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private Safe Port


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"Hi!" Eros chirped, turning and bounding inside. Virgil sighed, shaking his head and smirking. That filly had boundless energy.

They entered into the main foyer as Eros flew down a hall to their right, the group just catching sight of her black and pink tail turning the corner. A few staff members were moving through the foyer, cleaning or carrying papers and supplies to other ends of the town hall.

Virgil followed after his little sister, the four of them passing several more staff members. Eros flew ahead of them, occasionally hovering while she impatiently waited for them to catch up.

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As they followed Eros,Luna thought about something.

Heh...this little filly reminds me of Stormfur.Always eager,always hyper.Even looks a little similar.Though...Stormfur might be a little more level-headed.

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Finally, Eros stopped outside a large wooden door. Said door was open just a crack and light flickered out into the hall, obviously from a fire. Bellatrix, Sergio's chamberlain, sat at her desk outside the office reading a book. She glanced up as the four of them reached her and smiled in greeting as she closed her book.

"Good to see you all well," she greeted, rising to warmly hug Virgil.

"Good to see you too, Bella," he returned, hugging her in response.

"Your father's waiting for you. In fact, he's probably already heard your approach."

"Thanks, Bella."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Luna stood silently behind the others as they greeted the mare.


Huh...I didn't really think about why the governer wanted us to come here.Something to think about.

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Virgil led the way into the office, Eros slipping past him and bounding over to her father.

"Virgil's home!" she happily announced, leaping for her father.

Sergio chuckled as he caught her mid air, ruffling her hair as he set her back down. "I know, Eros." He moved to greet them, meeting step-son with a hug which the earth pony affectionately returned. "It's good to see you back in port, son."

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Luna smiled at the three.


It's good to have someone you care for.Both for them and yourself.

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The two separated, turning to face the others. The three crewmembers saluted and Sergio returned the gesture before turning his attention to Luna.

"Hello, my name is Sergio," he greeted. "I'm told Captain Virgil rescued you from a shipwreck."

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Luna nodded.  "Yes, he did. My name is Luna Eclipse. It's good to meet you Sergio."


I wonder...

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"And I you, Miss Eclipse," Sergio returned. "I'm also told you were headed for Equestria. I can set you up with a crew headed that way."

"We've already offered our ship," Virgil informed him, "but she wants to try fixing up her mechanical wings and fly there on her own power."

Sergio's brow furrowed in a mixture of concern and skepticism. "A commendable feat I'm sure, but also highly unlikely. Equestria lies well over five thousand miles to the northeast of us. It's impossible for even the most experienced of flyers."

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Luna smiled. "Which is why I have mechanical wings." She glanced at the spot where they usually were, and then at her bag in which they were currently stored. "I can fly with them like a pegasus would, but I can also set it on autopilot. I recently upgraded them so that they can 'map out' the terrain ahead and avoid any obstacles, or storm systems."

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"I'd be interested to see these wings in action. They certainly sound amazing," Sergio replied. "There are plenty of blacksmiths and engineers in the town who can help you with your repairs. Virgil can help you get in touch with them. In the meantime, I've sent a messenger ahead to one of our more 'upstanding' inns. They have a room waiting and dinner if you're interested. Virgil can take you."

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"That would be perfect.Thank you." Luna smiled.


Huh...I must admit I wasn't expecting to find such nice ponies.At this rate I'll be in Equestria in no time.

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"In which case, I bid you goodnight, Miss Luna," Sergio said, dipping in a bow before straightening and turning to his step-son. "I expect a debriefing by tomorrow afternoon, Captain."

Virgil saluted, as did his crewmembers, before leading the way out. Eros stayed behind, laying in front of her father's fireplace and waving happily to her brother with a wing.

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"Goodbye Governor,an again thank you." Luna then turned and followed Virgil and the others out the door. She realized she was unable to keep a small smile off her face.

It is both strange and heartwarming.Many of those I have met are like those back home in some way.

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Virgil led the way back out of the governor's home, stopping on the street just outside. "You better get home, Alric. I'm sure your wife wants to see you."

"Not if she's finally gained her sanity," Alric chuckled, saluting his captain as he headed off to his home.

"And what about me?" Syren asked in mock hurt. "Isn't there a sweetheart waiting for me?"

"If you finally had a girlfriend, Syr, I'd be the first to know about it," Virgil answered, drawing a grin from his best friend.

"True. C'mon then, mate. Maybe we can pick up some dinner before turning in," Syren answered cheerfully.

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SeaSong walked down the street slowly.She glanced around at the ponies curiously.


I've hardly ever left the reef, never mind actual land.It's quite strange.

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"Care to join us, Miss Luna?" Virgil asked as he began leading the way to her inn. "The Haymaker's Wife makes some of the best vegetable stew in all of Puerto Seguro."

"And their hayburgers ain't somethin' to sneeze at neither," Syren offered.

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Luna nodded gratefully.  "That sounds wonderful, thank you." She followed the two as they began walking towards the inn.



SeaSong smiled.A small filly was running after her parents, yelling happily.

Wish I had someone I knew.

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The stallions led the way through the winding streets, easily finding the inn with the practiced ease of those who had grown up on such confusing streets. Light flickered out the windows onto the street, music streaming through the open windows. A sign hung above the door, depicting a homely farming couple beside a stack of hay.

Virgil led the way in, shouldering the door open and holding it there for Syren and Luna to pass through..

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Luna started to walk through the open door, but paused.She glanced back, her face confused.She shrugged lightly and walked through the door.

Strange. I could have sworn.......Huh.Guess it was nothing.

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"Everything okay?" Virgil asked as she hesitated. He let the door close as both his companions passed through. While his Captain waited for a response, Syren headed over to the bar, recognizing the tender behind it.

"Evening, Quill," he greeted. Quill, a dark blue Earth pony with silver eyes, grinned in greeting as he looked up.

"How's it, Syren? Governor a'ready sent a messenger. Room's all set up for your friend. I can get dinner for ya whenever ya're ready."

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Luna glanced behind her as the door closed. "...It was nothing." She turned back, but she couldn't fully hide the uncertainty in her eyes.



SeaSong kicked the dirt with a hoof, watching as it swirled into the air in a cloud.She frowned,thinking.

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"You're the best, Quill," Syren praised. "Two regulars and a hayburger for our friend."

"Comin' up. Have 'em to ya in a few," the tender agreed, turning and shouting orders out to those in the kitchen.

Virgil eyed Luna disbelievingly but said nothing more as they joined Syren.

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Luna fiddled with her mane absentmindedly,not really noticing.

She couldn't have...Right?She told me she had gone straight there, not stopping.But then, how is it here?



SeaSong brought a hoof up and touched her horn lightly.

Only thing that doesn't change.

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Syren claimed a table near one of the windows facing towards the harbor, looking out over the town. It was their usual table whenever they came there and as such, most citizens tended to leave it be when The Ruthless Lass was in port. Her captain and first mate might not've had a reputation for being aggressive or territorial, but they were both experienced and skilled fighters; no sane pony would take a chance at getting on their bad side.

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