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The Dream of a Filly (RP)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Raven Rawne

It was early evening when the young ten year old bat filly was wondering around her little makeshift house inside the forest, looking for some fruit to make her favorite fruit salad with. "Hmm I thought I had more fruit than this, maybe if I check the cupboards" she thinks to herself and checks for some more fruit and frowns "Nope, damn it, looks like I'm going to have to go looking for some more" she sighs deeply before looking at her armor rack, she may have only been ten years old, but she had had some experience with armor and weaponry when she was staying with her friend's family.

Sliding into her leather armor effortlessly and slipping on her hoof blades, she sets out to find some more fruit. 

After about an hour of searching the areas immediately surrounding her little home, she found some small fruits growing in a bush near a try and some growing on the tree as well, licking her lips, she begins to climb the tree to start picking the fruit.

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

"Why do they aaaalways grow so deep?" - a mare's voice asked aloud, a hint of tiredness in it. Moments later, a mare walked into a tiny clearing, a wagon in tow. She looked around, and then up, since the canopies were too tight to see the sky on the way in. "Damn, gotta go back soon." She was clearly musing aloud since there was nopony around.

The mare slid out of the harness and glanced at the crossbow hanging on the wagon 's front wall. Then, she stretched her back, corrected the hat on her head and donned the green cloak that was hung next to the weapon, then walked to the back of the mobile home. She emerged moments later with a basket,  and wandered off into the nearby bushes to pick whatever caught her eye. The wagon remained shut and motionless.

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@Raven Rawne

Almost as if out of instinct, at the sound of the mare's voice, Astral quickly hid in the branches of the tree and kept watch, probably to see if the mare was friendly or not. She peeked through the foliage and leaves while watching the mare's movements, as well as eyeing the wagon, not just because it looked funny, but there was that crossbow. "I hope that the mare doesn't use it on me if she finds it, I-I can fight, but a c-cross bow?" she thinks to herself as she looks at her hoofblades and then back to the mare.

It was then two minutes after Astral had decided that the mare, obviously a fair bit older than she is, meant her no harm, that she spotted a shadowy predatory creature stalking her, and once again, almost as if out of instinct, the little batpony filly speed past the mare, leaving her signature and name sake ghostly trail of fire behind her and tackles the creature to the ground "oof! RUN!" she cries out to the mare.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

Natural Order picked leaves from a large bush and loaded them into the basket. Once dried and ferried to a distant town,  they will fetch some nice amount of bits. She remained alert,  her ears in constant motion, picking sounds all around.

She was halfway done here when suddenly, a fiery trail shone on the outskirts of her vision and something landed a ways off behind her, causing a ruckus. There was also that commanding cry. She didn't look back, or even glance at the basket. This was Everfree after all.  Natural ran as fast as she could back to her wooden safety zone and slammed the doors shut, then leaned on them, braced for impact.  But nothing tried to batter into the little wagon. There were sounds of a fight outside though. With trembling hooves, she slid a wooden bar to lock the doors, picked an axe off the shelf and peeked through the window,  slowly opening the shutters. She couldn't see anything without poking her head out - something she'd rather avoid right now. Her mind keenly noticed that her crossbow was also out of reach.

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@Raven Rawne

It took about half an hour, before there was a loud roar and then silence. But then suddenly the young filly could be seen dragging the corpse of what looked like either a tundra wolf or a manticore, who could know what was lurking inside of the forest. She stops to look at the wagon and shakes her head before continuing her way over to her makeshift shelter. "Well at least I've got some leather to fix my armor and hoof guards now" she could be heard saying to herself, 

After about another ten minutes, Astral decided to see if the mare was alright, so she takes some fruit with her to nibble on, packing them in her saddlebag and made her way to the wagon., she sniffed around the air some to see if the mare had left the wagon yet, but could still only smell fear. She shakes her head, goes over to the door and gently knocks on it "M-ma'am, it's safe to come out now, t-the wolf is d-dead" she says softly "S-so you can come on out, how-ever...you should probably  be more alert" she says before she turns to leave and go back to picking some fruits.

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

It took a small eternity. It always did. Natural was braced against the doors,  axe in hoof. Waiting. Listening in. Trying to tell if it was safe outside, and then setting for waiting some more because she heard something. A loud roar pierced the air at some point. Sounded like agony. The mare decided she will probably be stuck here for the night, and very slowly,  silently,  reached for a cup and tapped from the water barrel. This will be a long night...

Moonlight shone bleakly into the wooden box through cracks in the shutters. A sure sign that she won't go anywhere today. Outside, something stirred. The telltale sound of dragging something heavy across the foliage.  Is stopped momentarily by her sanctuary, and a voice was heard, telling something to nopony in particular.  It sounded... nah, probably another trick if the Forest. Natural rose to the window and peeked through the cracks, standing on her hindlegs and leaning on the side wall. A small silhouette dragged a big shape, somewhere out of sight.

Natural waited some more, and finally decided to peek outside.  She hastily  collected her crossbow and bolts,  but didn't dare to go for her basket. Or hat. It was dark and who knew what was nearby. She shut the doors again and begrudgingly started some preparations to spend the night.

The knock was unexpected,  and almost resulted in an axe flying towards the still closed and barricaded doors. Natural held her breath and listened in. It did sound like a filly but... how? She peeked through the window, opening the shutters ever so slighty, but then opened them all the way and poked her head out, consequences be damned. And there it was, a small pony figure in the moonlight, walking away. The mare hesitated for a spell,  but called out, quietly. "Hey! I uhh... did you save my hide back there?"

Now that she said it, it did sound rather... ridiculous. Saved by a filly in the Everfree. But Natural Order saw stranger things. 

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@Raven Rawne

Astral had gone back to picking fruit, but she heard the mare clear as night ask her the question and giggles, perching herself up on the tree branches again "Well, I saved my hide just as much as I saved yours, but yeah I suppose I did, no worries by the way, was meaning to get some more leather" she says and flitters down, her usual shyness may have gone due to the fact that the mare seemed gentle and friendly enough not to fire a bolt at her or use that axe on her.

"Name's Astral Flame, but...if I had any friends or family here, they'd just call me Astral" she says, nibbling on some fruit "Plus, I could try to sell the meat from the manticore to maybe the dragons or griffons, if I can get over my shyness that is" she states and looks around "So uh..what are you doing here? In the forest I mean? Not exactly the place for a pretty mare like yourself, is it?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

It was too dark to tell the details, but Natural decided that the figure moved like a pony alright. Pegasus maybe? She had wings, so...

The mare continued to lean out from the small window, craning her neck outside and peering into the dimly lit world outside. She probably had a funny expression now. "You could fly away, you know that? Anyway, glad you didn't."

She listened to her newfound company, and saviour too. The last question made her laugh genuinely, but she quickly caught herself over how much noise she was making. "Err, sorry for that, I just found it funny, cause it's dark and I'm just poking my head out so... Name's Natural Order. I just wander whre my fancy take me, gather herbs and stuff for sale. Some alchemists I know pay good coin for ingredients that can be found in the Forest, so I take the risk every now and then." She looked up at the tiny speck of the starry sky that was visible in the clearing. "But seems I'll stay longer than usual. Never spent a night in Everfree, to be honest.Anyway, give me a moment, I'll open the door."

Natural ducked back inside the wagon, closed the shutters and after some bumps and screetches from the inside, the doors opened, and she slowly stepped outside, looking around as if she could see anything anyway...

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@Raven Rawne

the filly then climbs down from the branches and smiles at the mare "hiya Natural Order" she says with a big smile, and ofcourse she was showing her fangs, but in a friendly manner "So, I take it that you're a travelling salesmare of some sort? And with the weapons you have, you at least have some self defense training?" she asks, tilting her head "and I bet those alchemists pay top bit for the more dangerous to harvest roots and such" she then nibbles on some more of her fruit "So, you live in that thing?" she asks, eyeing the wagon "Bet it's more comfortable than a moss nest" she giggles.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

The mare eyed Astral curiously as she moved down to ground level. Somehow she suspected she wasn't a pegasus after all. Still, it was too dark for her to be sure. 

Once the filly fired away her questions,  Natural stepped out of the doors and pointed inside with a foreleg. "It's no luxury but I like it. See for yourself if you like.  Although I guess I could get an oil lamp first,  it's pretty dark inside. Oh and, no, I won't make fat stacks that will make me set fir a month with those herbs. I mean, I send any surplus to my parents anyway but, I tend to catch odd jobs and sell whatever I find for a living." She shrugged. "Can't stay in one place,  or get a job like most ponies do. I'm a free spirit, you see. Travel around till winter comes, which I spend with my parents,  and hit the road when the snow melts."

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@Raven Rawne

Astral tilted her head at the mention of parents "Y-you're lucky you still have parents" she says as she then goes to make her way into the wagon house, it certainly felt a lot more comfortable than a moss nest, more warm and even more safer than her little shack. She sighs softly before looking at her newfound friend and looks at her "Mind if I take a seat? It's been a fair while since I sat on something comfortable?" she asks, sitting down.

Her ear then flickers "I-I may have some roots and fruits y-you could sell here" she says as she gently rummages around her baskets and smiles, "H-here, the roots are a bit bitter, b-but if you add fruit and fruit juices they are quite tasty" she says and looks around "So uh...know how to fight or j-just bought the axe and bow as a precaution?"

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

Natural bit her lip, hearing the way Astral reacted to her mentioning parents. She decided not to push it and just glanced as she passed her into the wagon. Now she could see - a thestral. Not that it bothered her, she's been to Hollow Shades many times.

The question was rather strange, given the circumstances, anand the mare simply nodded. "Sure, go ahead. There's a pillow on top of the water barrel."

Although it was dark inside, one could see shapes of things inside.  Internet left corner next to the entrance was a tall water barrel she mentioned.  Opposite, a stack of strappedcrates.straight ahead a tiny stove with a pipe jutting through the roof,  and to the sides, various tools and stuff packed on shelves or strapped to walls. All in all, every inch seemed occupied,  aside from the floor in the middle.

Natural yawned slightly and came inside, closing the doors to keep the bugs out, then sat on the wooden floor. "The axe is just a tool, for wood and the like. But it will do in a pinch, yeah. Crossbow was a gift, and a good one too. Saved me lots of times and, yeah, helped me earn some too. But I try to avoid fights, I'm no warrior type. How about you? Like I said, you could just fly away from that thing, yet you charged it like some book hero."

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@Raven Rawne

Astral couldn't help but giggle at the last little remark "Well you see..it's my dream to join the Night Guard, has been since kindergarten" she says and shows off her cutie mark "to protect the innocent, fight crime, serve Luna..that sort of thing, I don't necessarily like fighting, but it is what I'm good at, and if it is needed to follow my dream, then so be it" she says, sitting down on the water barrel. 

She then thinks of something as she smells some familiar scents "W-were you in Hollow Shades recently?" she asks softly as she continues to look around the wagon and smell the scents, some smells were foreign to her, but there were also some that were like home to her.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

Natural coked her head curiously at the filly.  "Royal Night Guard? Well I guess there's plenty to learn for that career in the Everfree but, why are you here in the first place? Seems an odd place for anypony,  even more so for a young one like you."

She got up and sifted through her things, apparently looking for something. "I've been in Hollow Shades last month,  sold some fruit seeds from Forbidden Jungle to a client who wanted them. Bought some supplies but nothing for trade this time,  since I needed to make some repairs. Hayseed isn't the friendliest place to visit, or pass through." She finally took out a box of matches and looked back at Astral. "You okay if I light a lamp? Can't see the tip of my nose here. Oh and, just how did you know I was in Hollow Shades?"

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@Raven Rawne

Astral smiles and flicks her ears "Go for it, it's your home after all" she says as she swishes her tail slightly "As for your questions, well I was in the forest because I had been searching for my parents for the past half a year, but because I was led to believe that most ponies are xenophobic and hate my race, so I thought it'd be safer and better to stay in the forest...well to a relative extent anyway" she says and then her smiles softens a little at Natural's other question "I can smell the herbs, spices and roots that can only be found in or near Hollow Shades, it kind of reminds me of home, you know?"

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

The mare nodded and fished a small oil lamp from another secured shelf, then put it on the floor and lit with a match. The wagon's interior was illuminated with a small flame, just enough to see where stuff was, but not nearly bright enough to read,  for example.  Natural Order looked up at the thestral and rubbed the back of her head,  confused. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen many of your kin outside Hollow Shades, yeah... Hardly any to be honest, but I never really wondered why."

She looked around, searching for something, and with a small "aah", the mare rummaged inside one of the topmost crates, then fished out a paper box.  "This should be familiar. I buy some every time I pass the town and have some bits to spare."

It was tea, made exclusively in Hollow Shades. Taking it out of the crate caused the whole wagon to smell like it - a collection of dried fruit and who knows what else that made up it's unique taste.

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@Raven Rawne

Astral smiles and nods "Mmm that's it" she says, licking her muzzle and sighs in relief as the lamp was lit. Despite being a thestral, Astral didn't like the dark too much after spending half a year in the forest alone. She then hears the remark about Natural not seeing her kin outside of Hollow Shades and shakes her head "Well you know, most of my kin believe that the other pony races are xenophobic against them, old prejudices and all that" she says with a sigh, "E-even miss Zecora said ponies feared her because she was different"

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

The mare put the tea box away on the stove - one of the few clutter free spots - then took a sleeping bag off it's hook and placed it underneath her to have something comfy to sit on. She let out another small yawn as she made herself comfortable. "You mentioned that you're... looking for your parents? Seems like an odd place for a pony to be in the first place but, here I am so... Maybe you want help with something?  You did save me back there so it's only fair I try and do something for you in return, right? Plus, I don't much like the idea of leaving you in here. Ponies may be guarded, but they're not bad. Not all at least."

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@Raven Rawne

"Well you know, I lived most of my life in Hollow Shades with stories of how xenophobic the other races are or at least were...I suppose those stories could just be outdated these days" she says and looks around herself some more "and that is kind of you to help me find my parents, the problem is, I have an idea of where to start, but it means getting an audience with the princesses, Princess Luna to be more exact" she says "other than that, if you really want to help I suppose we could help each other out.. I can stay with you at least until I can find something leading me to my parents, and I protect you while you go to the more dangerous areas of Equestria, it's win win really"

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

Natural Order poured slightly. "It's the thing with stories - they get repeated on and on without even checking if they still apply. Guess that would be a thing when it comes to thestrals keeping to themselves..."

She stood up and approached the filly with am extended hoof. "Astral, I have no idea how to get you an audience, but I can take you to Canterlot and do my best to help." She looked back at the wagon's interior. "Hope you don't have too much luggage, or we might need to sleep outside,  heheh."

With a genuine smile, the mare kept the hoof in the air for the usual hoofshake. "If you want it,  I'm in. But we'll pack you up in the morning okay?"

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@Raven Rawne

Astral smiles and nods as she shakes Natural's hoof "It's a deal, no not much luggage no, maybe the rest of the leather from the manticore after I finish mending my armor and blades, and then there's the meat, I think maybe the dragons and griffons eat meat, don't they?" she asks titling her head, "shouldn't take up too much room once it's all chopped up into smaller, salable pieces" 

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

Natural Order winced slightly at the mention of meat. "Yeah... griffons do for sure.  And some animals too but, problem is, who would buy raw meat from unknown source? You can't tell what it was once it's chopped. And believe me, I hunted for meat a few times, but every time I already had a client." She shook her head. "Never been a fan of tending to meat. Plus, any predator will be on our backs on the way out. But if you insist, we can take it too, I guess."

Natural approached the window and opened the wooden shutters, then glanced outside and up into the sky. "I don't know about you, but I need some rest before we head out." The mare retracted her head back inside and adressed the filly. "Wanna discuss something else or we meet again in the morning?"

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@Raven Rawne

Astral thought for a moment "Hmm you've got a point there with the meat, plus I would rather not have to smell meat the whole time" she pulls a face "kinda ruins my appetite" she says as she giggles for a little "Anyway, guess I can just skin it then leave the carcass for the other predators to eat, means they'd be satisfied for a while too" she says as she gets up and stretches "We can always just talk during our travels" she says and looks out the window "Tell you what, it won't take too long for me to skin the thing, I can always do the tanning process while guarding the wagon tonight, that way you could sleep knowing you'd be safe"

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Astral Flame

The mare nodded. "Yeah, I don't like the smell of meat either. In our situation it seems best to leave what you can't use. Plus, we won't be trailed by hungry predators on the way out so there's that."

She listened to the filly's plan, weird as it sounds, and surpressed a laugh. "Sorry, it just sounds so off. But then, you did kill that thing so... I'll meet you in the morning. I reckon you sleep in the day, right? You can sleep inside as I pull the wagon."

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@Raven Rawne

Astral smiles and flicks her ears "T-then it's a deal, I'll go get the leather a-and then come back so as t-to guard you and the w-wagon for the night and before we head off to wherever it is the road takes us tomorrow" she says with a soft yawn and a wave goodbye of her forehoof and left to find her little shack, 

It was about three hours later, when there was a soft knock on the wagon's door, "Miss Natural, it's Astral, I've gotten the leather now, and the meat is somewhere for the other predators to find" she says with a soft sigh "I'll just be out side guarding if y-you need or want anything"

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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