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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Early evening at the Canterlot Street Cafe, a piano could be heard playing a soothing song. It was loud enough to be heard, but soft enough that ponies would not have to talk loudly to be heard over it, and sitting at said piano, was a pony that others would not think would be good at the piano. Her name was Jaded "Swansong" Requiem, or at least, that is what she liked to be called. Jaded is a tall, somewhat slim light grey/off white unicorn mare with a long blond mane and tail. She normally wore a tshirt of her favorite band, fishnet stockings, and a jacket, but not this time. This time, she was wearing, a blue dress that seemed to sparkle in the night light and hug her form nicely. The mare had her eyes closed as she played a song titled "Once in a While, Talk of the Old Days".


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Winter Bolt landed on the sidewalk with a slight stumble. He had been flying all day and was a bit shaky with hunger. He was a lean white-maned pegasus with a pale powder blue coloration. He wore a weather-beaten leather jacket and a set of simple tan cargo pants and grey tee shirt. His stomach snarled and he looked around keeping his eyes off of the crowd around him. Spotting a cafe he entered not doing much other then taking a seat at a table and wondering if he had to head up to a counter to get served. 

From a small hip bag, he drew out a leather drawstring pouch full of bits. It was the last of his funds sent from his uncle Spring Step. Reflexively he reached up to touch the sapphire necklace that was a gift from his uncle before he passed. The silver chain hung heavy as if weighted by the presenters passing. His uncle had been the only pony to understand his love of travel and spreading the magic of the winter season. It was the only gift he had gotten when he gained his cutiemark. A bit of white gold for the cloud and a thick sapphire lightening bolt hung from a heavy silver chain. It was his cutie mark, a link to his departed uncle, and the most expensive thing he owned all in one.

With a sigh he looked around his pale amber colored eyes squinting in the slightly dim light of the cafe. He wondered to himself if this place had hard cider. It might take the edge off of things... 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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As the white mare played the piano, a waiter came over to his table "Hello sir, here is your menu, is there anything I can get you? Starters? A drink?" he asks. The waiter wasn't posh, after all, this was just a small cafe, how-ever he was still pretty professional, nothing like those ponies you'd be served by at a fast food place. He stood and waited there patiently. 

At the end of the song, ponies would clap as the mare smiled and begun to play another song, and as before, the song was soft and slow, beautiful, just like her graceful movements. The way that the mare played, it was as if she was a professional, and with how she had a way of captivating the audience, it could be true.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter was shaken out of melancholy rumination by the voice. He let out a soft whinny of surprise and shook his well-kept mane to clear his head. 

" Oh yes, sorry. If possible Id like two hard ciders, your small sampler platter and.... "

He briefly looked at his pouch of bits and nodded

" yes a drink of the performers choosing with my compliments to her musical talent. "

Despite being a drifter Winter never learned to spend wisely and often treated people when he should be more careful. It was one of the leftovers from his Manhateenite life that he was too unaware of to shake. He shifted a slightly larger hip bag off his waist and to the floor. His backpack went next to it and again he sighed. Everything he owned in the world was in those three bags. He wondered if is parents were looking for him. he had not shown up to his uncles funeral but instead chose to leave a small snow orchid at his gravesite after the fact. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The waiter nodded and smiled "Two hard ciders and a small platter for yourself and a Pina Colida for miss Requiem" he jots them down "Would you like to pay now or at the end of the evening sir?" he asks, chancing a glance over to the stage. He then smiles "Also, if you don't mind me asking, you're a Manehattenite, am I correct?" he asks.

jaded then finished her other song, much to the cheers of the patrons of the cafe before she got up and walked over to the bar. She had received a Pina Colida as it was one of her favorite drinks, and was told that it was compliments of the stallion over where the waiter was. She looked to where the bartender was waiting for a response and smiles a little. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter through effort kept from an unseemly display of shock or an irate sigh. It was not this ponies fault he was loath to discuss his past. Worse his parents Honey Leaf and Comet Tail were well known and thus his name was not totally below the radar. Then there was the little story of the backup of half of Manehatten and the acquisition of his cutie mark. He cleared his throat softly and spoke with a polite and jovial tone. 

" Yes, I am. I am surprised that you picked up on that. I try to drop the accent as I travel a lot. You must have a good ear.

He spotted the mare that had been playing the piano looking over and gave a soft smile and nod of appreciation towards her work. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The waiter smiles and nods "I grew up there" he says "Can't blame you for leaving though" he says and then goes to the kitchen to give the chefs the order. All the while, Jaded sat at the bar by herself, her hand moving to her face to move her hair out of her eyes. As she glanced over at Winter again, she gives him a smile, her normally calm blue eyes had a sparkle to them, whether it was the lighting or maybe her spiritual side, it was hard to tell. 

Jaded then turned to face the bartender again, it seemed they were talking about something, while the waiter returned with the two hard ciders "Courtesy of miss Requiem" he says, motioning with his head towards Jaded "In thanks for her own drink"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter almost choked a little when the waiter said he grew up in Manehatten. He started to wonder if he was known. Then he snorted derisively at his own arrogance. His parents might be a famed botanist and astronomer but he was a relative unknown having left home after " the incident " 

" Well, I thank miss Requiem and yourself for the drink and the speedy service.

He raised a glass towards his benefactor in thanks and took a deep drink. Sighing with pleasure he let the warmth spread through him for a moment 

" My this is good. Has a bit of a kick too. I mean it's not as hard as Appleoosa cider shine but well what is? Is this made on site?

From apple bucking to occasional random weather duties, Winter had done almost every odd job you could think of to earn his keep. He had traveled from the mountains of Yak Yakistan to the coasts of Fillydelphia. So he knew apples rather well from several a bucking season spent on some farm earning a few bits before moving on. He wondered about accommodations for the evening. Normally he would make camp outside of a town in some lone field or forest. But well cities did not afford that sort of thing. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The waiter nods "Yes, it is indeed made on site, and you are quite right, nothing is as hard as Appleoosa cider shine" he says "Your platter will be here soon, I need to go wait  on other ponies, but have a pleasant night and please enjoy your stay" he says with a swift bow and moved off to tend to the other patrons.

Meanwhile, a somewhat drunk and sleazy stallion had decided that it would be a good idea to sit next to Jaded and try to sleaze on her. She heaves a sigh as she looks to the stallion and picks up her drink. In her mind she was thankful she had only one tiny sip before she got up "Excuse me sir, but i should really return to my table and to my stallionfriend" she says politely before making her way over to Winter's table, much to the chagrin of the other stallion who just huffed and left.

Jaded then sighed "sorry about that, I hope I didn't put you on the spot, but I honestly wasn't looking to have to fight off that sleaze. This dress is brand new and I don't fancy having to explain to Sassy Saddles why it has a tear or rip in it" she says then looks at him "I'm Jaded Requiem by the way, and thanks for the drink"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter was a shy pony by nature. He always seemed to overdo it and make a mess wherever he went. So he was used to watching and being on his own. Both gave him ample time to learn to read ponies and to work out. So as lean as he seemed he was fit and a good at reading body language. He drained the cider in his hand and got to his hooves as he spotted Requiems' discomfort. But in an instant, it was over and he settled back down just as she reached his table. 

" Oh pleased to meet you. I am Winter Bolt Miss Requiem. I suppose I owe you thanks for my own drinks as it were.

Sliding the empty cider to the side he took a small sip of the second glass and again sigh with pleasure at the soft taste and then bite that followed. 

You must be a talented artist to afford a dress by Sassy Saddles herself "  

He was now acutely aware of his own clothes. The only thing that hinted at his upbringing was the worn leather coat and bags that he had. They had been gifts from his father for some occasion or another and they were hoof made and tailored to fit him perfectly. Outside of good travel clothing he did not own much and tended to shy away from the wealthier trends of dress. But this mare had style. Years of Manhateenite upbringing told him that without a doubt. 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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"You're more than welcome, kindness deserves kindness in turn" she says "Pleasure is mine, as for me being talented, well..I am classically trained, and piano is my specialty" she smiles but then shakes her head "How-ever, the dress was actually a birthday present from her and Rarity" she smiles "Performing isn't really my forte, I'm more.." she blushes a little "Into seances and the such..the spiritual world and I..have a thing" she chuckles and shakes her head, sipping her own drink.

The waiter then returned with the small platter and bowed just as Jaded spoke up "Jamey, please put his meal on my tab" she says and the waiter nods "Of course ma'am" he says and smiles before leaving.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose 

Winters tail flicked with an almost crack in amusement. Sipping deeply from his glass he chuckled a bit before answering. 

" Well thank you once more. And seances?  How in Equestria do you have the time to play piano at all? I mean you clearly know the upper crust of Equestria and...

He paused to make eye contact with Jamey 

" Oh please before you go could I get one more cider. "

He cleared his throat and turned back to his companion. 

" seances are ALL the rage right now. I mean for Celestias sake your days or nights rather must be filled with Daaarling you absolutely must come by and commune with our dearly departed Aunty Bubsy. We just can't seem to find her dimond sugar spoon and its giving us fits. "

Winters Manehateenite drawl was a spot on impersonation of his mothers best friend Upper Crust. He loathed those parties but they had been formative and he learned to mock the attendants as a form of therapy. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Jeremey nods and smiles "Of course sir, anything else miss Requiem?" he asks Jaded who just simply nods "Yes please, I'll have a mimosa please" she says and Jamey smiles "of course ma'am" he says and leaves.

As Jamey leaves and Jaded listens to Winter's interperatation of the upper class of Canterlot, she snorts as she tries to hold in a laugh, but couldn't and burst out in laughter "Oh dear Celestia, that was just too good, and too spot on" she says, wiping some tears from her eyes "You are pretty correct there Winter, though believe it or not, I'm not even born from the upper class, heck, my parents own and run a candy and malt shop" she says "It's just because of my talent" she sighs "But to answer your question...I sometimes just turn a job offer down, so that I can have some time to myself..plus, the spirit world can only be breached every so often"


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"Ara Ara"

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A slight glow was coming to Winters' ears and cheeks as he drank. He laughed with a soft snort and shook his head. It had been too long since he had a good conversation and so he was becoming a little lose of tongue with the alcohol. 

" I do have a bit of a way with accents. And considering I went to Coltsworth Academy for Aspiring Stallions. I ought to have mastered the Manehattenite drawl fairly well "

Winter almost visibly flinched as he let out the name of his former school. It was one of if not the most prestigious private school outside of Canerlot. But with an internal shurg, he let it go. He could not be a stallion of the winds forever. He had to get to know somepony at some point so he just barreled right along. 

" The spirit world can only be breached so often? But some monk pony in the mountains of Yak Yakistan said that the spirit world is always whispering to us and that in some places be they natural or caused by pony events are always open to the spirits...

He trailed off wondering how much of his travels and life were going to come out as the cider flowed. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Ah a Coltsworth stallion eh?" Jaded asks and smiles "I'm an Academy girl myself, Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns" she says, rolling her eyes a little but then smiles a bit more "Oh, yes, the spirits are always there and if you listen real carefully, you can hear them sure, what I mean is, that there are certain spirits that can rather grouchy if you try to contact them yourself, especially through a Ouija board" she says and smiles "You see, the monks of Yak Yakistan have that inner peace that a lot of ponies don't, which is why they can just commune with the spirit world whenever, in fact, I had trained a little with a visiting monk a while ago" she explains.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


" Yes, I was an academy stallion. My parents absolutely insisted. Along with all the requisite after-school activities. Boxing, Fencing, and Judo. Although at least those were fun and allowed me to place those snooty inner circle types right in the dirt. Well, mats but close enough. I mean can you believe that so many of them would whine about callouses? Any competent martial artist will suffer a bit for their art. Those unappreciative twits will only toughen their plots in order to count money for extended periods of time. "

Winter punctuated his rant by taking a deep draught from his cider. Breathing a bit hard he sighed and blew a lock of his mane out of his eyes. He missed conversations so badly. He rarely stuck around to get to know ponies. So he decided to make the most of this one. 

" Yak Yakistan was an amazing place. Well, the mountains were anyhow. I found a small monastery up there where I stayed for a bit. They were not much for conversation outside of riddles and mantras. It was hard to head back to the cities for a bit after that. They seemed so loud..

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Jaded nods "You're telling me, you have no idea how many of the upper class about the prices of my services. It's always "How could you charge so much for me to talk to my dead uncle?" and my answer is always the same "First of all, you're the one who approached me, not me approaching you, secondly, you told me that money is of no of matter and thirdly, have you any idea how draining and dangerous contacting the dead can be?" she sighs and takes a drink from her own drink. She then smiles at him a little "And I totally understand, you  get used to peace and tranquility and then all of a sudden, you're assaulted with noise and lights" she then looks to him. "I often just retreat to a cemetery, at least the dead leave me alone..mostly"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose


Winter let out a chuckle and shook his head. He knew just how stingy the rich could be. One of the worst things about people like his parents' friends was that they would spend thousands of bits on some bauble but then balk at paying for real work. 

" Oh, dont I know it. Some fancy clothing for 10,000 bits? No problem. The heater in your condominium broke? Well, why in Equestria would we pay for a rush job? I mean isn't that the peasant's duty..." 

He rolled his eyes and snorted. As he moved to take the third glass of cider the scars from his fencing saber and boxing training glistened under the cafe light across his knuckles. He was slowly starting to work on the platter of quesadillas, chili hayfries and cheese sticks. He needed to take the edge off of his growling stomach. He had been enjoying himself so much that he was letting the drink go to his head and forgot to get any food in him. 

" I can't say I have ever dealt with the dead. I have seen some odd sights in my travels and in meditation. Heard or felt whispers of what action I should take. But nothing like a spirit or ghost. Not saying that they dont exist. Just that I have never run into one personally


May the Friendship be with you. 


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Jaded smiles "Count yourself lucky then, I mean most of the time a spirit can be pretty harmless, but every now and then, you get the one malevolent one and it's hell from then on, until you get an exorcist involved" she sighs then finishes her drink, going onto her mimosa. She then closes her eyes "I swear, I need a break from the rich folk, you know, I just wanna stay at home and like relax" she says with a soft smile "So Winter, do  you have a place to stay?" she would ask, leaning on her elbows a little.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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 Winter choked on his drink a little caught between a laugh and a gasp at the question. He collects himself while shaking his head. 

" Well unless a tent counts not really. I have not had a place to stay since I left home. Which was about a week after I got my cutie mark. " 

He gestured at his necklace in an off hoof manner. At the mention of his home, a faraway look came over Winter Bolt's eyes. They were tinged with sadness as he picked at the food absentmindedly. Without even a thought he gestured he was willing to share. 

" Anyhow. No, I dont have a place. Of any sort really. Actually, I only landed here because I was too hungry to keep flying.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She would smile at him "Well then, perhaps I can make up for putting you on the spot earlier, how about you stay at my place. I have a spare room that is just sitting there, and it'll be nice to have some company that isn't dead or a client for once" she chuckles and sips on her drink. "All I'd ask for in return is you help out around the place and keep me company"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter chuckled and polished off the last of his food and drink. He nodded with a wide smile and held out his hand to seal the deal. 

" That sounds fair enough. It will be nice to settle down a bit. I have not been to Canterlot in ages. Though I must be honest I do not know if you have heard of my parents Honey Leaf and Comet Tail but they might seek me out all the way from Manehatten if they get wind I am hee. We have not spoken except through occasional letters since I left home. Which was gosh ten years ago now. I left home one week after I got my cutie mark and ditched my own cutecinera after the cake was served and presents opened.

Winter Bolt sighed at the memory of grabbing 3 bags, packing a hoof-full of things and slipping out his window to take to the skies for what amounts to almost a decade now. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Jaded smiles "Great, then it's settled. As soon as you're ready to go, we'll go" she says, before listening to his parents names and shakes her head "I may have heard their names in passing, but that's about it" she says "all that matters to me is that you're a good pony" she says to reassure him. 

She chuckles a little, "I didn't get my cutie mark until after I graduated from Magic Academy" she says, accepting a cheque from Jeremy and pocketing it.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter drains his glass and wolfs down the remaining food. Spotting the cheque being pocketed he left a tip of 10 bits on the table before slinging his bags and getting to his hooves. He ensures he has everything before looking over at Jaded and nodding. 

" If we stay longer I will keep downing cider and that is ill-advised. Not exactly a heavyweight in that area. Seeing as we just met I do not want to make a fool of myself by becoming overly sauced. "

Winter busied himself with his bag and ensuring they were secured to his person. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Jaded smiles and nods, standing up "Alright, luckily my apartment isn't far from here" she says as she too places a small tip on the table and begun to lead Winter out of the cafe "you  had come just in time, to be honest" she says to him with a smile, "I was actually thinking of taking a holiday somewhere peaceful, perhaps somewhere like Ponyville. Small, peaceful, well..except  for the monster attacks." she giggles a little "and out of the way" she says and as they left the cafe, she grins at him "Mind if I changed?" she asks "Even though my place is close by, I still don't feel like walking in my dress"


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"Ara Ara"

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