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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo chuckles alongside Broken and nods. "I always try to do my best and be a kind gentlestallion." He smiles and nods at the suggestion. "That sounds good to me. It gives me time to meet and get to know Dusk. That, and we can surprise Button about the whole uncle thing. I can imagine his expression if he was caught off guard." He laughs, before taking a deep breath to calm down. "I guess the Captain wanted to make sure that your son was okay. I wouldn't blame him, to be honest. It shows that he cares about you and your son." As they made their way out of the eatery, Dynamo follows Broken as she leads him to her place. "I've only been to the outskirts of town a few times. Is it near where the Everfree Forest is?" He asks while trying to get a good idea on where her home would be located at. "I can understand what you mean. It must be nice and peaceful at nighttime. I can imagine getting to see a lovely moon in the sky surrounded by many pretty, bright stars. It sounds lovely, in my opinion." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods "Well first of all, the Captain is a female, but yes, after what happened at the arcade, she went to check on my mum and Dusk to be sure he hadn't gone there first" she says and nods "It is quite close to the forest yes, it in a way reminds me of my home on Mobius before I was brought here" she says "and yes, Princess Luna really does a wonderful job with the moon and stars" she says, as they soon arrive at her house.

She smiles and walks through the door, where the Captain was sitting on the sofa, sipping on a soda "Ah hello dear, everything is fine here, luckily that drunkard didn't know where you lived, it was all happenstance really, that he happened to pass the arcade and see you there" she says, smiling as the small colt runs to Broken and hugs her.

"Mummy!" he cries and hugs her "I-I was so worried" he says as Broken smiles and hugs him "I could have been in real danger if it wasn't for Dynamo Pad here standing up for me, and of course the arcade owner Button Press, calling the guards"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo nodded in understanding. "That makes sense when you think about it. He may have stopped there first when it came to looking for you. Let's just hope that it's not the case, you know?" He listened about her home and smiled. "I'm guessing Mobius is from the Sonic worlds. I can imagine it must be a lovely place. I haven't played the games in a while, so forgive me if I don't exactly know the place too well. " He says as the soon arrived at Broken's home. As they stepped inside the house, He noticed the guard and a small colt accompanying her. He soon realized that this colt must be her son, Dusk. His ears perked at the mention of the stallion not knowing where Broken's home was. He sighed in relief and gave the Captain a grateful look. "Thank you for all of your help and I'm glad that stallion was stopped."

He smiled as he watched the interaction between mother and son. He chuckled sheepishly, while rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't think it was that big of a deal. I was just in the right place at the right time. Button and I try to do our best to help others out. I'll always do my best to help protect Broken." 

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@Dynamo Pad

The Captain smiles "Aye, it's nothing really Mr Pad. Broken's husband was a dear friend of mine, and we had been after that stallion for years now" she says and nods, finishing her tea "Thank you for your hospitality mrs Bella, i'll be on my way now" she says, hugging both Bella and then Broken and then leaves.

Broken smiles "It wasn't nothing" she says "Anyway mom, I'll be cooking dinner tonight, I invited Dynamo over"  she says and scoops Dusk into her arms "But for now, come Dusky, we're going back to the Arcade, I'm sure if you ask nicely, you may get some free games" she says

"R-really?" He asks excitedly


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo returns the smile and nods. "I'm glad that both you and Broken can be really close after all those years. I know how you feel and no need to be so formal. So please, just call me Dynamo." He says as he watched the captain hug Broken and her mom, before leaving the house. He turns his attention over to Broken and Bella. "The Captain was really nice. Just remind me never to get on her bad side. Also, you must be Broken's mom, right? It's really nice to meet you. My name's Dynamo Pad." He says as Broken scooped Dusk into her arms. He chuckles and gives Dusk a thumbs up. "Trust me, Dusky. If you ask nicely, then it'll work like a charm. My boss was giving us a free game day on a new game that just came out. So, maybe he can extend the offer of free games to her son." He says as he begins making his way out of the house and back towards the arcade. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles as she saw Dusk's eyes light up "Come on then, and guess what, Dynamo is coming for dinner too" Broken says to him, and then softly smiles at Dynamo "Come on, did we want another go at the machine or try another game?" she asks, continuing to lead the way towards the arcade, with Dusk curled up in her arms.  "Don't fall asleep now sweetie, or you'll miss all the fun" Broken coos to Dusk, showing an obvious soft side to Dynamo and not even caring.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo chuckles as he saw Dusk's eyes light up in excitement and anticipation. "Sounds like someone is eager to play a video game. He's just like me when I wait for a midnight game release." He says as he returns Broken's soft smile with his own smile. "Hmm..." He began to ponder while tapping a finger to his chin. "I would say we try another game. It would be better to have more variety, instead of just one game over and over. That, and I can see what Dusky can do. I heard from your mom that you like games, as well. I think we'll get along very well, little buddy." He says as he looks to Broken walking next to him. He couldn't help, but smile at seeing her soft side. He held his arms out to her. "Here. How about I take Dusk and he can sit on my shoulders." He says while turning his attention to Dusk. "How about it? Want to be the lookout for the arcade?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk's eyes light up even more as Broken helps him onto Dynamo's shoulders "Yes please mr Dynamo" he says as he holds onto him and looks around "I'm usually on mommy's shoulder" he says with a giggle, making Broken smile even more

Broken chuckles "Well mr Dynamo here is going to be around quite often, so you'll even be able to have someone else to play games with" she says, eliciting a squee and a joyful clap of Dusk's hands.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist

Dynamo smiled as Dusk sat on his shoulders. He looked up as he continued walking. "Just hold on tight and don't let go. I'll make sure you don't fall, kiddo." He says as he noticed Dusk looking around everywhere for the arcade. "It sounds like your mother is a really nice person. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that." He chuckled as he listened to the interaction between both Broken and Dusk. "She's right, you know. If your mom is busy some days, then we'll go to the arcade and play some video games. Who knows? You might have a future career in gaming." He saw the arcade in the distance, but he pretended not to notice. "What do you think, Dusk? Do you see the arcade yet? How close are we, buddy?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk continued to look around before he looked at what he believed was the arcade, it was the building with the big gaming controller as a sign "I-is that it mr Dynamo?" he asks, pointing to it. Broken chuckles and nods, as she felt her hand gently touch Dynamo's, she smiles at him before walking to the building.

"And a new friend for you too Dusk" Broken says with a smile


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist

Dynamo had squinted his eyes, before smiling and nods. "That's the place, my boy. Great job in finding it." He blushes slightly as he felt Broken's hand upon his own. He smiles softly as he holds her hand. Once they had made it to the arcade, Dynamo helps Dusk down off of his shoulders, before opening the door and allowing both Broken and Dusk to enter first. He follows soon after and closes the door behind them. "Welcome to a gamer's paradise, Dusk." Button noticed the group walking in and smiles as he saw Dynamo and Broken had returned. He soon raised and eyebrow in curiosity at the sight of the two gamer's holding hands. "Well, well, well. It looks like I was right about the date part from earlier. You two enjoying your date so far?" He asks with a sly smirk upon his muzzle. He smiles at he watched the young colt looking around in fascination. "Also, it seems you have a guest. Who might you be, little fella?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk looked at Dynamo then Broken and gasps "You were on a date mummy! Is mr Dynamo going to be my daddy!?" he asks excitedly and Broken just laughs "Well, we'll see" she says and then smiles at Button "Hey Button, this is my son Dusk Shine" she says as she helps him get off of Dynamo's shoulder. Dusk looks up at him "Uncle Button!" he shouts with a giggle and hugs his leg.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist

Dynamo smiles softly at the idea of going out with Broken. "I wouldn't mind going out with your mother, Dusk. However, we'll just have to wait and see what happens, okay?" He leaned down and ruffled Dusk's mane playfully, before standing up and looked over at Button. "Everything is okay. We went and got some lunch and then we had to get back to her place. We had to make sure that her mom and son were okay." Button nodded in understanding and held up a hand. "Say no more. I'm just glad that whole situation was averted. It's great knowing that you two are getting along really well." He raised his eyebrows a couple times to try and tease Dynamo and Broken. He looks down at the colt as Broken introduced her son to him. "It's really nice to meet you, Dusk. It's always great to see a new gamer enter the arcade." His eyes soon widened in surprise at the mention of being called uncle. "Wait a minute. Uncle!? Me!? I mean, I don't know. I-It sounds like an honor and all, but that's too soon right?" He started sputtering as Dynamo tried to hold back a fit of laughter, but found that the laughter was too much to handle. "I knew he was going to have a funny reaction. The look on his face is just priceless." He chuckles as he tried to get his laughter under control. "Don't worry, Button. Broken was talking to me about some things and we'll discuss it over dinner." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken laughs "It was just a little joke really, but part of me knew that Dusky would warm up to you quite quickly, you give up the whole 'favorite' uncle feel" she says as she gives Dusk a couple of tokens and looks at him "Remember Dusky, stick to games with a G or PG rating, okay, none of the shooting ones except for the western one" she says to him. Dusk nods "Okay mummy" he says as he hugs her and then goes to look at the many games on offer for him to play. Broken smiles at Button "Your reaction was pretty priceless, anyway, Dynamo and I have decided to be a team instead of rivals"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist

Button sighed in relief, before chuckling and shaking his head. "Sounds to me like you two will get along really well. You both like jokes and that got me. I'm usually the one joking around too." He said in disbelief, while smiling warmly at the remark. "Well, I'm around the same age as Dynamo, but I tend to be like a guide at this arcade. I help give everyone here a family type of feeling. If you treat others and game with respect, while having that same passion at having fun and playing, then you're always welcome here." Both Dynamo and Button watched as Dusk wandered off to find a game for him to play. Button looked back to Broken and was surprised at the turn of events. "That's interesting to here. I've seen you in here sometimes, but you've always been wanting to keep surpassing Dynamo." He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "What happened? Was his earlier display against that stallion changed your mind? I'm surprised he can play games in that degree." He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm only kidding, Broken. I think it's great that you two will be a team. I can see you both going to game conventions and making a name for yourselves. By the way, did you both come up with a name for your team?" Dynamo raised an eyebrow himself as he never really put any thought into a name. "I'm not sure what kind of name we'll have. I've never been on a team before, to be honest. Do you have any idea, Broken?" He asks while turning his attention over to the grey unicorn mare.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken shakes her head "We'll think of something, as for your question Button, well yeah, it was his earlier display of how he handled the stallion that made me a widow, but then it was also the time we spent at the eatery, he just..well we just clicked, ya know" she says and kept an eye on Dusk "Dusk!" she says as she goes to him while he was trying to play a Mortal Kombat game "Sweetie, that game isn't suitable for you yet, why not play one of the racing games, look there's another foal over there playing Mario Kart, maybe they'll let you play with them or after them."

Dusk pouts but then hugs her "O-okay mama" he says before going over to the other foal. Broken smiles "There's a good boy" she says with a soft smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist

Dynamo nods in approval and grinned. "I was just glad I was able to help protect her. That, and I was going to give it my all in our third battle, but then we were interrupted. I feel the game would have been a draw either way." He chuckles and nods once more. "It felt like we understood each other pretty well. We have a good amount in common and we share a good sense of humor." He raises an eyebrow in confusion as he saw Broken head over to the game her son was playing. He ran over and looked to see that it was a Mortal Kombat game. He couldn't help, but chuckle. "It seems like he wants to be just like his mother and play the same game. Seems to me like Dusk has some good taste in games. Just like a certain mare I know." He winked to Broken as Button gave them both an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about that. Usually, we let everyone play any game they want. It's honestly up to them how they can see right from wrong in one game or another. I guess I'll have to put an age restriction." He cupped his hand under his chin, while being deep in thought. "Maybe take a sort of fingerprint to see if you can be allowed to play a certain game." He whispered and shook his head as he was getting off topic.

"I'll worry about that for another time. For now, go and play some games and enjoy yourselves. You're still on a date right?" He winked at the two ponies and smiles. "Well, now you can have a family date. Just keep an eye on Dusk and make sure he doesn't get into trouble. It can be chaotic in this place. Especially since there's an upcoming tournament." Dynamo raised an eyebrow at the mention of a tournament. "It's been a while since we last had a tourney. I wonder what kind of game it'll be." He says as he walks over to Dusk and the other gamer's. "Don't worry, Broken. I'll make sure to keep an eye on him. Maybe I can give him some advice, if he needs help." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Sorry, it's just he is quite impressionable" she says and giggles looking at Dynamo with a slight blush "Well...I don't know about date..I mean, it certainly would be nice" she says, as her hand touches Dynamo's once more "Ah to heck with it, hey D Pad, wanna go on a proper date?" she asks him, kissing his cheek, all the while making sure that Dusk was playing nicely with the other foal, which he was.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist

Dynamo smiles and shakes his head. "You don't have to apologize, Broken. I think that's a good thing that he can be impressionable sometimes." Button nodded in agreement. "Dynamo's right. It just means that Dusk has someone he looks up to. It shows that you care a lot about him and vice versa." Dynamo blushed slightly as he felt her kiss his cheek. He smiles softly and nods. All the while taking her her hand ingot his own. "I think that would be great. I think it would be nice to date and see how things go. When should we have this date? I would probably guess tomorrow?" He asked while raising an eyebrow in curiosity. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Yeah sure, tomorrow sounds good, we can discuss it tonight over dinner" she says as looks over at Dusk "I just want him to grow up to be as well balanced as his father was" she says with a smile and then looks to Button and Dynamo "So D Pad, got a game you wanna team up on? could even be one of those roguelike dungeon crawler games" she says "You know, like Gauntlet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist

Dynamo smiles and nods at her suggestion. "That sounds good to me. Did you want to join us for dinner later, Button?" The purple Pegasus raised his eyebrows in surprise, but after thinking for a moment, he nods in confirmation. "I think that'll be okay. I remember being offered to join for dinner, so why not. The shop will close pretty soon, so it's no trouble at all." Dynamo nods as he turns his attention over to Broken, who was looking over at Dusk. The blue unicorn places a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "I think Dusk will be just fine. He needs a loving mother who will help raise him to be a fine adult. He'll also need a father, who cares and show him that balance that you speak of." He looks to her and smiles softly. "I know he has a great mother. If all turns out well, then maybe I can be that father he needs." Dynamo takes his hand off of her shoulder and places his hand under his chin. He thought about the option of the game and nods. "I think that would be pretty cool. Do you still have that game, Button." Said Pegasus laughs and nods happily. "Of course we do. It's an old classic after all. That, of you can have a side scroll beat em up styled game. I think the game was called Power Rangers. They are available to play if you both want to try them out." 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Power Rangers?" Broken asks and grins "Now that brings back memories" she says with a giggle, "I used to play that game along with Battle Toads and Ninja Turtles when i was starting out" she says then looks to Button and grins almost wickedly towards Dynamo's way and wiggles her eyebrows at him before texting her mom "One more for dinner, make lots" she giggles and then takes Dynamo to the machines "You know mum's going to be flirting with Button all night, right?" she asks with a giggle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist

Dynamo gasps as his jaw dropped at Broken's comment. "You loved the Power Ranger's too!? Okay, then. I think we are going to get along really well." He chuckles, before continuing. "What was your favorite Power Ranger series? I would have to go with either In Space or Ninja Storm. I don't recall ever playing Battle Toads or Ninja Turtles, but I heard those games were pretty classic games." He looks slightly over to Button and grins mischievously at Broken's wiggling eyebrows. "Is your mother single and looking for anyone?" He looks around to make sure that they weren't being heard, before leaning over to whisper at Broken. "Button has never told this to anyone, but me. So you didn't hear about this from me. He is single and looking, but never really focused on relationships much. He also told me that while he's around the same age as I am. He is into older ladies." He wiggled his own eyebrows as well, before being lead by Broken over to the arcade machines. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken grins "She sure is, honey" she says with a quick kiss on his cheek "And I'm sure she's into younger men, and the fact that I can see him doting on Dusk, and well yeah the fact he really helped keep me safe earlier, I think she'd love him to bits" she says, going to the machines, quickly checking on Dusk before grinning "Call me old, but I really enjoyed the original series, and then the space one and Ninja Storm, but my number one series would be the original, and as for Ninja Turtles and Battletoads... Ninja Turtles is quite a fun side scrolling beat 'em up and for Battletoads, it's not called one of the hardest games without reason" she chuckles going to the Power Rangers game machine.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Mika Greymist

Dynamo blushed at her nickname of him, as well as the kiss. He couldn't help, but smirk playfully. "Aren't we moving a little too fast? We haven't had our first date yet and you've given me a nickname." He chuckles as he waved his hands in his defense. "I'm just kidding, but I see what you mean. I guess we'll have to wait and see how things go. Maybe it might work out well for Button and your mom. We agreed that he would make a great uncle." He pouts slightly at the mention of Button keeping Broken safe, while turning away in mock hurt. "Oh, so we'll forget that I was the one protecting you when Button went to grab the guards. I see how it is." He turns back slightly and grins with a slight chuckle. "I wouldn't call you old. I would say you have good taste in the classics. Nowadays, some series tend to become stale or rushed. Resulting in a pretty lackluster show, in my opinion." He nods in agreement, before continuing. "I think they tried re air the original on TV recently. It really helps in getting the newer generation into such a classic show. While at the same time, it brings back the old fans who loved the series." He shuddered at the description of the battle toads game. "It's really that difficult? I think I saw it once on a live stream, but I could be wrong." He says while joining alongside her as they reached the Power Rangers game machine. 

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