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open The Big Top Terror (OOC)


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Story: You and many ponies have heard rumors of a mysterious Circus that showed up in Canterlot a few months ago. Ponies from all over Equestria are very eager to see whats inside. One day, posters appear on the walls of buildings that the Circus is now open and ready for guests to see the "Fantastic Fanatics" show. Its seems over a 3rd of Equestria has lined up for the show! However, things don't feel right to you as you arrive to the place out of curiosity. The strange ponies running the show all seem to be hiding something and have taken an interest in you and another pony. Things become more eerie and hostile when there is evidence of foul play. It's up to you and a new friend to figure out whats going on at this strange Circus before its too late.




"Hear ye, hear ye! We are now open! Join us at the Crimson Circus and see entertainment beyond your wildest dreams!" the poster read. You couldn't help but be curious about it when it suddenly appeared on the side of a nearby shop's window. More and more ponies gathered around it beside you and read the poster with growing conversation among them. "It's going to be amazing!" one filly said. "I wonder if they will have snacks." said a stallion. Even more ponies expressed their excitement as you walked away from the crowd. 

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Tracker walked away from the frenzy of pony surrounding the poster and thought to himself "this might be something interesting,will there be animals,how do they train them...i guess i never know until i try!", he walked down the streets of Canterlot and noticed something out of the corner of his eye, it was a big red circus tent "huh i guess they work fast" Tracker said with intrigue.....he saw another pony staring at the tent, "they are certainly drawing a lot of attention to themselves" he thought to him self...he trotted in the direction of the tent. the amount of ponies he say rose the closer he got to the tent.He turned a conor and was greeted by a line at least one block long, Tracker groaned in frustration as he stood in line kicking the dirt around with his hooves....

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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Mehndi Heart stood before the largest red and white striped structure she's ever seen. Her eyes widened like brown ripples in a river. Her heart started to pound in excitement. Something she hadn't felt in while. Without hesitation, she took her place in line right behind a brown pony. She noticed his frustration with the long line. She didn't blame him. Lucky for her, she is used to waiting and being patient. Minutes passed by slowly as the line moved inch by inch forward towards the entrance of the Circus. Each step she took gave her strange vibes through her body. She couldn't tell what they meant. All she could think about was the wondrous sights she will witness soon. The entertainment of a life time or so the place has claimed. 

The sun was starting to go down by the time she and the brown pony in front of her were 5 ponies away from entering the tent entrance. Mehndi's patience was running out. "What time is it?" She asked out loud. 

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Tracker Hoof was glad someone else was tried of this nonsense,he looked up at the sun then turned to the pony behind him who had asked"apromixmitly 6:15.....im assuming you saw the poster about this place?" Tracker asked...this pony has seeped quiet with a smile on her face until now,now she just annoyed like him...but it looks like 2 more pony when into the tent so they are that much closer to getting inside....Tracker looked at his bearprint cutie mark and shook his head.He felt very out of his element in Canterlot...he would rather be in the Crystal mountinas or the Everfree forest but he had to come here to buy some supplies for his next trip but, he got a little side tracked"so whats your story, what brings you to Canterlot?"Tracker said as he noticed a strange smell going from the tent..he ignored it..


beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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Mehndi Heart's ears perked up as she heard the question directed towards her. She didn't expect anyone to speak to her. Her eyes met with the pony in front of her who she assumed is the one who spoke. "Y-yes, I saw them. I've never been to a circus before..." she said. Before she could say anything else, it was her and the brown pony's turn to enter. The dark entrance seem to engulf anything that walked through. Both Tracker Hoof and Mehndi Heart slowly walked into the darkness. A tall stallion blocked the way further in. He was black from head to hoof yet stood out in the dark. The only things of color on him were his white bird-like mask and his single red diamond cutiemark. "tHis wAy..." said a deep voice from behind the stallion's mask. His hoof pointed to the left. Both Tracker's and Mehndi's heads followed the direction of the strange stallion's hoof to see an opening they didn't notice before. Mehndi's mind started to spin in curiosity. This was the moment she was waiting for. She knew beyond this point would be something extraordinary! Something she has never witnessed before! Something... that could end up changing her forever. 

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Tracker rubbed his eyes as they adjusted to the darkness inside of tent.The first thing that caught his eye were the cages,full of bug bears,tigers,lions,monkeys,and big Crocodiles.but then tracker also noticed the ponys running the show...they were strange,that stallion that had greeted them had one of the scariest voices that Tracker had ever heard and down on the floor he saw a pair of conjoined twins walking around,he has never seen that before........he looked at the pony behind him and said "huh this should be interesting" The cogs in Trackers mind were spinning fast "how come I've never heard of this place before...." his thoughts were disturbed by a vendor "PeNuTs?" He said. Tracker look up in suprise,he could swear that it was the same pony who greeted them,same mask,same voice but his cutie mark was different....three red diamonds. "Heh where is the 2nd" Tracker said with a chuckle,the pony gave him an emotionless stare and repeated what he had said "PeNuTs?" "Umm surree?" Tracker said as he grabbed a bag of peanuts from the pony. " strange huh?,speaking of which I haven't gotten your name" Tracker said with a smile...

Edited by woodchunks66

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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Before Mehndi could answer Tracker's question, the final entrance had appeared in front of them. A red veil. Mehndi and Tracker looked at each other, knowing this was the point of no return. Both walked through it and was greeted by the amazing site of the circus. 


It was like they fell into a whole other world. A world full color, lights and strangely dressed ponies doing all sorts of entertainment. Jugglers, animals playing patty-cake with one another, beautiful dancers, a musical cart pulled by another black pony riding in circle around the center ring playing strange music. The large ring of hundreds of ponies outside the center ring cheered as loud as they could; expressing absolute enjoyment. Everything was outstanding! Mehndi's eyes almost popped out of her head at the sight of everything going on. Jaw open in awe. Her expression showed nothing but amazement. It was almost too much. She didn't even noticed Tracker's reaction. 

Edited by PuddingPonyPal
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@PuddingPonyPal Tracker raised his eyebrows in surprise......This was indeed something grand, the organization was something to rival Twilight Sparkle.

The music was....different and the stage looked very colorful? Tracker was unsure if that was the right word but it was the word that came to mind. Tracker looked for a free seat and sat down somewhere near the first row, he got himself comfortable.....he had noticed the animals playing games with one another and chuckled...the strangest thing happened...the animals turned and SCOWLED at him, Tracker jumped in his seat a little before get a hold of himself, he looked around to see of any pony else had saw this but every pony was so absorbed by the atmosphere they barely noticed a thing. Tracker turned at look at the animals who were back to playing patty cake,Tracker asked the pony next to him "did ya see what those animals did" the pony quickly shhhed him as the lights dimmed...the first act was coming...


beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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