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"Hi. You must be the new recruit. I'm Vinyl." she said in an almost professional tone


"I guess you're not one for talking. That's probably for the best. Anyway let's get this started." she walked over to the targets and put a large sheet of paper behind it. In a matter of just 35 minutes, she was shooting almost as well as Vinyl herself. She radioed Simon, "The new recruit is shooting almost as good as me; she's got about a quarter sized grouping. I know that's not great, but it's much better than a grouping the size of the shooting range itself. It'll have to do for now. Over."



Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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simon was watching as they neared the city on his heli, taking his m-1919, and pistol out he landed on the tallest towers in the city, getting out slowly he looked down at the city, "i have been planning this for a while, and i can't wait for it to begin!" simon watched the city for a few more min's as the people just walked by oblivious to anything they did not care about

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to which ever mercenary read's this i am in the city, i am taking care of a few.... matter's on my own, i would like that the reader does not come trying to save me, because i can handle thing's on my own. if anything does happen please note i would ask that vynil be put in charge until the proper decisions are made, also i have turned of my walkie so no use trying to contact me, from simon,

simon in the mean time was preparing the smoke grenades he brought with him in a crate

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