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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter ate his oats in silence for a bit and sort of just leaned into Tranquil as if to ground his body despite his minds rapid-fire flights of anxiety. He took a slow drought of tea and took a few deep breaths. He set down the tea and brought his hands together in a centering mudra. From there he slowed his breathing even more and began to chant softly under his breath. He was determined to stop running and he had to master his mind to ensure his body would follow. 

" Sorry, all of this is just so new and yet Im going back to things I thought I had escaped. Worse something feels off with the chi of things. Its stronger but muddied. Like unicorn magic but for everypony else. is growing and with it something is stirred up...

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil looked at him "you felt it too?" she asks "I tried to pinpoint it while meditating, but it seemed to evade me" she says to him "mind you, I wasn't trying very hard. What I sensed scared me and I'm cautious about trying without any proper training"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter contemplated her words in silence for a bit. He ate his breakfast and as he washed it down with a bit of tea he looked up. 

" I think something is going on and it's going to be I do not want to say big but energetic, to say the least. I really think we need to get you trained as swiftly as is safe so that you can sense what we are dealing with the same way I can. Generally normal earth pony magic or pegasi magic is in our natural talents in ways that just make us seem really good. Oh, the chi can be manipulated to enhance our talents or our physical bodies but only for a short period and even then only with a lot of focus and training. But this... this feels like everything got the dial turned up to ten and the knob ripped off.

He stood and gave her a hug before rushing to his room and getting into his gi. 

" Lets both meditate and finish our tea. After our minds are settled we can work on your training.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods "I'm sorry, I know you're excited for your friend's celebration, but I feel this is..something we need to do" she says, wrapping an arm around him and sighing "Do you think it could be something..to do with that necklace I had?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter nods and returns the hug wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing his head against hers to give a light kiss on the nose. 

" Of course. What is the plan? Do we bring it to the church or do you want to try some other things first?

He wondered if the necklace was part of what was going on but thought better of trying to use chi to reach out towards it. Acting without knowing the results to expect was a foolish endeavor. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil sighs "Bring it right to the church. If it is what we think it could be, then the father will know what to do" she says, leaning on him, just wanting to spend the day relaxing with Winter. "And here I was, hoping for a nice, relaxing day with you" she says "I'm sorry, I guess I tend to complicate things"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter squeezed Tranquil comfortingly. 

" Dont worry about it. I am here for you no matter how complicated things get. Lets get our training in and then head to the church. We can use that courtyard you showed me the other day. Though I am not sure if you want to change? I have my gi you might need something that will let you move freely.

He let her go so she could change if she wished. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She smiles at being hugged and kisses his cheek "Thanks Winter" she says "Well..I might have some gym clothes" she says "And the courtyard sounds perfect" she says, getting up and kissing his nose before going to get changed.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter went to his room and grabbed a bit of chalk from his bag.

" Ill be down in the courtyard. I have to prep some stuff really fast. "

He called out as he headed down to the courtyard. He then proceeded to chalk out a series of hoofwork patters on the stone of the courtyard floor. He set his training blade off to the side and proceeded to sit down and meditate while he waited. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods "Alright see you there in a minute" she calls from her room, getting into her jogging pants and tank top "These should" she says to herself before making her way She smiles as she gets down to the courtyard "Alright, I'm read, lets do some training then take that cursed thing to the church"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter got to his hooves his mind focused. He points to the marks on the stone of the courtyard. 

" Those are basic hoof work patterns. We will get to them as soon as we are done with a warm-up.  "

His business-like demeanor was a far departure from his normally friendly almost shy personality. He started them on a rapid-fire body weight based warm-up that soon had them both breathing heavily. For every exercise he put forward he did a more advanced version to ensure he was as challenged as his student. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods, she was somewhat familiar with the hoof work patterns and smiles at him. "A warm up is always a good idea, it helps keep the blood flowing, but also clear the mind" she smiles and kisses him on the cheek.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Lady Moonspell

Winter snapped through his patterns with practiced ease his hooves and fists causing the air to crack at the end of each movement. It was clear that his time at the monastery had been full of intensive training. As he leady Tranquil through the motions, he would occasionally correct her form slightly adjusting an arm or leg as they went. 

" Now I would like you to imagine energy flowing with these motions. First, imagine it flowing into the ground rooting you until you wish to step. Once you have mastered that imagine a loop of energy flowing through your body to each limb and then back to the ground. You give and take from the earth and in return, you are strong and rooted.


( Sorry about delays finals are kicking my plot ) 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Jedishy //all good

Tranquil nods as she listened to and watched him, before she would join him and every time she felt him gently correct her, she couldn't help but smile. "Once this thing is over, I cant wait to just snuggle up with you, maybe roast some marshmallows over the fire"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

" That sounds lovely. But now I want you to try to imagine something harder for this training. Focus. Now feel the connection between yourself the ground and the sky. Now feel that connection branch out. What do you see or feel? "

Winter did not mean to cut her off but he felt a desperate need to get her up to speed as soon as he was able. He did not want something to come and she face it unprepared. He knew that feeling the sky was harder for none pegasi but it must be attained to move forward. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She nods and focuses on her preparations, deciding it would be for the best for her to do as he directed her to. She would follow the directions for most of the morning, until at one point, she had lost her footing and fell over with a short cry of pain.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter rushed to catch Tranquil just barely getting a hand on her slowing her fall. He let her to the ground gently and swiftly  scanned for injury 

" Are you ok? What's wrong?

His face was contorted with concern but his voice level and ready to do whatever she needed of him. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiled a little and looked up at him "I-I'm okay sweetie, I was just a little clumsy and miss-stepped" she says to him "though it is quite nice to know my coltfriend cares about me" she pokes her tongue out playfully.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter looked at her with an evil glint in his eyes. He slowly drew in a breath and concentrated energy within himself. His hands moved through mudra rapidly and then he tapped her shoulder. Suddenly she was floating. Winter was panting with the effort but he managed to show her something of energies connection to the skies. It was this energy that let a pegasus walk on clouds. But it was in play in a toned down form. She was hovering a few inches off the ground and Winter was clearly straining hard to maintain this effect. 

" Yyyou see... this ... is what you can attain... with proper.......focus..

The last words fell from his lips with a gasp as she floated back to the ground. His gi was soaked in sweat and his limbs shook. But he was able to do something he never attained before. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She looked around and eeped as she felt herself float in the air "Oooooh" she says as she looks around from the air "This is amazing, but dear you're straining, you should put me down and relax, you don't want to be too overworked so that you miss your friend's celebration"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

" True but I have never gotten such great effects with that before. I really feel like if I keep training I might attain something amazing.

Winter tried to stand but his legs were rubber. He stumbled into the wall and braced himself and took a breath. Standing straight he looked elated but tired. 

" We have to share this with the right people. But first we need to prepare for the celebration. I mean I cant very well go in a sweat-soaked gi.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nodded as she was thankful to be on the ground once more "And I feel like I ought to be in something nicer as well" she smiles at him "And you are right, I wonder if your friend would like to hear about this" she says, walking back into the apartment with him "you go shower first and I'll have some coffee ready for you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter nodded and moved slowly to the shower. It was clear that the use of this energy took a lot out of him. But he was grinning the entire way. He entered into the shower and let the water slowly soak his aching muscles. He slowly showered savoring the warm water. He used the expensive mane care products that Tranquil had said he could making the bath smell of mint. Then drawing a deep breath he turned the water from warm to pure cold. Unable to help it he let out a little yelp. 

The shock of the cold water sucked but it was a great way to recover from energy-draining exercise. It make the blood cycle from the surface where the previous warm water had drawn it to the deeper muscles and core areas to help promote healing. He rinsed with gritted teeth knowing often what was most unpleasant was best for you. He grabbed a towel and prepared to step out and change into the nice clothing that had been hand tailored for him not so long ago. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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While Winter had his shower and washed up, Tranquil made herself useful by making them a fresh mug of coffee. She makes herself her own mug and goes to the living room and sat down to enjoy her coffee.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lady Moonspell

Winter stepped out of the steaming shower room smelling of mint and his mane perfectly styled. His clothing from Sassy Saddles fit him perfectly and the colors made his eyes snap. He felt amazing and his smile showed it. 

" Well I am ready but I am sure you need to get yourself cleaned up as well. Oh coffee thank you that will be a great pick me up.

May the Friendship be with you. 


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