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searching New Girl in Town (1x1 Sol/Rom/Anthro)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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It is a sunny afternoon in Canterlot, when a matte black Lamborghini Aventador with pink and purple pixelated splotches over the body pulls into town, "Forever Darkness" being blasted from the stereo. When it pulls up to the Diamond Stable Hotel and Bistro, and into the parking lot, where a young looking female wolf with long deep blue hair, li  and in gothic clothing, Scarlet Rose, steps out of the driver side.

After a  while, Scarlet Rose leaves the hotel, but as she begins to wonder around Canterlot, it is clear that she is lost, and so she decides to make a stop at the cafe for a bite to eat and something to drink.

Your Character:
Your character, sees her in the cafe, and not having seen a creature like her in Equestria before (or in a long time, up to you), decides to approach her and start striking up a conversation with her.

Where Things Go From There:
Well, that's the fun part of the roleplay. Where things go from there and what happens, happens as time goes by, maybe your character offers her to live with them, or they go on a tour of Canterlot, or even on a date. Romance will happen at whatever pace the roleplay goes at.

My Character:
Bio can be found HERE

1. Keep it PG 13+
3. No mary sue or garry lu ocs (So no OP Ocs thanks)
3. Regular forum rules apply
4. If unsure about something, feel free to pm me with a question about it
5. What I say goes
6. Above all else, have  fun

How to Apply:
Simply PM me with a description of your OC/sona and interest in the RP, or Post a link to your OC/Sona in the comments with your interest in the RP.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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