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ooc That Which Lays Beneath (1x1 with Yuu Xeno)


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Alright, here we go! I guess just post some info about your OC. A sheet if you have one. :D

Insert the most amazing signature you've ever seen here

...Hm, feels like it needs something... More.

Twilight is best pony

Yes, there we go. Perfect. Now it's the most amazing signature you've ever seen.

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I don't have an actual sheet, so this will have to do :/


Name: Solar Flare

Race: Pegasus

Cutie-mark: A three layered sun. He is highly skilled with flying, and can go a lot higher than most ponies in the sky, hence his mark for 'almost touching the sun'.

Personality: Solar is as friendly as they come, and loves to meet new ponies. However, he can be a little shy, depending on the circumstances. He usually is a happy stallion, but when things get a little too serious or scary, he'll curl up into a metaphorical ball and wait for things to get better. He doesn't like seeing anypony get hurt, and will try to help in anyway he can.


Guitarist, Metalhead, and a Brony!     Favorite Bands---Meshuggah/Thornhill/Vildhjarta/Chevelle





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And, uh, I don’t think I really need to provide something like this for my characters so :adorkable:

Insert the most amazing signature you've ever seen here

...Hm, feels like it needs something... More.

Twilight is best pony

Yes, there we go. Perfect. Now it's the most amazing signature you've ever seen.

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Nop! :D 

Reason I'm using my OC is because I've never done an RP with him before...yay! I've only ever wrote him in stories, so this should be...interesting, to say the least. Again, as I've said before, he'll be sent by Celestia, but since Luna is coming along, the reason is for him to get some experience in mapping out new places, since in this, he's high in ranking of Canterlot's archeology team. Just for flavor, yes? :P

Guitarist, Metalhead, and a Brony!     Favorite Bands---Meshuggah/Thornhill/Vildhjarta/Chevelle





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Ye, Ye! That’s totally fine. Whatever you wanna do with him man, he’s your OC :P

Insert the most amazing signature you've ever seen here

...Hm, feels like it needs something... More.

Twilight is best pony

Yes, there we go. Perfect. Now it's the most amazing signature you've ever seen.

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Yup, we’re good! Post away!

Insert the most amazing signature you've ever seen here

...Hm, feels like it needs something... More.

Twilight is best pony

Yes, there we go. Perfect. Now it's the most amazing signature you've ever seen.

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No, u :smug:

Could you be a doll and start it off, please? Just so I can get an idea of where to start?

Guitarist, Metalhead, and a Brony!     Favorite Bands---Meshuggah/Thornhill/Vildhjarta/Chevelle





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Oh, sorry! I thought I’d provided enough stuff in the IC! :lie:

Insert the most amazing signature you've ever seen here

...Hm, feels like it needs something... More.

Twilight is best pony

Yes, there we go. Perfect. Now it's the most amazing signature you've ever seen.

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Oh, my bad. I didn't know the IC was already up, my bad. I'll take a look real quick

Guitarist, Metalhead, and a Brony!     Favorite Bands---Meshuggah/Thornhill/Vildhjarta/Chevelle





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