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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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(as they look outside, a large semi-circle of orange, yellow, and pink goes across the sky)

Rainbow: “Oh. My. Gosh! A Sonic Rainboom!”

Twilight: “Its in Kitty’s colors, but I dont she would be able to fly fast enough to make one!”

Rainbow: “Also, whats with the orange?”

Twilight: “I have no idea.”

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As he joined the others to look outside, Dynamo noticed a circle of colors flying across the sky. His jaw dropped at the events that were happening. "A Sonic Rainboom? I've always thought those were rare. I mean I know Rainbow is capable of making a Rainboom, but Kitty can, as well?" He looked to the others as their attention was absorbed from the Rainboom. "I guess since she's an alicorn, then she's able to perform feats that might not seem possible? I also wonder if the orange might mean something. Her colors are pink and yellow, but I don't think she has orange. I hope everything is fine and that nothing bad is going on." He mutters softly as a thought came to mind. "I'm also pretty surprised to see a Rainboom. You said that Klugetown is very far away. I wonder why she's making a Rainboom for. What do you think, everypony?"

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Twilight: “The likeliest reason is that she hasnt quite reached there and she was in a hurry to get there, causing her speed to increase and create a Sonic Rainboom.”

Rainbow: “That sounds right. Another reason, which isnt nearly as likely, is that she has finished the friendship problem and is really excited to see us again. The orange may be from the fire she has in her mane and tail.”

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Dynamo whistled at the amazement of how she could make her own Sonic Rainboom. "I guess the distance from the castle to Klugetown would take some time in getting to her destination. I can understand how she would use her Rainboom to increase her speed. Hopefully, she'll be able to make it there without tiring herself out. I still wonder what kind of friendship problem she'll need to solve in that town." He looked over to Rainbow and nods at the other possibility. Even if said possibility was highly unlikely. "True, but still. I can imagine her making that Rainboom as a way of rushing back here from her successful mission. I almost didn't notice the fire in her mane and tail, but that makes sense when you put it that way." He turned away from the castle and smiles. "Okay. I guess seeing that Rainboom has gotten me to feel inspired. Let's get back to training, everypony. I want to see if I can learn the levitation spell, before Kitty returns. Even if I don't learn this spell, then I can settle for the teleportation. I'll still aim for higher goals, but I'm at least making some great progress." He grins as he started to become prepared for his next lesson.

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Twilight: “So, levitating yourself is pretty easy, the only problem is that some people think of themselves different than what they really are.”

”Basically, just get your horn ready for a levitation spell, and focus on yourself. to move yourself around, just do what you’d normally do for a normal levitation spell.”

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Dynamo raised an eyebrow in confusion as he listened to Twilight's explanation. "Some ponies think of themselves differently? So, they think that they are Pegasus ponies when casting the spell? I'm sorry, but I'm a little confused, but I can give it a try." He says while still feeling unsure of what was going on. He took a deep breath, before trying to cast the levitation spell upon himself. He remembered to focus on a single point when it came to levitating objects. However, he decided to try to focus on himself to make himself float in the air. He could feel the magic enveloping him while he floated a bit off of the ground. He struggled as the spell was becoming more and more powerful to control. He turned the spell off and landed on the ground. He panted as he felt tired from his fixed concentration, but was thankful that he wasn't too high up to land on the ground properly. "I was starting to float, but the magic was too much of a strain. I guess this is more of an advanced spell? Of course, I could be wrong on the assumption." 

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Twilight: “Oh, I meant like sometimes casters can think of themselves as buffer or scrawnier or any other physical trait that isnt really true about them, wether its weight, height, or anything of the like.”

”Oh there you go! Nice work! Maybe you didnt go so high because the teleportation spell wore you out. Wanna take a break?”

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Dynamo regained his breath, but he still felt a little winded. He looked up and turned his sights on the Princess of Friendship. After the brief explanation, he nods in understanding. "Oh, I see what you mean now. So, casters try to imagine themselves as something that they're not. Instead of just believing and being true to themselves. I guess I can see what you mean. I want to be this amazing gamer that can be number 1 and feel unstoppable." He shook his head and heaved a brief, but dry chuckle. "I always thought like that when I was younger. I remember my old teacher had told me that it's never about being the best. That it's all about having fun and working hard to be better, but never let the fame and glory consume you. I know I might not be the best gamer, but I want to work hard and earn that recognition and respect of others." His lips curves into a smile as he looked on proudly for the dreams he worked hard towards.

The blue unicorn stood up slowly, but he wobbled as his hooves felt like they were made of jelly. He made his way over to a chair and sat down. "I guess the teleportation spell did take it's toll on me. I did use the spell a few times after getting the spell to work. I think it is time for a break." He took a cup of punch and took a nice, refreshing sip of his beverage.  

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(Rarity enters the room)

”Hello dearies! Its about 1:00, Ive decided to get some lunch for us. Anyone want something specific?”

Twilight: “Hmmm... I guess I’ll go with a sandwich.”

Rainbow: “I’ll have a salad. Havent had a good one in a while!”

Rarity: “Ok.” (she writes down their orders on a piece of paper.) “What would you like, Dynamo?”

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As the door opened to reveal Rarity, Dynamo looked to the time and saw that it was one in the afternoon. "I can't believe it's that time. I guess with a lot of things happened, I guess we lost track of time." He raised an eyebrow in surprise. As Rarity asked what he wanted to have for lunch, he closed his eyes while trying to think of the possible choices to have for lunch. After a couple of moments, he opened his eyes and directed his attention to Rarity. "I guess I'll do the same and go with a sandwich." He says with a kind smile. 

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Rarity: “Got it!” (she writes down his order on the paper.) “I’ll be back in a few!” (she leaves the room to order their lunches.)

(from outside, it sounds like Pinkie Pie’s having a sneeze session.)

”Aachoo! ... Aachoo!”

”Wow(choo)! I cant stop (achoo) sneezing!”

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Dynamo nods as Rarity left the room to get lunch. He turns his attention to Twilight and Rainbow. "That was really nice of her to do that. I hope I can pay her back for the lunch. She didn't have to do that and she's done a lot already. You two and the others have done a lot, as well. I'm really grateful to have you all as friends." He gets out of the chair and stretches his limbs. He felt a little sore from training, but he had managed to get his energy back. "I think I've gotten some energy back. Maybe we should try a lighter spell. Maybe..." He didn't get to finish as he had heard a noise from outside. "What in Equestria is that?" He wondered as he made his way outside to see Pinkie having a sneezing fit. "Pinkie, are you okay? Why are you sneezing a lot? Is there a way to get this sneezing fit under control?" He asks as he turns back to Twilight in hopes of a solution.

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Pinkie: “Yeah, Im fine. Achoo! Theres just some dust around and me nose doesnt like it! Achoo!”

Twilight: “Spike, can you find me some dusters? We have some dusting to do!”

Spike: (he gets some dusters out of the closet) “Here, theres three here. I’ll use one.”

Twilight: “Thank you Spike!” (she levitates the duster into her magical aura)

”Do you mind helping Dynamo? Its ok if youre still too tired. Applejack can help.”

(Applejack nods in agreement)

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Dynamo looked and noticed a few clouds of dust were permeating throughout the area. "Now that would explain why Pinkie was having a sneezing fit." He says as he had a bit of a sneezing fit himself. He wiped his nose with his hoof to rid himself of any dust that would cause him to sneeze. He turned to face Twilight, who had levitated a duster over to him. He saw Spike and Applejack helping out, so he knew helping was the right thing. It was part of being a good guest, after all. "I don't mind helping out, Twi. I've gotten some energy back, so cleaning won't be so bad." He smiles while levitating the duster into his own magical aura. He walks over and begins and begins to help the others with dusting. He looks over to see Spike and smiles. "So, you're Spike, right? Twilight has told me a lot about you. I've got to say. You're the very first dragon that I've ever met and you're pretty cool, in my opinion. I hope we get to be pretty awesome friends." 

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Spike: “Yep! She’s right, I am pretty awsome! Since I am the first dragon you’ve seen, I gotta warn ya about the rest of the dragons.. most of them are VERY assertive and rude, but thankfully under Embers rule, along with her new friend Thorax, theyre being a little nicer to eachother.”

”About being friends, why of course! Whoevers a friend of Twilight is a friend of mine!”

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Dynamo smiled and chuckles at how Spike described himself, but he couldn't blame the baby dragon. The blue unicorn knew that Spike was kind and pretty cool, so he knew they would get along pretty well. He nods in understanding and was thankful for the warning. "That's good to know. Like I said before, I've never seen another dragon before. However, I really appreciate the warning. I've also heard of the changelings being reformed and lead by a new ruler. It's good to hear that relations between different faction of creatures are changing for the better." He grins at his acceptance of them being friends, before he hoof bumped Spike's fist. "That's pretty awesome!" He says while continuing to clean. "It's great to have another friend. You can never have too many good friends, in my opinion. By the way, what are some of you hobbies and/or things you like, Spike?"

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Spike: “Hmmmm I do like going around the castle checking things for fun, if you call checking a castle a hobby! Sometimes I also do a few tricks with my fire. Its not too bad though, because I dont want to ruin any work we’ve done. Heheh. Im not really too good at it either”

(Rarity comes back with their lunches) “Im back darlings! Cmon, lets take a break and eat!”

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Dynamo chuckled along with Spike and nods. "I guess that counts as a hobby. I would be worried if I got lost in a giant castle like this. It doesn't help that most of the doors look the same. Have you ever considered getting signs for each door?" He raised an eyebrow at the mention of tricks with fire. "That sounds pretty cool. What kind of fire tricks can you do?" He frowned, but nodded in agreement with Spike. "That makes sense. I'd be freaking out if someone ruined my video games. I even got mad at myself once over games. The game disc got corrupted and I lost all of my save data. That, and I had DLC characters that were day one edition to the game. So, I basically had to start over, but I lost so much more than that." He sighed and shook his head in shame. "I had to cave in and get an updated game copy with extra characters. It was worth it, but it's still insane on how that happened." He patted Spike's shoulder while giving him a reassuring smile. "Don't sell yourself there, Spike. If you've practiced your fire tricks, then I think you'd be pretty good and talented. Maybe we can all see these tricks sometime."

He was about to continue, but his ears perked as he heard Rarity returning with lunch. "I guess it's break time." He placed the duster down and went over to Rarity. He levitated his sandwich over to him and smiled graciously to her. "Thanks a lot, Rarity. This is really generous of you. I hope I can pay you back for this." He took a bite of his food and hummed in delight at how delicious the sandwich was. He made sure to eat his food, before turning back to Spike. "For me, I like playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, which is somewhat similar to comics. I also like playing card games and board games and I like listening to music." 

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Rarity: “Oh, no need to! Its just what I do, darling.” (she smiles nicely)

Twilight: “Thank you again Rarity. I mean, what else can I say?”

Rainbow: “Youre awsome! Thanks a lot!”

Rarity: “Aww thanks everypony! You guys are so sweet!”

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Dynamo wanted to disagree, but her smile was a way of saying that everything was okay. He smiled at Rarity and reluctantly nodded. "Okay, you win. You don't have to twist my arm, you know?" He says jokingly, before chuckling. He continued to eat his sandwich and took a seat in the chair he sat in before. "So, is there any type of spell that I should learn, along with levitation and teleportation?" He turns his attention to the Princess of Friendship. "Should we make a list and see what spells are possible to use? I'm guessing it'll be more than just studying magic, right?" He then turns his attention over to Rainbow. "Since I'll have to work on both my mind and stamina to be able to use such a complex spell and/or talent for video games." He places a hoof under his chin while being deep in thought.

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Twilight: “Perhaps we should learn an offensive spell, like an attack? What are you thinking, Rainbow?”

Rainbow: “Hmmmm I don’t know. Maybe.... I’m out of ideas...”

Twilight: “Anything you can come up with, Dynamo?”

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As the group came up with ideas, Dynamo ears perked at the mention of an offensive spell. He placed a hoof under his chin, while he was in a thoughtful state of the idea. "I think that would be a good idea. That way, it'll help out whenever I need to teleport or take to the sky, via levitate." After hearing that Rainbow wasn't sure on such a spell, he decided to throw his two cents in. "How about a laser spell. I know I tried to do that when we fought that creature, but the spell wasn't strong enough to make a dent. Maybe if we can up the power in said laser beam, then it'll become more potent in such a confrontation?" He says while speaking his thoughts out loud. "What do you think of that Twi? Also, Rainbow? I know I can play games, I'll have to fight like the characters when using such a spell. Would we have to have a stamina workout? That way, I won't have to feel tired and I won't be out of energy, in case of an emergency during battle." He says while looking at the rest of the group that were still in the party room. 

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Twilight: “Good point! Also, the laser would be great for battles. It doesnt take as much magic as some other offensive spells and its got a good amount of power in it.”

”A stamina workout for magic is similar to a stamina workout for muscle energy. You have to practice more and as you get used to it, your magic stamina will increase, or as we say it magic energy or sometimes magic power. Kitty calls it magical lacrima sometimes, whatever that is.”

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Dynamo smiled as Twilight was in agreement with the next choice of spells for him to learn. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity to her remark. "There are other types of offensive spells? I always thought a laser beam was the only one. I guess I need to brush up on the different kinds of magic." He rubbed his chin while in thought. "That also brings up another good question. When I used the spell last night, it didn't do anything to the creature. That, and it didn't feel as strong as when you, or other unicorns use that spell, Twi." He says as he hoped for an explanation in hopes of any questions being cleared up.

He nods as was told about how magic stamina and regular stamina were somewhat similar. "Hmm...I guess that makes sense when you put it that way. I guess as the training on spells goes on, I'll have to attain better stamina to be able to keep up with such advanced techniques in magic." He says before bowing slightly and give them a grateful smile. "I hope to do my best and I guess I will be in your care." He says as he was glad to have friends who were willing to help him out.

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Twilight: “Yep. Kitty doesnt use beams very often at all. She uses a bunch of magic for attacks, but most of them are from other dimensions. For me, I also have some other attacking spells, I just use the laser the most. The most likely reason why you havent heard of other attacks is because the laser is so common around unicorns.”

”About your attacks on the creature, the reason it didnt do as much was because of two factors. One is because of your trouble with magic in the beginning, thus stunting your magic growth. The second factor was because that creature was very strong. My attacks didnt do so much either.”

”Are you ready to begin the laser?”

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