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private The Balancing Scale-1x1 w/ Raven Rawne


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@Raven Rawne

The sun was shining down upon the purple and white sided buildings and reflected brilliantly onto the cobblestone. The heavy clomping of hooves on the stone could be heard as ponies went about their busy lives. There was a faint smell of fine dining wafting through the breeze. It was a standard day for the bright, fair city in the shadow of the grand castle. 

One of the busiest streets in Canterlot was met with a yellow unicorn mare galloping down the sidewalk, startling unsuspecting ponies as she passed through. The unicorn’s slate blue mane was flying backwards as she rocketed through the crowded walkways. The pony was too excited to slow down. This would be her first meeting with the new organization she had joined and she wanted to make a good first impression. In fact, she had just gotten the news mere hours ago. 

Frenzy Bolt rounded the corner and trotted up to a large two-story building with a silver roof and deep purple finish on the siding. The windows were all tinted a soft blue. As with most buildings in the capitol city, the land surrounding the building was heavily decorated with flowers and extravengent statues. The banner above the door read “Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures.” A few other ponies were shuffling in, as the meeting was about to start. 

Frenzy stared up nervously at the intimidating building which would host her new job. Alright Frenzy you can do this. This is going to be great! There’s going to be so many awesome new ponies in there to meet! Frenzy thought, trying to ease the  butterflies forming in her stomach. She opened one of the pouches of the saddlebag that was slung over her back, and pulled out the invitation. She floated the paper in front of her nose so she could see the room number she needed.

”Alright! Here we go!” Frenzy blushed when she realized she said that out loud. Reguardless, the new recruit trotted into the building eagerly awaiting her first assignment. 

Edited by SummerHaven
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  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"Why they ALWAYS want stuff on yesterday?!"

Canterlot, Opal Street. A regular looking house with a shop on the ground floor and three storeys of apartments. As Celestia's Sun has risen up, the inhabitants stirred to life, meeting another busy day. Sonn after there's movement in the grocery shop, as the owners and their offspring prepare to open up.

A lone pony, courier by the look of him, taps on the door, seemingly oblivious to the "Closed" sign. Somepony opens and he gives them a letter, then trots away. Some five minutes later, the street echoes with a loud shriek, as if a filly was told that there's no Santa...



Just a few hours later, a mare hurries out of the building, some items flying behind her in a magic grasp. She expertly navigates the city streets, taking shortcuts that to an outsider looked like dead ends. She has a lavender coat, and long, flowing, and now slightly messy white mane. She wears a black vest with a white buttonned shirt under it, paired with a skinny black tie. To her, it looks professional. A messenger bag sways off her shoulder as she sips her morning coffee in a paper cup. Even though she's obviously in a hurry, she seems to be constantly distracted by something, window shopping or looking at something curious. She was admiring a gorgeous dress in a window of a boutique she constantly forgot the name of when she was startled by somepony almost running over her...

"Wha?! Hey!" - she yelled after the yelow/blue pony ran out of her sight. Suddenly remembering something, she looked down and bit her lip, seeing that her morning latte was gone, the paper cup crushed by her magic. What was even worse, she had stains on her shirt.

"Damn it! Now I'll look like a slob!" - she thought to herself, wiping the stain as best as she could and picking up the pace - it was almost time and she was going to be late, of course...

The mare made in on time. Barely. She hopped over the stairs leading to the elegant looking building that was home to the Equestrian Society for Preservation of Rare Creatures, or ESPRC as she called it, tjen opened the bulky doors with a shoulder. She already had some faint idea where to go but, this place was a maze. Still, with sheer luck, she found the righr doors and as she went out of the corner of a corridor, she gasped in surprise. Had it been... her? The mare by the doors? Well, therea re lots of ponies that look justthe same but... She shook her head off those thoughts and walked confidently to the doors where the meeting would be held, and that other mare.

"Um, hi! Are you waiting for a meeting in room 47? I mean, I'm supposed to meet somepony here at ten, which is like, right now and uhh...Are you waiting for me? Name's Clarity, sorry I didn't spill earlier." She winced at that pericular remark of her, acutely aware of the latte colored dot on her shirt as she extended a hoof in greeting, smiling politely but also eyeing the other mare with some uncertainty. 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

Frenzy followed the endless corridors until she found the room that matched the number on her invitation.

"This looks like the place," She smiled and tucked away the piece of paper. She then walked right into the door, expecting it to be unlocked. Hmm they must not be here yet. Frenzy glanced at the clock at the end of the hallway, which read 9:50.  She decided to sit down near the doorway while she waited.

Suddenly one of the doorways flew open and a lavender unicorn mare trotted up to the door where Frenzy was waiting. She seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, and had a coffee stain on her dress shirt. Not that Frenzy cared about the stain.  

7 hours ago, Raven Rawne said:

"Um, hi! Are you waiting for a meeting in room 47? I mean, I'm supposed to meet somepony here at ten, which is like, right now and uhh...Are you waiting for me? Name's Clarity, sorry I didn't spill earlier." She winced at that pericular remark of her, acutely aware of the latte colored dot on her shirt as she extended a hoof in greeting, smiling politely but also eyeing the other mare with some uncertainty. 

Frenzy immediately jumped up and gave the purple unicorn's hoof a rather enthusiastic shake. She knew there was no way to mask her excitement, so she let it erupt. 

"Yup! That's what I'm here for too! I'm Frenzy Bolt, but of course you can just call me Frenzy. I'm kind of new around here in case you haven't seen me around much. Did you get an invitation too? I'm so exited! I wonder what they are going to have us do!" She exclaimed, barely taking a breath in between. "I already tried the door, I guess the others aren't hear yet. But to be honest I don't actually know how many are coming." She laughed, hoping she didn't come on to strong.  

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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The lavender mare nodded at her new aquaintance with a smile. Apparently she wouldn't be the only rookie in the room...

"Haha, yeah I'm new in the whole business too! I mean I had all these lectures and stuff but it's my first concert, so to speak. I just wish they didn't send for me like, just a few hours ago! And that invitation, so... formal and all Canterlot, you know. I'm not going on the Gala for Sun's sake!" - she laughed sincerely at that remark, and caught movement in the corner of her eye.

"The Grand galloping Gala is an important event, but I assure you, our work surpasses it in both scope and importance." - a middle aged stallion, an earth pony walked from the same way Clarity did, and he was having a really bad morning, judging from his frown. Dressed in a neat suit, he walked with a slight limp to his right hindleg and moved rather... stiff. His charcoal coat and chestnut mane only added to the feeling of seriousness as he gazed at both mares in turn. "Frenzy bolt and Clarity, I presume?" He hovered his eyes on the coffee stain and the lavender mare nodded meekly that indeed, she was Clarity. "Hmm, very well then. my name is Buckshot, I will give you the details of your first assignment as the Society's associates. Now where I had that..."

He tapped his jacket for the key and, having found it, fished it out expertly and opened the doors, letting the mares inside. The room was... cozy. By which Clarity would mean really small. Despite elaborate wooden panelling on the walls, the re wasn't much decor in there. Just an old table with several chairs and a large cabinet by the wall. The stallion went towards it and procured some papers as the mares sat down. He took the seat opposite to them and laid a folder on the table, and asked, opening it. "I presume you are curious why you were summoned in such a hurry? Well, two reasons. First, we have a problem in Tall Tale and second, all our assets are away."

Clarity sat and listened, her expression changing crom meek to curious and then, slightly worried. "Um, sir, does it mean it's something... serious?"

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

Frenzy’s face lit up when she saw the manager enter the hallway. “Nice to meet you sir. I hope the morning has treated you well!” She gave a slight bow to respect his authority. 

“Frenzy Bolt and Clarity I presume?” The brown stallion spoke in a stiff, serious tone. The mares nodded, as he began to unlock the door.

Frenzy eagerly followed the other two ponies into the small room, which Frenzy found to be rather...disappointing. This room was all business, with just a table and some worn down chairs amidst its wooden carved walls. Evidently they didn’t want any distractions during their meetings but, still, the lack of decor seemed to clash with interiors of any other buildings in Canterlot she had been in. Even the training rooms that the guards used in the barracks where more decked out than this. Frenzy shook off her initial impressions and found a seat next to Clarity. Buckshot, as the meeting leader had introduced himself, gathered his paperwork and joined the duo at the table.

8 hours ago, Raven Rawne said:


 “I presume you are curious why you were summoned in such a hurry? Well, two reasons. First, we have a problem in Tall Tale and second, all our assets are away."

Frenzy’s ears perked up at this news. “That must mean we are being sent for something really important then!” She glanced over at Clarity who seemed worried when Buckshot said this. Buckshot raised an eyebrow at Frenzy and she took it as her cue to stop talking. She blushed and used her magic to slide one of the copies of the reports over to herself, slightly hiding her face with it.

The manager continued. Frenzy listened intently as Buckshot described the problems they were having in a town called Tall Tale. Frenzy had heard its name before, but didn’t know much about the place beyond that. He described a creature that was dubbed “rhynosaurus” that some of the ponies had apparently seen. He didn’t have any “good” photographs of it, but the reports included a few eyewitness descriptions of the creature. Frenzy’s curiously only grew as she skimmed through the sighting reports:  has a three large horns and a wicked tail, one of them read. Basically a prehistoric beast with a bad attitude, claimed another. 

“Does this mean you’re sending us to Tall Tale sir?” Frenzy asked with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Edited by SummerHaven
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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"Important? Well, hopefully not too bad..." - Clarity mused quietly for a moment. The lavender mare was having mixed feelings about the news, and, following her enthusiastic companion's lead, she levitated a copy of the report to herself, then began to skip over it. Taking in news seemed to calm her, and she began to regard the issue with genuine interest.

Buckshot sighed and opened his copy. "Every task is important, as we are entrusted with keeping the faint balance between ponies, their needs and safety, and likewise of rare, interesting, and sometimes very beneficial creatures. Your folders contain all the knowlenge we have on the incident, and we have succesfully matched the reports with a creature that's causing trouble." He took a moment to shuffle the pages, and resumed, in that gravid tone of his. "Tall Tale may look like a place in the middle of nowhere, but it's vital to many businesses and operations North from Smoky Mountains all the way to Vanhoover. The region is densly forested, and timber harvesting is a huge business for them. Also, the roads leading to smaller villages and sites have to be safe, or the whole region will experience difficulties. And that's where we come in..."

Clarity just reached the part describing the possible troublemaker. She cocked her head, puzzled, as she looked at the drawing depicting the creature. "They sure didn't have these in the petting zoo... I-I mean, the creature is huge and I can only guess the mess it's making in the forest as we speak, the foresters must be mad!"

The earth pony nodded at the mare with a hint of approval. "Indeed, and the roads are not safe because of it's presence. Now, the locals have probably started funding a prize to kill it, and believe me, you don't want to make a rhinosaurus angry." He regarded the question from Frenzy, and gave her a curt nod. "Yes I am. Like I've said, all my assets are already away on their own assignments, and you two are clear to take tasks of your own." He reclined back in his chair and looked at both mares in turn. "Listen, i know this is not exactly rookie friendly to give you a rhinosaurus to babysit back to where it belongs, but other options are outright unacceptable. That's why you will work together, support each other and sort out this situation for the good of all the ponies who live there."

Buckshot stood up and went to the cabinet again, speaking as she fished out items. "Your mission is to reach Tall Tale, contact the local Police department for updates, and go into the forest." He laid out a pouch of coins on the table, as well as train tickets. "First train to Vanhoover, 7 PM today. And something to cover your expenses there. I expect a full account of costs and return of leftover funds, your payment will be given after the task is complete." Taking a seat again, he slid the items tover to the mares.

Clarity looked over at Frenzy and just let the tickets and bits lay there for now. She nodded, looked again into her file and asked: "Sir, I see this creature lives on the other side of the Smoky Moutains, on the Undiscovered West... Are you expecting us to take it back there? I don't suppose it will run after us like a puppy once we show it something tasty..."

The stallion snorted and shook his head. "That would only get you... There's a spell scroll in your dossiers, don't ask me how it works but I was told it's an anesthetic spell, basically makes you sleep. Doctors use it so it's safe, I guess. The details of your method rest in your hooves, but the Society wants this creature unharmed, back where it belongs." He rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, then added. "Personally, I'd chase it back like a pack of predators, it's a herbivore after all. Or use that spell and organise a boat to take it away but that's even more risky, and expensive too. But you are free to take outside help, also financial, as long as you don't pocket it or give the Society a bad rep. We're no Royal Guard, we can't demand anything. Keep that in mind when you're on your missions, ponies won't cooperate just because you want to take te beastie off their backs."

The lavender mare seemed thoughtful as she nodded. "I see..."

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"Understood, Sir." Frenzy turned to her new companion. "I guess its time to get packed then."  Frenzy gathered all the items that Buckshot gave them, including the unclaimed tickets and pouch of bits. "And we will get out of your hair. Thanks for the info sir, you won't be disappointing." She thought she heard him mumble "I hope not" under his breath but, she figured she was mistaken.

As the two mares found themselves back out into the hallway, Frenzy redistributed the bits and tickets, and floated Clarity's portion out for her to grab. "Well this will certainly be interesting." Frenzy said smiling. "Personally, I've never been to Tall Tale before. Have you? I'm not really sure what to bring so I guess I'll just pack the general stuff..." She trailed off lost in thought. Once she realized, her snapped her attention back to the lavender unicorn, who looked worried about the endeavor.

"Hey, I wouldn't worry about it too much. They wouldn't send us if they didn't think we could handle it." She said smiling. 


  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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The stallion nodded at Frenzy. "Indeed, you have still some time left, although it will run out quickly. Since I told you everything I needed to, I reckon we may close this meeting."

Clarity still looked like this was something she didn't really sign up for, but, she agreed with the other ponies reasoning and stood up. "Yes, quite right, plenty of packing to do... We'll report when we're done in Tall Tale." Noticing that Frenzy took care of the bits and tickets, she lifted her papers up with the magic grip, then followed the other mare out of the room. The stallion remained inside to stack the papers back into the cabinet.

She took the ticket, and bits, then hid them with the report in her bag. Clarity had a thoughtful expression, and gave Frenzy a cinfused look as she started talking how exciting it was. "Yeah... Unless we screw up that is." She rubbed her chin for a moment, then shook her head at the other inquiry. "I haven't been in there either but, if I recall correctly, there's lots of forests there so... we might need camping stuff to find that beast. Neither of us is a pegasus to just do a flyover. Better pack more mosquito repellents..." She sighed and looked out of the window at the busy streets of Canterlot, unaware that her companion just zoned out. Upon hearing her voice, Clarity looked back and shrugged. "Well, better get the deep end already, eh? We wouldn't save kittens from trees all the time anyway." She stepped away from the window and came back to Frenzy. "I guess we should hgo home and pack up now. So let's meet as the train station at... 6 PM? Just so we won't miss it, and have some spare time to check what we brought? I mean, I'll probably get some of my own bits to make sure I can buy stuff I will actually need out there." She smiled sheepishly. "I sometimes forget stuff that I could make use of, heh."

They started walking towards the main entrance. 

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

“Hmm good point. I guess between the two of us we should remember most everything we’ll need. And I’m sure Tall Tale will have shops. It seems like a pretty good sized place.” The duo made their way back through the hallways of the fancy building.

“Right then. I’ll see you back here at 6:00 then. Time to go get packed!” Frenzy smiled as she parted ways with Clarity, making a mental list of items she would need to bring. She made her way down the busy streets all the while promptly declining as ponies tried to sell her stuff. She trotted down Amethyest Ave until she stopped at a small, blue, one story building. She floated a key out of one of her pouches and unlocked the door to her home.

Frenzy was greeted by her grey and white pinstriped prairie dog as she walked through the door. She gave him a hug and went into her bedroom where she tossed her bag down on the bed. 

“Do you want to help me pack Zigzag?” She laughed as he stuck his head into one of the pouches. “I’m going to need a bigger bag than this.” She said to herself as she trotted over to her closet. She rummaged through her belongings  until she found a larger set of saddle bags and placed them open on her floor. She then started collecting items from around the house that she thought she would need for the trip: some freeze dried fruits and veggies, a canteen filled with water, a general map, the spell scroll and other items that Buckshot gave her, bug spray, a small first aid kit, a toothbrush, some rope, and some extra bits. 

I’m sure I’m forgetting something, Frenzy thought, but she dismissed it when she couldn’t place what it was. Oh, well I’ve got a couple hours to think of it. Frenzy decided to go get something to eat for lunch while she waited for the time to regroup with Clarity. She fed Zigzag, and went back out into the busy atmosphere that was Canterlot.  

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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The mare smirked at her companion's remark about Tall Tale, and replied jokingly: "Even Ponyville has shops! And it's like, the smallest place you can call a town! It's not like we'll have to buy guard issue armor or anything anyway, hehe." as they reached the main entrance and crossed the ornate doors, it was time to part ways. Clarity nodded at Frenzy and waved a hoof in farewell. "See you at the station, don't bring the whole house!"

She trotted back home, cheerful now that she not only had her first assignment at the new work, but also a nice companion to make things easier. As Clarity went her way, she mused and thought deeply over the next few days, to the point of nearly walking into a street lamp once. Still, soon enough the lavender mare was near her family home, and the small flat she had on the upper storey. She pardoned herself from helping at the family shop today, because of the letter, but the unicorn decided to check in and tell the news, and about her leaving the city for a while. 

The grocery shop was busy as usual in the morning - well, more like, noon by now but, still. There were like, two customers inside when Clarity walked in and saw her dad by the counter. Her mom and two brothers were probably out or at the back. She gave gim a wave and looked over the shelves habitually. "Hi dad! Nice stuff today, fresh batch? Anyways, I'm going to tall Tale for a few days, seems like something is causing trouble out there and they want me to sort it out, my first real assignment!" The customers gave the young mare some intrigued looks as she nearly jumped from happines over the news, and her dad just smiled as he was about to load some carrots into a bag. "Why that's some good news indeed! It sems your career is finally geting some steam. So, uh, when you leave, exactly?" Clarity realigned some apples in a crate with her magic as she replied: "I'm supposed to be at the train station at 6 PM, so I better get packing, hehe! Tell mom when you see her, and those cabbageheads too, I guess." The young mare jokedly referred to her brothers as she went outsode and trotted to the apartment section entry. Her place was on the second floor, just a brisk run up the stairs and there she was, behind closed doors of her little cozy nook. Not much to look at, just a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a multi purpose room where she had everything. With a confident pose, Clarity used her magic to set the gramophone up and drag the curtains aside to let the light inside through the window. With a smile, she started to take out the things she needed. And this pony has spent way more time at making herself ready for her first trip than she reasonably should...

A set of large saddlebags with lots of straps have levitated from under the bed, and landed in the center of the room. They were slowly being filled with things from all around the place, starting from a towel, a toothbrush and paste, a first aid kit, three cans of mosquito spray, something that was supposed to be camping rations, but tasted like cardboard, an empty water canteen... a scarf, som "essential" things from her cosmetics shelf, a bruh, then a sleeping mat, a blanket and a tiny pillow, all strapped outside of the bags. As the heavy saddlebags landed by the doors with a thud, the mare grinned and took out her "travel clothes" and hung them on the wardrobe. It was still just 1.30 PM, so, no need to get dressed just yet.

Clarity decided to chill some in her apartment, read a book as the silence was driven back by the gramophone, at least till it was time to eat. 

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

Frenzy was waiting at the station for what felt like hours. She paced around with a worried expression on her face. 

Surely she didn’t leave without me right? The train. It hasn’t even arrived yet. Right..?

Her mind was flooded with thoughts tormenting her about the situation. She started to second guess herself. The sun would be lowered soon and there was no sign of her partner. The platform she was at had no clock in the visible area. This struck Frenzy as odd. At a place with a strict boarding and arrival schedule, wouldn’t there be plenty of clocks around? 

Suddenly a uniformed Pegasus swooped down and pulled a letter out of her messenger bag. She handed it to Frenzy before flaring her wings and taking off.

Frenzy opened the letter a skimmed through it until she found one sentence that demanded her attention: We regret to inform you that you have been discharged from this mission. 

Frenzy’s heart sunk. She felt a wave of confusion followed by regret. She had no idea what she did wrong. Had she said something to anger the meeting manager?

Suddenly she heard a loud booming voice. She had no idea where it was coming from. “You thought you could handle this?! HA! What a laugh. You would have failed anyway!” Followed by piercing laughter that stung her ears. 

“Please make it stop!” Frenzy screamed. 

Frenzy’s eyes shot open and she felt a scream welling up in the back of her throat. As her eyes reoriented themselves, the sky blue walls of her bedroom came back into view, along with her prairie dog who was giving her a strange look. He cocked his head to the side and chirped.

“Wow. I guess I’m more nervous about this mission than I thought...” Frenzy muttered. “Thank goodness that was just a-“ Frenzy’s eyes met with the clock that was hanging on her wall, which read 5:43.

“OH NO! I’m going to be late!!” Frenzy leapt our of bed and scrambbled to grab all her things, frantically checking of her mental list as she went.

“I can’t beleive I dozed off without setting an alarm!” She dug her keys out of her smaller set of bags and bolted towards the front door.

”Alright Zigzag, my parants are coming to pick you up in a few hours so be good for them!” She spoke so fast, she could hardly separate her own words. She then sped out the door locking it behind her. She made a mad dash for the train station hoping she would make it on time.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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The doors to Clarity's apartment opened, and the mare stepped out. She wore the custom saddlebags, as well as what, to her at least, looked alike a cool adventurer getup. And so, she had a pair of sturdy black hoofboots on, a tasteful yet practical overcoat and a cowpony hat to round it out. She closed the doors and went to give the keys to her parents, so they look after the place while she's away.

The clock on the train station was pointing at 5.40 when Clarity entered the building and proceeded to look for her platform. Only now did she realise that they didn't agree on one specific spot to find eachother, and the station was huge! The mare took off her silly hat to be easier recognised, and brushed her mane to the side in a loose combover, and kept an eye out en route to the platform. Thankfully, it was still rather quiet once she reached the platform, only a couple tourists were taking a break around their luggage, undoubtely heading home on this train.

Clarity took a seat n a free bench and laid her own luggage aside, then took an opportunity to enjoy a sip of another cup of coffee, like she did in the morning. This time, maybe nopony will rob her from it...

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

Frenzy Bolt charged down the streets of Canterlot for the second time that day. This time she made for the direction of the train station. Upon arriving she remembered that, unsurprisingly, it was huge and had a ton of boarding platforms. There was a bunch of ponies shuffling about with bags and papers trying to find their way around. Frenzy made her way past the groups of rushing ponies and dug through her bag until she found her own boarding pass. She had walked by the station many times on her way to work but didn’t ever go inside. Since she didn’t frequent the station often, she figured she should ask somepony where to go.

Frenzy approached the pony behind the counter and showed him her boarding pass. “Excuse me, do you know where I can find the boarding platform for the train to Vanhoover?” Frenzy asked with a smile.

The pony looked down from his magazine and past his back hooves, which were propped on his desk. He gave a simple nod in the general direction of one of the platforms, and went back to his magazine. 

“Thanks! You’re so...helpful...?” Frenzy recalled her ticket with her magic and made her way through the crowds towards the building he pointed to. Once inside, she looked around and spotted Clarity sitting on one of the benches. Thankfully she was sitting near the door so Frenzy could easily spot her. She ran over to her and imidiately apologized. 

“I’m so sorry! I had some...complications...” Frenzy said nervously. She hopped onto the bench next to the violet mare, hoping she wouldn’t be too upset. 

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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The unicorn heard a loud voice from the side and her ears perked. As she turned to see who was coming towards her in such a hurry, Clarity recognised Frenzy Bolt in an instant, and smiled pleasantly. "Nah, it's okay, one reason why we gave ourselves some time before the train arrives, am I right?" She tossed the empty coffee cup int o the nearby bin with her magic, and took the hat with it instead, and donned it on her head. "Adventury, eh? Took me weeks to get the right look! Oh, and, you did take your ticket, right? Just asking to be sure, you know."

She took a glance at her companion's luggage, and then compared it with hers. Squinting a bit in thought, she mused aloud: "Hmm, neither of us brought a whole trailer, so that's a good start. But I just can't help but feel I forgot about something... you have it he same? I mean, I never teally travelled too far before and uhh... Yeah, lack of experience, I guess. I took a camping manual though,m in case we actually have to look for that thing all over the forest." She shuddered slightly at the thought, but regained her composure and looked at Frenzy, smiling sheepishly.

"So... are you more experienced in this whole... travelling and camping business?" 

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@Raven Rawne

Frenzy was relieved she had made it on time. Her eyes darted to Clarity’s attire, which she just now had taken notice of. 

“Hey nice hat!” She said smiling. “And yes, without this ticket I never would have found the terminal.” Frenzy said with a nervous laugh. Frenzy pulled her luggage off her back and let it slide down onto the bench. She began rechecking everything to make sure it was all there. 

“Well to be honest I’m kind of in the same boat. I hadn’t realized until now but, I don’t leave Canterlot that often. I’ve had a few family trips here and there as a filly, but aside from that...” The yellow unicorn frowned as she was thinking about her lack of traveling experience. 

“Hmm Maybe that’s why I’m so excited to finally get to see some other places!” Frenzy’s eyes lit up just thinking about it. “This will be a great experience for sure.” 

Suddenly a loud voice erupted from the intercom: “All passengers for the train to Vanhoover may now begin boarding. Please have your tickets ready for the boarding attendant.” The giant light-up board at the center of the station updated itself to reveal that the next train for boarding was the one to Vanhoover.

“Hey! Looks like that’s us!” Frenzy jumped off the bench excitedly and dropped the luggage back onto her back. She grabbed her ticket out with her mouth so she wouldn’t loose it.

She waited for Clarity to gather her bags before they could begin making their way to the boarding area.

“Need thum help?” Frenzy asked with the ticket still in her mouth. She tried her best to contain her excitement. 


  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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Clarity smirked friendly and nodded at her companion as she finished summing up her own lack of travelling experience. "Oh I'm sure we'll manage to get from one place to another it's just..."

The mechanical voice interrupted her trail of thought as the unicorn instinctively looked at the nearest lourspeaker with a slight wince and pulled back ears - the sound it made was making was uncomfortable, but nothing but inaudible. Frenzy was already on her hooves when it dawned to Clarity that it was ime to get up and move. She slid off the banch and stood up, then stretched her back a little and decided to use her magic to lift the sadlebags onto her back. She secured the strap around her barrel and tugged a little to make sure it was sitting there tightly, ahen levitated her own ticket from an inside pocket in her coat. Thus ready, she shook her head a little at Frenzy: "Nah, I'm cool. Let's get on that train then, shall we?"

They walked to the small line of ponies that also awaited the train. The boarding assistant was pacing lazily as everypony awaited for the train to roll onto the platform.

 And there it came, hissing out steam and rumbling loudly, the locomotive slowly rolled down the tracks next to the platform, dragging six cars behind it. As it came to full stop and let out one last cloud of steam, the boarding assistant came to life and started to check out tickets and pointing at the relevant sars for the passengers to board. Clarity knew they were travelling in sexond class, so, no luxuries, but still, the train looked elegant enough fro the outside. Now that the steam clouds dissipated at least. She overed the ticket to the assistant and he stamped it for validation, then read the seat numbers and pointed the two mares to the second car. "Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road then, eh?" - Clarity asked with a chuckle as they boarded the train and went to their seats. She had some issues with securing her luggage on the shelf above, however. Only after taking the small pillow off the saddlebas did they fit inside the cavity. She held it idly in her magic grasp and looked at the window, then at Frenzy. "Well, I guess I just won an extra pillow... oh and, uhh... who gets t sit by the wondow?"

She looked rather torn between politeness and just wanting to put her forehead against the glass and look outside the whole time.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

Frenzy happily trotted over to the boarding platform. The massive train sped by causing a swift breeze to send the unicorns' hair flying backwards. As their turn in line approached, Frenzy handed over her ticket to the pony who was assisting with the boarding. He stamped the ticket and moved onto the next one in line. Once inside Frenzy was wide eyed and impressed with how much bigger it seemed on the inside. Even though it had just a few cars, it seemed that this train could comfortably carry a large crowd. 

Frenzy followed Clarity to their assigned seats. They were seated towards the middle of the car, meaning there was a larger table and whoever they were sitting with, would be facing across from the duo, sharing their large table. Clarity looked excited about the possibility of a window seat, and who was she to stand in her way? 

"Go for it! I'm doubt I'll be able to sleep anyway, so there's no point in really having a leaning surface." Frenzy said with a slight giggle. She pulled out a soda, before tossing her own bags into the overhead compartment.

"Actually I think I'll have a look at this spell scroll they gave us." She pulled it out of her bag with her magic and then sat down. She glanced at the ponies in the isle piling into the train cars. "Looks like we have a bit to wait for everypony to get on board anyways."  



A teal and yellow unicorn by the name of Summer Haven was making her way through the massive crowds at the Canterlot train station. She shuffled her way into line and waited for her turn to hand off her ticket. 

"There sure is a lot of ponies her today huh Snickers? It looks like its completely booked." She said to the squirrel on her head, to which it chirped in agreement. Summer struggled a bit under the weight of her bags. She couldn't wait to get on board so she could sleep on the ride back to Vanhoover. One by one the ponies in front of her had their tickets stamped and disappeared behind the doors. 

"Your ticket please?" Said a friendly voice. Summer approached the ticket master and he stamped her ticket. 

"Thank you very much-" Suddenly the squirrel jumped off her head and took off down the isles. Summer quickly grabbed her ticket and followed. It effortlessly weaved in and out between the other passengers until it stopped in the middle and stared up at a two unicorns who had just finished putting their things in the overhead compartment. One was purple with a white mane and was dressed in an adventuring outfit. The other was yellow with a blue mane and tail. 

Summer managed to catch up and snatch the squirrel with her magic just before he was able to steal the yellow unicorn's soda.

"I am SO sorry about that you guys. He gets so excited when he hears any form of can opening. He thinks its all food for him." Summer shifted awkwardly, since she was embarrassed at what her pet had done. She felt her face turn pink, and she set the squirrel back down on her head. 


Edited by SummerHaven
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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The mare grinned and took a seat by the window, put the redundant pillow against the train car's wall, and made herself comfortable, starting from unbutonning her "cool" coat and putting the hat on her lap. Clarity glanced through the window but the boarding platforms weren't especially appealing, so she directed her attention to the inside of their assigned train car.

Once Frenzy took the scroll to read, Clarity leaned over and chipped in: "I took a glance over at it back home and... it's not exactly entry level magic, you know. Makes me kinda nervous to use it, it looks easy to mess up and I have nooo idea what would happen then..." - she lowered her voice by the end of the sentence, almost as if afraid to entertain the possibility out loud, and offered an unsure smile. "But maybe you'll heve it easier with the scroll?"

A sudden movement and glow of magic in the corner of the lavender unicorn's eye made her galnce that way, just in time to see a frustrated squirell levitating away from her.

Wait, a squirell?!

The unicorn blinked with surprise and located the source of magic that held the critter - another unicorn mare who approached and started to apologise for it. Clarity raised an eyebrow and mused aloud: "A pet squirell? Now that's new. It's not some new Canterlot fad I hope? I-I mean, they don't seem to be too well suited to be kept at home and all... Ahem, nevermind, it's a cute squirell, uh huh. And it's not like any harm was done so, it's fine, right Frenzy?" - she looked at her companion for approval and support maybe, as her foreleg combed her long mane over her head again, so now the mane curtain was hanging to the left, towards the window.

Clarity regained her composure, after the slightly awkward monologue she just did, and slightly leaned towards the newcomer, then said confidentially: "I bet you already know that, but the conductors aren't too keen on pets on board, especially roaming loose. So I'd advise keeping your pal hidden when they show up, alright? Why waste time on pointless arguments, correct?"

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Raven Rawne

"Not to worry, he's going back to Vanhoover with me." Summer said as she stuffed the squirrel into her bag. "Now stay in there ok? I'll tell you when its safe to come out." She said to her bag. She knew she probably looked pretty goofy, but her pet must remain hidden. 

"Its totally fine!" Frenzy exclaimed. "Your squirrel has nice stealth skills, I must say! i hardly saw him coming." She said laughing at the strange turn of events. 

Summer pulled out her boarding pass once again. "Now I wonder where I'm supposed to sit." She scanned the ticket and giggled nervously. "Looks like my seat is actually right across from you two...I promise we won't have any more incidents." She said as she gently pushed her belongings under the seat and sat down. 

"I'm not too worried." Frenzy said and her attention returned to the spell scroll. 

As the final passengers filtered in and began to take their seats, the boarding assistants began going over safety procedures. Summer had seen them a million times, but quietly paid attention anyway. After the quick presentation, the engine let out a loud roar before shoving off down the track. 

Summer glanced at the scroll that had Frenzy's attention. She debated whether or not to say anything. she didn't want to cause any more annoyances, but eventually her curiosity got the better of her. 

"I couldn't help but notice, is that...an anesthetic spell?" Summer said quietly, as to not disturb the other passengers. 

Frenzy perked up a bit at the green unicorn's interest. "Yep! Not sure how much we are suppose to reveal about our trip...but we need to learn this pretty quickly. It will likely come in handy with our..uh...mission." 

"Sounds like a very specific mission." Summer said smiling. "I won't prod, but I can help you with the spell if you'd like. It's not quite as intimidating as the scroll makes it look." 

"That would be great! Thank you so much!" Frenzy said, excited to learn a new spell. 

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs:  Summer Haven ~ Cruiser McClaw ~ Frenzy Bolt


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The lavender mare nodded in agreement as the newcomer hid her pet, then glanced outside the window one more time before being recalled to the conversation by Frenzy speaking up. She made a slightly puzzled expression at that peculiar compliment. "I... guess you're right." Clarity casually observed the inside of the train car, and the newcomer mare who consulted her pass to see where she's supposed to sit. She smirked at the news that the place was right across them, and shook her head. "Nah it's completely fine. Besides, it's a squirell, not a dragon! What can come wrong, right?"

There was some commotion outside and thick clouds of steam shot from the train every once in awhile ,so Clarity naturally shifted her attention to the window and carefully observed what was happenning. Or what she could see from her spot at least... Soon enough the train started to roll off the station, and Clarity couldn't help but smile as her first grand adventure began.

The train was slowly rolling towards the city walls, surrounded by familliar Canterlot views. Clarity's ear perked up when the matter of Frenzy's scroll was brought up. She shifted her attention to the yellow unicorn and shrugged. "Hey, we're not on a seecret mission from the Princess herself, amirite? Just to sort out a teensy problem." - she snorted at "teensy", since it seemed funny, and looked sheepishly at the mare across the table. "We may need to use it to calm an animal, if other options fail. But whoever penned it, made sure to make it look as complicated as it can be..."

With the corner of her eye, Clarity saw thatthey cleared out of Canterlot proper and were hugging the steep slopes of the mountain, before suddenly everything went dark for a moment. Slightly intrigued, she immefdiately lit her horn but the lights came up just a moment later. By the look of it, they just entered a tunnel. She poofed at her horn and released the magic nnchalantly, then shrugged. "welp, no more sightseeing for now so I may as well join the magic crash course. Just... don't aim at me when you concentrate, aye Frenzy?" - She prodded her companion with an elbow, all too aware that soon enough she may embarass herself with her meager magical ability.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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