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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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Dynamo smiles while waving to the retreating form of Kitty. He looks to Twilight, who was writing down and giving the blue unicorn a bunch of addresses. He smiles and nods tiredly, but happily. "Thank you for the address, Princess Twilight. I live close to the arcade near the main part of town in Ponyville, but I've never had a chance to visit the castle. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with you, Kitty and the others. Also, Kitty told me that she lives in Ponyville. I'm guessing this is the address to her house in town?" He asks while making sure he wouldn't be confused on the addresses given. 

He could see the train coming into view and was about to bid his new friends a good evening. However, he noticed Pinkie was becoming a balloon while she was asleep. He raised an eyebrow in confusing, curiosity and worry. "Uh...is that normal for Pinkie to do that? I guess I shouldn't really ask and just chalk that up as Pinkie being Pinkie, right?" He asks while he couldn't help, but chuckle at the pink ponies antics.

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TS: “Yep! It sure is the correct one!”

”Yeah... Pinkie does unexpected things very often. She’s known to break the 4th wall, even when she doesnt know.”

”Well, good night!” (she waves to Dynamo)

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Dynamo smiles in relief as the train came to a stop at the Canterlot station. "Okay and thanks again for letting me know. I think I remember Pinkie doing that when I first came to Ponyville about half a year ago. It always never gets boring when living in that town." He calls over his shoulder. He turns and waves to Twilight while boarding the train. "Goodnight and I'll see you and the others tomorrow!" He calls out as he makes his way onto the train. He takes his seat and looks out the window, as the train starts to leave the station. It took about a half hour, but the blue unicorn could see the Ponyville station come into view outside his window. As the train came to a stop, Dynamo yawned, before grabbing his stuff and making his way off of the train. Making his way into town, he could see other ponies still out, but most were asleep at this hour. He enjoyed the silence and scenery, as he looked up to enjoy the moon and the stars.It gave him some time to think on the past events of today.

'Today was a lot of fun, but pretty crazy. I was able to play some video games and I even had to stop a creature. I even made some new friends in the process. That does bring up a good question though. What even was that creature and why was it here in Canterlot. Could there have been someone who planned that kind of attack?' He stopped in his tracks, as he felt a weird feeling building in the pit of his stomach. He shook his head to ease his mind of any worry. 'No, that can't be. Maybe I can ask Kitty and Twilight about that idea. I mean, that couldn't have been some sort of coincidence, right? I guess these questions should be saved for later. I should head off for bed since I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.' He smiles and nods to himself, as he finally reached his home. He stepped into his home and went straight towards his room. As he entered his room, he placed his saddlebag right next to his bed and crawled into said bed. He stifled a yawn before letting the feeling of sleep take over him. 

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*Kitty arrives at her home, sleepy after the battle against the creature.*

*Aaaaah, home! Well, I should check things up online then go to bed, I’m tired!

*Wait, I’m talking to myself again, aren’t I? Heheh. I always do that, right brain? *she knocks on her head lightly*

*after some time, she goes to bed*


(Twilight and the others are also getting some stuff and then heading to bed, except for Rainbow Dash. She is outside doing aerial stunts)

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As a new day began to dawn in Ponyville, the sun began to rise into the air. Dynamo was still asleep in his room, until his alarm began to go off to help wake him up. He groaned and began to hit the alarm clock, until said alarm was turned off. He sighs in relief while trying to rest for a few more minutes, but was awoken from the sun shinning through the windows and hitting him in the face. The blue unicorn sighed and decided that he was wide awake and unable to get back to sleep. He slowly got out of bed and decided to make some breakfast. It was a simple breakfast and once he finished eating, he made his way back into his room to play a little bit of video games. While he began to play, he began to think of what he wanted to do for today. 'I know I'm going to meet up with Kitty, Twilight and possibly the others from the night before. Yet, I'm not entirely sure on what time we should hang out. Everything will work out, but I'm going to wait and see how things turn out.' He thought, before yawning and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. While playing his video games, he decided to cheek and see if there was anyone online playing video games in the early hours of the day. 

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*Kitty has been pondering all night, and unable to get any sleep. She still ponders even through sunrise. She mumbles to herself, and even if someone were there, the words would be too muffled to hear.*

(Meanwhile, at the castle, the Mane 6 got enough sleep to get through the day, except for Rainbow. She got a half nights worth of sleep, but shes still as awake as ever.)

TS: “Oooooh I cant wait to hang out with Dynamo! But first! I must get a list of what to do! (she gets some paper and writes stuff down)

RD: “I know, right?? This is going to be AWSOME!!!!!”

(Pinkie Pie is getting some party stuff ready)

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Dynamo placed his video game controller down. Satisfied that he played a good amount of hours of his game, he turned the console off and got ready for the day. He wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be busy at his job in the arcade, so he could see Twilight, Kitty and the others. He put his black jacket on and placed his belongings into his saddlebag. After making sure that he had everything ready for the day, he nods and exits his room. He made sure to lock up for the day and proceeds to walk towards town. 'It's a shame that I don't know how to contact the others. This way, we can plan out a good time for all of us to meet up. I don't want to just show up unannounced. That just seems plain rude, in my opinion.' He thought, but was brought out of his thoughts, as his stomach began to growl. "I guess I didn't really have any breakfast this morning. Perhaps I should get myself something at Suagarcube Corner." He says while speaking his thoughts out loud. He looks to his left side and then to his right. Making sure that nopony was listening, he sighs and chuckles. "I've really got to stop talking to myself. That's a bad habit that I've yet to conquer." He grins in embarrassment, before making his way towards Sugarcube Corner.

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Ms. Cake: “Hello! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! How can I help you this morning?”

(there is a crash upstairs)

”Oh, Im sorry about all the noise. Pinkie Pie is really excited to see a new friend of hers.”

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As Dynamo entered the shop, he smiled, as he was greeted by Mrs. Cake. "Hello, Mrs. Cake. Can I get two chocolate cupcakes and a vanilla milkshake please?" He asks as he looks at all the pastries and desserts available in the window display. His ears perked, as he heard a loud crash from upstairs. He was about to ask, but his question was answered by Mrs. Cake. He couldn't help, but laugh and grin. "There's no need to apologize for anything, Mrs. Cake. That sounds like something Pinkie would do." He raised an eyebrow while having a quizzical expression upon his muzzle. "That does bring up the question. Who is this new friend that Pinkie's looking forward to meeting?" He wanted to ask other questions, but knew that his questions would be answered, in due time. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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Ms. Cake: “I think its somepony named Dynamo Pad or something...”

”Oh, your order is ready. Here you go!” (she hands him his order)

(Pinkie runs down the stairs at top speed and out the door, but then she runs back in)

Pinkie: “Oh hi Dynamo!! I’m so exited to see you later! I have most of my stuff ready, but I need to get something from the castle.”

Ms. Cake: “Oh so you’re Dynamo? Well, its nice meeting you!”

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Dynamo's eyes widened, as Mrs. Cake addressed him as the one Pinkie wanted to see. "Actually, Mrs. Cake. My name is..." He didn't have a chance to finish, as the Super Duper Party Planning Pony herself, had run down the stairs and right out the door. Dynamo blinked in surprise, while having a perplexed, yet wondrous look upon his muzzle. 'How can a pony run that quickly? That was near Sonic the Hedgehog's level of speed when he has all the chaos emeralds. I guess this is another one of those Pinkie logic moments and that I shouldn't ask. However, I might ask later since that's defying the laws of game and real life physics.' He was brought out of his thoughts, as said pink pony had ran back into the building. The blue unicorn smiled, waving the Pinkie in the process. "Hey and good morning Pinkie! I look forward to meeting you all again, as well. At least we won't have to meet under catastrophic circumstances like the evil creature from last night." He couldn't help, but chuckle and shake his head at the memories of the night prior. "Should I make my way to the castle now, or should I be there at a certain time? Just wondering because it's still somewhat early and I wasn't sure if anypony was up, or if there was a certain time preference." He says, grabbing his morning breakfast and giving Mrs. Cake the exact amount of currency. He smiles and nods appreciatively. "It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Cake. Also, thank you again for the cupcakes and milkshake." He says while making his way over to the front door to leave Sugarcube Corner. 

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Pinkie Pie: “You can come along as soon as youre ready!”

Ms. Cake: “Youre welcome! Have a great day!”

Pinkie Pie: “Hey that reminds me, I havent seen Kitty at all this morning. Shes usually up by now. (then she starts talking to herself) Maybe shes still getting ready? Nah, she doesnt really plan things. She likes to flow.” (she walks off in wonder)

@Dynamo Pad

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Dynamo nods happily while cupping his hooves around his mouth to amplify his voice. "Okay and I'll be with you in just a second, Pinkie!" He exclaims before turning back to Mrs. Cake and nods once more. "Thank you and you have a great day yourself, Mrs. Cake." He calls from over his shoulder, as he made his way out of Sugarcube Corner." Once he left the shop, he hurried over to Pinkie Pie, who was busy hopping around as she walked. "Pinkie, hold up! We're going to the castle, right?" He finally catches up to her while slowing down to a walking pace. Catching his breath from all the running he head to do to catch up to the pink mare. "You haven't seen Kitty? I hope she's okay. We're all supposed to meet up at the castle today." He says, before remembering something that she had said before. "Wait a minute. You said you had to get something from the castle and get stuff ready as well. Are you planning something special in particular?" He asks while staring at her with a curious look upon his muzzle. 

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Pinkie Pie: “Yep! We’re headed right there!”

”Of course I’m planning something special! Friends always deserve the bestest!” (as she says this she has the most happy and excited expression anypony could ever have.)

”Hey, I heard youre a big gamer. Could you maybe play some games with us? That would be fun to share things we like with each other!”

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Dynamo smiles and nods as he outstretches a hoof towards the destination. "Excellent! Then lead the way, my friend!" He chuckles as he continues to walk alongside the pink party pony. Hearing what Pinkie was talking about cause him to look at her in surprise. "We're friends? Really? I mean I don't know you or the others very well. So, I was afraid to assume we were friends, in case it felt awkward, or something like that." He notices Pinkie's happy expression and he couldn't help, but smile softly. Her happiness was too infectious to ignore. "I guess after everything that happened last night, we've all become friends. Thanks for including me in your circle of friends Pinkie."

His eyes widen slightly as he remembered something about the pink mare next to him. "Oh, that's right! I think I remember you threw a party when I first arrived in Ponyville about six months ago. That was a lot of fun and I really appreciated that. Thanks for making me feel welcomed Pinkie." He chuckles and nods as she was right about him being a gamer. "You've got that right. My goal is to make a lot of video games in the future and to become a great gamer overall." He nods happily at her question. "I'm into video games, but games are what I'm all about. Whether it be card games or party games, I'm up to having fun and a lot of shenanigans. I'd be delighted, Pinkie." He says as the Castle of Friendship was almost upon them. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Pinkie: “Squeeeeee this is gonna be great!”

”Oh here we are! Come on inside!”

(there are a lot of party decorations inside.)

”I did this aaaaaaaall myself! Doesnt it looks great?”

(the door opens again, showing a very sleepy Kitty Cat)

”Woah, what happened to you?”

Kitty Cat:

*Wasnt able to get to sleep last night...

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Dynamo chuckles at Pinkie's hilarious antics. Just seeing the pink mare's hyperactive attitude was enough to make him feel hyper. "Meeting new friends, playing party games and video games? This does sound like it's going to be great!" He cheered as they quickened their pace towards the castle. After a couple minutes of more walking, the duo had reached the Castle of Friendship. The blue unicorn stared up in awe at how gigantic the castle really was. It was his first time being at the castle, so he didn't expect the castle to be so breathtaking. He shook his head to pull himself together. His ears perked at the Pink mare's words and nods while following her inside the castle. Seeing every door looking the same down the hall felt confusing to him. He couldn't help, but laugh at the irony. "I feel as if I could get lost in a place like this. With every door being the same, you'd think they'd put labels on the doors."

He kept near Pinkie, so he wouldn't get lost on their way to the party room. He watched as Pinkie opened a door and ushered him inside the party room. He looked around and was impressed at how festive the party room looked. He whistles in surprise while marveling the decorations. He turned towards the pink, party pony while raising an eyebrow. Smiling, yet still having a confused and wondrous look upon his muzzle. "How did you decorate this party room so quickly? How long did it take you to put the decorations in order? I mean, it looks like some of the decorations are on the ceiling. I'm trying to wonder how that's even possible." He says as a look of realization dawned on him. "Did the others say when they were going to show up? Is it okay to be here this early?"

He was about to ask more questions, but was stopped as they heard the door opening again. He turned around and smiled to see Kitty Cat, but frowned in concerned at the state that she was in. "Are you okay, Kitty? Are you tired from everything that happened last night? That, or did you have trouble sleeping?" He asks while turning to Pinkie, once more. "Is there a place in the castle for her to rest. Is there anything we can do to help out?"

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Pinkie Pie:

”Justa hunch.” (she giggles) “Oh, we’re not early, everyone else is here already. Guess we were all excited!”



*If I dont fall asleep at 4 am or earlier, I cant go to sleep. If I wake up at 4 am or later, I cant go back to sleep. Its kind of a thing I dont understand yet. Im fine though. I’ll wake up. Heheh. *she smiles a bit*

(Twilight enters the room)

”Wow, Pinkie! You really have done it again! It looks amazing!”

“Oh, and good morning Dynamo and Kitty!”

Pinkie: “Thanks!”

Kitty: *Mornin’!

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Dynamo sighed in relief, while smiling and admiring the decorations. "That's good to know. I'd hate to barge in unannounced. It just feels rude, in a way, or something like that." He couldn't help, but chuckle and nod at Kitty. "I know what you mean. I get up earlier than I'm supposed to. No matter how much I try to fall back asleep, I can never truly get a lot of rest." He sighs and shakes his head. "It's the curse of being a morning pony, I tell you." He looks up to see Twilight entering the room. He smiles and nods, acknowledging the Princess of Friendship. "Good morning, Princess Twilight. Sorry if we visited unannounced. How are you doing? Are the others around?" He looked in multiple directions to see if the other mane 6 had joined the party. He then looked back to Twilight, sporting a curious look upon his muzzle. "By the way, I was wondering something. Is it okay to call you Princess Twilight, or should I just call you Twilight? I'm sorry, but I didn't know how to properly address you last night after all the events that were going on." He chuckles nervously. Running a hoof through his mane. 


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Twilight: “The others are almost ready, although I dont know where Rainbow Dash is. She’s likely doing more flying tricks.”

”Oh, either is fine! My friends call me just ‘Twilight’ though, haha.”

(they hear a shout coming from outside)


(Rainbow Dash flies through the door at top speeds. Thankfully nobody was hurt)

”Heheh... sorry for that”

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Dynamo nods as he waits patiently for the others. "Will it just be the group from last night, or will there be anyone else joining the party?" He raises an eyebrow, as he felt that was odd of the rainbow maned Pegasus pony. "Maybe she was busy reading the Daring Do series? I think I saw her getting some of those books together when I was looking for some manga, at one point. Although, I could be wrong." He says, shrugging his shoulder. He nods appreciatively and laughs along with her. "Thank you for letting me know, Twilight. I wasn't sure if it was weird for friends to call others by regal names, or something along those lines." His ears perked as he suddenly heard someone shouting. He looks to the door and ducks out of the way to avoid Rainbow flying through the door. He blinked in surprise while looking from the door to the Pegasus pony, before chuckling. "It's all good, Rainbow. What's with the rush for? Also, Pinkie do you have a scorecard? I would give that dynamic entrance a...7 to 8 out of 10. Not too bad for an entrance, if I do say so myself."



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Kitty: *I think it should just be us today.

(Pinkie Pie hands Dynamo a score card)

*Kitty makes a score card out of thin air. It has a 10 on it.)

(Applejack heard the commotion and walks in)

”What in tarnation is going on?”

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Dynamo looked to Kitty, who had answered his question. He nods, but felt slightly disappointed. He didn't know why, but chose to shake his head and ignore it. Instead, smiling and looking forward to the upcoming party. Dynamo thanked the pink party pony, while holding the scorecard up with his magic. He grins slightly while chuckling at his odd idea to evaluate the epic entrance. He then turns toward the sound of a new voice. It's revealed that Applejack had entered the room with a look of concern and confusion. Dynamo smiled slightly and decided to help settle any confusion. "Apparently Rainbow was in a rush and made a beeline to the castle. She busted the door open and made a pretty cool entrance." He says while looking at Rainbow curiously. "That does bring up a good question. Why in Equestria were you in such a rush, Rainbow? Was there an emergency of some kind?" He then turns back to the orange earth pony. "It looks like we almost have the group together. We're still missing Rarity and Fluttershy, I believe? We're they with you when all this was going on, A.J.?"

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Rainbow: “Got really excited about the new Daring Do book. Too excited.”

AJ: “Rarity is almost ready. Fluttershy is doing a morning check up on her animals and should be on her way soon.”

Twilight: “While we wait for the other two, what should we do first?”

Kitty: *Mmmmmmmmm..... Rock Pa— No I forgot again.... Ummmm how about a board game?

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Dynamo blinked in surprise while he felt his jaw drop slightly. "Uh...I was just kidding on the whole Daring Do thing earlier. I guess I'm psychic? That's something I will never know." He chuckles while giving Rainbow and apologetic look. "I'm sorry about that. I was telling them that I thought I saw you in a book store once. I was looking for manga, but I think I saw you briefly, as you searched for Daring Do. I haven't read that series, but I've heard it was pretty good. If I'm not going with manga, then I would say I'm more of a Harry Trotter fan." He turns to Applejack and nods. He puts a hoof to his chin while thinking of a game for them all to play. "A board game would be a good idea, but which one? Maybe Dragon Pit, or some other game. Maybe once the others arrive, then we can introduce and get to know each other better? Since I don't know much about anyone here." He chuckles while grinning sheepishly. "Then again, you all don't know much about me either. I guess we'll figure things out when everyone else arrives." 

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