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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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Rarity: “Oooh! Thank you, darling!” (she gets them from his levitation into hers)

”Your selection looks great! I think what you picked will do well!”

(they have left the house now)

”Oh, Im just so excited! These look like games Rainbow would play! She would be so happy!”

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Dynamo made sure the games he levitated to Rarity were in her magical grasp. He trusted her, but was always afraid that a game would get broken. "You're very welcome. If you ever need other games to get inspiration for your dresses, then I'll make sure to look up some designs." He says with a smile and was feeling psyched. "I picked out some games, so that everypony in the castle could play. I would hate to leave anyone out and feeling bored." He says while patting his saddlebag, which carried some of his gaming consoles. "I'm glad to hear that Rainbow would approve." He smiles, but soon frowns slightly with a puzzled, yet thoughtful look upon his muzzle. "That does bring up a good question. Is she a gamer? I mean, she seems more of an athlete and doesn't seem to have time to play a video game. Also, how did she hear about my gaming name to begin with? Do you have any idea?" He asks as the castle was starting to come into their view.

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Rarity: “She hasnt really played a lot of games, but she does from time to time. Being an athlete, she would really want to stay in shape, especially since shes in the Wonderbolts.”

(they have arrived at the castle, and when they look inside, Kitty isnt there)

Rarity: “Twilight, where has Kitty gone?”

Twilight: “Shes in her room... I think shes having a little problem with something. She just froze in place for a bit and then she just zoomed off. I tried knocking on her soor, but I didnt get an answer.”

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Dynamo nodded in understanding, as the duo arrived at the castle. "I should have figured. She said that she's a wonderbolt, so it seemed like she's pretty busy. It's cool knowing that she's a gamer from time to time. I'll at least get to have a few gaming buddies when the time calls upon it." He says as the stepped inside to notice that Kitty wasn't there. He frowns and was in concern of his new friend. "I hope that Kitty will be okay. She's been glitching out a bit today, but I didn't know she could be frozen. I hope she'll come back soon because I was able to bring some games over for everypony." He says, before looking towards Twilight. "Did she zoom off into her room? Couldn't we have just opened the door to check and see if she was there and is okay? I know that barging in on one's privacy, but if she glitching out, then it's best to check and see if she needs assistance. If that makes sense, I think." He placed a hoof upon his chin, as if deep in thought. "Should we continue the party without her, or should we check up on her again?" He asks the few ponies that were in the room at the current moment.

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Applejack: “We should check in on her. Im honestly getting really worried about her.”

Pinkie: “If shes in a bad mood, we can totally fix it!”

Twilight: “She glitches nearly every day, but theyre random, and can happen even if shes in the best mood ever. We should check in on her to see if everythings ok. Maybe we could open her door if its not locked, but do it slowly. She tends to be startled easily.”

@Dynamo Pad

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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Dynamo nods in agreement, but was surprised to see Applejack had returned the castle, ever so quickly. "You and Pinkie are back already, Applejack? I guess the friendship mission wasn't that difficult that you are back so soon?" He curiously asked, but was happy to see his friends had returned. "Hopefully she'll be okay. She did say she didn't get much sleep the night before. I'm not sure why, but if she's in a bad mood, then she'll have her friends to help cheer her up." He says, but was surprised from Twilight's response. Dynamo rubbed his chin in thought as he remembered last night's events. "When I met her and we dealt with the creature, it didn't appear like she was glitching. I know we were all fighting together, but I'd be concerned if she glitched while in a fight." He shook his head, while trying not to worry about his friend's predicament. He nods at the plan as they walk towards Kitty's room. As they reached her door, Dynamo was about to knock on the door, but stopped. "Which one of us should open the door? I'm afraid I'll startle her on accident and I don't want make her glitch again." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Twilight: “Maybe Fluttershy should. She’s really gentle after all.”

Fluttershy: “Um.. yeah i guess I should.. But uh... Dynamo, would you want to go with me? Im kinda nervous, and youre kind as well, so maybe that’ll be good?”

(Dynamos reply)

”Ok, I’ll go ahead and knock.” (she knocks on Kittys door lightly, but its enough to where Kitty could hear it)

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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Dynamo nods in agreement. "I can agree with that, Twi. Fluttershy is pretty quiet, so she won't scare Kitty when trying to check in on her." He says, before turning his attention over to the yellow Pegasus. He nods while walking over to her putting a comforting hoof upon her shoulder. "That sounds good to me. You're my friend, so you'll have a friend to back you up. I'm a little nervous myself, so you're not alone." He says, as he watched Fluttershy walk over and knock on Kitty's door lightly. He waited with baited breath and hoped that Kitty would answer the door. Dynamo was worried, but he chose to remain strong for Fluttershy, the others and Kitty.

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(The door slowly opens by Kittys magic. Kitty is seen on her bed sobbing. Her face is turned away from them*

Fluttershy: “Oh goodness.. Whats wrong Kitty?”

*Kitty starts glitching some, and for an unknown reason she kind of looks like a different pony when she glitches. The body color becomes a light blue, but not much else is seen.*

Fluttershy: “Um... I dont think her glitches have been so bad she... looks like another pony...”

*Kitty glitches again and this time, she stays as that different pony*

(Fluttershy is speechless)

*she turns around, revealing her face*

???: *Oh... hi...

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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Dynamo watched as the door slowly opened with a magic aura. He saw Kitty was on her bed and was sobbing, while she continued to glitch. "Kitty? Are you okay? We just got back and we didn't hear from you. Twilight told us what was going on and we're worried about you. If there's anything you want to talk, then we're here for you. That's what friends are for." He spoke calmly to assure her that everything would be alright. His eyes widened slightly as her glitching made her look like a different pony. He nods at Fluttershy's assessment, but he still couldn't wrap his mind over what was happening. "I know glitches in video games can be crazy, but I've never seen a pony change in color. I just wish I knew what was going on." The glitches came back again with full force. The glitch lasted for a moment, but in the room was a different pony. Dynamo's jaw dropped as he noticed that Kitty wasn't there anymore. He slowly brought his front hoof into the air and waved at the newcomer. "Uh...hey. D-Do you know who we are? A-Also, do you know what happened to Kitty?" He asked slowly, so as to not alarm this new pony in the room.

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???: *Yes. We know you well. We share Kittys body. Nothing happened to her, she’s right here.

 *My name is Kahuna. I am her... second side is what I’d say. She does have a third side... but beware of it. The third side only wants power and control. Kitty and I with our combined love for everyone in the universe suppress the third side from being able to take control and destroy the universe.

*What I represent... I represent Kittys depression. I used to be just a little spirit.. thing... with no soul, and I had felt bad for Kitty, so I took her sadness. Kitty was really smart in figuring me out. I became a part of her then. She created a soul for me and even gave me a name. She got me looks and everything.


*Hmm... I must go now. Kittys feeling better. *she glitches back into Kitty*

Kitty: *Ugh... She was WAY too out of character just then...

*Oh. Hi! *she waves and smiles*

(Rarity has a face of severe confusion and faints. Luckily Pinkie gets a faint chair out of nowhere and put it under Rarity)

*Dont worry, I know what happened. I saw it all. 

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Dynamo shook his head slightly at what he was listening to. He almost didn't believe it, but he had lived in Ponyville enough to know crazy things happen. His confused look was replaced with a look of calm and understanding. He sighs at learning about a third side and shook his head. "I can understand that. That pony, Cosmic Clown, he's a pony that focuses so much on power and control. He will stop at nothing until he has his revenge. Even then, it'll never be enough. He'll never be satisfied with what he has." He says and nods to Kahuna. "You said you were Kahuna, right? You don't have to worry. Kitty is my friend and in extension, you are too. I'm here for you both if you ever need to talk about anything. We all are." He says motioning to the others in the room. He blinked a couple of times as he saw Rarity faint in her fainting chair, but got back to the topic at hoof. "Basically, we are all friends and we won't let anything happen to either of you." He walks over to Kahuna and pulls her into a comforting hug. He pulls back from the embrace and watches Kahuna glitch back into Kitty. The blue unicorn smiles and waved at Kitty. "Welcome back and glad to have you back. Kahuna seems really nice, in my opinion. It's an honor to call her a friend, as well."

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Kitty: *Oh yeah, shes one of the the nicest things ever, although she doesnt talk to people much. She tends to stay quiet and not to address her problems, kind of like I do.

Kitty: *So, who wants to play some video games?

Rainbow Dash: “Me! Me! Me! I’d love to!” (she flies a bit in excitement)

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Dynamo nodded in understanding to Kahuna's feelings. "I feel as if it's better to talk about one's problems with friends. That way, you don't let the problem and/or the stress build up, until it becomes to much to handle. Just know that you have us to talk to whenever you have something troubling on your mind. You and Kahuna are never alone in this. Never forget that, my friend." He says while placing a hoof upon her shoulder. He grins and nods once more at the suggestion. "I know I want to play some video games! Rarity and I were successful in the gaming hunt and we're back with some games." He takes off his saddlebag and presents the games to the others. He looks to see Rainbow was flying in excitement. He chuckles as he stands and begins heading back into the party room. "We can set up the consoles and then we can play some video games. You still want to have that gaming challenge, Rainbow?" He looks over his shoulder to see if the others were still following behind him.

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Rainbow Dash: “Of course! Who wouldnt want to pass an opportunity like that? This is going to be awsome!”

Kitty: *Heheh. May I join as well? Im kinda bored right now, heh.

(Rarity has awoken now.)

Rarity: “I still cant happen what I just saw...”

Kitty: *Its ok, Rarity. You dont need to be worried about it.

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Dynamo grinned in excitement as they reached the party room. He levitates the consoles out of his saddlebag and begins setting everything up. "It's definitely going to be awesome, Rainbow! I do want to know something, though. Do you want to play casually, or do you want me to go all out? There is a difference and I want to make sure how you want to battle against me." He looks back to let Rainbow know of the choices. His ears perked as he heard that Kitty wanted to join. He smiles and nods at her request. "Of course you can, Kitty. Everypony here is allowed to join in with the video games and have a lot of fun. What are some video games that you like to play? I may have some games here that you might be interested in." He used his magic to levitate the many games that he brought with him. He nodded in agreement with Rarity's statement, but kindly smiles. "I can't believe it either, but I trust Kahuna. She's a friend and now we know more about Kitty than we did before. Thank you for letting us know about your other sides Kitty. You're still our friend, no matter what." He nods once more to confirm the conviction in his words. 

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Rainbow: “Give it all youve got!”

Kitty: *I like Pokemon, Mario, and Sonic games, but If your saying type, I like Mario Kart and battle games and co-op games too, but battling is more fun in my opinion.


*Oh, she just sorta came out on her own. 

*Anyway, lets have some fuuuuuuuuuun!

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Dynamo grinned and nods at Rainbow's request. "I was hoping you would say that! I'll show you what my talent is all about!" He says as he finally got all of the consoles up and running. "I'm a bit fan of Pokemon and Mario. Luckily I brought in some Mario Kart for all of us to join in." He chuckles and nods in agreement. "I'm more of a fighting type of gamer myself. I don't know why, but I feel as if I'm the character in the games." He started to jump in place and stretch as he started warming up. After a few minutes, he sighs and felt energized and ready to get his game on. "Sorry about the wait. You'll see when we begin on why I had to stretch." He winks as he levitates his controller to him. He levitates a second controller to Rainbow and smiles. "Ready to get the party started, Rainbow? Do you all want to watch, as well?" He asks while directing his attention to the others in the room. 

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Twilight: “I think we’d all watch. This does look fun!”

Applejack: “Agreed”

*Kitty gets her own controller*

*K, Im ready! 1 vs 1 vs 1! May the best player win!

*she flaps her wings*

*she glitches a bit and her eyes become red for a split second. Kitty doesnt seem to notice it.*

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Dynamo nods, but blinks in confusion for a split second. "Uh...the Naruto game series is always one against one." He put a hoof to his chin to figure out how this would all work out. His eyes widened as an idea came to mind. "How about Rainbow and I fight and then Kitty gets to play the winner." He nods once more as everyone was in agreement to the plan. Once Dynamo and Rainbow picked their characters, they were set to get started. Dynamo stood on the left while Rainbow stood on the right. He gave a quick rundown to the rainbow maned Pegasus, so she could have a better understanding of the game. "Here we go, Rainbow. Best two out of three matches. May the best gamer win."

As the battle got underway, Dynamo started to move in place as he played the game. He even moved his arms and swung as if he had a blade, or in this case, a scythe. He was moving and attacking like the character he was playing as. He watched her movements and made sure to counteract whenever he could. A few hits glanced by, but he made sure to fight aggressively in his battles. It was a quick fight, but in the end, Dynamo became victorious. He powered down his magic and took a deep breath. "Whew, that was a pretty good game Rainbow. You're not half bad at this game." He smiled as he raised his fist at her to congratulate her.

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Kitty: *I agree to this!

Rainbow: “Then its on!”


(during tye game)

“Woah, whats with the moves??”

(after the game)

“Wow. I did pretty well for my first try.”

”Your turn, Kitty.” (She hands Kitty the controller)

Kitty: *You got it. *she gets the game controller with her hooves instead of getting it by magic*

*I also have a secret tactic for when i dont lnow how to play a game: SMASH RANDOM BUTTONS!!! Then I learn what buttons go to what and I get a real strategy. Im not good at memorizing patterns in ones movement, but ehhh, thats not really my style anyway, haha.


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Dynamo shook his head in surprise as to what had happened. He noticed everyone giving him an odd look, but it was more of confusion than anything. "You know the weird thing about that battle? I don't even know why I was moving like that. It felt like I was fighting like the character I was playing, if that makes sense. It's always been like that whenever I play in a fighting game, or even other games." He watches as Rainbow hands the controller over to Kitty. He chuckles and nods in agreement to her statement. "I used to do that when I was younger. I never knew half of the things I was doing in a video game. That, or I usually just spammed one combo over and over. More often than not, it always worked. Other times, I just liked how the combo looked." 

As they picked their characters and got ready to play, they both took their positions and the battle commenced once more. Dynamo watched and attacked offensively and defensively. He narrowed his eyes as he was in deep concentration on the battle. flowed from one combo to the next and was able to win the battle. "That was a good game, Kitty. I'm sorry if I went a little overboard. I get so into a game, that I tend to lose myself. I guess that's how I lose track of time." He chuckles sheepishly while giving her an apologetic smile. He shakes her hoof with his own hoof on the good game they had.  

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Kitty: *Its ok. I dont mind losing. We were close though, haha.

*So, whats next? *whispers to self* plz be mario kart...!

Rainbow: “This next game will be awsome, I know it!”

Twilight: “You three seem pretty competitive! Is that a good quality of a gamer?”

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Dynamo chuckles and smiles. "That was a pretty good match. You've got potential. I'm not a good judge of character, but I know talent when I see it." He winks, before looking through his gaming collection. "Hmm...We've got about eight ponies here. Who's up for a round of Mario Kart?" He asks while holding up the game for the others to see. He looks to Twilight and chuckles nervously. "Well...being competitive is okay, I guess. It's just...there are many ways to be competitive. You can be a good sport and have fun. You can be wanting to win, but also be a good sport about it. Then you can be a hardcore gamer, and just be cruel and disrespectful towards others." He sighs and shakes his head at how being competitive can be taken too far. "It's how my old bully would act. He didn't care who he hurt or what he had to do to win. He would be the worst kind of gamer there was." He says, but smiles at his friends. "I like to be competitive, but I like to have fun and enjoy playing games. I want to try and show what true gaming is all about."

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Kitty: *YES!!! MARIO KART!!!


*I mean... Sure! Mario Kart sounds great!

Rainbow Dash: “I’ll totally play too! It sounds cool! Racing is my thing!”

Pinkie Pie: “I guess I’ll join too! That other game looked fun, and I wanna give this a try!”

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