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private Guardian(subject to change)(1x1 with SummerHaven)

Scare Effect

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Scare climbed off a chariot that she chartered to take her out here to this small village. I hope this is not another wild goose chase, She thought to herself as she entered the strange village and nearly bumped into a scary lookig griiffon who yelled at the Grey mare who just kept walking until she found herself in a small bar where she ordered a cider and sat at a table in a corner looking at the patreons to the shady establiment.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

Summer Haven looked around curiously as she entered the small village. She was tired as she had been traveling on foot all day, but she was both excited and proud of herself to have found it on her own. As she walked down the main road in the village, she began looking for somewhere to take a break and rest. She spotted a tavern and decided to check it out.

As Summer entered, she immediately noticed all the rough looking ponies and griffons. The green unicorn felt a bit intimidated and out of place, but she decided to put on a smile and approach the counter anyway.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Scare almost Immediately noticed a green unicorn mare enter the tavern so she drank the rest of her cider and left her table. About to ask the mare what brought her here, when the griffon from before barged inside followed by six more with battle worn armor and immediately pointed at Scare who stopped her approach towards the unicorn as to not draw attenton to her.

"So what can I do to help you with feather brains?" Scare asked in a sarcastic tone looking at the griffons who looked enraged by that comment. 

"silence worm," One yelled before leaping toward Scare who retaliated by bringing her forehoof to the Griffon's beak with enough force to launch him out the door. the other griffons looked at her then their commrade who lay unconscious outside then back at Scare who had a badge in her hoof. "Now choose wisely do you prefer to go to Jail or just be a bit miffed about an acidental bump?" She asked before watching the Griffons run out of the Tavern.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

The loud commotion startled Summer, and she turned around to see what was going on. She saw a grey mare defending herself from a bunch of angry griffons. Summer slowly backed up trying not to draw attention. She backed into a chair which made a loud screeching noise against the floor. This, to her displeasure, drew the attention of several ponies around her including the bartender, who also happened to be a griffin. 

”Are you gonna buy something or keep standing around being useless?” The bartender squawked at Summer.

”Yes, sorry.” Summer said fumbling for the menu. Her attention was still fixated on the fight between the grey mare and the griffons.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Scare heard the screech of a chair, turning away from the fleeing griffons and saw the green unicorn looking at her. she approached the out of place mare and sat next to her. "Hello there what brings you to a place like this," She asked the mare looking at the griffon Bartender and ordered a glass of water.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

“Oh I’m just looking for...uh... something.” Summer said nervously as she shoved the rolled up map further into her side bag. Summer sat down while she waited for her order. 

“I suppose it’s rather obvious that I’m not from around here huh?” Summer noticed the gleam of the badge. “Are you...an officer?” 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"Yes and no," Scare answered with a friendly smile. "I am a private investigator in Manehatten, but only in Manehatten here I am just a citizen with a badge," she explained as the bar keep brought two drinks to the two mares. "And yes to you looking out of place."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

“That’s pretty cool!” Summer said enthusiastically. “Are you here for work or for fun?” She sipped her drink as the griffin motioned for a tip. She sighed and gave him a couple bits. 

“I could tell you what I’m looking for here, but you’d probably think I’m crazy.” She said with a weak laugh.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"I am here due to some rumors of something lurking in the woods that may pose a serious threat," Scare answered truthfully taking a sip water. "And you can tell me what your looking, since I have seen some things that would make you think I am crazy."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

“Well...” Summer said rooting through her side bag. She pulled out a book and flipped through the pages until she found what she was looking for. She slid the book over for the mare to see.

“There is this story about a powerful mage that supposedly lives somewhere in this forest, in somewhat of a hidden sanctuary.” Summer’s eyes lit up as she spoke of it. “The story says that if anypony is able to find her, she will share some of power with them, which would be incredibly useful! I guess it’s somewhat of an urban legend. But the thougt of it intrigued me enough to come check it out for myself.”

Summer took a sip of her drink, fully expecting the pony to think she was insane for attempting such an endeavor. 



My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Scare looked at the unicorn with a smile. "not the strangest thing I have heard," She said with a laugh before taking another sip of water. "My name is Scare Effect," She introduced herself with a smile, "What's Yours?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

“You must have some interesting stories then!” Summer said happily. The bartender raised an eyebrow at the two ponies. Summer tucked the book back into her side bag.

”Oh, I’m Summer Haven. But you can just call me Summer of course.” She said, finishing up her drink.

Edited by SummerHaven


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"I most definitely do but I got to be going Summer," Scare informed the green unicorn as she stood up to leave but stopped when she got an Idea. "Hey you said you were going into the forest, how about we go together so I can make sure you don't get hurt and we can find what we're looking for?" 


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

“That sounds great! It gets so boring traveling by myself.” Summer hopped down from the chair and followed her new friend outside.

Once outside, Summer pulled out her map and floated it in front of her face. “It looks like we need to follow the trail that leads straight though this town. But I would like to stock up on supplies first if you don’t mind.” 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"Sure sounds like a great idea," Scare agreed with a smile as she motioned for Summer to lead. "I do suggest though that we only pack light just in case we have to make a quick exit," She emphasized.


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@Scare Effect

“Right. I’ll just grab the essentials. I’ll meet you back out here in a few minutes.” The green unicorn trotted into the general store, hoping the occupants would be friendlier than the ones at the tavern. Summer wandered the one of the isles to stock up on medical supplies. As she started collecting her items, she couldn’t help but overhear two ponies on the next isle over. 

“I’m telling you it was the strangest thing! One minute my crops were in perfect bloom and the next they were all wilted and dying!” Said gruff voice.

”Yea right man! You expect me to believe that? You just don’t want to admit that I’m a better farmer than you!” The second pony laughed at her friend. 

Thats odd. Summer thought. Surely the two events aren’t related right? She gathered her things and went to the counter to check out. 

She then went back outside to wait for Scare. As she waited, she opened her right saddle pouch and tossed in some food she had bought at the store. “There ya go little buddy.” She said smiling.


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Scare wandered off for a bit as Summer was shopping, and found a few griffons talking about something that happened in the forest that scared them pretty badly. "Hello if you don't mind me asking what are you talking about?"

"just some monster that attacked our camp just outside the town."

"Oh okay thanks," She said as she walked back to where Summer said they were gonna regroup. once she arrived she saw Summer talking to her bag, "Hey summer you ready to go?' she asked with a smile.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

“Oh yes! I forgot to introduce you to my little travel buddy.” Summer open the flap of her side bag and a chubby bird burst out. It flew up and landed on Summer’s horn. 

“This is Chester. He’s my pet kookaburra.” She said smiling. The bird squawked loudly and pruned it’s feathers a bit. “Ugh you’ve got to quit doing that...it draws to much attention. Summer said to the bird.

”Anyways.” Summer said as she snapped her bag shut. “We are ready to go when you are.”  



My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"Well nice looking bird seems well fed," Scare said with a smile. "also i been ready to leave," She said as she lead the way to the forest but stopped in place when she realized she didn't remember what Summer said. "Um, maybe you should lead the way you have a map."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

“Oh sure thing.” Summer said as she pulled out the map. After studying the map for a few seconds she she took a couple steps forward.

”It looks like if we follow this path, we should come across a small lake. That’s how we will know if we’re going the right way.” She said as she begin embarking into the trees. 

A pair of gleaming eyes watched intently as the duo made their way into the forest. 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"Sounds like a plan Summer," Scare agreed as she followed the unicorn into the forest. "Also stay close there might be some dangerous creatures out here," Scare cautioned Summer as they walked deeper into forest.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

As Summer was walking, she got the feeling they were being watched, but had no idea where it could be coming from. 

“I wonder how far-“ Summer was cut off as she went flying upwards into the treetops. The next thing she knew she was on her back in a netted trap hanging from a tree. A startled squeak escaped from her mouth at what had just happened. All she could see was an upside down view of Scare down below, who had just barely managed to escape the range of the net trap.

”Not gonna lie,” she said as she squirmed in the net to flip back onto her belly. “I did NOT see that coming.” 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"i'd guess not," Scare giggled but her senses were on high alert whoever set this trap might be near by. "I will have you down in just a second," She reassured the unicorn as she found a tree and climbed it when she approached the rope holding the net up she pulled the net containing the unicorn easily in to the tree and freed Summer. "Maybe I should lead okay," Scare joked with a smile.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@Scare Effect

“Thanks.” Summer blushed in embarrassment as Scare freed her from the net trap. “Hopefully we won’t run into any more of those. And by we I mean me. If there is more out there I’m sure I will find them.” Summer laughed it off as she jumped down from the tree.

Summer pulled out the map and spread it out on the ground for both of them to see. While the mares were reading the map, Chester suddenly started squaking frantically and circling around above them.

”Oh no. He only does that when he spots something dangerous. We best get out of this area quickly.” 


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Scare's ears twitched as she heard russeling sound and her nose twitched when a sour smell hit her nose. "Summer hide timberwolves are coming," She told the unicorn right before three Timberwolves stepped onto the path and roared at the two mares.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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