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open The Shadows Arise


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Lady Esme has spent years planning the demise of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna - and her plan is finally complete. With Selin at her side, she shall take the throne that rightfully belongs to her! Or will she?


Please keep in mind that this is an in depth roleplay. Make sure to view the ooc thread to check any and all rules and requirements.


This roleplay begins wih two sides.


- In the Shadow Realm, Lady Esme's kingdom. It's much like Equestria, only darker. Here, all ponies are only shadows. Black versions of ponies found in Equestria. However, Lady Esme needs more warriors, an even larger army than she already has.


- In Equestria, this world is bright and cheerfull, however filled with lies and secrets soon to be uncovered. Ponies here are much different than the shadows, less sophisticated in a way, yet very involved all the same.



Will you side with the Shadow Queen or the Sun Princess?


Current RP Members:







The side I'm on: Lady Esme


My pony's name: Lady Esme


My pony's personality: Lady Esme suffers from Multiple Personality syndrome. She isn't easily angered, but she becomes a completely different pony when she is. On any normal account, however, she can be easilly described as manipulative and intelligent, yet observant and even a little helpfull. On other occasions, she can be sadistic and evil, seeking only to destroy her enemies. Because of their differences, Esme's two personalities can be seen arguing on rare occasions. Despite this, there is always at least one thig both of her personalities agree on...they are the rightfull rulers of the throne. Despite all of these priblems, however, her kingdom prospers in a realm known for the skill of the ponies living within.


My pony's Appearance:





The smaller Pony would be her daughter, Silen and, although you cannot see it, they both have pointed teeth designed for eating meat.






First post:

Lady Esme stood upon her balcony, overlooking her kingdom. Her face was completely expressionless, but something about her was still so terrifing. Her beauty was apparent, as was her strength. However, today was special. Today she had completed her plans. She would soon have her throne, the only thing she truly wanted since her ignorant parents abandoned her that day. This didn't mean this hadn't changed since then, of course. She was not a heartless being with a one-track mind. She was rather intelligant and she shared a love stronger than any other. For she had a daughter. Princess Selin, and Lady Esme was not like Princess Celestia. She wouldn't simply abandon the pony she loves, send her off into the world when she needs her. For you see, Lady Esme would be the perfect queen, if only she didn't have that stupid voice in her head pestering her all the time. Too bad, that's just who she is.


(I apologise if my oppening is a little off, I've never been too good at starting posts.)

Edited by ShadowLadyEsme
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The side I'm on: Lady Esme

My pony's name: Sonic Boom

My pony's personality:

He is an eccentric who as a very kleptomaniac like disposition. Sonic is often very whimsical and dark and can be seen singing in verse as to horrify his target. He is obsessed with anything bright and colorful so Rainbow would do best to avoid him.


He is as random as pinkie pie at times and is usually all about the game he calls life and how he will position the next player he is using. He can very easily be described as a manipulative being with a silver tongue, Never one to take the role as official leader he is often found nestled comfortably into the usual second in command spot. He often will skillfully guide the leader into achieving his personal goals.


Despite these obvious flaws sonic is an asset on any team due to his seemingly reality defying knowledge and skills which when accompanied by his mysterious origin and unforeseen purpose gives more and more the feeling that sonic is not what he claims to be.He is however a hard worker when properly motivated he can accomplish most any goal.


My pony's appearance:

Posted Image


despite the near perfect form his eyes lack an important aspect, His eyes do have color yes but what they lack is the black iris. the yellow orbs in the sea of white glow in the dark, often leaving trails of light like a fire fly as he moves in the dark.


be warned when the eyes turn black, your fate has been sealed its far to late to turn back.



First Post:


The sound of a slight clack echoed through the elegant marble halls as the tall stallion made his way gracefully up to his Queen's chambers. The stallion stood tall with pride, his height being that above the Queen Celestias, the shimmering of his golden eyes glistening in the shadows as a feral beasts did.

Sonic's body was that of brilliant ivory, void of any stains or discolorations that many did have. The perfect statuesque form if it were not for those eerie eyes and the pleased smile upon his face.

He approached the intricate double doors that The Queens Bed chambers resided behind and with a gentle motion,he knocked on the door.


"Majesty, By chance are you staring off again?" A playful smirk crossed his face, ah yes, he loved trying to rile up his stoic Queen. One of the many reasons why he choose to aid her goals and not Celestia

. 'Tia is so boring...so easy to read.'

The thought crossed his mind before he decided to continue on with his little game of irritation with thy lady fair.


" You know if you keep lingering on the past there is no chance for a future." He chimed in a sing song voice, ah yes. This was always fun.


( I apologise if I left format, But I am sure there are 5 sentences XD)


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(formality is of even greater approval, as is the common way in the Shadow Realm ;)


And yeah, it's fine that you left format :))


Lady Esme, suddenly snapped out of her daze, turned to face the door, of which the sound of her follower echoed. She rarely ever smiled, and this day was not of any differance to her. In fact, unlike most ponies, she did not show emotion using her mouth - for she used her eyes. At this moment in time, she was fairly content, as could be seen in the black slit pupils that lingered about the room, searching for something unseen. If she were angered, those black slits would not have been there, replaced by the beautifull, but threatening glow of her iris. Most of her subjects knew this by now, but there was always one. Sonic. Lady Esme would never understand quite why it delighted him so, but it seemed as though that simple change made him happy. However, he did seem to grasp the concept that she did not simply have two emotions and that the signs she emphasised through the use of her pupils wasn't enough to show all of her wide-ranging feelings.


The queen stood and walked towards the door, swinging it open slowly with the help of the shadows - her own special form a magic. "Sonic, your back? Has my sister been sighted? I am begining to grow weary, she should have been here hours ago," She paused too look behind him. By now she was no longer expectant of her sister to appear, but she did so hope that her 'lost blood' would appear soon. It would be improper for her to begin her attack without sufficiant warning from her side. After all, the fun wouldn't begin untill she made the first move, as it was sure to be her's. Untill then, however, Lady Esme would be prepared - perfecting the final touches in her carefully planned sneak attack. "Would you please come in, we've plans to discuss." Only the slightest reaction came to her at the mention of her acursed past, for her tail twitched and her leg lifted slightly as if she was attempting to release the tension her weight put upon it. Not that she was heavy or any of that nonsence, simply because that leg happened to be the reason she was living currently.

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The stallion bowed as the doors creaked open, ah yes thy lady was always one for a dramatic entrance.He looked upon her eyes first as to search the vivid windows of the soul for any glimmer of light, soon enough the last pieces of light would fade in her and the window would break all together. Another to the collection.

The Queen was not Bright and colorful at first glace but the inner feeling of forlorn hope hidden in those eyes always thrilled him, awaiting for the day where the barrier would finally break and thy lady fair would reflect all she felt, the last shred of pride falling to the wayside before the end.


He followed her inside, one of the only beings allowed within these hallowed walls then again he was the only one freely able to traverse the worlds as it were unseen.

" I did spot the silly filly Majesty, in the company of her number one student.. Miss Sparkle is quite a bore..." He rolled his eyes recalling the irritating way she clung to books, if anything she was the definition of boring.


"If I may so bold as to suggest...if the silly filly will not come willingly...perhaps a skillful 'relocation' May be required to bring her to you My Queen." He knew how to do this well, he was an odd fellow and a very dubious character with insidious plans but he was a gentlemen and he did recognize Esme as his Queen.


Unlike other mares the Queen was decisive, not full of the normal emotional hang ups he often encountered. This mare was deliciously devious and he wished for her to embrace this fully, to fall further into darkness until she would finally hit the bottom...

Right to where he resided.


"By the way your grace.....how goes the nightmare night preparations...Heh such silly pony's from the other side no nothing of real nightmares, I will find it most delightful watching those smiles twist in horror as their fears come to life." He was a twisted being, their pain was his fuel. The more they fear the stronger he got, more terror, more darkness.It was only a matter of time before the cracks between the worlds would spread into holes, little doorways he could use for his own delight.


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Lady Esme chuckled coldly at the mention of her sister and her supposed 'student'. Esme had always seen her as a bit of a pet though, quite dull in personality and fairly unattractive, considering she was of magical descent. She quickely snapped the thought out of her mind, returning back to her duties. "Why, Sonic, I don't believe it's polite to insult my sister's pet...er....student in such a manner," She had let herself slip purposely and simply watched her closest subject, awaiting his responce. For it was quite obvious she had not been misaken the first time, no apology came afterwards and no explaination. Yes, Esme surely hated that stupid purple pony, always acting so high-and-mighty without any respect for her superiors. However, Lady Esme was to keep in mind that the way of the equestrians were far different than her own and, although they were quite a bit less sophisticated, there must be some reason for their insolance.


Lady Esme had been waiting patiently for the time to strike, for she had been looking forward to her sister's downfall for quite some time. "Sonic, in due time my sister will arive, and we shall begin preparations for the ambush directly afterwards," she paused, allowing her words to sink into full effect, "I assume you understand why me must wait, correct?" Lady Esme, rather than wait for a response, began to walk past her second in charge - her general - out into the long hallway. Ebony and onyx collumns came up on both sides of her, lining down the enormous hallway. Esme was always one to appreciate the finer arts. It wasn't as though she was selfish or glutinous for material items, but more an urge to make her kingdom the best it could be. In fact, the entire fortress was plentifull with niceties and it even spread out across the shadow realm aswell.


Her kingdom, however infamous in equesria, just so happened to be the most fortuitous of all. And, despite popular belief, this was of no price to her subjects. Lady Esme chuckled suddenly, snapping out of her trance as she continued to walk, stepping through the door and moving down the dimly lit stairwell lined with blue glowing crystals, creating a reather mysterious and dark air.

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Side: Sun princess

Name: Sickly Bernice

Personality: Shut in, OCD, Get's sick easily due to a weak immune system

Appearance: Pegasus, Blue, blue and white mane


"Umm... no I can't fight." Bernice admitted to the Equestrian Military Recruitment officer, "And I kind of can't go outside much. But I know a lot about herbal cures and alchemy, and I was wondering if I could maybe do that instead." She nervousely ran her hoof acros the ground. She knew she could help, and she couldn't bare the thought of the other soldiers going into battle without having a good healing potion. She ran her hoof across a crack in the floor, it bothered her that there wasn't another crack on the opposite side of the room. It was uneven. She tried to ignore it.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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He chuckled at her response, oh this was exactly why he choose Esme over Celestia. Such a delightful sense of depravity.

" Aww...fine..Ill simply send a collar in a small box that reads 'From your Dearest teacher.' I can see that purple mare galloping around with her shiny new collar.." He loved to indulge the Queens dark side, this was rather delightful to have someone on his own mental level. It made the game that much more interesting.


" All good things come to those who wait, the foolish run and take the bait." he chimed once more as he followed her majesty down the darkened hall, his yellow eyes glowing in the darkness behind the Queen.


"Thy Queen has great honor that should be defended, your kingdom who dances in your glory.. I am but your shield.

Thy Queen Has great power that should be feared, The kingdom to fall at your might. I am but your sword."


Sonic was chivalrous like the olden knights of lore, far more loyal than anything born under the sun could ever produce. This world of shadows put him at ease, he could simple be here and not be questioned for his actions.This was the first leader who he allied himself with who he saw as an equal.


"Oh yes, It slipped my mind...Nadia finished your new dress and she prepared a new outfit for Princess Silen as well for the great revolution. Your grace must look your best at all times even when you walk among those filthy Equestrians."


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Lady Esme laughed and stopped infront of an enormous black door, sepping through carefully and walking towards the large black orb that sat in the middle of the room. In fact, that was the only item in the room in the first place. No decoration or elaborate designs, simply the single black orb strategically placed in the middle of the room. However, the orb itself was of no concern to her, it was what was inside the orb that grabbed her attention. Shadows. What appeared o be millions and millions of shadows, swirling and wavering, showing their queen equestria. This was better than any equestrian newspaper, any letter from her dear sweet sister of which had no idea what she even looked like. Lady Esme laughed at this thought, a soft smirk painted across her face as she watched the shadows reform into a scene before her. A pegasus, most likely a close subject to Princess Celestia, she appeared of avarage height, but something was odd about her. It was then that the shadows began to speak, "Umm... no I can't fight," Esme watched with her devious smirk as the shadows depicted the conversation between the pegasus and the officer, "And I kind of can't go outside much. But I know a lot about herbal cures and alchemy, and I was windering if I could maybe do that instead."


Lady Esme raised her hoof, she had no desire to watch this poor creature just yet, though she was planning her nightmare just then, thinking deeply. "Sonic, please come here, it appears Celestia has herself an herbalist. And please DO tell me what Nadia has designed? Nothing too overly girly I do hope..." She trailed off, tilting her head to the side as she peered into the shadowy orb, a look of utmost interest across her face. "I've never heard of a pony quite like this one. She seems rather....weakened. I wonder why," the shadow queen mumbled under her breath.

Edited by ShadowLadyEsme
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Sonic obeyed her command almost letting out a content purr as he slid over beside the Queen. He watched the scene play out in the orb, the swirling shadows revealing the sickly pony before them. The Queen did smirk at this moment which in itself made a smile cross his face.

'Another crack in the mask, soon enough the window will fall.'

He looked down and assessed the mare the orb had shown them, this one was quite sickly..

"A sickly herbalist, Look at the way she stands. It looks as if the flu has finally retreated from her body after several months, it will most likely return by weeks end."


As he stared into the shadows it put his mind at ease, his body beginning to relax along with his normally rapid mind.

The shadow beneath him flickered several times as he stared into the swirling shadows, his mind left to recall the place of his own origin, the red eyes and smile flickering onto his shadow like the static on a tape.


Esme was the only one who had any idea of his true form...He was far from willing to give his identity out at will but she being the clever Queen she is knew he was not of either kingdom.

Normally he would devour anyone who had found him out but the eyes did not stare at him in hate or fear, even of for a moment or by the trick of light he saw excitement upon her gaze.


She was different...

She was special.

He wanted to collect her.


As his mid began to swirl with thought of the past, flashes of his eyes blackening, the voice of the Queen brought him back.

"O...Oh....yes...the dress...."


He took a deep breath as his shadow returned to normal, using his magic to fix his now frizzed mane.

Despite his status he was quite vain.

" No Majesty, the dress is a night cloak...adorned with feathers of black and brilliant stones of shimmering purple. The dress accents your wings nicely, a very Queen of eternal night appeal if I do say so myself.."


He was glad the Queen had snapped him out of it, he hated what he looked like in this realm.A testament to his every weakness, a thing he never wanted to be seen.


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Lady Esme, nodded softly, fully aware of the sudden change her general had gone through. However, it did not bother her nearly as much as it bothered him. This didn't mean she liked it though. Despite this, she still felt it best to keep him believing she had not noticed, as not to put his thoughts too deep into it. Lady Esme sighed, "I do quite like back, I suppose I might have to make some minor adjustments however, amethyst was never a stone I favored much." She hoped he wouldn't mind his pickiness, seeing as she wasn't much of a picky person on normal circumstances. "I'll have to ask dear Nadia to replace it with aquamarine. Or perhaps diamond? What do you think?" She tried to cover her throughts with conversation, still hoping that he wouldn't notice her unusual behaviour.


Lady Esme stood suddenly, stepping up towards the orb and running her hoof along the surface. Her eyes glowed brightly momentarily before a scene of her foe appeared. Princess Celestia, sitting pretty upon her 'portable throne'. "It appears as though Celestia will be here soon," she couldn't help but scowl at the thought, her pupils shrinking very slightly - if only for a moment, "Shall we inform the guards? Or perhaps we should find Princess Silen first?" She looked towards him, waiting for his reply patiently. And, as she waited, she set herself upon the black pillow set before the glowing black orb. She much prefered her throne, but the cushion was soft and the embroidery very becoming. And besides, soo she would have two thrones. Very, very soon.

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"I can't fly..." Sickly Bernice said as she reached into her sattlebag and pulled out a hankerchief. "There's no sence in lying about that. I can still be very helpfull, though. Don't you need more alchemists?" She coughed into the hankerchief. "I'm sorry, I think... I need to go wash my hoofs again." She said frantically. She put her hankerchief back in her bag and ran to the restrooms... again.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Sonic listened to her words and thought on it." Perhaps blue diamonds? I'm sure If I ask the dragon king he will be glad to give them as a gift for his Queen, and Nadia will make the adjustments as requested." She was picky and at times she irritated him beyond all reason but out of anyone he had ever met she seemed to know just what to do to put his mind at ease.


He chuckled as he continued watching the orb portray the sickly mare."The Princess would love to be present for her mothers big day, its not every day when a Princess sees the Queen become an Empress." To him that is what a double throne meant, you elevated beyond the need for a crown. One became the undisputed ruler of the free world, the mantle of the Empress a high esteem above that of the monarchy of Equestria.


He turned back to the orb with a most devious smile.

"Majesty....may I play with the sickly one...a good scare will cure her cold right up." His smile curled up from ear to ear as his shadow began to wear the same smile, he loved to 'play' with the pony's after all their screams are more beautiful than any melody they could produce with an instrument.


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Bernice opened the doors to the Mare's restroom. She ran in and splashed some cold water on her face. next to her reflection in the mirror was the word 'Odd'. She studied the word for a short time. then she pulled a quill out of her sattlebag and wrote the word 'bbO' new to it. She smiled at the perfect symmetry then sneezed again.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Side: Celestia

Name: Celestia

Personality:Technical ruler of Equestria that is though to be the strongest of all the ponies. She is very refined and respected, though Lady Esme and Princess Celestia have very different forms of being polite. She is strong and a bit egotistical, though most ponies don't notice, seeing her as a powerful being.

Image: If you don't know what she looks like, then you don't know anything about My Little Pony. AT ALL.


Celestia stared out from her balcony, watching the recruitment signups going on below. There were several interesting ponies there, one of the most interesting was a pegasus that went to the bathroom every five minutes. Interesting. All of this reminded her of the warning message she had got from her deranged older sister earlier. It worried her to think how Equestria would be if it was taken over by that insane pony. It was a nightmare she could never get rid of until the threat was ended.

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Lady Esme gasped suddenly, ending her smile a she turned to face the creature of which ahd givven her those shivers only moments ago. It was a shadow pony, one of the many she had created when her kingdom was formed. This one was a messanger, the almost exact replica of a similar messanger pony in Equestria. However, there were two very distinct differenced. First of all, where as this pony's other half was quite talkative, this pony was mute. Secondly, this pony was black and the only was of telling the ponies appart would be to look into their eyes or at their cutie marks. Lady Esme laughed at the thought before looking back down at the shadowy being. "Yes? What is it, a letter?" She had guessed correectly and, using her black magic, she lifted the note up to her face. "Now now, Sonic, it's from my dear sister. It appears she has taken my previous letter very seriousely and she refused to come visit.," Lady Esme chuckled coldly, "The poor tyrant doesn't know what's best for her health."


She walked back to the orb, only giving the shadow a single nod before staring down at the sickly being. "She must have some importance for the darkness to seek her out. I wonder why she's so special. Sonic, please deal with her....immediately," a sly grin crossed her face for a moment as she uttered the last word. She was a devious characer indeed, but in her eyes she was a mercifull and benevolent ruler. And, in truth, this was partially right. However, this being was not of her leadership and would deserve no more mercy than Celestia herself. Lady Esme cleared her throat and, walking out towards the window in the room, she looked out over her glistening and glimering city. Princess Celestia would have been lucky to see it, full of treasures and beautifull gemstones. Maybe then Celestia would notice the difference between their kingdoms. That being that, in Esme's there was no poverty. There was no harsh depressions or sadships because hey were all resolved. However, Lady Esme's rule was not a utopia, as was impossible and she wouldn't waste her time striving for perfection. Instead she strived for something much better, loyalty. And hence, her kingdom was founded upon loyalty, where Celestia's kingdom was founded on lies. Cruel secrets.


Despite this, the truth of the matter was that Lady Esme blossomed because she was evil. Because her world was balanced, where as Celestia's was not. Weither Lady Esme knew this or not was unknown, for all she needed to know was that her world was going to expand very soon. "Sonic, prepare the forces. We shall cut them down like flies." Force must be used in order to sustain order, and this....she knew for sure.

Edited by ShadowLadyEsme
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Sonics face curled in devious delight, oh yes he enjoyed visiting the equestrians such fun to be had from their misery.

He bowed to his Queen with a serene long forgotten grace, he lived for the carnage, the flames of hatred.


"As your readied sword my Queen, I shall swing and cut without fail." He bowed once more to her before his eyes began to dilate, the color fading as the black began to fill the being eyes like water filled a faulty boat at sea.

The grin grew upon his face as the mouth of jagged teeth made themselves known.


'Tia, Tia...I hope you are ready to play.'

He chuckled as the thought formed within his mind and like the shadows around them, he sank into the floor, the tendrils of darkness fanning out to engulf him like a flame of shadows.

'First stop, this sickly mare.'



Now, unlike many beings of the dark Sonic had his own very special way of working and this poor mare was in the right place at the wrong time.

From the other side of the mirror he could see the mare sneeze again and the tell tale writing made from this side.

'Hm, It appears someone from my world knew I would show up.'

He mused to himself for a moment or two as he prepared for his 'play time'. He knew if he did this right, and the mare before him were to scream loud enough. Celestia herself would come to investigate and then, check mate.


He could see the stage perfectly from here and now that all players where in place, It was show time.


He began first by leaning in to where his image could be made out in the mirror from the mares side, chuckling darkly.

"Silly filly as you cough and sneeze, death takes hold and begins to squeeze. In this kingdom you think your free?

Alas you have eyes but cannot see."

The lights in the bathroom began to flicker as the door closed and locked, it would be no fun if his prey escaped too soon. Not before she had been marked by madness.


He chuckled darkly once more ,waving his right hoof about like a concert orchestrator , his symphony of madness playing its eerie melody of despair.

One by one bloodied hoof prints danced their way across the walls and ceiling, in tune with the eerie melody that made itself known as a faint murmur in the distance.


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Celestia noticed a darkness zoom into the bathroom. Sonic. Esme's legendary assassin. So, the message was true! Esme is trying to take over Equestria. She sent a messenger three world class- or about the same skill level, anyways- spies down to the bathroom. Their objective- to capture Sonic and save the pony being attacked. Hopefully they got there before someone got hurt...

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Lady Esme looked into her orb with a twisted smile. "My my, Celestia. Your meager spies haven't a change against my commander..." Her grin only widdened at the though and a soft purr escaped her as she imagined the scene about to unfold. Those poor ponies would surely fail, this was something Esme knew for sertain. Sonic was a formitable opponant, strong and agile, but his will to kill was unmatched. Lady esme laughed, a broad smile drawing attention to her menacing pointed teeth. Lady Esme's plan would unfold very soon...and nowhone would be able to stop her. She stood suddenly, walking out the door with long, gracefull strides. She stepped down the stairs quickely and, opening the grand doors to the outside world, she overlooked what would soon be only a portion of her rule.


Esme raised her hoof in the air, a maniac's smile spread across her face. But there was something wrong surely...for no pupils were present and she could smell the blood bath then. She licked her lips and strode out into the street, shooting up into the sky, spiraling as she did do. And then she headed for Equestria. An enormous mob followed closely behind her and it wasn't long untill her pupils returned, yet that look of pure dedication and joy never once left her face.

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Sonics face curled in devious delight, oh yes he enjoyed visiting the equestrians such fun to be had from their misery.

He bowed to his Queen with a serene long forgotten grace, he lived for the carnage, the flames of hatred.


"As your readied sword my Queen, I shall swing and cut without fail." He bowed once more to her before his eyes began to dilate, the color fading as the black began to fill the being eyes like water filled a faulty boat at sea.

The grin grew upon his face as the mouth of jagged teeth made themselves known.


'Tia, Tia...I hope you are ready to play.'

He chuckled as the thought formed within his mind and like the shadows around them, he sank into the floor, the tendrils of darkness fanning out to engulf him like a flame of shadows.

'First stop, this sickly mare.'



Now, unlike many beings of the dark Sonic had his own very special way of working and this poor mare was in the right place at the wrong time.

From the other side of the mirror he could see the mare sneeze again and the tell tale writing made from this side.

'Hm, It appears someone from my world knew I would show up.'

He mused to himself for a moment or two as he prepared for his 'play time'. He knew if he did this right, and the mare before him were to scream loud enough. Celestia herself would come to investigate and then, check mate.


He could see the stage perfectly from here and now that all players where in place, It was show time.


He began first by leaning in to where his image could be made out in the mirror from the mares side, chuckling darkly.

"Silly filly as you cough and sneeze, death takes hold and begins to squeeze. In this kingdom you think your free?

Alas you have eyes but cannot see."

The lights in the bathroom began to flicker as the door closed and locked, it would be no fun if his prey escaped too soon. Not before she had been marked by madness.


He chuckled darkly once more ,waving his right hoof about like a concert orchestrator , his symphony of madness playing its eerie melody of despair.

One by one bloodied hoof prints danced their way across the walls and ceiling, in tune with the eerie melody that made itself known as a faint murmur in the distance.


side:Shadow queen

name:Caspin Edward morningstar

personality: an suffering personality

appearance: An cross breed between an Alicorn and an Pegasus as blue eyes and an dark mane.

Backstory: Morningstar is the younger brother of Celestia who he vowed revenge for exiling him after he got turned into an werewolf. He's an expert in alchemy.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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An cross breed an Pegasus as blue an dark mane an necromancer an expert the art cane arts.


[an necromancer? art cane arts? please grammar check.]


Bernice shuffled away from the mirror and tripped over her bag. She grabbed it and shifted through its contents in the dark. "Come on, where is it?" She pulled out a bottle labeled 'Sulfur.' "Stay back!" She yelled, "Who ever you are! I don't need to tell you what happens when this mixes with water, do I?"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Sonic was delighted to see the sickly mare, despite her normal composure, have quite the backbone. Many in the face of his power and the horrors he would deliver, would be stricken with fear but this mare had nerves of steel.

As he leaned in close with a playfully devious smile upon his face, his fun was interrupted by Celestias pesky not to mention pathetic spies.


The three of them barged inside, the room quite a mangle from him starting his playtime.

'Leave it to Tia to never get her own hooves dirty.'

He rolled his eyes as the thought entered his mind, honestly could that sorry excuse for a ruler do anything by herself?


"Lookie here Goldie locks has sent the three little bears to capture the big bad wolf....and to rescue little miss muffet..Im quite touched really."

He mocked the three as the looks on their pathetic faces spelled obvious fear to him.


The thing he found most entertaining is that This sickly mare had more gumption than these supposed world class warriors.

He could not help but chuckle at the situation as he moved forward, his form emerging from the mirror and into the bathroom, his full height looming over them easily.


"Now lets see, Which is worse? The fact that you three are what Celestia sends after me and you think you can succeed...or....the fact the mare before me is more of a fighter than the ruler of equestria has to offer...." The smile crossed his face as he hummed in delight, approaching his new targets as the door firmly locked again.


"Choices, choices." He chuckled as he backed the three into a stall.

His smile faded upon looking at their faces, his eyes narrowed in a flabbergasted disbelief.


"You cant be serious....Really....I mean really Tia is this the best you got?" He looked around half expecting for it all to be some sort of ruse.

"OH COME ON!!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!??? THE PEGASUS THAT CANT FLY IS READY TO FIGHT ME BUT THE SUPPOSED ELITES YOU HAVE ARE COWERING IN FEAR LIKE LITTLE FILLIES LOST ON THE EVERFREE FOREST!?" He took a shaky breath as he fixed his mane once more. It had been quite a while sense he had been so worked up.


He growled in contempt and stomped a hoof, the water from the stall becoming black and engulfing the three,sending their blood spattering onto the ceiling.


"Honestly I feel more than disappointed I am frankly insulted by this pathetic attempt. I assure you Esme would send her best to go after your best not this chump change." He scoffed before turning to Bernice.


''Apologies madam, I normally don't get upset but come on don't you think its unfair to be so underestimated? They did not even put up a fight!!! Oh, Im sorry." He performed a bow to the mare with his pleasant smile that was becoming for the white alicorn.


" My name Is Sonic Boom, I must ask why the bravest here is treated like a second class citizen while the most pathetic receive the accolades? Hmm when The Queen arrives I shall put in a good word for you, you would be appreciated for your talents, get funding and a spot in the palace. Until then, tell your Princess of what transpired here was simply me playing. Tell her to rally her precious pets but let her know anything she does, anything she tries will fail."


The smile crossed his face as he moved to go back into the mirror, winking to the mare.

"Ciao, see you soon."

With that he vanished and the light returned, the walls still covered in bloody prints and the large splatter on the ceiling above the stall.


He traveled through the shadows of the world before he found Esme's, his shadow appearing in place of her own.

"I knew she was daft but that was plain insulting,but on the bright side our sickly friend has no bark but plenty of bite."

The smile formed under the glowing red eyes, chucking in delight.


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Bernice slowly lowered the jar. The lights turned back on. She bent down and her blue glasses fell off he her face and fell to the ground. She tried to calm herself by thinking of her favorite things: The number eight, a perfect circle, balanced formulas. She looked away from the blood. SnO2 + 2H2 = Sn + 2H2O.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Bernice slowly lowered the jar. The lights turned back on. She bent down and her blue glasses fell off he her face and fell to the ground. She tried to calm herself by thinking of her favorite things: The number eight, a perfect circle, balanced formulas. She looked away from the blood. SnO2 + 2H2 = Sn + 2H2O.


Morning Star approaches sonic with his scythe. He see's what's happening to Bernice he replies to what is happening." Do you think you will prevail ? Let me put it this way you fool, your so called queen will fall and Esme will rule and you my funny little friend are going to spend an eternity in darkness. He show's her what's waiting in the darkness. Then out of the darkness cold clammy hands reach for Bernice she even hears her name being called."Join us Bernice join us." Morning star smiles then stops the torture only for an awhile. he whispers in her ear. "I can stop this from happening to you all you got to do is renounce the weak and pathetic Celestia and fallow the one true Queen." Which is it life or death? Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Esme landed upon the cloud, outscirts of the land as she prepared herself. Promptly turning herself into a meager pegasus, she amassed ehr forces so far, calling forth the proper formation. However, this was not her plan. This large group was very obvious and it woudn't be long untill they were spotted. No, this was her decoy. For, if Celestia truly was the strongest in equestria, she should send admirable forces. In fact, she would send herself. And later she's send the rest of her forces to reclaim the land she rightfully owned. Esme, looking over the enormous group, turned and began off, disguising herself as a simple pegasus filly. She flew down at full speed and began to walk towards the direction of her destination. Canterlot castle.


Esme chuckled as she walked, each step perfectly silent, perfectly nothing. And amazingly gracefull. There was no doubt of her royalty, but without her crown the equestrians would know nothing. For she was blue, rather than black, with other shades aswell. Over her elegant cutie mark she had placed an equestrian crown. Perfectly symbolic in and of itself, she descided as she continued on, only the pit pat of Selin behind her, disguised as a pink pony.


Lady Esme spotted the patrole ahead and prepared her letter, complete with the royal princess's insignia. These guards were fools for sure, as were most of her protection forces. They would surely believe this letter was from the princess.


(Morningstar, it is very hard to respond after you, please try a little harder.)

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Sonic was pleased with the current developments but his urge to play had yet to be sated nor the feeling of contempt from Celestias grave insult. What did she think he was? Some pathetic captain of the guard who mindlessly followed orders.


He emerged from his shadow, altering his form only to remove the horn, its not like he needed it anyways to use his power like how he did not need his wings to fly, they were simply just for show.

Upon walking into canterlot once more he noted the absence of a so called 'cutie mark' upon his flank and how it seemed to un nerve the ponies to see a blank flank adult.


He stretched his legs a bit before walking over to create his marks, it was a simple yet symbolic one. He created from his favorite past times on both flanks two bloody shoe prints, the horseshoes facing down as to show he was the bearer of omens, bestowing great misfortune was indeed his talent.


Sonic earned some very confused and disturbed looks for this but regardless he did not care what they thought of him, they were nothing more than toys to be played with.

His proud strides echoed down the city, earning the gaze of many swooning mares.

He was a sight to be seen but a dark mind lied behind that form, a mind bent on mayhem.


Sonic made his way to the city limits, to great thy lady fair. A devious smile crossed his face as he spotted a very pompous blue filly who was closely followed by a pink pony with the same swagger, there was no doubt it was them alright. Their present form however proved room for some playtime..


He stormed over to the blue filly, hugging her close." I was so worried Niomi!!!!! Thankyou Sasha for finding her!" This act made the guards smile, the current alert for Sonic had now been disregarded. Now there appeared to be a purpose to those darkened eyes.


He leaned in close to them and whispered ever so gently.

"Sorry for the act majesties but after this morning they are quite suspicious of pure white stallions...I suggest we play along with this to get inside for the party.." He thought for a moment or two about the details that way the story will flow right.


"Highness, you pose as my young daughter, remember to smile like im a good dad...lady Silen, Pretend to be her filly sitter. With this plan and me pretending to be a diplomat we will walk through the front door and they will have a welcoming party to boot." He wanted this to work, to be as simple as possible for them to get inside with minimal conflicts.


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