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private A Breezie's Tale: A private RP between Diverse and Misty

Diverse/Petal Swirl

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As the Breezies exited the burrow, Diverse fluttered her wings, straining herself to propel herself away from the ant colony and into the late evening breeze. She was almost faint with the exhaustion of flapping with another Breezie on her back. 

"Gathiii!" she cried. But there was no sign of the zebra!

As she looked around, the ground became brown with thronging ants debouching from the various hive entrances. A few phrases could be heard over the hum of extremely angry ants: "The Queen demands the prisoner's antennae" and "For the hive!" and "The Princesses are here!" To Diverse's horror, after the last phrase is chanted, winged ants distinguish themselves from the throng!

"Look out! They can fly!" she shouts. "Please... Windermare... Breezy Gale... could you... take Misty?" she panted, struggling to fly up with Misty on her back.



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Misty carefully shifted herself from on top of Diverse's back onto Breezy Gale's back. All the while, she looked aorund. They were outside now, yet Gathii was nowhere to be seen. Misty remembered that Gathii was waiting right outside of the colony when they entered it, so where could he have gone? By now, it was quite dark, so it was hard to see anything. Wait, hard to see anything... An idea suddenly flew into Misty's head.

"Hey every breezie!" Misty whispered, "Those ants might be able to fly, but ants aren't known for their vision, and it's quite dark now. Turn off your antennae and head over to that three." Misty suggested, pointing to a tree in the distance.

Windermare and Misty quickly turned off their lights in their antennae, and they motioned to others to do the same.

"Gah, it's so hard to see. I really hope this works..." Windermare whispered.

"Hey! They disappeared!" One of the ants shouted.

"What do you mean disappeared?! Fan out! Find them and send them back to the queen!" Another ant shouted.

A loud buzzing sound filled the air as the winged ants took to the air, spreading out in different directions.

Edited by Ocean Wavedream
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Diverse nods. "Good idea!" she says quietly. Diverse and Misty pass on the message to the other Breezies and they all flap along quietly in the darkness.

As they flap, Diverse says quietly to Misty, "You know, you were great back there and that idea about the ants... my memories of home were always breezies being flutter-brained, much as I love them, but you're nothing like that." she says. "Not many breezies could handle things the way you did." Diverse gives Misty a smile and flicks her antennae at the white breezy friendlily.

It is slow flying, but eventually the buzzing dies away and the breezies leave the anthill behind. But still there is no Gathii, and each breezie becomes quiet and contemplative - minds full of the portal to Breezie village which would soon be closing. Additionally every-breezie is aware of the danger as it gets to later evening of the nocturnal animals... including owls... who begin to wake up at this hour and hunt. "Where's Gathii!?" Diverse pants, half to herself, within Misty's hearing. On top of everything, Diverse was beginning to tire, what with carrying Misty - even with the help of the Breeze. "Giant-kin always let you down in the end." ,she says bitterly, succumbing to dark thoughts. As she does so Misty would feel a cooling of the air around Diverse as shadows seem to cling to the strange Breezie's form, and there is a feeling of an evil presence - it is almost as if something was whispering beyond Misty's hearing - the tone is thick with hostility. Windermare and Breezy Gale, meanwhile, would see an ominous intensifying of the shadows around Diverse.

Eventually, at the edge of the forest, Diverse spies the white stripes of the Gathii the zebra, Diverse's companion, and the darkness and the feeling of hostility disperses. The zebra is prancing and shaking himself, flicking its tail at something on its legs and shaking out its mane. When Diverse hails Gathii, he responds morosely in Equestrian, his ears down and points at his body. Diverse shakes her head and laughs in response. "Breezy Gale - this is the zebra I was talking about. He's a friend. He says sorry for running off but apparently he's under attack by ants." she says, her bitterness gone. "Once we get rid of them we can head to the portal."

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"What the...?" Misty stammered when she noticed dark shadows enveloping Diverse. She almost backflipped off of Breezy Gale. The shadows felt cold, and Misty couldn't exactly explain why, but it felt evil. She wondered why Diverse felt that way. She hoped there would be an opportunity to bring this up and help Diverse feel better. However, there wasn't much that could be done now. She just hoped that they would be able to make their way home soon.

"You see, that's why we can't trust her. I heard that when she gets angry, her magic surges out of control. I also heard that if you get too close, her evil magic would take control of you too." Windermare snapped with an eyeroll.

Before Misty could reply, both of them noticed Gathii, who appeared to be trying to shake something off of his body. Diverse translated to the others that Gathii had ants on him.

"Hmmm, I don't think we would be able to fight the ants given what happened in the ant colony earlier. Perhaps we can get rid of the ants if Gathii dunks himself in water. Do you know if there is a pond or river nearby?" Misty asked.

Windermare sighed. "There's a pond about 50 meters to the left, just on the edge of the forest." She suddenly became very annoyed. "You know, I'm only agreeing to this because we have to get back to the enclave quickly. I would want to avoid Diverse as much as possible if I could." She snapped. It appeared that Windermare was quite frustrated by the whole ordeal too.

Misty sighed. She wasn't around when Diverse got banished, but she was starting to understand why. She was starting to question her somewhat warm relationship with Diverse.

Edited by Ocean Wavedream
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Diverse's eyes flash angrily as Misty, Breezy Gale and Windermare react to her lapse, and she has to bite her tongue not to snap at them. She had felt the surge of power as she had briefly given in to her darker self. As soon as the anger fades she feels a deep regret. If these Breezies stayed with her, maybe they could help?

Diverse half sympathises with Breezy Gale, but she is reluctant to go without Gathii - she was not quite sure where the portal was from here, but night could be dangerous for a Breezy without giant-kin, as Misty's experience with the owls before had demonstrated. Misty and Windermare come up with a good solution - a pond that was on the way to the portal. She translates as much to Gathii, who nods and gets ready to leave. Despite the threat from the ants, Diverse needs to land - she is tired from carrying Misty. She gingerly flutters down onto Gathii's spikey black and white mane, looking out for ants. "Hopefully the ants won't find us here." she says sheepishly to Misty as they land. 

Diverse looks up at Windermare sadly from her perch, there would be reckoning if they ever made it to the portal. Nevertheless she was a feisty Breezy and wasn't about to accept Windermare's tone. "I'd been doing just fine in the giant-lands without you flutter-brains!" she squeaks up sharply from her perch in Gathii's mane, but immediately regrets it and takes a softer tone - the past day with Misty had shown her how much she had missed of her old home. "Sorry... I know you do not trust me, but I promise I am no threat, and I am glad I found you all."  Diverse gives Misty a smile, hoping that the white Breezie hadn't been too shocked by her lapse earlier. 

Gathii trots itchily towards the pond. As he is trotting along, two ants appear at the base of Gathii's tale and begin advancing menacingly on Diverse and Misty. Diverse doesn't notice them, as she is looking the other way, in the direction Gathii is trotting. 



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Misty sighed. The more she listened to others, the more awful she felt about everything. After Breezie Gale snapped at Diverse, she got a pretty clear picture of why Diverse got banished from the enclave. However, she still had mixed feelings given that Diverse was trying to help them get back to the enclave. Perhaps she missed it?

However, having an argument between the breezies seemed like the worst possible thing to be doing right now. "Please... Calm down?" Misty almost whispered nervously. She wasn't sure if the other breezies heard it though.

She also wondered why Diverse hated giants (at least Misty thinks it giants that she hates) so much and how she acquired this magic in the first place. Given that Diverse had saved Misty's life at least once and that she was helping them get back to the enclave, she felt that she should help Diverse if she could, but she wasn't sure how.

Misty did another sigh as she looked around casually. What she saw caused her to do a double take. Some of the ants seemed to have noticed the breezies and were approaching them menacingly.

She elbowed the others and pointed out the ants to them, making sure to stay quiet. 

"Ugh! I have just about had it with these ants!" Windermare shouted. During the journey, she appeared increasingly agitated. When she noticed the ants, she finally snapped. She flew over to them and punched both of them as hard as she could.

Edited by Ocean Wavedream
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Diverse clutches a black and white clump of Gathii's mane hair. Breezy Gale's outburst should not have shocked her, but she had allowed herself to hope that other Breezies would accept her. Windermare and now Breezy Gale had shown her that a return to the Breezie enclave would not be easy, confirming her fears.

Ignoring the ants, Diverse responds indignantly to Breezie Gale, "If things didn't get dark I wouldn't have made it two moons out here, and nor would you!"  she pulls at Gathii's mane and he gives an angry snort. "But don't worry, I won't harm you." she says proudly. 

She turns her back to him as he challenges her for answers. "You'll get your answers." she says faintly, her anger turning to worry as to what will happen when they get to the enclave.

As Diverse turns away, she notices Misty, who is next to her, and who seems agitated. She gives her a quick nuzzle - saying, "Sorry Misty-" but is cut off as she notices the advancing ants. 

Diverse gives a lopsided grin and takes her anger at Breezie Gale and Windermare out on the ants; she gives a quick flick of her wings and rises into the air, catching the breeze and the moon - her antennae dip darkly and the ants are flung off the galloping Gathii and into the night of the grasses that the undulating zebra leaves behind.

Soon they arrive at the water and Gathii gratefully leaps in. Diverse flutters above the water, carrying Misty. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

When Gathii went into the pond, the ants were forced to let go of Gathii. Misty got carried by Diverse over the water. When Gathii climbed out of the pond, he was wet but ant-free. Misty carefully settled back onto Gathii, being careful not to get her wings wet. Despite not being able to fly, she still wanted to be careful not to get her wings wet.

Suddenly, something occured to Misty. "So Diverse, What are you going to do when we arrive at the portal to the breezie enclave?" Misty asked Diverse in a shushed tone. She felt like she shouldn't be talking about this with Windermare and Breezy Gale nearby, but she felt bad for Diverse. She hopped Diverse had a plan for when they showed at at the enclave.

Meanwhile, Windermare was ranting to Breezy Gale about Diverse. "You know, I just don't get Diverse. How did she obtain dark magic? Does she hate giants? Is she jealous of someone like Nightmare moon? It just doesn't make any sense!"

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Diverse had been avoiding the question that Misty had just asked her. She had been wrapped up in the joy of meeting her own kind and had not wanted to think of the inevitably parting of the portal...

Diverse rubs her antennae in sadness - it had been a wonderful reconnection with her species, but she was not prepared to push Misty and her companions to stay with her. "Ok. You must go back to the enclave, and take the pollen they need. I never thought I would go back with you. I belong here." Diverse, stifled a sob as she responded, but she raised her eyes up defiantly - refusing to let the other Breezies see her grief.

Diverse turns to Breezy Gale and Windermare - her wings shiver with anger and other emotions. "You want to know how I got my powers... defending larvae like you!" she squeaked tearfully up at them. "I didn't want to be like this. I just wanted to be a Breezie like you..." she trails off.

Gathii, unused to hearing the lunar Breezie exclaiming like this, turns back and looks at them questioningly. Diverse angrily crawls into his mane and buries herself in the coarse hairs. Gathii shrugs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite knowing her for longer than the others, Misty was still taken back by Diverse's outburst. It made her feel absolutely awful, and she simultaneously wanted to cry and hug Diverse. Perhaps when they got back to the enclave, Misty would somehow be able to help Diverse in some way and allow her to become part of the enclave again. She wasn't sure how though. When Breezy Gale went to talk with Diverse, Misty spoke up.

"Hey go easy on her. She already helped us out a lot with getting back to the enclave on time. She isn't as bad as she seems. Really. I don't think I told you this yet, but yesterday, when I was captured by an owl, she used her magic to free me. Plus, she carried me most of this time because my wings got torn, so give her a chance, will you?" Misty said.

Windermare wasn't sure what to think. She was a very straightforward breezie: when ants attack, she punches them. It was simple. This on the other hand, was so complicated. Diverse got banished because of her using her magic, yet she used her magic to help the other breezies get back to the enclave. Should she apologize to Diverse for how she treated her? Should Diverse be forgiven? Can she be forgiven, or is what she did to horrible to do so? How would she redeem herself? And how would the enclave react to her? Speaking of the enclave, Windermare recognized the area that they were passing through.

"Hey we will be at the enclave portal soon. However, we still have a few minutes, so Diverse, do you care to explain?" Windermare asked, in a much more gentle tone than before. She wasn't used to this, considering she was usually a very tough breezie.

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At Gathii's brisk trot, the Breezies are soon at the portal. 

Diverse can't respond immediately to Windermare and Breezie Gale - she is silently sobbing - touched by the faith that they put in her. "I... want to..."

"Thank Celestia the portal!" Diverse says, overjoyed that 'her' Breezies have found their way back - feeling like a Breezie boss who had herded her wayward Breezies back to the portal. But as soon as she says that, she realises these are not 'her' Breezies and that it is herself who is now in danger.

"I owe you all an explanation..." she begins. Derse is interrupted as a few Breezie guards, mounted on dragonflies, flutter importantly towards Misty and the others - gesturing for them all to enter the portal before it closes.

Diverse flutters with Misty and the others into the portal, with a sad look back to Gathii, who looks rather shocked.

On the other side of the portal, the elders are assembled. Two ladybug warriors immediately pounce on Diverse, and hold her antennae in their powerful jaws.

The elders await the judgement of Breezie Gale, Windermare and Misty as to whether Diverse is an enemy or a friend of Breezies.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Misty let out a sigh of relief as the portal entered her view. It appeared that the others were too. Windermare picked up Misty and flew through the portal. However, Misty noticed that Diverse had flown through the portal with them. As soon as they exited on the other side, the ladybugs pounced on Diverse, and it appeared that even Windermare was taken back by this. There was also the Council of Elders waiting for them.

"Well, we're back..." Misty said nervously. She looked over to Diverse. "I think it would be best if you explain."

Windermare was quite annoyed at the whole thing. She was exhausted after coming back from their migration, and the last thing she wanted to do was to be involved in some drama with the Counsil of Elders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The council of elders chitter and wave their antennae at the diverse responses from the Breezies who have spilled through the portal. Diverse sits meekly in judgment as Misty and Breezie Gale and Windermare. Misty and Breezie Gale wait for her to explain, while Windermare turns her back on Diverse and flutters angrily into the enclave. The Elders decide to call off the Ladybugs, despite Windermare's anger - impressed by the young Breezie Gale's vehemence. However, they do not allow Diverse to go free. They echo Misty and Windermare's demand for an explanation.

Diverse explains all (her backstory first):


One portentous night, Diverse, a young Breezie, fluttered around her breezie home and noticed what seemed to be a strange brown and white furry twig twitching in the undergrowth. She fluttered closer, her then bright pink and yellow wing-filaments dancing in the moonlight.

To her horror the twitching twig revealed three friends which were attached to a coarse brown body… before long she was confronted with the full beast – a tarantula! It reared up at her, its fangs squirting poison.

She wanted to curl up and accept her short-lived breezie fate there and then but at that moment a speckled night-lit moon caught her attention. Her breezie antenna twitched and her eyes caught a black silhouette momentarily in the moon. Due to some bizarre inspiration, she spread her wing-filaments. They caught the moon-light and the arachnid was suddenly lit up, its black eyes were streaked with moonlight! The dazzled arachnid assailant retreated, creeping out of the breezie enclave.

Her enclave learned of her bravery and from that day on Diverse was hailed as a future Breezie leader. She was feted by the male breezies with the largest antenna and she was chosen to lead the next great emigration. She was the happiest breezie in the enclave :) 

Months later, when she was almost full grown, another terror threatened the enclave. This time it was a pony…

The pony prowled about near their home, sniffing the air and flashing his horn and reaching into his leather knapsack for a stone. Every-breezie dismissed him at first – no non-breezie had ever been able to locate their home, or wanted to.

Nevertheless the pony didn’t leave. Moons passed and the giant equine stayed resolute, looking for something. Eventually, under the light of the sun, their worst fears came true and he found the entrance to the enclave – it thrust an enormous hoof into the entrance of the breezie home. The magic of the enclave kept him at bay but it was clear that their home was fatally compromised.

The elders of the community decided they must evacuate. The community knew that many breezies would not make the journey at that time of year (Winter). Elder-breezies would be left behind. But there was nothing they could do.

Diverse wept and joined in the mourning dances of the breezies, staying late under the low Winter moon. On the eve of the exodus, after all the other breezies had rested, she left the enclave and lay on a mushroom gazing up at the moon. Her antennae were moist with tears and late-night Winter dew as she contemplated leaving her home. She beseeched the speckled moon to grant her home a reprieve from the pony invader.

Hours passed - she lay for so long that she felt as if she were swimming in the night sky, yet still she refused to retire to the home she knew she would soon leave. Her frail body grew cold and soon her cold blooded insectoid body was robbed of its meagre strength. She knew that if she didn’t crawl to her enclave soon she would die… but until her home was safe she would not leave.

Just as her strength was about to falter the dark moon blazed brighter than it ever had and filled her wings with strength.

What she did next saved her enclave from the pony invader but came with a terrible cost.

Once the deed was done she found that her wings had turned black and she was made an outcast from breezie-kind forever…

After explaining her past, Diverse goes on to say that when the evil pony threatened the Breezie enclave, she drew on the power of the same moon that had saved her before. The power was stronger than anything she had ever felt, and she heard an evil laughter in her mind as it forced the pony into a neverending nightmare.

Diverse says that while she regrets the fate of the evil pony, she puts themselves on her mercy, explaining that she did all she did to defend little-kin like themselves against the giant-ponies. Diverse begs to be allowed to prove herself in a mission to serve the enclave. She promises that she no longer wishes to be an exile. Her friend Misty and her companion Breezie Gale and even the irascible Windermare, had reminded her of how much she still wanted to be among Breezie-kind. She promises to make everything right between herself and her Breezie brethren and Equestrian ponies. She promises to undo her evil spell and to renounce her magic, once she has achieved these goals. She only asks for a few Breezie volunteers to help her on this quest.

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"I would be willing to go with you," Misty said, "if there was someway to reenter the enclave once we finished." She felt that since Diverse had saved her life at least once in all this, she felt obligated to help. She looked around to see what the other breezies would do. Windermare had already flown off, clearly not interested. She looked over to Breezie Gale,

"Are you willing to help? I get it if you don't, considering your girlfriend just flew off. She probably wouldn't be interested in helping, but would you?" Misty asked.

The council of elders murmured to themselves about the idea or reopening the portal when they finished. It sounded like it would be possible to do it, but they weren't sure if they should. Misty also thought she saw Blossom Swirl among them. Misty wondered how Blossom Swirl would react to seeing Diverse again, and she tried to pay attention to what she said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Diverse listened to her companions - her antennae drooped low in anticipation of rejection. She hears Misty's concerns and when it seems as if they are prepared to consider helping her, her relief is palpable from the itty bitty hoofsies of her little Breezie form, right to the tip of her antennae and filament wings. 

The elders chatter amongst themselves, taking into account Breezie Gale's inspired outburst and Misty's vote of confidence. They finally turn back to Diverse as a decision is reached (as expediently as possible as the portal behind Diverse is almost closed): they tell Diverse that they accept her offer - her name will be cleared and she will be allowed to return to her kin if she gains the blessing of the Equestrian ponies, undoes her evil spell and renounces her magic. The elders also give their blessing to the kind volunteers who have offered to help her on this quest. They add that in many moons time the portal will open, and for the adventurers to make their way to the kindly Equestria Pony, Fluttershy, once their quest is done - this legendary friend of Breezies will take them to the portal. The Elders which every-Breezie the best of luck on the new adventure.

With eyes misty with tears, Breezie thanks her companions and the elders. The other Breezies chitter with mixed responses - some agree with Windermare while others agree with the Elders, Misty and Breezie Gale. From among the hubub comes the friendly shout of an older male Breezie - "I knew you'd be back! I'm proud of you!" cries out Sea Mist, who Misty will remember is Diverse's father, while there is also an anxious shout from an elder matron Breezie, who Misty will recognise as Blossom Swirl: "The portal! Petal Swirl you bug for brains, get fluttering. We'll see you once you've shown those Equestrian ponies who's boss."  

Dvierse gives one last grateful look to her family, to whom she is still Petal Swirl (rather than Diverse, the name she used as an outcast) as well as to the Elders, before fluttering out of the portal.


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"Well then, we know what we need to do now, Let's go," Misty said as she fluttered out the portal close behind Diverse. She had a feeling that Breezy Gale would be behind her, but not Windermare. She did find it kind of surprising that Breezy Gale decided to join considering that Windermare didn't. She just shrugged it off though, considering that Windermare was the coldest of the three towards Diverse.

"Ok, so let me get this straight, we need to find the pony that you put to sleep for a thousand years, undo the spell on that pony, renounce your magic, get the blessing from the ponies, and then find Fluttershy who would help us reenter this place?" Misty asked.

Edited by Zoom Jetstream
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  • 2 weeks later...

Diverse's lil Breezie chest still heaves with the emotion of the moment, but as they flutter through the portal - which closes behind them - and land on the soft Equestrian earth she is able to focus on what they are saying.

She nods to Misty's summary, and to Breezy Gale's suggestion that they look around. "Yes, we must find him, but even if I did, I don't know how to undo that spell! I'm not even sure how I cast it." she says despairingly, a shadow of the hopeful Breezie she was just seconds before. She looks guiltily at Breezie Gale and Misty, worried for their safety on the journey ahead, "I thought no-Breezie would help me... especially not with all the dangers of the giant-lands."  

There is a loud rumble behind them, Gathii, her zebra companion, clears his throat and looks at her quizzically. She spouts a stream of the strange language of the giant-kin, and the zebra frowns and shakes his head. Diverse sighs. "Gathii says we should continue on as before. He says he'll look after us. I explained to him that I must do this... must leave him, but if any of you want to stay safe near the portal, this is your best chance."

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"Well I'm not going to stay around near the portal. If I didn't want to do this, then I wouldn't have left the enclave. Plus, I think I know a thing or two about how we could do this. So apparently, among the ponies, there is a sextet of ponies that represent the Elements of Harmony. I heard that Fluttershy is one of them, and another, Twilight, I think, would most likely know about who this mysterious pony that got put to sleep for a thousand years is. They Elements live in Ponyville, which is that way," Misty explained pointing towards Ponyville. She hadn't been there before, but has heard about other breezies talk about it. She looked to Diverse to see how she would reply.

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  • 1 month later...

Diverse smiles at her new companions, at the boistrous Breezie Gale's bluster and at Misty's calm and practical resolution.

Diverse turns to Misty, "I have heard of these ponies... but do you think they will forgive me for what I did to one of their fellow giant-kin?"

Diverse turns to Breezie Gale and nods with respect - back when she was a Breezie Boss the unknown terrified her mediocre horde but these breezie's were spun from a different filament. She flutters up to Gathiii and lands on his head, holding each ear like reins and guiding him in the way Misty indicated. To Ponyville!" she giggles, before stopping her mouth with a hoof - she hadn't giggled in years...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Misty climbs onto Gathii along with the others. She pounders a bit about Diverse's question. "Well I think that they will forgive you if you are genuine and you fix the problem. From what I have heard, they have forgiven quite a few ponies that have willingly changed their ways. In addition, I heard that Fluttershy loves breezies, so there's that."

When Misty heard Diverse giggle, she couldn't help but to stare at her for a few seconds. Misty never considered Diverse as that kind of breezie, but she turned away after a few seconds, hoping that Diverse wouldn't have noticed. She wouldn't have expected this from her for a thousand years.

"Ok, so I think we should head that way. It is quite far away though. If we go now, I think that we might arrive by sunrise," Misty said, pointing towards Ponyville.

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Diverse agrees that Ponyville and the potential ally, Fluttershy, must be their destination.

As Gathii lumbers away from the portal, the Breezies cling to Gathi's coarse fur and chat about their home and about their destination. Eventually, Gathii stops. His ears are pinned back as he explains something in his bassy rhythmic tones. 

Diverse flutters up to him and gives him a hug on his snout, clutching the white fur around his nose :3

Diverse tearfully explains that this is as far as Gathii will go. They will have to flutter-hike to Ponyville if they wish to proceed.

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"Huh, well that certainly changes things. How do you think we should flutter-hike to Ponyville? Would there even be creatures heading in that direction from around this area? What do you suggest?" Misty asked. She didn't see any creatures that they could flutter-hike on.

She carefully gets off of Gathii and lands on a nearby plant while waiting for what Diverse would reply. Misty knew that traveling in such a small group in the middle of the night would be quite dangerous, so it would be preferable if they could catch a ride.

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  • 1 month later...

Diverse/Petal Swirl explains that they have to wait for a friendly pony, or other sentient to trot this way. She explains that many of the animals are not keen to go too close to the pony towns, as they attract many animals - especially rats, dogs and wolves who eat pony scraps and can be dangerous - and so they will probably have to flutter-hike with a pony or one of their pets/familiars. Despite Diverse/Petal's recent promise to like ponies, Misty can tell that she is less than thrilled at the prospect of befriending a pony.

"Most ponies can't understand us so the key to flutter-hiking is to make yourself stand out without talking, like this..." Diverse/Petal flutters her wings to catch the wind a little and make them glow. "It took Gaathi ages to understand me, so don't think I can get the giant-kin to do what I want by just asking."

As Diverse/Petal is talking there is a distance thud thud thud of a giant-kin trotting along the dirt path with Gaathi left them next to.

Diverse/Petal begins to dance, glowing a little, and encourages Misty to do the same :P 

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"Are you sure that's safe to do? We don't even know what creature that is," Misty whispered to Diverse. She tried to get a glance of what kind of creature it was, but it was hard to tell. It looked roughly pony-shaped, but there were many creatures that had that kind of shape. Even then, it was so dark that it could have been a dragon and she probably wouldn't be able to tell.

She hesitated some more, but then she noticed that Breezie Gale was doing the same thing, so she ultimately decided to join in. Misty fluttered her wings just a little, which caused her to glow just a little. However, she was still cautious about how much she moved them given that they were still injured. During the short time in the enclave, Misty had managed to get them properly bandaged up, but she still couldn't fly on them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I... hope so." Diverse/Petal tries to sound reassuring to Misty, also worried about unfriendly giant-kin. She also gives an apologetic look to Misty, having forgotten in all the excitement about her damaged wings. "Don't worry, I can dance for both of us." she says, although she is pleased to see the plucky Breezy still give it her all and produce a glow despite not being at full strength.

As the creature comes closer, the clop clop of hooves tells the breezies that at least it wasn't a clawed predator. However, the clopping sounds wrong - Misty has heard Gathii trot and there is a quadrupedal rhythm, while this one thuds in a steady even step. As their breezie ears pick up on the distant hoofed creature presents another worrying trait - it is much higher than Gathii, rearing a full head and shoulders above even the giant zebra. Another difference is the enormous horms that protrude from its head and the golden glint of a ring from its nose.

Diverse stops her dance and holds a miniature hoof to her lips for quiet, hoping that the strange beast passes by without seeing them.

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