships back then! 

"I know, we were getting swamped with sponsorship requests and were having a very hard time choosing which ones to go with" she says and looks at him "That was our biggest event prior to you bringing the ponies to life and creating Troneon" she sighs and looks down at the city "I wonder what everyone is up to right now? I bet some are still working while the others are sleeping, it's pretty late"


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5 minutes ago, Celestial Flight said:

"I know, we were getting swamped with sponsorship requests and were having a very hard time choosing which ones to go with" she says and looks at him "That was our biggest event prior to you bringing the ponies to life and creating Troneon" she sighs and looks down at the city "I wonder what everyone is up to right now? I bet some are still working while the others are sleeping, it's pretty late"

TU: Well Troneon is a 24/7 place so there's the people who are up during the day and sleeping at night while there's also the people who sleep during the day and are up all night. Plus a lot of people and ponies are probably currently in their own virtual universes right now and really for them to have total power over their own universes is literally beyond freedom. Anyways back then with the sponsorships I tried to ad least include everyone so nobody felt left out plus it was to give everyone a chance at giving sponsoring a try! Plus even then the most unexpected famous people actually attended our cape play date events like I even remember DANTDM had a massive cape made for him and he kept it a supprise for when he attended the event. Plus when we did a TV interview with him at the event we were talking to him a lot about his cape design. Like I remember for Dan his cape was like a navy blue with a neon blue outline plus it had his YouTube channel logo printed on it to! Plus even Donald Trump appeared at the event one year and pretty much the whole time I was criticising him on how he could of been a better president and I even explained to him of how I could of been a much better president than he was!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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3 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Well Troneon is a 24/7 place so there's the people who are up during the day and sleeping at night while there's also the people who sleep during the day and are up all night. Plus a lot of people and ponies are probably currently in their own virtual universes right now and really for them to have total power over their own universes is literally beyond freedom. Anyways back then with the sponsorships I tried to ad least include everyone so nobody felt left out plus it was to give everyone a chance at giving sponsoring a try! Plus even then the most unexpected famous people actually attended our cape play date events like I even remember DANTDM had a massive cape made for him and he kept it a supprise for when he attended the event. Plus when we did a TV interview with him at the event we were talking to him a lot about his cape design. Like I remember for Dan his cape was like a navy blue with a neon blue outline plus it had his YouTube channel logo printed on it to! Plus even Donald Trump appeared at the event one year and pretty much the whole time I was criticising him on how he could of been a better president and I even explained to him of how I could of been a much better president than he was!

"I think even I could have been a better president than he was" Scarlet says with a sigh "And the same goes for any of our PM's since Kevin Rudd was kicked out by that bitch Gillard and then that asshole Abbot came into power" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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2 minutes ago, Celestial Flight said:

"I think even I could have been a better president than he was" Scarlet says with a sigh "And the same goes for any of our PM's since Kevin Rudd was kicked out by that bitch Gillard and then that asshole Abbot came into power" 

TU: Yeah if I was a political leader I would probably be the best the world has ever seen. It's because of how I take all logical criticism seriously and I'll actually make an effort to improve on things that people really want to be improved. Anyways Abbot was worse than Gillard but in the end Abbot got kicked out of parliament after only being in power for two years and he was then replaced by someone else that was better than him. Anyways the only reason why Donald trump ended up being the American president was because he was already a highly popular celebrity as it was. Like he had his own business plus he was on a number of TV shows like celebrity apprentice and Trump even made a number of cameos in well known movie titles like he made a cameo in the second home alone film where he told the kid to get out of the building. It really wasn't fair of how Trump had that massive advantage of being a celebrity before he was president plus people probably mindlessly voted for him simply because they wanted a present who was a massive celebrity as it was. But still it was just a disaster waiting to happen. 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Just now, Techno Universal said:

TU: Yeah if I was a political leader I would probably be the best the world has ever seen. It's because of how I take all logical criticism seriously and I'll actually make an effort to improve on things that people really want to be improved. Anyways Abbot was worse than Gillard but in the end Abbot got kicked out of parliament after only being in power for two years and he was then replaced by someone else that was better than him. Anyways the only reason why Donald trump ended up being the American president was because he was already a highly popular celebrity as it was. Like he had his own business plus he was on a number of TV shows like celebrity apprentice and Trump even made a number of cameos in well known movie titles like he made a cameo in the second home alone film where he told the kid to get out of the building. It really wasn't fair of how Trump had that massive advantage of being a celebrity before he was president plus people probably mindlessly voted for him simply because they wanted a present who was a massive celebrity as it was. But still it was just a disaster waiting to happen. 

"Mhm, if you discount the whole electoral college thing, he would have actually lost and Clinton would have won instead" she says and kisses him once more "I know for sure that if I was Prime Minister, I would have abolished the thing with Centrelink where people on disability had to either study or look for work. It was hell for me, considering I struggled to do either"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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3 minutes ago, Celestial Flight said:

"Mhm, if you discount the whole electoral college thing, he would have actually lost and Clinton would have won instead" she says and kisses him once more "I know for sure that if I was Prime Minister, I would have abolished the thing with Centrelink where people on disability had to either study or look for work. It was hell for me, considering I struggled to do either"

TU: Yeah I would of definitely put in better funding for people with disabilities made it almost impossible for them to study and find work. Plus a lot of those people were left homeless because nobody wanted to hire them because of their disabilities. But still in the end world leaders ended up turning to me for making changes and choices as they knew that I could really make things better if they listened to me. Plus in the end I abolished currency all together with the new Troneon society so basically now here in Troneon currency isn't even a thing anymore except for inside virtual universes that people are running.  


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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27 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Yeah I would of definitely put in better funding for people with disabilities made it almost impossible for them to study and find work. Plus a lot of those people were left homeless because nobody wanted to hire them because of their disabilities. But still in the end world leaders ended up turning to me for making changes and choices as they knew that I could really make things better if they listened to me. Plus in the end I abolished currency all together with the new Troneon society so basically now here in Troneon currency isn't even a thing anymore except for inside virtual universes that people are running.  

"Free trade really worked really well for the ancient times of Earth, i honestly don't know why currency was even implemented, it just made things so complicated" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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51 minutes ago, Celestial Flight said:

"Free trade really worked really well for the ancient times of Earth, i honestly don't know why currency was even implemented, it just made things so complicated" 

TU: Well really it was to try and make a more universal trading system but in the end it flopped in a way because it caused us to dump the poor like they were useless to our society and to support the rich. Anyways people now just give to each other like they love each other. It's because to give someone a gift in Troneon the most effort you would put in is just designing the gift and that's it while it's spawned in by the computer. It's just I've also changed everybody's way of thinking from how I inspired everybody back on earth as a human. It's like probably now people and ponies are giving each other things like plushes and capes without expecting anything in return.


(This is the system in my head that works on RP replies! :)


Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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41 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Well really it was to try and make a more universal trading system but in the end it flopped in a way because it caused us to dump the poor like they were useless to our society and to support the rich. Anyways people now just give to each other like they love each other. It's because to give someone a gift in Troneon the most effort you would put in is just designing the gift and that's it while it's spawned in by the computer. It's just I've also changed everybody's way of thinking from how I inspired everybody back on earth as a human. It's like probably now people and ponies are giving each other things like plushes and capes without expecting anything in return.

Scarlet nods and smiles "Exactly, the whole notion of greed and selfishness has been eradicated" she says with a smile "And life is so much better without those notions, same with jealousy and envy"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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16 minutes ago, Celestial Flight said:

Scarlet nods and smiles "Exactly, the whole notion of greed and selfishness has been eradicated" she says with a smile "And life is so much better without those notions, same with jealousy and envy"

TU: Well really the mission of getting rid of the notion of greed and selfishness was really big in me from the beginning as I could see that literally us humans where slowly killing ourselves off as a species because of the notions. Well without me stepping in the humans would of fallen apart and decayed to nothing eventually. Like humans likely wouldn't exist today if it wasn't for me. Anyways the capes actually had a really interesting effect on the world back then when I was human.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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6 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Well really the mission of getting rid of the notion of greed and selfishness was really big in me from the beginning as I could see that literally us humans where slowly killing ourselves off as a species because of the notions. Well without me stepping in the humans would of fallen apart and decayed to nothing eventually. Like humans likely wouldn't exist today if it wasn't for me. Anyways the capes actually had a really interesting effect on the world back then when I was human.

Scarlet nods and smiles "Well yeah, all those bad notions were just..a hindrance to the advancement of the human race, they were some of the reasons why our evolution stopped at humankind" she says and then nuzzles him "they sure did, it was almost as if we were destined to wear the capes and such, as they really helped us grow big on youtube and even get our own Foxtel channel."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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49 minutes ago, Celestial Flight said:

Scarlet nods and smiles "Well yeah, all those bad notions were just..a hindrance to the advancement of the human race, they were some of the reasons why our evolution stopped at humankind" she says and then nuzzles him "they sure did, it was almost as if we were destined to wear the capes and such, as they really helped us grow big on youtube and even get our own Foxtel channel."

TU: Though I was thinking that it was actually primarily my theory of MLP and the fact that I was a universal human that got us our Foxtell channel. Plus on our Foxtell channel we had a QnA show about my theory of MLP and people would send us questions about how things in MLP happened. Then I would explain everything in detail plus in the beginning you were quite shy so you didn't want to be on the show but eventually you joined me on the show. Plus we also had a conversation show we're we would talk to celebrities about stuff plus on the talk show we also invited the people who worked on MLP to appear on the show. Like the episode where the voice actresses of the main 6 appeared was actually quite interesting as they were pretending to be their characters at times so they would be using the voices of the characters from the show! Anyways in the end we evolved from the human race to what I call the socialman race. Really it's humans that are basically perfected with nothing bad about them and that's exactly who the people of Troneon are. Plus even the enjoyment of having a cape for comfort appeared only to be inside me and you in the beginning but in the end it showed to be something that everyone had. Like even after the first couple of years of running the massive cape parade event people started to appear in public all across the world with their capes on. Plus even a lot of people enjoyed their capes fluttering in the wind on windy days.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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18 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Though I was thinking that it was actually primarily my theory of MLP and the fact that I was a universal human that got us our Foxtell channel. Plus on our Foxtell channel we had a QnA show about my theory of MLP and people would send us questions about how things in MLP happened. Then I would explain everything in detail plus in the beginning you were quite shy so you didn't want to be on the show but eventually you joined me on the show. Plus we also had a conversation show we're we would talk to celebrities about stuff plus on the talk show we also invited the people who worked on MLP to appear on the show. Like the episode where the voice actresses of the main 6 appeared was actually quite interesting as they were pretending to be their characters at times so they would be using the voices of the characters from the show! Anyways in the end we evolved from the human race to what I call the socialman race. Really it's humans that are basically perfected with nothing bad about them and that's exactly who the people of Troneon are. Plus even the enjoyment of having a cape for comfort appeared only to be inside me and you in the beginning but in the end it showed to be something that everyone had. Like even after the first couple of years of running the massive cape parade event people started to appear in public all across the world with their capes on. Plus even a lot of people enjoyed their capes fluttering in the wind on windy days.

Scarlet smiles and nods "Well in all honesty, it was a major contribution to it, but there were many things that helped eradicate a;ll the things that haltered the natural state of evolution but enough of that, let us enjoy the scenery and our time together" she says and kisses him once more


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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22 minutes ago, Celestial Flight said:

Scarlet smiles and nods "Well in all honesty, it was a major contribution to it, but there were many things that helped eradicate a;ll the things that haltered the natural state of evolution but enough of that, let us enjoy the scenery and our time together" she says and kisses him once more

TU: Yeah up here we're literally 15 kilometres up above the ground and the buildings have a massive one square kilometre base. That's just to give you an idea of how super massive these buildings are plus take a look at how fast all the ponies and sky cars are flying. They are literally flying at around 5,000KPH and that's the standard local transit speed in Troneon. You literally would have to go that fast to travel a few buildings up the street in a few seconds! Anyways I wonder if anybody has their capes on down there! 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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19 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Yeah up here we're literally 15 kilometres up above the ground and the buildings have a massive one square kilometre base. That's just to give you an idea of how super massive these buildings are plus take a look at how fast all the ponies and sky cars are flying. They are literally flying at around 5,000KPH and that's the standard local transit speed in Troneon. You literally would have to go that fast to travel a few buildings up the street in a few seconds! Anyways I wonder if anybody has their capes on down there! 

Scarlet smiles and nods "Well yes that is true, and I bet they are, with their young cuddled up in them as well" she says and nuzzles him some more "I think the addition to capes to everyone was a wonderful idea sweetie" she says closes her eyes "How about we go for a flight up in the skies dear?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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6 minutes ago, Celestial Flight said:

Scarlet smiles and nods "Well yes that is true, and I bet they are, with their young cuddled up in them as well" she says and nuzzles him some more "I think the addition to capes to everyone was a wonderful idea sweetie" she says closes her eyes "How about we go for a flight up in the skies dear?"

TU: Yeah it's like the concept of the capes started as a deep and unexplainable desire in my system when I was going through adolescence. I thought I had to keep it a total secret because I was fearing that everyone would over-judge me over it. Well that was until I came across you and I was able to share and expand on it through you because you had the exact same unexplainable desire as me. It then spread to everyone in the end with all of us loving our capes. Anyways let's go on a high speed flight through the Troneon skyline!


Techno then teleported himself and Scarlet onto the mid air freeway that they saw from the building. They were now flying at 5,000KPH with the other ponies and flying vehicles traveling along side them on the freeway...


TU: Now we're going! Anyways it's really sweet of how the young ones in Troneon love the capes!


(Also did you know that the majority of teenage girls have become over judgemental in the last seven years. It's mainly because of social media taking it's effect and it's making the girls extremely unrealistic about their opinions of things. Anyways me and you are logical thinkers so we're actually smarter than any of these people with unrealistic opinions of things! :) ) 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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24 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Yeah it's like the concept of the capes started as a deep and unexplainable desire in my system when I was going through adolescence. I thought I had to keep it a total secret because I was fearing that everyone would over-judge me over it. Well that was until I came across you and I was able to share and expand on it through you because you had the exact same unexplainable desire as me. It then spread to everyone in the end with all of us loving our capes. Anyways let's go on a high speed flight through the Troneon skyline!


Techno then teleported himself and Scarlet onto the mid air freeway that they saw from the building. They were now flying at 5,000KPH with the other ponies and flying vehicles traveling along side them on the freeway...


TU: Now we're going! Anyways it's really sweet of how the young ones in Troneon love the capes!


(Also did you know that the majority of teenage girls have become over judgemental in the last seven years. It's mainly because of social media taking it's effect and it's making the girls extremely unrealistic about their opinions of things. Anyways me and you are logical thinkers so we're actually smarter than any of these people with unrealistic opinions of things! :) ) 

(Yeah social media has done a lot of good but also a lot of bad to the human race)

Scarlet smiles and nods as they flying "Yes it is really sweet, especially with how they love to snuggle in their parents' capes" she says with a hug and looked around while still flying around.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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5 hours ago, Celestial Flight said:

(Yeah social media has done a lot of good but also a lot of bad to the human race)

Scarlet smiles and nods as they flying "Yes it is really sweet, especially with how they love to snuggle in their parents' capes" she says with a hug and looked around while still flying around.

TU: Yeah it's a lovely thing that the young ones enjoy doing! Anyways you'll pretty much see absolutely everything from up here! Just look around and you'll probably even see people cuddling in their capes inside their appartments!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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8 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Yeah it's a lovely thing that the young ones enjoy doing! Anyways you'll pretty much see absolutely everything from up here! Just look around and you'll probably even see people cuddling in their capes inside their appartments!

Scarlet giggles "I'm sure that they are dear, the capes we made are very comfortable and soft" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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3 hours ago, Celestial Flight said:

Scarlet giggles "I'm sure that they are dear, the capes we made are very comfortable and soft" 

TU: I know! Plus it's just like my fluffy blanket from 2017!


(I've added some more really deep stuff to my artwork here! :)




Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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3 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: I know! Plus it's just like my fluffy blanket from 2017!


(I've added some more really deep stuff to my artwork here! :)



Scarlet smiled even more "I actually eventually got myself a fluffy blanket back in 2017, I ended up snuggling it every night when I was cold, and thought of you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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6 minutes ago, Celestial Flight said:

Scarlet smiled even more "I actually eventually got myself a fluffy blanket back in 2017, I ended up snuggling it every night when I was cold, and thought of you"

TU: Plus I'm also guessing that you also had a deep sensation of comfort when you were snuggling in your blanket! It's just like how I would feel like I was in another world of infinite relaxation and comfort!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Just now, Techno Universal said:

TU: Plus I'm also guessing that you also had a deep sensation of comfort when you were snuggling in your blanket! It's just like how I would feel like I was in another world of infinite relaxation and comfort!

Scarlet smiles and nods "Well yeah I did, did you think of me whenever you snuggled your blanket back in 2017?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Just now, Celestial Flight said:

Scarlet smiles and nods "Well yeah I did, did you think of me whenever you snuggled your blanket back in 2017?"

TU: Well when I was mentally awake I would but then I would feel myself shutting down with a humm. Plus I could even see the servers inside me going dark and turning off.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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20 hours ago, Techno Universal said:

TU: Well when I was mentally awake I would but then I would feel myself shutting down with a humm. Plus I could even see the servers inside me going dark and turning off.

Scarlet nodded "I was exactly the same way, when I was awake and conscious, I would snuggle my blanket and think of and about you until I fell asleep, and just slept easily" she says and chirps happily as she feels a little bird make a nest in her mane "Aww look sweetite, a little birdie has nested in my mane" she giggles


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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