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private a haunted mansion rp (1x1 with Drago Ryder)


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Gale immediately jumped to her feet when Marion kicked at the door, and figured it’d be best to keep moving. The dragoness then found an alternate exit that led into hat looked like a garden. “I wonder why those lights were attracts to me.” The thought has a few possible answers, but she didn’t exactly want to think about that right now.

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A few spirits flew out of the holes that Marion made. She jumped,  picked up her doll and the book, and bolted up the stairs until she ran into the old butler's room. She slammed the door and started trying to gather her wits.

The garden was overgrown with weeds and flowers. The sprinklers dripped from being used recently. 

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Gale looked around the new area, and felt a smile grace her lips. “It looks nice, all things considered.” The dragoness didn’t know when exactly a pony had last stepped foot in the area, but the place looked well kept.

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Once Marion calmed down, she closed her eyes and tried to remember the layout of the house. The upper floor is the bedrooms, she was just at the door to the ballroom, that leads to the garden, a door leads from there to the nursery/toy room and that leads to the door close to the back door. She got up and checked to see if the hall was empty. When she found that it was, she hurried down the stair and towards the room

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After a few moments of wandering around, Gale laid on the soft grass and felt her body grow heavy from exhaustion. “Maybe I’ll just stay here for a while. After that, I can find a way out of this place.” Granted, With everything that had happened, she didn’t know if it would be that easy.

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A warm and gentle breeze blew through the area with a melody seemed to play,  as if the flowers were whistling and singing. 

Marion reached the nursery to find that it was locked from the other side. She stomped her hoof in annoyance at her luck

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A light, content growl was produced by Gale as she listened to music, and while she didn’t know where it came from, she wouldn’t question it. The breeze also felt nice, warming her body in the process. The dragoness then stood, stretching her body as she prepared to move on.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Marion sat down and leaned against the door and continued to read the book that she got from downstairs. She made a note to herself that to check out her parents room. They’ve been gone for most of her life growing up in this house

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As Gale walked towards an adjacent area to the garden, she assumed that something might attack her, or at the very least happen that might have an impact on her. The lights didn’t seem to do much, aside from going into her body, but it was to early to judge. 

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Marion thought about what was in the room that the door lead to there were blocks, a slide, a bunch of stuff animals, and a crib the last time she was in there. she heard a noise and looked around to see if she could see anything,  but when she didn't, she shrugged and went back to the book.

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Moving through the garden, Gale noticed what looked like a green house and decided that she might as well see if she could find anything of use within its walls. To be honest, she didn’t know why she didn’t just leave. It was obvious this place was haunted, but there had to be something more to it. Heck, she doubted that the ghosts would let her leave if they were still inside of her when that time came.

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The greenhouse was torn up a bit from the lack of proper care and a sound a hissing came before the sprinklers turned back on, watering the plants that grew there.

Marion heard childish laughter before she got up and yelled, "Whoever's there, come on out.

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As Gale entered the greenhouse, she felt a shiver roll down her spine as some water rolled down her back. “Huh, I figured the water would’ve been shut off a long time ago.” Her voice was low as she spoke.

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The laughter continued, but it seemed to grow more with malice. She quickly started banging on the door, trying to get it open.

A breeze blew through the greenhouse, and to the mansion, as the atmosphere dropped a few degrees

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Gale looked back at the mansion and was tempted to go back, as something didn’t feel quite right. That being said, she had no idea what she would be able to do to help should Marion be in danger. Continuing through the greenhouse, Gale looked over the plants that were being housed within its walls. Some were strange, but the dragoness could recognize a few. She could also see vines hanging from the upper frame of the building, but didn’t think much of them.

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Marion finally got the door open and ran inside. She closed the door and pushed the crib in front of the door. She sat down on the bear and realized that she left the book and her doll on the other side of the door.

A vine slowly started to drop off the wall and move across the ground. 

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Gale hadn’t noticed the vine’s movements as she walked, looking away from the section of wall it had moved down. She had instead seen a few notebooks on a nearby table and was curious as to what their contents might contain. Hopefully, some answers as to the mysteries of the mansion would be answered.

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The vine quickly struck and wrapped around  Gale's leg and tail and started pulling on Gale.

Marion sighed and fell asleep on the bed. She opened her eyes and grabbed the book, then she headed into the ballroom. She could see a light coming from the garden and hurried towards it

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Gale gave a quick yelp as she felt a force applied to her body and glanced back to see her current situation.The dragoness then began to pull against the vines around her hind legs and tail, hoping to break them. At the very least, she managed to remain relativly calm. If she couldn’t break the vines, she’d just burn them away.

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The vine jerked up towards the ceiling, sending the table flying into the other plants. 

Marion got into the garden to feel the water still going she placed the book under a plant and headed to the greenhouse. 

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Gale felt her body be lifted up into the air and tried to break free, but it had little effect on the vine. If anything, it just tightened it around her hund legs and tail. The last thing she wanted was to be something’s snack, so she needed to think of something that wouldn’t jurt her fast. 

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Marion walked in to see Gale dangling from the ceiling and hopped onto the table with the books. She walked over to the books and started flipping through the pages looking for something interesting, but couldn’t find anything. 

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Gale thought she had heard someone enter the greenhouse, but that might’ve been a result of the blood that was currently rushing to her head given her position. The dragoness then tried to hit the vine with a steady stream of her flames, though it was difficult to get in the right position. There was also the fact that she didn’t have a infininte supply of the fuel needed to produce such fire.

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Marion shook her head and hopped down. She walked over to a pile of blankets and pulled them over to lessen the fall. Then she walked over to the shears and cut the base of the vine.

The vine screamed and writhed in pain and let go of Gale

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Gale felt weightless as gravity took hold of her body, and felt the soft fabric of the blankets break her fall. As she stood, it didn’t take long for her to ntoice Marion and gave a slight nod and smile. “Thanks. I didn’t exactly think I was going to be getting out of whatever that was in time.” The dragoness then streatched slightly. “Find anything interesting.?”

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