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Calculate your French Revolutionary birthday


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For those who don't know, the French Revolutionary calendar was a calendar implemented during the French Revolution from 1792 to 1805. It sought to remove all religious and royalist influences from the calendar, and to make calendar math easier to do.

Each year consisted of twelve months, and each month consisted of 30 days. Each month was made up of three 10-day weeks called decades, and the days of the week were simply named according to their position: primidi, duodi, tridi, quartidi, quintidi, sextidi, septidi, octidi, nonidi, decadi. In addition, each day consisted of 10 hours, each hour of 100 minutes, and each minute of 100 seconds.

The names of the months were based on nature and weather: Vendemiaire (vintage), Brumaire (mist), Frimaire (frost), Nivose (snow), Pluviose (rain), Ventose (wind), Germinal (seed), Floreal (flower), Prairial (meadow), Messidor (harvest), Thermidor (heat) and Fructidor (fruit). September 22, the day the French revolution began in 1792, was the first day of the year.

Since twelve 30-day months only adds to 360 days, five special days (six in leap years) were inserted between Fructidor of one year and Vendemiaire of the next year. They were considered national holidays and were named as follows:

  1. Celebration of Virtue
  2. Celebration of Talent
  3. Celebration of Labor
  4. Celebration of Convictions
  5. Celebration of Honor
  6. Celebration of the Revolution (leap years only)

There are several websites that allow you to convert any date in the Gregorian calendar to the French Revolutionary calendar, such as http://www.windhorst.org/calendar/. Thus, you can calculate your French Revolutionary birthday! Here's mine:

12 October 2002 = 21 Vendemiaire 211

What's yours?

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by @Mellow Mane

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25 Vendémiaire 206

This would be a nightmare to do without that calculator. Did it's creator not realize that the seasons would be offset by following a different system? What about the significance of Catholicism in France for holidays?

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  • 2 weeks later...

5 Nivôse 197 (? I think, can't read Roman numerals that high very well)

Everything needs more woodwind!

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