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Idea for an AU/Reboot thing?


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Hi to anyone who reads this! A few months ago, I came up with the idea of an alternate universe (or reboot? I’m not entirely sure what this would be called, haha) and I just wanted to think up some ideas. I wrote the plot (or what I have of the plot) down below.


Gwendolyn is a black sheep in her family -- or more accurately, the cow among ponies. Adopted into a prestigious line of unicorns, Gwen has spent her entire life trying to achieve expectations. Every family gathering and social event felt like suffering to her, being faced with the same question every time -- why would they adopt a magicless cowpony? 

Gwen never understood why her family adopted her -- her parents seem to regard her with slight disdain, and her sister treats her like a doormat. As a vacation for her nineteenth birthday, Gwen’s parents send her to their summer home in a small town for a while, but on the train ride there Gwen gets lost and ends up in the farming town of Ponyville.

While trying to find her way back home to the city of Gallopin, Gwen takes up a job at the local museum to keep afloat. However, she soon realizes that Ponyville has little to no libraries or proper museums. While there, she meets her coworker Curio Facade, who despises his hometown of Ponyville and has always aspired to attend a prestigious magic school. The two become acquaintances and they take care of the run-down museum together.

A strange amulet in the exhibit catches Gwen’s eye, and Curio explains that it’s called the Amulet of Rebirth. However, he also says that any powers it has are only an old mares’ tale. 

Later that night, it’s Gwen’s turn to clean each of the cases. As she begins to clean the amulet’s case, the amulet begins to glow in her hooves and then sparks with a blaze. Gwen realizes that this amulet isn’t just the product of an old mares’ tale. She knows that by law, any objects with magical properties are to be immediately sent to the Magic Society, or at least the Royal Guard will come to transport it to the society. However, Gwen disobeys the law and smuggles the amulet in her scarf, sneaking it back to her hotel room.


That’s pretty much all I have for the story right now, but I do have an idea of the characters!

Gwen (Gwendolyn) - An empathetic and determined young cowpony, Gwen is passionate about her interests, a tad to the dismay of others. However, she can be hard headed and tends to speak before she thinks. Tending to her museum, Gwen takes pride in history and those who came before her. She’s very meticulous and studious, but learns to take time for herself. She loves to study history and magic. Even though her adoptive family was quite wealthy, Gwen pretty much grew up on her own.

Curio Facade - A very ambitious young stallion, Curio expects the best in life and no less. He can be very cynical at times, sarcastic, and studious, but he is earnest. However, he can be a bit uptight, and can seem a bit cold from the first meeting, but gladly opens up to his closest friends. He struggles with finding balance in his life. Curio longs to achieve his dreams of attending prestigious magic schools and societies, but after he meets Gwen and the rest of his friends, he hesitates in reaching for it.

Bumble Breeze - An imaginative mare, Bumble can create all sorts of contraptions for her plants. She’s very outgoing to everyone she meets, and it's hard to get a bad first impression of her, though she can be seen as too brash. One day, she aspires for Ponyville to return to its former glory, but with her parents’ wishes for her to engage in more practical opportunities for someone with her disability (she has a missing back leg, which affects her flying ability), she has a challenge ahead of her.

Minty - A clumsy but well meaning young mare, Minty loves to spend time with her friends. Sometimes her clumsiness comes at the cost of her self-image, and she sometimes is self-conscious of herself. She loves to wear socks and even knits socks for her loved ones. However, Minty still is unsure of what her cutie mark means, and whether she has a talent or purpose at all.

Junebug - Bumble Breeze’s younger sister, Junebug spends her time out of school by helping her sister create inventions. She enjoys collecting bugs, seashells, and other trinkets she finds around Ponyville. Junebug can be shy at first glance, but opens up once she gets to know somepony.


In terms of the worldbuilding of this alternate universe, I don’t have an exact history, but I do have some aspects of the world:

  • Rather than earning their cutie marks, all ponies are born with them, and throughout their life they discover the meaning of their mark (ie. talent for baking, talent for caring for animals, etc). However, it IS possible for ponies to be born without marks, or also known as Markless. Markless ponies usually never gain their marks later in life and are permanently markless. They are often shunned from society and are outcasts, although some marked ponies do feel a bit of sympathy for them.
  • Unicorns are not born with their horns, but rather a small gem at the top of their head where their horn will grow. Over the next few months of their life, their horn will grow and develop into an actual unicorn horn. Pegasi, however, are born with their wings but will shed a few baby feathers over their childhood. (So the Flurry Heart situation would be much different in this universe, haha)
  • While there is a “Royal” Guard, there aren’t really monarchs in this world, or at least there are none in this alternate Equestria. Equestria is ruled by a council of ponies, all made up of pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns. It’s unknown how many ponies make up the council. Equestria’s capital is also Gallopin.
  • It is entirely possible for ponies to have cutie marks but never have a special talent or purpose.

That’s all I have for right now, but I just wanted to write down my ideas!

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2 minutes ago, Starforce Glimmer said:


I would like a markless pony villain who got enraged by all the mocking and outcasting and became something of a leader to them, and eventually a villain who seeks to get revenge for all the mocking and intimidation. 

Oooh, I like that idea! I might come up with a character like that in the future after I develop everything a bit more. Villain ideas are always welcome, haha! :squee:

  • Brohoof 1
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2 minutes ago, Starforce Glimmer said:

And I'd like eventually, for markless ponies to be no longer shamed or something. Are there alicorns here?

I'd also love to have the markless ponies appreciated more later in the story! In terms of whether there are alicorns or not, I still have to decide on that. I didn't really like the idea in G4 that only alicorns seemed to be able to rule the kingdom, so that's why I went with the council. I'll think of other ways alicorns might be able to be incorporated.

  • Brohoof 1
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4 minutes ago, Starforce Glimmer said:

Alicorns can be like gods so to speak, embodying the elements they represent?

Hmm, so they could be like legends or even mythological creatures? That sounds interesting!

  • Brohoof 1
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17 hours ago, ZiggWheelsManning said:

Is  this :wau:Amulet of Rebirth based on an ancient civilization:kirin: of some kind?  

In a way, yes! I was thinking of multiple towns in this alternate Equestria losing their magic, and the amulet might be able to bring magic back to them? I might continue working on the idea!

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Hmm, now looking back at the reboot/au idea, I honestly have no clue why I made Gwen a cowpony. I guess I wanted her to be sort of a literal outcast from her family, but I might think of a better way to do it. If anyone has any ideas for Gwen feel free to add in the topic!

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Alright, I've figured out what was wrong with my original idea! I didn't really have any reason for Gwen to be a cowpony other than I wanted her to be a literal misfit of her family -- I remedied the situation with just making her an earth pony rather than cowpony! Also, I plan on changing her name, but suggestions are very much appreciated!

I also have the designs of Curio Facade and Minty (please excuse the terrible quality of Minty's drawing; she was a sketch while I was in a Zoom meeting haha) so far, however Bumble Breeze is still a design I'm having trouble with. I think I want to make all pegasi smaller than the other pony species, and I also have an idea for her leg prosthetic, but I'm just having trouble with both her character and drawing her (I think I might also end up changing her name as well, but I don't know if suggestions will help since I need to flesh out her talent, backstory, and cutie mark.)

Here's Minty (again, please excuse the poor quality. I'm so sorry it looks so bad!:lie:)


Next up is Curio!


And finally "Gwen" for now!


That's all I have for now! :squee:

EDIT: Why do I keep forgetting to mention important things??:okiedokieloki:

I meant to add: I thought up some species for AU Equestria!
There are the Sea Ponies (their name is a work in progress, haha): The sea ponies reside in the warm waters of the southern islands and across the world's oceans. They're hard to spot seeing as they like to keep to themselves, but legend has it that if you meet one, they'll give you the treasures of the oceans, be it seashells or amulets (they like shiny things, which I think should be important later in the story ;))

The next three species are the buffalo, zebras, and okapis, but I haven't developed either of them so far.

Edited by gremlinvibes
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Okay, I've let the AU idea sit in my head for a few days and I think I finally figure out some of the problems! I'll list them off in a list (a very messy one though):

  1. I changed "Gwen's" entire character! She is no longer a cowpony, but she's now an earth pony names Charm Brighteyes (I know it's a stupid name:pistachio:Cut me a bit of a break, haha). Her backstory is pretty much the same as it was besides her species being changed.
  2. I also completely changed Bumble Breeze! I wasn't too sure on her name (although I'll admit it is cute-sounding so maybe I'll keep it for another character?) so I changed her name to Windsnap! Her personality I also worked on a little bit. I'd say she's a bit like Rainbow Dash but also not, lol. Windsnap tends to do things by herself and her own way, but if others need help she's more than willing to help them out. She'll stand up for what she believes in even if it's an unpopular opinion. She and Curio get along thanks to their talent in sarcasm. Despite her willingness to help others, Windsnap can be a little judgmental and generally wants things to go by her own plans.
  3. I'm 100% certain that I'm changing the Amulet of Rebirth's name, but I'm torn between a few ideas. I came up with "the Amulet of Amity" and "the Amulet of the Spirit (shortened to the Spirit Amulet). I think that the "Amulet of Rebirth" doesn't really fit the vibe that I'm going for, and I'm worried that the "Amulet of Amity" sounds a bit too much like the Elements of Harmony. "The Amulet of the Spirit" is fine, too, but I can't figure out which one I want to stick with. I feel like I might go with the "Amulet of the Spirit", but if anyone has any ideas the post's open!
  4. The name I came up with for this alternate world is the kingdom of Winnalasia! The name sounds kinda dumb (Lauren Faust took all of the good horse puns, haha) but if I'm being honest, I just wanted to have a name to refer to the world rather than just calling it "alternate Equestria."

That's about it in terms of changes and additions! In terms of worldbuilding, the only thing I've added is the fact that pegasi are generally shorter than earth ponies and unicorns. Also, I think I have an idea for a villain soon ;)

To end the post, I sketched all of the main characters! The little icons below their names are their cutie marks. Also, Windsnap isn't a markless pony, I just haven't come up with her cutie mark yet, haha.



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