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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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Kitty: *Dragon Pit sounds great! Ive never really played it myself, so I cant wait to try!

Twilight: “And introducing eachother will have us talking for a while! This plan sounds great!”

Pinkie: “I’ll get the board game!” (She heads off to find it)

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Dynamo nods in confirmation towards the plan. "I've played it once when I was younger and it was a pretty fun game. If there are any other board games available, then I'm game. Are there any video games available? If not, then I could go and get my console later and bring it here." He says and smiles. "I can't wait to get to know everyone. It seems like we could before, but after last night it was late and we were all pretty tired. At least we can party and chat now." He says while waving as Pinkie left to find the game. "Take your time and good luck Pinkie!" He calls out while waiting patiently, yet nervously. He wanted to talk to the others, but he wasn't sure what to say. Whenever he wanted to open his mouth to speak, he felt tongue tied and felt his voice leave him. He didn't know why he was nervous. He came to the conclusion that he was with ponies he didn't know truly well.

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Kitty: *While we wait, we can start knowing more about eachother. I’ll start, I guess.

*Well, uh, *whispers to self* How should I start?

*Honeslty to start things off Im not real good at explaining things without using a lot of time to think. Im pretty indecisive, and I think thats one of the factors.

*I react very quickly to anything. Once I was startled for no reason at nothing whatsoever. Haha!

*Sometimes I have a hard time talking to people I dont know, kinda like Fluttershy.

Twilight: “Speaking of Fluttershy, here she comes!”

(Fluttershy enters the door)

”Um... did someone say my name?”

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Dynamo's ears perked at he looked towards Kitty, who went first on introductions. He sat there and listened attentively, as she explained who she was. He was surprised that he shared some quirks with the pink alicorn. "I know what you mean, Kitty. I'm the same way when it comes to explaining things. I would always need a script to perfectly describe a subject. That was back when I was in school, but still. I'm also pretty indecisive at times, but I'm getting better at decision making." He says, before hearing the door open once more. He sees the yellow Pegasus of the group from last night, entering the party room. Even if she spoke softly, the echo of the room was enough for him to hear her. "Yup, we did. We were doing introductions, so that we can get to know each other better." He says while looking back towards the group of ponies. "Should I go next? What should I talk about, or say for everypony here to know me better?" He asks, feeling unsure of what to say at the current moment. 

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Fluttershy: “You can if you want to... if not then I guess I can start mine or Kitty can um... say some more of herself.”

Kitty: *That sounds good.

(Rarity walks in)

”Good morning, darlings! Are we introducing ourselves? This sounds great for a start of our first hangout with Dynamo!”

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Dynamo watched as the final member of the mane 6 had entered the party room. "Good morning to you as well, Rarity. Kitty just got through with a bit of her introduction. Did you have more to add? I hope we didn't cut you off from what you had to tell us." He felt a bead of sweat trickling down the side of his face. He hoped that he would make a really good impression, but he didn't want to feel nervous. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and keep his composure. He looked around briefly to see that Pinkie wasn't back yet. "Should we wait for Pinkie to come back to do more introductions? If not, then I can go ahead and do introductions. Is there anything you all would like to know?" He asks while waiting for any type of question to be brought up.

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Fluttershy: “Um, whats your favorite animal? I dont really have one... I love all animals!”

(Dynamos reply)

(Pinkie comes in with the board game)

”Im back! Whatcha doing? Introductions? I love introductions!” (she places the board game in the middle of them and sets it up)

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Dynamo smiles and looks towards Fluttershy. "Hmm...out of all the animals in the world. I would have to say my favorite is either a cat, or a fox." He says as Pinkie walks back in with the board game. "Welcome back, Pinkie. We're going through introductions and I guess I should give more about who I am. My name is Dynamo Pad and my online gamer name is Kyubiki Tenchu. Kyubiki is related to an anime called, Naruto. Kyubi as in nine tails and ki as power. Tenchu means stealth, or hidden. So, putting the name together it means 'Hidden Strength.' It was given to me by my old teacher from back where I used to live." He says, smiling proudly while thinking of his old teacher. "I originally grew up in Fillydelphia and was bullied for being kind to others. I just wanted to help others if they needed some advice, but there were some ponies that didn't like that sort of thing. They all rallied the other students, so I never really had a friend before. That, and well..." He blushes in embarrassment as he tried to bring up his next comment.

"It's just...I was never really good at magic. You see, when I was born, the doctors told my parents that my horn was messed up. A unicorn's horn is supposed to look like Twilight's and Rarity's. The doctor's just confirmed it as a birth defect and I was unable to summon magic. My mother, who was a unicorn, tried to help me, but I could never conjure up a spell. Most unicorns at my school picked on me for not using magic, but I tried to ignore them, even if that truth hurt." He closed his eyes and shook his head. He looked back up with a soft smile. "It was a few years later that I was being chased by the bullies from school. I lost them in an arcade and it was then I met my old teacher. His name is Pinball Wizard and he was nice, kind and wise. When the bullies found me, Pinball said something that I always try to use in life." He cleared his throat and tried to sound like his old teacher. "When dealing with a problem, it should be settled by controllers and not your fists." He says, before laughing heartily. "I'm not much of a fighter, but I always solve a problem through gaming standards. When I fought against the bullies, I felt as if I could play video games all along, even though I've never touched a game before that time. It felt as if I was one with the character I played and I was able to win the challenge. I gained my cutie mark and I even found the magic from within."

He looked to the others and nods, before continuing. "Over time, I studied magic, but I still have trouble on mastering certain spells. I was told by Pinball that Ponyville was the epicenter of all video games, so I decided to come here to become a game creator. That, and to become a gaming champion one day. I've been here for about half a year and I've really enjoyed living here." He shook almost slightly as he was feeling nervous on explaining some troubling times he went through. "Is it okay if I can say something important?" 

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Kitty: *Wow! Thats quite a backstory! Telling such hard times to people, even they’re friends, can be hard to do. You are a brave person indeed.

*Speaking of hard times...

*No, nevermind. They arent so bad! Haha! *her face doesnt really look like her normal ‘happy face’ at the moment. Kinda looks a little nervous.*

*Anyway, you can say anything important. If its important, its gotta be known.

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Dynamo frowns, but nods appreciatively towards Kitty. "Thank you and you're right about that. It's takes bravery to tell others, but more bravery to take on things that are difficult." He began as he felt tears starting to build in his eyes. "This happened about a month ago. I understand what you meant by difficult times. I recently lost my father, due to lung difficulties." He says while trying to word it, so it wouldn't be saddening. "He was a welder and loved to race, being a Pegasus and all. The doctor's told him that since he never wore a mask while welding metal objects together, he inhaled the metallic particles. We helped him get treatment, but after a while he started to deteriorate. Very soon he was about to leave my mom and myself. There was a convention coming up and I thought it'd be wrong to go, but he told me his last requests to me." He lowered his face, so that his mane covered his eyes. He felt the tears he held back fall free down his muzzle. "He told me that he wanted me to have a good life and that he wanted me to go and have a great time. I promised him that I would go and win a tournament in his honor."

He used a hoof to wipe away his tears, before looking back up to the others. His eyes were a little red from crying, but he smiles nonetheless. "When I went to the convention, I was feeling nervous. I guess I was afraid to fail and let down my dad, but I ran into someone. She was there for a Dragon Pit game gathering with others and I got to talk to her. She was really nice and funny too. We hung out and I told her what had happened. I thought we parted ways, but during the tournament she showed up and was right next to me. Somehow, it felt like she gave me inner strength and hope to move forward. I managed to win the whole thing and it felt like my father was watching over me." He says as he ran a hoof through his mane. "I'm sorry about that. I just thought I should tell you in case you ever asked about my parents. That, and it felt good to tell somepony. It's why I work hard to be there for others. Also, when I left for home that day, I almost forgot to ask for her name. I think her name was...Starlight Glimmer. Do any of you perhaps know her? I never got a chance to tell her thanks or ask her something. That question is were we friends? Like I said before, I never really had a friend growing up back home. Even though we never really said anything, it felt like she was a true friend to me, in my opinion."

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Kitty: *Wow... Im sorry for your loss. Just know we are all here for you. *she hugs him* I know the feeling of losing a loved one.


*Starlight Glimmer? Why, she lives here! Shes in Canterlot right now, but I dont remember why...

AJ: “I think she went to see Sunburst on a magic trip.

Kitty: *Oh... right.

@Dynamo Pad

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Dynamo was at first surprised and caught off guard from Kitty's hug, but he soon returns the embrace. He pulls back from the hug and gave her a smile. "Thank you for the hug. I think I really needed that, to be honest. Also, thank you. All of you." He says, looking at everypony that was in the room at the moment. "I know we all met, but it really means a lot that you are all here for me. Even if we all just met, just know that I'm here for every one of you. I'd never abandon or let my friends down." He frowns slightly at her mentioning of losing a loved one. "I'm sorry to hear about your loss. If you ever want to talk about it, then I'm here for you. It's always better to talk about things instead of keeping quiet about it."

He was a little surprised at learning that Starlight lived at the castle. He felt a bit sad that Starlight wasn't around, but he smiles softly while shrugging his shoulders. "She never told me that she lived at this castle. I guess she didn't want to make it sound like a big deal, or something like that. I was hoping to see her again, but I guess it can't be helped. I hope her magic trip goes well." He says before turning towards Twilight. "If you see her when she returns, can you tell her I said hi and ask if she and I are friends. I know it sounds weird, but I feel as though she and I have this bond of friendship. I don't know why, but I can truly feel it in my heart." He says, looking down and placing a hoof over his heart.

He looks back up and smiles towards the group. "Now, let's see. I like video games, anime, reading, swimming, dressing up in cosplay, sweets and listening to music. I don't like spiders, sour foods, being put down for what you love bullies, anyone being told what they can and cannot do or learn. My dream for the future is to one day become a video game champion. To surpass all the previous champions that were before me." He says brightly with a grin. "I don't know if there's anything else you'd like to know, but that's pretty much me, in a nutshell."

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@Dynamo Pad

Twilight: “Ok, I will!”


Kitty: *Oooooooooh interesting! I LOVE music!! If my headphones werent broken, I’d listen to music every day!

*I dislike spiders too.. they’re kinda scary....

*Who wants to go next?

AJ: “I suppose I’d go, haha.”

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Dynamo smiles towards the purple alicorn. "Thank you and I really appreciate it, Twilight." Dynamo turns towards Kitty and chuckles at her enthusiasm. "If it weren't for the wings, then I'd say that you're the spitting image of Pinkie. What kind of music are you into? For me, it's a bit of alternative rock and Japanese alternative rock. I just like how some anime songs sounds, you know? I even try to memorize the songs from time to time." He grins, before frowning and shivering slightly in agreement. "Thank you! There's just something about my fear that's just not right. It's way too creepy to even think about." He shook his head to erase any thought about the current subject of fears. He turns to Applejack and nods with a smile. "Go for it, Applejack. The floor is all yours and we are all ears. Tell us everything that you'd like for us to know." He waits patiently to learn more about the orange earth pony. 

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AJ: Well obviously Im the Element of Honesty. I come from Sweet Apple Acres, and its not too from Ponyville. We sell the best cider yet! We used to have a feud with the Pears, but its settled now. Anyway, I really enjoy being with my friends, even if I dont really understand them. Like Rarity, for example: Shes with the fashion, and it looks really good, although i dont really understand fashion sometimes.

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The blue unicorn listened intently, as the orange mare gave a description of who she was and facts about her. He smiles and nods in agreement. "I guess it's pretty difficult to lie to someone, huh?" He chuckles before shaking his head and giving her an apologetic look. "I feel as though I was out of line saying that. I'm truly sorry about that. I think I've passed by Sweet Apple Acres, but I've never really visited. Maybe I should go and look into visiting sometime. I haven't had the chance to try any apple based products, but I can guess they taste delicious if they are made by you and your family." He nods once more on her last statement. "I know what you mean. I'm not really into fashion myself, but I can understand and appreciate what ponies love. I'm not that big of a sports fan, but I love playing kickball and dodgeball from time to time. I think it's great to have friends who are into different things. It give a whole new dynamic on things and more debates or certain ideas, or something along those lines." He looks to the group, while feeling interested in more introductions. "So, who's next on telling us who they are?" He asks while grinning in excitement. 

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Flutershy: “I guess I’ll go.”

”Im the Element of Kindness, and I like to take care of animals. I opened up a sanctuary for wild animals that need help, and Im proud of it!”

”Im actually a pretty weak flyer, but that doesnt stop me from helping others. I can stand up for my friends and I if I need to.”

”I have a pet bunny named Angel, but he’s kinda... picky...”

@Dynamo Pad

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Dynamo smiles while giving the yellow Pegasus a proud look. "I'm glad you don't any setbacks stop you from helping those that are important to you. It also sounds like you are goal oriented and have accomplished a lot." He says, raising an eyebrow and a curious look on his muzzle. "You said you like to take care of animals, right? Do you give animals as pets away to others? I've always wanted to have a pet, but I'm not sure if I'm ready. It doesn't sound too difficult, but I'm not sure what kind of animal I'd be looking for." He puts a hoof to his chin as she brought up her pet bunny named Angel. "How would you define the word, 'picky?' Angel bunny sounds nice, but is he rude, or something along those lines?" He slowly makes his way over to Fluttershy. He didn't know why, but she seemed familiar to him, in a way. He blinks before jumping back quickly. Blushing while giving her an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry about that. It's just...I feel as though I've met you somewhere before."

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@Dynamo Pad

Fluttershy: “Ive never really given any of animals away for pets, but I can discuss it with them if you’d like me to.”

”He’s just a little rude sometimes. Its not too bad.”

”Oh, its ok. I think you may have seen me somewhere; sometimes I get letters from others wanting help from me about their animals, and so I can travel a lot sometimes.”

”Who would like to go next?”

Rarity: “Maybe I should.”

Fluttershy: “Ok. Go an ahead.”

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Dynamo nods in understanding while giving the shy Pegasus a apologetic smile. "I'm really sorry about that. I hope I wasn't being rude in saying that. It just seems like most ponies would stop by your home, in case they are looking for a pet. I'd be okay if you can discuss that with the animals." He chuckles at how her pet rabbit acts, but nods regardless. "Fair enough. I guess he's got that rebellious side to him, but he seems to really care and look out for you. It really shows how kind and loyal he can be, in his own way, of course." He put a hoof to his chin at her response. He could see what she was talking about, but he still felt unconvinced. "I feel like I've passed by you while being in an anime convention. There's a lot of ponies who go and dress up, but still. Maybe it was purely coincidence?" He shrugged his shoulders. He looked to Rarity, who volunteered to go next. "What element of harmony do you represent, Rarity? What are some things that you like to do in your spare time?" He asks while taking a seat in an open chair. 

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Rarity: “I represent the Element of Generosity. I make dresses and other fashionable clothes for other ponies to wear! I currently have a shop here in Ponyville and one In Canterlot! I simply enjoy making clothes! I cannot image what tye world would look like without nice clothes! Also, I-“

(she is interrupted by a sudden sound, kind of like a messed up and broken game)

(The Mane 6 look at Kitty)

Rarity: “Oh, Kitty are you ok? That one sounded pretty bad...”

Kitty: *Yeah, Im fine. I probably need to stretch anyway. *she gets up and stretches a bit, and then sits back down.*

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"It sounds to me like you represent your element very well. I think it's very generous to bring style in clothing for others. I think I've seen the shop while I first moved to Ponyville, but I don't think I've ever stopped by." He chuckles as a random thought had crossed his mind. "I wonder if you made this jacket that I'm wearing. I remember my old boss got me a jacket and said it was special made, or something like that. It's a jacket that I usually wear to video game tournament or conventions." He nods while trying to imagine her train of thought. "A world without nice clothes would sound dull, boring and lack of creativity." He suddenly lowered his ears as he heard a jarring type of sound. A noise that sounded like a game becoming broken. He shudders slightly as if he could feel the pain of the broken sounds. Looking to the source, he donned a look of concern as the noise was coming from Kitty. "Are you sure you're okay? You said you didn't get that much sleep the night before." He visibly relaxes as she stretched, but still felt concern. "Just tell us if you still aren't feeling well. You're our friend and we worry about you, you know?" He says, as he was turning back towards Rarity. "By the way, what was it that you were going to say, Rarity?"

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Kitty: *Oh yeah Im fine! I glitch like that sometimes. They always happen randomly. 

Rarity: “Well Im glad youre ok.”

”I dont remember what I was going to say... Anyone want to go next?”

Pinkie Pie: “Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me!”

Rarity: “Hahah! Ok, go on ahead, darling!”

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The blue unicorn raised an eyebrow in confusion, yet in curiosity. "A glitch? What do you mean by a glitch? You mean a glitch like in a video game? I've never heard of that happening to a pony before. Is there a reason behind that and does that happen often?" He couldn't help himself in asking, since he didn't know much about the pink alicorn before him. "I'm sorry about asking you all of these things, Kitty. I hope it not personal, or anything like that." He gave her an apologetic look while scratching the back of his head. He looks to Rarity and chuckles slightly in agreement. "I know that feeling all to well. I have something on my mind and after a while I forget. My mom does that a lot and I can understand because she's old. It feels odd or random because I'm young. That, or I don't have the best of memory." He nearly jumped out of his seat at how hyperactive Pinkie was being. He couldn't help, but laugh at her enthusiasm and chalked it up as Pinkie being herself. "You're hyperactivity never ceases to amaze me Pinkie, haha. So, tell us all about yourself, Pinkie." He says, as he felt a grin starting to form upon his muzzle. 

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Kitty: *Yep. Just like one. Its not too personal.

*You see, I’m from another dimension. Not every thing can connect from my body to the required physics of this dimension, so those glitches happen. Im actually suprised I am actually a pony here, haha.

*Anyway, tell Dynamo more about yourself, Pinkie.


Pinkie Pie: “So, I’m the Elememt of Laughter and i think it REALLY suits me! Even the gem looks like a balloon! I make a lot jokes and I bring smiles to everyponys faces, and that makes me really happy!”

”I love baking pies and cakes for everypony to enjoy! Theyre really good! I have a crocigator named Gummy. He doesnt really talk much, but he still is a lot of fun!”

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