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private Blood lesson 1x1 redux


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"Um I've been like this for eight days now and I just drained some stallion trying to kill me like an hour, less than an hour ago so I have a lot in me now I think? I mean I don't normally bite ponies and kill them..." She walked over to the cauldron. 

  • Brohoof 1

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In the cauldron she would see and smell a tasty stew brewing seeing her own reflection in the bubbeling stew the smell of a slow cooked meal could be in the works as zeccora said "you have not killed anypony till tonight oh my" she said feeling for the mare

"well self defense is better then most first kills that happen in your stage, good news is with your control thus far less to be afaride of" the zebra said


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"I nearly lost it more times than I can count... I really don't think I'm doing well at all, but then I don't know. I don't know anything about what I now am at all..." She just looked into the pool of liquid and sighed she was not even sure why these two were even helping her.

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The zebra passed a tea cup to her, cresent came back in now with a saddle on him with some clinging of drinks in the pockets "your part of the un death in this world, and you are well in between a rock and a hard place." the bat said

"your powers are awakening and in order to stay... sane you need to learn to adapt with them. Think of it as a new suit of armor you were given for your guard job. " he said opening up one of the bottle in the saddle. She would see the bottle had a families red liquid in it, the same liquid she had just drank herself not to long ago

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She looks at the bottle. "Is that more blood?..." She shook her head a little trying to ignore it and she looked down and sipped her tea. Thankfully the tea was nice and it distracted her from the world for a moment when she was drinking it.

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The vamp simply nodded "tell me how are you with your family, I have a hunch telling them of your change has been wighing on you along with your job, being a guard I'm thinking more then protect this box more protect this pony perhaps? Its a honirbul job but dose you boss know of your change as well?" he asked

"you've been undead 8 days now if you tell us how its been it will help, we could reach out to your boss and family and say your out training. Or do you want to tell them yourself? You know them better then we do so your call" cresent said

Zecoraa added "if not your self then another perhaps me if you would be pleased as you began this blood dance" she said

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"I don't want to go near any of them... I..." She just looked down, she had no idea what she was doing, who this stallion was or what she was going to do she just wanted to sleep or something. Having a conversation was somewhat beyond her at this point.

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That response surprised the zebra "fear of hurting them or they you, cresent stop being a mysterious fool and help this one out" the zebra said

"I don't think her drinking my bold will answer questions" the bat pony said then sighed after she gave him a look "ok ok, guard mare" he said

"tell me, what do you know about vamponys?" he asked

Many many miles away at a tavern of pony's some drinking others laughing, fighting or passed out one such clocked pony was simple enjoying her drink, the pony next to her a stalion with a tired look of 'can we go home now?' he looked young to be at a tavern like this but just started to become of age to drink. He had a brown coat and a green mane with brown eyes "master I dot see why we could find out about vamponys here of all places" he admitted

"seek and ye shall find" the clocked mare said with a nod to the door to which the stalion was surprised tho as one of the muscle pony's that emerald had fought came in with a less then peace full look like he saw a ghost.  "bring him her, he's seen him" the clocked mare said

"who?" the stalion said

"our new target" the clocked pony said


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"I don't know anything... you keep asking me questions about everything, I don't know a damn thing! They're some made up tale to scare foals and Luna has something to do with them now I am one!?" She looked mess and she was sick of talking already.

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To her response the zebra exchanged looks with the bat pony, cresent sighed "all right then your right let's trot back a bit most pony's turn into... like us, being bitten by another vampony and sadly, those tales you grew up with.... are loosely real. Once bitten by said vamp one of two things happen the bitten pony dies, or still the body accepts the new powers... both are unpleasant as sense you live off blood." cresent nodded to his drink.

"so I guess the first real question is, what happens 8 days ago to you?" he asked

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She sighed. "I died... I assume you mean before that, 10 days ago I was bitten by a mare who was under the effect of some sort of spell that Twilight had concocted, she bit me by accident and I fell ill... I never got better and died 8 days ago, then I just wake up a few hours later in the morgue..." 

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"well that's a he'll of a wake up" cresent said.

"ah that sickens poor flute shy has, it threw even me off with how bad it is" the zebra sighed stirring the stew a bit before getting some bowls nodded to emerald as if to ask if she was wanting some stew. 

"has?" cresent raised an eyebrow noticing the present tense.

"twilight asked for my help no word weather is has done good, I know she doesn't bite others based on mood she's still her kind self" the zebra said.


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"So... what does any of that mean?" She didn't really get any answer from either of them. She just looked back at the pot the water was keeping her calm as she watched it bubble softly, at least something was calming.

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"if you woke up in the morgue then leagly you are officially dead, and id imagine hearing blood nonstop sense then has been annoying right? That's your blood hearing or hearing everponys blood beats. Which is what you need to keep living and going think of it like how you needed water before being bit" cresent said

"and once bitten theres no change, which to some become a pain" zecora said "stew?" she asked the mare

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She nodded. "Yes please, I want something normal." She had barely eaten since she was turned. She gave it a good smell it did smell quite nice the soup, not to mention it'd be a nice distraction to eat it. 

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As she would eat it she would taste a soup thatcould be told on the first sip it was slow cooked with he meat and herbs added when needed not to soon more to late for the taste of things, soon cresent was asked who nodded. He chuckled at her response "normal, where's the fun in that?" he said zecora gave him a glare.

"so you left your family after turning do you want them to know, I only ask to spare you trouble with foes" the zebra asked before dishing herself up some soup

"like those hunter from before" cresent said after he swallowed "some hunters don't know much about us half the time, others know too much and become a bad day for us." he said

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"I left a note for my younger sister who I lived with, I told her to stay there until I came back... if I come back, I should have wrote that bit." She just continued with her bowl of soup, she was getting tired of talking.

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"you think she will seek you or heed your written word, it would wouldn't be absurd if a family member seeks out their own at a sudden departure" Zeccora said

Crsent paused his eating waiting to hear but then seeing her sleepy look soon said "I'll Handel that, think our guard mare has had a hell of a bloody night" he said

"have extra room I do, or perhaps sleep at cresent soon but he's right by the looks of you" zeccora said  

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"I'd like to sleep... that'd be nice honestly..." She was tired or felt tired anyway. She slurped up the rest of her bowl of soup then looked to Zeccora. "I don't think it wise for me to sleep here, Cresent doesn't turn me into a blood thirsty monster." She looked at him. "I suppose I'll sleep at your place."

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"please no monsters live in the Forrest here besides maybe the flight might help you" cresent said jokingly "very wise Ms bolt, I'll swing by tomorrow night cresent isn't much of a fright to live with" she joked back to which the bat pony rolled his eyes soon finishing his soup

"thanks for the food and bold z " he said getting up

"anytime don't be affaire to call, and no falling behind cresent now" zecora said to both of them. Soon once cresent helped emerald up the cresent was at the door "good for a light?" he asked adjusting the saddlebag with the blood drinks

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"Good for a light what?..." She was not sure what he was asking, she assumed flight or canter or something back to his place. "Thanks Zeccora, you have my thanks for this help with me like this I'd not want to be near me like this." 

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"a light flight" cresent asked (ooc spell fail on last post)

Zecora nodded "no trouble Ms emerald, don't hesitate to fly by listen to cesent he knows how to help honest" the zebra said "I'll be honest my rhyming is going down to as the hour fly by" she yawned before giving emerald a comforting hug before they made their way out.

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"Well I should be good to fly, nothing wrong with my wings... that I know if I've not actually attempted flight as of yet in my new state." She mentioned once they were outside. She looked to her wings to see if they still listened to her which they did.

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"if things feel slow to you, let me know thing with being a vamp we are faster then mortals in terms of reacting and moving" cresent said spreading his bat wings testing the air flapping one or twice

"first lesson blood tracking and know your body, as a vamp your hearing along with you speed is increased for one primary thing" he bit his hoof enough to draw blood

"to track your prey" and after showing her his bloody hoof he soon galloped and flew ahead.

Soon emerald would hear in her head cresent voice 'dont fall behind'

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She watched him take off into the forrest. "I'm not going to have anything easily given to me am I?..." She fluttered her wings a little and took off after him. 

She could seem to sense him though she could not see nor actually hear him by what she'd consider traditional means, it was a surreal experience as she followed him.

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