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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

The guard nods "You're looking at his widow and the mother of his foal as well" she says, pointing to Broken, "Those two were inseparable" she says "Lets just hope your boy knows what he is doing," she whispers to him "He's not going to fight fair, that's for sure, and your boy better be able to defend himself"

The stallion growls at him "Fine, have it your way" he growls and makes his way towards the arcade machine, while Broken put her jacket back on and made her way to watch, just in case she needed to defend Dynamo, in case the stallion pulled any tricks.

The stallion chose his character "I'm ready when you are boy"

Edited by Taylor GearGrinder


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@Taylor GearGrinder

Button was surprised as he saw that Broken was the widow that the guards were speaking of. "I never knew she had a child. That, and I can imagine how close the two of them must have been." He nods while looking back to the guards. "Trust me. He may be a coworker at my arcade, but he was trained well in defending himself. It doesn't matter if that stallion doesn't fight fair. Dynamo won't lose to someone like that." He smirked as he watched the blue unicorn go to work.

Dynamo ignored the comment as he began selecting the characters that the stallion made him choose. "I'm ready to go, as well. Also, I'm not a boy. You'll regret picking a fight with me and trying to hurt Broken." He began to stretch as he got into his fighting stance. He made sure that the stallion was far away, so he wouldn't get in Dynamo's, or Broken's way. "Let's take this up to the next level." He said as the battle began.


As the battle began, Dynamo watched as his opponent was playing in an advanced state of the game. 'So, he knows how to play this game, huh? Well, then. Let's see if he can keep up when I give it all I've got.' His horn glowed as he began to put his talent into action. He began to weave back and forth while throwing a punch and kick. Whenever he stomped his foot, he could see his character perform a move that would normally have a button combination. The first match was close, but Dynamo had taken the win. He looked to see the stallion was beginning to become riled up, so he made Dynamo choose again. The blue unicorn shrugged his shoulders, but complied, so as to not anger the stallion any further. As the second match began, Dynamo used the same strategy. However, he managed to fight faster than his opponent and finished with an ultimate move in the game. Dynamo threw a fist in the air and smiled. "That was a good game. However, it seems that I was the one who has won this little battle. So, you better hold up on your end of the deal." 

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@Dynamo Pad

The game went on for a while until Dynamo had finally beaten the stallion in the game, pulling off the ultimate move, which K.O'd him and won him the best two out of three rounds. The stallion obviously wasn't taking it well, and simply pushed Dynamo aside, reaching Broken and shoving her to the ground and was about the shock her robotic parts with his stun gun before the captain of the guard shouted "FREEZE! YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR MURDER, SCUM!" as the rest of the guard surround him and the captain manages to cuff him before he could react.

Broken lay there in a daze, not exactly knowing what was going on exactly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo was suddenly caught off guard as he was shoved to the ground. He grunted from the brief pain, but he looked up in shock to see the stallion was about to hurt Broken. He tried to get up, but the quick shoved had sent him into a daze. He then noticed a few guards had appeared as they were able to apprehend the stallion. He noticed Broken laid there motionless as she was still in shock. He crawled over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay, Broken? That guy didn't hurt you, did he? Talk to me. Stay with us, okay?" He asked in concern for his friend. He looked up to see Button looking at them to make sure they were okay. "Just stay here and we'll keep everyone under control. That was quite the shock, but it's over now." He looked to the guard and gave them a thankful look. "Thanks for capturing that guy and hopefully he'll be locked away for a long time." 

Dynamo watched as the stallion was lead away from the arcade. He sighed and leaned back against an arcade machine. "That was really scary, but I'm glad it's over. I don't know who that was, but he shouldn't be bothering us anymore." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken shook her head the moment she felt Dynamo's hand on her shoulder "I-I'm fine, I think" she says but looks up at both Dynamo and Button then to the captain "Thank you Captain, I know Onyx Rose would very much appreciate all the work you've done over the years to avenge him within the law" she says, before placing a hand on Dynamo's shoulder and shakily standing up. "Ugh I think I need something solid to eat to shake off the shock" she says, adjusting her arm and putting her jacket back on "I'll tell you everything over lunch, okay?" she asks him.

The captain looks to her "Onyx was one of our best Night Guards and a very close friend of mine, I'm glad we can finally bring this stallion to justice, we should catch up sometime though, okay?" she says, hugging Broken before hauling the drunkard off to the van where he would then be taken to the cells and locked up pending trial, for which he would most likely be found guilty of all charges.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo could hear the shakiness in her voice, but nodded nonetheless. "Just take it nice and easy. That was just as much of a shock to you like it was to me. I didn't think that guy would snap like that. I guess with what was going on, then he was bound to freak out eventually." He watched as Broken and the captain began to talk and hugged. He helped both Broken and himself to their feet as he dusted his jacket off from being shoved. He nodded in agreement as he felt his stomach begin to growl. "I think getting some food will be a good idea. Plus, it's around lunch, so I should get some food, as well. I'd also like that and maybe we can get to know each other. Lunch can be on me. How does that sound?" He asks while offering the mare a kind smile.

Broken watched as the van began driving away, before turning back towards the duo. "I'm glad that you and the others in here aren't hurt. I think getting something to eat sounds like a good idea. Just take it easy and try to come back to the arcade, if you can. You still need to try out the game." He winked before waving at the retreating duo. "Just make sure to enjoy your date, okay?" He called out to them and chuckled, before heading back behind the counter. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods, "T-thanks for the offer Dynamo, and yeah, maybe we can become a team instead of rivals" she says with a big of a shaky laugh, looking over to Button "Thanks for seeing my signal Button" she says "I'll explain things to you later" she says as she then looks to Dynamo, "How about we go to your favorite place, as it is your shout after all" she suggests, and begins to follow Dynamo to where-ever he may lead her.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo smiles and shook his head. "You're welcome and it's no problem. I think that would be cool if we became a team. To be honest, I've never been on a team before. However, it sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe we can think of a team name while we have lunch together." He says as they exit the arcade. As the door was about to close, Button smiled and gave her the thumbs up. "It's no trouble. It's my job to help other gamer's in need and I'm glad I was able to help out." He says, before the door to the arcade came to a close. Dynamo looks to her, before placing a hand under his chin and looking up to the sky. He began to think of where they could go, but he wanted to make sure that it'd be a place that she'd love to go to, as well. He looked back to her and nods. "That sounds good to me. Are you in the mood for pizza or hayburgers? I'm good with either choice, but I wanted to see what you wanted to do. If neither works, then we can always go to Sugarcube Corner for some treats." 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Hayburgers sound good to me, I think I'll get one with the lot" Broken says and smiles at him, following him to the eatery and looking at the menu "Oh and a Salted Caramel shake too, please" she says "and fries" she finishes and finds a private booth to sit down at and wait for Dynamo and their orders. She then tries to think of how she will explain everything to Dynamo, and smiles as she sees him making the orders and then sitting down. "So uh, I guess I'll start from the beginning, but promise you won't laugh or think I am crazy, okay?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo grinned as they made their way to the eatery. "I might try and do the same. That, or order the usual." As they enter the eatery, they find a private booth and sat down. Dynamo looked through his menu and nodded at what he was going to order. As the waiter arrive to take their menu's, he allowed Broken to order first, before giving his order. "I'll have a hayburger, large fries and an orange cola, please." As the waiter nods and leaves, he turns to Broken and returns the smile. "I think that sounds like a good idea. Also, don't worry. We live in a world where the most craziest of things happen every week or so. I remember seeing a crazy bugbear attacking out of nowhere. You have my word that I won't laugh or think you're crazy." He promised the mare before him as he waited patiently to begin her story. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Alright, well, to begin with, I'm not originally from here" she starts "I am assuming that you're already somewhat familiar with the Sonic the Hedgehog universe from playing the games, an possibly reading the comics and watching the shows, right?" she asks, not really waiting for a response "Well you see, I am originally from the planet Mobius, which also happens to be Sonic's world" she says with a small smile "Yes, it is a real place and Sonic is indeed real." she then looks at him "I was separated from my parents as a very young foal, as my parents had been captured and killed by Dr Robotnic, and well the Freedom Fighters took me in, and I joined them when i was old enough, about the same age as Tails" she says, tapping her foot a bit "But after a few years, I had been captured by Eggman, and he had begun the roboticising process on me, but as he saw I had a lot of fight left in me, he decided to just put me under stasis" she looks at him, trying to see what his reactions were.

She takes a breath "Then more years later, Rogue the Bat, she's our leader, found E-123-Omega, Shadow the Hedgehog and I in our stasis pods, and freed us, thus forming Team Dark, yes the very same Team Dark from the Sonic Heroes game, plus me" she says with a chuckle and looks at him some more, gauging what his reactions were still "Over the years, Shadow and I grew close and we even got married, the whole me and Shadow thing explains why the songs pertaining for him for Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog games mean a lot to me, and this jacket, well..it was his. But soon after that, we were fighting Eggman, when Sonic had activated a Chaos Control and I was sent here..to Equestria. With me still?" she asks.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo nodded as she asked him about the Sonic series. "I have played a bit of the games and watched the series, so I'm somewhat familiar with Sonic." He then listened intently on what she had to talk about. He was shocked to learn that Sonic and even Sonic's world were actually real. "So, wait a minute. You mean to tell me, that his world exists? It's just that I've heard rumors that the video game world is real, but it's only rumors." He ran a hand through his mane as he didn't know what to think about what he had just learned. He frowned as she explained the loss of her parents. "I'm really sorry to hear that. I know Eggman was crazy, but I didn't think he'd go that far. Even putting you under stasis for such a long time. It must have been weird having to get used to the present time, instead of your old time."

Dynamo's eyes widened, while raising an eyebrow at the mention of Sonic Heroes. "I wonder if you were in that game, but it was never explained. That would be cool and kind of ironic that I knew you without even realizing it." He chuckled slightly, before being quiet and listening to his friend. He whistled in astonishment over the fact that she married Shadow. "I never would have thought that Shadow, or all hedgehogs, would find someone in romance." He soon realized what he said and waved his arms, while giving the mare and apologetic look. "I mean no offense in any way. It just seems like he's always a loner and with how he was in his own game. I felt sorry for the guy, since he had no idea on who he was or why he was there." He nodded in confirmation that he was getting the gist of her story. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken laughs "Yeah, I know, the game designers actually got him down pretty good, and he did suffer from amnesia for a while, that was before we met I think" she says and looks to Dynamo, "Now to more recent events. A year or two after I arrived her, my mother took me in and looked after me, until I met my second husband, a night guard by the name of Onyx Rose. He was so kind and gentle, I think you would have liked him if you ever met him, Button too" she says and looks around. "Eventually we got married, and I fell pregnant to him, but a month before our little one was due to be born, Onyx was answering a call to attend a bar brawl, and well, that stallion you saw earlier..he killed Onyx in cold blood." she says, and takes out a small photo of her and her little colt, "This is my son, his name is Dusk Shine"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo chuckled and smiled. "I'm glad that the game designers got him down, pretty well. It would have been interesting to see him play a more romantic side to him. I could see them make you awesome." He frowned as she explained what happened to her second husband. He folded his hands together as he gave her an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry to hear about that. From what you and the guards had talked about, he sounds like a really great guy. I think Button would have been great friends with him too. That, and I could imagine Onyx would have like playing video games." He watched as she pulled a photo of her colt out of her pocket. He looked to the photo and smiled. "He sounds like a bundle of joy. He looks adorable and he looks a little like you. I can't say if he has some of Onyx's looks, since I don't know what Onyx looks like." He grinned sheepishly, but still nodded in understanding. "Thank you and I'm glad you told me. Trust me, I won't doubt you on anything. I've had my share of crazy stories, but I won't laugh at what you've told me."

Not too long after she explained her story, their food had been delivered. He took his hayburger and took a bite, before sighing at the deliciousness of his lunch. "This is really good. I haven't been to this place in quite a while." He spoke between bites as he swallowed his food. "So, since you told me a bit about yourself. Is there anything that you'd like to know about me?" He asks while, before taking a drink of his orange soda. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles "Well, the basics would be good I guess, do you have a special somepony?" she asks and laughs a little, while he was probably a couple years younger than her, she couldn't help but find him cute, and well his attitude and behavior made him stand out from most of the other stallions. She takes the food and eats it "Mm this is good, haven't had a good hayburger in ages" she says and leans back.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo smiled and nods in agreement. "The basic questions are always good. Sometimes other ponies find the basics to be ridiculous, but I think it's always helpful, in my opinion." He took another bite of his burger to think about the question. "To be honest, no. I don't have a special somepony, or a special somepony waiting for me back home." He looked down and gave the table a brief, yet sad glance, before looking back up with a sheepish smile. "I had a special somepony years ago, but it didn't work out. It turned out that she used me and it was by somepony else's doing." He shook his head as he tried not to remember the bad times. "How about you? I know you were married to both Shadow and Onyx. Do you have a special somepony? I would guess not, sine after all those things had happened." He didn't want to sound rude, but he felt he should have asked. He did find her cute and she sounded pretty kind. However, he didn't want to ask her anything, without getting to know her first. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken chuckles "Nope, only special sonepony, isn't in those lines, and that'd be my baby boy, and my adopted mother" she says and laughs a bit more, she slides her aviators up to show her bloodshot eyes as she rubs them a bit, getting read of some tears "Ah, nah I'm as single as can be, sure I've had plenty of stallions and mares alike want my attention, but between my son, my djing and my gaming, I just don't have the time for the likes of them, if I'm to be with someone, it'd have to be someone special, who understands my son comes first in my life and be okay with that" she says softly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo smiled softly as he understood how she felt. He noticed her teary eyes as she slid up her aviators. He frowned as he levitated a few napkins for her to dry her eyes. "I'm really sorry to hear that and I hope I didn't say anything wrong. I can tell that you've got a lot on your plate. Especially when it comes to taking care of your son, your djing and gaming. I guess those stallions and mares didn't understand that family comes first and not just a relationship." He shrugged his shoulders as he wasn't sure if what he said was true or not. "I hope that you do find that special pony who will understand. I know a son is a lot to take care of, but if you need help, then I've got your back." He said while offering her a smile. "You said we should make a gaming team, right. Well, that means that I've got your back." He chuckled while grinning sheepishly. "Since we are asking each other questions. What's your favorite color?" He asked as he tried to get to know Broken a little bit better. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods "you seem to be someone with their head screwed on right" she says with a smile "And yeah, I think it'd be more fun to play as a team rather as rivals, don't you think?" she asks and looks around "You know if we got into online games like Elder Scrolls Online, Sea of Thieves or GTA 5, we could make a team and play together" she says, eating some more of her burger "You know, I think Dusky would like you a lot" she says and then looks to him before looking down "A-and thanks for saving me earlier..I don't know what iI would do if I was badly injured or killed by that drunkard, Dusky would be so distraught, mom too" she smiles "Well seeing as you shouted me to lunch, how about I repay the favor, given you're not doing anything tonight, how about you have dinner at mine?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo chuckles, while smiling at Broken. "I guess I should take that as a compliment." He says and nods in agreement. "I think that would be pretty cool. I've played GTA 5 before, but I never had the opportunity to play as a group. Although, I've seen people doing stupid stunts on the game and it was pretty funny. I've heard of Sea of Thieves, but I never looked into it." He scooped up a bit of his fries and at his food. He raised an eyebrow at her remark. "You think so? I mean I'd hope so too, but I guess I"ll have to make a good first impression." He smiles softly and runs a hand through his mane. "It's no problem, really. I would have done what anypony else would have done. Plus, You got to see how I can go at maximum potential." He grinned and chuckled, before continuing. "It's a part of my special talent. Somehow, I'm able to throw a punch or kick and my character does the same. It feels like I have full motion on how I play, instead of the usual game play. However, there are some limits and drawbacks, so I tend to not use that spell and/or talent so often." He shook his hand to her and gave her a grateful look. "You don't have to do that. Besides, I didn't mind treating you. You'd probably would have won in the third round, anyway." He chuckled as what he thought could be true if they had kept playing the new game. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken laughs "I don't know about that, you're great at those games, who knows, it could have ended in a tie if i let it" she says and smiles "And think of it as my way of thanking you for rescuing me from the drunk" she says, gently placing her normal hand on his with a soft smile "Besides, Dusky needs a good male role model in his life, and keeps asking me when he will get one" she says "Now I think he may have two, you and when I take him to the arcade, Button as well" she chuckles "I can tell Button would just love him"  she says and finishes her food "And another thing, Dusky would love having someone else to play games with"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo laughs and gave Broken a playful smile. "Sure you would. Hence the word if you let the game end in a tie." He says and nods. "Okay, then. You were twisting my arm, so I couldn't refuse." He chuckles and blushes slightly as she placed her normal hand on his own. "It's always good for him to have both a male and female role model. You and your adoptive mom seem to fit the female role really well. I guess Button and I can fit the male role model too." He looked from right to left to make sure that nobody was looking. "Just between you and me. I think Button would fit more as the role model as the uncle." He snickers, while waving his arm to meant he was kidding. "If he heard me say that, then I'd be out of a job. Nah, he'd probably forbid me from playing games for about a week." He says as he finishes up his lunch. "What kind of games does Dusky like to play? Is it the same game genres as your, or is it his own style of video games?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Well he likes a mix of game genres really, but he loves to play Pokemon, Digimon, and party games like Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Sunshine and Mario Party...I think you get the gist of it" she says with a chuckle and then looks around "Yeah I could see Dusky calling Button, 'Uncle' Button" she laughs a bit more, leaning a bit back "and probably getting some sort of special treatment from him too" she shakes her head and stand up "Well let's not keep Uncle Button waiting, shall we return to the arcade, at the end, I'll give you my address so that you can come over for dinner, bring Button too if he wishes to come"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Taylor GearGrinder

Dynamo smiled at the multiple games that Dusky had liked. "I liked playing those games when I was younger. I think he and I will get along pretty well, in my opinion. I think he'll love going to the arcade, as well. They have a few of those games for all gamer's that go to the arcade." He chuckled and nods in agreement. "I've never seen Button as a parenting type, or something like that. Although, I guess it makes sense, since kids show up at the arcade sometimes." He nods and stands up, while taking their trays and dumping the food containers in the trash. He walks back to Broken and offers her his hand. "That sounds good to me. Let's continue to play some video games and see how Uncle Button is doing." He stifled a laugh and knew Button would probably get a kick out of that nickname. "Shall we, m'lady?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken laughs a little "My, such a gentlestallion" she says and nods "How about we drop by my place and pick Dusk up then?" she says, standing up and finishes her drink and checks her phone "Seems the Captain is there as well, so we need to get there anyway" she says and stretches, leading the way to out of the eatery and then turning a corner, leading to  where her house is. "My house is just on the outskirts of town" she says "I like it there, it's nice and quiet, and at night time, dark"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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