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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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Dynamo couldn't help, but chuckle at how happy and psyched Kitty was being. "That's the same way I act whenever I get a new video game. That, or when a new game is announced to be released soon. You should've seen the look on my face when they announced Kingdom Hearts 3 would arrive soon." He looks to both Rainbow and Pinkie, while nodding in agreement. "You're all about racing and flying fast. So, this game should be right up your alley, Dash. You can join in too, Pinkie. That way, we'll have a 4 player race." He says while getting out extra controllers for the others. "Now, who wants to be what player? I got player 2. So now we need a player 1, 3 and 4." He asks while trying to figure out who would play with which gaming controller. 

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Kitty: *I’ll be three.

Rainbow: “I call 1st!”

Pinkie: “Guess that makes me player 4!”


Kitty: *I already know how to play Mario Kart, and Im really good at it. My sisters just slightly better. I always wind up getting 2nd, and i think thatll happen here too, unless Dynamo gets really unlucky.

Pinkie: “Wait, you have a sister? Is she an alicorn too?”

Kitty: *Nah. Shes never been to this dimension, and she doesnt even beleive in magic, as she was born in a magicless dimension. Her soul does come here with a physical form from time to time though, and shes a pegasus cook. I dont understand how or why this happens though... Shes really different.

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Dynamo nods as he handed the specific controller to each pony. "Okay. So, we'll have a four player race. It'll be four maps and whoever has the most points after the four races will win." He was surprised to hear that Kitty had a sister, but pouts at her comment. "Hey! What do you mean by if I get unlucky!?" He smirks and laughs, before smiling. "I'm just kidding. I mean, we'll have computer players with us, so we should expect for some mayhem to occur." He says while listening intently to Kitty's description of her sister. He frowns slightly at the mention of being born in a non magic dimension. "I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope she does believe in the magic of friendship. I guess it would make sense though. There are different dimensions out there like you said. Chances are, there might be one thing that doesn't exist in said world. Whether that's magic, land, or anything that counts in a dimension." He scratched the back of his head in confusion. "Sorry about that. I think I just confused myself." He chuckles sheepishly and smiles. "It's cool that she can still become a pony in this world. I've never heard of a Pegasus being a cook, but everyone has potential to be what they want. I can imagine seeing cool aerial tricks to prepare food."

He then got Mario Kart up and running, so the four racers can begin the game. "Let's give it our best and good game, no matter what." After picking their racers and karts, the four ponies got set to begin the racing marathon. Rainbow on the top left, Dynamo on top right, Kitty on the bottom left and Pinkie on the bottom right. 

Each race was nothing, but mayhem. Items were thrown, racers crashing into the rails and off the track and any other mayhem that occurred. After all four races were completed, the results were unanimous. Rainbow took first place, while everyone else was placed throughout the standings. "We don't count the computer players, so I took second place." He looks to everyone feeling a tad disappointed, but smiled nonetheless. "If the computer players didn't get in the way, then I might have had a chance. Still, great game, Rainbow. Great game to you, as well Pinkie, Kitty."

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Rainbow: “Awsome! I got first!”

Kitty: *Well this is a tad embarrassing... haha!

Pinkie: “Last place isnt so bad when its your first time playing!”

Kitty: *Good game everyone!

*Her cutie mark is glowing*

*Whoops! Looks like I gotta go. *she looks around the room to see if anyponys flanks are glowing as well, but there are none*

*Huh. Looks like Im by myself! See ya! *she goes to the map area to see wheres shes supposed to go*

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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Dynamo chuckles at Rainbow and nods in approval. "I guess you were right, Rainbow. Racing really is your thing." He nods in agreement with Kitty and smiles. "I guess we can't win them all. It just shows that there can be come from behind victories. That, or just skill and luck play a factor. Still, it was fun. It shows that I have a lot to learn and that I can't be the best at everything." He says before looking at his opponents. "Great game you guys and hopefully we can race again sometime!" His ears perked as the others mentioned Kitty's cutie mark was glowing. He was about to say something, but stopped as she made her way towards the cutie map. He then looks from the door of the room she exited from, to the mane 6, who were still in the room. "You think we should go to the map room and see where she has to go? I would, but I honestly have no idea on where the map room is." He says nervously while chuckling sheepishly. 

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Twilight: “Oh thatd be fine! Here, I’ll show you.”

(she leads Dynamo into the cutie map room)

”Here it is!”

*Kitty is searching for something in the books*

*Ugh! I cant find one! If I dont I’ll likely get lost on my way there....

*she notices they were in the room*

*Oh hey there!

(Twilight looks at the cutie map to see where shes going. Her cutie mark is shown above a place south of the Everfree Forest)

Twilight: “Goodness! Youre going even more southern than tye Everfree Forest!”

Kitty: *Yeah. The specific place Im going to is called Klugetown, and i need a map for it... but I cant find one!

Edited by Kitty_Cat
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Dynamo nods as he begins to follow the group towards the cutie map room. It didn't take long as they reached the room without difficulty. "Thank you for the help, Twilight. It just seems like you can get lost in a castle like this." As they entered the map room, he notices Kitty looking around walls of books. "What kind of book are you looking for Kitty. Do you need our help in finding anything?" He started to look around the books to help, but stops as he heard on where she was going. "Is there anyone living in that part of the Everfree Forest?" He raised an eyebrow at the name of the town that Kitty was going to. He tried to recall about hearing a name like Klugetown, but nothing came to mind. "I wish I could help, but I've never heard of a place like that. Would anypony like to fill me in on this place?" He asks as he turns toward the mane 6. "Have you heard and/or been to Klugetown before?"

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Twilight: “Ive heard of it.. but I dont know very much about it. I think i have a map that leads there.” (she levitates a map and hands it to Kitty)

Kitty: *Oh thanks!

*Klugetown is a town with no ponies. Its main inhabitants are cats, mice, and other animals with the ability to speak verbally. Thats basically all I know about it.

Twilight: “How do you know so much of a town none of us have been before?”

Kitty: *Ehhhh dimensional stuff. Also, Ive heard a pony does live there and she used to live in Ponyville. I do know a bit about them... but Ive forgotten their name. Anyways, Ive gotta go! *she exits the castle*

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Dynamo was surprised to hear of a town that didn't have any ponies. "It's difficult to believe that there's a town like that. I would have thought that the entire world of Equestria would have ponies. I guess there are places that ponies have never gone before?" He questioned as Kitty was handed a map of the area. "That's pretty interesting. I've seen a fair share of griffons and such, but never cats, mice and any other creatures of the sort." He wanted to ask more, but he was unable to as Kitty dashed out of the castle. "Good luck, Kitty! Stay safe and I hope the friendship problem goes well!" He waves as she made her exit. He lowers his hoof and sighs. "Do you think that she'll be okay? It just seems like a crazy place to go off to, but that's what the map wants it to be." He says while turning back to face the others. "So, what should we do now? Do we play games, or should we try to practice magic?" He asks as he began tossing ideas to the group. 

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Twilight: “Im sure she’ll be ok. Maybe we shoukd practice magic. Kitty and I have picked a few that you could learn pretty easily and would likely fit your interests. What do you want to start with? Small distance teleportation?”


Rainbow: “Oh, before you guys start is it ok if we play some of your games while you two practice magic, Dynamo?”

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Dynamo wanted to protest, but he could trust in Twilight's judgement. The map called Kitty, after all, so he decided to drop the subject. He smiles and nods at the generosity of his friends and nods at the suggestion. "I think that would be a good idea. It would probably be dangerous to try and teleport from very long distances." He was about to get started with training, but was stopped by Rainbow. He closed his eyes as he was deep in thought. He opened his eyes and nods, but not before giving a stern, yet pleading look. "It's okay if you play the video games, Rainbow. However, I want you all to please be careful. I don't want nothing to happen to my video games." He turned his attention over to Twilight, but not before turning back to Rainbow and Pinkie. "Hey! Rainbow, Pinkie. Can you two come back, please? I guess the others should join us. I need to ask you all a question, if that's okay. This question is pretty important." 

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Rainbow: “Dont worry. We wont break them or anything like that!”

(she turns around when she hears Dynamo calling her back)

”Oh, go right on ahead with your question!” oof looks like i gotta put more junk here lol.


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Dynamo smiled with reassurance from Rainbow's promising words. "Thank you Rainbow. You're the type of pony who doesn't go back on her word. I trust you and the others, so everything will be okay." He says before she and the others joined him and Twilight. "Okay. Remember when I was playing against Rainbow in that fighting game? Was I doing anything strange of sorts when I was playing? If you know anything, then can you please tell me? I have an idea and/or theory. I feel as if Twilight would want to know, so it can help in my magic training." He asks in hope that had an idea of his theory. 

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Rainbow: “Yeah.. You did move along with the characters while we did the fighting game.”

Twilight: “That might go along with what you specialize in magic.”

Pinkie: “Sounds reasonable... I like reasonable!”

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Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise as his theory was right. "I had a feeling that's what happened. I think the same thing happened a few years ago. When I gained my cutie mark by standing up to that bully. I felt that I was one with the character that I was playing as. It was as if when I punched, kicked or even dodge, then the character would do the same. The character even did that even before I hit a button on the video game controller." He turned in his step quickly to look towards Twilight. "You think that could probably be my specialty in magic? Can it also be what my special talent can represent?" He grinned at the possibility of finally figuring out what he was capable of. His ears perked at Pinkie's remark while chuckling. "I'd say it sounds pretty complicated, but I can agree with that, Pinkie." He soon adopts a serious, yet curious look on his face. "So, what's the plan? Where do we go from here with all of this info, Twi?"

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Twilight: “That is very much possible. Your movements going along with the games may even help you outside of games, although I’m not sure exactly how other than battles.”

”Hmmm... since I’m not really a gamer myself, I’m not sure about a plan yet, but Rainbow can help make up a plan since she likes to play games sometimes, and maybe Kitty can help once she gets back.”

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Dynamo eyes glistened with excitement. He felt he was finding out a long lost secret from history. It was a if he was discovering something new to him that he never would have imagined. "I hope that's the case. That would also be pretty cool if I can use this skill outside of games." He chuckles as a random thought came to mind. "At least I'll be able to help out in battles. Last night wasn't the best, but now I can help when necessary." He nods in understanding and looks to Rainbow. "I guess I have a couple of teachers when it comes to games and magic. Do you know where we should start, Rainbow?" He asks, before turning back to Twilight. "Even though you aren't a gamer, I will still take the offer to learning more about magic. If you still want to teach me about the short range teleport, that is." 

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Rainbow: “I think teleportation would still be a good start, since i know that some of the people in fighting games can teleport, and its also pretty handy with battling and all that.”

Twilight: “That sounds like a good plan to me! Rainbow, you think up of more plans while I train Dynamo.”

Rainbow: “Got it!”

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Dynamo had a look of wonder as he nodded slowly from the information that was given. "Rainbow does make a valid point. She's right that some characters in games can teleport briefly. Be it either from movement, faking out an attack and much more." He nods as he knew what he had to do. "Okay. So teleportation is up first for training." He watched as Rainbow went to figure out more ways for training in games. He smiled in appreciation, before turning to the Princess of Friendship. "I really do appreciate your help. Especially the help of everypony else." He spoke before adorning a look of seriousness in his eyes. "So, how does one teleport? That's the first thing on the list, but what would I have to do?" He asks while feeling a little lost on the subject. 

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Twilight: “Short distance teleportation is easier because you dont have to memorize as much. For teleportation, all you have to do is think of where you want to go in a visual way. Say you were in your house and you wanted to instantly go to the entrance of the castle. All you have to do is remember what the entrance looked like, then you would picture it in your head. After you have that down, say ‘go there’ in your head, then whaddya know? Youre at the castle entrance!”


“For practice, try to memorize the other side of this room and its features, and try to teleport there.”

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Dynamo listened intently as Twilight explained how teleportation worked. He looked to where they were standing, before looking over to the entrance of the room. He nodded before taking a solid stance and began to concentrate. "Okay, Twilight. I'll give it a try." He felt a few sparks appear, but nothing was happening. He sighed heavily while trying to catch his breath. He took deep breath and tried to concentrate harder. 'Focus on the door. Focus to teleport myself to the door.' He thought over and over in his mind. He felt the sparks return from his horn as his magic began to appear. He felt as if he was going to teleport, but the magic ended up backfiring and exploded. The blue unicorn was sent flying back, until he hit the wall of the room. He felt the wind being knocked out of him as he tumbled and landed to the floor.

He groaned as he felt the full impact of his body hitting the wall. "Ow...that wasn't fun." He struggled a little as he started to get up from the floor. "This spells seems easy, but I guess it was never going to be easy, huh?" He asks sullenly as he looked to Twilight. "I mean, I grew up without being able to use magic. I discovered it a few years ago after gaining my cutie mark. My mom taught me the light spell and a laser beam spell, but those are spells that focus on a single point." He placed a hoof against his forehead to rid the headache he was feeling. He felt like his head was ringing from a massive migraine. "I guess it's more complicated since it's not focusing on one point. It's as if you have to place all of your magic around your body to make sure the spell sends you to your desired location." He stood up and dusted himself off of any debris. "I'm guessing there's no easier trick to this spell, huh? I mean, how are you able to do this spell, Twilight? I remember being told once that magic can be focused by your emotions. The more you feel, then the stronger the magic will be. I think I heard Starlight telling me that once." 

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Twilight: “Oh dear, are you ok?” she exclaims as Dynamo hits the wall from the backfiring spell. “That doesnt happen often. You may be trying a bit too hard there..”

”I had a hard time with magic too. I couldnt even levitate something. Then Rainbow Dash did her Sonic Rainboom, and then I was just transforming everything into anything. I even turned my parents into plants... and they were all accidents. Celestia came by and helped me get my control back. A Sonic Rainboom is very magical, especially if its from a rainbow pony, such as Rainbow Dash.”

”Anyway, yes. Your magic can be effected by emotion. You might want to be careful though, as some emotions can cause some magic to backfire and have negative effects. Try thinking of something that scares you, and since you would want to get away from it, the teleportation spell should be a bit easier.”

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Dynamo nodded to Twilight's concern as he smiled sheepishly. "I'll be okay. Honestly, I think I hurt my pride more than I hurt my back." He nods at her correct assumptions. "I guess I was trying to concentrate on the spell and it backfired. I'm not really sure what I have to do to make the spell possible." He sat down to relax and gather his thoughts. He looked up to hear Twilight explaining a similar situation. He was surprised to hear that she wasn't strong in magic until the Sonic Rainboom. "It's crazy to hear that you struggled with magic. I've heard stories and feats that you and the others were capable of, but never did I think you struggled in magic. I guess everypony struggles in one way or another." He chuckles a little, but nods in understanding. "That must have been scary that your parents turned into plants. It's good to hear that Princess Celestia was able to helped you out. I don't have a Sonic Rainboom that can help me, but I don't think that would make much of a difference." 

He gave his full attention to Twilight, as she confirmed Starlight's meanings of using magic. He closed his eyes and began to imagine some of the things that caused him fear. He started to shake at the things that scared him. His horn started to glow as the magical energy surrounded him. He opened his eyes and looked around to see what had happened. He noticed that he only moved a few inches from his previous spot, so he had begun to make progress. He smiled slightly, but he knew he could only improve. "The idea of fear helped, but I think I have an idea." He moved back to his spot and once again took a stance. He closed his eyes until he could see nothing, but darkness. At first, there was nothing around him. After a few moments, he began to notice a light off in the distance. The light dimmed, which revealed to be Starlight Waving to him. Along with her were Twilight, Kitty, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow and Applejack. He smiled softly at all of the friends he had made since moving to Ponyville. He could feel the magic enveloping him, which caused him to vanish and reappear at the door to the party room. He opened his eyes and looked to see that he had finally did it. "I...I actually did it! The idea worked!"

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Twilight: “Awsome!! You really did it! Im so proud! Later today you can practice more on your own if you want to.”

”Rainbow, do you have any ideas for a second spell?”

Rainbow: “How about self levitation? That one shouldnt be as hard as teleportation.”

Twilight: “Good idea!”

(there is a rumble out side. When Rainbow and Twilight look outside to see whats going on...)

Rainbow: “Ohmigosh Dynamo! Come here!!! You wont believe your eyes!!”

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Dynamo grinned from the praise he was receiving, as he continued to try and teleport. He managed to teleport to various locations in the party room, before he teleported back to his original position. "I can't believe I was able to do it. Your idea of fear worked, but then I had a crazy idea. I was thinking about Starlight, Kitty and all of you, as well. Just the thought of having you all as my friend made me truly happy. I guess it was as if you were calling me over to where you all were standing at." He smiled, before he was forced to sit down and was feeling dizzy and out of breath. "I guess the spell can cause some drawbacks. That, and I still don't have the best control of my magic, so I guess exhaustion will happen too." He shook his head and smiled softly. "Oh, well. At least I was able to master the spell."

Dynamo looked up from his sitting position to hear Rainbow's suggestion of levitation. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity and wonder of such a spell. "I think that would be pretty cool. What kind of uses would that spell have? I'm guessing it's pretty draining on one's magic, since unicorn's aren't Pegasus ponies." He was brought out of his train of thought when he had heard a rumbling from outside. He managed to get up and quickly made his way over to Twilight. "What is it Twilight? What's going on? Is everything okay?" He asks as he looked out the castle window.

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