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private Roleplay with no fixed plot


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Pinkie: “Youre welcome!” (she smiles in glee)

Twilight: “Ok. Thats sounds like a good conversation.”

Pinkie: “Got it! Byeeeee have a good timeeeeee!”

(Twilight and Dynamo leave the castle)

Twilight: “So, what’s your idea?”

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Dynamo smiled and nodded to Pinkie. "Thanks Pinkie and see you all soon!" He exclaims as both he and Twilight exited the castle. He squinted his eyes to see that the arcade was a bit of a distance away. "The arcade is around Sugarcube Corner, so it'll be a few minutes, before we get there." He smiled as she asked of his idea. "Oh, that's right! Well...I was thinking something crazy, but it could possibly work. Since we are learning about spells and Rainbow is looking for gaming related training. What if we could find moves from certain games for me to use in battle? Say the Hadouken from street fighter, or the Kamehameha from Dragon Ball Z. Even moves that involve me having to use my hooves to fight. Would something like that even be possible?" He asked nervously with a sheepish smile. "I know I won't be able to replicate said moves, but it's somewhat like an homage to gaming. It's sort of like fitting my style, since I sometimes imagine I am the character when playing games." 

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Twilight: “Oh yes of course! Ive seen other unicorns do it on rare occasion since its so hard to replicate and get enough magic to do them. Kitty does them too, but she gets them from different dimensions so it comes for her easily. Maybe after you get really good at other magic, you might be able to do some of those moves.”

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Dynamo raised his eyebrows in surprise at what he had been told. "Seriously? That's something I didn't expect to hear. Honestly, I thought such a way had never been tried before." He nods at how difficult such a way to replicate moves sounded. Even knowing Kitty could do such a technique was pretty impressive. "Hopefully I'll be able to perfect some moves for upcoming fights. I know it's not like replicating, but sort of an imitation. If a character did a spinning kick, then I would do a horizontal windmill kick. It's not the same thing, but it gives the same result, if that makes sense." He said as they reached the doors of the arcade. He opened the door the Princess of Friendship and allowed her to step inside the arcade. "Allow me to welcome you to my world of video games." He moved his hoof to present all the different arcade machines that were available to play. 

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Twilight: “That makes sense. Maybe later we could practice a little bit of that.”


”Woahhhh! This looks amazing! I cant wait to start!”

”So, what game do you want to play first? The variety is too big for me to choose, haha!”

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Dynamo nodded in agreement as he watched Twilight become amazed at the blinking lights, pings and sounds. He couldn't help, but chuckle and smiled at the feeling of nostalgia. "That's just about the same way I acted when I was first introduced to an arcade." He scanned around the arcade to see what kind of game the two of them could play. "Oh! I have a pretty good game to play." He motioned for her to follow him as he lead her to a recently installed arcade machine. "I was told that this game got installed last week. It's a brand new fighting game. It's called My Hero: One's Justice. It's based on the anime, My Hero Academia and it's pretty interesting. Want to try and give this game a go?" He asks as he waited patiently for his friend's response. 

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Twilight: “Wow, just last week? It sounds really interesting! Of course we can play!”

(behind them are the normal sounds of an arcade, although right now it seems really competitive.)

“Wow, today’s quite a competitive day, huh?” She says this as she gets ready to play.

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Dynamo chuckled, before smiling as he began to set the game up, so they could play. "That's right. The anime is relatively new, so this is somewhat the first game that features these characters. There isn't that many characters in the roster, but they are pretty powerful." He said as they looked over the controls and began selecting their characters. Twilight was on the left, while Dynamo was on the right. "Let's do our best and see what this game can do." He said as the match got underway.

As the battle progressed, both players were figuring out the button commands, as well as combos and tricks. The battle was pretty even for most of the match. Dynamo could see a bit of Twilight's strategy, but he could also see that she was figuring out his game play, as well. In the end, Dynamo had managed to secure the final battle and win the match. "Whew. That was a pretty close game. I thought you had me at some points. That was a really great match, Twi." He smiled, before hearing the crowed of gamer's being competitive. "That happens from time to time. I guess there's a tournament being set up soon, so there will probably be more gamer's going to the arcade."

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Twilight “Well that was really close. I think I’m getting better at these games, haha.”

”Ooh, tournaments? How often do they happen? They sound fun!”

”Do you wanna play again, or shoukd we do another game?”

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Dynamo looked to the Princess of Friendship and smiled. "You're really good a video games, Twi. Have you played games before from time to time? It seems like this isn't your first time playing a game. I could be wrong, but it's because you caught onto the controls fairly quickly." He says, while feeling impressed at how powerful she was in games. He wanted to ask her something, but he decided to ask her about said question later. He nodded as she asked about tournaments. "They happen once or twice a month. The owner, Button Prompt, tends to keep the business going by bringing in other gamer's for tournaments. It helps keep the flow of new games being brought into the store. That, and they try to get new types of tournaments to help promote the new games." He chuckled and nodded once more. "They are pretty fun, but very competitive. Some gamer's I've played are no laughing matter and are pretty good. Sometimes I get lucky, while other times I get so close, but then lose. I'm not fond of losing, but it can't be helped. It's all a part of learning to get better at games." He looked to the arcade game, before turning back to Twilight. He was about to answer when a gamer had decided to crash the party. "Well, well, well. Look who's here at the arcade." Dynamo narrowed his eyes as he knew the owner of the voice. He turned in the direction of the voice and saw that it was indeed who he thought it was. Just behind him and Twi was a neon green unicorn, who had a blue and purple spike mane and golden eyes. "It's Cosmic Clown." Dynamo said as he was preparing himself for the arrival of his old bully. 

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Twilight: “Hmmm I dont think I have recently. I just sorta... get used to the controls quickly.”

”Ooh, thats sounds fun! Maybe one day when i have the time I’ll participate in one.”


”I think Ive heard of hime before... Not sure though...”

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Dynamo nodded in understanding, but he couldn't help in feeling impressed. "Even so, that was pretty awesome. You're really smart and very clever when it came to using certain combos." He raised an eyebrow as he was curious about one thing. "If you don't mind, then is it okay if I ask a question?" He asks while making sure that the other ponies in the arcade couldn't listen in on the conversation. "I've heard rumors from other gamer's that Princess Luna is a gamer. Is that true, or is that all just a silly rumor?" He grins and nods at her enthusiasm over a tournament. "I think that would be pretty cool. They have different tournaments, so you will most likely not see the same game twice in one week."

Dynamo looked to see the green unicorn across from him. "I would most likely say no and that you haven't heard of him. He's from Fillydelphia and one of the original bullies I had when I was growing up." Cosmic could only grin and bow at Twilight. "Oh, you both flatter me. I guess my reputation is getting me somewhere." Dynamo gave the green unicorn a deadpanned look. "What are you even doing here, Cosmic? Last time I heard your name you were out trying to go on tour for games." Cosmic shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "I guess the rumors your heard are true. I'm trying to win major tournaments and prove to other rookies that I deserve to be the best. At any rate, why are you at the arcade with the Princess of Friendship. I guess she lost a bet, since why would she be friends with you?" Dynamo narrowed his eyes at his old bully, but tried his best to stay calm. 

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Twilight: “Hmmm Ive not even heard of the rumor. Its strange that someone would think that, but I cant say its not true.”


”He is my friend, Cosmic. We’re great pals. He’s learned some magic from me and in return we’re playing games together. Its really fun! I just think you don’t know Dynamo very well.”

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Dynamo frowned slightly, but chuckled as he learned of the truth. "I guess a rumor had to be answered eventually. A lot of ponies had said that Princess Luna was a gamer and was looking for a student. There was also a rumor about the gaming world existing, or something along those lines." He shrugged his shoulders as he remembered what many of the gamer's he played against had said. 

Cosmic raised an eyebrow, before chuckling at Twilight's remark. "I don't know Kyubiki very well? Well, that's where you're wrong, Princess. I know that his kindness makes him weak and will never get him anywhere. That friendship that you speak so highly of? It gets you nowhere and is a sin beyond all recognition. Friendship isn't magic and it will be nothing more than a bunch of nonsense." Dynamo growled slightly as he took a couple of steps forward. "You should learn some respect, you know that? Twilight and her friends have said Equestria multiple times. Friendship really has saved the world on a number of occasions. I don't know what your problem is, but you need to grow up and leave us alone." Cosmic whistled in surprise at the sudden outburst of the blue unicorn. "Huh...well what do you know? When did you go and grow a spine? You were always afraid of me, but here you are. What got into you, all of a sudden?" Dynamo took a deep breath before sighing. "I grew up and I found some really great friends that one can depend on. They are really important to me and in turn, I do my best to protect them to the best of my abilities." The neon green unicorn shook his head and smirked. "Oh, save me the excuses. What you are saying is a fool's dream and nothing more. Besides, how's the old man doing?" Dynamo raised an eyebrow as he took a shuddering breath. "What are you talking about? How did you know about that?" He asked in concern on what Cosmic had mentioned. 


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Twilight: “Kindness is the reason he’s gotten so far. He had actually helped me and the rest of my friends fight against evil. His bravery and kindness made our friendship exist.”

(Twilight listens to Dynamos reply to Cosmic’s negative response.)

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Cosmic could only shake his head in disbelief over what Twilight was talking about. "Oh, please. Your friendship exists because of those ridiculous elements of harmony. Then you gained more friends and I guess he joined as well. What kind of evil did he face that would acquire helping you?" He ignored the purple alicorn as he turned his attention on the pony he was looking for. "As for your question. Everypony knew the time that you lost your dad. Even Pinball had said that you wouldn't be in because of losing him. Plus, it's all your fault that he was gone. You could have done more. You could have felt more responsible, then you wouldn't have lost him. However, you did and then you ran away." Dynamo grit his teeth as he felt himself shaking with anger. He took a deep breath to try and calm down. "You don't know anything, you stinking clown. I lost my dad and that was that. To this day, I still feel as if I could have helped him more, but the doctor's said they did the best that they could. My dad was proud that my mom and I did what we could for him." Cosmic raised and eyebrow as he didn't seem interested. "Are you done? Honestly, I don't really care. Plus, family makes you weak. Just like friendships and just like relationships." 

Dynamo's jaw widened slightly as he was surprised by what he had just heard. "Do you honestly believe that? Friendships, trust, and all those other things can make you strong. If you have nothing worth fighting for, then you won't become strong." 

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(Twilight just listens to Dynamo’s problem of his father, knowing it was his problem and she knew that she shouldn’t interfere with it.)

(Twilight tries to calm Dynamo down, but it doesnt seem to be working well.)

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Cosmic looks to the Princess of Friendship, who was trying her best to keep Dynamo from becoming angry at Cosmic. The neon green unicorn could only grin. "What's wrong, Princess? Aren't you going to say something? You are his friend, aren't you? That, or are you his marefriend?" He asks while chuckling humorously. "Nah. I think there's somepony else that is closer to Dynamo. I think you know who that is, Princess Twilight." Dynamo's eyes widened and took a few steps forward. "You keep my friends out of this Cosmic. They didn't do anything to you, so don't start causing trouble here." Cosmic raised and eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders. "Then, how about we make this game interesting. We fight in a video game and if you win, then I'll leave you alone. If I win, then you have to call of being friends with everypony that you know. You'll see that friendship makes you weak and doesn't help you in becoming strong." Dynamo had an unsure look on his face at what he was fighting for. "I can't do that. I don't bet anything and I don't be my friends either." He says, before turning back to turn his attention to the Princess of Friendship. "That deal isn't worth it, Twi. I shouldn't go through with it, right?" He asks while trying to get an opinion from his friend. 

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Twilight: “Totally not. Friends are very valuable and shouldnt be tossed aside because of a bet. I’m not here to make decisions for you, though. You do what you think is right. If ypu do turn down the bet, dont worry about him. Just ignore him and he’ll go away eventually.”

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Dynamo nodded in understanding to Twilight's remark. "Thank you for the help Twilight. Also, I'm sorry and I understand. I was just seeing what you thought about all of this. I thought I could gain some sort of guidance, but I know what I need to do." He smiled, before turning back and frowning at Cosmic. "I'm not going to battle you, Cosmic. What you're talking about is crazy and betting something isn't worth it. So you can forget it." Cosmic could only grin and chuckle. "You think I'm giving you an option in all of this." He shook his head, before continuing. "You poor, simple minded fool. You're battling me whether you want to or not. We'll settle it in the game, Super Smash Brother's Melee. Best three out of five and it's two sets. Whoever gets two sets of wins first is the winner." He started walking away to the arcade machine. "Oh, by the way. You'll have to be the one who has to get two sets of wins, while I only have to get one." He stopped in his tracks suddenly, before continuing his way over to the game machine. 

Dynamo's jaw widened slightly as he had heard what Cosmic was saying. He closed his eyes and sighed as he knew there was no way out of this. He turned to Twilight and gave her an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry Twi. I guess I have no choice, but to battle him. If I don't, then he'll never stop until he gets what he wants. I know the situation doesn't seem fair, but I can't give up. I hope you'll be here to help cheer me on." 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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(Twilight whispers in his ear) “You can just walk away and you’ll have what you want, but you can battle him if you really want to. He has himself a very unfair advantage. If you choose not to walk away, I’ll cheer on for you!”

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Dynamo listened as Twilight voice her opinion in his ear. He looked to the retreating form of Cosmic, who leaned against the machine as his victory was assured. Dynamo took a deep breath, grit his teeth and just shook his head. "You know what, Cosmic? I'm not going to do this. You're just not worth it." Cosmic's jaw dropped at the sudden declaration. "Excuse me!? I'm not worth it? How dare you!?" Dynamo raised an eyebrow and sighed. "How dare I? Seriously? You haven't changed. A lot of us gamer's had to grow up and move on from all of this nonsense. You're just a pony, who keeps living in the past and will never grow up." He narrowed his eyes, before continuing. "It's really tiring and I don't want to be involved in your games anymore, Cosmic. I had to grow up and take things a little more seriously. While at the same time, being true to myself and enjoying life. You're just a child who will never stop until you have what you want. Even then, you'll still be unhappy and you'll never be satisfied. That's just plain said." He turned his back and started exiting the arcade. Cosmic just stood there, frozen like a statue. He didn't expect anyone to stand up to him. Let alone give him a piece of their mind. 'Nopony says no to me! You better watch yourself, Kyubiki. Next time, it won't be different!' He growled and walked off to another part of the arcade. 

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Twilight: “Wow! The look on his face was priceless!”

”Anyway, do you want to go back to the castle and get a little rest from craziness like this? We can check and see if Kitty has figured out what that substance was.”

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Dynamo couldn't help, but chuckle at Twilight's remark. "I was honestly surprised he reacted the way he did. I know he won't stop and I might have to face him in a game challenge someday. However, I know I'll have you and the others to back me up." He smiled and sighed as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He pondered on the idea for a moment, before nodding with a smile. "I think that sounds like a plan. I hope her research has gone well." He says, before giving Twilight and apologetic look. "Also, I'm really sorry about all of that. I hope I didn't waste your time at the arcade." 

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Twilight: “Oh, its not a problem at all! Its not time wasted since we can come back later, haha.”

(they start heading back toward the castle)

”Hmmm.. what do you think the substance is? Its kinda weird, but I think it might be some sort of corrupted liquid or something.”

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