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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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Dynamo placed a hoof upon his chin, while taking Twilight's idea into account. He looked towards the sky as he noticed that it was still early in the day. He grinned and nodded in agreement. "I'm glad to hear you say that and that sounds like a plan. Maybe we can get some of the others to tag along. It's always great to be able to spend time with all of your friends." He chuckled as he continued walking with Twilight back towards the castle. He had a thoughtful look upon his face as Twilight asked him her question. "I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. Kitty was right that the odor of the liquid was quite rancid." He shuddered slightly, before continuing. "What makes you think that the liquid is corrupted, Twi? Has something like that ever happened before? That, or is there some sort of connection to the bottle that Kitty found?" He asks, before gaining a sort of theory in his mind. "What if that liquid was somewhat responsible for bringing that creature into our dimension?"

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Twilight: “Just looking at it and noticing the bad smell just makes me think that. Nothing like this has ever really happened. I dont really see a connection with it at all.”

”Hmmm.. it is possible, but I dont think Its too likely.”

(they have arrived at the castle. Twilight leads Dynamo into the room Kitty was in. Her hair looks a bit better, but its not by much.*

Twilight: “Hows it going? Did you find out what the liquid was?”

Kitty: *Yep, and I have bad news. Its from another dimension. The bottle it came in is from another different dimension. Anyway, the liquid is definitely demon’s blood. It comes from the dimension of the Seven Deadly Sins. The bottle itself is ok though. Its a normal storage bottle from the Miitopia dimension.

Twilight: “Dynamo and I were wondering if the liquid couldve caused that evil thing to come last night.”

Kitty: *Nope. The evilness came from the Wrinkle in Time dimension. It has no connection to this other stuff. IT just came for revenge.

Twilight: “Whyd you say “it” like that?”

Kitty: *Its just its name. Its an odd name.

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Dynamo took Twilight's observations into account, before nodding in agreement. "It sounds like you've done some science experiments. That, or you've tried different tests like Kitty was making in the castle." He says as they both arrive back to Twilight's castle. As the purple alicorn lead Dynamo into the room that Kitty was in. They were both greeted by Kitty, who seemed to have hit a breakthrough. "It sounds like you've figured a lot out, while we were gone. Glad to hear that everything turned out well, Kitty." He says, but was surprised to have been told of what the bottle had come from. "Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that the anime dimension is real too?" He almost lost his balance over the revelation of the news. "Sorry about that. It's just, I never would have thought there would be so many dimensions. First the gaming world and now the anime world? This is simply amazing and it makes me wonder. If I could ever go to see Naruto and all the other heroes that I look up to." He chuckles, before raising an eyebrow at Kitty's remark. "I think I've know of what you're talking about Kitty. Isn't that an old mare's tale that was written as a book? I heard that story was quite popular based on the creature that you speak of." He shuddered as he seemed to recalled such a tale.

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Kitty: *Yep. Theres all sorts of dimensions. Ive never been to the Naruto dimension, but Ive heard of it here and there.

*Nope. Its not a mares tale. Mares tales are legends from this dimension, since there arent very many ponies who even know other dimensions exist. It is a book though, and the events of the book only happened about 5 years ago. It is pretty popular, and even some English teachers have their students read it.

*Hey, speaking of dimensions, do you wanna go to another dimension? Id reccomend one that Ive been to already, as when I I join another new dimension, I kinds just um... look different than my true form, and Im stuck in that dimension unless I die or if I find what Im supposed to do in that dimension, or what I like to call my “destiny”.

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Dynamo could only nod and grin at the news that was discussed. "So, these games and anime are possible dimensions. I just wonder how they were brought over into our dimension." He pondered while pacing around in thought. "I mean, it's just insane to know that the things we like have come from another dimension. I wonder how somepony would know of that kind of information." He stopped in his tracks as he turned his attention over to Kitty. "I never thought a legend like that was actually true. I'm surprised we were honestly able to make it through that fight." He shuddered and felt worried, but calmed down. Relief washed over him as he knew they made it through the previous night's ordeal. "I guess students are taught to know about the story. I guess it's more along the lines of secretly defending yourselves of such a situation." He shrugged his shoulders as he didn't know what to make of what he had been told.

He raised an eyebrow at the offer of going to another world. "Would we have time to be able to go to this dimension. I'd hate for us to go and arrive back late. Just in case anypony else has something they need to attend to, or something along those lines." He asked while looking over to the purple alicorn. "What do you think, Twi? Do you want to go to this other dimension, as well? Should we get the others to go with us?" He soon realized what he was talking about, before turning back to face Kitty. "You said we'd be stuck in that world unless we lose you or you attain your destiny. It depends on what the world is to, so wouldn't that be a big risk?" He asked, while feeling slightly worried about how her abilities worked in a different world. 

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Kitty: *They arrive because they sense my presence here and they would want revenge. Only stronger ones arrive here because they know how to travel dimensions.

*The moral of the book is that love and freindship can do great things. It is one of the most, if not the most powerful weapon in the universe.


*Well, If we go to that dimension that the evil thing came from, that wont happen as I have been there before. Also, I can still attend to other emergencies. I can be in multiple dimensions at once.


Twilight: “Hmmm... Not now but maybe later. I have a couple more things on my list I need to do.”

Kitty: *Ok, Twi.

*So Dynamo, which dimension do you wanna go to? That is, if you want to go to another one at least. Haha.

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Dynamo turned towards Kitty with a concerned expression upon his muzzle. "Are there a lot of individuals that want revenge against you Kitty? I can only imagine that there would be many, since you can travel to different dimensions. How many dimensions have you been to?" He asks, before nodding at the moral of the story. "Friendship is truly strong and is meaningful, as well. I can imagine some would find friendship to be meaningless, but I know friendship can go a long way. I guess the story is a great way to explain why friendship is so important, or something along those lines." He sighed in relief on how dimension traveling can work. "That's good to know. It sounds cool to visit a different dimension, but I would be worried about being stuck and not going back home. I guess it sounds pretty cool to travel and go on adventures. You never know where you'll go, but exploring and having fun is always half the journey of an adventure." He chuckled and shook his head.

He frowned slightly at Twilight's response, but he knew that it couldn't be helped. She was a Princess and had a job to do. "I understand, Twi. Hopefully everypony else will be able to go on a dimension journey together later." He says, before thinking of what dimension he wanted to travel to. "I was thinking of traveling to a game dimension, but there's probably so many video games to choose from. Maybe a simple dimension. Maybe the world of Pokemon, if it possible." 

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Kitty: *Yes. I have defeated many vengeful souls by befriending them, however. Its my preferred method, haha.

*Anyway, yep! Pokemon is one of my favorite dimensions.

*Now before we go, I have a couple things to warn ya about. Nothing dangerous, just to have you not get startled or anything. First of all, wehn we teleport it’ll feel kinda odd. Its kinda like going on a roller coaster, but its over a lot faster and it isnt as bad as that feeling when you do go on one. I reccomend you close your eyes, especially if you have problems with bright colors. Second of all, I will have a different appearance. Since I’m bad at explaining, I’ll draw what I look like. (will be shown below. Forget the green thing thats kinda random xD)


*she gets a white peice of paper and a pencil and other colored pencils and starts drawing* 


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Dynamo smiled and chuckled along with Kitty. "It's always good to befriend others. Sometimes, an enemy could be misunderstood or being going about something in the wrong way. When it comes to showing them friendship, then everything becomes easier." He grinned as she agreed on the world that they would be visiting. "This is awesome! I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes that game series." He says, before listening carefully at Kitty's explanation on how she goes to the different dimensions. He cringed slightly as he almost looked like he was going to be sick. "I'll take your word for it. Should it be wise for us to hold hands? That way, we won't be separated from each other while we teleport?" He suggested as he was feeling nervous on being lost in the wrong dimension. He watched as she took a pencil and paper, before drawing what she would look like in that world. He raised an eyebrow and whistled in astonishment. "You look really cool! Also, is that a tail? Will I still have a tail when I enter that dimension?" He asks as he had so many questions to ask, but knew that he would get answers in due time.

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*Yep, thats a tail, and yes you will look exactly as you are now because you were born here and you would simply be a visitor to that dimension, so you wouldnt have to follow the code of the other dimension.

*We wont be separated, as I have full control of the teleportation sequence. All I have to do is touch you on the shoulder and start the sequence. Its really quick, we’d be there in less than a second once I start it.

*Are ya ready?

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Dynamo smiled and nods, while having a look of awe on his face. "That's good to know, but it's still pretty cool. I thought I would be like the characters in the video games, or something like that. I hope I won't stand out because I'm a visitor to that dimension. At least I don't have to follow any of the dimension codes." He raises an eyebrow in curiosity and wonder. "That does bring up a good question. Have you ever brought anyone to a different dimension before?" He asks and sighs in relief at her reassurance. "Okay, but I'll do the same, as well. I'll wrap an arm around your shoulder. Just in case we do somehow get separated, if that's okay?" He was about to confirm that he was set to travel, but stops as he quickly ran to his saddlebag. He pulled out his handheld and made sure he had a copy of his Pokemon game. He runs back over to Kitty and nods. "I'm ready and all set to go. I'm going to take my video game with me. Just in case I can meet some of my actual Pokemon from the game." He grins and chuckles at his idea. 

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Kitty: *Its impossible to get separated. When I touch you you are counted as a part of me cause our atoms are touching and so we’re both transported to the same area.

*Oh, yes many times!

*Oh thats totally fine! I understand your worry.

*Ok, lets go.

*She touches Dynamos shoulder as he wraps his arm around her shoulder. There is a sudden zip sound and then they feel as if they are on grass.*

*Ok, you can open your eyes now.

*We are currently in Route 3 facing Pewter City. I was gonna buy some Pokéballs there, but i had some issue then forgot all about it, haha. Wanna go there? Dont be suprised if people call you a new Pokémon and try to catch you, theyve done that to me. They’ll eventually get used to ya.

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Dynamo chuckled, while grinning sheepishly and giving Kitty an apologetic look. "That makes sense and sorry about that. I always have that part of me that worries on something happening. I know there's nothing to fear, but you can't ever be too careful of something, right?" He shrugged his shoulders and nods at her remark. "I guess we'll see you soon, Twi. Just let the others know that we'll be back later from our travels." He waved to the Princess of Friendship, before wrapping an arm around Kitty's shoulder. He closes his eyes as he could feel an aura of magic surround both him and Kitty. He heard a zap and he could feel that he wasn't on concrete, but a patch of grass. He slowly opened his eyes and felt a little dizzy at first. He knew it was the backlash of the teleportation spell, but he was slowly, but surely growing used to the after effects. As he regained his bearings, he gasped softly and looked at everything around him. He was given info on the area and he grinned from ear to ear. "This really is the route to Pewter City! It looks just like it's meant to be in the games!" He slapped a hoof over his mouth, so as to not draw any attention to others.

He looked to Kitty as he took his hoof off of his mouth. "I would love to go to Pewter City. I wonder if the gym is open to challenge." He chuckled and nodded in understanding. "I guess I wouldn't be surprised. Knowing others, they would think i'm a shiny Rapidash or something like that." He then raised an eyebrow as a thought had crossed his mind. "Speaking of which. You said you were going to get some more Pokéballs, but then an issue had appeared. Does that mean I have a Pokemon of my own? If not, is there a way for me to go and get my own Pokemon?" He asks as he wondered if he could have the same team he made in his copy of the games. 

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Kitty: *The gyms are usually opened. If we can get you some Pokémon, you can get your first badge at Viridian City.

*Perhaps your save file on your game has a connection to here. Since youre not from this dimension, your Pokémon arent connected to you. I can go see if someone with access to the matrix can connect you with your Pokémon. It will also give you the items that you currently have saved on your game.

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Dynamo nods as Kitty explained about the Pokemon gym. "That's good to know. I know that Brock is usually the first gym." He explains, but raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Wait a second. I know that Viridian City has a gym that's available to challenge, but I always thought that the gym there was always saved for last. Not only that, but who's the current gym leader there?" He asked in hopes it wasn't the gym leader he was thinking of.

He frowned slightly as he learned that his Pokemon weren't connected to him in this world. His ears perked at the mention of someone having access to the matrix. "I hope that someone is available. Maybe I'll be able to see my team in person." He says as his eyes gleamed with hope. "If not, then I think Pallet Town isn't too far away. Maybe the professor can help me out with a Pokemon." He thought as he weighed his options that were available at the moment for him.

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Kitty: *I dont know the name, nor have I seen him. If he’d just show up, Id finally be able to get my last stinkin’ badge!

*Hang on, Imma go get someone to see if they can link your Pokemon save file to you.

*She continues walking to Pewter City, but she kinda walks a little clumsily and sometimes stops in her tracks, mumbles stuff, trips and falls over, and runs into trees. After a few minutes, she replies.*

*Theyre linking it to ya now. Should take only a couple of minutes.

*she realizes she accidentally cut herself a bit. She makes a bandage out of thin air and applies it.*

*Heh. Sorry ‘bout all my clumsiness.

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Dynamo placed a hoof under his chin to think about the possibilities of who the gym leader was. "It honestly depends on when the timeline in Pokemon takes place. If we are talking about the original Red, Blue, Yellow, then it would be Giovanni. If this is during the Gold, Silver, Crystal era, then it would be Blue. I would go with the former since you said the gym leader never shows up, but I could be wrong." He says as he nods at her remark of going to find someone to link the files. He winced slightly as she tripped, fell over and ran into some trees. He smiled slightly at the good news, but frowned with concern in his eyes. "That's good to hear. I can't wait to see my team again. Also, are you okay? It seems like you were multitasking and accidentally got hurt." He noted as he saw that she was hurt, but sighs in relief as she bandaged her injury. He smiles softly and shakes his head. "You don't have to apologize. I can be a bit clumsy myself. I sometimes run to the arcade, go into a song from a game and then lose my sense of direction and balance." He says with a chuckle.

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Kitty: *Yeah Im fine. Its nothing, haha. I multitask a lot, but Im usually not so clumsy. Eh, I think its just one of those “growing-up” things.

*She has nothing else to say at the moment, so she decides to hum to herself, trying not to disturb Dynamo if he gets annoyed with it. It seems to be high picthed and fast paced music, as if she were singing anime battle music.*

*They arrive at Pewter City.*

*Here we are!

*Feel free to look around, or you can come with me if ya want to. Im gonna be the shop if you need me.

*Oh, I almost forgot. Have this whistle. If you wind up getting really lost or if its for any other emergency, just blow it. I’ll be able to hear it from anywhere.

*she give him the whistle. It looks like a regular silver whistle.*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dynamo raised an eyebrow as Kitty explained her ability to multitask. "That's actually pretty impressive. I wouldn't say that being clumsy is one of those "growing up" things. I mean, we all have our off days from time to time. I try to multitask, but then I usually crash into a wall and lose all sense of direction and what I was doing." He chuckles and blushes in embarrassment over what he had said. He shook his head and smiles as it didn't feel like much of a big deal to him. He was glad to relate to someone that was his friend. His ears perked as he could hear Kitty humming a tune. "Isn't that a battle theme from the game, or is it from something else? It sounds almost familiar." He grinned as he realized that he and Kitty shared something in common. "I guess I'm not the only one who hums different kinds of songs. Usually I sing or hum some anime openings to myself. I know it might sound silly, but I love how catchy some songs are. I've recently got some songs from My Hero Academia stuck in my head." He says as the duo soon arrived at Pewter City.

His eyes shined with amaze and wonder. "Pewter City looks exactly like it does in the game. However, it seems as if there are some parts from the anime splashed in, as well." He noted, but kept to a low whisper, so as to not cause any suspicion to the other characters. He pondered for just a moment, before following Kitty to the shop. "I think I'll tag along, if that's okay. I might need to pick up some Pokeball's and potions if I'm going to get my team." He says as she handed him a silver whistle. He smiled and nods, while giving Kitty a thankful look. "Thank you and that's really kind of you. This place seems like you can get lost really easily, or something like that." He chuckles as the two made their way to the shop. 

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Kitty: *Its totally fine!

*Heh, its no problem! Anythin’ for my friends! 

*they walk inside. Kitty buys 5 ultra balls and 3 great balls. She then goes to the built-in Pokémon Center and heals her Pokémon.*

*she waits for Dynamo to finish his shopping.*

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Dynamo smiles and nods as he enters the shop. He waited patiently until Kitty was done her shopping, before going up to the clerk and making his purchase. He decided to get a few 5 ultra balls, 5 dusk balls, 2 hyper potions and an escape rope. He then makes his way over to Kitty, who was at the built-in Pokemon center. "I decided to pick up a few items. A dusk ball is pretty useful when in caves or when it's night time. That, and I bought an escape rope. Just in case we need to make a quick escape. Even if I can or cannot use magic in this world. It's better to be safe than sorry." He says as he waits for Kitty's Pokemon to be healed up. He looks around the center and sighs softly, while running a hoof through his mane. "It's cool I got myself prepared for this game, but I can't help, but wonder. You think there will be somepony who can use the game matrix to get my team?" He asks, while turning his attention back over to Kitty.

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Kitty: *Yes, there are many people. Theyre almost finished with it already. Maybe a couple more minutes and it’ll be linked.

*I sense some wild Pokémon nearby. They dont come to the towns very often. Perhaps you’d like to catch some? Im currently satisfied with my team, and around here theyre pretty easy to beat for me... heh.

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Dynamo could only nod as he listened closely to Kitty's explanation of those that have access to the matrix. "I'm glad and thankful to hear about this good news. I guess it's all about finding someone, who will be able to gather the information to send the team data over. I'm not sure if that's accurate or not, but it seems to be the case." He says as he thought he had heard something outside of the Pokemon shop. His ears perked as he heard other Pokemon making their way into the town. He thought about the offer that Kitty had suggested, but he smiles and shook his head. "The offer sounds tempting, but I think I'll pass. I'm happy and satisfied with the team I have, as well. Would you care to show me what team you have against these Pokemon? I don't think I've ever seen you in a Pokemon battle. Plus, I'd like to see how a battle is done when it comes to being in this dimension." He says, while feeling psyched at seeing a battle demonstration. 

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Kitty: *Indeed, you are correct.

*I guess I’ll battle it. *she goes toward the Pokémon.*

A wild Doduo has appeared!

*Hmmm, whats my weakest Pokémon...? Aha! *she takes a Pokéball out of her bag.* Go, Meowstic! (a level 23 Meowstic has emerged from the Pokéball.)

*she snickers to herself.* A level 9 Doduo against a level 23 Meowstic... Ha!

*Meowstic, use Psychic! (the Meowstic attacks the Doduo with said move.)

The wild Doduo has fainted!

*Well, there we go! What do you think of it?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dynamo nods as he followed Kitty out of the Pokemon shop/center. As he made his way outside, he watched as the wild Pokemon had appeared. The blue unicorn was somewhat surprised to see the identified Pokemon was a Doduo. "That's interesting when you think about it. Doduo don't even show up around Pewter City. I believe they appear later down the line, but somewhat around Celedon City. I haven't played the games for a long time, so I could be wrong." He watched as Kitty had picked a Meostic to fight against the Doduo. He could only watch as the Mewostic had defeated Doduo with it's psychic attack. He smiled at how impressed he was over how Kitty had handled the situation. "That wasn't half bad, but I think you went a little overboard. Besides, you'd be surprised how a difference in levels can make a difference." He says and chuckles along with her.

He smiles and nods at her remark. "You did a great job, Kitty. You really trained your Meowstic well to be able to take down that Doduo. Which version of Meowstic is that? I know there's a male and female version of that Pokemon. I believe the male is more defensive based, while the female are more attack oriented. I remember hearing that's how Meowstic are based from watching a battle video." He says, before a thought had formed in his mind. "Do you have a full team, as well? I can't just assume that Meowstic is the only Pokemon that you have on you. Would it be okay to meet the rest of your Pokemon team?" 

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