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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 4


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Chapter 4: Origins of Malice

The black furred pony continued leading Lee and Tempest out of the village until they came to a clearing in the forest. Once she made sure that the coast was clear and that nopony could see her, the mysterious pony sighed.

"Okay, I don't think anypony saw us... Now, back to the matter at hand."

Lee and Tempest remained confused to what this pony was talking about but they soon saw her light up her horn and a green ring of magic surrounded the pony. In a quick flash, the pony's appearance changed drastically into a very different looking creature.

This new character draped in a hooded black cloak stood in front of them and had a very sinister look to her too. Long and green mane, two eyes like a snake, a fanged and crooked smile, a long and slender figure and her entire figure was covered in holes too.

"What in the world?! W-Who or what are you exactly?" Tempest asked as she stepped in front of Lee.

"I am Queen Chrysalis... and I need your help."

"A Queen? I didn't think there were any queens in Equestria..."

"Well, now you're looking at one! But enough of that, because there's still a very important matter at hand. Hmm, where do I begin with this?"

Chrysalis sighed as she paced around a little bit to figure what to say to them, with Lee and Tempest looking at each other with concern. After talking with herself a few seconds more, Chrysalis finally turned back to the two of them.

"Okay okay... Look, just hear me out okay: I'm not underselling the situation when I say that the fate of Equestria is at stake right now..."

Tempest laughed a little at Chrysalis' words, but Chrysalis only glared at her as she laughed. Chrysalis then came face to face with Tempest and had a very angry look on her face.

"Hey, don't you get in my face!" 

Tempest barked at Chrysalis and told her to step back but Chrysalis stayed where she was.

"This is not a joke, you fool! Listen to me: I had an encounter with this... thing or I don't know what he was, but he called himself The Spirit. He took control of my very being and used my own strength against me."

"What? How is that even possible?" Lee asked.

"I do not know. His power... I had never seen anything like it before in my life and had no way of getting away from his influence. He told me he was gonna use his power to take over Equestria and... he said something else too."

Chrysalis glanced at Lee for a moment, but this only made him more confused.

"What? What did he say?"

"He also said that he was looking for you..." Chrysalis pointed at Lee, but he and Tempest were both shocked when they heard these words.

"Me? Why would this "Spirit" be looking for me?"

"I'm afraid I don't know that either... All I know is that he needs you to complete his plan and now... now The Spirit is out there and I know he won't stop until he takes over everything. This matter cannot go unsolved and I need your help to take him out."

Lee was prepared to speak further, but Tempest was still not convinced on Chrysalis' request and stepped toward her.

"Hold on just a second there "Your Majesty", but how do we know that we can trust you? How do we know that you're not working with him?"

"You two are here because of me! I sent a letter to the princesses to get you two out here and I even gave you a pair of bandits to bust... It was the only way I could-"

Tempest interrupted Chrysalis and began questioning her again.

"Wait, you sent that letter? Why? Maybe this is all a trap..."

"I assure you, I mean you no harm whatsoever. This was just the only way I could get your attention...

"Hmm, well... I don't know."

Chrysalis watched as Tempest paced around in confusion, but she then looked at Lee, who was simply staring at the clear skies above.

"And you? What do you think?" Chrysalis asked Lee.

Lee thought about what to do in his head. After hearing what Chrysalis had to say and the fact that this villain was looking for him, Lee didn't think it would be right to ignore Chrysalis' warning. After another moment, Lee turned to Tempest and spoke to her clearly. 

"Tempest, I think that we should help her..." 

These words made Tempest look back at Lee with concern before she approached him and pulled him away from Chrysalis.

"Lee, what do you think you're doing? You know we can't trust her... I mean just look at her. And I am still not convinced that she's making all of this up."

"Tempest, she needs our help. You think she would have done all of it wasn't important? If what she says is true, then we can't possibly ignore it! I know that you don't trust her, but you trust me don't you?"

"Y-Yes... Yes, of course I trust you Lee!"

Lee and Tempest looked at each other for a moment before she looked over at Chrysalis and sighed. Tempest then approached Chrysalis and held out her hoof to her.

“Fine… we will help you.”

Chrysalis and Tempest shook hooves but Tempest still had a very uneasy feeling as she looked at Chrysalis.

“But I warn you right now, if you even think about harming me… or even look at Lee wrong, all bets are off then.”

“I promise, I will not bring either of you any harm. I keep my promises…”

All three nodded in agreement to each other. Lee and Tempest then started walking away and Chrysalis had to catch up with them again.

"So... what do we do first?" Chrysalis asked.

"We need to get some more information about this Spirit. Come on, we'll discuss it on the way back."

Chrysalis followed behind them as she felt an uneasy feeling inside her now. The three of them then started making their way back through the forest.

As Lee, Tempest and Chrysalis came closer to Ponyville, Chrysalis started to see the city of Canterlot slowly coming into view and she started getting nervous about where they were headed.

"Excuse me, but where are we going again?" Chrysalis asked Lee.

"We're gonna go up to Canterlot and see Celestia and Luna about this Spirit and see if they've ever heard of him."

Chrysalis immediately panicked at the mention of Celestia and Luna and she quickly jumped in front of Lee and Tempest.

"No no no, not the princesses! Uhh... I mean, there's really not need to involve them in this is there?"

"Well, something that involves "the fate of Equestria" should probably be taken more seriously, don't you think?" 

Tempest's words made Chrysalis more and more worried about her identity being revealed, but then Chrysalis came up with an idea to fix the situation.

"Here's an idea: Why we go to the Canterlot Library and look for the information there. It’d be… easier than worrying the princesses about this, wouldn’t it?”

Lee and Tempest looked at Chrysalis as she suggested this, but she knew that they weren't going to go along with it.

"Why do you not want to see the princesses, Chrysalis?" Tempest asked as she started getting suspicious of Chrysalis.

"I just... I just don't do well with royalty types, you know? Never found myself very fond of ponies like that... Please, it would be easier for me if we just went to the library."

Tempest looked at Lee for an answer to what they should do, but they sighed and nodded to each other as they agreed to Chrysalis’ plan.

“Well, I suppose it would be easier to do it this way. No need to worry Celestia and Luna about something that’ll just end up being nothing…”

Lee and Tempest then looked at Chrysalis and saw her put her hood up again.

“Alright, we’ll do it your way for now. We’ll find out more information ourselves and then we’ll see Celestia and Luna if we find anything.”

Chrysalis nodded to Lee’s words and all three ponies continued on their way to Canterlot.

After another hour later, Lee and Tempest approached the front door of the Canterlot Library. They looked behind them and saw Chrysalis with her cloak wrapped around her figure.

“Do you have to wear that, Chrysalis? I don’t think that anypony will care what you look like…”

Chrysalis scoffed a little at Lee’s words, but still kept her hood around her head.

“You’d be surprised by the ponies who see my face and assault my ears with all manner of insults… I’d rather save myself the heartache.”

Lee felt a sense of familiarity in hearing what Chrysalis said, but turned his attention back to the door as the three of them went inside the library.

Inside was a massive room filled with many shelves of books lining the walls, large windows with stained glass pictures of Celestia and Luna and a massive chandelier in the center of the room. Tempest whistled at the size of the room and looked around in a loss for words.

“How in the world are we supposed to find anything in here?” Tempest asked.

Chrysalis and Lee approached the desk ahead of them as Tempest browsed the shelves.

Lee rang the bell on the desk and the old pony before them looked at them both.

“Yes, can I help you two?”

“Uhh yeah… Do you have anything on “The Spirit”?”

The librarian scratched her head at hearing the name they mentioned and searched her catalog next to her. The librarian then handed Lee a card with the name of a book on it.

“Spirits of Equestria. It says it’s on the upper level of the library on shelf 23, section C."

“Come on. Let’s go and check it out then, Lee…”

Lee and Chrysalis went to the upper level as the card told them and they came to a bookshelf next to the window. Both searched the shelf for the book they needed until Chrysalis finally found it.

Chrysalis pulled the book out and noticed how fancy the cover looked. A line of green crystals went down the stem of the book, a glowing green jewel in the center and the title of the book in gold letters.

“This must be it…”

Lee looked over Chrysalis' shoulder as she opened the book. Chrysalis skimmed through the pages until she reached a section of the book about The Spirit and she read one of the passages aloud.

There are many different kinds of creatures and apparitions in our world, but none are as ancient and powerful as the original Spirit of Malice. This creature has existed throughout our history and is said to have been the instigator for many conflicts and battles, however none have been able to prove this... 

The Spirit of Malice is able to control ponies with his "corrupting touch" and this can turn even the closest of friends into their greatest enemy. He can take your kindness, take your happiness, cut you loose from all that you know and ultimately turn you into his greatest weapon...

Many believe The Spirit of Malice was destroyed when the Elements of Harmony were created and brought peace and prosperity throughout all the land, but there are some who believe that he is simply in hiding, waiting for the right moment, for the right amount of hatred to fuel him to strike again.

If The Spirit of Malice was ever to return, nothing would be able to stop him all except for one thing: The Essences of Emotion. These five stones were infused with the power of five different emotions: Love, sadness, anger, happiness and fear. These stones were scattered throughout the world to prevent The Spirit of Malice from obtaining them and none no their locations except for us who sealed them...

Because if The Spirit of Malice ever managed to find all five Essences... he would bring nothing but destruction and the enslavement of everypony in Equestria...

Chrysalis tried to continue with the rest of passage but noticed that the next page was missing. Lee then looked around the room in shock of everything that he just heard.

"Wow... this is beyond anything that I could have imagined."

As Lee sat down on a nearby bench, Chrysalis sat down next to him and thought about what they should do.

"So... this is his plan is it? To find these "Essences of Emotion" and use them to control the entire world?"

Tempest approached the two of them and Chrysalis looked at her with a new look of many emotions swirling inside of her. Lee showed Tempest the book they were reading and she read the same passage for a few minutes until she shared the same unnerving look with the other two.

"The Spirit of Malice... Essences of Emotion... What are we supposed to do? Chrysalis, this Spirit is out there in the world looking for these stones and you're the only one who has seen him..."

Chrysalis watched as Tempest asked Lee to stand up so that she could sit next to her and stare her down. Chrysalis shared the same glare with Tempest, but both remained silent for a minute.

"Tempest, I don't know what we should do and I am just as shocked as you are about this information."

"Well, we can't just sit here now can we? These Essences... they could be anywhere in Equestria and I have no idea where to start with this..."

Lee interrupted the both of them and he looked off into the distance as he spoke.

"I know where we can start... We can start by stopping him."

Tempest and Chrysalis watched as Lee walked away from the table and made his way outside, with both Tempest and Chrysalis trailing after him.

We stop him... or we all suffer.

A/N: Took me a while with this chapter but I got it done! Hope everyone enjoys it!

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On 2021-07-11 at 7:32 PM, DivineStorm1000 said:

"You two are here because of me! I sent a letter to the princesses to get you two out here and I even gave you a pair of bandits to bust...

Nailed it! :yay: I also like the concept of the Essences of Emotion, how sadness, anger, and fear can stop evil despite the fact that they're "not good". It reminds me of Inside Out. 


Comet meets the original Comet.

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1 hour ago, CloudMistDragon said:

Nailed it! :yay: I also like the concept of the Essences of Emotion, how sadness, anger, and fear can stop evil despite the fact that they're "not good". It reminds me of Inside Out. 

What do you think of The Spirit's true name and background?

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1 hour ago, DivineStorm1000 said:

What do you think of The Spirit's true name and background?

I like it! I like how the way he's described is just as an essence of pure malevolence. With none being able to prove him instigating conflicts though, it would be cool if there was a twist about him actually being an essential force of evil, like Yin and Yang. 

I read A LOT of stories. ;)


Comet meets the original Comet.

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10 minutes ago, lyrabetes3939 said:

Now this story is really getting interesting! The Spirit of Malice, the Essences of Emotion... this is such a brilliant concept. :ticking:

He's a creature made out of pure hatred and he seeks the Essences so that he can control all of Equestria! Lee, Tempest and Chrysalis are gonna find them before he does though!

There won't be any redemption for The Spirit of Malice, but Lee will try of course!

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