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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Taylor GearGrinder

It was a bright, yet sunny early morning as the sun shined brightly over the rural village of Ponyville. As ponies had begun setting up shop for the day, a blue unicorn had just begun to wake up to begin the day. The blue unicorn, Dynamo Pad, had been up the previous night having a marathon of video games and anime. As the light shined into his room, he groaned and attempted to throw the covers over his head. "Can I just sleep for five more minutes, please?" He asked to nobody in particular. He sighed and threw the covers off his face. He knew going back to sleep would be impossible now. One he was up, he was up for good and there was no changing it. He had checked his phone to see if his boss had messaged him. While living in Ponyville, Dynamo had found a job at the local gaming arcade. He was off for the day, but he wanted to make sure that he was indeed still off. He was surprised to see that he had indeed received a text message from his boss, Button Prompt. As he had read the text, the message had insisted that he had to get to the arcade right away. That, and Button had wanted Dynamo to see something important. 'Knowing Button, it must be news on a new game.' He thought as he got out of bed and started getting dressed. He was dressed in a purple shirt, black pants, sneakers and his signature gaming jacket. Making sure that he had everything, he locked up the house and began running over to the arcade. "I hope that Button managed to get the new game up and running. He called me up and told me to head over to the arcade right away." He spoke his thoughts out loud as he could see that the arcade was within his sights. 

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@Dynamo Pad

A dark grey mare with black and orange mane and tail, a little bit older than Dynamo had already begun her day, as she had put on her jeans, off the shoulder top and her leather jacket, along with her aviators and her vans, she smiled and made her way to the arcade "I'm going to beat this Dynamo Pad's score this time, or my name isn't Broken Record" she says to herself as she arrives at the arcade, grinning to see that it was open this early, "Button must've finally gotten the new game up and running too" she thinks and walks in to see there were already a few ponies there.

With a simple flick of her hand to get her mane out of her eyes, she puts on her aviators and makes her way right towards the machine she intended to break a record on. She then put in some earbuds, some of her favorite music and begun to play, almost expertly.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

As Dynamo continued jogging toward the arcade, he started remembering a song from a video game he had played recently. "Moving at the speed of sound! Quickest unicorn around! Got ourselves a situation, stuck in a new location. Without any explanation. No time for relaxation. Don't-Don't-Don't-Don't-Don't- blink, don't think. Just go go go go g-g-g-g-go go! " He sang aloud as the door the arcade suddenly opened. He smirked as ran faster, so he would make it into the arcade. "Sonic, he's on the run! Sonic, he's number one! Sonic, he's coming next. So watch out, for Sonic X! Gotta go fast! Gotta go fast! Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, faster! Sonic X! Gotta go fast! Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster, Sonic X!"  He was just about at the door frame, but gasps as he hit a pothole and began to fall forward. "Oh, no." He felt like he was falling in slow motion. He finally tripped and began rolling into the arcade. He began hitting multiple arcade machines like a pinball and ended up slamming against a wall. He fell to the ground and was beginning to see stars. "Ugh...did anyone get the number of that bus? Hello? Anyone?" He asks in a dazed manor. 

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@Dynamo Pad

The blur blur that passed her and the thump that followed, made her lose concentration for a split second and lose the level. "Grrr!" she thumps her robotic fist on the machine "So close!" She turns around to see a blur of blue fur and growls "SONIC! Just when I thought I was free from your reckless ways, you've followed me here!" She growls, getting into a fighting stance, but once the red cleared from her eyes, she rubs her eyes and looks around to see the stallion in front of her "W-wait, you're not Sonic? Of course, why would he be here unless he got caught here too and so the emeralds" she says and then relaxes some, going over to him and offering her hand to help the stallion up "You gotta watch where you're going, else you'll end up a mess" she says with a bit of a chuckle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo shook his head to clear the cobwebs away and gain his composure. His ears perked as he heard a voice calling out to the blue hedgehog. "Sonic!? Where is he? He's a real character in Equestria? That's some news if I've ever heard some." He began looking around to find the blue hedgehog, but frowned as his search ended up in failure. He looked to the voice that called out to him. He soon noticed a dark grey mare, with a black and orange mane and tail. He noticed a hand extended to him as he smiled and accepted the hand. He stood up and chuckled, while smiling sheepishly. "Yeah, sorry about that. I was called in by the owner of the shop, Button Prompt. He said there was something going on and he wanted me here." He began looking around for the manager of the store, but stopped as he focused his attion on the mare. "I don't think I've met you here before. What's your name?" He asked before gaining a look of confusion upon his muzzle. "You said something about Sonic, right? What do you mean? Also, I've heard about the chaos emeralds in the video game, but what do they have to do with anything. If you don't mind me asking, that is."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken just sighs "It's a long story, maybe I'll tell you later, I'm Broken Record by the way. I was just trying to beat someone's score when you made me lose concentration" she says before helping the stallion up and then moving back to the machine she was playing on "what the? Oh geeze, I gotta remember to thump on these things, all my progress was lost!" she whines and gets out some more bits to put in "Right from the start again"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder 

Dynamo nods in understanding. "Fair enough and no worries. It's nice to meet you Broken. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo." He raised an eyebrow in curiosity at who's high score that the mare wanted to surpass. "I'm sorry about that. I hope I can make it up to you. Who's high score are you trying to beat?" He asks as he begins to follow Broken to the arcade machine she was playing at. He was about to check the scores, but a purple Pegasus had walked up to them. "Dynamo! Broken! It's great to see that you two made it. Remember in my text messages that I need the help from you two? Well, the new game has arrived and I want you two to be the first to test it out. If you can just follow me, then we will be at the game momentarily." He smiles as he led the duo over to the new arcade game. "Also, don't put some bits in the arcade machine you were playing on, Broken. Trust me. I know you both will love playing this game when you see the name of said game." He chuckles, before continuing. "Don't worry about putting bits in this machine either. It's on the house for you two today." He said, while giving the two a grin and wink. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken's eyes narrowed at the mention of Dynamo's name "Wait, you're Dynamo Pad? Great, just great...You're the one who's score I was trying to break" she says but then shakes her head and follows button Press "So Button, you finally got the new one in eh? Great news, I was getting bored of replaying all these old games. Don't get me wrong, some of them are classics but..it does get boring" As she walked, the heavy clank of her boots could be heard, luckily her clothing hid her more noticeable steel parts. "from one rival to another" she mutters and then smiles at the sight of the new machine "Hey Button, mind if we put some music on while we test it?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo raised his eyebrows in surprise as he saw Broken narrow her eyes. "Is there something wrong? Was it something I said?" He asks in concern. He heard the dark grey mare had mentioned of wanting to beat his high score. He didn't understand why, but he hoped that he could understand the reason later. "Yeah, I have to agree with Broken, here. These games are fun and all, but it's always good to add something to the mix every now and then." Button chuckled once more and waved his hand to the duo. "I take no offense to that, you two. I know what you mean, as well. These games are fun, but it's time to upgrade some games. I'll be getting new games throughout the months, so we'll be seeing some new gamer's, returning gamer's and even ponies who are interested in games." He smiled at the thought, but nodded at her request. "I don't see why not. Do you want music on as well, Dynamo?" He asks as the blue unicorn nods almost instantly. "That sounds good to me. Maybe we can switch songs back and forth while we play the game. If that's okay with you, Broken. I also agree on the rivals. It's good to have a rival in certain games, but sometimes it's not fun if the rival takes things too far." He muttered as he remembered a certain rival that was always cruel to him. He shook his head and decided to focus on the task at hand. "So, what's the game that we'll be playing. You kept hyping it up in your text." Button nods while looking over his shoulder to the duo. "That's right. Tell me something. Have either of you two heard of the anime, My hero Academia?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

"You see, my name isn't Broken Record for nothing" she says with a slight smirk on her face, "I'm not sure if you've heard of the records that were beaten on all of the Sonic the Hedgehog games..Even the notorious Sonic '06?" she asks "Well I broke them all, my gamer tag is Ghost's Requiem, I've also beaten records on Prance Prance Revolution, Mortal Kombat X, and the Devil May Cry series" she chuckles "Along with those Platformers like Blade Kitten, Oddworld and Ty the Tazmanian Devil" she says and then looks at Button "Yeah I've heard of it, never could get into it much" she says as she fishes around her bag and pulls out a cd "Here you go, this has my mix on it" she says "Sure it's only a few songs but still."

(The list is as follows:
Team Dark: This Machine
What I'm Made Of
I Am..All of Me
Team Rose: Follow Me)

"If you could put it on shuffle, that'd be great" Broken says as she smiles "you're a dear"

Edited by Taylor GearGrinder


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo listened to Broken as he kept walking behind Button, while said Pegasus was nearing the arcade machine. The blue unicorn whistled in astonishment. "I guess that makes sense, but that's pretty impressive. I don't play much of Sonic, but I'm a casual at the games. I just like running through the stage with the impressive soundtrack in the background." He shuddered at the mention of Sonic '06. "Don't even get me started. I tried a demo of that game and it was just impossible to play. I can't even fathom how that is even considered a game." Button chuckled, but nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. It was like the game developers had no time and thought the game could be available by the Holiday shopping season. Can you imagine if I had that game here, in the arcade? I'd probably lose my whole business and arcade." Dynamo shook his head and felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead. "I don't want to even imagine that. I work here and I love this job. It's fun helping other and playing games. It's feels like I truly belong here, you know?" Dynamo turned his attention back to Broken and smiled. "Those are some impressive feats. I love the Devil May Cry series. I would have to say that DMC 3 is my all time favorite. I just love the stylish game play and the story was pretty impressive. Plus, Dante is really awesome in that game." He said, before listing of some of the games that he had played. "I've won a few tournaments from the Naruto Storm series and some Mario Kart series. I guess setting a speed run world record in Kingdom Hearts can count. That, and I love playing the Super Mario series and Pokemon series."

Dynamo placed a hand under his chin in thought. "Ghost's Requiem? I think I'v heard of that name before. There have been some name of rising gamer's and that was one of them. You must be pretty awesome at video games. What's your favorite genre of games? Mine would have to be fighting, RPG's, action/adventure strategy and puzzle games. Speaking of gamer tag's, I wonder if you've heard of my name. My gamer tag is Kyubiki Tenchu." He said, before gasping slightly at the name of the anime. "I've heard of it. I got into the anime recently and it's pretty cool. I heard there was a game coming out soon, but..." He stopped as he felt he knew where this was going. "Button, you didn't..." Button grinned as he stopped walking to present the arcade machine for the duo. "I sure did. Tada! The very first arcade machine of My Hero: One's justice. All set up and ready to play. I thought since you both don't know the game really well, you could both practice and see if you like the game. Enjoy your date, you two!" He chuckled as he started walking away, but not before taking Broken's CD's for him to play on the music station. "Thank's and don't worry. I think everyone here will love these songs." 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Yeah, I've heard your gamer tag, I mean it's everywhere in this arcade, but I also knew your real name, I follow gaming news the same as I do music" Broken says as she looks at the machine "So is this a tester demo machine or is it the full game?" she says with another smirk "Either way, Kyubiki.." she says, using his gamer tag "Howabout a wager? Whoever loses buys lunch and drinks?" she says as she looks at the type of game "Mostly platformers, puzzle, some RPGs and then of course fighting games" she says with a smile, "Shadow the Hedgehog is one of my favorite games though" she says and looks to Button "Wish me luck" she says., thankful that her little colt had school.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo raised an eyebrow in surprise. "That's something to hear. I know I made a name for myself, but I didn't think a lot of ponies would know who I am. I've been in Ponyville for a while, but still." He shrugged his shoulder as he wanted to focus on the game that was in front of them. Button shook head, before calling out to the two, while putting the music together. "Nope. This is the whole game. It even has the dlc character, Endeavor. Most gamer's would be angry having to pre-order a game, so you can get a certain character." Dynamo's ears perked as he heard Broken call out his gamer name. Her smirked and contemplated on the wager. "That is a pretty interesting offer, Miss Requiem. However, how about we just play the game and have fun." He smiled and waved his hands. "Don't get me wrong. I'm all about being competitive and I don't make excuses. It's just that the game is new and I don't want one of us to know something the other doesn't. That, and one of us would have an advantage and exploit said advantage to win. Don't get me wrong. I trust you, but still." He said and nodded at her choice of games. "It sounds like you enjoy the same kind of games as I do. You have a pretty good taste in gaming genre." 

The blue unicorn's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of Shadow the Hedgehog. "I've played that before when I was younger. I like how Shadow got his own game and how you create your own story. It was a risk by the Sonic series, but I think it was pretty successful." Button started playing the music and shook his head. "You both don't need luck. Just have fun and enjoy testing that game out." Dynamo nodded in thanks and looked to Broken. "Let's give it our all and good game no matter what in all of our matches." He smiled as he raised a fist for Broken to fist bump.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken chuckles "Alright you've got a point there, well then shall we start?" she asks as she watches Button Press put on her music and her head bops to the music "aah yeah, now I'm in the zone, bring it!" she says with excitement, choosing her character and waiting for Dynamo to select his "You're right, lets have fun, at least this time around" she says "And who knows, maybe one day I'll tell you about me" she says and closes her eyes as she then opens them "Let the battle begin!" she shouts as What I'm Made Of  starts to play.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo chuckles along with her and nods, while starting up the game. The blue unicorn was in complete awe at the many characters that they could select. "I'm ready to begin this game, whenever you are." He says as he began to select his character. Once the preparations were made, he was all set to begin the match. He could hear the music being played as he tapped his foot to the beat. "Hey! This is from Sonic Heroes! I played a demo of it and it was a pretty interesting game. This beat is pretty catchy to boot." He nodded in agreement and smiled. "I'd like that. Hopefully, we can talk and get to know me, as well." He turns back to the screen and grins. "Best two out of three matches. Bring it on!" He shouts as the game got underway.

As the match started, both ponies tried to get the hang of the controls and movement of the characters. It felt a little strange at first, but Dynamo was slowly getting used to the game play. Both were evenly matched as they both took a win from each other. As the final round went down to the wire, Dynamo frowned slightly at the loss, but he honestly couldn't be mad. He was surprised that the game had a sort of super armor feature that could protect you in combos. "Oh, well. It's one loss, but I've got a chance to turn this around. It's odd that you could get out of my moves, but I guess it helps from keeping you from being combo juggled endlessly." 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Whew that was quite the round" Broken says with a smile "Lets have at it, you got your music set to go? I'd love to see if you're as good as I am when you have your own tracks playing" she says and looks at another character "Hmm, lets see if I can work this character out as quickly as I was able with the first one" she says with a smile to Dynamo "Best of luck, if you win this one, the the third round will be the tie breaker" she says and taps her robotic foot/boot a little, the sound could be heard echoing throughout the arcade. She smiles and looks to Button Press "Hey Button, this may take a while, could you get my usual cherry cola and caramel popcorn?" she asks with a smile "Thanks" she says and looks to Dynamo "Tough choice isn't it?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo smiled and nodded in agreement. "That sure was. I'm really starting to like this game. It's all about strategy and careful predictions and not just a straight up button masher." He says and nods, before looking over to Button. "I hope that Button has my type of anime and gaming music. I like to get into the zone when I'm playing a great game. Plus, I guess we'll find out, since I think the warm up is over, don't you think?" He smiled as he went to pick his next character. Button smiled and waved at the two. "Oh, don't worry, D-Pad. I think I got just the song to get you into the zone I'll make sure to give you the cherry cola and popcorn, Broken." Dynamo looked to Broken with a grin. "Same to you. Let's see if I can make a third round become possible." The blue unicorn placed a hand under his chin, while trying to figure out a good character to use. Try as he might, he wasn't exactly sure where to go from here. His ears perked as he heard Broken talk to him. He chuckled and nodded slowly. "I guess you can say that. It's just that there are so many characters, yet it's difficult to know what they all can do." He decided to go with a new character and hoped for the best. Just before they started up the second round, Dynamo heard the song that Button chose for their battle.

As the song was being played, Dynamo grinned as he knew what the song was. He began tapping his foot and felt himself getting into the zone. "Okay, then. Time to start round 2. Let's do this!"

As the second match began, both players were getting better at the controls, but made sure to keep an eye on how the other fought. Dynamo knew that he had to mix up his fighting, so he wouldn't be predictable. He managed to win the first round, but Broken had easily caught up and secured the second game. Dynamo narrowed his eyes slightly as the final round began. 'It seems like she knows how to fight both from long range to close range. It doesn't help that Todoroki excels at that kind of fighting, but we'll see about that.' He thought as he dealt a major combo upon his opponent. He managed to secure a special move that won him the second game. "Whew! That was pretty awesome. I even got the Plus Ultra finish at the end. Great game and I managed to make the game a third round." He grinned sheepishly and chuckled happily.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Good round, I can see how you can have so many high scores, you're a fast learner" Broken says and looks to Button, about to thank him for the snacks, until she sees a familiar face "You've got to be kidding me" she says softly under her breath, and looks to Button "Button Press, make sure no young ones will see this, this could get messy" she says, handing him the snacks and drinks back.

Standing at a fighting stance, she glares at the stallion that walked in, he looked mean and ready to fight, as he was likely drunk. "The hell do you want here, drunkard?" she asks him with a growl to her voice.

The stallion, who obviously was drunk, glares at her "Looking for the whore of the guy I killed and who put me in jail for six years" he growls at her with a slur to his speech.

Broken looks to Dynamo, taking her jacket off, revealing her robotic arm "Take my jacket" she says, waiting for the first hit.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo smiled and gave her a thankful look. "Thank you and you should give yourself some credit, as well. You're a fast learner yourself and you know how to change up your style." He was about the get started on the third round, but stopped as he thought he heard Broken say something. He looked to her with a raised eyebrow. "Is everything okay? What's wrong, Broken?" He noticed that she wasn't looking at the arcade machine, but more rather at a stallion, who walked into the arcade.

Button Prompt narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded. "Don't do anything reckless, okay? I don't allow violence in here and I wouldn't want to have you thrown out. Just take it easy and wait to see what happens." He looked and was relieved to see that all the younger gamer's were away from the action. Dynamo walked over slowly, but stayed back as to wait and see what would happen next. He saw a jacket and opened his arms to catch it, but he then noticed a robotic arm that belonged to Broken. "Why do you have a robotic arm? Also, why do you want me to hold your jacket? Are you going to fight this pony?" He was concerned for his friend and wanted to step it, but he wanted to wait and learn more about what was going on, before jumping in and becoming involved in the drama. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"I'll answer you later, on both questions" She says and glances at the stallion "I will only fight if he pulls the first punch" she says and glares at him once more "Well, you gonna attack a widow or are you gonna finally stallion up and just leave" she says, motioning for Button to call the guards. She flexes her robotic arm, "I'm not afraid to get a few bruises and scratches, so come at me, if you're that much of a coward!" she exclaims to him.

He looks at her then at her arm "Freak" he spits and advances on her, little known to her, he had a stun gun on him and was planning to use it on her robotic parts, he hid it behind his back, but a keen eye could see it and maybe stop him before he does any damage.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo wanted to protest, but he reluctantly nodded. "Okay, but you have to uphold that promise." He nods once more, before continuing. "Just be careful, okay? You're a great friend and I worry about you." He smiles softly, before gaining a neutral look and watches the stallion intently. Button nods and presses a button underneath the counter. "I just did and the guards will be here in a few minutes." He warned the others as he kept a close eye on the door, but also keeping an eye on the new stallion in case he made any funny business.

Dynamo growled slightly, while narrowing his eyes at the stallion in front of them. "What gives you any right to call her a freak? Just because she has a robotic arm, then it gives you right to label her as such? That's low and you very well know it. She's a regular mare like everyone else in Equestria and should be treated with some respect." He was about to continue, but he soon noticed something shining behind his back. As the stallion began taking out the stun gun, Dynamo's eyes widened, before pulling Button back and away from the stallion. "Get back, Broken! That guy's got a stun gun on him. I don't know why, but don't let him get to close to you." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken's eyes widen and she gasps "The bastard! He wants to kill me, that could seriously do some serious damage to me!" She exclaims, as she looks to Dynamo quickly and whispers to him "Get the guards in through the back, then shut the place up once everyone is safe, He's a murderer and by the looks of it, won't stop at finishing the job" she says as the stallion keeps advancing on her.

"Look at her! She doesn't deserve no respect!" he shouts, pulling the stun gun out "Outta the way kid or you'll get it too!" he shouts



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo looked to Broken in surprise at her remark, but turned to keep his eyes on the stallion. "Why are you doing this? What did she do to ever deserve this kind of treatment, huh?" He asks as Button heard the request by Broken. He sneaked around back, so nobody would see him. He made his way to the back entrance and let the guards into the arcade. "We've got a stallion who's unwell and is pulling a stun gun on a mare. I let my coworker protect the mare and is stalling for time. We have to hurry because there's no time!" The purple Pegasus exclaimed as he lead the guards into the back entrance of the arcade. 

Dynamo was about to do what Broken had asked, but soon noticed that Button was nowhere to be seen. "It looks like my boss went and got the guards. We just have to keep this guy busy for a few minutes." He whispered to her as he got in front of Broken to keep her safe. He gulped as he saw the stun gun, but he stayed calm and decided to get the stallion to cooperate. "Here's an idea. Why don't we play a game that you and I know. We're here in this arcade, so why don't we try and have some fun. I win, then you leave us alone. You win and you get to do whatever you want. Does that sound fair? I mean, come on. You have at least some honor, right?" He asks while giving the stallion a pleading look.

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@Dynamo Pad

The captain nods as he looks out from the back "Got him" she says with a growl "We've been after him for years, he killed our night captain a few years back, just before his foal was born" she says and motions for her fellow guards to surround them.

"Haha you think I'm gonna fall for such a stupid trick like that? But fine, lets have it your way," he says and looks around "ah how about Street Fighter V?" he asks with a grin, not noticing that he was being surrounded by the guards. while Broken's eyes just widen at Dynamo and whispers to him.

"I hope you know what you're doing, he won't play fair" she whispers.

Edited by Taylor GearGrinder


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Button felt sick from what he had heard, but knew he had to be professional about this whole thing. "That's terrible and I'm really sorry to hear that. Hopefully we'll be able to bring this guy into justice. He won't get away with this." As he made his way through the back entrance, he noticed that Dynamo and the stallion were about to play. He held a hand up to motion the guards to not advance. "Just let this play out and let the two of them fight in games. If that stallion tries a move, then rush over and take him down."

Dynamo raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I'm not trying any tricks. I'm being honest here. My old teacher once said that when it comes to settling a dispute or argument. You always fight with the controller and not your fists." He watched as the stallion made the choice in game. "Hmm...while it seems tempting, I'll have to pass. I heard the controls and connection are bad, so you'll have an advantage." He looked around and saw the game that he wanted to play. "How about Naruto Storm 4. This game allows switching characters and has team based, so it's somewhat like Street Fighter. Plus, I'll even let you pick the teams that I want to use. It sounds fair, don't you think?" He nodded in understanding to Broken's whisper. "Don't worry, Broken. I know exactly what I need to do." He whispers back, before turning his attention over to the stallion. "Well? Are we in agreement, or what?"

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