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private Highschool Friendship (1x1 between me and Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle smiles and chuckles while shaking her head. "Don't be rude now, Rosie." She says while playfully shoving her best friend. "You could be right of them kissing nonstop, but they would at least know to show some restraint. Especially if Lilac is going to see her favorite dean at her old school." She walks over with Rose to the exit of the Tunnel of Love ride. As Rose began talking to the two adults, Gentle waves while being hugged by Rose. "It's nice to meet you both. My name is Gentle Rose and I'm Dynamo Pad's mother. I don't believe you know my son very well, but he's taken great care of Lilac." 

As the ride came to an end, Dynamo stood up and helped Lilac and himself out of the ride. As the exited the ride, Dynamo looked over to who Lilac was referring to. He smiles and nods while returning the hug. "It really is them. You've got a good eye when it comes to spotting other. That sounds like a good idea. I should introduce myself to them. Seeing as though I only met them briefly at the Friendship Games a few months ago." He says before taking her hand and walking to the adults. As they reached their parents, Dynamo smiles and waves at Cadence and Shining Armor. He felt nervous, but he would do his best for Lilac. "I guess that you heard from Lilac and her auntie that I'm Lilac's boyfriend. My name is Dynamo Pad. I think I saw you both at the Friendship Games, but with everything going on. I don't think there was time to introduce ourselves and such. It's a pleasure to meet you both." He says while shaking their hands.

Gentle nods with a small smile. "It's nice to hear that Cadence looked after Lilac at that school. I guess you could say Lilac had friends in high places." She giggles while shaking her head. She looked to Rose and nods in agreement. "I guess it's about that time to leave, huh? Okay, you two. Time for us to head back to the car."

Dynamo nods while covering a yawn with his hand. "I didn't think it was that late already. I guess it's a good time to leave." He says before taking Lilac's hand into his own. "Come on, Lilac. Let's go home." He smiles while kissing her cheek.

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@Dynamo Pad

Rose chuckles "Oh come on, I'm allowed a bit of fun" she giggles and gently shoves Gentle back.

Cadence smiles as she hugs Lilac "I knew she was having a hard time making friends, and she kind of reminded me of Twilight in a way" she says and then turns her attention to Dynamo "Ah yes, I've heard of you, you were the one who helped Lilac up when she was tripped over and showed the true meaning of 'friendship'?" she asks and then continued to hug Lilac "I had also heard about how you helped her at the games club from Celestia and Luna, and I saw what had happened earlier with the card game" she says and nods "I must say, it is nice to see a young man who can resolve a argument or fight without resorting to violence" she says then looks at the time "You're right it is late, and we need to get Twilight home" she says as Shining nods.

Rose smiles as she then takes Lilac's hand "It was great to see you two again" she says, waving to Cadence and Shining who had already begun looking for Twilight, "Come on kids, lets get you three home, I've told Arctic and Azure I've bumped into an old friend, but not who" she says with a chuckle, leading the way to the car, but first she smiles and looks to Dynamo, "Dynamo, can I please have a word with you? Don't worry you're not in trouble"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle giggles as Rose shoved her back. "Fair enough. Just make sure to not go overboard okay? You and that mind of yours. Always coming up with crazy ideas on how to have fun. Even crazier was that I went along with those ideas." She smiles while shaking her head at her friends antics.

Dynamo nods his head in agreement. "I think I remember seeing Twilight during the friendship games. She seemed to be very shy and nervous around others. I can see what you mean in that regard." He says before his eyes widen in surprise. "You know Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna? Do you know them in some way?" He asks before smiling softly. "Thank you and it's no big deal really. Fighting will happen here and there, but I want to settle it the way I know best. I'm just glad I was able to take care of Frozen when I had the chance. I just hope he'll stop bothering others from now on, but I highly doubt that." He said shaking his head at the possibility.

Gentle smiles while waving at the retreating figures. "It was nice to meet you both. I hope we can all meet again sometime." She calls out before heading off towards the car with the others in tow. She chuckles while giving Rose a smirk. "You are just terrible Rosie. However, that's the thing that I like most about you. I can't wait to see their surprised faces when I show up at their door." She says with glee.

Dynamo looked to Rose as she caught his attention. He nods as they reach the car, but is pulled aside by Rose. "You said you wanted to talk to me, Miss Rose? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?" He asks nervously. Even though she said he wasn't in any trouble. He still couldn't help, but feel a bit worried.


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@Dynamo Pad

Rose chuckles and shakes her head at her friend's thoughts and smiles as she sees the four converse.

"Yeah, well you see I'm actually their niece, so we talk alot, and no it's not always about work" she says with a chuckle and nods "Twilight is very shy and a little awkward, she's always been like that though" she says before nodding once more "I hope he stops bullying others too, Celestia said he was once a rather promising student, but something happened and he just completely changed. Anyway, looks like everyone else is getting ready to leave, so perhaps I shall see you around Canterlot High whenever I visit" she says waving to the group and leaves with Shining.

Rose giggles but as she pulls Dynamo aside, she chuckle "Like I said, you're not in trouble. I just...I want to apologize for before, when I reminded you about treating Lilac like a lady and all that..I'm just very protective of her and..I wanted her to have a really good time, but I see you already knew to treat her well, but then, as you are my best friend's son, I shouldn't be surprised" she says "And as a..gift of..uhm apology, I got you this, I hope you like it" she says as she gives him the deck.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Dynamo gasps in surprise, but nods in understanding. "I didn't know Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna had a niece. However, I can see some resemblance between the three of you." He says before nodding and chuckling sheepishly. "I can understand how Twilight feels. To be honest, I used to be like that a lot when I was younger. I guess I was just afraid of being myself. So, I just listened to everyone and took their advice." He closes his eyes and shook his head in shame. "I knew that would never be the right way to fit in. The only way is to be yourself and you'll find friends eventually." He opens his eyes and smiles at Cadence and Shining Armor. "I'm just glad that Lilac and Twilight were able to make friends at Canterlot High. Hopefully it'll be get better from her on out." He nods while waving back to the couple. "I hope to see you both again sometime. Farewell, Miss Cadence and Shining Armor!" 

Gentle shook her head while taking in Cadence's words. "I cannot understand what went wrong with that boy. He and Dynamo used to be such good friends. I just hope that he'll be able to change for the better one day. Otherwise, he won't get very far in life once he graduates. If he graduates, that is." She says to Rose as they reached the vehicle.

Dynamo looks in surprise at what Rose was telling him. He waved his hands while shaking his head. "No. You don't have to apologize, Miss Rose. I can understand why you would say something like that. My mom looks out for me, so I guess I can understand what you were going through at the time. I'm sorry if I took things to seriously. I just want to make everyone happy and treat Lilac with the utmost of respect." He says and gasps at the deck of cards she presented to him. He shook his head as he gently pushed the cards back to her. "I can't accept these, Miss Rose. I accept you apology, but you don't have to do something like that." He says while trying to be respectful.


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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles and holds his hands around the deck "Don't tell your mum I told you, but I had actually won a plushie for Lilac and she won this for you, but we decided to swap gifts and it was her idea to give it to you as part of my apology, so please..take it, apology or not, it'd break your mother's heart if you didn't" she says softly "Well I think it might anyway, she tried really hard to get it for you"

Lilac looks out of the car window and hugs her plushie of Cadence and smiles softly "Aside from what happened with Frost, tonight was absolutely perfect miss Step." she says softly and politely covers a little yawn, "Dynamo is just so...he's perfect to me, A little hesitant, but I can understand" she says as she continues to look out the window but was soon starting to doze off.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Dynamo looks at the deck of cards that Rose had given him. He glances back toward the car and smiles. He turns to Rose and chuckles softly. "That's just like my mom. I guess seeing how I played tonight and along with what happened today. I guess she wanted something that Lilac and I to enjoy together." He says while nodding at Rose's offer. "Okay and thank you Miss Rose. I promise to take good care of these cards. Again, I accept your apology and I thank you for letting me take Lilac out tonight." He walks up to Rose before giving her a hug. He then pulls back from the hug and yawns loudly. "I guess it's time to get home. Today was a busy day, but it was a lot of fun." He says before starting to make his way back to the car.

Gentle smiles and nods with a giggle. "His name is Frozen sweetie, but it sounds like a fitting nickname for him. Just make sure you and Dynamo don't say that name to his face." She says before nodding. "I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself tonight, Lilac. Dynamo wouldn't stop talking about tonight. He wanted you to have a perfect night and I think it was a success. I'm glad to hear that you care so much about my son. He can be hesitant because he's afraid of making a mistake or making someone angry. It happens to everyone every now and then. I've even been that way when I was a little girl. I don't think he'll have to worry with you by his side." She says, but was concerned when she got no reply. She turns and smiles at seeing Lilac had fallen asleep. She adjusts her seat and awaits for her son and Rose to return.



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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles and him back "I bet, well come on then, I don't think your mother would mind if you spent the night at Lilac's parents place, and tomorrow you can visit the shop" she says as she leads the way back to the car and smiles as they arrive and sees that Lilac had just about fallen asleep "She's so sweet and angelic when she is sleeping" she chuckles as she opens the driver's door quietly and slips in, nodding to Gentle with a small smile.

Lilac nods "Oh, Frozen.." she says in her half sleep state, "I k-know, I was a little hesitant myself, I just d-didn't want to rush things b-but it would seem it all came pretty n-naturally I guess" she says as she then dozes off to sleep.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Dynamo looks to Rose and blushes at the thought. "D-Do you think Lilac's parent's would mind if I spent the night? I w-wouldn't want to impose and all." He says nervously, but took a deep breath to calm down. He then smiles and nods. "I think that would be a good idea. I haven't visited the malt shop in quite a while. Maybe Lilac and I can plan on what to do the next day, as well." He says as he reached the car. He opened the door and smiles at how cute his girlfriend was being. "She truly is sweet and angelic. It feels wrong just to wake her up." He says as he opens the door and takes his seat. After making sure to close the door gently, he reaches out to Lilac. He grabs her gently and pulls her over to him, so that her head would rest on his shoulder.

Gentle notices the two come back and nods to Rose. "Looks like she's talking in her sleep. I don't think the two were rushing their relationship. Though, I think it'll be good for them to take it one step at a time. I trust their judgement on how the approach their relationship. I worry at times, but I know they'll come to us if they ever need help. That's a parents job after all." She whispers before closing her eyes and nods proudly.

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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles "It wont't be any trouble at all" she says and then looks to Gentle "You have every right and reason to be very proud of Dynamo" she says softly so as to not wake her niece up and starts up the ignition. As they drove off to Azure and Arctic's modest apartment, Rose looks to see Dynamo cuddled up to Lilac before returning her attention to Gentle "I trust them too, and I don't think they were either" she smiles at her and pats her leg gently "I offered for Dynamo to stay the night, hope that's not a problem"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Dynamo smiles as he wraps an arm around his girlfriend. "If it's no trouble, then I'd be okay with it. As long as it's okay with my mom." He says before slowly closing his eyes to rest. 

Gentle chuckles softly and nods in agreement. "Thank you and the same can be said for you and Lilac. You have every right to be proud of her. It seemed as if she was contemplating on asking Dynamo out all night. I felt sorry for the dear and could tell she was building confidence. She's shy, but she knows what she wants in life. With the right confidence, then she'll go far. They'll bring out the best in each other." She says softly as she felt Rose pat her leg. She hums softly while closing her eyes in thought. "Hmm...I wouldn't mind if Dynamo stays for the night. We'll be there for a while, so I guess it'll be okay. Plus, knowing Lilac right now. She'll probably be clinging to him for quite a while. I don't think he'll be going anywhere for the moment." She holds back a fit of snickering as she looks back at the young couple.



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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles "wonderful and thank you" she says quietly and continues driving "And yeah, I could tell as well, but I felt they'd do it in their own time, sure I gave a little nudge here and there, but they did it mostly themselves" she says and looks in the mirror to see the two teenagers cuddled together and smiles "I would have to agree with you there, and honestly, I haven't seen her this happy in a very long time"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle smiles and waves a hand to Rose. "You're welcome and it's no trouble, really. They probably won't leave each other's side after everything that's happened today. Now that I think about it, that just sounds adorable." She grins while squealing softly. She looks back to make sure the teenagers were still asleep and thankfully sighs softly. "There were times I could see those nudges and times I couldn't. You know your ways when it comes to dating. You'll find that special someone soon, my friend. If it's any indication on what happened tonight. Lilac and Dynamo look truly happy. He hasn't smiled like that in quite a long time. I guess they both needed this little date tonight." She says before looking curiously at Rose. "By the way. Did Dynamo like the little present that you gave him? Is everything okay now that you talked to him?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles and nods "They really do look truly happy together and you are right. Lilac needed a friend, and Dynamo needed help with coping with losing his father" she says softly "and you did too dear, I'm not saying forget about Quick Fix, always keep and hold the good memories dear and close to your heart, but you can't wallow in pity" she says and then nuzzles her as they stop at a set of traffic lights "As for the gift and the talk, yes it's all good, he's a good young man and had accepted my apology, he also said he understood why I was being like that too"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle closes her eyes and nods with a soft smile. "That's true when you think about it. I guess they both found something the other lacked." She quickly opens her eyes and looks to her friend in surprise. "I don't mean that in a bad way. I promise my son isn't using Lilac as a way of coping with the loss of his father. I know he'll be truly happy with his new girlfriend. It's just...you know what I mean, right?" She whispers quickly, but stopped as Rose nuzzles her. She smiles and nods once more. "I understand what you're saying Rose. Maybe talking to Arctic and Azure will help as well. You've done a great help and I truly appreciate everything that you've done. I'm moving on with my life, but I don't think I'll ever find someone to date, or even marry. I guess in a way Quick was the only one to take my heart. It would feel strange to find someone to have as another husband and father figure." She says and sighs in relief. "I'm glad to hear that it went well. I could imagine that he likes the trading cards that he received." She says while giggling softly. "I'm glad things are back to normal and that all is well. I'm really looking forward to seeing Arctic and Azure again." 


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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles and nods, "I know what you mean dear, don't worry about. It's like Dynamo has given Lilac the courage and strength she was needing so much, and she in turn gave him the love and friendship he needed to help him have a good time" she says and smiles once more "He at first refused the gift, but I managed to convince him to accept it" she says as she then makes a turn to the house and up the driveway. "I'm sure Azure and Arctic will be more than delighted to see you again" she says, parking the car and turning the ignition off.

As she does that, two people, one that looked almost exactly like Rose, but with a little silver in her hair and a man who looked like he had been living a good life "Ah good you're home Rose"Azure says with a giggle "I was beginning to think that you'd keep the kids out too late" she teases her twin sister.

Rose giggles "Oh that might have been the case, if i had not found out just who young Dynamo's mother is" she says as she then goes to get Gentle, then dragging her to the door "Look guys, it's Gentle Step, and well Dynamo's father and her husband is..was Quick Fix" she exclaims happily but she did get somewhat sad at the last part.

Azure gasps "Gentle! Gentle dear, is it really you! Oh my! Look at you, as beautiful as ever!" she hugs her old friend and keeps hugging her when she heard the last part of what Rose had said "Was? O-oh no, did he..Oh Gentle, I am so sorry!" she hugs her even tighter.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle sighs in relief and smiles. "I know they'll become stronger individuals in due time. The strength they gain from each other's support will help them in the future." She nods once more and giggles. "Dynamo is always modest like that. He gets that from myself and Quick. We try to be nice, kind and supportive without asking for much in return." As they reach the house and pull into the driveway, Gentle noticed two people walking out of the house. She gasps before smiling and glances at Rose. "It looks like you're right about that one, Rosie. They look as if their ecstatic to see me again." She says while making her way out of the car.

As she exited the car, Gentle was brought over to the door and was reunited with Arctic and Azure. She couldn't help, but giggle at the playful banter between Rose and Azure. She was surprised when Azure came over and pulled Gentle into a hug. Gentle smiled and returned the tight embrace from her old friend. "I can't believe it's you, Azure! Oh, it's been way too long since I last saw you." She says while pulling back from the hug. She looked at her friend and shook her head with a smile. "Thank you for the compliment, but enough about me. Just look at you, Azure. Almost as if you haven't aged a day. True, there's some silver in your hair. However, you still look just as beautiful, my dear." She says before hugging Azure once more and nodding sadly. "Thank you for the concern and i-it's okay. I-It's just been a long time and it's kind of a sensitive subject to discuss." She says before turning her attention towards Rose's car. "So...what about Dynamo and Lilac? Should we wake them up and bring them into the house? I'd hate for them to catch a cold." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Azure smiles and nods "Oh of course dear, we'll speak no more of it" she says, hugging her once more before looking in the car and a small smile crosses her face and she puts a hand over her heart "Oh my, just look at them, such darlings" she says as she goes over to the car with Gentle "Of course, Rose let us know that Dynamo would be spending the night and would be inseparable, so we already got Lilac's room ready" she says and gently scoops the sleeping Lilac into her arms, gently stroking her hair with a hand and smiling down at her "She looks so happy, I am so glad she was finally able to have fun" she says then looks to Gentle "And now she's dating Dynamo, from what Rose tells me? Honestly, I couldn't think of a better young man to date our daughter than the son of our best friends" she says softly as she starts carrying up Lilac up to her room and leading the way.

After reaching Lilac's room, she gently lays her down onto the bed, but she soon wakes up "Mm mummy?" she asks cutely and hugs her tightly, making Azure smile and hug her back.

"Yes dear, mummy is here, go and get ready for bed, Dynamo will be up here soon, Gentle is just getting him" Azure says, running a hand through her hair.

Lilac nods and smiles as she watches Azure leave and she begins to get changed.

Gentle waited outside "She's getting changed" she whispers to Gentle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle smiles sadly and shook her head. "No, it's okay Azure. I want to talk about it. You and Arctic have every right to know on what happened. We can talk about it when the kids go off to bed. I also agree with you on that, my friend. They truly are such darlings. They look adorable together. You should have seen how cute they were on their date." She says and nods to Azure. "I talked about it with Rose and I think it'll be okay. Do you want me to come pick them up tomorrow, or did you want me to stay?" She asked while wondering what the plan would be. She smiles softly and giggles. "She and Dynamo had a nice time at the arcade and fair. There was a small mishap, but Dynamo kept Lilac safe from any danger. Thank you and that really means a lot to me and my son. It warms my heart to hear that you approve of my son dating your daughter." She says while gently shaking her son's shoulder to wake him up. "Time to wake up, honey. We're at Lilac's house now. I don't want you to fall asleep in the car. You don't want to catch a cold, right?" Dynamo woke up, but still felt a little drowsy, but nods as he exited the vehicle. "O-Okay, mom. Don't worry, okay? I'm up, I'm up." He says with a yawn, while rubbing his eyes.

Gentle placed a hand on Dynamo's shoulder, as she helped her son into the house. The two made their way up the stairs and tried to look for Lilac's room. Gentle noticed an open door and proceeded to the open door. Gentle peeked around the door and smiles, as she saw Azure make her way out of the room. Dynamo sat down against the wall outside of the room, so he could wait for Lilac. Gentle nods and giggles at the state her son was in. "I guess it was a long day, so they are probably exhausted. I'm surprised I was able to get my son up the stairs. Thanks for letting me know Azure." 


Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Azure smiles as she stood outside of the room as well, waiting for Lilac to finish getting changed "Of course dear, and well it ls late" she says, looking at her phone "I won't hear about you going home at this time of night, Arctic and I prepared for this, so we already prepared the guest room for you" she says "We didn't know exactly who would be visiting when Rose said she bumped into an old friend, she was always the social butterfly, but we truly are glad it is you" she says and leans against the wall. "You're right about that, I would have woken Lilac up, but she was so cute, I figured I'd let her wake up on her own"

Lilac then came out of the room in an oversized tshirt like nightie and covers a cute yawn "Y-you can get changed now Dynamo" she says softly 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle smiles as she raised her hands in the air. "Okay, okay. I give up Azure. I can't argue when it comes to my friends, so I'll stay for the night." She says with a soft giggle. "Thank you and I truly appreciate it. I'm glad Rosie didn't say anything on who was stopping by. I wanted to surprise you and Arctic. It truly has been quite a long time since I last saw you both. I guess our lives got really busy, that we didn't really have time to keep in touch." She says and giggles once more while shaking her head. "I can't argue with you there. Rosie was always sociable with everyone. I guess that's how she became friends with Quick and then me."

Dynamo pulled his legs up to his chest and rested his chin on his knees. He wrapped his arms around his legs as he felt his eyes become heavy. He felt like he was going to fall asleep again, but he stayed awake as he heard a voice calling out to him. He looks up to see Lilac walking out of her room in her pajamas. He had a faint blush on his cheeks at how cute Lilac looked. "I-I would, but I don't have any pajama's to change into." He says tiredly, while rubbing the back of his neck.

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@Dynamo Pad

Arctic smiles "Already ahead of you there Dynamo, here you can borrow one of my tshirts, it should serve well enough for the night" he says, handing it to Dynamo and smiles at Gentle "It is indeed was a rather nice surprise to see that you are the mother of our daughter's friend and boyfriend, and you are right though, our lives did get very busy." he says as he hugs Lilac while she waits for Dynamo to get changed, "The funny thing is, Azure here was just telling me that she was wondering how you were doing these days earlier" he says and Azure smiles and nods.

"I was actually going through our old photo albums, as I thought I had recognized someone in Dynamo, and then when I came across you and Quick, I started reminiscing on the early days of our youth and was hoping that we would get to see you again" Azure says with a fond smile "lilac sweetie, go brush your teeth okay?"

Lilac nods and walks off to the bathroom.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Dynamo smiles and yawns before taking the shirt from Arctic. "Okay and thank you Mr. Arctic. I'll be right back." He says as he heads into Lilac's room to get changed. Gentle smiles and nods as Arctic joined the group. "I know what you mean Arctic. When I saw your Lilac, I knew I saw a bit of you and Azure in her. She reminds me so much of Azure in our younger years." She says while raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "What have you been doing since we graduated? I mean, I know you two wanted to go into being ambassador's, right? Were you able to achieve your dreams? If so, how has that career been?" She says and nods. "I've been doing better. Much better than what happened a year ago. So far, I've been continuing my dance classes with other hopeful students. While at the same time, I've been taking care of my son. I'm just glad he and I are doing much better on the road to recovery." She sighs while leaning against the wall. She looks to Azure and Arctic with a calm and grateful smile. "I'm really glad I got to meet you all again. It really takes me back to the good old days, you know?"

Dynamo exits the room in his pajamas while looking at his mom, who was conversing with Lilac's parents. He looks around the hallway, but couldn't find her anywhere. "Has anyone seen Lilac? I know she was just here a few minutes ago." He says while feeling concerned about his girlfriend. Gentle smiles and points to the bathroom. "She went to go brush her teeth. You should brush your teeth as well, young man. You don't want to go to the dentist now, do you?" She asks with a smirk. Dynamo shook his head as he yawned and rubbed his eyes. "No, I don't mom and okay. I'll go brush my teeth." He says as he makes his way toward the bathroom.

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@Dynamo Pad

Azure smiles and nods as she hugs Arctic "Yeah, it took us quite a while at college and then we had to work our way up the ladder, but here we are. Cloudsdale's ambassadors and councilors" she says "Arctic here is even in the senate now too, I'm so proud of him" she hugs him tightly, making him smile..

Arctic smiles at Dynamo and nods "You're welcome son" he says before turning his attention to Gentle "I'd have to say that the only downside to being in politics, is being away from Lilac for so long and so many times, but we are lucky she has our Rose here to look after her, for which we are both very grateful" he says, making the mare giggle and blush a little "And you've done a really good job at raising Dynamo, Gentle" he says to her, still hugging Azure, "And it is good to hear that you've been doing well with coping with Quick's passing, and that you've been teaching at your dance studio still. Do what you love, is what I always say" he says.

Lilac was just about finishing up with brushing her teeth when she sees Dynamo walk in wearing one of Arctic's tshirts and giggles, "Hi honey" she says softly and hugs him before getting a hair brush and begins to brush her hair.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle whistles at Arctic and Azure, as she felt impressed on her friends achieved their dreams. "That's pretty amazing. I remember how you always wanted to be an ambassador, Arctic. I remember Azure had your back in your dreams and even had the same dream. I'm just proud and glad to hear you both made your dreams possible." She frowns and nods, but gives Arctic and Azure a soft smile. "You probably knew what you were getting yourselves into when you took these jobs. I'm sorry to hear about not having a lot of time to spend with Lilly. However, at least Rose is here to look after her. Even so, you still find time to spend with your daughter. There's also Dynamo, who is her boyfriend now. Everything will work out for the best for everyone. I just know it." She says before placing a hand over her heart.

"Thank you and it wasn't easy. Quick and I worked hard to raise our son to be who he is today. I also remember hearing those words. You told that to all of us when we graduated high school. Quick and I took those words with us wherever we went. Those words helped us to find out jobs in welding, racing and dancing respectively. I may have lost my husband, but I knew I couldn't just give up and feel sorry for myself. I had to continue what I loved and what I was passionate about. It's the same thing when it comes to my son. He wants to work hard and make his father proud." She says with a kind and true smile. The smile soon faded, as she looked to everyone in concern. "I suppose you would want to hear what happened to Quick, right? Should I tell you all privately when the kids are asleep?"

As Dynamo entered the bathroom, he saw Lilac, who was finishing up on brushing her teeth. He chuckles and smiles as he returns the hug. "Hey there, sweetheart." He pulls back from the hug and grabs a toothbrush, as he begins to brush his teeth. 


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