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private Highschool Friendship (1x1 between me and Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Dynamo Pad

Arctic smiles and nods "I'm glad to see that Dynamo is growing to be a fine young man, just like how we never thought that Quick would grow up, but I guess we were wrong" he says and hugs Gentle "And yes you are right, let us talk about what happened when the kids are asleep, I don't think they need to hear about it in detail, especially not Dynamo, we wouldn't want him to have to relive that memory" he says and then sees Dynamo make his way to the bathroom and smiles "Are you hungry or thirsty Gentle? We've got plenty to drink and eat" he says softly.

Lilac smiles and kisses his cheek before resuming her brushing of her hair, she smiles at him "I really enjoyed myself tonight Dynamo, thank you for saying yes to going on this date with me"


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@Dream Walker

Gentle smiles as she tries to hold back a giggle. "Now that's just cold, Arctic. Quick may have been childish at times, but he could always make the worst of times feel like a distant memory. I guess it was that infectious smile of his that made life great." She smiles softly as she recalled memories of her late husband. She gasped suddenly as a stray tear had suddenly cascaded down her face. "I'm so sorry about that. I do miss him very much. It's nice to look back at the good times with him. His smile and attitude helped everyone out when things were difficult." She says apologetically and nods. "You could say that Dynamo turned out the way he did thanks to me. He may have his father's goofy nature, but he takes more after his mother, in my opinion." She says and nods at the offer. "A glass of iced tea would be nice, if that's okay. Also, thank you because you three have every right to know what happened to him. I know it's difficult to bring up, but talking about it really does help."

Dynamo smiles as he finishes brushing his teeth. After using some mouthwash, he turns to Lilac and kisses her cheek. "You're welcome and it's no problem, Lilac. If you asked me again to go out with you, then I would say yes every time. I had a great time tonight as well and I'm glad we're going out together. I'm looking forward to spending time with my girlfriend." He pulls Lilac into a hug and holds her close in his arms.

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@Dynamo Pad

Arctic rubs the back of his neck "I-I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that we all thought he'd always stay mostly childish with his goofiness and fun nature" he explains "Ah sorry, I guess being this blunt has just become second nature to me now, sometimes the other politicians I have to deal with can be so dense, that I have no choice to be this blunt." he says then smiles a little "But really, it was that constant goofy and childlike nature of his that we loved about him, and you are right Gentle, he always managed to make our days better whenever one of us were feeling down or in the dumps" he says, nodding as he watched his wife Azure go to make the iced tea, "In all honesty, I actually sometimes thought he'd hook up with Rose here, simply because of how alike they were most of the time"

Rose just chuckles "Yeah I thought that too, but I could see his pure and sweet love for you Gentle from a mile away, so I backed off, and I'm glad I did, You two were truly meant for each other" she says as she then pokes her head into the bathroom "Kids, we'll be in the living room should you need or want anything" she says to Dynamo and Lilac before leading the way to the living room, she then looks at Gentle and hugs her, "It does help, I should know, I've lost a few very close friends over the years, and it still haunts me to this day" she says before letting go "think I could have one of those shakes, dear sister?"

Azure giggles "You made them, so of course, I'll bring it over" she says as then puts some buns and rolls in the oven while bringing over the iced tea for Gentle, a milkshake for Rose, a glass of wine for herself and a scotch on the rocks for Arctic. After setting the drinks down, she sits down next to Arctic and holds his hand in hers, sipping on her wine "So tell us dear, what exactly happened to Quick?" she asks "He always seemed so healthy and fit"


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@Dream Walker

Gentle smiles softly and waves her hand to Arctic. "Don't worry, Arctic. I know exactly what you mean. Quick could be oblivious on certain things from time to time. Sometimes I had to be blunt as well, so I can relate to that. Sometimes when someone says something, it can go in one ear and out the other to cause the person to be dense. I'm just glad Quick was great friends with you. Otherwise, you would have been a pure stick in the mud with that attitude of yours." She giggles while giving Arctic an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, but you can't help in admitting that to be true." She looks to Rose and nods. "I remember you and I were competing for Quick's attention. I guess he saw my kind nature and saw something special in me. I was afraid he wouldn't like me with my somewhat rude attitude. I can tell you I wasn't nice most of the time, but that was only if you made me extremely angry. I appreciate that you backed off when Quick and I were going out, Rosie." She says while placing a hand on Rose's shoulder. She returns the hug and nods. "I'm so sorry to hear about that. Never forget that I'm here for you if you want to talk about it, Rosie. You're my friend and we just reunited. I don't want to lose contact with my oldest and greatest friends." She says as she follows the others to the living room, but not before turning head back to the bathroom. "If you fall asleep, then goodnight and sweet dreams you two. We'll see you in the morning." 

Dynamo nods while calling out to Gentle. "Okay and I love you mom! Goodnight!" Gentle smiles as she follows the group to the living room. After taking a seat on the couch, she is given her iced tea by Azure. After nodding thankfully to Azure, Gentle takes a sip of her drink before placing it on the coffee table. She lowers her gaze, before taking a deep breath and looking to her friends. "Quick was healthy and doing fine. At least...at first he was. After graduating high school, he took up welding as a career. His father was a welder, so he wanted to be just like his dad. The only problem was that while he wore the welder helmet, he never wore a mask over his mouth. When it comes to welding pieces together, the pieces have dust flying in the air. Not wearing a mask caused the dust to get inhaled into his mouth. Over time, the dust accumulated and he had what was known as welder's lungs. It's where the dust made one of his lungs completely useless." She felt herself begin to tremble as she recalled her memories. She didn't want to finish, but knew that her friends should know the truth. She took a couple of deep breaths to help calm herself down.

"He could only use half of his lung capacity, but he was still well enough to still be himself. He worked at a race track and either raced, or helped other racer's to sign up. As the years went by, Quick became a little light headed and had to sit down more. I became concerned and decided to take him to the hospital. It was there that we found out that he had cancer. We were all worried, but we knew we all had to stay strong together. We gave him radiation and chemo therapy. A few months of the treatment and he looked like he was getting back to his old self. However, we found out that the radiation damaged his other good lung. Even with a transplant, his lungs were too heavily damaged. One day, he...he j-just said that he was done struggling. I called my son and we went over to say goodbye to him. W-We were both devastated because we felt that it wasn't his time to go." As she finished, she felt tears beginning to sting her eyes. She wiped her tears away, but found more tears forming as time went on.


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@Dynamo Pad

The three listened carefully to what their dear friend had to say about her departed husband, and Rose just hugged her close "Shh, it's okay sweetie, you can cry, and it wasn't his time, but he was in pain and suffering from it too much" she says "I-I'm sorry, I have been through losing friends due to overdoses, but..this is something different, I-I just don't now what to say" she says, continuing to hug her tightly, tearing up herself.

Arctic gently places a hand on Gentle's knee "Losing a loved one is hard, but I am sure you and Dynamo are both very strong and can instead of pitying yourselves, think of and reflect on all of the good times you had as a family." he smiles softly at her "And I am very sure that Quick is proud of the both of you, especially Dynamo, losing a parent at such a young age, wouldn't be easy, yet he is strong and will push on through. After what Rose told us of how he handled the incident at the arcade and fair tonight, I know for sure that Quick would be smiling down on him for how he handled it, and on you also, for how you continue to raise him to the best of your abilities alone, none the less" he says "He's definitely growing up to be a very fine young man and if he had the aptitude for it, he could become a politician himself, heck he'd be a great politician as he'd be able to resolves issues without resulting to war" he says.

Azure smiles and also hugs her friend "You won't be alone in raising him anymore dear heart, if you ever need anything, anything at all, you know where we are, and we'll give you our numbers, come to us, and we will do everything we can to help you" she says "Even if it is anything like medical bills, food, paying of the morgage, we will help, promise" she says, hugging her still.

Lilac had picked up her kittens who were on her bed and smiled as the puppies were now also on the bed, she then lays down and sighs happily "It's good to be home, I hope mummy and daddy will stay home for a while now" she says softy, snuggling up to her little pets.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle felt Rose hug her as she continued to cry. She nods as she rested her head in the crook of Rose's neck. She hugged her friend tight as she let go of all the pain she held in her heart. After what felt like an eternity of lettering her emotions go, Gentle took a few deep breaths to calm down. She hugged Rose and gives her a sad smile. "You don't have to say anything. I'm sorry that you lost some important friends in your life. It's difficult to process things when it comes to losing someone."

Gentle felt Arctic place a hand on her knee and nods. "At first we had to mourn over the lose of Quick, but over time we came to accept it. We didn't want to, but we knew we had each other to support ourselves." She smiles softly as she wiped the dry tear stains on her cheeks. "I know he would be proud of us both. Dynamo had to take responsibility as the man of the house. There are times where he thinks about his father, but it can't be helped. We can't just not think of the people we care so much for, right? I think he would be smiling down at Dynamo right now. Rose and I saw the entire time how well he handled the situation. I just want to raise my son to be happy and have a bright future for himself." She says and giggles while shaking her head. "Oh, trust me Arctic. You can try, but my son has his dreams set. He wants to be a professional video game player. Just like those gamer's at EVO tournaments. I know he also wants to make games some day and maybe even open up his own game shop. Besides, I don't think he would want to be a politician. I don't think he'd ever want to be away from Lilac. No offense, Arctic." She says while giving an apologetic smile.

Gentle smiled once more, as she felt more tears were beginning to form in her eyes. "Thank you so much, Azure. That truly means a lot to me and my son. I'm really glad to know that he'll have others to watch over him. Just in case something ever happens to me, but hopefully not for a long time." She says while returning Azure's hug. "Everything is okay for the moment. However, if anything ever happens, then we won't hesitate on asking for help. You three are my oldest friends and I know we would always look out for each other." 

As Dynamo exits the bathroom, he follows Lilac until they reach her room. As he entered her room, he saw that she was laying on her bed with her kittens and puppies. He smiles as he takes a seat on the bed and pets a kitten on the head. "It must be nice to be home, huh? I'm guessing you spend most of your time with your aunt Rose? I hope they stay for a little while as well. I know they'd love to catch up with my mom and spend time with you."



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@Dynamo Pad

Azure, Arctic and Rose all smile and nod, Rose just pats her back before letting go of the hug "There you are, it feels good to finally let it all out, doesn't it sweetie?" she asks and smiles sweetly at her "and we all understand, but yes, Quick would be extremely proud of you two, As for the help, we would do anything, even if it's something as small as Dynamo spending after hours at my shop with Lilac while you teach dancing or if you just need some alone time. I don't think Lilac would mind anyway" she says then frowns a little at the part of losing close ones, she sighs and shakes her head "It stung a lot when it happened yes, but I saw it coming, being friends with hippies and metal heads, who often partook in drugs, no matter how much I tried to subtly get them to stop, I wasn't...I wasn't..." she stops then sees Arctic place a hand on her shoulder, she takes a deep breath "The life of a hippie can be very fun, but also dangerous." she says then smiles "Top up dear?" she asks as she gets up to get another shake.

Lilac smiles and nods "It will be nice, and hopefully I will have my painting finished soon, and in time for their wedding anniversary" she says, snuggling up to her pets, though only some of them, as the others had gone over to say hello to Dynamo, those that did were one of the husky puppies and a ragdoll kitten.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle felt as if a weight was lifted off of her shoulders, as she felt her friends pat her on the back. "I truly do feel a little better. I know these feelings will never go away, but you're right when you said that I need to think on the positive side of things. Talking about it truly does help when it comes to talking about problems and feelings." She nods as she pulls all three of them into a group hug. She soon pulls back from the hug and smiles. "Thank you all so much for the help. You three truly are the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for. I think that would be nice for Dynamo to spend time with Lilac while I teach at my dance class. Usually he would be at the arcade helping out Pinball Wizard. It's sort of like a job for my son, but at the same time it isn't." She says before pulling Rose into a comforting hug. "Shh...it's okay Rosie. The important thing is that you tried to help them even when they didn't listen. That still shows how much of a great friend that you truly are. That kind of life does sounds dangerous, but I'm glad to know that you're okay. I remember how you talked a lot about that kind of life when we were in school. You were really engrossed by the subject." She says, before pulling back from the hug and nods once more. "Yes, I would like another refill on my iced tea. Thank you and I appreciate it, Rose."

Dynamo chuckles as the husky puppy crawled up to him and licked his cheek. He pets the puppy, as the kitten curls up on his lap and purring happily. "I hope you get the painting done soon, but I know you'll be able to finish it. When is your parent's wedding anniversary anyway?" He asks before looking at the clock on her nightstand. Seeing how it was late, he gently laced the puppy and kitten back on the bed. He got up from the bed and yawns while stretching. "It's starting to get late, so I guess it's time for bed. Do you know where I'll be sleeping tonight? Is there a spare room in the house that I can use?"




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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles and gets another ice tea for Gentle "Of course bestie" she says with a giggle and shakes her head "Ah the fantasies of my youth. The whole drugs and rock and roll part were slightly too real at times" she says as she gives Gentle the new ice tea and sits back down "I guess, knowing that one day I would be an auntie and that I had to become more sensible had helped ground me and to mature a bit" she says and looks to Azure and Arctic "and honestly you two, I am so happy I did, I truly enjoy helping you to raise and look after Lilac"

Azure smiles "You're welcome, but I always knew you would get some sense and grow up from those days" she then looks to Rose "I'm honestly surprised you didn't try just playfully flirting with Dynamo,he does look quite a lot like his father"

Rose chuckles "Nah, like with Gentle and Quick, I could tell he was enamored with our Lilly and our Lilly with him" she giggles and shakes her head "Think we should just check on the kids?" she asks softly.

Lilac giggles "Uhm well..my bed?" she asks "I mean it's not like we're not dating and all that and you know..I trust you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle smiles as she is given a fresh cup of iced tea. "Thanks again Rose. I guess that's why they called the sixties groovy. I guess it took away troubles and saw things in a different perspective. I can't say because I've never had the journey you had, my friend." She says while placing a hand on Rose's shoulder. "I'm just grateful that you are still here with us. I'd hate to lose who I considered my best friend in high school. You, Azure and I were practically inseparable, in my opinion." She giggles and shook her head at Azure and Rose. "I honestly would have been surprised if you flirted with my son. I remember how you tried to embarrass some of the guys in school. You even tried to embarrass Quick, but he seemed to be oblivious to it all." She giggles and nods. "I do thank you though, Rosie. I'm glad you let Dynamo take Lilly out and let them become a couple. I think we should check up on them and see if they're okay."

Dynamo's breath was hitched in his throat as a blush appeared on his face. "O-Oh, uh...okay. That makes sense, when you put it that way. I-It's just...I wanted to respect personal space and not make you feel uncomfortable, or something like that. I'm glad you trust me Lilac because I trust you as well." He says before walking over and laying himself down on the bed.

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@Dynamo Pad

Rose just chuckles at that "Oh yes, I remember. And the reactions of some of the guys at school was hilarious!" she exclaims and rolls around in laughter before regaining her composure "Hehe, sorry about that everyone, it was just those memories were quite good to remember" she says and wipes her tears away "And nah, I may act younger than I am, but Dynamo aside from being absolutely smitten with Lilac, he's a bit young for my tastes" she giggles and sips more on her shake.

Lilac smiles as she then snuggles under the blankets "mm goodnight Dynamo, you too my little fluffy darlings" she says to her pets as they snuggle up to her lovingly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle nods and chuckles as well. "I guess those guys couldn't handle your charm and personality. You were sort of like a wild child, but you had those moments where you could be calm and serious." She smiles and shakes her head, as Rose was rolling along the floor in a laughing fit. She waved her hand to Rose in response to her antics. "Oh, don't worry about it Rosie. To be honest, it reminds me of the good times. It's good to remember the good times. I'm feeling sort of nostalgic tonight." She says and giggles once more. "Don't let the kids hear you say that. Lilac would never let Dynamo go after hearing that." She says before taking another drink of her iced tea.

Dynamo smiles and nods, as he pulls the blanket over them. "Goodnight Lilac. I'll see you in the morning." He pulls Lilac into a hug and cuddles with her. He blushes, but smiles softly as he allowed sleep to take hold of him.

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@Dynamo Pad

Rose just chuckles "I don't think she would let him go regardless, dear Gentle" she says and smiles "But I don't blame her, For a young girl like Lilac, Dynamo is perfect. He is a true gentleman and treats her like a lady should be treated, he takes his relationship with her seriously, and even if they were just friends, he would still treat it seriously, just like you Gentle, but he also has his father's goofy nature and knows how to make her smile and how to relax" she says, smiling at Gentle "Honestly, I was so happy when you two got together, you balanced each other quite nicely, and it would seem that Dynamo got nothing but the best from the both of you"

Arctic smiles and nods "Indeed Gentle, Rose here is right, even from the short time I spent talking with him at the school after the first incident, I could tell that he has a good heart and his head mostly screwed on right" he says with a chuckle "He's a good lad and with plenty of hard work and dedication, he can achieve anything he puts his mind to" he says and sips on his wine "and if he comes to me in the future to ask my permission to marry Lilac, he will have our blessings"

Lilac smiled softly as she snuggled up to Dynamo and kisses his cheek while the pets snuggled up to them as well, all within cuddling and petting reach "Goodnight Dynamo, hope you sleep well" she says sleepily before drifting off to dream land.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle smiles and giggles, as she took another sip of her drink. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I can easily see myself and Quick in my son. I'm glad to see that he treats ladies right. I made sure to teach him some proper etiquette on how to treat girls. I'm just glad Lilac found my son and not some rude and disrespectful individual. I remember there being some guys like that back in our day. True, we didn't have many guys like that, but overtime the trend just increased." She shook her head in disgust. "I just can't understand it. What happened to a good and healthy relationship?" She says while smiling and nods, but frowns softly. "While you're right about my son being like Quick and I. He does tend to have our bad sides as well. He can be oblivious like Quick and has my attitude and bad temper. He keeps everything in check, but it happens from time to time. I promise he wouldn't harm or upset Lilac."

Gentle tries to hold back a laugh, but couldn't help in snickering at Arctic. "When you put it that way, it sounds like he made a better impression that Quick. I'll never understand how you and Quick became friends in the first place. You two looked more opposite in personality than anyone in our school years." She grins and nods. "I agree with you on that. I've seen him come home with a trophy here and there for video games. He's got some good potential, but he isn't invincible. He has his limits to gaming and he knows that. I worry he'll overwork himself to exhaustion. I know it sounds silly, but it's a parent's job to worry about their child." She says, as she raises and eyebrow and shakes her head at Arctic. "I'm glad you think that way, Arctic. However, they just met and started dating. I hope they don't get married for quite a while. I want them to enjoy the relationship and not rush into anything. That, and I hope he doesn't take as long to propose like Quick did for me." She says while pouting at the memory.

Even though Dynamo was asleep, he could vaguely hear what Lilac had said to him. He smiles softly, as he felt the kiss that she placed upon his cheek. He pulled her closer towards, as a means of protecting her from harm in her sleep.

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@Dynamo Pad

Arctic smiles "Well you know what they say, opposites attract" he says and chuckles "I guess I knew I needed a good friend who could make me smile and have fun with, and who wouldn't get too frustrated with me when I was being a stick in the mud" he says.

Rose chuckles "A stick? Dear brother in law, you were more like a massive log in the mud, so serious all the time" she giggles, and surprisingly, Arctic nodded in return.

"I suppose you're right, but then it was whittled down to a stick, due to the great friends I made at school" he then looks to everyone "and yes I know, I can still be a stick in the mud, but I like to think that I've gotten better with having fun and enjoying life, and now..." he looks to Gentle "I promise to do more to do so, in memory of Quick," he says, looking up as if to show he was seeing Quick smiling down on them, but then covers a yawn before finishing his wine "Well, it's getting late, I think we ought to hit the hay for the night" he says as he stands up.

Rose and Azure both smile and gets up "Come on Gentle, we'll show you to your room" Rose says as she begins leading the way to the guest room that had been prepared for her.

Meanwhile in the dream realm

Lilac opens her eyes and looks around her, she then sees that she is holding a scepter like the one that Dark Magician Girl holds and she then looks at what she was wearing and gasps "Oh my! Wow, I'm dressed like Dark Magician Girl!" she exclaims and continues to look around to see if maybe Dynamo was there as well, as Luna was well known to join dreams together of two people in love, to make the dreams more special.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle nods in agreement at Arctic. "I guess you're right. I mean, look at Quick and I. We seemed to be complete opposites to each other, but we became so close over the years. I guess that's how you two became friends. He saw the good in you and you were basically best buddies for as long as I remember." She says and chuckles alongside Rose. "I know what you mean, Rosie. Not a day went by when Arctic would be pretty grumpy. It was always rare if we ever saw him crack a smile. While it was more apparent when Quick made a funny joke here and there. I think it was Azure here, who helped bring Arctic out of his shell."

She smiles and places a hand on Arctic's shoulder. "I'm glad you feel that way. I know Quick would be glad to see how far you've gone in life. You fulfilled your dreams and you're doing your best to live a good life. You've truly changed for the better Arctic." She says before rubbing her eyes and yawns. She nods while standing up from her seat and finishing her tea. "I guess you're right. It's getting late and we all need the rest after a busy day today." She says and nods once more, as she begins to follow Rose towards the guest room. "Thank you and that sounds like a plan. Lead the way, my old friend."

Meanwhile in the dream realm

Dynamo opens his eyes to see a dark, yet starlit field. He looks around to gather his bearings on where he was. He looks down, as he begins to notice a green staff that he was holding in his hand. It looked as if it was the same staff as the Dark Magician uses. He looks again and notices the outfit that he was wearing. "Oh, wow! I-I'm dressed as the Dark Magician. I don't know why, but this is pretty cool!" He exclaims excitedly and in awe. "I wonder if this is dream that would have Yugi Muto as well. I doubt it, since Yu-Gi-Oh is an anime, after all." He says to himself and chuckles. He wondered if Lilac was in the dream as well. He begins to walk around the area to see if there was anyone else in the dream realm as he was.

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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles as she leads Gentle to the guest room, where there was a large king size plush bed with fluffed pillows and a nice soft and warm blanket "Well, welcome to your temporary home for the night" she says and smiles at Gentle "My door is right next to yours on the left, so if you need or want anything, don't be shy" she says, kissing her best friend on the cheek and giggling before skipping away.,

In the dream realm

Lilac saw him from a distance and called out his name "Dynamo! Over here!" she calls out and runs to him and hugs him "I see you're in the dream too and you're dressed like the Dark Magician, just like how i am dressed like that Dark Magician Girl" she giggles and holds his hand "I wonder if our dream is connected due to what had happened earlier tonight?" she asks and hugs him "Regardless, I like it, I know I'll now be safe in my dreams because you are here"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Gentle continues to follow Rose until they finally reached the door to the guest room. As she walks into the room, she could see the giant king sized bed, fluffed pillows and warm blankets. She smiles and hugs her best friend. "Thank you again for the hospitality, Rosie. I really do appreciate all that you, Arctic and Azure have done today." She nods and giggles as she felt Rose kiss her cheek. She smiles as she kisses Rose on the cheek. "If there's anything I need, then I won't hesitate to ask you. Goodnight and I'll see you all in the morning." She says as she watches her friend skip away. She closes the door and makes her way towards the bed. She enters the bed as she lays her head down on the fluffy pillows. The combination of the soft pillows and the warm blankets were enough to lull her to sleep.

In the dream realm 

Dynamo continued to walk around the field, but he still couldn't find anyone around the area. He soon heard a voice call out to him, so he began to turn around frantically to find the source. He then notices a figure running up to him dressed up as the Dark Magician Girl. He then realized that it was Lilac as she reaches his position and hugs him. He was surprised at first, but soon relaxes and smiles while returning the hug. "It's so great to see you Lilac." He says as he pulls back from the hug. He couldn't help, but blush as how cute his girlfriend looked. "You're right. I honestly thought I was the only one in this dream, but I guess I was wrong. You also look really cute as the Dark Magician Girl. She really seems to suit you, sweetheart." He says as he takes her hand into his. He shook his head with a confused look on his face. "I would guess us dressed up like this is a part of what happened today. However, I can't understand why though. Don't get me wrong. I think this is really cool, but I wonder if there's a meaning behind it." He returns the hug and places a kiss upon her cheek. "You won't have to worry about a think, my love. I promise that I will always protect you." He says while looking at her with nothing, but warmth and love in his eyes.


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@Dynamo Pad

Lilac smiles "I know I will be safe whenever you are around sweetie, but this is actually pretty cool don't you think? I mean..." she hugs him once more "We can see how we will look if when we decide to cosplay as these characters" she says as she walks around the dream realm, holding his hand "And I must say, you look great as the Dark Magician" she says and kisses his cheek "It really suits you" she giggles and looks around "Though I wonder what you'd look like as a Pokemon trainer with your own pokemon following you around" she giggles once more and kisses his cheek.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Dynamo grins as he returns the embrace. "I think this is pretty cool. This does give us ideas on what to cosplay in the future. The only challenge is to either buy the outfits or make them. It would be worth it cause these outfits are pretty neat." He says before taking her hand in his and walking around the dream realm. He smiles with a light blush on his cheeks. "Thank you and I can say the same towards you. You look perfect as the Dark Magician Girl. You look beautiful and you look just like her in the card game." He smiles as he kisses her back on the cheek. He furrowed his eyebrows as he was deep in thought. "That would be something to think about. I mean, we are in a dream, right? So, maybe we could change our outfits to something Pokemon related. I think it would be awesome to have my own Pokemon with me. Maybe Houndoom, Espeon, or one of the starters!" He exclaimed as he felt Lilac kiss his cheek once more. "How about you? What Pokemon trainer would you be, as well as your Pokemon?" 


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@Dynamo Pad

"Starter wise? Litten or maybe Snivy, or Cindaquill" she says with a giggle and hugs him closer "Other than that, an Eevee or even a Sylveon or Umbreon, or even a Leafeon, I mean Leafeon and Sylveon both just look so cute, soft and cuddly" Lilac giggles and then, just as what Dynamo had mentioned, as it was in a dream, the Pokemon appeared and snuggled up to Lilac. She looked so happy as she snuggled up to them. "Come on sweetie, they're really friendly and snuggly" she says, bringing Dynamo over "a-and thank you, but I know you always think I look beautiful"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Dynamo smiles and chuckles. "I wouldn't be surprised if you picked Litten. It's a cat after all and I know you like cats. If I had to go with a starter, then I would say either Popplio. I have a few other favorites, but I'll say Popplio for now." He whistles at the choice of Pokemon and hugs her close. "I think those are lovely choices for you. Sylveon seems to fit you pretty well." He says before looking towards Lilac's direction of sight. His eyes widen at the appearance of all the Pokemon they mentioned. He smiles at the adorable sight of the Pokemon snuggling up to Lilac. As Lilac was bringing him over, Dynamo gasps as the Houndoom ran up and tackled him to the ground. Dynamo couldn't help but laugh, as the Pokemon began to shower his face with licks. "O-Okay, okay Houndoom. Down boy." He chuckles as he finally sat up. He felt the Pokemon snuggle against him as the Popplio sat in his lap. He smiles, but sighs sadly. "If only they were real, but this is better than nothing." He says before turning his attention toward his girlfriend. "You're welcome, but it's true, you know? I want to always remind you of how beautiful you look and how adorable you are." He smiles sheepishly with a blush, as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand. He raises an eyebrow as he turns looks toward Lilac once more. "Speaking of Pokemon. Which trainer would you be from the game? I wonder if we can become the trainers, since this is the dream realm." He closes his eyes while mumbling out his thoughts.

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@Dynamo Pad

Lilac smiles and giggles as she saw Dynamo's favorite pokemon be all friendly and loving towards him "I know, I would love to have these cuties for real, but we could always get plushies of them" she says and then nods "I don't see why not, like you said, it is a dream, so lets try, though i do like this look" she says and then suddenly her outfit changed to a nice skirt, runners, top and cap "oooh look, it worked" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Dynamo smiles and nods in agreement. "That's true when you think about it. Although, I don't think some would be made into a plush. I've never seen a Houndoom plush before while looking online. I could be wrong, since I've seen custom plush of them being made at a convention once before." He says while shrugging his shoulders. His eyes widen as a new outfit suddenly appeared. A blush became present upon his cheeks at how adorable his girlfriend looked. "You look beautiful Lilac. You look just like Serena from Pokemon X and Y. I still can't believe this worked. Yet again, this is the dream realm, so I guess it make sense." He says while resting a hand upon his knee. He closed his eyes and tapped his kneecap, as he tried to think of an outfit that would resemble a Pokemon trainer. A few seconds later, he opens his eyes and snaps his fingers as an idea formed in his mind. Suddenly his outfit changed to a blue and white jacket, blue pants, runners and a red hat with sunglasses. "I can't believe it. I look like Calem from the game as well. How do I look, Lilac?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Lilac was snuggling all the pokemon who were snuggling up to the shy and cute young girl "You look cute Dynamo, but to be honest, I will always prefer you as you are in the real world" she smiles and leans up to kiss his cheek "and I am really happy that our friends are best friends, I could see that your mummy was really sad, she didn't show it , but I could sense it, and well..I could see that she was so happy when being around my auntie and then seeing my mummy and daddy" she says and then hold sup a happy Eevee "look, I think he wants to be your Pokemon, open your arms and he might jump into them like in Pokemon Sun"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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