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An explanation to the creation of the Celestial Pony prototypes


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There has been a bit of hype amidst the Gen 1 community of pony collectors, regarding a few pony prototypes called the Celestial (a.k.a) "Fancy Swirl" ponies, which they've been trying to get noticed and made by a company called Bridge Direct/ Basic Fun. (see here: http://mlparena.com/index.php/topic,389901.0.html) (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1143125015828604/) Being a fan of celestial stuff, I'm all for this, and will readily buy a few, if they get made released in the U.S. But I digress.....

I'm here to provide a wacky semi-headcanon explanation of just how these prototype ponies might've come into existence in the fabric of MLP g1's reality. I'm going to be going off of the lore and worldbuilding that is found on the g1 pony backcard of Galaxy, rather than the comics. Also, this theory will be incorporating the tv series "My Little Pony and Friends", which featured segments of the Moondreamers and Glo Friends, and also the MLP comic "Pony Land in Danger".




Beginning in generation 1, a little pony named Galaxy managed to make a wish right before she goes to sleep, one day. She hopes to shine as brightly as the stars that she saw dancing in the night sky. A playful little star hears her and promptly carries her off to its celestial realm. Confused, Galaxy inquires where she is, and the mischievous star laughs and informs poor Galaxy that she is now in a place called Starry Up.

Quickly coming to an understanding, as she glances at her symbol, the little pony smiles and nods, before joyfully skipping and prancing about. She and the little star engage in a brief game of tag before a second star joins in on the fun. These stars, though appearing as mere stars to earthlings, are in actuality the Moon Dreamers in disguise, who later become known as the little pony’s friends! They drop their glamour around Galaxy and introduce themselves as Blinky and Bitsy.

Blinky proceeds to tell Galaxy how she used the Dream machine to pick up on Galaxy’s frequency, which had been broadcast through her symbol, she points out, and transport her to play with them. The more guests, the merrier! After all, it’s a very special occassion, and everyone will gather to enjoy a tea party for her furry pal, Ursa Major!

Shortly after, Blinky and Bitsy take Galaxy to the part and introduce her to the other Moon Dreamers, who are shocked to learn of the trainees’ unsupervised actions. However, they allow Galaxy to stay and enjoy herself for a while as the party lasts long into the night. Shortly before midnight, though, Ursa Minor bursts out of a cake and shouts “Surprise!” The Snoozer’s stardust that she throws lands in Galaxy’s eyes, much to her own surprise and discomfort.

Appalled by the reckless behavior, Crystal Starr chastises the cub and Blinky for bringing the little pony here and having her get hurt. Once the pain in her eyes subsides, Galaxy becomes aware that her eyes now shine and twinkle just like the stars! The accident had transformed her into a Twinkle-eyed pony! Crystal Starr advises that Blinky take responsibility and send Galaxy back home and safely back in her bed, which he does, albeit reluctantly.

Some time later, when peering through the telescope that the Star-Maker had given her, Galaxy caught sight of Milky Way frolicking among the stars. Envious of the fun that she was missing out on, she traveled up Milky's silver staircase and found that her friend was spinning on a star stage with a pair of Speedy’s skates, and holding a concert for the twinkling stars! Milky Way serenaded them with her sweet voice for many minutes. Finally, the stars dropped their glamour and revealed their true forms- much to Galaxy’s surprise! They were her old friends, the Moon Dreamers!

Milky Way encouraged Galaxy to join her. Galaxy readily put on a pair of skates and began to dance and sing alongside Milky Way. “We should start a band!” Milky Way suggested. “Happy Hooves!” Galaxy beamed. “But what do we call ourselves? Milky Way scrunched her muzzle as she took a moment to think. “How about Milky Way and Galaxy Girl?” With that, it was decided! The pony duo, with the help of the glamours of the Moon Dreamers, to keep their identities a secret, became a pop-skating-sensation among the starry skies.

One day, Galaxy later happened upon Majesty's secret room in Dream Castle. "Majesty isn't here." she thought, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Maybe she won't mind me taking one small little peek." she nudged the door open with her hoof and wandered in, gasping in amazement at all the mystical charts and books around the room. Venturing further in, she hadn't noticed that her unauthorized entry had set off a spell circle that Majesty had left specifically for nosy little ponies, such as Galaxy! While the magic circle began to glow, casting its alert to Majesty's horn from afar, Galaxy continues to remain unawares. The trespassing pony pulled a book down from the shelf, slowly turning its pages until she came across a rather intriguing looking spell.

"Hark and heed my beck and call, weave and spin, one and all." she read aloud, noticing that the words rolled off her tongue like a song. Memories of her days performing songs and concerts with her friend, Milky Way throughout the galaxy came flooding back to her mind. She was so overwhelmed with the surge of emotion that she was oblivious to the tiny sparks of light dancing around her own horn. It hadn't even crossed her mind that only Majesty had the magical talent and finesse to perform the most powerful spells, which happened to be song-based and sung through a spell. "Stardust spin and moonbeam glow. Light to life, what's mine you'll know-"

"Galaxy, no!" Majesty cried as she winked into the room no sooner had the last verse of the spell been chanted. Her hooves carried her quickly across the room to the intruder. But it was too late. In the blink of an eye, Galaxy vanished into thin air. The book she had been reading from dropped onto the floor with a heavy thud in front of Majesty. A heavy sigh slipped past her muzzle as she collected the book, placing it gingerly back upon its shelf. "What a troublesome, nosy little pony." With that decided, she sat on her haunches and patiently waited for Galaxy to return.

Galaxy floated weightlessly in a pitch black expanse of space. Her horn, bright and luminescent, provided the only light in the empty cosmos, to see by. The refracted light danced off of the glittery stardust that twinkled in her eyes, to make them appear like searing white plasma. "What's happening?" the little pony cried out in confusion, while the light from her horn got brighter still. To her knowledge, she wasn't putting any effort into casting a spell of any sort! The light finally glittered and pulsed outward, as if mimicking a heartbeat; in tune with her own. Powerful surges of energy rippled the starless heavens around her, causing the pony to cry out in fear, and buck her hind legs, instinctively.

The celestial space in front of her churned, curling in onto itself, and took on a solid, pony-shaped form. A second pulse of magic, then a third ripped from Galaxy's horn. With each pulse, a miniature stellar nursery was created, breathing life into a star through the hyper-accelerated process of the fusion of cosmic particles, and shaping the infant star into the form of a pony. A final pulse occurred, and at last, the light and heat from Galaxy's horn began to grow dim and fade.

"Who are you?" the tired pony inquired, sniffling through her tears.

The four ponies before her merely looked at each other with equal confusion and bewilderment that mirrored Galaxy's. "You created us." one of them spoke.

"I did?"

The pony who spoke nodded, followed by the others soon afterward.

"We are the product of your light, Galaxy." a second pony spoke, pointing at her horn with her hoof. "When you chanted the spell of stars."

"Hmmm." Galaxy hummed as she pondered. The four little ponies in front of her looked so odd, yet so fancy. Their bodies were swirled with marbled moonstone and their fur seemed to sparkle like stardust; almost like the kind that Galaxy had seen when she had visited the Moondreamers! A spark of realization hit her! "I'll call you guys Fancy Swirls." she decided. "You can be called Starswirl." Pointing to another pony, she decided their names. "Swirlabout, Pearlshine, and Mistyglow."

(She then went on to create the Glow n’ Show ponies, using the Moondrops from the Glo Pond, where she had met the Glo Friends one fateful day. More to come on that, later)


Edited by Nightmare Muffin

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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